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03x13 - Swine and Punishment

Posted: 05/16/23 19:37
by bunniefuu
My uncle thomas.

Your uncle thomas.

My uncle thomas

Is walking down
the street on day,

And he sees a man
lying on the sidewalk

With his ear to the
ground like this.


Well, uncle thomas
says, "what are you doing,

Lying on the sidewalk
with your ear to the ground

Like that?"

The guy goes, "shh!"

So my uncle thomas
lies down on the ground

And listens.

He says, "mister, I
don't hear anything."

The guy goes, "I know,
it's been like that all day!"

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ Your dreams were
your ticket out ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ To that same old place
that you laughed about ♪

♪ Well the names
have all changed

Since you hung around ♪

♪ But those dreams have remained

And they've turned around ♪

♪ Who'd have thought
they'd lead ya ♪

♪ Who'd have thought
they'd lead ya ♪

♪ Back here where we need ya ♪

♪ Back here where we need ya ♪

♪ Yeah, we tease him a lot

'Cause we got him on the spot ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ Welcome back, welcome
back, welcome back ♪♪



Paris kidnapped
helen, which started

The trojan w*r.

Who can tell me what was inside

The trojan horse?


What was what?

What was inside
the trojan horse?

I don't know.

I guess the usual
stuff, you know, hay,

Horse guts.



There was an army
inside the trojan horse.

It was an army inside the
trojan horse, barbarino.

Oh, you're so smart, aren't you?

You know, I hope the housing

Never gets that bad here.

I wouldn't mind
living in a horse.

So long as they
didn't try and stick me

With living in a rear apartment.

Okay, now the greek army
was inside the trojan horse.

That is so crazy,
how could you put

A whole army in a horse?

They disguise
themselves as carrots.

That's really ridiculous.

An army inside a horse.

I wonder where
they put the navy,

In a cow?

Yeah, they were
commanded by rear admiral

L.c. Lowfat.

Hey, it's early,
what do you want?


Would you, uh...

Would you please
stop telling jokes?

The groaning disturbs
the other classes.

What are feelin' bad
about today mr. Woodman?

Find out that somebody
else is playing the grinch

This christmas?

As a matter of fact, I'm feeling
rather jovial today, kotter,

I've just seen mr. Sloane,
the english teacher.

Washington here got a 90

In his literature test.

A 90?

Out of how many?

Out of 100, dumb-dumb.

A 90, that's an a, freddie
got an a in english!

Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you,

Thank you very much, but
I just really want to say

One thing and that is if
you're slow, you blow,

But when you fast, you pass!

Cork it, cork it. F's are
what sweathogs get.

And the only reason you get
f's is because the school board

Won't let us give out g's.

Admit it, washington.

You cheated.

What a second, mr. Woodman,

You have proof that he cheated?

Kotter, they couldn't
take a blood test

Without cheating!

Are you calling me stupid?

That's close, barbarino.

I'm calling all of you stupid.

Oh, now that's better.

Hey, can he do that?

Come on, kotter won't
stand for that, will ya?

No, I won't.

Look, mr. Woodman, if you
got nothin' better to do,

Go out and coach the
olympic mud-slinging team.

Sorry, kotter, work
before pleasure.

He cheated.

Mr. Woodman.

You don't know what
you're talkin' about.

The reason I got that
a is because the facts

Are right here.

I knew it, washington.

You had the answers
written in your hair.

Look, mr. Woodman, if freddie
says he passed legitimately,

I believe him, I
believe in freddie.

So what?

I believe in music.

Wait, I know a way to prove
whether or not he cheated.


Let him take a make-up
test with sloane

And myself in the room.

Why should I do that?

He's right, why
should he do that?

I mean, he passed the
test fair and square

And that's that.

He did not and that's that!

What's what?

Come on, come on,
gentlemen, gentlemen,

Please calm yourselves.

We're all, uh,
rational people here.

I'm not.

Not now, arnold, please.

I'm sorry, I'm not.

I still cry when
somebody sits on my teddy.

All right, all right, all right.

Everybody here's
rational but arnold.

Everybody got that?

Now my dear man.

Washington here
obviously passed the test.

And he's under no obligation
to take another one.

However, to silence his accuser,

He'll be more than delighted
than to take another one.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the way

All y'all feel about it?

Y'all got it.

Attaboy, freddie.

I'm proud of you.

He'll take your
test, mr. Woodman,

Now what do you
have to say about that?

♪ Happy days are here again ♪

♪ The skies above
and clear again... ♪

Okay, what do you
want to do, robin?

I have a six.

You got 17.

You want a hit?


You're not supposed
to, you know,

You're supposed to stay on 17.

Yes, you are.

Don't eat the cards, robin.

Come on, here you go.

You got 21.

No, no, no, you don't eat 21.

21'S a good hand.

I got 17, you win.

You win, robin bobbin.

Okay, honey, cash her
in, she's gotta go to sleep.

Her sister's already tucked in.

Hey, nobody leaves
this casino a winner.

You can get even
tomorrow, you can play her

For stringed carrot, okay?

Let's go. It's
time to go sleepy.

Yes it is.

It's time to go
sleepy, robin bobbin.

Yes it is.

Here we go, sleepytime,

Say hello to your sister.

I'll get it, honey.

Hi, freddie.

Hey, how you doin', mrs. Kotter.

- Y'all busy?
- No, come on in.

- How's the kotterettes?
- Oh, they're fine.

Honey, freddie's here.

No, he's not, he's
home studying.

His test is tomorrow.

Oh, well then you
better call the police

Because somebody stole his face.

You will never get away
with this, my good man.

Freddie washington
was loved by all.

Now take that thing off.

Yeah, I just wanted to
thank you, mr. Kotter,

For sticking up for
me today in class.

Don't mention it. Now
go home and study.

See, if it wasn't for
you, mr. Kotter, man,

Us sweathogs wouldn't
have nobody on our side, man.

Well, freddie, you
know that gabe

Always pulls for the underdog.

You know, he is still
pulling for amelia earhart

To land in newark.

She just had a
lousy travel agent.

Ah, I don't know about tomorrow.

I just don't know.

You know, what if
something goes wrong?

Look, stop worrying, okay?

Yeah. But something...

Freddie, no more buts!

You're gonna do fine!

Look, freddie, you
know the material,

You got a 90 on the first test,

All you gotta do is brush up.

Tell you what. Sit down.

I'll play you one hand
of black jack, okay?

Now, if you win you get a soda,

And then you go home and study.

If I lose?

You go home and study
and maybe get a soda.

Go ahead, deal.

What kind of soda
do you want, freddie?

He didn't win yet.

He will.

I'll take a root beer.

Mr. Kotter.

You want another card?

No, I got black jack.

Give him the soda.

How'd you get black
jack in the first hand,

How'd you do that?

I cheated.

How could you cheat,
gabe was dealing!

I'm not talking about
in the cards there, um...

See, i... I cheated
on mr. Sloane's test.

I don't know what to say.

Go ahead, yell
at me, mr. Kotter.

I know I got it coming.

Yelling isn't gonna
solve anything, freddie.

Freddie, why don't
you just go home?

Go home, we'll talk...

I'll tell woodman
tomorrow, okay?


What do you want
me to do, julie?

I thought I had a
relationship with this guy.

Built on two years of
trust and understanding.

He just threw it
all out the window.

Go ahead, freddie, go home.

All right.

Where you going?

- Home.
- Sit down.

Mr. Kotter, you got to
make your mind up, you know,

Things are bad enough, you know?

Why did you cheat?

Why did I cheat?

'Cause I really knew
that stuff about

The three musketeers.


Look, dig what I'm sayin',
all right, all right,

Okay, look.

Now in a subject like geometry,

If I get a 65, I don't care.

'Cause see, I expect to fail.

See, I can't tell one
triangle from another,

I mean, they all
look alike to me.

Now, you with me?

I am hanging by my thumbs.

Okay, now what I'm
sayin' now, mr. Kotter,

Is about them three musketeers?

I know all about them dudes.

I read the book eight times,

I saw the movie twice.

In fact, it's even my
favorite candy bar.

Well, then why did
you cheat, freddie?

'Cause I wanted to pass.

But you just said
you know the material.

The fact is... I
don't trust myself.

I understand, freddie.

No, I really understand.

Let me tell you a little story.

When I went to
school at buchanan,

There was a guy named
too-tall tannenbaum.

You know.

This also reminds me of a story

Of the long-necked crane.

Wait a second, julie,
my story comes first.

Yeah, well, uh, maybe so,

But I think I'd rather hear
about the long-necked crane.

Well, you see, freddie,
the long-necked crane

Used to fly on gossamer wings.


On second thought, tell me about

Too-tall tannenbaum.

Okay. Too-tall tannenbaum
was a great basketball player.

He used to stand
at the foul line

And take sh*ts, jump
sh*ts, hook sh*ts,

Every kind of sh*t,
make 49 out of 50.

Just like the crane!

What are you talking about?
Could the crane play basketball?

No, but he was a great flier

When he was all alone,

Not when the other
cranes were watching him.

Same thing with
too-tall tannenbaum.

He could sh**t
great, but he couldn't

Play basketball in a real game.

You see, it's the
same story, freddie,

Do you understand?

I think so.

Let me see if I got this now.

Now you sayin' you
got a basketball player

Who can't fly, and
you got a crane

That can't sh**t baskets.

Not exactly, but it's
the same general idea.

Let me tell you
what the wind-up was.

No, no, no, I'm
way ahead of you.

Now what you sayin' is
that, too-tall learned

To trust himself and became
a leader of the team, right?

Right, you got it!

And what you saying
is that the crane

Learned to trust himself
and became the leader

Of the flock, right?

Wrong. He tried to
fly with his eyes closed

And smashed into a mountain.

What kind of story is that?

It's a funny story.

Well, if you don't
mind, I'm gonna stick

With the tannenbaum
story, all right?

Mrs. Kotter, if I see a crane

In a neck brace, I
give him your regards.

Thanks a lot, mr. Kotter.
You're all right.

And mrs. Kotter, thank
you, you've been a big help.

Right on.

Check y'all later.

Thanks a lot.

What kind of story is
that, a crane crashes

Into a mountain?

Well, what kind of story is that

Too-tall tannenbaum?

Well, too-tall
tannenbaum happens to be

A real person.

You don't know any real
people, you only know

Joke people.

Did I ever tell you about
too-tall tannenbaum's uncle,

Too-short tannenbaum?

Now, one time he was
walkin' down the street,

And he sees this guy...

Hey, hey, hey.

Come on, now, freddie.

No need to strain
your brain, we got it all

Figured out here.

Check it out, check it out.

You got all what figured
out? What are you talkin' about?

How you can cheat
so you can pass

That test of sloane's.

No, guys, I'm not gonna cheat.

No offense, freddie,
but if you had to cheat

The first time... Well, arnold.

It's different this
time, all right? Be cool.

Exactly, here, so,

Give me this kid, vinnie.

We got the answer
to all your problems.


The answer sandwich.

See, now this is perfect.

When you go and
you tell mr. Sloane

That you ain't had no breakfast,

And you brought
this sandwich here

To chomp on during the test.

Now, dig this.

Heh-heh, dig this.

Dig this.

Everything about
the three musketeers

Has been carefully
written on the cold cuts.

Come again?

Look, look, it's
very simple, freddie,

Look, you have your
sandwich like so, right?

You're sitting in the classroom,

And then you say,
"hey, mr. Sloane,

Why don't you come
over and check out

And see if I'm cheatin' or not?

See if I got something
written on the wax paper."

Then he comes over,
right, and he sees that

There ain't nothin' on
the wax paper but wax.

We're so smart.

Here, here, here, let me
circumnavigate this here.


Now the cold cuts
are there divided into

Three categories.

The tongue is alexander dumas.

The three musketeers
are bologna.

And, uh... France
is a polish sausage.

Arnold, you used mustard!

So, freddie likes mustard.

Yeah, but I told you
not to use mustard.

You can't see through
mustard, I told you to use mayo!

Give it to me, I'll
write on the pickles.

Don't worry about a
thing, in fact, don't bother,

'Cause I ain't gonna
use it, all right?

What are you talking about?

These answers
cost us $1.95 a pound.

Yeah, yeah, and not only
that, this is the perfect

Cheating system.

I mean, when you're
finished with the test,

You eat the evidence!

Now look, no way!

I'm not gonna cheat.

Freddie, you gotta cheat.

You can't let woodman go around

Calling you a cheater.

Hey, vinnie, look.

Vinnie, juan, arnold,
listen to me, all right?

Look, I'm gonna try
and take the test

And pass on the up and up.

Hey, freddie.

Well, you ready?


Yeah, I think so.

Well, just remember.

Too-tall tannenbaum.


Gotta trust myself.


If it isn't the four musketeers.

Harpo, groucho,
chico, and flunko.

Have your fun now.

Just wait till
this test is over.

♪ Happy days are here again ♪

Well, um, I guess I
better go in, right?

Yeah. And the rest of you
guys, there's a class starting

Right now inside, so.

Good luck, freddie.

Wait a minute, little musketeer.

You are not going to
sully forth into battle

Without the support
of your friends, are you?

All for one, and one for all.

Sell him where
you live, freddie.

Rah-rah, that's the spirit.

This is the best
test I ever ate.

All right, so the windup
was that andrew johnson

Narrowly missed impeachment.


Hey, mr. Kotter, why do
we got to read about people

Who lived 100 years ago?

They ain't never
gonna read about us.

Ooh, ooh, ooh!

I wish that I was
born 100 years ago.

That way I have 100 less
years of history to remember.

Aren't you people interested
in how other peoples lived?

Okay, mr. Kotter.

We learn about history
in this class, right?

Once a while, it does come up.

I got a question
pertaining to history.

Now, in the dark ages,
did they have sunlight?

Okay, now...

So you see, mr. Woodman,
what dumas was really

Talkin' about was
that a man's man

Was not afraid to show affection

For another man, you
dig what I'm sayin', right?

All right, washington.

Don't rub it in.

Freddie, how'd
you do on the test?

I'll be with you in a
minute, mr. Kotter.

Now, mr. Woodman, what
I'm saying is that dumas said...

Did you pass?

Did i... Did I pass?

Got a 84!

I'll be in, uh, sloane's room

And check the
test results again.

Maybe sloane made a mistake.

♪ Don't know why ♪

♪ There's no sun up in the sky ♪

Lunch, let's go get lunch.

Freddie, I'm gonna
go buy you lunch,

Pick up the check, and, uh,

Give it to arnold here.

You know what, freddie?

The really beautiful
thing about...

About not cheatin'.

You never gotta worry
about gettin' caught.


- Can I see you a second?
- Sure.

Hey, I'll catch
y'all up in a minute.

Wait up.

What's up, mr. Kotter?

Freddie, isn't there
something you have to do now?


You gotta tell mr. Sloane
about the first test.

Let me ask you something
mr. Kotter, all right?

Now, suppose...

Now just suppose I
was gonna tell you that

I was never gonna
cheat on a test again.

Would you believe me?


What's done is done, mr. Kotter,

Don't make no sense
to dig up dead bodies.


The fact that you
got an 84 on this test,

That doesn't erase the
fact that you cheated

On the first test.

Okay, what does?

Only thing that does is
going into mr. Sloane's class

And fessing up.

Telling him that you cheated.

Wow, man.

I guess...

I guess I gotta do
that little thing, huh?

Freddie, it's up
to you, but, uh...

If you don't go, I'll
be forced to tell you

Another too-tall
tannenbaum story.

Okay, mr. Kotter.

Mr. Kotter, it's not
gonna be easy you know,

But there is one
thing I'd like to say.

You're a pretty good teacher.

But you're a better friend.

Well, my brother will be
over any second, honey.

You did a terrific job.

And with a broken arm, no less.

Aw, thanks, honey, it's gonna be

A real happy thanksgiving.


Hey, did I ever tell you
what happened to my uncle?

Honey, let's keep
it happy, okay?

No, this is a really cute story.

You see, my uncle walked
into this restaurant...

Gabe, I think I hear the babies.

I don't hear anything.

They're gonna start
crying any second.

It's a good story!

It's a good story.

Did I ever tell you what
happened to my uncle

On thanksgiving?


That's better.

My uncle robert goes
into this restaurant

For thanksgiving dinner.

And the owner comes
up to him after the meal,

He says, "mr. Kotter,
how'd you like dinner?"

My uncle says, "it was
good, but you only gave me

Two slices of bread."

Now the next year,
my uncle goes back

To the same restaurant
and the owner remembers him,

So he says to the waiter,
"see that guy over there?

Make sure this year he's
got four slices of bread."

So he goes up to my
uncle after the meal,

He says, "well, mr. Kotter,
how'd you like it this year?"

And my uncle said,
"well, uh, it was okay

But you still didn't
give me enough bread."

So the next
thanksgiving he comes in,

The owner says, "well that's
the guy who never thinks

He has enough bread."

He takes a big long french bread

And he cuts it right
down the center,

He says, "here, give him this."

So after the meal, he
walks over to my uncle,

He says, "mr. Kotter,
how'd you like it this year?"

And my uncle says,
"well, it was okay,

But why did you go
back to two slices?"

You got no sense of humor.

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ Your dreams were
your ticket out ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ To that same old place
that you laughed about ♪

♪ Well the names
have all changed

Since you hung around ♪

♪ But those dreams have remained

And they've turned around ♪

♪ Who'd have thought
they'd lead you ♪

♪ Who'd have thought
they'd lead you ♪

♪ Back here where we need ya ♪

♪ Back here where we need ya ♪

♪ Yeah we tease him a lot

'Cause we got him on the spot ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ Welcome back, welcome
back, welcome back ♪

♪ Welcome back, welcome back ♪

♪ Welcome back ♪

♪ We always could
spot a friend ♪♪