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05x21 - Sanctuary

Posted: 05/17/23 18:44
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

All right.
Now remember, bobby,

A little water every day.

Thank you, brother.
Yes, sir.

Bill, are you
headed home already?

Well, we're going to do
a little more shopping
along the road here.

Chief says the sweetest fruit
in the world's this way.

Almost as sweet as the fruit
they grow in arezzo.

That in mississippi?

No, it's in italy,
where I was born.

And where chief gillespie's
wife was born.

You never told me that.

I never thought to.

He keeps her picture
on the piano.

Yes. I've seen it.

Bill, I must come
and cook dinner for you.

And we'll have?

We'll have...

Penne all' arrabiata.


And we'll also have
the carciofi?

Of course.

What's that?


Alla judea.alla judea.

Perfect. Yes, indeed.

Good to see you.

Good to see you.





Keep going.

Are those dudes K*llers?

No. The bad guys
they send over
to parchman.

Those are
just short-term
county prisoners.

And they make them
work outside?

Those men volunteer
for it

To make a little
extra money
for cigarettes,

Snacks, one thing
or another.

They ain't forced, right?

You don't see chains
on them, do you?


Just dudes
with shotguns.

Hold up!
Let's go.

Good day, ma'am. Good day, chief.

Well, look at all this.

It looks so pretty
with the peppers

And the zucchini

What do you think
about squash?

I hear
it's best served
to someone else.

Well, that
isn't funny. I...



You got a problem,

I'm late for
an important meeting.

You'll be later
if you don't quit

Get these guys
out of my way
and let me through!

I need to see
your license.

What for?
This is so stupid!

Get out of the way!
Come on, let's go.

Move, move,
move, move.

Come on,
in the bus.

Come on!


Come on, let's go.


Chief gillespie for you,

Yeah, bill?

Oh, uh, mac, uh...

I'm on filmore road
about 5 miles east
of the monastery.

One of your prisoners
has just escaped
from a road g*ng.

I just now
saw it happen.

My deputies on him?

Yes. A deputy on a horse
is chasing him now.

That's a surprise.
Those men got more
to lose by running.

It would seem so.

Well, let me know
what happens, will you?

I'll call you.

Yeah, thank you.

They always catch
these guys?

Almost always.

Something bothering you?

I feel sorry for him.

You should feel sorry
for him.

I kind of hope
he gets away.

Well, everybody
kind of hopes that.

You, too? Sure.

But I want those deputies
to catch him.

It don't make sense.

Well, son, you just said
the one thing we humans

Can definitely say
about ourselves.


We don't make sense.

Okay, next up we got
a blue tricycle

Stolen from the yard
at 208 birch drive.

Then a radar detector,

Which was stolen from
a ford pickup truck--



Yeah, parker?

Bubba, that sounds like
there's a toddler

Who don't want to get
caught in a speed trap to me.

Yeah, well,
that brings us

To the last thing
on the list.

Some of y'all probably
already know

That sheriff mccomb
lost a prisoner

Off the work g*ng
out on filmore road.

Now, this prisoner's

Is ramon salazar.

Corbin, why don't you
hand these out?

Now, mr. Salazar escaped

Right about here.
See there?

As you can see,

This road separates sparta
from the county.

Now, salazar is supposed
to have some relatives
in washington, d.c.

Maybe he's heading there.
Yeah, corbin?

According to this,

Salazar's only crime
was being an
undocumented alien.

Yeah, the man does not appear
to be dangerous,

But as usual,
I expect all y'all to
approach with caution.

All right, let's go.

Get up!

Get up, man!


Get on your way.

[Bell tolls]

[Soft singing]

[Praying in latin]

Where there is injury,

Where there is doubt,

Where there is
despair, hope.

[Praying in latin]

Where there is darkness,

And where there
is sadness, joy.

He is a prisoner,
escaped from
the county road g*ng.

It was on the radio
this morning.

For it is in giving
that we receive.

It is in pardoning
that we are pardoned.

And it is in dying
that we are born
to eternal life...

In jesus
christ's name.


Chief, this fax says

That there's a warrant
out for salazar

In louisiana.

The i.n.s. Arrested him
in new orleans.

He was to be deported,

But he escaped
from a medical facility.

Some deputy picked him up
for hitchhiking through here.

Is that what he was
picked up for?

Well, no.

He mistook him for
someone else they
were looking for.

Kept him a little longer
than they wanted to,

Waiting for paperwork
to be processed.

See, undocumented
immigrants are
brought to el paso.

From there, they are shipped
to their country of origin,

Which, in this case,
would be el salvador.

Not the most
attractive spot on earth
at this moment.

Did he sneak out
of there?


And then did he
sneak in here?


Is he a member
of what they call
a persecuted group?

If he's a student,
a member of a trade union,

Or a church worker,
the death squads were
looking for him.


Hi, mac.
How you doing?

What's the word
on salazar?

Word is he's making me
look like a fool.

Immigration and
naturalization service

Expects me to catch him
in the next 10 minutes.

Why do they still believe
he's here?

They believe it
because I believe it.

Somebody reported
a man wearing
prisoner's clothes

Walking along
wildberry road
this morning.

That's inside
my city limits,
just barely.

I'd appreciate it
if your boys checked
around there.

Something wrong
with that, virgil?


I mean, I suppose
it's our obligation.

Uh, virgil's not convinced
that this man salazar

Ought to be automatically
shipped back.

Certainly not
all these people
are criminals.

I'd say they're here
seeking a better life.

Half of them end up
on welfare.

Know what that means
to our tax burden?

Now, really, sheriff.
In most cases, these people--

we'll be awful sorry

If we let every
other nationality

Immigrate here just
because they want to.

Mccomb has got
a point there.

Now, you take
the indians.

They let all us europeans
in here,

And they've regretted it
ever since.

How many more we got
after this one?

Just a couple.
Then it's county land.


Clay, a prisoner escaped
from a work detail,

And we're looking
for him.

How should I know
if I saw him?

I don't think you'd
have a problem
recognizing prison clothes.

I didn't see none.

Could somebody
have spent the night
in there?

I don't know.

Reason I ask is
there's a blanket there

And a spot where hay's been
spread around for lying down.

Clay isby,
you did hard time
at parchman.

So? Why you messing
with me now?

Don't be gettin' yourself
into other people's trouble.

He ought to come
to the station and let
chief gillespie explain--

Wait. Wait.
I did see a man.

I sent him on his way.

And which way
was that?

That way.

Thanks for your time.


He pointed east.

Yeah, I saw that.

That's why I'm betting
he headed west.

[Bell tolls]

Uh-mm. No bet.

[Bell tolls]

There's more lentil soup.

No, thank you.
It's delicious.

I'm sorry you were distressed
the other night.


I heard you screaming
in your sleep.

I'm sorry.

Don't worry.

Sometimes the memory can be
even worse than the event.

Father, I'm not
a criminal.

That's all right.

But I'd like
to make a confession.


Let's walk out
to the garden.

Oh, good day.

What brings you officers
out this way?

An escaped prisoner.

A man off a work g*ng
on filmore road.

We're helping sheriff mccomb
look for the man.

of course you are.

We were wondering
if any of the brothers
might have seen him.

Well, uh...

We could ask them
if you'd like.

Could I help you
with something?

These men are looking
for somebody, father.


A fugitive
named ramon salazar.

From the road g*ng,

Oh, well, he could easily
get here from there.

This is a very good place
for anyone to stop--

Whether a traveler
or a fugitive.

I'm sure
we get both kinds.

They come here
to refresh themselves,

To rest, to pray.

Do you ever notice
anyone in particular?

Quite a few of them.

They want to chat
about their problems,

Or perhaps attend mass,
go to confession.

Are you boys catholic?

No, sir. No, sir.

Nevertheless, the church
is always open

For all who want
to come in--

To visit, to meditate,
to pray.

Nice to see you.

Did you actually see
any sign of salazar?

No, sir.
No sign of him at all.

And the abbot didn't
admit he'd been there?

And wouldn't.


That was just sweet
saying he wouldn't.

We could tell he wasn't
gonna admit anything,

But that fugitive's
in there.

The question is,
what do we do?

Want us to go back
and look for him?


No. Let me think
about this.

Yes, sir.

That monastery is inside
mccomb's jurisdiction.

You gonna notify him?

Sure. I have to.

Maybe I should see
ted marcus.

He's handled
i.n.s. Cases before.

that's a good idea.

Didn't he get a good deal
for that vietnam kid?

Yes, he did.

But I tell ya,
there's going to be trouble

When mccomb
and his deputies
get to that monastery.

You really think so?

I got a bad feeling
about it, yeah.

I got the same feeling
as you.

Father, are you
or are you not

Harboring a man named
ramon salazar?

You are obliged
to answer that question.

No, sheriff,

I feel that
I am not obliged.

Now, I know
I'm not talking
to a child.

You know it's a crime
to hide a fugitive
from justice.

Many good men
have been fugitives.

And much justice
has been wrong.

What some men
have called justice
has been evil.

Father demarco,
can we please
just get on with this?

If you refuse us entrance,

I can just force
my way in with a warrant.

Well, of course
you must do your duty,

But I must do mine.

You think you can
talk some sense
into your friend?


Suppose I could have
a private word with you?

Just a word?
Nothing else?

Nothing else.
I promise.

Let's go inside.

Brother paul,

Let them pass.

Thank you.


I take your point,

But this case
is not the same

As when you were
hiding jews in italy
46 years ago.

Those were
the victims of a justice
that was corrupt,

Of immoral laws
and immoral men.

But we're living
in a constitutional

We're obligated
to respect
the laws we pass.

I'm not so sure.

We pass laws
without thinking.

They go, they come.

What was illegal yesterday
is legal today.

But what's wrong
in god's eye...

It's wrong on any day.

And I also know,
as a priest,

That ramon
has done no wrong.

My dear friend,

If salazar has
broken our laws,

Sheriff mccomb
out there...

Has a sworn
duty to arrest him.

Bill, if I
blindly cooperate

And turn ramon over
to the authorities here,

They'll dump him
in el salvador,

And a death squad
will m*rder him.

Chief's inside.

Just the chief?

Yeah. He's talking
to father demarco.

I got to speak to salazar.
This is vital.

Virgil, it ain't me
you got to convince.


Come on in.

Brother paul,
isn't this man
a detective?


He's also my very good
friend virgil tibbs.

What's on your mind, sir?

I'd like to speak
to ramon.

That's out of the question.

I've just consulted
with a member of
our city council

Who also happens
to be an excellent

He thinks he can get
ramon a hearing

To stay
his deportation.

Ramon will not risk that.

Well, won't you
at least take us to him

And let us
tell him about this

And let the man
make his own choice?

Is it your intention

To pull that man
out in handcuffs?

Absolutely not.

No, no. I give you
my word on that.

I give you my word,

Thank you.

[Latin hymn being sung]

Wait, ramon.
They are friends.

They're police.

Yes, but friends.

I have nothing
to say.

Virgil: all right...
Then listen.

You signed
a voluntary
departure form.

That authorizes immigration
to send you back
to el salvador.

That's what all
this trouble is about.

We can
straighten it out--
we think.

I was told
I would be released
when I signed.

Yeah. Um...released
to el salvador.

We have an attorney who's
willing to file an appeal
on your behalf.

The only thing we need
is your o.k.

Why do you
want to help me?

Well, son,
we want to help you

Because it's
the right thing to do.

Virgil: ramon...

Do you have
any proof

That you're
a political refugee?


Deeply shocked
by that.

But now will you
let us help you?

Will I go back
to jail?

Just for a short time--
until your hearing.

Ramon, you just can't keep
running all your life.

Show me a piece
of paper that says,

"Ramon salazar,
this is america,
and you are free,"

And I will go
with you.

We have no such paper.

There is
no such paper.

Ramon, it's up to you
whether you trust.

Padre, you're
the only man here

Who will do only
and always what
is in his heart.

I can trust you.

But I cannot trust them,

I'm sorry.

Kelly's just radioed.

He's right down the road
with a warrant.

Soon as it's here,
we're going in.

Did you talk
to salazar?

Yes, we did.

Both of you?

Yes, sir.
Both of us.

Why didn't you
arrest him?

We gave our word
we wouldn't do that.

You think the
district attorney
of newman county

Is going to be
impressed with that?

What are you
talking about?

About your failing to do
your sworn duty.

When it's
right in front of you.

There are times,
mac, when you have
to make promises--

No, sir!

You had no business
making that kind
of promise.

No business at all!

[Car horn honks]

here it is, sheriff.

Bill gillespie,
you could have saved us
a lot of trouble.

This is a warrant
issued by the county
of newman,

State of mississippi,

To search your monastery
for ramon salazar,

A fugitive from justice.

step out of the way.

Officer: brother,
you're under arrest.

Have to apprehend you.


You must leave.
I want you to have this.

Vaya con dios.
Let's go.

Ramon, this man
will take you to
the train station,

Buy your tickets
to washington.

I'll telephone the
number you gave me

And tell them to expect you
the day after tomorrow, okay?

Things will be
better there.

I have faith.

God bless you,
my son.


Here you go.
God bless you, son.

I'm sure you won't
be surprised to know
the man's gone.

I'm sorry
about all this.

Me, too, bill,

'Cause we been friends
for a long time.

Well, now, mac, that's
not going to change.

Has to, bill.

How do you
figure that?

I'm putting you
under arrest.

I'll waive custody,

But I warn you to be available
in your office

Tomorrow at noon so you can be
served with proper summons.

Sheriff, really--

Same goes for you,
detective tibbs.

You're both charged
with harboring a fugitive,

and abetting a felony,

Interfering with
officers of the law,

And that man will be charged
with obstruction of justice.

I will personally appeal
to the sparta city council

To have you both fired
from the police force.

atlanta, charlotte,

and washington, d.c....

Here you go.

Good luck to you.


Hey, what
are you doing?

Get out
of my car.

Let go of me.

Get out of my car!

Get out
of my car!

[Tires screeching]

Yes, ma'am.

on their way.

I appreciate it. Thank you.

Uh, chief,

A blue oldsmobile
was just stolen

Over from the bookstore
by highland and railroad.

And guess what--

The driver was
a male latino,
late 20s.

Could be, huh?

Where would you head
if you were salazar?

The interstate,
if I knew where it was.

Even if you didn't,
you'd head north.

I'm going
to call mccomb,

Tell him about it.

Pray to the lord
this doesn't turn
into a high-speed chase.

O.k. I'll send two cars
to ramps 40 and 43.

Fine. Where's bubba?

I believe
he's on his way home.

Get me that information.
And somebody call up bubba.

Tell him to head
for the interstate
along filmore road.

Hello. This is
chief gillespie
of sparta.

Tell the sheriff
to get on the interstate

And head off
a stolen blue oldsmobile.

He's going north.

License plate

I'll repeat that.

Chief, salazar's heading north
on juniper at filmore.

He's about a mile
from the feed
onto the highway.

Gillespie: bubba, kind of
hang back a bit, would you?

We don't want
the man to panic.

Yes, sir.

O.k., Chief, we're both
on the highway

A mile from bailey's

Well, what is the best
thing to do?

Soon as he sees
that roadblock,
he's gonna stop and so will i.

And I'll block him
from behind.

O.k. Do it.

All right, let's go!

Get him out!

Get out of the car!

Get out of that car.

Out of the car now,
damn it!

Let him through!

Bill gillespie,

You going to be
called to account
for this.

You the one responsible
for that man's death.


What the hell are
you talking about?

The defendants are charged

With harboring
an illegal alien,

Harboring a fugitive,

And obstruction
of justice.

Mr. Marcus, I see
you have filed a petition
before this court?

Yes, your honor.

I move that all charges
against these men be dropped.

The defendants were
improperly arrested

On highly speculative

Motion to dismiss
the charges is denied.

Your honor, the people
move that mr. Ted marcus

Be ruled unqualified
as counsel for the defense.

There is potential
for conflict of interest.

Mr. Marcus is a member
of the sparta city council.

The council will be meeting
independently of this court

To rule on
the employment status

Of chief gillespie
and detective tibbs.

I will allow mr. Marcus
to represent the defendants

For the purposes
of this arraignment.

You may make
this motion again,

In the meantime,

I advise the defendants
to seek different counsel

Before the
preliminary hearing.

Your honor,
I respectfully ask once again

That all charges
be dropped.

Now, these men were
acting in good faith--

Mr. Marcus,
I have ruled on that.

The defendants are going
to have to answer the charges.

Yes, sir.

Some very serious allegations
have been made here,

And this case
must be tried.

Preliminary hearing
is set for next monday.

The court recommends
the defendants be released

On their own

The people have
no objection.

Court is dismissed
until 2 p.m.

Thank you, ted.

You know, bill,

We've been talking
about doing something
for a long time.

I think we better
do it now,

Or we may never
have another chance.

I don't feel comfortable
with that gloomy
tone of voice.

I didn't mean
to be gloomy,

But perhaps urgent.

Well, if you mean
this evening,

I accept
with pleasure.

It's a date.

Un appuntamento.

I hate the phrase

leave of absence."


Because I hate

What's that?

It's a nice way of saying
something rotten.

Like what?

Like, "you're fired."

Well, it isn't
as bad as that.

Anyway, they keep you
on salary.

That's discretionary.

What's that?

It means they don't have
to keep you on salary.

There's no sense
worrying about it.

I think everything
will be all right

Once the whole
story comes out.

Now who will stir the pasta
for nine minutes?

That's me, father.
I'll do it.

Thank you. Mm-hmm.

I can't believe the sheriff
hasn't spoken to you
since the sh**ting.

Well, it's true.
Not a word.

How's that
for the value

Of a 40-year

Well, I think the sheriff
was terribly hurt

Because he believes
two colleagues
let him down badly.

How does
he figure that?

Well, he's got blind spots
like the rest of us.

He thinks ramon's death
is our fault

Even though his men
fired the r*fle.

Let me show you

This is it.

This is the picture
I was telling you about.

What does it say here?

That's a picture
of anna

When she was
20 years old.

What does it say?

It says, "don't
ever forget me."

Doesn't it
say that here?

That's right.
This is the name
of the song--

Non ti scordar di me--
don't ever forget me.

Why is it here?

Well, anna always
used to play it

And sing it,

And after she died,

Why, i--i just left it
there on the piano.

Is it too sad
to play?


The fact that it was,
uh, anna's favorite,

Uh, makes it joyful.

Go ahead
and play it.

♪ Non ti scordar

♪ Di me

♪ La vita mia
legata e te... ♪

[Continue singing]

♪ Non ti scordar

♪ Di me

♪ La vita mia
legata e te... ♪

What did he say
this song says?

Don't ever forget me.

♪ Non ti scordar di me