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07x09 - Every Man's Family

Posted: 05/19/23 09:54
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Yes, ma'am,
I sympathize,

But there's just no law
against a rooster
crowing before dawn.

I suggest that--


I live two houses down
from that same rooster.

I haven't had a decent
night's sleep in years.

You look well rested
to me, parker.

Dennis, show sonny
to his favorite cell.

Charlie, you get
the booking slip.

I'm going to sit down.

You might want
to introduce him
to a shower first.

Whoo, lord.

Bubba? Yeah?

Can I see you
in my office?

Yeah, sure.

Chief, them drunks
keep getting meaner
and younger,

But I just
keep getting older.

Is there something
troubling you?

You got a call
while you were out.

Well, who was it?

Your nephew's in
the hospital in atlanta.


What happened? Some kind
of accident or something?

he had a drug overdose.

What, uh...

What'd they say, exactly?

The doc
didn't give any details.

Said his condition
was critical, though.

I know it's short notice,

But I'm flying up there.

What about his parents?

I'm all he's got.

Well, good luck.

You call me
from atlanta.

Yeah. Yeah.


Thank you.

Bubba doesn't talk much
about his nephew.

It's his
brother's son.

Tom was matt's daddy.

Tom and caroline skinner
died a few years back.

How'd they die?

Car crash.

Head-on collision
with a drunk driver.

Dr. Bass, dial , please.

Dr. Bass, dial .


He's been working his way
up to this

For quite some time,
as you can see.

Are you
captain skinner?

Yes, sir.

Dr. Ross cunningham.

How is he, doc?

His breathing seems
to have been stabilized,

But it's still
touch and go.

How'd y'all track me down?

When the police
searched matt's house,

They found your name
in his address book.

They also found
a stash of heroin.

♪ Hovering by my suitcase

♪ Tryin' to find
a warm place ♪

♪ To spend the night

♪ Heavy rain fallin'

♪ Seems I hear your voice
callin' ♪

♪ It's all right

♪ A rainy night in georgia

♪ A rainy night in georgia

♪ It seems like it's rainin'
all over the world ♪

♪ I feel like it's rainin'
all over the world ♪

♪ Neon signs a flashin'

♪ Taxi cabs and buses
passin' through the night ♪

♪ The distant moaning
of a train ♪

♪ Seems to play
a sad refrain ♪

♪ To the night

♪ A rainy night in georgia

♪ Such a rainy night
in georgia ♪

♪ Lord, I believe
it's rainin' ♪

♪ All over the world

♪ I feel like it's rainin'
all over the world ♪



Hey, matt, it's derrick.

I need that money, man.

I'll drop by at :
tomorrow morning to collect.

You be there.

Don't mess with me.


Yo, matt!

You better have
a whole lot of money.

The man's
getting impatient.

Yeah? You can tell him
to chill out.

Hey, what's up, man?

Yo, derrick.

What's up?

I was hoping
you'd be here.

Here I am.
What you want?


Hey, mister, can we have
our frisbee back?

Yeah, sure, darling.


Take a hike, slim.hey, what is this?

What the hell
you doing?

We're taking a ride
to the police station.

I would've
let you walk,

But now
we'll take a ride.

Check my back pocket.

Do what? Check my back pocket.

Sit still.

You better let me drive.


I got to run this file
to the sheriff.

I'm glad
I ran into you.

Me, too.
Saved me a trip.

Oh, yes. This.

I came to see if you
had word from bubba.

Yeah. It's not
looking real good.

of his nephew
hasn't changed.

Oh. Oh.

Poor old bubba. I wonder
how he's holding up.

It's hard to imagine him
sitting by a bedside.


[Telephone rings]

Hey, mister!

Got a call
on line .

over there.


Hey, I'm glad you called.

says you have some
information for me.

Yeah, I do.

What's with you, skinner?

I told you to back off.

Maybe you'd like
to talk to the chief.

I was just going
to suggest that.

I'll be right along.

I've heard
walker's side of this.

Captain skinner, what
were you doing in the park?

Trying to stop
a drug deal,

I thought.

You came all the way
to atlanta?

What is this,
they don't have
dr*gs in sparta?

Yes, sir.
We got our share.

This guy near
blew my cover.

Calm down, walker.

I'm sure captain skinner
has a good explanation.

Now, what is it?

I think this guy
derrick's the fella

That put my nephew
in the hospital.


Yes, sir.

And derrick
had help, didn't he?

I don't want you to feel
that I'm insensitive.

The fact is
my own boy had
a problem with dr*gs.

Then you do understand.

But I think
walker's right.

You'll be out there
working this case
either way,

So I'll let you lend
detective harris
a hand.

If you think
I'll work with--

Unless there are
any objections,
detective harris.

No, sir.

Then fill him in.

The next time
you mess up,

I'll put you on the next
train to spartasville.

I'm very sorry
about that, walker,

Though I must admit
you make a convincing

My high school
drama teacher
thanks you.

Drama, huh?

You got something
to say about it?

Me? No.


What? Nothing.

Sit down.

For the last
couple of weeks,

I've been buying
heroin from derrick.

To get acquainted.

Next I'll ask for
a larger quantity.

More than he can move.

If that don't lead
to the main guy?

Then I'll try again.

I think I can save y'all
time and trouble

'Cause I think
I know who derrick's
connection is.

Is that right?

Oh, that's right.

Then take me to him.

Why don't you
just follow me?


Well, look
who's with us.


Help! I can't breathe!

Relax now.
You're all right.

going to be fine.

You sure
that's who you saw?

Yeah. Why,
you know him?

Not personally.

Name's tk--
tommy kendricks.

Had a few pro fights.

Last I heard,
he was a bodyguard.

Hey! What about you?

He talking to me?

I think he's
talking to you.

You want to spar?

Yeah, well,
just ignore him.

Ever been in a ring?

No, but I been in
the mason dixon bar

Saturday night
back home.
Same thing.

What's the matter,
baby? You afraid?

Should I be afraid?

Yeah, you should
be afraid.

You should be
very afraid.

Thanks, buddy. Yeah.


I won't hurt you too bad.

Oh, well, uh,
I appreciate that.

You're not half bad.

Well, yeah,
for a country boy.

Welcome to the city.

Come on.

Come on!

Thanks for the dance!

Who threw that towel
in there?

I did.

I don't know
how they do things
up here in atlanta,

But in sparta
we don't
throw in towels.

You let them
beat you up?

Hey, I could
have taken him.

Yeah, you could
have k*lled him.

Did you see
what happened

When he threw
that big left?

Yeah, he hit you
right side your head.

I know, but he
dropped his right hand,

Which left him wide open

To hit him with
my right upper cut

And my left hook.

Why don't you try
hitting the showers?

I'll keep an eye
on your dance partner.

Hiya, big'un.


How you feeling?

Like hell.

Yeah, well,
maybe the man upstairs

Is trying to tell you

Bubba, you're not
going to lecture me,
are you?

No, matt, I ain't
going to lecture you,

But we are
going to talk,

'Cause, son,
we got to find out

Why you're doing that
to yourself.

We got to do this now?

Well, since the doctor
says you're up to it,

And since I'm paying
for the hospital bill,

I think we better,

How could you possibly
understand how I feel?

Look at you,
uncle bubba.

Even out of uniform,
you're still a cop.

You know, matt, uh,

Some time ago,
when you was just
a little fella,

Well, I had myself
a serious bout.

It was with the bottle.

And, uh, I nearly drank away
everything I had--

Money, health,
friends, everything.

But I grabbed hold of it,
and I licked it.

I'm here to help you
do the same thing.

You finished yet?

Yeah, uh, for now,
I guess I am.

Yeah, well, that's good,
'cause i--

I'm sick enough without
listening to this.

I'll come back
a little later.

I didn't ask you
to come here.

I didn't ask you
to pay the bill,

And I didn't ask
for your help.

You didn't have to.

Excuse me, ladies.

Chief mccauley said
I should have a word
with dr. Hilliard.

Is he in?


Did I say he?


Come on in,
captain skinner.

Mccauley told me you'd
be stopping by today.

Have a seat.

Oh, thank you.


What seems to be
your problem, captain?

Well, it's not
my problem exactly.

I'm fine.

Well, maybe not fine.
We all got problems,

What is the problem,

It's my nephew.

He, uh...

He's an addict.

You're wrong, captain.
It is very much
your problem,

As long as you continue
to care for your nephew.

I want to get him
the best therapy I can.

I can give you
a list of therapists
and treatment centers.

I'd sure
appreciate that.

be honest with you.

You'll be
wasting your money

If your nephew doesn't
want to get well.

Yes, ma'am.

But chief mccauley
was nice enough

To have a word
with the d.a.,

And they've offered
matt probation

In exchange
for therapy.

I'll be
honest with you.
I got no choice.

[Telephone rings]

Sparta police department.
Parker williams speaking.

Hey, parker.

Oh, hi, bubba.

How's matt?

He looks like
he'll make it.

Well, that's great.

Hey, is the chief there?

Yeah, well, uh,
he's right here.

It's bubba.

Yeah. Matt pulled through.

Great news, bubba.

Hey, uh, thanks, chief.

I think I'll need
a little more time.

Uh, how long
you talking about?

A week, a month?

Well, what I really need
is a...

Is a leave of absence.

A leave?

Well, I understand.

You got to do
what you got to do.

Thanks a lot, chief.

[Rock music plays]

Whoo! Oh, yeah!

Mmm. Thank you, honey.

I thought we
were supposed
to be working.

We are. I'm keeping
an eye on tk.

Yeah, well, you got
a heck of a talent

Hey, tk isn't going

Think he led us
to mr. Big.

The guy that's
bringing in the smack.

It's a good thing
for mr. Big

My nephew didn't die
in that drug overdose.

Hey, come on, man,
let's go.

Hey, jasmine, baby.
Guess who.

Hey, walker, honey,
how are you?

I want you
to meet somebody.

Mr. Bubba skinner.

to meet you,

Ma'am? I like that.

Have a seat.

Hey, jasmine, baby,
I need a favor.

Anything for you,
sugar. What's up?

Is that tk's new boss?

You mean mr. Trihn.

Tk started
bringing him in here
a couple months ago.

Big spender?

Don't know
where that man
gets his money,

But he sure has
plenty of it.

[Knock on door]

Hey, doc. Thanks
for dropping by.

Come on in.


All he's been doing
is painting
all day long.

Dr. Hilliard,
this is my nephew matt.

Hi, matt. Hi.

I asked the doctor
to drop by today.

That's good, 'cause, uh,
I'm not feeling so well.

No, I guess not.

Yeah, well, they give me
something at the hospital,

But it wore off.

Well, I'm not here
to medicate you, matt.

I see.

No, no. Actually,
I came

Because I've cleared
my schedule for
tomorrow morning.

So you can stop by,

And we can discuss
rehab centers



This is really good work.

Listen, doc...

Don't bother.

I'm not interested
in your opinion

Or your psychoanalytical

Hey, hey,
you hold on, now.

First, you don't talk
to a lady like that.

Second, you ain't
got a choice.
It's this or jail.

Yeah, well,
go ahead, bubba.

Read me my rights.

If I wasn't a cop,

Your butt would already
be in jail.

This lady was nice enough
to come down and help us out.

It looks like she's
helping you out,
not me.

Don't you walk away
from me.

Hey! Matt, hey!

Don't. Don't.
Not this way.

He's going to get
some therapy

If I have to
pound it into his head.

Forcing him into therapy
is a short-term fix
at best.

Then what is
the answer, doc?

Help me out here,
'cause I don't see it.

Matt has to see it.

That's the answer.

Call customs back.

We should be
hearing from them
any moment,

If you'll just
be patient.

Did you have something
in mind, sir?


I could think of
a few things.


Oh, you mean the rug.

Yes. Were you looking
for an x
or something larger?

This one is good.

That one's just , .

Give me a minute,
o.k., Baby?

I'll be right over here.


[Telephone rings]


Yeah. So what's
the hang-up
on the rugs?

I see.

Yeah. Yeah,
thank you.

Your shipment
should clear customs
tomorrow night.

We can deliver that

You know, I've decided
on a bearskin rug.

Uh, more my style.

I'll say.

This better be good, harris.
We're busy here.

O.k., sh**t.

It's about trihn.

They've got a shipment
coming in.

I looked into mr. Trihn.

He's highly regarded
in the import business

And seems respectable.

Probably why he's
been getting away
with it so long.

He's got a point.

Trihn's expecting
a rug shipment.

We think he's using
that showroom for a cover.

That's all you've got
is rugs?

[Intercom buzzes]

The hostage situation
is heating up, chief.

I'm on my way.

When you two
have something concrete

That I can get the d.a.
Excited about,

Then we'll talk.

[Telephone rings]

is picked up]

Bubba, is that you?

Yeah. I'm still here
in atlanta.

Yeah. Uh,
how's the nephew?

He's, uh,
he's pretty mixed up.

You're not alone, bubba.

Every man's family

Has been touched
by this addiction thing.


How do you help somebody
that don't want it?

Well, you just make sure
that you're there

When he does want it.

Yeah, I should have
been there
when his folks died.

Oh, well, now, bubba,

The main thing is

You're there
with him now.

And I think you should
take all the time
you need there.

Yes, sir. Thank you.

Hey, matt, uh...

Bought you something.


I wish I could
wake up one morning

And paint like him.

Hey, I think you paint
pretty darn good.

Matt, about today, uh...

I know
I come down on you
pretty hard.

I was wrong.

Today I was thinking
about how your daddy and I

Used to take you
to the ballgame.

I think I can
snag a couple of tickets

To the braves game
this weekend.

And guess who's in town--
the dodgers.

I don't like much
thinking about
those times.


I know how you feel.

You know,
when tom died,

I guess I pushed away

That reminded me of him,

Including you.

And, matt,
that was wrong...

And I can't tell you
how sorry I am.

I know.

Nothing's been right
since that night.


But it can be.

I'm going to hit the sack.

What do I have to do?

What do you want to do?

Get rid of this feeling.

Get well.


There are methadone clinics,
you know.

Yeah, I know
about those.

A buddy of mine
tried that.

He's back
on the stuff.

Well, they work
for some people.

I'm going to need
more help than that.

Well, atlanta does have
some excellent
detox programs.

If you want me to,
I'll make some calls
for you this afternoon.

Thanks, doc.

Dr. Hilliard.

Oh, matt,
I almost forgot.

I have a friend
who owns an art gallery.

He wants to see
some of your work.

No, I'm not ready
for a show.

Don't worry.

We'll take it
one step at a time.



I'll talk to you later.

Ridgeway has an opening.

Now, I want the best.

I want to thank you.

Matt told me
about the gallery

He's a little scared
of going forward.

That's because
his main experience
is of going backward.

ain't that the truth?

A little recognition
could go a long way

Toward healing the past.

Are you talking
about his folks?

That's what the dr*gs
were for,

To mask all those feelings.

Except when he comes down,
he only feels worse.

He has a hard road
ahead of him.


And, uh...
That's why I've, uh,

Decided to stick around
for a while.

I'm glad to hear it.

Not just for matt.

[Loud rock music plays]

[Music turns off]

What did you
do that for?

The good lord
saves your life,

And this is what
you do with it?

Hey, man, I'm workin'.

The hell you are!
You're runnin'!

And you're hidin'!

You try to justify it
by slapping some paint
on a canvas.

That don't cut it
with me.

What do you know
about art?

Nothing, but I know
a whole lot about dr*gs.

There's no way
you'll lick 'em

Till you want to
bad enough.

Then it's
an uphill battle.

You ought to go
on a lecture circuit.

You got this bit
down tight.

You'll make a mint.

You didn't learn nothin'
through all this, did you?

You know--you know,
it's probably my fault.

Maybe I made things
too easy for you.

Maybe you'd have been
better off

If you spent some time
in jail.

Hey...that's where
all the good dr*gs are.

[Telephone rings]



I'm at trihn's place.

I think the delivery
just arrived.

O.k., Uh...

I'll be right there.

You know
that sooner or later

This is going to k*ll you.

I could take this,

Go flush it
down the toilet right now,

But you'd just go out
and get some more
pretty much anywhere.


Me doin' it
ain't going to solve nothin'.

You're going to live,

Or you're
going to die...

But it's going to be
your choice.

Well, the way
this night's been going,

Probably nothing in there
but a bunch of rugs.

It's matt, isn't it?


What's the matter,

You're not thinking
about throwing in
the towel, are you?

I don't know, walter.

It doesn't seem like
there's much I can do

About that situation.


There's sure something
I can do about this one.

We going to call it in
or take 'em?

You kidding me?

If it isn't my old
dancing partner.

Put the g*n down.

Just slide it.

Don't move!

Thanks for the dance.

So he dropped
his right, huh?



You all right?


Are you?

I flushed it.

To right where it belongs.

I've sunk about as low
as I can go.

I almost died.

Came pretty close.

The lord give me
a second chance.

Will you...
Uncle bubba?

We're family.


All right.

Think you can
still get them
ball tickets?

Oh, you betcha.

You bet.


There's some
good-looking women
in atlanta.

So they tell me.

I was a little bit
too busy

To notice the women.

Bubba, I almost forgot.

You got a message from a...

Kathleen hilliard.


Now that you mention it,

There was one
very pretty lady.

Who's kathleen hilliard?

Oh, a doctor.

Nothing to it.

What can you do
with a doctor?

Play golf with her, maybe.

I'm glad to have you back.

What are your plans now?

Well, i...

We'll see.

But there's
only one thing

That I'm absolutely
sure of.

And that is,

That I'm going to go

To my nephew's

First gallery showing.

Take a look at that.

Let me look at this.



Is that one of his

Yeah, that's
one of his paintings.

What's it
supposed to be,

Oh, fellas, come on.

Come here.
Take a look at it.

It's me.

Well, look,
my lips,

My chin,
my eyebrows, uh,

One of my eyes.