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03x16 - The Image Disappears

Posted: 07/16/14 05:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

I knew that you were switched.

I found out 12 and a half years ago when Daphne was 3.

Angelo secretly had her D.N.A. tested.

He came back with the results saying I had to have had an affair.

I hadn't.

We find in favor of the plaintiff,

Angelo Sorrento, in the amount of $5,000,000.

Completely restored.

John: At this rate,
he'll blow through it in six months.

I'm up to my ears with bills for the restaurant.

And now you owe 50 grand?!

What's this mean?

This means we foreclosed.

Isn't there something you can do?

I thought this

was supposed to be when everything came together, but it fell apart.

I'll see you tomorrow.

(Phone rings)

(Kathryn groans)

What is it?

There's been an accident.


All right, let's see what we got.

Contusions on the face and neck.

No clear indications...

Any signs of spinal injury?


Woman over P.A.: Surgical resident, op-1.

_- Surgical resident, op-1.

You lied to me.

What are you talking about?

What is this?

That's a D.N.A. test.

It's proof that Daphne is not my daughter.

Green eyes and freckles, you really think I'm stupid, huh?

(Elevator dings)

We have been over this a million times.

I didn't have an affair.

Daphne is your daughter!

Where is this coming from?

My word has always been good enough for you.

Wait, is this because the doctors are saying she's deaf?

That's ridiculous!

Look, I know that you are scared.

I am too.

It's not because she's deaf.

I don't want to raise another man's child.

Is this test even real?

I mean, maybe you're making it up so you will have an excuse to walk away.


You know what?!

You are off the hook.

I just want the truth!

I'm serious. Go home, pack your stuff and get out.

We'll be better off without you.


(Phones ringing)

He's still in surgery.

They'll tell us as soon as they know anything.






Kathryn: We got here as soon as we could.

When did you find out?

Regina: About an hour ago.

The police called me.

Any news?

What happened?

Apparently, he ran off the road and hit a tree.

They think he has a brain injury.

Do they know what caused it?

They said maybe a deer ran across the road and he swerved.

Anyone else hurt?


Regina Vasquez?

How is he?

Your husband's out of surgery. He's stable and being transferred to the I.C.U.

(Both sigh)

Oh, thank God.

He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage from the crash.

We performed an endovascular coiling to reduce the swelling and prevent further bleeding.

But he's gonna be okay, right?

He's in serious condition.

We won't know anything for a couple of days.

That said, he's young and otherwise healthy... both factors in his favor.

Can we see him?

Two at a time.

Maybe I should go first.

We're fine. We can handle it.

We're all going in.

(Respirator hissing)

It's okay, sweetheart.

You're gonna be okay.

Doctor: Morning, ladies.

Has he been awake?

Not since we first saw him.

Is that bad?

Oh no.

Not necessarily. He's been through a major trauma.

Sleep allows the body to heal.

How do you know how is brain is doing?

See here?

Cerebral perfusion pressure tells us the pressure driving blood from his heart to his head.

20 or below is normal.

Your father is at 19.

So a higher number means more bleeding?


You pre-med?

I'm hoping to be.

I'll check back in a couple hours.

John: I don't care what his maximum is, okay?

I will cover whatever you wont!

I don't know, but I would imagine a few more weeks in the hospital and some kind of physical therapy at home.

Honey, the S.A.T. is today.

That doesn't matter.

Of course it does.

You said you need a higher score in order to get into a good pre-med program.

This is your last chance to take it.

Mom, I'm not gonna leave you.

I'm fine.

And... (Sighs)

Angelo could be here for days, maybe weeks.

Life has to go on.

He would want you to go.


Toby: Uh, Regina, the police are here to see you.


They want to ask a couple questions about the accident.


Can you do me a favor?

Sure, anything.

Do you see this number?

If it goes above 20, I need you to text me.

I can do that.

Policeman: Do you know if he had anything to drink?

No. No, no.

Angelo would never drink and drive.

How did he seem when he left?

Regina: What are you saying?!

That I'm cheating?!

Are you?!

Are you kidding me?!

Can I remind you that you are the one that left us and then had a baby with another woman!

You couldn't raise that one either, could you?!

Did he give you any reason to think that something might be wrong?


If we're done here, I'd like to get back to my husband.

Of course. I appreciate your help.

See you in a bit.

So we hear he might have been trying to avoid a deer.

Tire marks indicate he swerved.

Any other theories?

Isolated crash, no eye-witnesses... could have been a hit-and-run, su1c1de attempt.

su1c1de? No.

Not Angelo.

In my experience, it's usually the ones you least expect.

Anyway, thank you for your time.

No, thank you.

(Clears throat)

(Phone buzzes)

No phones allowed during the exam.

I have a family member in the hospital and they need to be able to reach me in case of emergency.

I'm sorry. Rules are rules.

It's a really serious condition.

Can't you make an exception?

You can have it back after the test.

Bay: So once you're back across the driveway, we should probably start working on my French.

I've gotten quite rusty.

Quelle surprise.


I'm gonna be right back.


And after graduation, we should take a trip to Europe...

in the summer.




Put that phone down immediately or you're excused.

Okay, you're done.

You always said you were gonna be my tour guide in Paris.

And I'm gonna hold you to that, okay?

It's a date then.

(Alarm blaring)

Whoa, what's happening?

Whoa, okay, somebody help!

Somebody help! Help! Help!

Okay, give us some room.

Cerebral pressure is spiking.

It might be another bleed.

What does that mean?

Pupils are sluggish.

Page Dr. Larkin and clear room in the O.R.

O.R.? I don't understand. Is he gonna be okay?

We're gonna do everything we can.

We're checking his vitals. The doctor's on his way.


He's still in surgery.





I need to pray.


Oh, um...

You mean right here?

I can go in the chapel if it makes you uncomfortable.

No, um, please.

You stay.

I'll take all the help I can get.

Do you want to pray with me?

Thanks, but, um...

I can't be one of those people that only believes in God when they need something.

When my kids are in trouble...

I want them to come to me...

(Chuckling) whether or not they believed in me.

(Sharp exhale)

So, um, how do you do it, exactly?

There're no rules.

Just say what's in your heart.


(Breathes deeply)


(Frustrated sigh)


(John chuckles) What's going on here?

You okay?

How do they expect us to just sit here and wait?

It's like t*rture.

Sweetie, I know this is hard, but we just have to let the doctors do their job.

I just wish there was something I could do.

I know.

You know what? I'm gonna do something.

I've never done this before.

Could this go to my dad?

My biological dad, Angelo Sorrento, he's in surgery right now.

I'll make it as a directed donation, yes.

Okay, make a fist.

Good girl. Okay.

Huh, well, this isn't so bad.

(Steady breaths)

Not bad at all.

Honey, you okay?

(Bay screams)

No, I am not okay!

I feel like the guy in Alien right before his stomach explodes!

(Uneven breaths)

You're doing fine.

Oh, I don't think these babies are gonna wait much longer!

Where the hell is he?!

Okay, he'll be here.

Okay, he'll be here.

He didn't have a problem showing up nine months ago!


How about John and Kathryn?

Their flight lands in an hour! Ah! Ah!

Okay, okay, you have to breathe.

Okay, short quick breaths.

Like this, watch. Hoo, hoo, haa, haa.

Hoo, hoo, haa, haa.

Hoo, hoo, haa, haa.

You look ridiculous!

Well, seriously, try it.

Both: Hoo, hoo, haa, haa. Hoo, hoo, haa, haa.

Hoo, hoo, haa, haa.

Hoo, hoo, haa, haa.

Hoo, hoo, haa, haa.


Hoo, hoo, haa, haa. How'd you know about that?

How do you think? I was with Regina when you were born.


This is the most natural thing in the world.

Maybe for her. She's got two daughters.

She only had to push one out.

Hoo, hoo. I can't believe I'm having twins.

Haa, hoo, hoo, haa, haa.


Hoo, hoo, haa, haa. Hoo, hoo, haa, haa.

I still remember when they put you in my arms for the first time.

What is it?

Were you scared?

Of course.

And when I look into your eyes, I knew.

As long as I lived all my success, all my failures...

I would never do anything more important than this.

Here comes another one! (Screaming)

Okay, you're gonna be fine!

Just breathe! Breathe.

Hoo, hoo...

Haa, haa. Hoo, hoo, haa, haa.

Hoo, hoo, haa, haa. Hoo, hoo, haa, haa.

Hoo, hoo, haa, haa.


Thanks for being here, dad.

Hoo, hoo, haa, haa. Hoo, hoo, haa, haa.

(Door opens)

Here's the proud papa.


You're here.

When's the last time you took vitals?

Nurse: It was 1:00 P.M.


How is he?

They won't tell us anything.

What happened? He was stable when I left.

I was just sitting there talking to him.

He even squeezed my hand.

And then the next thing I know, alarms are going off and nurses start running in.

I'm so sorry.

I should have never left.

I was taking the S.A.T.


Angelo's in the hospital and you were off taking some stupid test?

I don't understand

how you could just leave in the middle of everything!

He needs us right now! Both of us...

Daphne, what's wrong?

Could you read his lips?

Did he say something about Angelo?

Wh... what did he say?

Daphne, tell me!


"Angelo" what?

He's brain dead.

The second hemorrhage was very severe.

Based on changes in his clinical presentation, I'm afraid this is not a recoverable injury.

But he's in the hospital.

You were watching him. He was stable.

There was no way to predict this.

Wait, I... I don't understand.

Your husband's brain has lost all function.

It can no longer communicate with the rest of his body.

He's saying he's gone.

Brain death... is death.


I'm very sorry.

No, this doesn't make any sense.

If he's breathing, then he is still alive.

The ventilator is breathing for him.

It's keeping his heart beating and his blood oxygenated, but without brain function, his heart will eventually stop on it's own.

Okay, Doctor, wait a second.

There's got to be something else that we can do.

The most humane thing you can do is to remove him from the ventilator.

So you want us to k*ll him?

Do the dirty work for you?

Again... I am sorry for your loss.

Dr. Larkin, please wait.

How could this happen?

Unfortunately, there's a lot about the brain we don't understand.

But he was hooked up to all those machines.

Couldn't you see this coming?

Medicine is an imperfect science.

But his life can't just be over.

In cases like your fathers, there's the option of organ donation.

Organ donation?

It won't bring him back, but it may offer some kind of consolation to your family in knowing that a part of him lives on.

Think about it.
I got some things for Regina.

Any luck?

I talked to four neurosurgeons.

They're all giving me the same line...

"brain dead is dead."

So what do we do now?

Well, I'm waiting on a call from Walt Wrobel.

Remember him? He's the old Royals' team doctor.

He's up at the Mayo now.

And I thought maybe, you know, I'd call in an old favor, have Angelo transferred up there.

Honey, that's just not realistic.

What are you talk... Kathryn, I'm trying everything that I can think of.

What else do you want me to do?

I think we're just gonna have to start accepting that all these doctors are right.

What are you talking about? That is crazy.

I'm not gonna quit on him.


What if that was me lying in that bed?!

I don't know.

But if every single doctor told me you were gone, I'd have to let you go.

I mean, why are you acting like this?


Sorry, it's just...

Angelo came to me the other day...

Said the restaurant was going under.

He wanted a loan.

A loan?

What happened to all the money from the lawsuit?

That's what I said. It's gone.

$5,000,000? What happened?

You don't think that that car accident... that... that he would...


Angelo? What? No, way.

Well, money makes people do very strange things.

Honey, I am telling you, Angelo is not that guy.

Yeah, well... when he came to me for the loan, I said no.

Can't do it. Money's tied up, can't liquidate.

But the truth is... when he told me he was broke...

I thought to myself, "yeah.

You deserve it."


What the hell is the matter with me?

You're human.



Bay: I don't care what the doctor says.

His heart's still beating.

He looks exactly like he did before.

The machines are keeping him alive.

At some point, we're gonna have to let him go.

What? (Scoffs)

What are you talking about?

Dr. Larkin said that he can't come back from this.

So you're ready to just pull the plug?

We're not Angelo's only family, you know.

We haven't even talked to his mother yet.

You're right.

Of course, we should call her.

And, um...

Dr. Larkin suggested that we should consider organ donation.

You want to strip Angelo for parts like he's some kind of used car?

No, it's not like that.

Right, sure.

Then you can go back to taking the S.A.T. and all will be right with the world.

The world will never be right.

But if Angelo could save some other lives...

I think that's what he would want.

What the hell do you know about what he would want?!

You don't know anything about him!

He's not even your dad!

Uh, I don't know.

His phone was broken in the accident, but he has to have his mother's number written down somewhere.

Maybe an address book or a laptop.

She's his mother.

She's gonna want to keep him alive as much as I do.

You sound just like Daphne.

Whose side are you on?

As long as Angelo is breathing there's still hope.

So are you gonna help me or not?

Be still my heart.

Is this really happening?

You're gonna be the most beautiful bride to ever walk down the aisle.

How will I know I'm making the right decision?

You can't know anything for sure.

Being a doctor must have taught you that, no?

It's like how you call medicine?

An imperfect science.


Love is the same.

You cannot see it, touch it, measure it.

Only you can know how he makes you feel.

Does he make you smile, laugh?

Makes you feel like the most amazing woman in the world?

Then you made the right decision.



I needed that.

Anytime, mon trésor.

I feel like the luckiest girl to have two dads walk her down the aisle.

I wouldn't have missed it...

For the world.

Q, R, S...

(Inhales deeply) Sorrento!

Anna Maria. Jackpot!

(Elevator dings)

Kathryn: Hey.

One of the staff
just tried to give me a recommendation for a funeral home.

I want to move Angelo to another hospital.

Have you talked to anyone?

Yes, we've called all over.

Everyone says Dr. Larkin is one of the best neurosurgeons in the country, and they all agree with his opinion.

Exactly, his "opinion."

Regina, we could not have done better for Angelo.

(Scoffs) That's it?

You're giving up?!

Why am I surprised?

You never liked Angelo, never gave him a chance.

Please, Regina.

Ever since he came into our lives, you have treated him like a joke!

You resented having to share the girls with him.

And now you get to be their only father!

Well, congratulations!

This is working out great for you!

We shouldn't be looking at this.

"If there's no reasonable expectation of my recovery and the application of mechanical support will only serve to postpone the moment of my death, I direct that support to... be removed."

No, we don't.

We will put this back where we found it.

And no one ever needs to know.

Yes, we can.

We pretend we were never here.

I don't give a damn what it says!


Do you know what the last real conversation I had with Angelo was?

Neither do I.

Those were his last words to me.

I can't even remember them.

He was living across the driveway.

He was right there... and I ignored him.



I'm sorry.

No, you don't have to apologize.

I shouldn't have yelled at John.



We're family.

If you can't yell at us, who can you yell at?

Last night, Angelo and I had a huge fight.


He was so mad at me.

And then he got in that car.

This is not your fault.

I said all these horrible things.

Listen to me, Regina.

We don't know why his car went off the road.

You can't blame yourself.

We broke up because of the switch.

He thought I cheated on him.

And then... when I found out the truth, I was too stubborn to tell him, too angry.



All those years that we could have had together.


You know, earlier when I was praying...

I wasn't just praying for Angelo to live.

I was praying for strength... for you.

For all of us.

Honey, we're gonna get through this as a family.

I promise you.

Have you heard about this man in Texas?

He was in a motorcycle accident, they said he was braid dead, but he woke up.

I am aware.

And in that case, it was doctor error.

Well, with all due respect, Doctor, couldn't you have made the same mistake?

Let me show you something.

This is the angiogram we did after your father's first hemorrhage.

You see these?

They're blood vessels.

And you can see the blood flowing through them.


This was taken after the second hemorrhage.

There's no blood.

I also performed a

25-point neurological exam.

He failed across the board... no corneal reflex, no gag response, nothing.

That's not fair.

I know.

Death never is.

I know what Angelo would want.

He never told me he had a will.

He already made the hard decision for us.

But I can't just give up on him.


There's something else.

We would like to donate his organs.


(Exhales sharply, sniffling)

I guess now... we have to say goodbye.

What you're doing, is a gift.

Mr. Sorrento's donated organs and tissues could save as many as 50 lives.

Do you know which organs he'll be able to take?

We've cleared the heart, liver, pancreas, lungs, corneas, small intestines, bone, bone marrow and skin tissue.

Wow, that's amazing.

Only the kidneys are questionable because of a condition related to the brain aneurysm.

Wha... ?


I'm sorry, um, no one said anything about a brain aneurysm.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought you knew.

His latest C.T. scan showed evidence of a ruptured cerebral aneurysm.

So the accident caused it?

No, the aneurysm was a pre-existing condition.

When it ruptured, it likely caused him to run off the road.

But... why didn't Dr. Larkin say anything?


Woman: I see.

The results of the earlier C.T. scans were obscured by profuse bleeding.

Do you know what caused the rupture?

Typical causes

are high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, anger.

Did you say "anger"?


So if he was really angry right before the accident... ?

Yes, that could have caused it.

Now, once the organs are harvested, U. N.O.S. matches them with recipients on waiting lists around the country.

That means time is of the essence.

If there are other relatives who would like to pay their respects...

There's Angelo's mother in France.

Time is of the essence.


Let's go ahead.

Are you sure?

Honey, I could make the call.

No. It should be me.




Anna Maria: Allo.

Bonjour. Uh, Anna Maria Sorrento?

Do you speak English?

Anna Maria: Yes, hello, Bay.

Angelo has told me all about you,
ma petite chérie.


I'm calling about Angelo.

I have his mom on the phone.

She wants to say goodbye.

(Anna Marie speaking French)


(Anna Marie speaking French)

Angelo: It's not because she's deaf.

I don't want to raise another man's child!

Regina: Is this test even real?!

I mean, maybe you're making it up so you will have an excuse to walk away.


You know what?!

You are off the hook.

I just want the truth!

I'm serious. Go home, pack your stuff, and get out!

We'll be better off without you.


(Phone ringing)



I'm sorry. I'm... I'm so sorry.

Me too, there has to be some mistake with this test.

I believe you.

You do?

We'll figure it out together.

(Relieved exhale)


Promise you will never leave.

I promise you.

(Soft rock music playing)

♪ I'm not getting better ♪
♪ I can feel the change ♪
♪ I don't feel different ♪
♪ will I stay the same? ♪
♪ And I had hope for healing ♪
♪ I was told that it would come ♪
♪ won't you call ♪
♪ won't you call ♪
♪ and ease me... ♪

(All crying)

♪ Pain has taken over ♪
♪ pain has taken over ♪
♪ my bones hurt from within ♪
♪ my bones hurt from within ♪
♪ every thought is heavy... ♪

Sweetie, are you okay?

This is all your fault!