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01x11 - Confusion and Understanding

Posted: 05/22/23 18:16
by bunniefuu
[AINS groans]

This is bad.

I never thought

I'd have to resort

to using a god level item.


--[NARBERAL] Lord Ains.

[AINS] This better be

important, Narberal.

I told you not to disturb me!

[AINS] It's okay. Forget

about it. What do you need?


You received a message

from the Adventurer's Guild.

The leader, Ainzach,

wants to meet with you.

A vampire has been terrorizing

the area outside of E-Rantel.

The guild needs your help.

They sound desperate.


Hm... I'm on my way.

Let him know I'll be there soon.

[AINZACH] I'd like to thank you,

mythril level adventurers,

for taking time out of your

busy schedule to meet with me.

Now let's get down to business.

Last night, seven

adventurers were att*cked.

And five iron class

men were k*lled.

They claim it was a vampire.

She ambushed them in the

forest outside of town.

Here's what we know:

The monster has blonde hair.

And a large mouth containing

very sharp fangs.


That describes Shalltear to a T.

If this creature is

indeed a vampire, we need

to keep it from entering

the city at all costs.

Left unchecked, it

could turn E-Rantel's

populace into slaves.

Was this foul beast involved

in the recent cemetery incident?

Well, I'm sure Mr. Momon here

would know the answer to that.

Must be nice to get bumped up

to mythril after

only one quest, huh?


Don't be like that, Igvarge.

[AINZACH] After investigating

the cemetery,

We know, without a doubt,

that Zuranon followers were

behind the attack there.

Wait, Zuranon?

The dangerous cult

obsessed with the

undead? Then...

The vampire has to

be involved with them.

We can't say that for certain.

Though, if I had to

guess, it's a decoy.


But it doesn't take a

vampire to k*ll iron plates.

Let's just concentrate

on finding the fiend.

She was last seen

near some caves.

I'll send out a search party.

[AINS] I'm positive

this creature is not

affiliated with Zuranon.

And how can you be so sure?

[AINS] That vampire is

known as... Honyopn...





[MEN gasp]

So is this Honey-pot, uh...

I take it you're familiar

with this monster?

[AINS] Indeed, I have

quite a history with it.

I've been tracking her

for years. She's powerful.

Not just any man could

compete with her strength.

But my team will get rid of this

nuisance for you, no problem.

The hell you will.

You're sure you can k*ll her?


Definitely. Because I have this.

There is eighth tier magic

within this crystal.

[MEN gasp]


That's impossible.

Everyone knows the eighth

tier is just a myth!

No way. That thing's a fake.

[AINS] I can get it

appraised, but we'd be

wasting valuable time.

Your reward?

[AINS] Details can be

hammered out later.

However, I expect a

promotion to orichalcum.


[AINS] Must I demonstrate my

strength time after time?

As you wish.

I'm going, too!


You'll just slow me down.

[IGVARGE] How dare a newbie

like you talk to me like that!

Screw you!

We don't even know how powerful

this vampire really is!

Knock it off, Igvarge!

There's no need

for such hostility.

[AINS] Tag along, if you

must. But I warn you.

It means certain death.


No! You bastard!

I can't believe this.

You monster!

I'm gonna k*ll you! All of you!


[AINS] I explicitly said

this would happen.

You have no one but

yourself to blame.

Now, it's time to face the

consequences of your actions.

Death might come swiftly.

Damn you all.

[MARE] I hope that was

satisfactory, my lord.

[AINS] Yes. Excellent job.

Those men were so weak.

It was a waste of time

to call for you.

So, what should we

do with the bodies?


Take them to Nazarick.

Let's see if we can create

high level undead creatures

with their corpses.

It will be done.

[AINS] Mare, I need you

to escort Narberal.

And Hamusuke as well.


Yes, Lord Ains.


Afraid to go to

Nazarick, Hamusuke is.

If I do, eaten, I will be!

You are the property

of Lord Ains.

As his pet, no one

would dare eat you.

If you say so,

Mistress Narberal,

in your hands my life is.

[AINS] Hmph. Albedo.

Let's continue our mission.




Shalltear! Answer your master.

You disrespectful little we--

[AINS] Be quiet! Can this

really be happening?


It's impossible. But

Shalltear is clearly affected.

Even though she's undead.

I can see there was a battle.

And the victor took

control of her mind.

Then... She was left here alone

without any orders to obey.

And now she waits.

We need to break this

spell over Shalltear.

Though, it's a shame

to waste such a strong

magical item on a counter spell.


What is that?

[AINS] A super-rare ring.

It's known as sh**ting Star.

Three times a day,

it lets the wearer

cast the spell

Wish Upon a Star.


I hope she's impressed.

This thing wasn't cheap.

Cost me my entire summer bonus.

That's powerful.

[AINS] You've never

seen super tier magic?

[ALBEDO] No. I've only heard

rumors of its existence.

And that it's stronger

than a tenth tier spell.

[AINS] Correct. Using it

requires a certain skill set.

One that I happen to possess.

Magic points don't effect

the spell at all.

And there is a

long casting time.

However, we don't have

to worry about that.

This ring cancels out

the casting time.

Plus, it activates

the spell without

using any experience points.

I should be able to release

Shalltear in no time flat.

But, Lord Ains,

Shalltear's a servant.

It's unnecessary to use such

an important item on her.

Oh, your compassion

knows no bounds.


sh**ting Star! Now, ring,

cure Shalltear of all her

status effects. I command you!

[AINS gasps]

What's this?


It doesn't make sense.

Someone here is stronger

than super tier magic? No!


We're leaving! Albedo! Let's go!



Dammit! Dammit!

[ALBEDO whimpers]


Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!

Are you okay?


I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have acted

that way in front of you.

Did something go wrong

with the spell, my lord?

[AINS] The ring was definitely

activated correctly.

However, the wish

was not granted.

Only one thing is

capable of withstanding

a super tier magic spell.

And I honestly never

thought this world

could contain such a power.

No way. You mean...?


A world level item!

[ALBEDO gasps]






The security level of Nazarick

needs to be raised to maximum.

Also, every Guardian needs

to return home immediately.

[MARE] Excuse me. Lord Ains

sent orders for all of us.

We are to supervise the first,

second and third floors.

[BRIDES whimper, gasp]


Nazarick is currently following

the topmost alert protocol.

Let's use this situation

to show the Supreme Beings

that we are completely

loyal to them.


The all-powerful ones created us

to do their bidding.

If anyone fails to meet

their expectations,

then there is absolutely no

purpose for their existence,

and they should be

terminated at once.

What could she possibly

be doing down there?

[SOLUTION] I can't believe

Shalltear would rebel.

Sebas, shouldn't we

return to Nazarick

with all the other Guardians?



We were given special orders to

continue on with the mission.

Our presence is

needed in E-Rantel.

You should never question

Lord Ains' wishes.

He is a great man.

I have no doubt

that he will choose

the best course of action.

[AINS] Is this your first

time in the treasury?



I couldn't enter without

the ring of Ains Ooal Gown.

It is the only key.


A security feature.


"Glory to Ains Ooal Gown."

Let's see.

"By this means, you

will acquire the glory

of the whole world and

so you will drive away

all shadows and blindness."

At least, I believe

that's correct.

[AINS] We are headed to the

mausoleum. It's not far.

[ALBEDO] Mausoleum? I didn't

know there was one.

[AINS] Hm. I guess it

has been off limits.

Are you aware of

Pandora's Actor?

Of course. I know

of his existence.

But we've never actually met.

Pandora's Actor.

His power and intelligence

rivals my own.

Created by the masters to

be the one true Guardian

of the treasury.

If I'm not mistaken,

you designed him

yourself, my lord.


Yes. That's right.


He is also responsible for

keeping our finances in check.




[gasps] Lord Tabula,

is that really you?

Wait a second. It's an Imposter!

Who are you?

And why are you

disguised as my creator?

You may have copied his

appearance and aura perfectly,

but I was able to see

past your façade.

k*ll this thing.

Are you sure?

[AINS] Pandora's Actor.

Change your form.



Hello, darlings.

It's nice to have company.

[PANDORA'S ACTOR] Greetings to

my creator, Lord Momonga!

[AINS] Um. You look like

you're doing well.


couldn't be better, my good sir.

It has been a while.

To what do I owe this honor?


I'm in need of some world items.


Oh! World item!

Changing the world

with immense power!

Showing the greatness of

the mighty Supreme Beings!

These sacred treasures

have been asleep for

ages beneath Nazarick.

Has the time finally

come to wake them up?


This dude is so lame!


Yes. You are correct.

I need Billion Blades,

Hygieia's Chalice,

Avarice and Selfless, and

Depiction of Nature and Society.



Great choices, Lord Momonga.

[AINS] Another thing. Address

me as Ains from now on.

I'm known as Ains Ooal Gown.


What a great name.

It fits the wonderful man

who created me. Lord Ains.


Oh, no!

I wonder how hardcore

they're judging me

because of this doofus!


Just look at him.

What the hell was I

thinking when I designed

his personality? It's

beyond embarrassing.

Oh well. At least his

military outfit is still rad.


Are you okay, my liege?

[MOMONGA groans]


Let's continue.




Be careful now, Lord Ains.

And you, too, lovely ladies.

What did you call me?

I am leader of the Guardians.

And Yuri is second-in-command

of the Pleiades.

You will show us the respect

we both rightfully deserve.

I agree with Albedo

on this, sir.


Please forgive me.

I can't control my tongue.

Not around such

beautiful flowers.

[AINS] I need to talk

to you in private.


You are aware that I am the lord

who created you, correct?

[PANDORA'S ACTOR] A fact I take

the deepest of pride in.

[AINS] Then, as your maker,

I demand that you

stop with all this

ridiculous saluting!

That's an order, you hear me?




Okay. So.

Here's the problem.

It's unnecessary.

Your outfit works, since

it shows your strength,

but all the saluting

makes you seem unstable.


Das ist meines Gottes Wille!

[AINS] Do not speak

German in front of me.

That's another direct order.




Please obey me.

[MOMONGA] I can't believe

I've struggled to keep

my emotions in check because

I created this weird idiot.

This is more embarrassing

than riding a giant hamster.

[AINS] Sorry to keep

you waiting. Now, Albedo.



You need to give Yuri the ring

of Ains Ooal Gown that

you're currently wearing.


[AINS] Nobody is able to

teleport to the treasury

without possession

of the guild ring.

However, you can't enter this

specific room with it on.

Or the golems will sense

intruders... and attack.


These golems look familiar.

Are they based off

the likenesses

of the Supreme Beings, my lord?


How perceptive of you.

Indeed, I had them made

to honor the memory

of my old comrades.

They're starting to

look shabby though.


No, they are not. Lord Ains.

You called this place

a mausoleum. So then...

Does that mean the other

Supreme Beings are dead,

and that's why there

are statues of them here?

[AINS] To my knowledge,

they are still alive.



I don't know why I

just said that to her.

Truth is, right before

the game shut down,

each of them gifted

me their supplies.


These items should do the trick.

Peroroncino told me

to sell them all.

But I just couldn't

do it. I wasn't ready.

[MOMONGA] I keep waiting

for you all to come back.


Please, guys.

I need to believe that you are

all stuck in this world, too.

That I'm not alone.

[ALBEDO sighs]


What's wrong?

Oh, sorry, it's nothing.

[AINS] Albedo. Do you

see that spot over there?

That's where I'll put a statue

of myself one of these days.

[ALBEDO gasps]

Please don't talk like that.

I can't bear to hear it!

It tears my heart!

[AINS gasps]

[ALBEDO whimpers]

My dear Lord Ains.

You were the only one

with enough kindness

not to leave all

of us alone here.

Master! Please say that

you'll stay in Nazarick

and be our leader

until the end of time.

We need you. I beg of you.

[sobbing] Don't go...

Don't go...




Forgive me.

Promise me something!

Say that you won't abandon us.

We'd never survive on our own.

Not without your wisdom!


I can't promise that.

Why not?

Have I done something

that has offended you?

Tell me what I've

done and I'll fix it!

There is nothing I wouldn't

do to make things right

in your eyes, my lord.

If I am the problem,

I swear I will repent

and end my life here!


Stop it!



Listen closely.

The only way to

combat world item level

brainwashing is to

fight fire with fire.

We have no choice but to utilize

world level items ourselves.


So, you're positive?

There's no doubt that a

world item was used on her?


I'm sure.

And the Guardians

need to be the ones

who wield these weapons.


[AINS] I have a plan. We will

be able to save Shalltear.


But... How?


The answer is down here.

Known as One of .

The world items of

unrivaled destruction.

They are currently

in my possession.

However, the power

of a is so large,

it would be expended

after just one use.

I'm not aware of what

other world items

the enemy holds.

So I'm hesitant to cast such

a mighty spell right away.

In the end, we may not have need

for such extreme measures.

What's wrong with me?

Could I be more pathetic?

No. Please don't say

that about yourself.

The Supreme Ones

worked hard to collect

all these world items, and we

shouldn't let them go to waste.

They are more valuable than

all of the Guardian's

lives put together.

[AINS] Albedo. There is a

reason I won't promise you

that I'll come back to Nazarick.

I'm going to fight

Shalltear by myself.



I won't promise.

Because I'm not sure

I'll survive the battle.

Please rethink this!

It's true that Shalltear

has to be dealt with.

It's too dangerous to

leave her as she is.

But, for me-- Don't go.

You have an entire army

under your command.

She doesn't stand a chance

against the forces of Nazarick!

[AINS] You don't understand,

Albedo. I have to.

Let me explain. There

are three reasons why.

First off.

I need to prove to myself

that I'm a competent leader.

Worthy of my title.

It was foolish of me not

to consider the existence

of world level items

in this new land.

Of course they

would exist if other

Yggdrasil players are here.

I completely overlooked this.

Not a sign of a

good leader, is it?

Your destiny is to rule

over Nazarick, my lord.

And, though we may

be lacking, we will do

everything we can

to support you.


The second reason.

I'm not convinced

this isn't a trap.

A trap? Are you sure?


Shalltear may be bait.

The enemy could be waiting

for us to attempt a rescue.

And if they pounce,

I'd rather be taken alone,

than risk having my people

captured and maybe k*lled.

The final reason is...

I may have to

exterminate Shalltear.

In that case,

let me come with you.

I'll be the one to

k*ll her instead.

[AINS] You honestly think

you could beat her?




She is a strong foe. I'm sorry.

But it has to be me.

Out of everyone who

resides in Nazarick,

I'm the only one that

can overpower her.


That is true.

But you will have a

greater chance of victory

if you are armed

with the world items.

[AINS] Shalltear is the

one who has the advantage

in this fight.

She is a holy magic caster with

strength against the undead.

Her body was designed

for battle. So you see,

there is the possibility

that she will defeat me.


I'm afraid you're right.


You have an urge to protect me.

Which is part of

your programming.

And your feelings

and actions are solely

based on your

configurations we set.

[gasps] Lord Ains.

I do not understand.


It's about time you learn why

I am called the

Supreme Overlord.

You'll see that I was given

that name for a reason.


[AINS] I will not be defeated

by a person's abilities alone.

Remember, Peroroncino and I

used to be very close friends.

The outcome of this battle

has already been decided.

I will win.


I understand your situation now.

But, please, promise me

that you will return.

And I will no longer

try to stop you.


If that's what you need.

Then I promise you,

I will come back alive.

But first, I have

to defeat Shalltear.

[AINS] I've learned the

unfortunate lesson

that an Overlord who cannot

protect his subordinates

is worthlesss beyond compare.

I curse my own foolishness

as I stand there,

seeing Shalltear's vacant,

mind-controlled gaze.

Though it pains me to fight her,

I must, even if it means

using super tier magic.

Shalltear, my most

powerful Guardian,

This battle will

decide our fates.

Well, there's no time to waste.

Let's begin!

Chapter :

"The Bloody Valkyrie."