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03x04 - Giant of the East, Demon Snake of the West

Posted: 05/23/23 06:04
by bunniefuu


Do you have any idea

why I called for you?



Hm. Tell me.

Have you heard about

the movements being made

by the monsters known

as the Giant of the East

and the Demon Snake of the West?

I have, but,

I didn't believe it worth

reporting to the Supreme One.

[AINS sighs]

So you knew?

--I did, but as I--

--[AINS] You fool!

[AINS] Why did you not

report it at once?

Was it your aim to

conceal the information?

No, I promise you!

I simply thought it was

beneath your notice.

[AINS] No more excuses.

I am disappointed in you.

[MOMONGA] She failed

at basic communication.

That's completely unacceptable.




I'm curious.

Do you understand

why Carne Village

is valuable to Nazarick?

Well, yes.

You've used it previously

for experimentation.

And, um, there are lots

of fun toys there.


Ah, I see. My apologies.

The mistake here was mine.

I did not realize you thought

so little of the place.

Allow me to take back my words.

I should have not

called you a fool.

Forgive me.

Please say no more, my lord.

It was my fault

for being stupid.


Very well.

Now you know to be more

insightful in the future.

In the meantime, I will tell you

why that village is important. line: %

[AINS] Carne Village has

some valuable inhabitants. line: %

In particular, Nphirea

and his grandmother.

The two of them are in

the process of developing

a new potion for me.

[gasps] Right, I forgot!

Here. I was supposed to

give this to you, Lord Ains.



A potion! A new one

Nphirea created

and asked me to pass on to you.



This potion is a prime

example of why Nphirea

and his grandmother

are so important.


[AINS] The potions of

this world are blue,

and, no matter how high

their quality may be,

they deteriorate over time.

By contrast, the potion

I know from Yggdrasil is red

and does not spoil.

[AINS] Nphirea is currently

trying to develop a potion

with similar properties

that does not rely

on any items or skills

from Yggdrasil.

However, the discovery

of a completely

different potion is certainly

an acceptable outcome, as well.

He is valuable enough

that I would have loved

to imprison him in

Nazarick and have him

perform his research here.

After all, knowledge is power.

Then, Lord, why not

do precisely that?

[AINS] Because earning his

trust and using his gratitude

to chain him will bring us

greater gain in the long term

than forcing him to

labor for us would.

I'm afraid there's

still one thing

I am too foolish and

ignorant to understand.

Forgive me for asking,

but why did you give

a red Yggdrasil potion

to the Britta woman

if they're so valuable?




Oh, right.

What do you mean? Explain.

Well, um...

Narberal's actually the

one who told me about it.

The incident she's referring

to occurred in E-Rantel.

Lord Ains gave a red potion

to an adventurer named Britta.

[AINS laughs]

[AINS] I'll admit,

it was a dangerous move.

However, the risk was

more than worth it

given what I stood to gain.

But... my lord.

I'd thought you

were acting simply

to replace that woman's potion.

[AINS] Did you truly

believe my motivation

would be so pedestrian?

[gasps] Of course

not--I'm sorry!



I don't understand.

What about him, Lord?


Consider this.

When a person receives

a potion that they've

never seen before, what are

they most likely to do?

Oh, I know that one!

They'll ask somebody

for advice about it.



As I had foreseen,

she went to the most skilled

and trusted potion maker

she knew, did she not?

And what happened as a result?

I came into contact

with Nphirea.

So that's why! I see now!


At last, you understand.


They totally bought it!

That was such a

brilliant plan, Lord Ains!

Is that how you always

decide what to do--

by thinking three steps

ahead of everybody else?


Of course.

After all, I am the ruler of

the Great Tomb of Nazarick,

Ains Ooal Gown!




[AINS] The most important person

in that village is Nphirea.

Directly behind him

in value is Enri Emmot,

as his love for her is a

tether that keeps him there.

Last is Nphirea's

grandmother, Lizzy.

The others are

of no consequence,

but you must protect those

three at all cost.




Now that you know my plans,

you won't make the

same mistake again.

Failure is unacceptable.


Yes, my lord!


Good. Now go.

Do your duty and

don't disappoint me.




Farewell, my lord.


Lord Ains is freaking amazing!


Be quiet.



Truly, Master.

You are amazing, but must

she behave like that?

It's embarrassing.


Let it go.

Aura, what do you know

about the Giant of the East

and the Demon Snake of the West?

My lord. I'm sorry,

but I know nothing.

I don't have any

information on monsters

called by those names.

I mean, I pretty much

combed those woods

for powerful enemies, but

everything there seemed weak.

[AINS] Something of Hamusuke's

level can hardly

be considered strong.

They would have

been easy to miss.


Shall I take care of them?

I'd be more than happy to.

If I send in a few of

my pets, it'll be easy!


Easy, perhaps, but boring.

I would like to see

the Giant of the East

and Demon Snake of

the West for myself.

And perhaps we can create

a test for Lupisregina

at the same time.



We should be reaching the lair

of the Giant of the East

before much longer.


All right.

So, my lord.

Have you decided yet

how we shall dispose

of these creatures who

were foolish enough

to go against your wishes?

[AINS] Let us try

talking to them first.



[AINS] If the Giant of

the East and Demon Snake

of the West are monsters that

did not exist in Yggdrasil,

I'd like to capture them.

Your kindness always

amazes me, Master.


It does?

However it might appear, Aura,

the truth is that I am

only kind to those

who are worthy of it.

Or those who are from

Nazarick, of course.

When it comes to

beings like Hamusuke,

I merely believe they

may have some worth

and so should not be wasted.

Seize every golden opportunity.

I hadn't realized Hamusuke

was really that valuable.


He is.

He has been a very

useful test subject.

[AURA] Are you talking

about the training

with the Lizard Men?



I have him doing some

specialized conditioning

with a Death Knight.

I wish to find out if

they're capable of gaining

new skills or changing classes.

[MOMONGA] It's a long shot,

but if the Death Knight

could become a true warrior

class and learn martial arts,

it would greatly increase

Nazarick's power.

Still, it probably

won't be possible,

and I'm not sure about Hamusuke.

If we only had another

for comparison...



Lord Ains, is something wrong?


Hm? No, it's nothing.

I was just lost in thought.

There's no need to worry.

That's good!


She's so skinny.

Do kids just look smaller

now that my hands are so big?

[AURA yelps] What is it?

Did you need something?

[AINS] I was just thinking that

your waist is quite small.

Are you eating properly?

Yes. I am. Three meals a day.

On a regular schedule,

just as you instructed.

[AINS] Very good. Make sure

you continue to do so.

Right! I'll eat well

and fill out enough

to make old Shalltear blush!

[AINS] I suppose all of you

are bound to form

romantic attachments eventually.

Well, maybe, but it's still

way too early for me.

I'm only years

old, after all.


Seventy? Oh, yes.

For a dark elf, that means

you're still only a child.

[AINS] So, tell me,

Aura, is there anyone

in Nazarick you like?

Do you have a "type"?

I love you the best out

of everybody, of course!

[AINS laughs]

That makes me happy.

Will you tell me yours now?

Who do you love

the most, Lord Ains?


Hm? I love you, too, Aura.


[MOMONGA] So, the children

are developing emotionally.

If there's a school for dark

elves, perhaps I should

consider sending

Aura and Mare there?


Um. Lord Ains!



What's wrong?

That was quite loud.

Oh, um, I'm sorry.


There is no need to apologize.

Now, then. I've been

thinking about your future.

You have? Really?

[AINS] If ever we find a

dark elf colony or country,

let's visit it together.

What? Oh, of course.

That kind of future, yeah.

Absolutely. I'd be happy

to accompany you.

For right now, though.

We've almost reached

our destination.


All right.

Will you have the creatures

you brought along

stand at the ready nearby?


Okay. Go, everyone!


This is laughable.

It seems they tried to copy

what you were building

with pathetic results.

Okay, here we are.

That should be their

nest up there.

[AINS] There are no

guards. How careless.


Smells terrible in here.


A gas trap maybe?

No, it could just as

easily be coincidence.

A bunch of footprints.

Judging by these,

I would say that

multiple creatures live here.

[AINS] Clearly, we can't expect

much intelligence from them.

I hope we can at least converse.

[OGRES growling, munching]


If I could have your attention.

Sorry to interrupt your meal.

[OGRES roar]

[AINS] As a welcoming committee,

they leave much to be desired.




Skeleton! Enemy!


Aura, stand back.



How filthy!

You not normal skeleton.

[AINS] Kindly refrain

from calling me that.

I am here to see your leader,

the Giant of the East.

Go. Inform him.


Well, I guess I could just wait.

Drat. I may have

overreacted a bit.

But its hand was just so dirty.

It was understandable.

A vile ogre tried to touch you.

You couldn't allow

that indignity!


That's reassuring, thank you.

You know, Punitto Moe once said,

"There are worse ideas

than punching people to

make them listen to you."

Or perhaps it was

Warrior Takemikazuchi?


Well, that settles it, then.

If the Supreme Beings

say so, it must be true.


I don't know if those two

are the best examples.



A troll.

So, "giant" is a bit of

a stretch in this case.

Although it isn't

a complete lie.

Is he similar in

strength to Hamusuke?

I believe they're

comparable, Lord Ains.


You are the Giant of the East?

In that case, I hope I am

correct in assuming you

are the Demon Snake of the West.

Yes. I'm referring to you,

the one hiding behind

an invisibility spell.

Concealing yourself

is pointless.

You may as well answer.


I see. You're a naga.

A type of snake,

I'll grant you that.

Still, the description

was misleading.

If you saw through my

invisibility so easily,

you're no normal skele--

Skeleton, why are you here?


I am not a skeleton.

Yet another

inaccurate description

I must see corrected.

Well, then, what are you?

Guu, the mighty ruler, feared

throughout the eastern forest,

will allow you to say your name.




What an... interesting name.

Apologies for the

late introduction.

I should return the favor.

My name is Ains Ooal Gown.



[MONSTERS laugh]

Unlike me with my powerful name,

you have the name of a coward.


--[AINS] Easy. Stay calm.

Please, mysterious undead.

These creatures believe long

names signify a lack of courage.


And what about you?

Do you believe me

to be a coward as well?

I don't think as they do.

I have a long name,

too, you see.

I am what you call the

Demon Snake of the West.

My name is Ryraryus

Spenia Ai Indarun.

So what business do you

have with us, weakling?

[AINS] I have ordered a

stronghold to be constructed

in the center of the forest

using golems and undead.

Do you know of it?

Of course I know, intruder!

If it weren't for this

gutless snake's whining,

we would have gone over there

and k*lled you already.

Now it looks like you

saved us the trouble.


Yes, so it would seem.

Which brings me to

the purpose of my visit.

I've come here because I would

like to negotiate with you.

If you wish to live,

submit yourselves to me.

As if I, the mighty

Guu would ever submit

to a poorly named weakling.

Guu! Be careful what you say.

I think first, I'll

make a meal of you.

Then I'll move on to

--the small one for dessert.

--[AINS laughs]

[AINS] You howl more than

a dog, you sack of flesh.

What was that?


I propose a duel.

Surely you, with your strong

name and boundless courage,

would be willing to

face one you believe

weak and cowardly.

If you're scared, however,

now is your chance to run.

I'll duel you, and there

will be nothing left

by the time I'm finished.

[AINS] Very well. Then let's

not waste any more time.

[GUU yells]




Something wrong with your sword?

[BLUE TROLL A groans]

[AINS] Ah, yes. Trolls

can heal themselves.

[GUU cackles]

[AINS] The strong hold

the power of life and death

over the weak. However,

I found that distasteful.

He's too powerful.

We must work together

to defeat him!

Shut up!

[AINS] Some of us take

pride in our appearance.

I wish you wouldn't

wrinkle my clothes.

Now, are you finished

attacking me?

[GUU groans]

[growls, groans]

[AINS] Possessing a

so-called "cowardly name"

does not make one weak.

You may have a brain

the size of an acorn,

but surely you've

realized that by now.

[RYRARYUS hisses]


Aura! Don't let that one escape.


Yes, Lord Ains.

What would you like me to do

with this weakling now?

You scrawny little brat.

I'm going to squeeze

you to death!



You're obstructing my view

of Lord Ains' majestic form.

If you keep resisting,

I may accidentally

crush your throat.

[RYRARYUS groans]


Very good.

Now, take the creature away

from the fighting please.

I do not want him to

become collateral damage.

Right, you're comin' with me.


Now then. All healed up?

Let us continue

on with our duel.

I don't understand

how you're doing this.

Are you using magic?


Well, now. This is surprising.

Guu, the great king of

the forest and almighty

Giant of the East,

flinching in fear of a coward.

How can this be?

[AURA] He's obviously

quailing before you because

your name is a strong and

valiant one, Lord Ains,

while his not only

cowardly, but weird.

Right, snake?

Yes, that's right.

It's evidence of

Lord Ains Ooal Gown's

undeniable greatness.

[AINS] Indeed, that does

seem a viable explanation.

Damn you!


Silence, you filth.

[GUU groans]

[AINS] The trouble

with fighting a troll.

I could dice you

into tiny pieces,

and you'd likely still

be able to recover.

Though you do feel the pain.

My att*cks don't have

any effect on you at all.

What the hell are you?


What am I? I am death.

And I have come for you.

k*ll him now!

All of you! Go!

[AINS] I suppose I shouldn't

be surprised that someone

with such a cowardly name

would break his promise

of single combat.

It wouldn't do

for you to escape.

I've played around long enough.

Aura of Despair. Fifth Tier.


I'll submit to you!

I wish to serve you with

every ounce of my being.

It would be an honor

to do the bidding of one

with such a courageous name!


Ah. All right.

I did originally come

here for negotiations.

Have we collected data

on a troll zombie yet?




A magic w*apon?

It may be useful for

increasing the power

of an individual

from the village.

Do you have subordinates?

A troll would be nice.

I do have one, great lord.


Most excellent.

In that case, we can use

him as a substitute.

Although, it may be difficult.

You will bring your subordinate

and go to the building we are

constructing in the forest.

Aura, free him.

Are you sure, my lord?

[AINS] It will be fine.

If he betrays me--

No! I swear on my life

I would never consider

betraying someone of your power!

Only a fool would!

But I've seen the

terrifying coldness

that lurks in your gaze!

I know I'm nothing before you.

[AINS] Well, all right then.

Now leave, quickly.

And find me more subordinates.

That is my first order to you.



[DEMIURGE] This seems

to be a menu, my lord.


I wanted to ask your opinion.

It would be a meal for

a human man and woman.

Perhaps a child as well.

Well, if Lord Ains is deigning

to offer humans a meal,

I believe they should eat

anything and everything

that is served,

without complaint.

However, I suspect that opinion

isn't what you're looking for.

If there is to be

a child present,

I would steer clear of

a dish like foie gras.


I would suggest something a bit

lighter and more refreshing.

[AINS] I see. That is

helpful. Thank you.


I am unworthy of your praise.

Lord Ains, if I may

be so bold as to ask--

do you plan to invite

guests to the holy place

of the Supreme Beings,

our Great Tomb of Nazarick?


Is there a problem with that?


Of course not.

Please forgive the implication.

Your will is all, my lord.

I live to obey.





Yes, Lord Ains.

I have received a report

from Lupisregina.



It seems she's

passed the first test.

[ENTOMA] Also, she has requested

permission to enter battle.



She is to do whatever

is necessary.

I want her to protect

those three with her life.




What's wrong?

I don't know.


The monsters of the Great Forest

attack Carne Village.

At the main gate,

Jugem leads goblins, ogres,

and human vigilantes in

the defense of thier home.

Meanwhile, Enri and

Nphirea discover a troll

attempting to enter from

the rear of the city.

There's no hope for victory

if Jugem and the others

must fight on two fronts,

so Enri and Nphirea

risk their lives to buy time.

Chapter : "Two Leaders."

I am eager to see how

this might resolve.