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03x12 - Love Among the Ruins

Posted: 06/24/14 06:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

Doesn't it bother you that these guys who are supposed to be your friends didn't stand up for you?

Why're you always dumping on my fraternity?

This is buy-out agreement for a business we're tearing down in East Riverside to make room for our project.

He asked me what I thought.

And I said it was a good deal.

It is. For your boss.

You took what I said in confidence and you used it against me.

You're fired.

Daphne: Oh my God.


Bay: You've never even met Mandy.

There's something off here, Emmett.

I love you.

I never stopped.

(Door opens, closes)


What's going on?



What about t*nk and Mandy?

Okay, pause on the whole t*nk thing.

But there is no Mandy.

It was actually Matthew.

Pretending to be a girl?

Yeah! (Exhales)

I'm late for curfew, so I will tell you everything tomorrow.


I know.

But, just, um...

The thing is, um, Emmett and I, uh... we didn't...

(Sighs slowly)


I know, I know.

That's idiotic of both of you.

No argument here.

I was kind of hoping that you would come with me to get the thing that you take the morning after you're a complete idiot.

The morning after pill.

Of course.

John: I thought I heard you two.



Everything okay?

Oh, totally.

I'm going to bed.

Yeah, yeah.

Uh, me too.

We'll see you in the morning?


Okay, good night, sweetie.

Good night.

There's nothing to worry about.

It was a brick through your window with a threat on it.

I'm not working for Wes anymore.

Oh, good, what are you gonna do?

Pass out flyers telling people that?

Found 'em.

I just can't believe that someone would do that to you.

These people are our friends.

It's not the whole neighborhood.

It's one person.

Well, don't you want to find out who?

No, we leave it alone.

Sweetie, I know we have to tell John and Kathryn what happened.

I'd like to do it.

All right.

And I'd rather we don't tell Angelo at all.

You know how he can get.


I just don't want anyone to overreact.

It's not gonna help anything.



Oh, who knew Iceland could be so awesome?

(Door closes)

Kathryn: And yet not that icy.

Apparently, 50% of the people living in Iceland believe in invisible elves.

Well, good.

Maybe Toby can find himself a little invisible elf girl

and settle down.

Too soon.

So how'd it go last night?

How did what go?

Your math study group.

Oh, that. Yeah, it was good.

Uh, but confusing, so it was good...

But confusing.

Both: Hey.

Ah, yes, we should go.

So soon?

Uh, yeah.

I have to pick up something before school.


The drugstore for zit cream.

We got to go.


Hi, bye.

Both: Bye.



I wanted to let you guys know that we had some vandalism at the store yesterday.

Are you kidding me?

Oh, that's terrible.

Someone broke a window. Probably some stupid kid.

Have there been other problems in the area with other businesses?

I really don't know.

Let me tell you something.

I have had my own experiences with vandalism.

It is so frustrating.

These people, they have nothing better to do than run around destroying property.

I just wanted to let you know in case you came by and saw it boarded up.

I didn't want you to worry.

It's getting taken care of today.

Anything I can do to help, just let me know.

Thanks, but I got it.

Oh, tomorrow... what do you want for dinner?

I can do that mushroom risotto you like or...

I could make a pasta with basil and tomatoes.

Really, I don't want you to go to any trouble.

It's your birthday. We have to celebrate.

I don't mind. Just pick one.

I guess the risotto.

Excellent choice.

(Chuckles) Okay.



(Door closes)

(Indistinct chatter)

Regina: Yikes.

What are you doing here?

Delivering a bill for my own broken window.

A brick sailed through K&D last night.

Are you okay?

Yeah, my daughter was with me.

She was kinda shaken up.

These people.

You know, there are a dozen places where I could put my money.

I could sell the whole block to some Megastore.

Are you gonna do that?

Yeah, probably.

That's a shame.

I'll subtract this from what I owe you and come up with some sort of payment plan.

Yeah, sure.


If anything else happens, you let me know, okay?

Will do.

Hey, Monica.


These are so good.

I almost forgot.

Can I get you one?

No, I'm good.

Sit down.

Thanks for coming.

I wanted to ask you something.

Someone threw a brick into my mom's store yesterday with a threat to stay out of the neighborhood.

Well, you can't be that surprised.

She's just trying to help.

She's not the enemy here.

She sold out her friends for profit.

Sounds like the enemy to me.

What, do you think she's gonna get rich on this project?

She's not.

Well, someone is.

Her boyfriend?

You mean Wes.

That guy's her boss.

And not even that anymore, she left.


Look, I got to go.

I... I got a job.

Monica, can you at least ask around, try and find out who threw that brick?


I'll try.


See you.

(Indistinct chatter)


Uh, around.


Okay, well, first of all, we didn't use anything last night if you recall.

So this morning, I had to go to the pharmacy and take that morning after thing.

And now I feel really nauseous.

Why would you think that?

Wow, uh, okay.

But first of all, I was only with Ty for a couple of weeks before he left. And, second, I'm not sleeping with t*nk.

No, why didn't you have anything?

You know what? I have to go.

I am happy, but...

I have a boyfriend.

No, I...

I mean, yes.

It shouldn't have happened while I was dating somebody else.

It doesn't matter if I'm into him.

We're together.

And I cheated on him.

Emmett, I did the one thing I swore I would never do.

Yes, I am.

But you of all people should understand how crappy I feel right now.

I know.

I'll text you after I talk with him.

I cannot believe that I took a pill yesterday to prevent me from becoming pregnant.

I could have had a thing growing inside me that could have turned into a person.

Yeah, that image of you and Emmett as teen parents is kind of freaking me out right now.

So what's going on with you and t*nk?

He and I...

Never really clicked like that.

I kept trying to make it work.

And it never did.



She cool?


I don't know who did the drive-by, but this guy named Nacho Rivera arranged it.


Well, thanks for letting me know.

Seriously, the crew that Nacho runs with, they can do a lot more than throw bricks through your window.

I'm just gonna talk to him.

Do what you want.

At least I tried.


Talk to who about what?


Somebody threw a brick into K&D with a threatening note that said to stay out or East Riverside.


And you didn't tell me?

It just happened the other night.

You had a lot going on.

I still would've liked to know.

I'm dealing with it.


By going and confronting some gangbanger?


Well, I'm assuming that he's not the greatest guy if he's hurling bricks at our mother's head.

Bay, I got it, okay?


Oh, I'm so glad to see you.

Oh, t*nk.

Uh, I de-pledged.


Yeah, I de-pledged the fraternity.

I'm gone. I'm out. It's over.

(Stammering) Why would you do that?

I mean, you kept telling me that they were supposed to be my brothers, but no one stuck up for me, no one defended me.

And you were right.

(Sighs) What do I know?

So I came home after we staked out that Mandy girl and I ran into a bunch of guys in the commons room.

And they were talking about porn stars and threesomes.

And then I go to the bathroom and it's just covered in puke.

I mean, covered.


I don't know, it just kind of hit me.

Bay's right.

This isn't me.

Okay, so you did it for you then, right? For you.

No, I knew how much it bothered you.

And what you think is important to me.

Okay, uh, t*nk.

The thing is...

Hey, look, I appreciate what you're gonna say, but it's done.

At least we won't be fighting about that anymore.

And I'm so glad I have you because, um, my entire pledge class is banned from talking to me for a year.

What?! That's insane!


I know, it kinda freaked me out.

And they're making me move out of here, like, pronto.

So, you know, it's just... it's just kind of a lot.

t*nk, listen...

Honestly, thank you... for pushing me and challenging me.

I feel like dating you has totally changed me.

I know this sounds kind of cheesy, but, um...

I'm psyched to see how else I'm gonna be changed with you.

Me too.

Kathryn this is fantastic. Thank you so much.

Oh, wow. Well, did you have a good day?

Did you get your window fixed?

Angelo fixed it. It's all taken care of.

It was no big deal.

John: I can't believe that they have that vandalism happening in your neighborhood.

I mean, what is the point to that?

I don't get it.

Well, there was a point.

Angelo: I'm just glad no one
was there when it happened.

Oh, and where is your beautiful car?

Oh, that.

I, um, had to give that back.

I decided... well, Wes and I mutually decided...

She is not working with him anymore.

Kathryn: So you're not doing the East Riverside project anymore?

You were so excited about that.

John: Is it because of that thing that you showed me in the book?

It was a bunch of things.


Hey, honey.


Sorry, sorry.

Happy Birthday, Regina.

Thank you.

Oh, I'll get you a plate.

You've done enough.

Let me do it.

Thank you.

Kathryn: Can I have the salad, sweetie?

John: Yes.

Anybody want... oh.

Let's switch.

John: Here you go. I miss starch.

Kathryn: You're not gonna eat your greens?

John: No.

I was right there when it happened.

It barely missed us.

She told me she saw it when she came into work.

Yeah, well, she obviously didn't tell John and Kathryn the whole story either.

Regina always wants to do everything herself.

I feel bad going behind her back like this, but she is not taking it seriously enough.

No, I'm glad you came to me.

That was the right thing to do.

Look, if you're ever worried about anything, I want you to come to me, always.

Got it?

Regina: Thank you.

Kathryn: Mm-hmm.

So how is t*nk?

That kid is so sweet.

He's okay. He's good.

So I can't believe that you got blackmailed.

What are you talking about?

Bay: The brick...
with the note.


What note?

I was going to tell you.

I just wanted to get a handle on it first.

Did you know about this too?

Just give her a chance to talk.

I just truly don't think that there is anything to worry about anymore.

So Daphne kept this from us too?

That is my fault.

I told her that I was gonna talk to you.

And tell us half the story.

I got fired, okay?

The point is I'm not even working on the project anymore.

I promise you, it's a non-issue.

It'll go away.

He de-pledged his fraternity as some kind of like... grand gesture for me.

Technically, yes. For now.

Of course, but what did you want me to do?

Wait, Emmett!
(Phone beeps)

Hey, you're blocking me in and I have to run out.

Could you move your car, please?

Where're you going?


I've lived with you for two years.

You really think I don't know when you're lying to me?

Can you just cover for me in case someone asks, please?



(Mockingly) "Bay." What?

She's my mom too.

If you're going, I'm going.


I'm sorry.

I should have told you everything.

I was just trying to avoid all of this.

We're not mad at you, Regina.

We're worried about you.

You think I don't know how hard it is to run a business by yourself?

It's not just the business.

I felt like I was finally doing something important.

You think you can get your job back?

Probably not.

He's dropping the project anyway.

That's a mistake.

You're letting fringe elements run the show?

It's a terrible example to set for the kids.


Thought you were upset with me for being involved in something that could be dangerous.

John: Regina.

You take precautions, you'd be smart.

But you do not cower.

Wow, um, I'm surprised.

Why? If I believed in something as much as you believe in this project, you can bet your ass I wouldn't let thugs change my mind.

Give 'em hell.

(Hip-hop music playing)

Woman: ♪ yeah yeah yeah ♪
♪ ay, papi ♪ man: ♪ I'm in the club getting started ♪
♪ go ahead and move your body ♪
♪ show me how you work it, mami... ♪

Oh, nice shot.

Good shot.

Nice, two out of three?

Man: ♪... Then you're gonna be the... whoo... V.I.P ♪
♪ bottles on chill for me... ♪

Hey, I'm Bay.

Uh, this is my friend Daphne.

Hey, what's up? I'm Nacho.


That's my brother Martin.

What's up?


Good to meet you.

So what's the deal?

Are you guys deaf?

Uh, well, she is. I'm hearing.

Could we play you guys?

You two know how to play?

A little. (Giggles)

I'll rack 'em.

Oh, you know what?

Why don't we play for something?

I mean, that's always more fun.

How much you got?

Bay: Oh, no, not money.

How about... if you guys win, then we will let you buy us some beer.


Oh. Oh, okay.

So you'll let us spend our money on you?

(Giggles) Pretty much.

Sounds good to me.

No arguments here.

And if we win?

If we win, you guys owe us a favor.

What kind of favor?

Oh, I'll tell you when we win.

(Both chuckle)

Can't wait.

Man: ♪ uh, yeah ♪



♪ Step up in the club, all eyes on me ♪
♪ security leading me to the V.I.P. ♪
♪ Focusing, my eyes see a P.Y.T. ♪
♪ Pretty, let's get together, baby ♪
♪ we can make a crush groove ♪

What are you guys saying?

How... good you guys are.

(Singing in Spanish)

Do you sleep here?


(Sighs) So what are you doing here?

Don't you have a family, a husband, a big birthday dinner?

How'd you know that?

It's a numbers thing.

Phone numbers, addresses, birthdays...

I see them once, they're in here forever.

Anyways, Happy Birthday.

Thank you.

You once told me that you truly believe in revitalizing East Riverside, not just for profit.

But that we would be doing something good for the community.

Please, don't pull the plug because of a couple of bullies.

I'm guessing you're not here to convince me to do this all by myself.


I would ask you for my job back... assuming you wouldn't use me to fleece my friends.

Oh, you had to get that in, didn't you?

A project like this could be life-changing for so many people.

Please, reconsider.

(Pop music playing)

Woman: ♪ yeah ♪
♪ heck, yeah... ♪

All yours, ladies.

Woman: ♪ I know a secret... ♪

Careful not to sink that stripe

'cause then all I have to do is pocket the 8-ball and it's game over.

And game on.

Woman: ♪ how can I believe you when you say ♪
♪ it's not a problem ♪
♪ or believe you ♪
♪ when I see you're hitting bottom? ♪
♪ I won't let you... ♪



♪ ... when the devil's on your back ♪
♪ living on the fumes ♪
♪ and you can't breathe ♪
♪ dancing on the edge of tragedy... ♪

I love you, Wilke!


You're a little tiburon, huh?

♪ I'll be your gasoline ♪


♪ Yeah, I will be... ♪

You won. You won!

We won!

♪ I will be your gasoline. ♪

Well, apparently, we owe you a favor.

Oh, you do. You do.


The favor... is that you have to leave my mom alone.

What are you talking about?

I'm Daphne Vasquez.

Regina Vasquez is my mom.

Yeah, I thought you looked familiar.

Let's go.


We didn't mean to trick you. We just want to talk.

No no no no no.

How about you listen instead?!

Your mom and her white boyfriend think they're gonna bulldoze in here with their J.Crew and Aba-phony and Fitch and make lofts and places for brunch.

Please slow down. I can't follow when you talk that fast.

Not that it matters to you, but there's a history here.

There's a community.

My dad's a bus driver.

Where's he gonna go when the rent's triple?

Huh? Where are me and my friends gonna hang out when this place is a mall parking lot?

There'll be jobs...

And money and better education.

(Scoffs) You know what?

We don't need saving.

And if we did, we'd do it ourselves.

But we haven't saved ourselves!

I was afraid to park my car on the street tonight.

This place has turned.

And you know what? We deserve better.

My mom was just trying to help.

Your mom is a sellout and whore.

Whoa, wait a min...

She quit!

All right?

She's not working for him anymore.

That's what we came here to tell you!

So you leave her out of it!

Got it?!

You leave her out!

Let's go.

Daphne: Mom.

Hey, mom.

(Door opens)

Oh, hey.

There you are.

Where've you been?

I got my job back.

On the East Riverside project?

You don't have to worry.

Are you determined to get yourself hurt?

Of course not.

People there are mad at you, mom, like really mad.

So I should run away?

Is that what I taught you?

To run and hide?


People there... people there hate us.

When you're desperate, you lash out.

And if things were reversed and I was still there and someone else had lucked into all of this, I would hope that I would not believe rumors.

Tonight, Bay and I...

Bay and you, what?


I just don't want to lose you.


And neither does Bay.


Nothing is gonna happen to me.

I promise.

It's your decision.

I'm going to bed.


Principal Rose: I want both of you to know that we take this kind of thing very seriously.

Emmett, I've spoken with your mom.

All we need is for you to confirm the story.

Rose: Are you saying that Matthew did not pretend to be someone else online?

He did not lure you to a meeting place and attack you?

What's going on?

You said to come to you if I ever needed anything.

Tell me.

If we're gonna...

I need you to learn how to sign.

I thought you read lips.

I do, but...

It's really hard.

Especially with your accent.

I'm so sorry.

I'm just really bad at it.

I don't care.

Anything that you can do will help me.

I feel terrible.


I should have asked you sooner.

There's also something else that I wanted to ask.


(Inhales deeply)

(Door closes)



What's going on?

I'm moving in.

Angelo, that's a nice gesture, but...

You're my wife.

And I'm not gonna let anything happen to you or Daphne.

I don't think Daphne is ready for this.

It was her idea.

(Door opens)


Hey, you're home.


Hey, uh, what's "idea"?



This was her idea.

Daphne: How do you feel about mushrooms in your salad?

I love... mushroom and salad.


What about onions?

"Onion"... oh, that makes sense.

I love onions too.


Daphne: There isn't a sign for broccoli, but when I was little, my mom and I made up

"little trees."

A little tree?


It's cute, right?

It's cute.

(Soft rock music playing)

Man: ♪ marchin' on ♪


♪ I get no rest ♪
♪ got in your room ♪
♪ are you comin' home? ♪
♪ Are you comin' home? ♪
♪ Are you comin' home soon? ♪





Bay's laptop was on the couch.

And I thought I'd take a peak at what the weather was gonna be like tomorrow.

You can't snoop on our kids.

Sweetie, I wasn't snooping.

(Sighs) Whatever you found is not useable in a court of law, so I don't even want to know, okay?

So I started to type in the word "weather."


What came up?

"Where in Mission Hills can I buy the morning after pill?"


(Acoustic guitar music playing)

I'll tell him tomorrow.

No matter what.

He deserves it. You deserve it.

And I should've stopped you.

It's okay.


Listen to me.

Yesterday, I felt like the world was conspiring against us, like everything was just a mess.

There's so much that could drive us apart, but I'm not gonna let it.

You are the one who I always come back to.

And what happened the other night was amazing and completely right.

(Pop music playing)

I don't know how this is gonna work, but... we'll figure it out.

♪ Oh-oh, it's all the same thing... ♪

We will figure it out.

♪ All the broken hearts in the world still beat ♪
♪ let's not make it harder than it has to be ♪


♪ It's all the same thing ♪
♪ girls chase boys chase girls ♪
♪ all the broken hearts in the world still beat ♪
♪ let's not make it harder than it has to be ♪


♪ It's all the same thing ♪
♪ girls chase boys chase girls ♪


♪ It's all the same thing ♪
♪ girls chase boys chase girls. ♪