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01x03 - The Battle of Carne Village

Posted: 05/22/23 18:10
by bunniefuu
The village is burning.


[VILLAGER A groaning]

Vice Chief. These

people need help.

Make sure they get back

to E-Rantel safely.


What is it?

Something's wrong here.

The king ordered us to track

down and terminate the bandits

that have been attacking

villages, right?

That's correct.


Then, why did they send us out

here with only soldiers?

Especially when Baharuth

might be responsible?


It's a top-secret operation.

You know who's behind this.

The noblemen want you to fail.

If they can remove the

King's most trusted general,

then they would have a

clear path to the throne.

It's so transparent!

That's enough, Vice Chief.

But, sir, you know

I'm telling the truth.

We're walking straight

into a trap.

Our forces should head back

to E-Rantel as fast as possible.

If we split up now,

it will only weaken us.

A few villages may be lost.

That is a small price

to pay in order to keep

the most powerful swordsman

in the country alive.



I was born a commoner.


So was I.

I know what it's like to

live in these villages.

To fear monsters at every turn,

always waiting for death.

Same here.

Then you know what

it's like to have hope,

praying that someone

out there would actually

show up to protect you.

Of course, I wished

every single day

that a hero would arrive.

But, in the end, not

one person ever came.

Then let us be the

ones who do show up.

We'll let these people know

that it's okay to have hope.

That prayers are answered.

That heroes exist.



[MOMONGA] I just need

to figure out how to work

this Mirror of Remote Viewing.

Then we can really secure the

surrounding area of Nazarick.


Congratulations, my lord.

I knew you'd do it.

[AINS] Thanks, Sebas.

I appreciate your support.

Of course. That is my duty

as your personal butler.

The sole reason I was

created by Lord Touch Me

was to carry out your orders.

No matter how tedious

they might seem.


Very well.

Let's see what's happening

in this new world of ours.


Hm. A town festival?

No. Definitely not.

[AINS] Hm. Those men don't

appear to be bandits.

[AINS grunts]


What's up with me?

How can I watch this

v*olence so calmly?

I would have passed out

at the mere sight of it

in the real world.

[AINS gasps]


What are your orders?


Leave them be.

I see no good reason to

interfere in their affairs.

As you wish, my lord.


Touch Me?


What an easy encounter.

[PLAYER D] Just two more

XP and I get to level up.

[PLAYER E] Then stop goofing

around and k*ll him already.

[MOMONGA grunts]


Damn inhuman.


I'll fix his mug.

[MOMONGA gasps]


Why did you save me?

[TOUCH ME] Because saving

a person who's in trouble

is always the right thing to do!

[AINS chuckles]

[MOMONGA] I guess that now

is as good a time as any

to test my strength

in this new world.

I'd have to do it

eventually anyway.


Sebas. I'm paying them a visit.

Raise the security level

of Nazarick to maximum

while I'm away.


Tell Albedo to meet me there,

armed and ready for battle.

Then prepare the reserves.

I want soldiers who are skilled

at stealth, or can use

the "Invisibility" spell, ready

to move in at a moment's notice.


Consider it done.

[MOMONGA] I will strive to live

by your example, Touch Me.




[KNIGHT A laughs]

Don't look!

[ENRI'S FATHER grunts]

Run, Enri! Quickly! Take Nemu!

Now! Get away from here!


[ENRI] I have to find a way

to save my little sister.

[KNIGHT A gasps]




What is that?

[BOTH whimper]


"Grasp Heart."

[KNIGHT B groans]


Well, that's a relief.

I was afraid that ninth

tier undead spell wasn't

going to work on these humans

and I'd have to retreat.

I could always use

my melee armor,

but I'd like to save

it for another day.


It's a monster!

[MOMONGA] Hm. I felt nothing

after k*lling that soldier.


It seems as if I've

stopped being human

in both a physical

and a mental capacity.

[KNIGHT A whiimpers]

[AINS] What kind of man can

m*rder women and children

but doesn't have

the nerve to face me?

Well, I'm here now.

You'll help me test my power

whether you want to or not.

Dragon Lightning!

[KNIGHT A yelps]

[KNIGHT A screams]

[AINS] Pathetic. And that was

only a weak fifth tier spell.

[AINS] Let's try making

an undead. Death Knight!

[MOMONGA] Whoa! It's

taking over a dead body?

It didn't work like

that in Yggdrasil.




Death Knight.

k*ll anyone in the village

who looks like this.




[MOMONGA] I need to think my

orders through from now on.

What's the point of summoning

a defensive monster

if I'm just gonna send him away?

[ALBEDO] It took longer

than expected to get here.

I'm sorry you had to wait.


Don't apologize.

You arrived right

on time, Albedo.

[ALBEDO] Thank you for

saying so. Now then.

How would you like me to

deal with these pathetic

lower life forms?


These two are no threat.

The humans wearing the armor

are the enemies we are after.


I understand.


It looks like you're bleeding.

Drink this.



If you insist.

I'll drink it. But my--

No, don't do it, Enri!


What the hell is going on?

Did they forget I just

saved their lives?

Why don't they trust me?


How dare you insult your savior!

[ENRI, NEMU gasp]

[AINS] Albedo, don't!

Lower your w*apon at once.


As you wish, my lord.

[AINS] This is not blood.

It's a healing potion.



I assume the pain is gone now?


Yes, it is.

[AINS] Hm. Tell me, have you

ever heard of magic before?

Uh, yes.

I have a friend who

frequents our village.

He's a pharmacist

who practices magic.

[AINS] Perfect. Then it's

not hard to understand.

I am a magical caster as well.

"Anti-Life Cocoon."

"Protection from Arrows Wall."

[AINS] I just cast two

protection spells around you.

You'll both be safe

as long as you stay put.

But, just in case,

take these, as well.

If you blow the horns, an

army of goblins will appear

to do your bidding.

Do not hesitate to

use them if needed.


Excuse me!

Thank you so much for saving us.

We are forever grateful.

Thank you very much, Mister!


It was no problem.

Uh, wait!

May I please have the name

of the man who saved me?


My name?


Yes. They should all know.


You shall remember it well.

And tell everyone of my powers.

I am Ains Ooal Gown!


[KNIGHT C yells]



[CHILDREN whimpering]




[KNIGHT E gasps]

[KNIGHT E yells]

[KNIGHT E groans]






[KNIGHT F screams]

[KNIGHT G gasps, yelps]

[LONDES] It's only

k*lling the men in armor

and it's enjoying it!


Gods, help us all!


We're doomed!


You idiots!

Hurry up and take

down that monster!

[KNIGHTS gasp]

This can't be happening.

I'm too rich to die

in a hellhole like this.

You men! Get over here, now!

Be my shield so I can escape!

Stand your ground, Belius!

[BELIUS whimpers]

[whimpers] Protect me!

I have money.

I'll give you gold pieces!

No, make that gold!

[screams] Screw it!

I'll pay ,!



[BELIUS groans]

Don't just stand there.

Help me! Please!

[BELIUS screaming]

Money. Take it all. Save me!


No! No way! I can't do it.


Screw this!

Hold steady!

[KNIGHTS gasp]

Stay strong!

We will stand our ground

and defend our brothers.

Let's give the archers

time to retreat.

Prepare for battle!

[KNIGHTS grunt]

[KNIGHT I screams]

[KNIGHT J groans]

[KNIGHT H groans]


[LONDES groans]

[AINS] Stop, Death Knight!

You've served me well.

[KNIGHTS gasping]



My name is Ains Ooal Gown.

It is a pleasure

to meet all of you.

Don't worry about

my Death Knight.

No harm will come to you now.

Tell your supervi--

I mean, owner of my kindness.

However, next time you commit

such heinous acts in this area,

I will bring death

to your entire kingdom.

Leave. Make sure you speak

my name to everyone.

[KNIGHTS scream]

[MOMONGA sighs]

Acting is a tough gig.


Uh, pardon me, sir.



Why did you come here?

[AINS] I could not stand by

and watch innocent people

be m*rder*d. Call it

a "moral obligation."


[AINS] Be at ease. This village

is under my protection.

You no longer need to be scared.


[AINS sighs]

[AINS] I don't do this kind

of work for free though.

I expect to be compensated

for my efforts.

[VILLAGERS murmur, laugh]

[MOMONGA] As I thought,

the villagers don't question

my intentions as long as

they think I'm doing this

for financial gain.

They would react

negatively if they saw

my real face, even though

it was common in Yggdrassil.

It's too bad I didn't

think of concealing it

before stepping in

to this situation.

It's a pain, but I'll

have to use a spell

to keep those girls quiet.

Here's hoping

memory-wiping magic

works in this place.

[AINS] I requested money

from the village so as

not to arouse any suspicions.

But information was

what I was truly after.

I am unfamiliar

with this new world

and need to learn all

I can about the area.

Failing to educate myself

will only make me weak

to any enemies.

The village chief and his

wife believed my story

about being a hermit who

was quite knowledgeable

about magic, but

who knew nothing

of the world around him.

They were eager to educate

me about this village

and the surrounding areas.

I wonder though.

[MOMONGA] What kind of people

use magic in this world

that these peasants would

so easily trust me?

Even though my face is concealed

by this cursed mask, they

dropped their guard just because

I claimed to be a magic caster.

In Yggdrasil, even nbs

could get this mask

by staying logged in

over Christmas Eve.

Sadly, I quickly learned

that all of my Yggdrasil

currency was useless here.

Of course, the gold

itself has some value,

but it could be dangerous

to flash the coins around.

After that, I asked about

the surrounding territories.

There are three realms.

Nazarick, and this village,

known as Carne,

are part of the

Re-Estize Kingdom border.

On the other side of

said border is the domain

adjacent to the

great mountain range

that runs north and south.

The Baharuth Empire.

The two countries are on

bad terms to say the least.

They've hated each other for

years and they often battle

on the open plains

between them near

the capital city of E-Rantel.

There is one final country.

The Slane Theocracy, which

is located to the south

of both provinces.

The village chief assumed

the Baharuth Empire

was responsible for

the attack based on

the crests of the

Knight's shields.

However, there's

a possibility that

the Slane Theocracy staged this

event to maintain hostilities

between Re-Estize and Baharuth.

If I had thought to

take a knight hostage

for questioning, we

would have found out

for sure who was responsible.

Is there something

bothering you?


No. Everything is fine.

Is there anything

else of importance

that I should know

about this region?


Let's see.

The closest city to our village

is the capital, E-Rantel.

Goblins, orcs and ogres

inhabit the area.

But you should be safe

if you stay on the road.

The adventurers

hunt on that land

and do a good job of

keeping those bastards'

populations in check.



They're mercenaries

who deal with

monsters in exchange

for payment.

If you're interested in

hiring some of them,

there's a guild in

E-Rantel where you can

request their services.


An Adventurer's Guild?

And just how big of

a city is E-Rantel?

I'm not sure.

Definitely larger

than our village.


I suspected that.


If I want to find out more,

I'll have to make a home

for myself in the capital.

[AINS] I could use my

Wand of Resurrection.

It would breathe life back

into the dead villagers.

However, these people

may not be as trusting

of a magic user who's

as good at reversing death

as he is at bringing it.

I can only imagine

how much trouble

I'd get myself into

if I cast it.

[ENRI, NEMU sobbing]


For now, I'll restrain myself.

They should all be

content with the fact

that I saved their village.

[MOMONGA] Thanks to my good

deed, the story of how

Ains Ooal Gown saved

Carne Village will spread

across the countryside.

My reputation

should grow quickly.

And if there are other

players from Yggdrasil

stuck in this world,

they will hopefully hear

of me and seek me out.

I shouldn't k*ll any more

humans unless necessary.

I wouldn't wanna

antagonize any players.

Also. A man with a

reputation needs a cause.

One that would allow

me to win the support

of one of the countries.

[MOMONGA sighs]

I'm exhausted.

[AINS] Today's mission

was a great success.

Let's head back home, Albedo.


Right away, my lord.

[VILLAGER D panting]

Hey there.


You seem to dislike humans.


What's to like about them?

They are weak and pathetic.

Just tiny insects that exist

to be crushed under foot.


Listen to me.

I want you to show them

respect. Act if you need to.

But I demand that you treat

the humans with kindness.

[ALBEDO grunts]

[MOMONGA] It feels hypocritical

to ask that of her

when I don't have

feelings for them either.

Must be a side effect

from being an undead.

What are we going to do, Chief?

I'm afraid I don't have a plan.


The problems keep stacking up.

Village Chief. Is there

something wrong here?

Lord Ains! Thank goodness!

I was just told

there are more soldiers

heading toward the village

at breakneck speed.


Is that so?

[AINS] Don't worry, I can

handle this situation.

Please gather the surviving

villagers around your house.

When you're done, come

meet me at the town square.

Yes, of course.


I am the Chief

Royal Warrior from

the Re-Estize Kingdom.

Gazef Stronoff.

The King has ordered me

to hunt down the knights

that have been attacking

surrounding villages.

Your people are safe now.

We will do all we

can to protect you.

Thank you, General Gazef.

[AINS grunts]

Are you the chief

of this village?

Who is this man

standing beside you?

He looks peculiar.

This gentleman saved--


No need to worry about that now.

It is a pleasure to make

your acquaintance, General.

My name is Ains Ooal Gown.

I'm a simple magic user

who stumbled upon this town

while it was being

ransacked by those knights.


These people would have

been lost without you.

Thank you, Sir Ains.




We've spotted a large army

of unknown origin,

and they're surrounding

the village even as we speak!

[MOMONGA gasps]

[AINS] The Slane Theocracy's

special ops unit

carried out the attack

on Carne Village

in order to draw out Gazef,

the cheif warrior of

the Re-Estize Kingdom.

Though he's aware of the trap,

Gazef bravely att*cks the enemy

in order to protect

the villagers.

But I care little for the

humans and their squables.

This is an opportunity for me

to test the powers

of Ains Ooal Gown!

I shall not waste it.

Chapter four: "Ruler of Death."