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06x02 - A Small w*r: Part 2

Posted: 05/18/23 08:06
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Everett, always remember
that the airwaves are open.

That's why we keep
our language clean

On this radio.

Yes, sir.
Not a problem.

Folks don't realize
that radio waves
keep going on and on,

Even out
into the cosmos.


Use foul language here,

Sooner or later,
some alien being's
going to hear it.

And what if they did?

Are they going
to come wash
your mouth out?

You believe
in aliens?

It'd be supreme arrogance
to think we're alone

In this big,
wonderful universe.

Everett, don't
encourage him.

Have you seen
an alien?

If I thought
you were asking
that question serious,

My answer
might surprise you...

Surprise you both.

Uh, everett, get
the d.a.'S office
on the line.

Right on it,

He sounds like you.

Yes, sir. He's coming
along great.

We do have
a good relationship,

But you can't make
every decision
in my life.

Make your own

Just be aware
of the circumstances.

I know
the circumstances
better than you do.

We'll see
if you do.

I feel like
you're wheeling me
down here

Like a child
in a carriage.

Morning, miss delong.
Chief and mr. Tibbs
are expecting you.

Thank you.

When you're ready,

Lieutenant jamison's
waiting out back.

Thank you, ma'am.

There's going
to be some talking
before that.

Come on, eugene.

Well, I don't think
that that's a problem.

Eugene glendon
is on probation.

I think he'd be
a very credible

Uh, harriet delong
just arrived,

So I think we, uh,

We better call you
back later.

Man: I'll be here for
another 15 minutes.

Fine, uh...

Good morning, harriet,
and good morning, eugene.


Well, now, don't you think
you could've talked
to me first?

Well, uh...



This is something
eugene wanted
to do himself.

Something eugene
is going to do.

And if eugene identifies

These murderous
g*ng members

Who sh*t up sparta
with impunity,

Who in hell is going
to protect him?

We are.

a 17-year-old boy.

I'm not some
little child, mama.

Did you expect us to
reject eugene's offer
to help us?

I expect you
to talk to me first.

If we had consulted
with you first,

What would you
have said?

No, you cannot
talk with eugene.

That's what
she would've said.

We'll protect him,

I don't need

Oh, yes, you do.

Harriet, would you
please sit down?

I don't want him
to do this.

I have to.

They k*lled
my best friend.

Harriet, please.

[Door closes]

I'm sorry
about your mama.

Yeah, me, too.

But the thing
I'm sorriest about

Is her and you.

I'm glad she walked
away from you.

I hope she
keeps on walking.

You all wrong
for my mama, chief.

Wrong job,

Wrong age,

Wrong color.

I know the way
to jackson.

Why are we doing
all this?

It's correct
procedure, eugene.

Protection. [Laughs]

O.k., You're right,
but you must admit,

Lonnie's car's
a whole lot better
than a police van, right?

We're going
in the 'vette?

That's right.

Get in
on this side
for a change.

Drive it?

Unless you're scared
of it.

This came in,
and we checked
that out...


Uh, may I say...

I see what
you're going through

With eugene,
harriet...all that.

And that I think, uh,

Time...time will
make it better.

More likely worse,

More likely worse.

But, uh, thank you.

Thank you.


I can't stand him.

How would you feel?

The guy that puts
your daddy
in parchman prison

Romancing my mama.

An old white guy
like that.

Your daddy
would be
the first to admit

He got himself
put in parchman.

Oh, sure. He wants
to be on death row.

Of course he doesn't,

But I think
he understands
why he's there.

I still don't need
around my mom.

I understand
your feelings,

But that's about all
I can say about that.

You agree, then?

Listen, why don't we pass
this slowpoke up here?

You want me
to pass this farmer?

Yeah. Just be careful.

We're in
sheriff mccomb's


Yeah. Please.
Thank you.

You get
into jackson much?

Oh, every now
and then.

Pretty much
whenever there's
a connection

Between here
and sparta.

You like the city?

Oh, I'm kind of
a rural-type guy.

I never
would've guessed.


I like
the country, too.


You like to fish?

And camp.

I could do
without the bugs, though.

Yeah, well,
that's, uh...

We got bingo
over here.


That's him.
That's the one.

"Laurants bellwood."

I know where
we can find him.
See anybody else?

No, not yet.

I've got
mr. Bellwood here.

Much on him?

Just about anything
you like.

He's suspected
in a whole bunch
of drive-bys.

Drive-bys, huh?

Eugene, that's
the kind of k*lling
that took your pal.

This guy's for sure,

And I want to get
his buddies, too.

Chief, jamison
from jackson on 7.

Yeah. What?

Eugene i.d.'D
a guy.

They're going to try
and pick him up.

Uh, be careful
of eugene, you hear?

My star half-miler?
You know it.
I'll call you back.

I hate dragging
that kid around.

Maybe we shouldn't.

Eugene's a big help,

And we need

Believe it or not,
this neighborhood's
improved a little.

You grew up around here?


But down by


Uh, around meridian, yeah.

You got a name between
captain and skinner?

Uh, yes, ma'am, I do,

But bubba would do
just fine. And yourself?



That's a nice name,

My girlfriend's name is
beulah land fishbite.

That's nice, too, huh?

Man: this is bird-dog.


That's a nice name, too.

Go ahead, bird-dog.

The guy
eugene picked out,

He's outside the pompeii,

Leaving a red sports car.

He's got a buddy.
Could be your sh**t.

Roger, pompeii.
Be there in five.
Need backup?

We got time.

Let's see if eugene can i.d.
This other guy.

It's cool, man.

Come on.

Harriet: bill gillespie
knows how much
eugene means to me.

Doesn't he care?

I'm sure he does.

I was surprised
at virgil.

Well, harriet,
virgil's caught
in a tough spot.

Did he have
to encourage eugene?

I don't think
he did that.

We're all friends.
Close friends.

Virgil had no choice.

Neither did the chief.

I'm not so sure
about that.

Anyway, it's done now.

It's out of my hands.

Will you
just sit down,
have some tea?

It's not so much
that I'm angry.
I'm confused.

But why should I be?

Why should I
expect anyone

To see this my way?

After all,
eugene is my child.

Harriet, when eugene told us
he was going to testify,

That wasn't
a child talking.

That was a young man,
one to be proud of.

I'm proud of him,

I just don't want
to lose him.

[Music playing] [indistinct conversations]

Sure don't have
anything like this
in sparta.



You ain't missing much.

Where's laurants?

Right over there.

Is that the sh**t?

That's two of them.

The white guy
did the sh**ting.

That's good.

All we need is
that third guy.

I don't see him.

He'll come. This is
a happening place.

We better get you
out of here before
something happens to you.

I want to stay,
see these guys
get busted.

No. I promised the chief
I'd take care of you.

Yeah? I don't care
what he wants.

I do. You'll have
your day in court,

But I want you
out of here... Now.

He doesn't seem
too fond of your chief.

No, he isn't.

We can't take them

could get k*lled.

You know,
I was just
thinking that.

♪ Shake it up

♪ The rhythm's
like a red hot coal ♪

♪ Shake it up with me...

Someone you know?


My old buddy
tommy haskell.

Hey, remember that kid
hanging around
the house in sparta?

The one I said
to check out?

I think he
checking you out.
He was in here.

Maybe he's looking
for a little
jackson action.

Well, looks like
the buffaloes

Feel something
in the wind.

Dispatch, keller.

We need our backup.

Yeah. I hope
it's rolling
close by.

I don't want to
stay here.

Let's go.

Better tell your folks
to step on it.

Subjects are on the move.
Officers need

The big guy
behind us...stop him.

Hold up there.
This is the vip area.

Hold on, now.
Police business.

This cop
is harassing me!

Step aside!
You're interfering
with officers.

I can't hear you.

Who wants to go to jail?
You can all go.

I'll go if you take me.

I'm coming back for you.

Hey, you a fox
for a cop.

[Sighs] we had them
and we lost them.

Yeah, we sure did,
didn't we?

All units responding
to pompeii,

Please be advised
that suspects
have left.

That burns me up.

Come on, lieutenant.

I'm going to buy you
a cup of coffee.

It's five till 3:00.
What about some sleep?

You don't have to
wait up with me.

I'd like to go home

Not a good idea.
Those guys are still
on the loose.

Hey, it's only me.

You get them?

Uh, no.

I think I'll catch
some zs.

You hang in there,

Hey, we'll see you.

What happened?

Well, uh, they spotted us
and took off,

And some of their pals
slowed us up.

One of the guys
saw me...

The white dude
I told you about.

Tommy haskell.

Now they got no doubt
that I'm helping
the cops.

That's why I'd like you
to stay here a few days.

What if you don't
catch them
in a few days?

You're welcome here.
The guest mattress
is lumpy,

And the icebox
pickings are slim,

But it beats
protective custody.

What about my mom?

Chief's watching her.

[Scoffs] yeah.

I'm sure he is.

Can I say something
about that?

I can't stop you.


I agree with you.

But a wise fellow
once said to me,

If two grown folks
enjoy each other's company,

What's wrong with them
keeping company?

Now, I had
some reasons for them,

But, uh,

I couldn't get them out.

I can get them out.

Oh, you could?

Well, if you can
get them reasons out...

And I know
what they are...

And not feel like
a fool in this
day and age,

Well, you a steadier man
than I am.

Go ahead. Start with
the race stuff first.

The main reason
is that

They only thinking
about themselves.

That's the main reason?


I'm going to bed.

Got to go to jackson
in the morning.

Give my regards
to katherine.

Yeah, thank you.
I sure will.

I do approve of that.

[Doorbell rings]

Good mornin'.

Where's my son?

He's with bubba
for a few days.

I'm afraid, uh,

Some of those
young gangsters

Might try
and hurt you.


As well as eugene?


What am I
supposed to do?

Well, leave the house
for a few days.

and go and stay
with bubba, too?

Now, seriously,

Absolutely not.

Then let luann come
and stay with you.

No, thank you.

What'll I do with you?

You don't have to
do anything with me.

I'll put a policeman
out there.

That'll be intriguing
to my neighbors.

They don't know what's...

You think they're blind?

They won't care.

Yes, they do care.

Look, I think
we better cool it
for a while.

Cool it?



Particularly right now.

Until when?

I don't know.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Jackson highway.

Got a late model
red sports car,

Two occupants...

and a white guy.

[Radio static]

The white guy's deke,

Better known as
machine g*n kelly.

Listen, I want you
to watch out.

Put a soft tail on him
from way back.


Luann picked up laurants
comin' back.

She's on him.

Did bubba call in?

Not in the last hour.

He's comin' back
with lieutenant keller.

I put an undercover car
on 3156 harper street.

Harriet delong's house?

Chief's orders.


dee just called.

They picked up
on laurants, too.

dee, where you at?

Emmett and waldo.

We want to pick him up
with our dealers.

I read you, sir.

Emmett and waldo's
near that cr*ck house,

Not near it.
At it.


They're inside.

Hope they don't see us.

We ain't got
a swat team, huh?

Yes, we have, son.

We're it.

Uh, bubba,
we located
the big sh**t.

Where's chief?

Gettin' ready.
Hi, miss keller.

You located 'em

Uh, ye olde cr*ck house.

Dee followed 'em there.

Ain't much
happening here,
but, uh...

It'll get better.

Always does, man.

Buy me some cr*ck?

What you gonna
pay me back with?

Whatever you want, man.


where'd you get
this thing?

from the national guard

It's like the g*n
that k*lled
clay and byron

And sh*t dee and me
off the road.

a*t*matic r*fle.

They were
f*ring this thing
in world w*r ii.

Even before it.

This is an old w*apon.

Well, they got
some new ones, too.

These are what
we're up against.


You know,
a cr*ck house
in sparta

Ain't exactly
your jurisdiction.

Well, jackson
wasn't exactly yours.

Did I mention that?

Besides, I like to see
things through,
don't you?

Yeah, I do.

Laurants is a coward.
He'll come easy.

He ain't the only one
I'm worried about.

It's been a while
since we've had
to do this.

I haven't missed it.

Should we
bring some gas?


And, uh,
bring a couple
of those stun grenades.

I never thought
I was gonna get paid

To light off
a big old m-80.


[Radio static]

somebody new
on a motorbike.

O.k. We see him.

[Radio static]

You want us
to take that rider now?

Get him when
he's in there.

I want to know
what he's got
in that backpack.

Yes, sir.

Hey, man,
what's happening?

Shrader, thomas,
let's go.

All right.

Come on.
Get it open.


500 Rocks...

Packed by
the ever-loving hands
of our staff.


I'm going to charge 20.

Is 10 fair for you, man?

[Knock on door]

How about some service
around here, man?

I need a rock.

just need it some more

And wait
like everyone else.

You move enough product,

And, uh,
we'll consider
another franchise.

Oh, don't worry.

I have
a winning attitude.

Let's go.

Better cover the rear.

I got it.

Randy, dennis,
go on back there
with her.

You over there.

Chief, want me
to tap on that door?

tap on that door.





Damn that fool.

I'm gonna blow
his head off.


Woman: oh, no!

Cops! Cops!
Come on!


Come on!

Go! Go!

Come on!




Here, here, here.

Go on home.
Go home!


[Toilet flushes]



chief, got three of 'em.

You get the sh**t?

We don't know yet.

Now, where's
lieutenant keller?






Got an officer down.
We need an ambulance.

Let me see that.

Go get
a first-aid kit.

Well, lieutenant,

Looks like
you took one.

No kidding.

I'm o.k.
Somebody get him.

I'm gone.

You just
sit right there.

We're gonna
get him for you.
It will be all right.

Out! Get out!

O.k.! O.k.!


[Engine starts]


No! Let go!



Virgil, clear!

You pig!




Let go!

Hey, these cuffs
are too tight, man!

Well, you're just gonna
have to get used to 'em.

Stay still.


Yeah. Go ahead.

We got our sh**t
in custody.

Bring him 'round front

So he can go to jail
with the rest of his friends.

You know,
I'm suing you...

False arrest
and police

That'll keep you busy
for about 10 years.


This is
a misunderstanding.

What is misunderstood?

I was just renting
to these people.

I came because I heard
they were bad folks.

I was gonna
throw them out.

You're actually the owner
of this property?

Bought and paid for.

All my savings
are in this.

I'm just
a landlord here.

And your name is...

Thomas haskell, sir.

I'm bill gillespie,

And I'm going to start
forfeiture proceedings

Against this property.

What does that mean?

It means were gonna
take it away from you.

Now, how you doin'?


I'll live.

Sure you will.

Uh, chief,

You mind if
I ride with her?

You want him to?

Go ahead.

Well, here's
the big g*n himself.

Hold on there,

Don't worry,

I wanted
to see him.

You recognize him, eugene?

Yes, I do.

That's the k*ller

That fired
that machine g*n
into the house.

I can't wait
to say it in court.


Get him out of here.

I just want
to thank y'all
for letting me help.

We appreciate it...




I'm going
to be late tonight.

Don't wait up for me
to bathe the twins.

I don't bathe them.
They bathe me.

I don't know
how much longer

I'll be holding
extra counseling

You're going to see
all the students?

Nearly all of them.

All that knew
byron and michael.

Think you can
get 'em off of cr*ck?

No, but I think
I can warn them
away from it.


Oh, that's virgil
out there
making them laugh.

Maybe he could
give the twins
their bath tonight.

All he does
is drop the toys
in the tub

And let 'em play around.

what's her name?


Hey, baby.


You going
to be home
this evening?


[Child mumbling]

You know better than that.

That's it.
That's it.

I'll be right back.

I have no time
for my family,

My wife,
or my home.

You'll have more time
when you finish
law school.

Oh, law school's
partly the problem.

Are you getting

No, I'm just...

Just homesick.

I know.

We're lonesome,
and we want you
home, too.

You wouldn't
be interested

In giving the twins
their bath tonight,

Would ya?



You know,
water, soap,

Squeaky ducks.

I could do that.

Good. On one condition.


That tomorrow,

I get the water...

I get the bath...

And I get
the squeaky ducks.

I could definitely
do that.


See ya.



Woman: [over pa] dr. Perry,
call the page operator.

Dr. Perry,
call the page operator.

Well, how you doing?

Fine, thanks.
Your captain has been
keeping me entertained

With fishing tales.

Hope he didn't tell you
about the log.

What log?

No, you don't
want to hear
about that one.

I do.

Oh, it's
a disgusting tale.

Come on.

Well, o.k.

See, there was
this fella...

From tennessee.


he was fishing
off his little boat

In sardis lake...

When he fell in.

They couldn't
get the boat

Turned right-side up

Because he was
a yankee.

From alabama?


He decides he's gonna
swim to the shore,

But the shore's
a mile away.

He gets real tired...

And he sees the log.

Let him finish
the story, virgil.

he sees a log, right?

Says to himself,
"hey, I'm gonna rest up."

Swims over there,
puts both arms
around it...

Except it ain't
no log at all.


What was it?

Water moccasins.

Thousands of 'em,

Just all wrapped around
one another

And floatin' along
lookin' like that,

Like a log.

What happened
to the guy?

think about it.

Oh, that is so gross.

Well, I told you.
I told you.

What a great story.

Oh, listen to this.


What do you do when
hand holdin' starts?


I'm gone. Me, too.

She's cute, isn't she?

Very. Very.

And she liked
that log story.


Wasn't that one
of your famous
animal stories?

Oh, sure it was.

The man d*ed
an awful death.

I had to inform
the next of kin.


Woman: [over pa]
dr. Baker, call 721.

Dr. Baker,
call 721.

Oh, uh, hello.



Eugene thought
we should visit.

that's a very good
thought, eugene.

Heard you had
a lot of excitement.

More than I could use,
uh, personally.

You o.k.?

Oh, sure.

Why, you know,
all the boys
handle everything.

How are you?

Well, i...

Could feel better.

Well, I'm sorry
about that.

You still...

Think we ought to cool it?

I'll call you.