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02x03 - Lizard Men, Gathering

Posted: 05/22/23 18:24
by bunniefuu

I'm only saying this once!

If I don't make it out

of this duel in one piece,

this guy's the new

chief, understand?


He can't be serious!

And if anyone's got

a problem with it,

I'd be happy to rip

their head off.


Don't you dare hold back.

I don't want there to be

any doubt how I rank

against Frost Pain's new master.

Very well, then.

One last thing.

If I should die today...

Yeah, yeah.

I'll make sure your

female leaves unharmed.

She isn't mine.

Not yet, at least.


Heh, You're really making

a bid for her, huh?

That walking shrub must

be one hell of a female

to catch your eye.

Extremely so. Yes.


Well, then, perhaps

I'll rip that bush off

and see for myself

if I win this thing.

[ZARYUSU] Bad move.

Now there's no way I'll lose.

You're really head over

heels for her, aren'tcha?

Yes, from the moment we met.

[CRUSCH whines]

Ha! Then beat me

and prove it to her!

That's exactly what

I intend to do.



[BOTH grunting]



[ZARYUSU grunts]


Ha, ha! Few have

survived that one.

So, you're a Monk.

If I were you,

I'd use Frost Pain's special

ability before it's too late.

Yes, another bearer

of the w*apon

defeated me long ago.

These wounds are a memento

from our great battle.

I'm stronger than I was then.

If you keep holding back,

you're through.

Sorry, I don't intend

to use it on you.

Tch. What, you think

I'm not good enough?

After trading blows with me,

you should know that

that isn't this case.

Sorry, I went too far.

You didn't deserve

such disrespect.

But don't expect me

to show you mercy!


Iron Skin!

[LIZARD MEN cheer]



[BOTH panting]

Dammit all.

Enough, I've lost.



Are you okay?

Just relax, I'll heal you up.

Middle Cure Wounds.

Tryin' to make me jealous?

It's working.

Any chance I could get

some heals, white stuff?

Sure thing.

That was a whole

new level of hurt.

Feels like I'm frozen

clear to the bone.

Thank Frost Pain.

It carries a chill

within the blade.

And delivers a small

amount of cold damage

to anyone who strikes

or is struck by it.

So, just block and your opponent

does all the work for you.

Here I thought it was just

like any other hunk of ice

if you didn't use its special

ability. Guess I was naive.

Now that I've proven my strength

to you and your tribe,

could we finally

get down to business?

Not yet.

There's something

we must do, first.

To prepare.

These annoying talks are easier

when you're drunk off your ass.

Let's get started!

You cannot be serious!

Perfect timing, plant monster!

So, finished yet?

Broadly speaking,

What are we going to do?


Huh? We're gonna fight 'em!

What did you expect?

You really are brutish,

you know that?

Aw, cut it out.

You're gonna make me blush.

So, this a fight we can win?

I don't know. That sky herald.

Do you remember what it said

when it appeared to you?

No, I was taking a nap.

"Offer up your

pitiful resistance,

so that the Great One may

take delight in your failure."

That's galling.

Cocky bastards are lookin'

down on us from the start.


Our foe holds us

in complete contempt.

Their force must be as

large as their ego.

Even so, we'll take their hubris

and ram it down their throats.

Yeah! Now you're talkin'.

But, even if we give their

pride a good thrashing,

what's the point if we die?

I'll choose life over a

needless death every time.

Even if it's a life

bound in chains.

Listen to them celebrating.

[ZARYUSU] Do you think

we'd be allowed to do this

if we were under their rule?


There's a chance that we could.



I'm not sure.

I doubt that a being who

would enjoy watching us die

has any concept of mercy,

or even cares to know it.

True enough.

What I'm trying to say,

though, is don't get k*lled.

I won't.

I'm still waiting on

your answer, after all.


At last, we're nearing

the front line.


Yeah, the sky herald said

that Razor Tail would be first.

Those from the other tribes

are probably already there.

This battle will be legendary!

Welcome back, little brother.

Good news?


My trip went even better

than I could have hoped.

You'll see.

[SHASURYU] What's the deal with

the creepy plant creature?

She's the love of my life.

[CRUSCH gasps]

I hope to marry, after the--


There, ya see?

I told ya you'd knock that

arrow one of these days.

It was just a matter of

finding the right female.

Now then.

I'm chief of the

Green Claw tribe.

Shasuryu Shasha.

Your timing couldn't

be more perfect--

our scouts have just returned.

I have a feeling their

report will be interesting.

[SUKYU] The enemy's

stronghold is in the forest.

Their entire force is

roughly , strong.

Made of mostly zombies

and skeletons.

Unfortunately, we weren't

able to locate

this "Great One" of theirs.


Our force numbers roughly ,.

They outnumber us

by over three to one.

We just have to take on

three or four of 'em each,

right? Sounds easy to me.

[ALL but ZENBERU groan]

First, we need to make

a proper chain of command.

Perhaps we could form

brigades centered around

each of the chiefs.


We should have a separate unit,

consisting of only the chiefs.



Traveler want to make unit

of elite warriors, yes?

That's right.

The enemy's numbers are great.

Taking out their leader

may be the only way to win.

And if he's protected

by stronger foes,

it will take our

strongest to do the job.

But, won't that leave our side

without commanders, too?


Then we'll have the

elite unit issue orders

to the head hunters

from the rear,

and coordinate things

as the situation demands.



We have four days

until the enemy strikes.

Make sure no one wastes

a single moment.




Attention all forces. Advance!



Has Cocytus begun the

attack on their village?

[ALBEDO] Yes. According

to Entoma's report,

nothing on the field has

exceeded your expectations.

As you ordered, Lord Ains,

Cocytus is remaining

at the command post,

and they are attacking with only

the forces they have been given.


I see.

It isn't the outcome

I was hoping for,

but we may yet get

something out of it.


It begins.


We've been preparing

for this moment!

We know, the enemy is great.

But there is nothing

to be afraid of!

For the first time in history,

we have ceased to be

separate tribes.

Through this alliance,

all Lizard Men are now one!

I know our ancestor spirits

are proud of what they see.

And they will protect us!

For them, we will

send these bastards

back to the grave!


To victory!

[LIZARD MEN cheer]

They're using the cavalry

to flank our line

so they can surround

and crush them.

Then it's time for us to make

our first play, as well,

don't you think?


sh**t them!

[LIZARD MEN screaming]

[ZENBERU] Are they thumbin'

their noses at us?

[SHASURYU] I can't make

sense of their strategy.

Is it possible they're acting

without a commander?

If so, they must think they

can win by numbers alone.

Bastards are mocking us.

Still, we should

reduce their force

as much as possible before

they make their next big play.

Tch. I hate waiting around.


Patience, Zenberu.

We'll reveal the elite

unit once their leader

graces us with his presence,

then you'll have all the

action you can handle and more.




Summoning swamp elementals

that fast isn't easy.

We can do truly amazing

things working together.


After that last w*r,

all we did was exchange

bits of information.

Once this battle's behind us,

there are many things

I would like to try.


I couldn't agree more.

[COCYTUS] I underestimated

the Lizard Men's morale.

They're resilient.





Hello, my friend.

Why are you messaging me?

Aren't you in the

middle of a campaign?




I see.

Still, that doesn't explain

why you reached out to me.


I need advice.

If this defeat were mine

alone, I could accept it.

But, if this continues,

I will disgrace the Supreme One,

and that cannot happen.

[DEMIURGE] Are you sure

Lord Ains wanted you to win?

[COCYTUS] I'm not sure

what you mean by that.

Think about it.

Why did Lord Ains raise an army

of such low-level

servants for you?

It's possible that

this was a test.

Perhaps he wished for you

to think for yourself.

To gather intelligence

on the enemy

and adjust your strategy

to ensure victory.

This could be a plan

to promote your awareness.



Additionally, Nazarick and

Lord Ains were never mentioned.

And you were forbidden from

joining in the battle yourself.

--Which would mean...



Hm. Demiurge?


I'm sorry, Cocytus.

Something urgent has come up

that I must attend to.

I wish you victory.

[COCYTUS] It's too late to

find out anything useful here.

I have no choice but

to send in the reserves.


Elder Lich Iguva.

I have a task for you. Advance!

Show the Lizard Men your might!



Okay, get the seriously wounded

back to the village!

The rest of you, follow us!

We're taking the fight--




That one isn't like

the other rabble.

Head back and tell

the chiefs about this!

We'll make sure

you aren't roasted!


Just don't take too long!

Running won't save you, pests.

I will ensure His victory.


[WARRIOR A screams]

[WARRIOR B screams]


WARRIOR screams]

It looks like we're up

this time, that's for sure.

Yeah. That one is

far more powerful.

Perhaps the commander

we've been waiting for.

Even if it isn't, it's obvious

he's their ace in reserve.


But how are we supposed

to get close enough?

The range of his spells

has to be at least meters.

You're right. There is a way.




That slow moving beast

will succumb to my hellfire

long before it

closes the distance!

Insufferable brute!

[gasps] Why won't it stop?

Why does it keep coming?


Icy Burst!

Thank you, Rororo.



Icy Burst!

sh**t as many as you like!

I'll counter every last one!

Then I'll have to

switch things up a bit.

Try blocking this! Lightning!

Move, I'll handle this!

Resistance Massive Unleash!

Nice save!

[laughs] That was too easy.

Very well. Summon Undead four!

[IGUVA] I am an Elder Lich

in service to the Great One.

You can't win!

If you bow your heads.

I will make sure your

deaths are painless.


I think I speak for all of us.

Go to hell!

You ingrate!

That was your last

chance at mercy.

Your suffering will be such

that in the end

you'll beg for death!

Not if we send you

back to the pit

you crawled out of!

Take care of him, Zaryusu!

Succumb to fear. Terror!


Lion's Heart!

You're okay!

Pestiferous harpy.

Lightning strike!

[CRUSCH screams]

Crusch, no!

--[IGUVA] Light--

--Too slow!

Magic won't help you this close!

Don't underestimate me,

Lizard Man!

Last one! You're clear, Zaryusu!

I'll just be over here.

[ZARYUSU groans]

I'll help. Middle Cure Wounds!

You won't best me!

[IGUVA] How dare you look

down on me like this!


An AOE spell at this range? No!


Icy Burst!

[ZARYUSU grunting]

[IGUVA] Ha. Cold doesn't

work on me, simpleton.

You were only hurting yourself.

Once I find your frozen corpse,

I'll feed it to the bugs.



Damn you.

I am a servant created

by the Great One himself!

I refuse to fall

to a filthy reptile!

I will feel your bones

crush in my hands!

Now, die, Lizard Man!


Rororo. Zenberu. Crusch.

[ZARYUSU growls]

Impossible! How are you moving?

Tell me how!


You're... finished!

Please. Forgive me, Lord Ains.

[LIZARD MEN cheer]


The traveler did it!


'Scuse me, Lord Cocytus.

Lord Ains has requested

your presence at once.


Understood, thank you.

[COCYTUS] Nicely done.

But, it was truly a close one.

[AINS] The Lizard Men

successfully survive the horde

of undead that was

sent against them

and celebrate their

unexpected victory.

Meanwhile, the defeated Cocytus

in summoned back to Nazarick

to explain his defeat

before his master.

Ains does not blame the

apologetic floor guardian

for his loss.

[AINS] Chapter :

"Army of Death".

What will you gain

from this experience.