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02x16 - Sister, Sister

Posted: 05/19/23 09:33
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ But hold on ♪

♪ It won't be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong ♪

♪ And it'll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

J.d., I'm here.

I got it.

Well, bring it to me.



Hear, hear,
damn right.

I left the new will
on the bed.

Read it,
give me a call.

Thanks for the towel,

You just don't
give up, do you?

Come on,
sugar. It's only
a matter of time.

You didn't get that,
you hear?

At least,
not from me.


No, no, no, no.

What's wrong?

That man in the suit.
That's virgil tibbs.

Yeah, I know him.

Oh, wait, I don't
believe this.

You're hiding
from a man.

He'll see me...
When I want him to.

Go on, get,
before you forget
you're a cub scout.



I don't want
that damn stuff.

It tastes like

Father, must we go through
this every four hours?

That turpentine is what
keeps your heart going.

Come on.

I don't want
that damn stuff!

Sir, miss charlotte just
want to see you get well.

Travis, make sure he gets
the potassium chloride

Every four hours.

Yes, sir,
don't you worry now.

And / milligram
furosemide at bedtime.

Hell, vickers, it's been
bedtime around here

Every waking hour
for three months.

Thank you, doctor.
I'll stay with him.

I know, my dear,
you always have.

They haven't worked
on an engine newer
than a hudson.

They wouldn't
know a squad car--

Hello, gentlemen.

Ma'am, you
looking for somebody?

Anything we can do,

Is there anything
at all we can do?

I'm sure that
between you three,

You could do
just about anything.

Thanks, but I see
who I came for.

Excuse me.

He's big,
he's gorgeous,

And he's sparta's
chief of detectives.

Lord have mercy!

J.d. Sinclaire!


I don't believe
my eyes.

My lord,
you're even uglier
than I remember, virgil.

J.d., Damn,
you look good.

Honey, I am good.

God, I'm good,

And when I'm bad,
I'm even better.

Uh...excuse me.

What is all the noise
out here?

Hello, chief.
You still keeping
this town down

To a reasonably
dreary drone?

We manage to satisfy
the people

Who live around here

I didn't know
y'all were friends.

Oh, chief, me and
virgil go way back.

This hot shot got into
more trouble as a kid.

We had ourselves
some times, didn't we?

We sure did.

Chief, can I borrow
my friend a while?

Go ahead. Business is slow
here in the forenoon.

Thank you.

Miss sinclaire...

Would you kindly
give my regards

To your sister charlotte
and to your daddy,

Who I believe
is feeling poorly lately.

I expect that's why
you're home now, huh?

Yes, sir, it is.

Well, go ahead.
Enjoy yourselves.

Thank you.

How bad
is your father?

That's what I want you
to help me find out.

Now, come on.

You want me to go
out there with you?

Well, yes.

I don't feel very
comfortable out there.

You mean charlotte doesn't
feel comfortable with you.

To hell with her.

You were in and out
of our house
daily as a child.

That was
through the back door,

And only because my mother
worked there.

You're family.
Now, get in.

Virgil, I'm worried.

I can't
get past charlotte

To talk to daddy
on the phone.

He's not getting
my letters, either.

Something's wrong.
I can feel it.

She wouldn't
dare stop me
from seeing him

With you there.


(Tires screech)

(Tires screech)


I could have you arrested
for driving like this.

Ha ha ha ha, j.d.!

(Car door closes)

My word, it's miss j.d.

And look who
she's got with her.


My girl, here?

She looks fine,
I'll bet.

Who did she
bring with her?

Charlotte, will
you answer me?

Girl, tell me how my
precious baby looks!

And tell me
who's with her,

You hear me, now?

Miss j.d.!

you old sinner.

My god, is it good
to see your face.

You remember virgil,
don't you?

Of course.

Miss j.d., You sure
look mighty fine.

Mighty fine.

How is he,

Oh, so-so.

He'll be better
now you're here.

Damn straight,
he will.

Saddle up
old stoney,

If you haven't
turned him into
a ball of lard.

Oh, that horse is fine.

I'll meet you there
after I see daddy.

Virgil can wait
in the kitchen with me.

Oh, travis,
the w*r is over.

And you won,

Come on, virgil.

Daddy, my darling!

J.d. Is here...

To chase
all the blues away.

And it's about time.

Where the hell
you been this time?

Didn't charlotte tell you?

You're looking well.

And you're looking...
The same.

Look at who I brought
with me, daddy.


Virgil, my boy,
is that you?


Mr. Sinclaire,
how are you?

I'm all right, virgil.
I'm glad to see you.

Thank you, sir.

Good lord, charlotte!

At least let in
enough light

So the wallpaper
can fade.

The light is bad
for his eyes.

Darkness is bad
for his soul.

Why is it
so quiet in here?

You can hear
yourself think.

Let's have us
a little music,

Wake this place up.

Remember this?

(Playing in the mood)

Guess what I brought
for you, daddy.

What you got?

Nectar of the gods.

Now, I want you
to drink your tea

Like a good boy,
you hear?

All right, j.d.,
I'll do that.


Have a havana,
old chum?

Yes, I will.

Now, who's daddy's
favorite little girl?

I'll admit,

I was a tad miffed
with you, honey.

But, damn,
if you're not
the joy in my life.


Do you hear that,

Daddy loves
his little girl.

Yes, I do.

I missed you, daddy.

I missed you,
too, baby.


Thank you. It's
kind of you to come.

I appreciate it.

Oh, virgil.


You know
my fiance, sidney wallace?


Oh, I didn't know,

Sidney's been
running the plant
since daddy got sick.

He'll be taking over.

It's good of you
to come.

Thank you.

I'm not feeling well.

Would you
get me some water?

Excuse us, virgil.


Just water, travis.


Don't. No more.


Charlotte needs me.

Why don't you
like j.d.?

Too opinionated for me.

She's the kind
of person who thinks

If you live
in a small town,
you're stuck,

And if you like it,
you're stupid.

She's singing the song
of the free spirit.


Seems a lovely place
to get stuck.

It sure is.

Bill, joann.

I was looking
for you, bill.

Joann, would you
excuse bill and me
for a minute?

Certainly, I'll walk
around the grounds.

See you later.


What's on your mind,

Sinclaire, that's what.

His dying.

I checked his heart
just days before he died.

It was fine.
The medication
was working great.

I don't understand.

Are you saying
this man maybe
oughtn't to be dead?


I don't know.

I guess that's
what I'm saying.

Well, uh, how come
you waited so long

To tell me
a thing like this?

I don't know.

Shock, maybe.

This, maybe.

Yeah, well,
let me hold that.

Now, let me
get this straight.

Are you saying
you think

Maybe sinclaire had
a little help dying?

I'm just saying...

Bill, you'd better
do an autopsy.

I can't believe
you're having
that body exhumed.

Yes, I am.

But you're digging up
mr. Sinclaire

Based on the word
of a drunken quack.

Based on the word
of the attending

Attending is all
he can do.

The man's a drunk.
His practice is a farce.

The sinclaires
had enough money
and enough sense

To hire the doctor
they wanted.

They stuck to vickers
right to the end.

That doesn't mean
he knows what
he's doing.

It means
they're loyal.

It might mean
you're underestimating

The medical ability
of the man.

You know what I mean?



Your court order's here.

Should I
tell the cemetery
to crank up the box?

Yeah, you can call

And make that
delicate suggestion.

Yes, sir.

You have men already
at the grave site?

Do you have a family
consent form?

Here it is,

Signed by
j.d. Sinclaire herself.

I thought
you'd know that,

You two being
such good friends.

You'll tear what's
left of that family
further apart,

Just when they need
each other the most.

Virgil, we're
conducting a criminal
investigation here

Into the possible
wrongful death
of a citizen,

Based on the word of
the attending physician.

I know you've known
the family a long time--

I'm going out there.

What you gaping at?

You were making
a phone call.

Yes, sir, I'm right on it.

Oh, lord.

Slowly, easy now.


You're level now.
That's high enough.

Hold it.

Man, I hate this.

I know.

Make sure the body gets
to the pathology lab, o.k.?

Yes, sir.

Here it comes.

Stop this right now!

You have no right!

Mr. Tibbs! Mr. Tibbs!

I've called to get
an injunction

To stop this.

You just can't
dig people up.

J.d. Signed a family
consent form.

Dear god, j.d.,
That is daddy.

How could you do
something like this?

I loved him just
as much as you did.

You can't allow somebody
to cut up his flesh!

What kind of
love is that?

My kind!

I want to know
what happened
to my father,

And if he
died too soon.

Charlotte, I'm sorry,
but it's all very legal.


Would you
please tell her

That she has no right
to allow this?

I'm afraid
she has.


You know better
than that.

She has no rights at all,
not anymore.

Daddy made that clear
when he changed his will.

Now, this is a section
of the kidney, right?

Yeah. See
those areas there
that are inflamed?


Could that
have been caused
by the medication?

No, sir.
I wouldn't have expected

To see that toxic
inflammation at all.

Did you find poison
in this man's system?

Yeah, I'm just not sure
what it was, though.

It could be
lead or mercury.

The lab will know.

Poison? Are you sure?


Well, now, wait a minute.

If you're talking poison,

Then you're talking
foul play,

Huh, doc?

You're always asking
for conclusions

That are none
of my business.

Sinclaire did not die
of congestive
heart failure.

It was poison.

Well, well.

Old doc vickers
turns out to be

Some kind of a fool,
doesn't he?

All right.

Don't you
go blaming me

For this horse's
fat back.

Thank yourself
for that.

Don't start up again.

Well, you've been
gone so long.

But I'm home now.

Maybe for a while.

Old stoney still scare
that sister of mine?

If he does,
she sure don't let on.

She takes him out
real regular.

Do me a favor,

Next time she
comes near you,

You have
my permission

To buck her little
tweed brains out.

Thank you.

Have a nice,
safe ride.

We've had more
than enough

Of each other
for a while.

Let's stop
before we start.

I didn't come here
to fight, j.d.

I'm asking you to
do something for me.

Or rather,
not do something.

Something being?

Don't take sidney.


I'm not blind, j.d.

I see the looks
every time
you come home.

I know how hard
sidney tries

To stay away
from you.

Too hard.

But I was never
really scared

Until daddy died.

How does daddy's death
affect you and sidney?

I realized
how much I need him.

has always come

Very easily
for you, j.d.

Every man
who sees you...

Loves you.

I've got sidney,

And I love him
so much.

And you're just going
to go away again.

Don't use him.


That's a little
insulting to sidney,

But it certainly is
an interesting challenge.

Please leave him
alone, j.d.

You are pathetic.

Every time I've walked
into that house,

You have treated me
like dirt.

You have intercepted
my letters to my father,

Refused phone calls.

You nearly
kept me from him
the day he died.

And you ask me
to spare your feelings?

Get out of my way!

Well, you...

In an office.

Looking for a job?

Of sorts.

I didn't hear you
drive up.

Well, it's only
a couple miles.

I rode.

You like
to ride, sidney?

If the terrain
is pleasant

And i...

I've got
a good mount.


Very good, sidney.

I didn't know
you had it in you.

Now that you
know I do,

Mind if I get
back to work?

What work?

You're incorrigible,
you know.

Well, i...

I do try.

Look, j.d.?

Fun is fun,

But this isn't
really fair.

There are other
people to consider.

Like who?



Oh, the hell with it.

Our timing
is lousy, you know.

I think
it's just great.

The truth is daddy
got fed up with her.

The way she
threw his money away,

Running around with
european lowlifes,

Fancy powdered princes
with fancy royal titles

And not a pot.

What would you know
about royalty?

You haven't
set foot outside
of mississippi.

Be that as it may,

Why do you want me to read
this will and codicil?

That codicil
is phony.

Well, it isn't
signed, anyhow.

I haven't been
through all this,

But sidney tells me

That your daddy
left near everything

To be divided equally
between the two of you.

But the codicil leaves
everything to charlotte.

This should be in
the probate judge's hands,

Not the police chief's.

The point is
my father was m*rder*d.

He was poisoned.

I thought you should know
who might be angry

That daddy
had changed his will.

How dare you!

The will has
not been changed.

and I should divide
everything equally.

No, it is all mine.

The codicil
shows clear intent.

If I contest
the original will,

It is strong evidence

Of what daddy
wanted to happen.

Well, charlotte,

I don't know whether
you're just mad or what.

You really mean that?

You don't want her
to have anything?

The codicil
gives me that right.

Well, so you say.

Sidney, what about the other
beneficiaries in here?

Anything change for them?

Nothing, chief.

A sum of money was left
for travis havenwell,

The family retainer,

But there's no change in that.

How much did travis get?

$ , .

$ , ?

After all
those long years

Of hard and
faithful service.

$ , , Huh?

Is anybody else
in there?

Doc vickers.


Was he luckier
than poor old travis?

Mr. Sinclaire
left him $ , .

Say what?

$ , .

$ ,
To doc vickers?

That's a subject
that is surely worthy
of speculation.

So, that's
why you're here.

You found out
about my inheritance,

And that makes me what?

m*rder suspect
number one?

No, no.

Why would you
k*ll a man

You knew was going
to die soon anyway?

Why would you
poison him and then
ask me to dig him up?

It doesn't make sense.

You're right.

I thought about
suspects, though.

What about those
two daughters? Maybe?

No, absolutely not.

Charlotte says j.d.
Was cut from the will.

I don't believe that.

Sinclaire may have been
a miserable old tyrant,

But he adored j.d.

She could spit
in his face,
and he'd smile.

She'd been doing that
at long range for years.

If you're talking
about her wanderlust,

No, absolutely not.

He's the one that
wanted her to travel,

Encouraged her,
supported it.

If he was
so crazy about her,

Why did he send
her off that way?

My theory is he was
trying to keep j.d.

Away from sidney wallace.

Yeah, why?

He had it
all planned

For sidney
to marry charlotte.

They were right
for each other,
he said.

And whatever he
thought was right,

That's the way
it had to be.

No matter the cost,

Or who got hurt.

You didn't care
for him, did you?


I hated his guts.

Yeah, well,
I happen to think

That he probably
suspected that.

So, why did
he leave you
all that money?

Since it was his money,

I think it was
his business

What he did with it,

Nobody else's.

Hello, travis.

I thought miss j.d.
Was riding.

Every day she's been--


I still live here.

Yes, ma'am.

I do hope you will be
staying on here.

That's what daddy
would have wanted.

Probably won't,
miss charlotte.

Getting too old,

Just like stoney.

Neither one of us
is much use anymore.

Happens to animals,
happens to folks.

Do me a favor
and think about that.

Somebody else
can do the work.

I just want you
to make sure

Things are kept the way
they ought to be.

Travis, if j.d.
Does come down,

Tell her she
can't ride anymore.

Stoney is part
of the estate.

He belongs to me.

Yes, ma'am.

Oh, I'll be sure
and tell her that.






Oh, stoney.

Oh, stoney.

It wasn't an accident,
someone cut the cinch.

If you think
it was me, you're crazy.

I may be a dumb ole lackey,
but I'm not crazy.

Why are you acting
like this?

We came from
the same part of town.

You're long gone
from the bottoms--

And from here.

Was anyone else
around the stables

Besides you
and charlotte?

Only doc vickers.

He was here?

That's not unusual--
he loves this old horse.

It'll be awful if we
have to destroy him.

Was he drinking
before charlotte
went riding?


Mr. Sinclaire's death
was real hard--

Real hard on him.

Do you have any idea
why mr. Sinclaire

Left vickers
so much money?

Mr. Sinclaire
could sometimes be
a very generous man.

Well, not to you,

After all the years
you gave him.

Person gets paid
for what he knows,

Not what he gives.

Doc vickers knows more
about that family

Than anybody alive.

That's all I'm going
to say about it.


You know, you were
the first black man

I ever heard
anyone call "mister."

I wanted to be
just like you.

I wanted to be
called "mister," too.

Don't matter
what they call you
down here, virgil.

You'll still be just
a n*gg*r like me.

Times change.

Nothing changes.


I think
this town has changed,

But I think you've
remained the same.

And frankly,
I think it's a shame.

Take care.

What happened?

Charlotte was riding
and her saddle came off.

Is she all right?

She's perfectly fine.

Stoney's leg might be
permanently damaged.

Oh, no.


I want
to say something.

About last night...

I'm sorry.

I could have
kicked you out.

But I didn't.

What next?

Nothing's changed,

That's not true.

I've changed.

There have been
other men,

But last night
was different.

Last night, I made love.

I love you,
you know that?

The problem is,

I think charlotte
knows it, too.

(Saw buzzes)

(Turns saw off)


Shot himself dead.

Yeah, I would have
bet on it.

He writes,
"I'm sorry.

"Tell charlotte
I did not mean
to hurt her.

"I can't handle
the lies anymore.

Too many years."

That's all.

God knows how many
family secrets

He took with him.


I'd say the devil
knows, too.


We found something
back here.

Sure doesn't seem
like doc vickers

Was real interested
in record keeping.

I'd say the man
lost interest
in everything

A long time ago.

Here's a man
who worked hard
his whole life.

He suddenly
inherits $ , ,

And he decides
to k*ll himself?

Doesn't make sense.

I know, I know.

So what do we have?

I went to the wake
of an old friend

Who died
of natural causes,

Which turns out
to be m*rder.

Next, we have
two sisters

Contesting a will.

Plus a su1c1de
by the man

Who inherited
a fortune from
the m*rder victim.

You think dr. Vickers
and mr. Sinclaire

Were in cahoots,
don't you?

They must have been.

Hey, detective, look here.
"J.d. Sinclaire."

She was treated
after fighting at school

When she was
a little kid.

That sounds
just like j.d.

Where's it say--

Right there.

Age , grade four...

Oh, held for possible

Hmm. Oh, released,

Mr. Tibbs, look--

It's got mr. Sinclaire's
name on it.

Where did you
find this?

In that incinerator
by the shop.

Why burn
mr. Sinclaire's
medical records now?

This isn't
mr. Sinclaire's,

It's mrs. Sinclaire's.

She's been dead
for years.

There's a story
in there someplace.

Parker, what was
j.d.'S blood type?

Uh, blood type "o."
Type "o."

Type "o."

Speak to me,
mrs. Sinclaire...

You ain't going
to get nothing

Out of that
old burned up stuff.

That's lost.

Maybe. Maybe not.

I'm so sorry.

We didn't plan this.

Maybe you didn't.

But you did--
right from the start.

No, I didn't.

You told me as much.

You called him
"an interesting challenge."

But I didn't know then--

You had to do it,
didn't you?

For no other reason
than just because
you could.

You had to have
sidney, too.

Maybe that's how
it started, but--

But what?

You like
seeing me alone
and falling apart?

J.d., Charlotte,
stop. Stop it.

Charlotte, you've known me
for a long time,

Long enough to know
I'm a pretty careful man.

"Sensible," that's what
you always called me.

Do you really think
that j.d. Or somebody

Could talk me
into doing something

I didn't already know
I wanted?

All I know...

Is that a few days ago,
everything made sense.

I had a father
and a fiance.

(Doorbell rings)

I had a home...

And a life.

Miss j.d.,

Chief gillespie
would like to
talk to you.

Please pardon
the interruption.

It's all right.

What's the problem?

Charlotte, j.d.,
We have to talk.

Virgil, what is it?

We found medical records
at dr. Vickers' office.

I guess he tried
to burn them.

We've recovered
enough to know

That they're
your mama's papers.


They were
badly charred,

But we were able

To rehydrate and
photograph them--

Virgil, what is it?
You're scaring me.

Well, we were able
to read enough.

J.d., Your mother--


All right,
now y'all stay here.

Here, travis, give me
that g*n.

I had to help out stoney,
you understand?

I had to help him
past the pain.

You shot the horse,
we know.

How much
do you know?

We know that j.d. Was not
sinclaire's child.

The blood types
were wrong.

And that mrs. Sinclaire

Gave birth to a child
years ago, travis.

And the child
was a boy.

switched babies.

What did he do
with the boy baby?

He was...

Not right.

He was a pitiful
little thing to look at.

It was a hard birth.

Right there
in that same room

Where mr. Sinclaire died
a few days ago.

When mr. Sinclaire saw

What was supposed
to be his son,

Supposed to be the next
jeremiah darlow sinclaire,


Vickers k*lled the baby
sinclaire didn't want.

Then what?

Vickers brought the poor
little creature to me,

And then he left.

He was gone
the whole night.

But when he got back...

Well, when mrs. Sinclaire
woke up the next morning,

There was her pretty
little j.d. Sinclaire,

Pink and healthy,
all tucked in bed
beside her.

Where did vickers
get that baby?

From another one
of his patients,

A young, unwed mother.

And you,

Where did
you bury the body
of that baby?

I planted that tree
years ago.

And the mercury
in mr. Sinclaire's

You put it there,
didn't you, travis?

There was
a meanness in him.

He hurt people.

Lying to poor
mrs. Sinclaire

All those years
about that child.

Doc vickers
was a good man once...

Before that.

It seems
that mr. Sinclaire

Used to take a delight

In setting
those two sweet girls
against one another.

Took a delight in it.

Sure, he held
onto charlotte,

Kept her at home
so she could play

"Lady of the manor"
for him.

Clipped her wings

Before she could
ever learn to fly.


Just plain mean.

J.d. Know he wasn't
her daddy?


That old man loved
that girl for sure.

Best of anything.

But when it got
to dying time,

He decided that j.d.
Shouldn't have anything,

Simply because she wasn't
a real sinclaire.

Well, I wouldn't
stand for it.

What the devil
difference does it make?

You live your whole life
being a sinclaire,

You are a sinclaire.

Don't you go tell
that girl, virgil.

There's no reason
for her to know

She's not a sinclaire.

That's not
your decision.

You k*lled a man because
he made decisions

About other
people's lives,

I can't let you do that.



Miss sinclaire
wants to know

If she can talk
to you.

Of course, parker.




Please, come in.

Uh, I'm sorry,
I can't stay.

I'm on my way.

Off into the sunset,

Miles to go
before I sleep.

Where are you going?

Oh, maybe switzerland,

Or maybe,

Or maybe all the way
to jackson.

Wanderlust is new to me.

I think the trick
is to take it

One stage at a time.


Virgil, I wanted
to say, "thank you."

I haven't gotten
this whole mess

Straightened out
yet, but, uh--

Who has?

I'm glad, uh...

You know, you decided
to split everything,

Just to settle
this whole will business.

Right down the middle,
it is best.

You and j.d.,
How are you?

As o.k.
As we'll ever be,

And I guess
that's o.k., Too.

I just wanted
to say, "thank you."


Will you call sometime?

I hear you can be
a very good friend.

I'm sorry
I missed out on it
all these years.

Yeah, me, too.

Me, too.