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06x08 - Last Rights

Posted: 05/18/23 08:18
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Virgil, althea.

Dr. Lambert,

How's my aunt?

She's not improving,

What did
the surgeon say?

He thinks this tumor
is inoperable.

Does she realize?

She knows.


It's not the treatment
of choice.

Isn't there anything
new you can try?

Honestly? No.

She's got two more
radiation sessions,
and then we just...

Just try to
keep her out of pain.

She'll be
glad to see you.

Aunt ruda, hi.


You don't need to be spending
your money on flowers.

Spend it on
your children.

Well, they
bought you these,

But they don't know it.


Aunt etta will be
visiting tomorrow.

You tell etta not
to even think about
selling our house.

Even if she going
to keep on living
there with y'all,

She must not sell
papa's house that
he left to us--

Not for a long time.

I know.
I'll take care of it.

Virgil, you do
what I tell you,

You hear?

A w-woman

From the hospital
billing office

questioning me...

about property.

I told her
I didn't have none.

I don't
want no money
spent on me in here

And no money on
my funeral neither.

Oh, ruda-- listen...

I still have tyrell

To think about.

That house

Should be
saved for him.

I know, and I'm going
to work on that.

I want to
see my boy.

Can you get him
out of prison,

Just to come
and see his mama?

I'll do what I can.

I pray to the lord

I get a chance
to see my boy

One more time
before I die.


You got to stop
talking like that.

Ain't no use
pretending, honey.

I know what I got,

And I know it's
going to take me
pretty quick now.

But don't say it.

Why not, child?

Because it
makes me so sad.

Hi, althea,

Detective tibbs. Dr. Day.

May I have
a moment with you?

It's about that matter I
discussed with you earlier.

I won't keep him
too long.

No, it's okay.
I'll meet you outside.

This way.

So what's the latest?

I got somebody
I want you to meet.

The pharmacist?

Yeah. He just
happens to be here.

I know it's
a bad time for you.

That's o.k.

I just
finished inventory on
the hospital pharmacy.

Large quantities
of dr*gs are missing--


Do you have a list?

What worries me most
are the morphine
sulfate tablets.

More than 300
60 milligram tablets
are missing.


Who has access
to the pharmacy?

This man and about
four other key people
have full access.

Anyone else on the staff

Could have gotten in
at some point.

O.k., Let's meet him.

Gus, do you know
detective tibbs?

Haven't met. Hi.

Hi. I suppose you know
about dr. Day's inventory.

Sure do.
I don't know
the results yet.

I've circled the shortage
right here.

Have all your locks
changed immediately.

I most
certainly will.

Good. I'll have
an officer

Look at your
security system,

See if you need
anything extra.

I'd appreciate that.

I hope those pills don't
turn up on the street.

But they will, dr. Day.

Where else?

May I see your license
and registration?

Yes, sir.

You step on out
of the car, please?

How many drinks
have you had,
mr. Thompson?

I had one, maybe two.
No more.

Clyde thompson,
you swore you'd
stay out of trouble.

Luann, I ain't drunk.

Bend your head down,
look straight at the ground,

And raise
your right knee.

I'm going to test
your alcohol level.

Suppose I say no?

You'll be sorry.

I'm going to be sorry
whatever I do.

Now, take
a deep breath in,

Place your lips tightly
around the tube,

And breathe out
from the bottom
of your lungs.

Blood alcohol is .18.

You're under arrest,
mr. Thompson,
for drunk driving.

Please turn around
and put your hands
on the hood.

Where'd you
get the pills?

I didn't
know the dude.

Why not? Isn't he
from around here?

I don't know
where he's from.

Clyde's problem is,

He knows this connection
is a white man,

But he doesn't
want to tell us who

Because he's afraid
he has connections here--

Here in this building,
our building.

Clyde thinks that this
is a white police force,

In a white town,

In a white state.

So we won't go after
the white man, huh?

You think we're going
to protect the white man
every time?


I can't deal with
your mistaken notions,
young man.

Tell you
what we can do.

We'll try to get
the d.a. To drop
the possession charge,

But you got to tell us
where you
got the pills from.

Like I said,
I didn't know the dude.

Well, go on
back downstairs

And rest a while

And think it over.

By the way,

Do we have any
white prisoners
downstairs today?

Yes, sir. Mostly
white men today.

He's in a cell
with one.

Does that make clyde
right or wrong,
would you say?

Oh, I'm, uh...

I'm trying to
work that out, chief.

What are you
feeding him?

Clyde got here at
a great moment, chief.

Lula williams made
her awarding-winning,
four-fish gumbo

For dinner.

Let's go, clyde.

Chief, I just got back
from the hospital.

300 Morphine pills
are missing.

I think it's
the pharmacist.

the second guy we
nailed with those pills.

But the thing is,

Morphine sulfate is
not usually a street drug.

It's prescribed for
patients that are terminal.

This will stop pain,
help you sleep.

Thanks, doreen.

It won't be long.

Wish I could just...

Fall asleep
and never wake up.

Trust me, ruda.

I'll do what's right.

You promised.


Are you sure?

I'm not afraid.

I'm ready.

You have to do this
all by yourself.

Can you?

I can.

God bless you,
dr. Lambert.

God bless you, too.

Bill, I just
did a postmortem

On a woman
named cora lucas.


She didn't die
from her cancer.

She d*ed of
an overdose of morphine.

How does morphine k*ll?

It causes a respiratory

The body shuts down
a little at a time,

Until the lungs stop.

Actually, it's a very
gentle way to go.

Was this overdose
an accident?

I doubt it.

She took pills
in addition
to her i.v. Drip.

I take it you don't think
this was an isolated case?

Bill, a patient
named betty dobbs

d*ed a few weeks back.

She was also
suffering from cancer.

But she seemed to die
awful quick,

Even for somebody
in her condition.

Betty dobbs
was the fourth

In a quick succession,

And now cora lucas.

How you doing,


Got my good days
and my bad.

I miss betty
a lot.

She was
a good friend.

She was the best wife
a man could ever hope for.

Leonard, this is
captain skinner.

Mr. Dobbs, uh,

Don't get overly
alarmed about what
I'm going to tell you,

But we do have
reason to suspect

That your wife's death
may not have been
entirely natural.

What was unnatural
about it?

Maybe it was...

Kind of
helped along.

What are you
talking about?

She may have d*ed
of a morphine overdose.

Well, it was god's mercy
if she did.

We got to be sure
it was god's mercy,
nobody else's.

Which is why we're
going to have to...

Uh, exhume her body
and have an autopsy.

No way.

I won't allow that.

Sir, we came here to

Inform you, uh,

Not ask your permission.

We got--
we got a court order.

Please, can't you just
let her rest in peace?

Well, say
something, dee.

We can't.

We just can't.

Visiting hours
will be over at 2 p.m.

Visiting hours
will be over at 2 p.m.

What's happening?

Virgil. Hi.

This is about
my mama, isn't it?

She's not getting
any better.

It's not fair.

Why is god punishing
her like this, virgil?

I really don't know
how to answer that.

It's because of me.
I know it is.


You can't blame yourself

For your mother's illness.

How long has she got?

Doctors can't
say for sure,

But you should see her
as soon as possible.

I just put in for
an official request.

Ever since I done them
robberies with wade,

turned out bad.

Ain't nothing
good gonna happen
for me no more.


Did you know
the lady well?

Well as a nurse gets
to know a patient.

Did you like her?

Yes. Miss lucas
never gave me
any problems.

Felt sorry for her.
She'd lost
her will to live,

Even asked if
I'd help her die.

She did?

What'd you tell her?

I said no, that
would be immoral.

Who was
the lady's doctor?

Dr. Lambert.

I want to ask you
about a patient

By the name
of betty dobbs.

By any chance,
was she a case
of yours?


Who was her doctor?


Did you actually
find our medications
on the street?

We found
the same types.

We need to know who,
besides gus,

Had access
to the pharmacy.

A list would help.

All right.

They're working on
the alarm system.

We'll need a new,
shorter access list.

Sorry to be late.
I was in the west wing.

Cora lucas d*ed
during the night.

Isn't she next
to my aunt ruda? Yes.

She was suffering
without any hope.

Death was imminent.

I'll be at
the office.

Uh, doctor, isn't
imminence of death

A conclusion that varies
from physician to physician?

Well, I suppose.

a certain point,

There should be
no doubt and
no difference.

An extra couple
of weeks or days

Would only prolong
a patient's death,
not his life.

You think a patient has
the right to k*ll himself?

That's a dilemma
doctors have been
grappling with forever.

I believe
everyone has the right
to decide his own fate.

First argument
you're going to get
is from the government,

Which always believes

That it has the right to
decide everybody's fate.

Well, uh, you
know what I mean.

I'm sure y'all have more
important things to do

Than stand around

Philosophizing about
the human condition.

Well, nothing's
more important
than philosophizing,

But there are
some matters that
need my attention.

You wanted to
ask me something?

Yes. Have you
any idea at all

What might have happened
to the missing dr*gs?


Can you help us
in any way?

Afraid I can't.

Well, excuse me.


Well, gerard.

I may have
some good news
this week

On the sanctuary

Good news for you
and mccomb?

For you
and for gillespie.

Mccomb and I
have had a change
of heart. So have i.

Nobody wants
another trial

And another hung jury,

So it may be over soon.

That is good news.
You get my memo?

The autopsy report
on betty dobbs came in.

She d*ed
from a morphine overdose,

Just like cora lucas.

Let's move carefully
on that.

If we get
more evidence,

I'll charge lambert
with m*rder.

Of course
even if he's guilty,

There's no malice

No intent to harm.

Wouldn't aiding su1c1de
be a more appropriate

Just what I need--

A detective studying
to be a lawyer.

answer my question.

I have the discretion
to charge lambert

As I see fit.

doesn't necessarily
have to mean ill will.

It could merely
be the intent
to violate the law.

Yes, but his intent
seems to be

Alleviating suffering.

The law can't let
sanctity of life

Be replaced
by quality of life.

you're making
value judgments.

Do you terminate
defective newborns?

How about
the handicapped?

All right. All right.
Point well taken.

Is that what
we're talking about

In dr. Lambert's case?

You tell me.

If he's taking
human life,

He shouldn't be
practicing medicine.

The man belongs
in the penitentiary.

Uh, virgil.

This fax just
come in for you.

Red tapes just keep
getting worse.

Bad news,

The warden
won't release my cousin
for a visit.

Something about
a review board.

How long's
that going to take?

Maybe a week.

Is tyrell
going to
get here

In time
to see his mama?

how are we going
to know that?

There's a legislator
in jackson

That owes me a favor.

I've been waiting
for the right favor
to ask.

could you get a hold

Of representative
culbert mcalister?

Yes, sir.
Right on it.

Your aunt ruda
was sharing a room
with poor cora lucas,

And I was
just wondering

If maybe she
observed something.

I don't know...

And I hate to ask.

Oh, I know.

But you're probably
the only one
who could ask

Without alarming her.


You know...

I fell this morning.

I can't walk no more
by myself.

I need a nurse
to help me now.

Well, I spoke
with a specialist
in new orleans,

Best in his field,

And he's willing
to treat you.

Instead of
dr. Lambert?, not instead of...

In cooperation with.

Well, forget it.

Dr. Lambert's
kind and caring.

He's doing
all he can.

Did you know
cora lucas?

Woman that d*ed
right over there?


Sure, I knew her.

I didn't talk
with her much,

Did she like
dr. Lambert, too?

Now, how would I know?

Did dr. Lambert
say anything to cora
the night she d*ed?

I got my own troubles.

I don't need
to be listening

To the troubles
of others.

Tyrell called.

Said you was
up to see in parchman.


He looked well.

When am I
going to see my boy?

It'll be very soon.

Something's wrong,
ain't it?

Nothing to worry about.

I knew
I wasn't going to
get to see him.

Aunt ruda,
the chief is trying

To cut through
the red tape.

Oh, excuse me.

Didn't know
you had company.

No, just a moment.

Can I speak
with you?


Dr. Gold,
dial 24, please.

Dr. Gold,
dial 24, please.

Doctor, do you mind
if I bring in
a specialist?

No. By all means.

I'd welcome
another opinion.

Just don't raise
anyone's expectations--

Hers or your own.

I've got to try
something different.

I understand.

Meanwhile, I'll do
whatever it takes

To make her comfortable.

Hello, sean.

Hello, pearl.
How are you feeling, hon?

I need more pills.

I just refilled
your prescription.

They're gone.

What do you mean
they're gone?


Now, you tell me
the truth.

Are you trying
to save up those pills

So you can take them
all at once?


I don't want to die.

I still want to live.

Then what happened
to them?

Did he get ahold
of those pills?

Someone's been selling
pills like that.

Jed's seen money
being passed.

He just wants
some of that money.

Jed, do you know
where we can
get money for these?

It's so sad.

Honey, can't dr. Lambert
do something

For her depression?

He said he'd talk to her.

Is something else
going on?


The only thing
going on is...

She's dying.

If everybody who wanted
to send you flowers
sent them,

We'd have to move you
to a bigger room,
miss ruda.

So to be special,

All 12 of us,
we sent you one rose...

And our names
are on the card here.

Y'all are so kind.

The chief said
that he's going to come
visit you tomorrow.

And my mama's coming by
with miss sheels,

Who used to be
your neighbor on mccabe.

That's so long ago.

My landlady,
is making divinity today,

And I'm going to
bring you some by

Divinity is o.k.,
Isn't it, doctor?

Sure, sure.

Well, we got to run,
miss ruda,

But we'll see you soon.

I'll come by

You're a good man,
parker williams.


Well, ruda--


How you doing?

I'm so humiliated.


Needing that nurse

To help me go
to the bathroom...

Was the most
awful thing.

Nurses don't mind.

I mind.

I lost any dignity
I had left.

I'm so tired...

Of all this.

Ruda, what about
tyrell's visit?

He ain't coming.

It was just a lie.

Can you help me...

The way you helped


Ruda, i, uh...

I'm not sure I can get
the right dr*gs anymore.

I'm depending on you,

I know you are,
dear lady.

I know.

What are you
doing here, doctor?

Seeing a patient
and looking for you.

Here I am.

Why are you
buying dr*gs

That belong
to my patients?

I ain't doing that.

If you're talking about
that kid

Who don't talk,

He came to me
one day with pills.

I don't know
where he got them pills.

Why did he
come to you?

He must have seen you
selling pills.

Well, I don't know.

Maybe he did...

But I didn't
encourage him.

See, I don't need
his pills.

I get all I want
right from
your hospital, doc,

Just like you do.

I want
those pills back.

I'm willing
to buy them.

Well, them particular pills
is long gone, doc.

All right,
I want the same kind.


What do you mean?

To put them
on my corn flakes.

How many you want,

Whole prescription?

No. No, I need
a lot more than that.

That's going to cost you.

No kidding.


If this is some kind
of frame,

Some kind of setup,

I'll make you suffer.

What you want now?

Luann, you think
they're going to
send me

Back to prison?


Maybe parchman
this time.

I think
I'm going to go insane.

I forgot how horrible
being locked up was.

You think that detective
was jiving

About dropping
the possession charge?


If he said he'd talk
to the d.a., He will.

Dude I got them pills from
will k*ll me
if he finds out.

You got something
to tell me or not?

You tell the detective,

The good black brother,

That I bought them pills

From a white man...

Purvis bell.

Hi, purvis.

Man, I hate the way
you say that--

"Hi, purvis--"

Like you was friendly.

I do my best.

What do you want?

Chief wants
to talk to you.

Someone been talking
to him about me?

That's the way
it always happens.

Ain't it a shame?


I knew
I was being set up.

I knew I shouldn't
trust no doctor.

Who was that
in the car?

The damn doctor.

Yes, sir, chief,

That car is registered
to dr. Lambert.


Why does a doctor
have to buy dr*gs

From a street

At the hospital, he'd
have to go through dr. Day.

Couldn't dr. Lambert
just give them
morphine injections?

Yes. But he seems to want
to do it this way.

He doesn't
want to sh**t anybody,

So he just hands them
a loaded g*n.

That's supposed
to be o.k.?

It's not o.k. By me.

He worried
his aunt ruda
might be next?


So am i.

Hello, mama.

Oh, my boy.

Didn't think
I'd ever

Get to look
into your eyes again.

Virgil got me out.

You keeping up with your
physical therapy?

Prison nurse tries, mama,

But them exercises
hurt me too much.

You got to force

No use.

I ain't never
going to walk no more.

Don't you ever
say that...


They're always
coming up

With new kinds
of operations...

But you got to
keep yourself strong

In the meanwhile.

I love you, mama.

You always did good.

I don't want you
to ever give up.

Promise me.

I promise you, mama.

But you got to promise me
the same thing.

Now, we're going to
see each other again,


You got my word.

Something wrong?

Dr. Lambert,
you're under arrest

For the illegal purchase
of morphine tablets.

What are you
talking about?

We're talking
about morphine tablets

You bought
from purvis bell,

Who originally
bought them from him,
the pharmacist.

Purvis bell
took those pills
from a Ret*rded boy,

Who swiped them
from his mother.

That was
my prescription.

Save long stories
for other listeners.

The d.a. Believes
you were using those
pills to k*ll people.

I've done nothing wrong.

My only intention--

Doc, please.

I advise you
not to say
another word

Till you consult
an attorney.

Dr. Day, do you believe
I did anything wrong...



What about you, chief?

I think you did
something wrong.


I think
they mean for you
to go with me.

Don't I know you,

Yes, sir.
Luke everett.

You pulled
my daddy through.


So did you and tyrell
have a good visit?

Oh, yes.

For a little while,

Everything in the world
seemed right again.

Me and tyrell
made a vow.


We're going to see
each other again.

Sure you will, ruda.

Sure you will.

You know...i was ready
to do away with myself.


Oh, there are...

Things you can take--

Cora took them.

Did dr. Lambert
give them to her?

I never saw that.



Did you tell her
the news?

Not yet,
not yet.

Virgil found you
a specialist.

He wants to start
some new treatments
right away.

You're gonna let it?

We need your o.k.

Well, what's
he going to do?

He didn't tell me,

And if he did,
I still wouldn't know.

He's got
a very long,
complicated name.

He has a lot
of success with this.

How am I going to pay
somebody like that?

We're going to pay--
your family.

Uh, ruda...

Since I live
with these young people--

Don't you sell
our house.

I already told you
I don't want
that house sold.

It ain't gonna be sold.

It sure ain't
gonna just sit
up there.

It's going to be rented.

You're going to let
strangers live
in our house?

That's exactly
what I'll do.

There's only one way
to keep them out.

Take that way, etta.
Take that way!

You got to take that way.


Get yourself better

And move yourself
into that house.

I will.