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03x11 - Another Battle

Posted: 05/23/23 06:10
by bunniefuu

How dare they march me out

to the middle of

nowhere like this!

Carne Village is scarcely

worthy of my attention.

But I won't let them

rob me of my glory.

I'll wrap things up

in short order,

then march straight to the

Katze Plains for battle.

Wait. Maybe this

place isn't useless!

I might be able

to use the villagers

to negotiate with Gown.

If he backs out of the w*r,

the Empire will retreat

without so much as a skirmish.

This is my chance to prove

that I'm worthy of the throne.

That I'm the only choice!

No, even better.

I'll draft the

villagers as soldiers

and march them

before Gown himself.

If he ends up k*lling them,

he'll show what

kind of man he is.

All his support will be lost.

A splendid plan. Just perfect. line: %


Hello, Chief, we've returned. line: %


Greetings, Chief.



Yeah, greetings to

you, too. Nice work.

So, what are you up

to right now, Chief?

I'm preparing for winter.

Making sure we have enough

supplies for everyone.

You have the firewood

under control.

Tell us if you need

anything else. 'Kay, Chief?

[forced laughter]

Oh, hello, Chief!

Keep up the good work, Chief!

[forced laughter]

Well, if it isn't the chief!

Have you spoken to the

new villagers joining us?

[ENRI] If one more person

calls me "Chief,"

I am going to scream!

We need to check on

the dried grass.

Try to hang in there till

we're done with our inventory.

Considering that so many

people think I can crush

a barghest with my bare hands,

I suppose the least I can do

is take stock of our

supplies properly.

But, Chief, you...

I mean, Enri--

You're pretty tough!



[OGRES gasp]

Wow, so it is true!

You are strong enough

to crush a barghest,

just like everyone says!


Chief so strong.

Chief so great.

I knew you could do it, sis!


[laughs] After that,

the ogres all wanted

to arm-wrestle you, too.

Okay, enough.

Ah-- I'm sorry.

[gasps] You smell really

nice! What is that?

Just something I cooked up.

I'm glad you like it, though.

I haven't made much

cologne before.


It'll sell for a

fortune in the city!

I mean, maybe, but that's

not really why I...

What's this pose?

You wanna wrestle?

Here we go!



Bad news, Miss Enri!

[BOTH gasp]


Oh, sorry for the interruption.

It's an emergency.

[AINS] The royal army

came to Carne Village?


Yes, my lord.

The first prince, Barbro,

suddenly appeared at their gates

with , soldiers.


To what end?

[LUPISREGINA] He claims he's

here to question villagers

who have come into

contact with you.

But I believe his true intention

is to hold the village hostage

in hopes you'll surrender

before the battle

with the Empire starts.

[AINS] The royal army

may not be strong,

but , soldiers

is overwhelming.

Carne's goblins and ogres

won't be enough

to turn them away.

How are they responding to this?

It seems that the

villagers are just trying

to buy time right now.

[CHENEKO] I have come as

a vassal of the first prince

of Re-Estize, Barbro Andrean

Ield Ryle Vaiself!

We have a matter of great

importance to discuss!

Open this gate immediately!

[ENRI] I'm sorry, but there's

cow dung everywhere inside here.

We can't possibly let a prince

visit until we clean it up!



Enri is holding them

off at the gate.

In the meantime, the goblins

and ogres are hiding.

Oh, no! I've got

dung on my hands!

I'll wash them and come back!

[AINS] She seems to be

handling this well.

[MOMONGA] I wonder if

Demiurge planned for this?

I'll just have

to act like I knew

it would happen or something.

Either way, the village

itself isn't a big deal.

I just don't want

anyone finding out

about our potion experiments.

[AINS] Lupisregina, continue

to monitor the village

and tell me every last detail.

There are four people

you must protect.

You know who they are.

Of course, my lord.

[CHENEKO] We have heard word

that you're connected

to the rebel forces

of Ains Ooal Gown!

If you will not cooperate,

that must be the case!

If these accusations are false,

prove it and open the gate!



Enough of this. They've given

us all the proof we need.

Burn this place to the ground!

Please, my lord!

If we're forced to k*ll

this many civilians,

surely our morale

will suffer for it.

Tch. Fine. Then

strike the tower.

Burn it down and they'll

get the message.

Now no one will die.

That good enough?

--[VILLAGERS gasp]

--Oh, no.




Are they going to k*ll us?

This village wouldn't

have survived

if it wasn't for

Lord Gown's help.

I'm not going to betray him,

no matter the cost.

This prince is our enemy!

I'll fight 'em if I have to!


Count me in!

If they wanna start

somethin' with us,

we'll hit 'em right back!



[JUGEM] Miss Enri.

Gotta make a call on this.


All right, everyone.

We have enough

villagers gathered here.

Let's take a vote

while we still can.


Who thinks we should meet

the prince's demands?

In that case, even though

it may cost us our lives,

who thinks we should resist

the kingdom's forces?



Seems you all agree.

We will prepare for battle.

Let us pay back our debt

to Lord Ains Ooal Gown!

All right. We need

a plan, quick.


Your courage is admirable.

But let's be frank.

Us old men are the only ones

who should be

risking their lives.

We'd like to have the women

and children evacuate,

but it's too late for that.

The prince's forces have already

gathered at the back gate.

We'll make it work.

Just open up the front gate,

and launch a quick,

concentrated att*ck.

They might see through

that plan, but as long

as our strike is strong enough,

they'll have no choice

but to gather their forces.

If you have any objections,

make 'em quick.


I think it's settled, then.

One question.

Where will they go?

Into the Great Forest of Tob.

Agu and Miss Britta

know the area,

so they can lead

everyone to safety.

They'll be able to

survive for some time.

'Least till the soldiers leave.

I accept.

Be quick. But be careful, too.

And listen up.

Nphirea and Miss Enri

are going with you.


No, I have to stay and--

You be safe! We still need you!

We'll be all right.

Come back soon!

Watch over those kids for us.


You got this, Chief.


Don't worry.


It's not over.


Stay strong.

Enri. Listen. This isn't

our battle to fight.

Our job will be to rebuild.

It's not right.

And remember. We still

have one last hope.

We've stayed loyal to Lord Gown.

He may save us in time.

He has already.

You still have that summoning

horn he gave you a while back?

That summons goblins?

Yeah. Right here.

[JUGEM] It may be tempting,

but don't use it now.

You'll just lead them

to slaughter. Don't worry.

If we die here, take that horn,

and summon new goblins

to help rebuild the village.

Will they be okay?

I understand.


I don't have much time.

How will I know who to question?

Damn it. I should have

brought an inquisitor.

t*rture would settle

this quickly.

They're finally letting us in?


All units, forward!


[KNIGHTS yell]




[yelps] Hold on.

Why is an ogre here?

--[OGRE A grunting]

--[KNIGHTS screaming]


Draw swords!

[KNIGHTS screaming]

Shouldn't we be f*ring arrows?

What's going on?

We'd like to, my lord, but I

fear we'd hit our own men.


What's this?

That was a surprise,

but no need to worry.

That's likely all they've got.

Surely Marquis Boullope's

elite soldiers

can handle five ogres.

That we can, my lord.

One thing troubles me.

Ogres are monsters--

they lack intelligence.

But this is clearly a

tactic on someone's part.

They may have a cunning

leader in there.


Better to proceed with caution

until we find out more.


Look at that!

They've trampled

all over our flag!

This isn't a village--

it's an enemy stronghold!

Burn it to the ground!

Gather those we sent

to the back gate!

Unleash a volley of

fire over these walls!

We'll hunt down the villagers

and k*ll every last one!


Good. It looks like

Jugem's diversion was a success.

All of the soldiers have

moved to the front gate.


Let's go!

Ready? Just follow my lead.

[ENRI] Right. 'Kay, guys,

it's time to go.

They're here.

Come on, hurry!

We just have to make

it to the forest!

I'll try to buy you some time!

You'll be k*lled!


Just trust me!


I can't let this happen.

Goblins. Please, help us.

[horn blows]

She used it.






[JUGEM yells]

[KNIGHT B grunts]


Goblin's Single Blow!

[KNIGHTS groan]




[JUGEM] Miss Enri must be

safe in the forest by now.

We've hardly put a dent in them.

[horn blows]

They sent for help?

But what army would aid them?


[JUGEM] Reinforcements are here!

Retreat to the back!

[BOTH panting]


Well, hello, gentleman.

You have done well to protect

General Enri thus far,

but henceforth, you may entrust

this little operation to me,

the great goblin strategist!

I vow to you, not a single life

will be lost on my watch!

Anything less would

be an embarrassment!

Complete victory shall be mine!


What the hell is going on?

There's gotta be over

, of these guys!

This is bonkers!

Um, my lord?

That horn I heard before

the goblins showed up

was a magic item, wasn't it?

[AINS] The horn. Ah, yes,

of course, the horn.

It was so insignificant to me,

I forgot I had given it

to that human woman as a gift.


[MOMONGA] That's the only

logical explanation, I guess.

But the Horn of

the Goblin General

isn't supposed

to be that badass.

It's just some garbage

item that summons

a few low-level goblins.

Not like, a whole army.


What the hell is happening?


My lord. We must retreat!

You think we can't

handle some goblins?

Stop wasting time and fight!

Listen. This isn't

just a handful of troops

we're dealing with.

It's an overwhelming force.

Please give the

order to withdraw!

Use your head for once!

If this army's as

strong as you say,

what if they inv*de E-Rantel?

It would be our fault!

Then we shall do

our best, my lord.

All right, take the

V formation! Ready?


[KNIGHTS yell]


the Goblin Heavy Infantry Corps.

In the name of the

Honorable General Enri,

we shall crush your paltry

forces beneath our boots!

[KNIGHTS yell]


the Goblin Paladin-Knight Squad!

In the name of the

Honorable General Enri,

we shall fell the wicked

and prove our valor!


the Goblin Beast Rider Corps!

In the name of the Honorable

General Enri, we race forth!

[KNIGHTS groaning]


the Goblin Lowgbowman Corps!

In the name of the

Honorable General Enri,

we shall rain vengeance

from the skies above!

[KNIGHTS scream]


the Goblin Magic Support Corps!

In the name of the

Honorable General Enri,

we shall strengthen our

allies, weaken our foes

and sow destruction with

every measure of our guile!


We are the Goblin Magic

Bombardment Squad!

In the name of the

Honorable General Enri,

we shall wield the flames

of chaos and prove our worth

as the strongest force

in the Goblin Army!

[KNIGHTS scream]


Miss Enri!

--[CONA] There you are!

--Hey! I'm so glad you're safe!


Honorable General Enri,

the valiant troops you see

before you are yours to command.

Five thousand of the finest

soldiers of every variety.

Suitable, for a leader

of your prowess.

My lord, give the word.

Let's retreat.


Not a chance.

We are the Goblin

Assassin Squad

who walk among the shadows.

In the name of the

Honorable General Enri,

we shall seize

your final breath.


of the Thirteen Redcaps,

the goblin elite guard

tasked with defending

the Honorable General Enri.

Though it appears my services

aren't needed here.

Protect His Majesty!

Pull back immediately!

Too late, punk.




The first horn summoned goblins

just like it did in Yggdrasil,

so I don't see why

changing worlds would make

this horn act differently.

Everything else has

been the same.

Maybe the item always

had a hidden effect

and I just didn't know about it.

It's called the Horn

of the Goblin General.

That could be a clue.

Like, it normally

summons weak goblins,

but if you meet

certain conditions,

it summons a whole army?

Might have to do with the

skills of the summoner.


Um, Lord Ains?



Did you give her that magic horn

because you knew

this would happen?

And you knew the villagers would

be loyal to you, even then?


Oh, uh, yeah.


I... I'm sorry.

I'm no good at putting

it into words,

but you really are

amazing, Lord Ains!


Well, of course.



Why did we let him escape?


It was an order

from the Goblin Strategist.

He said that General Enri won't

have any room for negotiation

if we take the prince's

head in our first battle.


Hmph. Fair enough, I guess.

[BARBRO] It's absurd!

How could we lose to goblins?

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Hey there, buddy!

You're looking glum.

You wanna play with me?

Who goes there?

You sure are testy.

I'm Lupisregina.

One of the maids

that serves Lord Ains.

What did you say?

That was pretty rough, huh?

Summoning those goblins

out of the blue like that

is practically cheating.

I gotta admit, even I

let out a little yelp

when I saw that go down.

Who knew Enny had

it in her, huh?


All right, that's enough.

What do you want from me?

C'mon, Mister Grumpy,

I think you know

the answer to that

one without asking.


I came here to m*rder

you, of course.

Yeah right. And how do

you intend to do that?

Do you realize who

you're dealing with?

I'm Prince Barbro Andrean

Ield Ryle Vaiself!


I wouldn't be here

if you were some guy.

But even a prince

is still just a human.

Hold on.


I'm afraid Lord Ains Ooal Gown

doesn't have a place

for you in his plans.

And since you're less

than garbage to him,

that means you're

better off dead.

You get it?

[gasps] You mean it.

You're planning to k*ll me!

Ooh! I like that face!

This might not be

so boring after all!

Maybe I was a little

harsh before--

I've changed my opinion of you!

Oh, yeah?


So, I was thinking.

If you're gonna

fight to the death,

then I gotta pick out the right

enemies for the job, y'know?

Are you ready? Ta-dah!

You probably hate

goblins right now,

so I had Lord Ains summon

some choice ones for you.


[swords clanging]

[KNIGHTS screaming]

[CHENEKO screams]

[BARBRO yelps]

My powers don't measure

up to Solution's,

but beggars can't be choosers

and I do have my charms.



In response to Jirniv's request,

I release a mighty spell

to signal the battle's start.

Super tier magic:

Tribute to Dark Fertility!

Ia! Shub-Niggurath!

I wonder what kind of result

it will yield in this world.

There are those who see

the magic circles around me

and know enough to flee,

but they are far too late.

Chapter : "m*ssacre."

Now, let us begin!