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06x07 - An Occupational Hazard

Posted: 05/18/23 08:17
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Yes, sir, applications
taken between
9:00 and 6 p.m.

You need
three references,

And it pays
$7.00 an hour.

No, you don't get to
carry a g*n.

This is not exactly
police work, sir.


Good-bye to you,
too, sir.

Excuse me, I'm here
about the ad--

You take this pen and
this application here.

You move over there
and you fill it out
front and back,

Then you bring it back
and you put it
ontop of these others.

All right.'re welcome.


Hey, virgil.

Hi, what are you doing?

Putting in
an application.

For warehouse

I was hoping
I'd be first.

It's not the most
challenging position.

A man
of your experience--

Believe me,

I'm being beat
out of lesser jobs

By men
with more experience.

Everyone's looking
these days.

Good luck, tom. Right.

Oh! Althea's having
lunch with my rose.

Did you know? That's nice.

No, I didn't know.
See you.

Right. [Telephone rings]

Sparta police
parker williams.

Applications taken
any time between
9:00 and 6 p.m.

Morning, parker.

You need
three references,

And it pays
$7.00 an hour.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, no, I really
love working
with the kids,

But sometimes I miss
the adult world.
Making adult decisions.

I wish I were with you.

Really? Yeah.

How are things going?

Oh, fine, I guess,
in some ways.

You used to love it.

Yeah, well,
same old thing.
You know.

Why, althea tibbs.

You are looking
scrumptious as ever.

I'm surprised your
husband lets you out.

Awfully nice of him,
isn't it?

Well, I don't want to
interfere with y'all's
girl talk, here.

Rose, bring althea
by the office.

It would brighten up
the place.

Not that you don't,
my dear,

But a rose
from another garden,
you know.

Heh heh.
Nice seein' y'all.

What a jerk.

Is he a problem?

He's been bothering me.

Bothering you?
Like harassing you?

He's always coming up,
putting his hands on me,

Saying things...

How long has
this been going on?

A few months.

Ever since
he fired that woman
he called a bookkeeper.

Well, rose,
you can file charges.

Call the equal
opportunity commission.

I can't do that.
He'd fire me.

With tom out of work,
the kids and all...

I haven't even told
anybody about this,

Not even tom.

Rose, the eoc takes
this very seriously.
They can protect you.

I--i can't take that chance.

He'd just find some
reason to get rid of me.

I know women think

They have to put up
with this, but they don't.

By speaking out,
you can help them, too.

I'll think about it.

Debbie, don't let
your sister get dirty.
Dinner will be ready soon.

Yes, ma'am.
Come on, lori.

Hi. Hi. Hi, honey.

It's a heavy one.
What have you got
in there?

Oh, just the usual.

Any luck today?

No. I put in applications
at six different places.

The police warehouse thing
doesn't look too promising.


Rose, this is over $100.

We have to eat, tom.

We might have to
put off the house payment.

I'm sorry, honey.

Come on.

We should be thankful
you got such a great job.


We should be thankful.

Little billy
gonna be the smartest
of the two,

I do believe.

What makes you say that?

He just called me etta.

sh**t, sarah's been
saying mommy and daddy

For the past two weeks.

Yeah, well, any old
baby can say that.

Now, etta--

That takes real genius.

Tom murphy was in today.


What about?

That job
at the warehouse.

You should put
a good word in for him.

That's five
I'm supposed to put
in good words for.

Five good words.

The lord will be pleased.

Do you think he'll
get the job?

No. Too many people
before him.


Rose needs some good news.

You had lunch with her.
How is she?

She's having trouble
at work.

What kind of trouble?

You know--woman trouble.

Woman trouble.

Now, what's that
supposed to mean?

Means she don't want
to tell you what it means.

That's what it means.

Thank you very much.
I appreciate it.

They finally hired
the warehouse manager.

Thank goodness.

I took my share
of those calls.

I can hear that playing
like a broken record
in my sleep.

Applications are taken
between 9:00 and 6 p.m.

Then you ain't
gonna mind changing
your tune.

Something like,
sorry, but position
has been filled.

Bubba, I can't do it.

I mean, I just can't.
I can't,
I can't, I can't.

I'm no good at that.

But corbin-- parker,

You can.

You can.

Here you go, chief. Thank you, luann.

Besides these computers,
there was nothing else

According to this,
seven computers were stolen,

The alarm was deactivated.

They estimate
the value at $25,000.

What we're looking for
is a van or truck

And at least
two strong men on it. Yeah.

Mrs. Tibbs is on one.

Thank you, luann.

Yeah, babe?

Just one
quick question.

O.k., Go ahead.

Remember the last time
I invited people over

And I didn't talk to you
about it first?

Who's coming to dinner?

Tom and rose,
but I haven't
invited them yet.

You just
had lunch with her.

I know, but, uh,
she needs a friend.

Dinner's fine.

Thanks. Bye.

Thank you.

Yes, uh, may I
speak to rose, please?

Oh. Uh, well,
where is she?

She's not out
of the office?

Oh, no, no, no.

I don't want to
interrupt her
when she's with her boss.

Tell her
althea tibbs called.

O.k. Thank you.


Uh, celia,
see that
we're not disturbed.

Rose, honey,
just have a seat

Over there on the couch.


What are we gonna do
about this here situation?

I don't see why there
has to be a situation,
mr. Hughes.

You know how I feel.

You don't feel anything?

No, nothing.

I've told you that.

I wouldn't dream
of doing something
outside my marriage.

But, now, you think
about it, don't you?

Because you make me
think about it.

Ha ha ha.

Well, now,
when you think about it,

Is it so horrible?

I can't, mr. Hughes.

Why does it
have to be me?

It doesn't.

But then
you leave me no choice.

don't make me do this
to keep my job.

I do a good job for you.

Please, mr. Hughes?

Oh, stan, rose.


I got to
have this job.

My family--

The last thing
that I want to do

Is to take this job
away from you.

[Locks door]

I don't understand
why you want to do this,

Knowing how I feel
about it.

Please don't make me.

Now, I'm not
making you, honey.

Now, come on.

It's not gonna be so bad.


Please don't! You hush, now.

It won't take long.

And then,
you gonna be safe,

And your job will be safe.



No! Please!

I got it. Thank you.

I've got a trouble report
from drayton industries.

Somebody tripped the alarm.

Somebody could be
our burglars.

Is that
the security company?

Yeah. They said
the cleaning woman

Usually comes by
about this time.

Hope they don't meet.
Who's out that way?

I'll find out.

On the west side, come in.

This is station 115.

I found the alarm off.

Yeah, I'm gonna
go about my work.

I just wanted to
let you know.


No. That's enough, man.

She saw you. She won't remember me.

The way you hit her,
she probably
won't remember nothin'!


Unconscious, but
she's got a good pulse.

O.k., I'll call it in.

[Telephone rings]



Our computer
bandits again.

They're moving fast.

Get on the phone there
with virgil, will you?

Yes, sir.
Uh, detective?

Yeah. They left
a cleaning lady
with a concussion.

Dr. Robb's gonna keep her
overnight for observation.

Did she see anything?

Yes, sir,
she saw a fella.

Think maybe she
can talk to scott?

I think so.
She's pretty much
with it.

See if scott
can do a sketch.

nothing to lose.

O.k. Good night, chief.

Something happen?

Well, a couple of bandits
are hitting
office buildings.

This time
they assaulted a woman.

Is she all right?

Next one may not be.

Computers. What kind?

Desktop stuff.

Unemployment goes up,
I guess crime does, too.


Who was that? Hmm. Our chief.
Another robbery.

You need help
in there, babe?

One night I'll
surprise you
and say yes.

Why don't we sit down
for a minute?

Does this have anything
to do with your boss?

Uh, rose,

You've got to do
something about this
before it goes too far.

What happened?


He was gonna fire me.

I didn't know
what else to do.

I let him.

Oh, althea,
I'm so scared.

We're supposed
to work late again
tomorrow night

On an account.

Rose, you have got
to stand up to him.

He won't do it again.

I'll make sure of that.

The eyes were
a little closer.

Yeah! Yeah, like that.

And I think the face
was a little heavier.

Lookee here.
I think
we got somethin'.

I brought
the paperwork for
the rockdale account.

Let's not talk
about business.

There's nothing else
to talk about.

Well, then,
why talk at all?

What happened before...

It was wrong and crazy
and terrible,

And it is not gonna
happen again.

Now, rose...

Don't be that way.

I loved it.

You did, too.

Let's just go on
enjoying it.

N-now, rose,
w-what are you doin'?

Why won't you just
let me do my job?

Surely you don't think
this is the way
to keep your job.

I don't know.

I'm--i'm gonna
make sure you don't
come near me again.

Now, rose...





Where is he?

Where's the g*n?

In there.

Why'd you bring
a g*n?

I couldn't let him
touch me.

He's tried this
before, hasn't he?

Hasn't he?

Yes, but nothing

I didn't let him.
I didn't let him.

It's o.k., Rose.

I know. Shh...

He was coming at me.
He wanted to...

I don't want to
hear about it.

Did anyone see you
go in there?

I don't know.
I don't know.

Rose, did anyone
see you go in there?


Tom, what about
the police?

I'll figure
something out.

I'll just...i'll tell them
that he was trying to...

Rose, we can't take
a chance on them

Believing your story.

Now, come on.

Come on, now.

Go on home.


Come on.

Go on home. I'll
take care of this.


I love you.

Go on.

[Telephone rings]





Oh, no.

All right.

O.k., O.k.

Kensidyne was robbed
last night.
Stan hughes was k*lled.

Oh, lord.


What's the matter
with her?

She saw that horrified look
come over our faces.

Don't you worry, precious.

It'll be a long time

Before you have to live
in that old mean world.

Your daddy, he going to try
to make it better for you.

That's right.

Don't cry. He going
bye-bye, that's all.



Is something wrong?

Oh, stan was, uh,
rose's boss.

He was k*lled
by burglars?

So it seems. Why?

I was just wondering
how she would take
this, that's all.

Was she, um...

Close to him?

Not at all.
It's just...

All right, ma'am.
Uh, thank you very much.

Looks like a .38.
At close range, too.

Why'd they k*ll him
and not the cleaning lady?

Maybe he
fought back.

Not with a g*n.
Secretary said
he didn't own one.

Anything missing
besides computers?


And you know, I'm more
than a little surprised

That they left
this wallet behind.

How much money's
in there?

Well, a little
over $200.

That's funny.

Rose, you got to
cut this out.

The kids
will be home soon.

I can't help it.

Rose, you got to
get ahold of yourself.

The police will be
looking for burglars.

I should
tell the truth.

I should call virgil.
And have them
put you away? No.

If it comes to that,
I'll tell them I did it.

No, tom.
I couldn't let you
do that.

I have a better chance
of getting off.

They'd say you were
asking for it,

But I'd be a jealous
husband defending
his wife's honor.

That's the way
the system works.

No. You can't be
sure of that.

You don't know what
they would do.

Please, I just... Rose. Rose.

You've got to think
of the kids.

If they sent me away,

It'd only be
for a few years.

They'd be with you.
They got to have you.

No. Come on.

It's not going to
come to that.

They'll blame it
on the burglars,

Who are probably
long gone by now.


Yep. If that ain't him,
it's his twin brother.

Why don't you tell
captain skinner
about the blue van?

Thought I'd pay him a visit,
being new neighbors and all.


Yeah. That's their place
down yonder.

A blue van pulled around
from the back,

Come towards me.
Seemed friendly.

Did you say
there were two men?

I didn't, but that's right.

Well, thank you, sir.

Come on, gary.
Let's load this
stuff up

And head over
to jackson.

What are you
so nervous about?

Waiting here.
I don't feel safe.

Quit hearing things.

He was
hearing things.

Put the g*n down
on the table--now.

Do what he says.

Now, both of you
move over there.

It's a .38.

Well, lookee here.

You know,
I'm a big believer

In this entrepreneur

But I think you boys

Are taking it
a little too far, huh?

Covey, go ahead.

You both under arrest
for as*ault, robbery,
and m*rder.

m*rder? What the hell
you mean, m*rder?

We never m*rder*d

Go ahead, boys.
Take them on out.

You have the right
to remain silent...

Bill, why should we
believe them?

The computers found
match the other two jobs.

We have a positive i.d.
From a witness.

Are you the one
who hit that girl?

No. Jack done that.

She's all right,
ain't she?

June's fine.
Stan hughes isn't.

Is that the man
at that kensidyne

You keep talking

That's who it is, son.

What happened, huh?

Friend got carried away?
Didn't k*ll a woman,
so he's going to--

We didn't want to
k*ll nobody,
and we didn't.

The drayton hit
was our last job.

I'm not saying
nothing else without
a lawyer.

Want me to take him
back, chief?

Yes, peake. Please,
take him back.

Let's go.

Just doesn't figure.

Why would they pull
another job

After what happened
with june?

And, you know,
I believe that
black guy.

There hasn't been
any signs of any

From kensidyne,
just from the other
two jobs.

My guess is that
the b*llet we got
out of hughes

Will not match
this g*n.

Then somebody went to
a whole lot of trouble

To make this thing
look like a robbery.

Is that what you're saying?

Mm-hmm. Means
we're starting over.

But, uh, not until
the morning, huh?

[Keys rattling]

Oh, hi. Hi.

I saved some dinner
for you.

No, I'm not hungry, babe.

I'm going to go
straight up
and go to bed.

Any more news
on the hughes thing?

We caught
the burglars.

Looks like they
didn't k*ll hughes.

Somebody set it up
to make it look like
they did.

Did you talk
to rose?

Not yet.

Thought you would
have given her
a call.


There's something
I haven't told you.

About rose?

Rose told me
that, um...

Stan hughes had been
harassing her.

Harassing her.

You mean
in a sexual way?

When did she
tell you that?

I can't believe

She could have
k*lled him.

Honey, when did she
tell you?

Well, it was certainly
before the man was k*lled.

Why didn't you
tell me about it then?

Rose told me
in confidence,

And you said
burglars were

I thought they were.

Virgil, we're talking
about m*rder,

And I just don't
believe it.

I just don't believe
she did it.

Well, rose has
a motive.

Rose? You think
one woman

Hauled all those
computers away
by herself?


But I can picture
her husband tom
doing it.

Can you picture
the two of them
doing it together?

I don't know,

But I told him
about those burglaries

That night at dinner.

Think maybe you
gave him an idea?

See, I just wish
I knew

Whether althea
was telling me everything,

But i...
I can't ask her.

I got good news...i think.

I might have an eyewitness
who was there

The night
hughes was m*rder*d.

Might? What did he see?

Well, I'll let him
tell you.

Could be just a little
reliability problem, though.

Where is he?


[Rings doorbell]

Oh, hi, dee.
How are you?

Hi, rose.

Captain skinner here
wants to talk to you
and tom.

Tom's out back.

Won't y'all come in?


Mr. Murphy.

I know y'all
didn't come way out here

To tell me I didn't
get that job.

No, it isn't
about the job.

Where were you
night before last
about 9 p.m.?

Probably right here. Why?

We have a witness
who saw a man

Go inside kensidyne

The night
stan hughes
was k*lled.

The description
of the man sounds
like you.

But I thought
burglars k*lled

The b*llet didn't come
from the burglars' g*n.

May we see your g*n?

According to
the registration,
it's a .38.

I k*lled him--because
of what he'd been doing
to my wife.

I expect you can
understand that.
I was out of control.

Mr. Murphy,
don't say no more.

I need both of y'all
to come down.

Can't you leave
rose out?

No. She seems to be
a pretty big part.


And now, I know this is
a delicate matter,
mrs. Murphy,

But tell us, what did
stan hughes do to you?

I don't see why
she has to go into detail.

She doesn't have to
say anything,

Not a word,
if that's what
she chooses.

We'd like
to be helpful.

We'd like to be
on your side
if we can.

How did it all
get started?

At first, I thought
he was flirting
with me--

You know,
the way men do
around the office.

Then it turned into
something else, huh?

He...he started
bothering me.

Rose, in what way?

You know...
Putting his hands
on me.

Uh, sort of touching
your person, uh...



Did he r*pe you?


He made me do it
against my will.

But you let him?

I let him...
Against my will.

He was going to
fire me, tom.

I didn't know
what to do.


You didn't know
anything about this.

It doesn't matter.
I k*lled him.

He was harassing her,
tormenting her.

I k*lled him.


Take mr. Murphy
downstairs, please.

Tom, I did it
for you,

For you
and the girls.



Oh, come here.

Don't you look special?

Hey, what's that?
What's that, huh?


Morning. Morning.

We arrested
tom murphy
for m*rder.

He confessed,

But I think he's
trying to protect
your friend rose.

I can't believe
rose k*lled stan hughes.

I don't want you
to tell me anything

You heard
in confidence,

But I was just

If the story
she told us

Was the same one
she told you.

Rose was worried
about working late
that night.

She said that
she was going to
make sure

Nothing like that
ever happened again.

I thought she meant
she was going to thr*aten
to file charges.

That's not
what she meant, is it?

I reckon not.

Do you think a jury
would ever believe
her story?

Well, the trick
with the jury

Is to make a good

She would
have to make
a good impression.

I had to tell
the truth, tom.

You have
a funny idea

About when to start
telling the truth.

Dee, take her statement,

Yes, sir.

How am I supposed
to feel, virgil?

How would you feel
if althea was rose?

Tom, she was only doing
what she thought she had to.


Could I have
a few words
with her?

As long as they're
the right ones.

Thanks, virgil.

They will be.

Parker, will you see
to that?

I certainly can, detective.

Come with me, mr. Murphy.

What happened
to rose?

What had to happen.
She's being indicted
for m*rder.

Oh, no. Honey, what
about self-defense?

I can't believe
she meant to use
that g*n.

I can't believe
she's being

The d.a. Looks at it
this way--

She shouldn't have
brought the g*n
to confront the man.

No, listen.

The best way
to defend herself

Was to walk away
from it,

To quit her job.

What kind of choice
is that?

It's a terrible choice,
but the law only sees
things one way.

Is that right?

It's the law.