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02x04 - Army of Death

Posted: 05/22/23 18:24
by bunniefuu
To our glorious victory!

And to the ancestor spirits!

I fought Frost Pain.

Even knew about that

fancy ability it has.

"Icy Burst," you mean.

The ability's strong

but has limited uses.

Even me knew that.




Okay, but did you know the

w*apon also has the power

to protect its user from the

most extreme cold possible?

It's not without

its drawbacks, though.

Drawback or no,

that do-or-die maneuver

wouldn't have worked without

Frost Pain's protection.

He's an amazing warrior.

Yeah. Proud to call him brother.

You did well, too.

Thanks for having his back.


So, it's back to life as usual?



It's far more likely that we've

pissed off this "Great One"

and they'll decide to

attack us personally.

Then why isn't your

brother living it up

with the rest of us?

Last I checked,

he was still asleep.

He and Crusch were

pretty exhausted.

We should let them rest

for a while longer.

Heh. Don't be an idiot.

We both know rest ain't

what's happening in that tent.

Don't make a nuisance

of yourself, y'hear?


[ZARYUSU gasps]

Hey, how's the baby makin'?


[AINS] Thank you for

assembling so swiftly,

my faithful Guardians.

We have much to cover.

Victim, come forward.

[AINS] Take a moment

to introduce yourself

to the others.

[VICTIM] It's a pleasure to

meet all of you. I am Victim.

[AINS] Though you guard

the Eighth floor,

that is not the reason

I've called you here.

We have yet to identify

Shalltear's powerful assailant.

I doubt we have seen

the last of them,

and must consider

future incidents.

Therefore, to protect all

of the Guardians, myself,

and Nazarick. I must

use a powerful skill

that is only invoked

by your death.

I am sorry.

Though, I will bring you

back to life right away,

I hope you can forgive me.

[VICTIM] Do not let it

bother you, Lord Ains.

Death is my purpose.

What I was born for.

If dying would be of use

to a Supreme Being

and the Tomb as a whole,

nothing would give

me greater joy.

[AINS] There is a motto our

members often lived by.

I'm reminded of it now.

"Greater love hath

no man than this,

that he lay down his life

for his friends."

Truly a sublime expression.

One that I believe

fits you perfectly.

I am grateful for your love.

[VICTIM] Your words are

more than I deserve.


Next up, Demiurge



First, allow me to honor you.

You always answer

my calls with haste.

You are too generous, Lord.

It is expected of me,

just as it is for all

of your humble servants.



I've inspected the sheepskin

parchment you provided.

It is evident they will stand

up to use as low-tier scrolls.

Can I count on a

stable supply of it?

[DEMIURGE] Yes. That will

not be a problem, Lord.

I have acquired an

ample number of them.


I see.

What is the name of the beasts

you've been harvesting?

Their name? Ah.

Would "Abelion Sheep" suffice?

The skin is similar.

As is their role

in your conquest.


"Sheep," huh? Interesting.

[MOMONGA] So, the beasts

are actually chimeras,

or, rather, a subspecies.

In Yggdrasil, chimeras

had the head of a lion

and a goat, and their

tails were snakes.

He must think that

a beast with sheep

mixed in is something different.

I think "Abelion Goat"

would be better,

but very well.

Continue your work.

Now. Shalltear.

[gasps] Yes, Lord?

[AINS] Regarding the

splinter in your soul.

Please. Master.

I can't reconcile

the shame of my sin

with the honor of my

position as Guardian.

I beg of you, punish me

for the reprehensible

monster that I am!

[AINS] All right. I will

settle on one later.

Lastly, Cocytus.

[COCYTUS growls]


You ended in defeat.


Yes, Lord.

I am terribly sorry

for my offense.

I have dishonored

Nazarick. I was foo--


Look your Master in the eye

when begging forgiveness!


Of course. Sorry.

[AINS] I'm curious. Why do

you think you were beaten?


Lord Ains.

I cannot begin to atone

for losing the army

you entrusted to me.

[AINS] Enough. Let me make

this perfectly clear.

I don't intend to punish you

harshly for this defeat.



[AINS] The reason being

that everyone makes mistakes.

I don't care who they are.

That goes for me, as well.


[AINS] That being said,

I would like to know

how you could have won.

[COCYTUS] I should have

acted more cautiously.

I underestimated the

Lizard Men's resourcefulness.


Yes, you did.

Never underrate someone,

no matter how weak they are.

Is there anything else?

[COCYTUS] I think I may have

had insufficient information.

The enemy's strength,

the topography.

I realize that, without

considering such factors,

my chance of victory

was lowered regardless.



[COCYTUS] Uh... A lack of

commanders was also a problem.

Since my soldiers

were low-level undead,

I should have placed those

with the ability

to lead in as needed.


Anything else?


Apologies, my lord.

That is all I can think

of for the moment.

[AINS] Outstanding!

Except for the Elder Lich,

our losses were inconsequential.

Their demise has

absolutely no effect

on Nazarick's power.

And considering what

one of my Guardian's

has learned from this,

I'd say we've gained.

[COCYTUS] Your benevolence

knows no bounds, my lord--

[AINS] Hold on. The fact

remains that you lost.

For that you must be punished.



You will personally

mop up that sludge

by exterminating the Lizard Men!

And, this time, you will

rely on no one but yourself.

[COCYTUS gasps]

Fantastic idea, my lord!

He will expunge his sin

and the Lizard Men

in one fell swoop! You truly

are a Supreme Being!


Lord Ains.




I must humbly make a request.

Please, Lord. Hear me out!

You have brought

defeat and disgrace

to the glory of Nazarick,

and now dare to

petition our master?

You forget your place, worm!



It's fine, Albedo!

You've surprised me, Cocytus,

and piqued my interest.

Lift your head and

make your request.

[COCYTUS gulps]


Don't keep me waiting.

I simply wish to know your mind.

Speak up, and let

it be known to all.

[COCYTUS] I am against

exterminating the Lizard Men.

I beg you, Lord Ains,

show them mercy!

The nerve of you!

Do you realize

you're challenging

the Supreme One's will?

[AINS] Albedo! Do not get

in the middle of this.

I beg your pardon.

Please, forgive me.


I am intrigued.

You must have a

pretty good reason

for making this request.

Something that will benefit

the Great Tomb of Nazarick

and its denizens.

Tell me what it is.


Yes, Lord.

There is a chance

that valiant warriors

will appear among

the Lizard Men tribes.

It is my judgement,

that it would be

far more beneficial to have them

pledge their loyalty

to Nazarick.

Make them our subordinates.

[AINS] That is indeed

a convincing proposal.

If we were to use the

Lizard Man corpses

to create undead, I'm not

convinced they would be

much stronger than if

we used human corpses.

As such,

I see no reason to insist on

using them for that purpose.


In that case--



It would be more

cost-effective to use undead

created by me than to leave

the Lizard Men alive

and rule over them.



[AINS] If you can think

of any other benefits,

now is the time to voice them.




How about it, Cocytus?




If you have nothing more,

then you won't mind

exterminating them, yes?

I see. That's too bad.


Lord Ains?


Hm. Speak, Demiurge.


Instead of zombies, what if

we used the Lizard Men

in a governability experiment?


Hm. Interesting. Continue.


The time will likely come

when we will be handling

different races simultaneously.

Why not practice?

We could use the

Lizard Men to that end.

Work out the kinks, and find

a means, other than fear,

to govern with for

when the time comes.


A terrific suggestion, Demiurge!

Thank you very much.

[AINS] We will then accept

Demiurge's proposal,

and shift from exterminating

the Lizard Men

to occupying them.




Demiurge. I am impressed.

I appreciate the praise, Lord,

but I'm sure you

were already aware

of my proposal before

I even thought of it.

You were simply waiting

for Cocytus, yes?

[AINS chuckles]

You give me far too much credit.

All I wanted

was for him to display

his own thinking,

no matter what

it might have been.

Listen well, my Guardians!

Orders are not infallible law

that you must blindly

obey and carry out.

You must carefully consider

them before you act!

Always aim for the greatest

benefit to Nazarick!


We will!


Consequently, we must change

your punishment, Cocytus.

You will govern the Lizard Men,

and instill everlasting

loyalty towards Nazarick

within their hearts. Rule

through fear is forbidden.


As you wish, Lord.

I swear on my life to

live up to the great mercy

you have shown me. Even if

it takes me an eternity.

[AINS] It's time to

move out, my Guardians!

I want one team as a decoy,

and another to flaunt our

power to the Lizard Men.

We'll put on one hell of a show.

Albedo, make ready our soldiers.

Activate Gargantua, as well.

By your command, Lord.

About the decoy.

I'm assuming that

someone has enjoyed

peeking on us lately.

So, you're sending out

this dummy unit,

to keep our true intentions

hidden for the time being?


That is correct.


Very good, Lord.

[AINS] All right!

It's time to get moving!


Demiurge, you have my gratitude.

[DEMIURGE] Please. There's

no need for that, Cocytus.

For, you see, this is

probably the outcome

Lord Ains wanted all along.



You mean everything

that's transpired

has done so according

to his design?

I should've known

that was the case!

But, if so, does that,

well, I mean...

I could be wrong about this,

but, did Lord Ains assume

that Cocytus would

lose from the get go?

Not so much "lose," perhaps.

He may have been hoping

Cocytus would probe

the Lizard Men's strength

and ask for reinforcements,

rather than blindly

follow his orders.

Well, that's our

Lord Ains for you!

Ten steps ahead of the rest.

No wonder he assumed

the role of guild master

for the Supreme Ones!

Truly, no one was more

deserving of the throne!

[AINS groans]

[AINS giggles]

[MOMONGA sighs]


That was freakin' epic!

Cocytus totally took

me by surprise.

In Yggdrasil, if you do anything

you don't have the skills

for, you're screwed.

But if Cocytus can gain

tactics and strategies

from this experience,

that just goes to prove

that everyone has a massive

potential for growth!

However, growth means change.

If my Guardians' skills

can change over time,

who's to say their loyalties

can't do the same?

Oh... That's a scary thought!

I wonder if there's

anyone around

who can teach me kingcraft.

[AINS] I suppose it's

about time I got ready

to move out, as well.



[AINS sniffs]

There's a floral scent.

Have they been sprinkling

perfume onto my bed sheets?

Perhaps this is what

the wealthy are used to.

If so, I should

keep that in mind.

It could come in handy

when pretending to be rich.


I knew this might happen, but,

not this soon.

[CRUSCH gasps]

Look at them.

[ZARYUSU gasps]



I noticed it, too.

Every one of them is

covered in magic equipment.

A mythical, undead army.

How'd the wind get

cold so suddenly?

I don't believe it.



The only thing that could

change the air like this

is "Control Weather."

Sixth-tier magic.

You're sure about that?

Ah. So, this must be the

power of the "Great One"

we keep hearing about.


Remain calm!

Don't let fear rule you,

brave warriors.

The ancestors are watching.

Don't think or do anything

that would cause them

to hang their heads in shame.

What do ya think?

They're making their move.

But it doesn't look like

battle preparations.


Then what's the point of this?



Is that the ruler of death?

What is that, Crusch?

I don't know. It's

completely new to me.


Everyone, to higher ground!


I'm guessing we can be sure

this is the "Great One"

after that little display.


Most likely.

Well, I'm sold.

We don't stand a chance

against this thing.

Might as well be dung beetles

from where he's standing.

Am I hallucinating?


What is that thing?

[LIZARD MEN scream]

Hold on.


Is this a Royal procession?

[MESSENGER A] We carry a

decree from the Great One.

Our glorious master wishes

to converse with you.


Let your delegate step forward

and receive your judgement.


Know that time wasted

is displeasing to the Great One.

Do so at your own peril.

[gasps] He used

all those monsters

just so he could invite

us to speak with him?

That's crazy.

My brother.

Will you walk with me?






Don't worry. I'll be back.

You better be.

Thanks for this.

I would never let you

go alone, brother.

Besides, they might take a

single delegate as an insult.

And, if he decides to

make an example of us,

our newly formed tribe will

only have lost one leader,

and a lowly traveler.

I'm fine with that.

I'm Shasuryu Shasha,

representative of

the Lizard Men!

This is our mightiest warrior,

as well as the one

I call brother.

Zaryusu Shasha!



Pathetic, as expected.

Demiurge, please teach

these lower life-forms

the proper posture to

adopt before our Master.

Prostrate yourselves!

Do not resist!


Lord Ains. I believe they

are ready to listen now.


Good work. Lift up their heads.

You are permitted to gaze

upon the Great One.

[BOTH gasp]

[AINS] I am the master of

the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Ains Ooal Gown.

First, I shall express

my gratitude to you

for assisting in my experiment.

Now, onto the main subject.

Your race will

fall under my rule.




I am sure that you do not wish

to come under the

rule of someone

against whom you have so

recently achieved victory.

Thus, in four hours,

I will attack again.

The attacker will be one

of my most trusted aids,

Cocytus, on his own.

If you are able to prevail

against him, as well,

then I promise to leave

your people alone

in peace from this day forward.

We surrender--

[AINS] I prefer you fight

instead of giving up

without trying.

That would displease me.

He's toying with us.


My business here is done.

You have four hours.

I suggest you use them well.

[SHASURYU] If I may ask,

will this ice melt away?

[AINS] Mm. That's right.

Fear not, I simply did not want

to dirty myself with your mud.

I will dispel my

magic's effect later.

[BOTH gasp]


Farewell, Lizard Men. Gate!

Till next time, if you live.

See ya!

Try not to get k*lled out there.

Um, please, take care

of yourselves, I guess.


I bid you farewell.

You are now free to move.


Do try to enjoy your

last few hours, okay?

Curse all of them!


Feels like a ritual sacrifice.

So, what's the plan?

We'll call every warrior class

Lizard Men to arms, at once.

With all of us, we just might...

Could I ask that it

just be five of us?

If their goal is to demonstrate

their overwhelming power,

they are unlikely

to k*ll us all.

Especially if they

want to rule us.

If that's the case, we will

need a central figure

for the survivors

to rally around.

A sound argument.


But... Who stay?

It won't be me. I'd

rather go down fighting.

Then that's what we'll do.

And Crusch will

lead the survivors.

Just a minute!

I'm fighting, too!

Zaryusu, why are you

willing to be a martyr now?

Because our people have been

given a chance at living.

[CRUSCH growls]

I'll let the two of you

work this thing out.

See you all in four hours.

Crusch. Understand.

There's no way that I could!

We could still win, after all!

My powers could keep you alive

until we grasp victory!

I refuse to let the female

I love die like that.


Would you please

grant this foolish male

his dying wish?

That's not fair.


You know, you'll

probably die out there.


And you're asking me to sit back

and watch it happen,

after we've become

so attached to one another?


I'm so happy we met, Zaryusu.

But also, sad.



Impregnate me!

[AINS] The Lizard Men have

come into direct contact

with the overwhelming

power of Nazarick.

For the sake of their species,

the warriors step forward

to the final battle.

Cocytus, the guardian

of the th floor,

is their one and only opponent.

In this last ditch battle,

he overwhelms them

with terrifying ease.

Chapter : "The freezing god".

The miracle is upon you.