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06x15 - A Deadly Affection

Posted: 05/18/23 08:27
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles

♪ Wall-to-wall

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat

♪ Of the night ♪

[Man groaning]

Hey! Hey!

Sonny! Sonny!

You hit him too hard.

He doesn't look good,
does he?

You was just going
to scare him.

You should've
stayed away from her!


Yeah. What's up?

You better come.

Oh, man.

check him anyway.

Thanks a lot.

Yeah, parker, it's jamison.
We got a code 9.

He's gone.

go ahead, lonnie.

We got a homicide
at 209 purvis.

It's in the county.

Call sheriff mccomb.

I got it, lonnie.

I'm calling mccomb
right now.

This is
county territory?

Just by a hair.
All we got to do now
is wait.

You mind
if we wait outside?

Sure don't.

Where's that kid?

He took off.

Oh, sorry.

It's all right.
It's my fault.

The sheriff's going
to be real pleased.

you look at it.

Oh, boy. This thing
is something else.

Looks almost too good
to work.

Don't point that
at me, man.

This is a laser speed g*n.

This thing's
completely harmless.

They said that
about radar g*ns.

Look at all the cops
with cancer.

That's why I went with
this buck rogers model.

They say it's safe.

You better
write some tickets
to pay for it.

Where should I find
my first victims?

Set up a speed trap
at jackson road.

There's been a lot
of ridiculous accidents.

I love jackson road.

I got a favorite spot

I call it
parker's perch.

Parker's perch.

That sets up
a terrible picture,

A picture of buzzards
waiting to pounce.

Oh, you two,
can I see you in here?

Lonnie...the record
for tickets issued
in one day

Was set by you.

I'd like to beat
that record.

It's good
to have goals, parker.

I'm going
to beat it.

I just had a phone call
from sheriff mccomb,

Raising cain
about that witness
y'all lost last night.

I'm sorry.
I turned my head
for a moment, and he was gone.

The kid was very cooperative.
We didn't think he'd take off.

I want
to get along with that
sheriff's department.

We've had our problems
with them,

But I want you to help me
put things right.

You got to go
and find that witness.

Yes, sir.yes, sir.

The chief thinks
things can be better
with the sheriff.

It's hard to say.
Neither one shows much.

It's the way
those old-timers are.

Us losing his witness
has made things worse.

Yeah, I know.
I feel pretty bad about that.

So how are we going
to find this kid?

You want to canvass
the neighborhood?

You remember what he had
on his bicycle?

A bag, wasn't it?

Yeah. Full of fliers.

For putting
in mailboxes?

I don't know
what else.

So we find a flier,

Find out
who hired him,
and bingo.

No one's going to admit
hiring someone that young

Riding around at night.

What else
are we going to do?

Hope he's riding around
during the day.

You want to drive?

[Laughs] sure.


What the hell
do you think
you're doing?

This your vehicle,

Yeah. I'm here
on official business.

Like the sign says.

Do you work
for the city?

No. The city
works for me.
That means you.

Tag check, please.

Woman: [over phone]
go for the tag.



Sonny, she's
checking you out.

You got no reason
to do that.

Shut up, sir,
and get back.

you need some help?

I'm fine.

Woman: [over phone]
o.k., Dee, no wants,
no warrants.


You can go now.

Hold that still,
you hear?

I am.

Mom, it's not going
to work.

That hole
needs hot tar.


Now you're an expert
on roofing, too.

I watched daddy do it
once. He--

Your daddy's long gone.

I don't want
to hear about him.

Look at who's
watching the house.

I see 'em.

Let 'em watch.

Luann, did dee turn in
her tickets yet?

I'm processing them
right now.

Check on one she wrote
on a pickup truck.

Give me
the driver's name
if you can.

[Keyboard clacking]


"Edgar alman roper."
You know him?

No, but I think
I've seen him before.

Sonny roper?
I arrested him once.

What for?

Beating up on a woman.

She dropped the charges.


One of them kind
of guys, huh?



You here to see about
fixing this roof?

Got my rent money,


You see me
standing here
in a sweat?

It's no better

I gave you
three warnings.

I wasn't listening.

I heard him.
He warned you.

I heard mom wasn't paying
if you didn't fix things.

Wash your face
and comb your hair, missy.

Don't talk to her
like that.

I got a court order,

I was with him.

Here. Give that
to your mama.

You better
obey that order.

Get out,
or I'll throw you out.

He ain't kidding.

This ain't about
the hole in the roof
or no rent.

Why'd you ever
go out with him?

Let's just call it
a lapse of judgment,

Would he
leave us alone

If you went out
with him again?



"35 Miles per hour."

Uh, what's the matter
with that fella?

He's obeying the law.

Yeah, well,
where's his sense
of adventure?



"47 Miles per hour."
That's 12 over.

We got a live one.
Hit it, mr. Sweet.

[Siren wailing]

Parker: well, gentlemen,

You have been

By science
and technology.

Sheriff mccomb.

parker williams.

H-howdy, sir.

We're hurrying
to see your chief.

I'll tell him
you caught us.

I'm sorry, sir.
I had no idea.

No. That's o.k.

You going
to give me a ticket?

dream of it.

Bet you would.
You might dream of worse.

We'd best be getting
back to work.

That's right.

What the hell
was that about?

Nothing much.

He just
hates our guts.

You folks waited
a little late for appeal.

Miss delong!

Can I have a minute?

Woman: of course.

These folks
are being evicted.

What for?

The landlord would say
for not paying rent,

But he never
fixed the place.

Sonny roper.

You know him?

Oh, yes. We've had
other complaints.

Can you help us?

We can't afford to hunt
for a new place.

Moving costs a fortune.

Sonny roper's bad news.

You might
be better off moving.

We don't want to move.

We just want
our roof fixed.

We must have moved
100 times.

O.k. We'll try
rural legal services.

They've got a tiger.

You need a tiger
for sonny roper.

Come on.

I'm sorry to bother you.
Was that miss delong?


I'm late
for a meeting.
Where did she go?

To rural legal services.
Room 109.

Oh! She took those people
to see a lawyer?

Yes, that's it.

I'm much obliged to you.

say what?


Sheriff mccomb's
here for you.

Oh, well, then
bring him right in.


Thank you,
officer corbin.

Well, well, mac!

It's been
a long time.

How's jenny
and the kids?

Doing just fine,

Larry just started
law school.

isn't that fine?

Yeah. Look,
I'll give you
some privacy.

Don't want it, bubba.

I'd like you
to hear this, too.

How you been?

I've been fine,

how can we help you?

Well, about this m*rder
on purvis road.

Where y'all
lost a witness?

I'm awful sorry
about that, mac.

I want
to tell you--

I know, bill, I know.

We need some help
checking up on
a couple of people.

Oh, well,
just tell us--

That guy that was k*lled
was a ladies' man.

We think he had
a few things going
in sparta.

Oh. He'd be
in a crowd there,
right, bubba?

Got no idea.

Uh, bubba...

We're trying
to help the sheriff,
aren't we?

Yeah, well,
i--i guess we could

Check out
some girlfriends.

We could check out
the girlfriends.

Well, we found a few names
lying around his place.

Appreciate the help.

Anytime, mac.

By the way,

My deputies are serving
an eviction in sparta.

Really? Who are
y'all evicting?

The name's, uh,
alice tanner, I believe.

I got to be going.

Come back soon,

It's good
to see you.

See you soon.

Alice tanner.
Do you know
this woman?

Yeah, chief,
sort of.

She's on this list,

What do you want
to do about it?

Check every name
on this list, huh?


Unless you'd prefer
another assignment--

For instance,
you could go
supervise parker.

I'm on my way, chief.

Looks to me like
old sonny's
done it again.

We can
challenge that.

Sarah: harriet,
this is a done deal.

We can challenge it
in court,

But you got
to obey it first.

That means get out.

What if
we refuse to go?

He'll have the sheriff
make you go.

Kick us out?


No kicking, honey.

I say we go back
to the judge.

I'll see if I can
track him down.

Thanks, sarah.

We'd better
start looking
for a new home.

I'm going to need
a deposition from you

On all the problems
you've had with sonny.


I'll need some help.

I'll need a report
on the condition
of this residence.

Be happy to do it.

I got to run.


When did you meet sonny?

See up ahead?sure do.

Easy. I don't
feel like running today.

You? I know
who'd be running.

What's wrong with him?

He's just scared
to get involved.

Hi there.
Remember us?

Sure I do.
What's the deal?

You stand still,
I don't get mad.

Where'd you go?

Home for dinner.
What y'all need me for?

What's your name?

They call me kid.

Your name, kid.

Ricky wilson.

what did you see?

Not much, man.

Tell us not much, then.

Couple of guys
come out the house.
That's all.

Give me your bicycle
and hop in the car.

We'll call your folks
and take you home later.


I thought
I'd get pictures
of the water damage.

Even a judge
can relate to that.

I sure hope so.
Come on in.

Harriet: alice, try not to be
so down.

You still have
a chance.

I'm sorry.
Today's extra bad.

I just heard
this guy I know--
he was found dead.

got into his house
and k*lled him.

My god, that's awful.

We weren't real close.
Dated a couple of times.

Oh, I'm really sorry.

I'm not real lucky
about dating.

How do you mean?

Well, a while back,
I was dating sonny roper.

I know...
Not my best choice.

We all make mistakes.this was a big one.

After I dumped him,
he wouldn't leave me alone.

I even called
the cops once.

Is that why
he wants you
out of here?

Sure. Every time
he thinks of me
in this house,

It's like salt
in the wound.

Just keep in mind
you have rights

With regard to him
and this house.

Now let's
get some pictures.


So there's
nothing else, huh?

No, sir.
It was dark.

But you saw
two guys.

Two white guys.

You did
see a little.

Just a little, yes.

I just want to make sure

That you're not
holding anything back

Because you're scared.

I ain't scared
of no one or nothing.

Good, good!

Take this man over
and introduce him
to the sheriff

Because he'll
want to talk to him.

Ricky: we have to see
more cops?

Yeah. It's
your lucky day.

Ricky: oh, man!

I don't want
no sign there.

This sign
belongs here.

You and your
daughter don't.

You don't have
the right to do that.

Find out in court.

I'm still living here.

Tell it
to the sheriff.

I'll be back
with him.

Have fun with it.

It'll be right back
there tomorrow.

Thanks for all your help,

I better get these
to sarah halisey.

This one fella
was really begging me.

He said something about
insurance problems.

You ticketed him

Of course
he did.

He wouldn't
show mercy.

Not while he's trying
to beat jamison's record.

As the famous statesman
lord halifax once said,

"Justice must tame
whom mercy cannot win."

What is he
talking about?

He's talking about
being mean.

Now, parker,
from what I hear,

This whole community's
fixing to burn you
in effigy.

What's he mean by that?

Maybe he was
trying to say
lighten up.

Lighten up?
With a new record in sight?

I've only
just begun.

Sonny roper
vandalized my car.

Did you see him
vandalize it?

I know he did it.

He was also

If somebody
wants to sign a complaint,
I'll investigate.

Of course I will,
so will alice.

Why are you
playing this so cool?

Stay away
from sonny roper.
Don't get involved.

I'm already involved.

Don't tell me
what to do.

Sheriff mccomb thinks
that he is

Tied into that
purvis road m*rder.

Arrest the guy, bill.

It is
the sheriff's case.

While you're
playing politics
with the sheriff,

Sonny roper's
harassing a mother
and child

And destroying
people's property.

I--i'm afraid so.

[Engine starting]

Hey, chief,
miss delong o.k.?

did something
to her car there.


Uh...i forgot to ask.

sheriff mccomb thinks
sonny roper's our man.

The kid
just can't identify sonny.

I'd love to nail him.
My hands are tied.



You ain't from
the sheriff's

Don't I know you?

Uh, yes, ma'am.
Captain skinner,

police department.

I met you
at the shriner's

Well, come on in,
captain skinner.

I should say
I expect to be evicted
any moment.

Well, I'm sorry
to hear about that.

I thought miss delong
was going to help you.

She is, but it
may be too late.

Can you help us?

Honey, I can't interfere
with the deputies,
I'm afraid.

I need to ask you
some questions, ma'am.

It might be better
in private.

I don't have
any secrets
from heather.

I understand
you were acquainted

With the fella
who just got m*rder*d.

Brian mosechamp,

You dated that guy?

a couple of times.

Why didn't I
ever see him?

I don't know, honey.
I thought you had.

I heard he was a creep.

So you think
sonny k*lled him.

Well, uh, do you?

Could be.
He always said he'd
k*ll someone over me.

Mama, you never
told me that.

I didn't want to
scare you.

What scares me
is when you don't
tell me things.

[Banging on door]

I'll get it.

No, hon, let me.

Excuse me.

Who the hell
are you?

Officer: take it easy,

We're serving
an order of
ejectment here.

Then that's
what you got to do.

I want him
off my property.

I don't care
who he is.

He's a jerk,

But what are we
going to do?

I got it.wonderful!
Let's get it to her.

I told you
to get your stuff out.

Now I'll
have to do it for you.


[Exhales deeply]
can't you stop them?

You got no right
to break her stuff.


You got no right
to even be here.

Yeah, well,
you break anything else,

And I'll break you.

Now, do you know
at what speed
you were traveling at?

Not now, parker.

Miss delong,
I had no idea
it was you.

If you'll excuse us,
we're in a hurry.

Hold on.
Don't drive off now.


Parker: with due respect,
miss delong,

Just because
you're on
the city council--




Does a runaway count?

the chief heard
that tag check.

Says I should take
that speed g*n away.

I can't believe that.

He said,
"take the speed g*n
away from parker."

Is that all he said?

his exact words were,

"Take that speed g*n

"Before he stops
an ambulance."

Come on.

You can
put those things
right back.

This is a stay
on the order.
It's suspended.

It's suspended.

You put my stuff back.

They'll just
break more, mom.

Let's put your stuff back.

[Car engine starting]

Tuna on whole wheat
and a cup of coffee.

How about you?

I'll have
my regular fruit bowl
and a diet soda.

You got so many
delicious things.

It's hard
to decide.

Save yourself
the trouble.

Excuse me.remember me?

39 In a 35 zone.

Kind of.
You look familiar.

You got my boyfriend
an hour later.

I don't recall.
There were so many.

I'd rather get fired
than to serve you.

As far as I'm concerned,
you can starve.

I see
you're doing your bit

For community relations,

This ain't fair.

Whoever told you
things were fair, parker?

I was just
doing my job.

Dee: [over police radio]
luann, the chief needs you and
lieutenant jamison.

10-4, Dee.
We'll be there.

Well, a sit-down lunch
was a nice idea.

Will you
cover our tab?

Sure thing.

where are they going?


Oh, they'll be
right back.

You can just
leave the food
right here.

I'll keep these
until they come back.

Well, I appreciate
the courtesy, mack.


He wants us
to pick him up now.

Can he charge him
with something?pick who up?

Sonny roper
and eddie burnham.
So go and do it.

Why can't
his deputies
handle that?

They will,

But the bust
will be in sparta,

So I want
some of our people

Y'all want to ride
with me?

If I don't have to
ride in back.
I get sick.


Harriet: hi.

What's happening?bill: [over phone]
about sonny roper...

You're right.
I'm staying away.

I don't want you
to worry about it

Because we're
picking him up.

Alice tanner thought
he was going to k*ll her.

I think I'll call her.

Go ahead
and call her.

I'll talk to you


Electronic voice: the number
you have reached
is not in service.

If you feel
you have reached
this recording--

do I have any must-dos
in the next hour or two?

Let's see., miss delong.
You're all clear.

I'm going to go
check on alice tanner.

Her phone
is out of order.

Sheila: o.k., Miss delong.

[People chattering

[Siren wailing]

What's going on here?
Where's sonny roper?

Sheriff's offering
a week's vacation
for that answer.

What about
his friend eddie?

He ain't doing too well.


When thieves fall out...

Roper do this?

When he said
he wanted time off
and more money.

[Stuttering] I told him...
Give me money right now.

God, he must have beat him
with a shovel.

Wan-wanted to buy a car.


Money will do it
the quickest, then women.

Then booze.

Hello, harriet.

I tried to phone.
Nothing happened.

We weren't
expecting guests,
were we, alice?

What do you want?

The pleasure
of your company.
Get in here,

Or I'll k*ll you both.


Man: chief, bubba's
on line four.

Yeah, bubba,
go ahead.

Roper half k*lled
his buddy and took off.

What is
the sheriff doing?

Scratching his head.

Well, listen,
just stand by out there.

Help him
all you can.

Make suggestions
and all that.

Uh, yes, sir.
I'll do my best.




Woman: [over phone]
miss delong's office.

Is she in?
This is chief gillespie.

Hi, chief.
She went out.

Have you any idea
where she went?

Alice tanner's.
Her phone is out of order.

Want me to take a message?


Alice tanner's.
It's at aderle and wilmont.

All right, thank you.

Alice tanner's
at aderle and wilmont.

I'm going
over there.something wrong?

Don't know.just tell jamison
and bubba meet me there.

Yes, sir.
Right on it.

Bubba, lonnie.

Hey, chief.

Miss delong's car
is out front,

And sonny's pickup
is over there.

Where are the boys?

Jamison and bubba
are around back.
But they ain't going in.

The guy's a maniac.

If I can bring the guy
up front,

Tell the boys
to go in the back.yes, sir.

[Vehicle approaching]

Miss delong's
in there?

Afraid so.

How you going to
play this?

Two men are in back.
I'll flush him out front.

I'll sh**t him
wherever I can hit him.

We'll cover
the side.

Sonny roper,
you let those women go,

And then you
come on out of there!

[Glass shattering][g*n shot]

He hit the chief
out front.
Go in!


you all right?

Yeah. Yeah,
I reckon I am.

You hurt bad?

He hit me with
that carom shot there.

You hurt? My god,
you were hit.

It isn't bad.
The b*llet went in
and went out again.

We got to get you
to the hospital.

Come on, bill.
I'll help you
to the car.

There's no rush.
It's no big deal,
as they say.

Chief, you o.k.?

Yeah, fine. Listen,
I want to thank you--

Do that later.

I'll drive you
there myself.

What are people
going to say?

I can hardly wait
to find out.
Now, come on.

Put that down.
Come on.

Well, he'll be fine.

Yeah, he's fine.

Sure, he is.
He's fine.

Now, I'm going to give
you some antibiotics

And pain pills
to take home with you.

Bill: fine.
Thank you very much.

I want you to keep
the weight off that leg

Until everything
heals up.

Would you
get this filled
for the chief, please?

Yes, doctor.

I told you it isn't
anything serious.

Don't be nutty.
Of course getting shot
is serious.

I'm going to get
a wheelchair.

I don't need
any wheelchair.

You may be chief
out there,

But I'm chief in here.

Oh, lord.


Did I say thank you?

I didn't hear you
say it.

Then, thank you.hmm.

When I tell you
to stay away
from something,

You going to
listen to me?

I always listen.

I notice you do
just as you please.

No, I use my own judgment.

Let's change the subject.

What do you want
to talk about?

Corn bread.

You like yours
plain or crackling?


Hey, lookee here!

Good morning.
Good morning.

Chief, you o.k.?

Oh, yes, I'm fine.

That b*llet only gave me
kind of a grazing wound.

Any b*llet that wanders
above the knee

Could be dangerous.

That's horrible.

Would you
stop it?exactly, please.

We really
don't like you
getting shot.

You're not
to do it again.

I'm not anxious
to, uh...

Who is that
waiting in there?

Why, that's
mrs. Elroy spencer.

Mrs. Elroy spencer.

Oh, my lord,
what does she want?

She claims that
since I tagged her
with the laser g*n,

She's had
peculiar urges.

What do you mean,
peculiar urges?

She claims she's had
a personality change,

And the police department
is responsible.


Well, thank you,

I'm going to
remember this.