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01x05 - Time Renders Us Enemies

Posted: 05/19/23 06:42
by bunniefuu
- [KYLE] Can I trust you?
- [NADIA] Of course.

Can I trust you?

[KYLE] Always.

[DAHLIA] For a century, you lot
thought you were creating

a new order.

But spies cannot be saints.

And your code isn't one that
bettered you but blinded you

to the horrors Citadel imparted.

I'm bringing a new Tier-One to the team.

I trust her with my life.

She saved it once.


Brielle is still alive.


[MASON] What did Nadia teach you

over in Bravo about going undercover?

[CELESTE] She taught me

that the key to being undercover
is learning

how to maintain the lie.


Celeste is in over her head.

She's been docked for three months.

You're seeing things
that aren't there, Mason.

I know she's your friend.

But if anyone
gets their hands on the Oz Key,

any chance of holding them at bay,

any chance of keeping their
power in check is gone.



[CARTER] What did you do
with the Oz Key, Celeste?

I told you, it was in my go bag.

Your go bag was empty.

You want to be known
as the director who let a mole

take down the agency?

[CARTER] So, what do we do?

We backstop her.

No one needs to know.

Not Nadia, not Command.

- No one.
- [WOMAN] Seven, six...

[CARTER] You are protecting Nadia.

Because even though you love her,

you think Nadia might be a mole.


What did I do?

Not you.


♪ ♪

You can't trust her.

Why not?



If you're traveling
in the north country fair

Where the winds hit heavy on the


Remember me

To the one who lives there

She was once

A true love of mine

Any news on the Oz Key?

And if you're going...

No intel, no chatter.

It disappeared with Davik Silje.

When the rivers freeze...

If he's been a ghost this long,

he's not looking for Celeste anymore.

Should we bring her back
from Farmington?

I'm sure she's happy for the time off.

- Maybe I should check in.
- That's against protocol.

You know that.


(GREEK) To us.

- To us.

So, who are we today?

Alexandra and Jonathan Hughes.

Just married.

On their honeymoon in Mykonos.

Command wants us to bring in
a yakuza boss, Tadashi Sako.


See for me that her hair's...

And, uh...

- ♪ 'Cause that's the way
- And there's this.

I remember her best

I'm a-wondering...


Bernard really went all out
on our cover.

This thing looks so real.


What if it is real?

What if it's not from Bernard?

Are you f*cking with me right now?

Is this some part you're playing?

Not with you.

With you, I'm me.

And only with you am I me.

Marry me.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪



She's alive.

It's not real.

- It's her, Anders.
- But she's not... It's...

[ORLICK] It's her.

I can take you to her.

You lost her once.

Do you really want to lose her again?


I'm going to cut you loose.

I got a car around back.

You stay behind me, okay?

[SILENCED g*nsh*t]


You f*cking bitch.



You dipshit.

Did you get blood on your shoes?

You always had a gift
of a silver tongue, Bernard.

I admired you
for creating a safer world.

Until I found out firsthand

that the most dangerous w*apon of all

wasn't nuclear arms
or biological weapons.

It was Citadel.

Thomas would be so ashamed
of what you've become.

[DAHLIA] You're not fit
to speak his name.

This is his legacy
as much as it is mine.


You k*lled all of those agents.

- Mm.
- You k*lled thousands.

Murderers, w*r criminals, spies.

And I would do it every day

if it means protecting innocent people

from losing the ones they loved,
like I did.

But I can't take all the credit.

It was one of your own who came to me.

Hurt and lied to.

A Citadel spy

who finally saw
the truth of the agency...

and betrayed you all.


Just one sec. One sec.

[NADIA] How about now?

Yeah. Now's good.

You're gonna answer one question.

Did he know?

♪ ♪

Should we bring her back
from Farmington?

I'm sure she's happy for the time off.

Nadia thinks a great spy
has to be a great liar.

A great spy needs to tell the truth.


Ordered you a Riesling.

You shouldn't have.

Bernard backstopped Celeste.


Did you know?




How could you, Mason?

I'm sorry.

How could you do that to her?

I did it for you, to protect you.

From what?

I know you took the Oz Key.

Now, Mason...

And I have never asked
what you did with it

or who you sold it to
or who you're working for.

Why didn't you just ask me?


Because I didn't want to know.

I didn't want to know the truth.

'Cause if I knew the truth,

I'm scared of what
I'd have to do to you.

I've lost everything I've ever
cared about. I won't lose you.

If you'd asked me,
I would have told you the truth.

You did take it.

So, did you turn?


Are you a mole?

This a lie? Us?

Why don't you tell me, Mason?

What did you do with it?

What do you think I did with it?
I destroyed it.

No one can be trusted
with that kind of power.

Not the Silje brothers,
not the Zani family,

not even Citadel.

Now, reactivate her.

I can't.

Mason, call Bernard

and reactivate Celeste's memories.

- Please.
- I wiped them from the system.


For you, so the blame
would stay with her.

So you just k*lled
the person that she was?

To protect you because I love you.

You don't love me.

If you think I needed you
to do that for me,

you don't know me at all.

How could I?

You never gave me the chance.

I have given this everything.

I literally walked in here
and gave you the opportunity

to tell me the truth.

No, this isn't about Celeste, is it?

Or what I did.

You were always looking
for a reason to leave.

Oh, that's some bullshit.

You always wanted a way to end this.

To walk out,

conscience clean, pin it on me,

- make it my fault.
- It is your fault.

- Eat your f*cking salad!


You know how I ended up a spy?

I was five years old, and my dad died,

and my mom left like I didn't exist.

Now, Citadel gave me an identity.

Not existing was an asset.

They saw me.

Then I met you... and I knew who I was.

You already knew who you were.

You had a mom and a dad and a life.

You became a spy so you could hide.

What am I hiding from, Mason?

From yourself.

So you never have to show
your real self to anyone.

And I don't know why.

I don't know why
you're so f*cking terrified

of being seen.

You once asked me,
"Can you ever truly love a spy?"

The question is:
"Can a spy ever truly love?"

And I can.

Can you?


I can, Mason.

I just can't love you.


Goodbye, Mason.

♪ ♪


[RAHI] [OVER PHONE] This is a surprise.

Something's happened.



[RAHI] You made
the right choice calling me.

Let's get you to Valencia.

Preparations are in place.

I'll be waiting for you.

If anyone can do it, it's Rahi Gambhir.


Thank you.

I still have some loose ends to tie up.

[RAHI] Okay.

If you're there much longer,

they'll discover the truth about you.

Whatever you need to finish
at Citadel, do it fast.

Don't worry.

No one suspects a thing.

And by the time they figure it out,

I'll be long off the grid.

But when that day comes,

when you turn your back on
Citadel, the question remains:

What are you going to do about Kane?

Mason can never find out.

You understand that?

♪ ♪

You can't trust her.

Why not?


Why can't I trust her?

You were working with Manticore.

You were with a known t*rror1st,
Rahi Gambhir,

just days before Citadel fell.



Okay, we got to go now.


You want to save your family?

I suggest we get the f*ck out of here.



We've run out of time,
and I've run out of patience.

I need the codes for the nukes.

We're getting close
to your family, Bernard.

We'll drop a cluster b*mb
like old times, right?

What do you say?

If you touch one hair
on their f*cking heads...

Get me confirmation on target.

I need confirmation.


coordinates confirmed.

Don't do this.

Initialize launch.

[TECH] Initializing launch.

Dahlia, there are kids in there.

Didn't stop Citadel in Belgrade.




[PILOT] Do I have permission to execute?


Do it.

Okay. Okay.

I'll give it to you.

You see? [SIGHS]

That wasn't so hard, was it?

GXZ- ...

E A - VCC...



We're all just trying to make the world

a safer place
for our children, aren't we?

Let the families know
we'll launch tomorrow.

Catalog the location
of all Russian smart subs,

nuclear grade.

And... clean up in Wyoming.

No loose ends.


Don't f*cking do this. Don't.

It's just an eye for an eye, Bernard.

For what you people did to me.

I mean...

it's only fair, right?

- [ORLICK] Dahlia?
- Get him to Brazil.

We have big plans for him.



♪ ♪

[PILOT] Circling back.

Reengaging target.


[VAL] Mom!

- We got to go.
- [ABBY] What?

They found us.

[JOE] All right, let's go.

We're on the move!

Val, grab your dad's case.

Let's move it!

Come on.




black site was breached.

Kane and Nadia Sinh took Carter.

They're fleeing the country.

[DAHLIA] Activate Yamazaki.
He's in Casablanca.

We need to find them, whatever
it takes. We can't lose him.

We have the location of the nukes.

- Now we just need Mason Kane.
- Understood, ma'am.

And, Davik, I need you
to go to Valencia.

We intercepted a communiqué
between Nadia Sinh

and Rahi Gambhir yesterday.

There's a chess piece I think
he's been holding for her.

Let me know the minute
you have it in possession.

We'll do what we can.

- Oh, and, Davik?
- Yeah.

Your brother was k*lled.

Bernard Orlick got free
and shot him dead

before we could restrain him, so...

let's finish this, hmm?

For Anders.

Yes, ma'am.


I don't know who you are anymore.

I'm the person trying to keep us alive.

f*cking insurgent. I know that.

Balduino, Carter, my own two eyes.

You're hiding something.

[CARTER] Stop the car.

Stop the f*cking car.

None of us are as clean as we
want to be, and you know that.

And you, you're gonna open me up
after what you did to Celeste?

He may not remember, but I do.

You don't get to say that.

Everyone thought Celeste was
a double agent, but I knew...

I knew it was you.

You're wrong!

[KYLE] Is he?

[CARTER] A year before
Citadel fell, you left Tier-One.

You disappeared.

Mason found out you were
in Valencia, off-grid,

with Rahi Gambhir.

You two were working for Manticore.

You planned the attack
against Citadel, didn't you?

I lied to you.

You don't know what you're asking.

[CARTER] You were
working against us then.

- Nadia?
- You're working against us now!

[KYLE] What's in Valencia?

- I need to tell you something.
- [KYLE] Nadia?

What was in Valencia?

I have a daughter.

I'm not a f*cking insurgent.

I had a child,
and I had to keep her a secret

because that was
the only way to keep her safe.


[RAHI] [OVER PHONE] This is a surprise.

- [NADIA] Something's happened.
- What?

I'm pregnant.


I need to get out.

Does Mason know?


And he doesn't need to.

I don't trust him.

[RAHI] You made
the right choice calling me.


dilated. There's a lot of blood.

We need to get her to a hospital.

No! No hospitals.

Please, we need you to help us. Here.



♪ ♪


And I haven't seen her
since she was six months old,

eight years ago.

Is she...?


Did I know?


Why not?

Because you didn't deserve to know.



We have a daughter?


All this time?

It was the hardest decision
I've ever had to make.

♪ ♪

[DAHLIA] How was your trip in?


The families have long been
skeptical of you,

and yet...

my family is pleased.

As are the others.

The Zanis commend you, as does Guru.

You've bought yourself
some much-needed goodwill.

I thought you'd be pleased.


- Is it done?

We've interrupted Russia's
tracking of its Dead Hand sub.

We're free and clear to execute.


But we can't access it.

No, I know.
There's an override to the code,

linked to a sole biometric print
from a mission years ago.

Only Mason Kane has access
to those nukes.

[KYLE] Who has she been with?

Rahi Gambhir, right?

He's a criminal, a t*rror1st.

He's my father.

♪ ♪




It's Grace.

[RAHI] Italy?

You can't go to Italy.

I have to.

I told her I'd go.

[RAHI] Why did you say yes?

He deserves to know.

He deserves to at least know about her.

If I don't tell him,

aren't I just like him?

Look, you both will be fine together,

and I'll be back in six weeks.

Thank you.

Mommy has to go away for a while.

But you'll be safe here...

...with Nana.

This is gonna help protect you.

And I'll be watching.


Mommy loves you, Asha.

I'll be back soon.


[g*ns COCKING]

You'll want to put those down.

Why don't you tell that to your guys?

Mr. Conroy.

I have someone
who would like a word with you.

What is that?

[YAMAZAKI] It's a secure line
for communication.

The piece goes in your ear.

I promise you, no harm will come

to either you or your associates.



Kyle Conroy.

I've been anxious to speak
with you for a very long time.

I have a proposition for you.

Well, a trade, if you will.

There's a submarine
somewhere in the Pacific.

It has something I seek.

Well, five somethings...

to launch tomorrow.

And you're going to help me
retrieve them.

Why would I do that?


Because I have your daughter.


Hey, now, the well's run dry

Pages of your book on fire

Read the writing

On the wall

Initiate countdown.

[CARTER] Five, four, three, two, one.

Show us the girl is safe.

[DAHLIA] If you try anything clever,

we'll have no choice but to k*ll her.

[NADIA] She's my daughter.
I'm running this op.

[KYLE] There's no op without me.

[DAHLIA] You have access
to Citadel's secrets.

Use it.

I hope you're up for this.

[DAHLIA] There's always
repercussions for failure.

♪ ♪

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