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02x06 - Those who pick up, Those who are picked up

Posted: 05/22/23 18:25
by bunniefuu
Welcome back to the

Magician's Guild, Lord Sebas.

Always a pleasure.

I'd like to see the

spell and cantrips list,

if you please.


As you wish. One moment.

I'm not sure I understand this

"Floating Board" spell.

Would you explain its

function and general uses?

Of course. The

Floating Board spell.

A first-tier conjuration

of a glowing board.

It floats and is easy to move.

Very useful for

transporting items.

Often used in public

work projects.


I see.

Then, I would like to purchase

one such magic scroll.

If none are available,

please make one.

[REP A] We appreciate

your business, as always.

That will be one gold and

ten silver coins, please.

Go, Shadow Demon.

Deliver this message for me.

Tell Solution I'm

looking around the city

and will return

later than normal.

Now then.

I think I'll head

over there today.

[DOG barks]


Shadow Demon, go!

Please remove your hand,

you have my attention.

[SEBAS] Are you in need

of some assistance?

If that is the case,

then simply ask.


Hey, old timer.

Where the hell did

you blow in from?


What the crap? Let go of me!

I'm assuming you

know this woman?

She's one of my employees.

What of it?


So, she's human.

Yet you've forced,

or at least allowed,

extreme v*olence upon her.

And where were you

planning to take her

while she was in that sack?

To the temple. She's very sick.

[MAN A groans]

In that case, you wouldn't mind

if I decided to take

her in your stead.


Legally speaking,

she belongs to us!

If you take her away,

it would be kidnapping!

And a proper looking

butler like you

shouldn't get mixed

up in trouble

behind his master's back, right?

A valid point.

Do you want me to

help you, miss?

Do you want me to help or not?


[inaudible whimpering]


I'm not inclined to help those

who choose prayer over action.

They waste their

lives wilting away,

like flowers waiting for

the rain to sustain them.

However, you are

fighting to stay alive.

So, let go of your

fear and be at peace.

As of this moment,

you are under my

steadfast protection.

Like hell she is!

I never agreed to that!


"Like hell," you say?

An immoral blob like

you has the gall

to imply that my words

don't have merit?


Good. Then we shall

take our leave of you.




Is there something else?



It's just, if you take her,

I won't last through the night.

I'm in deep with

Eight Fingers, man.

You know what that means?


[MAN A] They control this

entire kingdom from the shadows.

I'm begging you.

Put her down, walk away,

and pretend this didn't happen.


I couldn't possibly do that.


Have a heart, old man!

They'll k*ll me! Slowly!

[TOUCHME] Because saving

a person who's in trouble

is always the right thing to do.

Holy hell. Are these

all platinum?

[SEBAS] Take that and hire

an adventurer or something.

It should be more than

enough to flee the country

and live comfortably with.

If you run as fast as you can,

perhaps you'll live long

enough to use it all.


Welcome back. Lord Sebas.

How-- If I may ask,

what the hell is that?

I found her.


I see.

I doubt you meant it

as a gift for me,

so what do you

intend to do with it?

A good question.

For now, I think I will have

you tend to her wounds for me.

Heal it? Seriously?

Could you not have left it at

a temple for such treatment?


I could have.

Imagine, me, of all people

not realizing such a thing.

I will dispose

of it, if you wish.

[SEBAS] No. I have already

brought her this far.

It would be a waste

not to think of

some effective use for her.

[SEBAS] If you don't mind,

I would like you to start

by assessing her

physical condition.


Very well, Lord Sebas.

Right away.

I'll leave you to it then.

I won't keep you waiting.

How could I act so foolishly?

"Saving a person

who's in trouble

is always the

right thing to do."

That philosophy was also

the motto of my creator,

Lord TouchMe.

He lived and breathed justice.

Perhaps, that is the reason

I endeavor to do the same.

Though, it could yet

prove to be a curse.



How is our guest?

It has three venereal

diseases, including Syphilis.

Several cracked ribs

and broken fingers,

and the tendons in its

right arm and left leg

have been torn.

Upper and lower front

teeth were removed.

It also has an a**l fissure.

There's the possibility

it is addicted

to some kind of drug.

In addition, there are

multiple bruises

and lacerations across--

Can she be treated?



Then please see to it.

That is not my specialty, Lord.

Lady Pestonya's healing magic

would be better suited by far.

[SEBAS] Solution, you have

the necessary healing scrolls

in your possession, yes?

Then use one of them on her.

But, Lord Sebas, those

scrolls were graciously

provided by the Supreme One

to serve his purposes.

Would it not be

sinful to waste one

on lowly human scum?

That is an order.

As you wish, Lord Sebas.

Forgive me if I'm being

too forward, but...

Would restoring its

physical state be sufficient

for you to engage in

whatever "activities"

you have planned?


Once her treatment is complete,

draw a hot bath

to clean her up.

Make her comfortable.

I'll buy something

for supper, in the meantime.

If I may, sir.

Tending that woman's

mental state will involve

much more than we're capable of.

Perhaps we should

call Lord Ains--

This is not something Lord Ains

needs to be bothered

with. Am I clear?

[SOLUTION] I would have

understood Sebas' intentions

if he had agreed to

make you my plaything.

Once you were fully

recovered, of course.

We still have time before

he returns, though.

More than enough to see

how flavorful you are.

It looks like the healing magic

did its job perfectly.

How are you feeling, young lady?

I'm sure you're hungry.

Eat. Before it gets cold.



As long as you're here,

you are free from

any kind of danger.

When you wake, you'll

still be in this bed.

You have my guarantee,

as head butler of the Pleiades.

[faint stammering]

[TUARE whispers]

Th-Thank you... very... much.


Please, think nothing of it.

Now that I have taken you in,

I will ensure your safety

to the best of my ability.

[TUARE] Why didn't

anyone try to help me?

They cannot hurt you now.



You're all right.


I-I'm s-sorry.


Please, don't concern yourself.

For a man such as myself,

it is an honor

to be the shoulder

a woman can lean on.

[TUARE] But it's so clean.

I would hate to get it dirty.



Here. Take it.

A handkerchief that goes unused

is a thing to be

mourned. After all,

it exists so you

may dry your tears

and keep moving forward.

Now then, you should

get some rest.

When you are ready, we will

discuss what comes next.

What do you mean, "comes next"?

I'm sure staying in the capital

is out of the question.

Is there anywhere

else you can go?


But, expected.

Is it all right if I

ask for your name?

I... My name is Tuare, sir.

A fine name indeed.

Oh, yes, forgive me.

I haven't told you

mine yet, have I?

My creator blessed me

with the name Sebas Tian.

But, please, feel free to

call me Sebas from now on.



Something the matter?

I have to ask.

What are you ultimately planning

to do with that woman?

Her name is Tuare.

Its name?

Lord Sebas.

I do not know the reasons

you had for bringing

that thing into this house,

but it received those injuries

from being exposed to

certain types of people.

Whoever did this to it

will be very displeased

when they find out

it's still alive.

They'll come looking.

If, and I do mean

if that happens,

then I will deal

with it accordingly.

For now, I want you to

wait and see what happens

for a little while.

Or can't you do that, Solution?



I developed the God Flash and

Field so I could beat you.

And if I combine

the two of them,

I will.

Blade Technique, Whistling Wind!

How? There's no way!


--[SHALLTEAR yawns]

What's wrong?

Are you tired already?

That sharp little

clipper of yours

did wonders for my nails.

Perhaps I should block

with the other hand.


[BRAIN screams]

[BRAIN gasps, pants]

Where am I?


You look awful.

Gazef? Am I still dreaming?


Where did we meet again?

The championship of the

royal matches, right?

I barely managed

to win that bout.

It was the closest

match of my life.

From my first day to now.

I know you.

Unglaus. Brain Unglaus?

Gazef. Stronoff.

Talk to me.

What the hell happened?

I found out how

weak I really am.

And it's not just me.

It's all of us, Gazef.

We're all nothing.

Our skill with the

sword amounts to garbage

in the face of monsters.

Just because we're human.

An inferior race.

Goes without saying.

Every warrior should understand

their own limitations.

But a monster's strength

is a height to work toward.

That's why you fight.

Close the gap.

Reach those new heights.


You're wrong!

The level I'm talking

about can't be reached.

No matter how hard we fight,

or how far we manage

to push ourselves,

the human race won't

see those heights.

That's the truth,

plain and simple.

You saw something that extreme?


Yes. I did.

A summit of strength that

humans will never climb up to.

No, what I saw wasn't

even a "height."

I was so utterly

lacking in ability,

that it was just a game!

It was almost funny.


Heed me.

Pursuing strength through

the sword is a fool's errand.

In the face of true

strength, rubbish!

[BRAIN] I'm glad I got

to see you one last time.

Now I can die.

Hey, that's enough!

Sit down. Eat something.

And then, move on.

[SOLDIER A gasps, grunts]



Everything is ready here.




I know. I was watching you.

I'm moving to the next location.


This won't be worth the trip

if we don't catch the

biggest fish possible.

We should move in

to attack as well.

What about them?

Probably goofing around

since they're just watching.


The hell they are.

They're lying in wait

near the village

in case of emergency.

Anyway, I'm off.

You two continue

according to plan.

Wont' do much,

but it should buy us

what little time we'll need.

If we can't strike a blow

that will turn things

'round, this is futile.

Lovely, it burns so well!

I hope the people of the village

can get away from it in time.

[GAGARAN] I'd be just as wary

of the smoke as the fire.

Remember, we're burning the

plant that diabolical drug

Black Dust is made from.

Breathe lightly.

What now?

We burning a different

site than this?

That's the plan.

We have to strike where we can.

If we aren't vigilant,

Black Dust will spread

across the kingdom just

like this wild fire.

Problem is they have

so many outposts

for cultivating the

drug, you could cover

half the map with them.

Eight Fingers really is

a gigantic organization.

Terrifying, right?

An underworld

syndicate so large,

they could undermine a nation.

[TINA] We finished everything

as planned, fiendish leader.

And we left no evidence

of our identity.

[LAKYUS] Tia. Tina.

Did you find anything?


Not at all.


Nothing valuable.

Ugh. I hope shorty

had better luck.


I've returned.

Happy hunting, Evileye?


Eh. You tell me. Catch.

What is this?

Code, maybe?



This could be the

lead on Eight Fingers

we've been waiting for.


I bring this meeting to order.

There are several

items on the agenda,

but one requires

urgent attention.


Yes, yes. Well.

Word has it one of your

cultivation facilities

came under attack by a

group of unknown assailants.


It was. Hell of a mess, that.

It was a village

where we produced

the drug en masse.

Won't be cheap to replace.

This loss could put

a bit of a squeeze

on our distribution and sales.


And you have no information

on the attackers?

None at all.

They left nothing for us

to find.Of course,

the flawless execution could

be the key to their identity.

[ZERO] Hey. Why don't

you bring us in on it?



Your group of

nobodies is worthless.

They can't protect jack.

Think I'll pass, thanks.

I can't afford to let

you know the location

of all my sites now, can I?


In that case,

I'd like to take you

up on that offer.

Sure about that, Cocco Doll?

Last I checked,

your purse was light.


Don't worry, Zero, darling.

True, the sl*ve

trade is hurting,

especially after the Golden

Princess prohibited it,

but I have a nest

egg in my coop.

Ah. What you mean is you have

something major going down.

I'm in.



I've had a bit of problem

come up with a woman

who was scheduled

to be disposed of.

I'm afraid it will take

more than my perfectly

manicured hands to deal with it.

I need some excessive force

to keep my business

up, understood?

[ZERO] That's what the

Six Arms does best.

We'll protect your property.

And if things get hairy,

we'll handle it with a smile.

[AINS] Renner, the third

princess of the kingdom of

Re-Estize, knows that her

country is continuing

to weaken. Powerless to act

on her own, Princess Renner

can only depend upon

her loyal soldier, Climb,

and the adamantite team

known as Blue Rose.

To protect the people from Eight

Fingers, the group that controls

the underworld, the greatest

adventurers begin to move.

Chapter : "Blue roses".

No matter the era, the weak

are always the victims.