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04x12 - Invasion of the Royal Capital

Posted: 05/23/23 06:22
by bunniefuu

So then I bowed down and said,

"Please, I beg of you!

Just a moment of your time!"

And it worked splendidly.

He stopped dead in his tracks.


May I interject?


What is it?

You were posing as

Lord Ains--the Sorcerer King

and absolute ruler of

the Tomb of Nazarick.

And yet you dropped

to your hands and knees.

Is that appropriate?


Oh, you're right.

I don't suppose the real Lord

Ains would ever do such a thing.

[AINS] No, I think that

was a fine choice.

If that's all it takes to make

an enemy drop their guard,

then feel free to debase

yourself all you like.

My dignity is not so flimsy

as to be shaken by such a thing.

In addition to taking

him off guard,

I'm certain that it led him

to underestimate me.

You've poisoned his

mind quite skillfully.


Thank you.

[AINS] But we still don't

have enough information.

Some of his powers are still

a bit of a mystery to me.


Like the barrier, you mean?

[AINS] Since Albedo was carrying

Ginnungagap and she was

the only one who could

break through the barrier,

we can assume it was

created using a world item.

It likely functions the same as

the world item I gave to Aura--

Depiction of Nature and Society.


I'm not so certain, My Lord.

I noticed something peculiar.

When he spoke the words

"World Isolation Barrier,"

his HP dropped. Perhaps

it was actually a skill?


Yes. Although some world items

have an activation cost,

I've never heard of one

that takes your HP.

And you said that

his HP dropped

when he used other skills

as well, is that correct?


for things like teleportation.

His HP would drop

upon activation.

[AINS] One world item

with multiple functions?

Such things do exist,

like my orb here.

But the ability to strengthen

weapons and armor,

teleport, and create barriers?

Those abilities are far too

different from one another.

As things stand,

we cannot say for certain

that his skills are

the work of a world item.

It seems we need to lose

another battle with this

Riku fellow if we

want to find out.

[BOTH gasp]

[AINS] Naturally,

I don't like losing, either,

but we must know everything

possible about our opponent.

That will ensure

an absolute victory.


Yes, sir!

[MOMONGA] I've confirmed that

NPCs can be resurrected,

and that goes for people

from this world, too.

But if I die, who knows?

Not really something I can test.

Well, actually, thinking

about the history here.

The Six Great Gods

and the Eight Greed Kings

were probably players like me.

Without exception, all of their

stories end with their deaths.

That means my odds aren't good.

I have to keep that in mind

with every decision

that I make going forward.

Anything that's lost

can be regained,

as long as I'm still alive.

Better to suffer a strategic

loss and live to tell the tale.

[AINS] Well, then,

Cocytus and the others

should be attacking the

royal capital about now.

I'll head there, as well.

I need to close the curtain

on this tale personally.

[ALBEDO] It's such a

trivial matter, My Lord.

Are you certain it's

worthy of your attention,

when I could take

care of it for you?

[AINS laughs]

When I'm playing the villain,

I have standards to uphold.

Though I'm not quite as

extravagant about it as Ulbert.

Oh, is that why?

Well, fair enough then.

[AINS] Yes, that is

exactly why, Albedo.

It's good that you understand.

[CARETAKER A] I know this

is a strange time to say this.

But the children look

forward to your visits

more than anything else.

They always love your stew.

It's been difficult to get some

ingredients because of the w*r,

but with your help today,

the children will finally

be able to eat their fill.

Well, I hope you're able to have

a bit of stew yourselves.

You've been saving food

for the children,

so I'm sure you haven't

been eating properly.


You're so kind, princess.

Pathetic, isn't it?


Can you believe it?

Our kingdom's on

the brink of ruin,

and feeding orphans

is all I can do.

It's only a matter of time

before the Sorcerer

Kingdom arrives.

Then, all of the people here

in the capital will die.

Please don't say that.

No matter what happens next,

the children are

happy right now.

That wouldn't be

the case without you.


[laughs] I...

I'm sorry, I said too much.

That was insolent of me.


I'm sure you must be busy,

so thank you for

meeting with me.

I apologize for

making you wait.


That's perfectly fine.

You probably have plenty

to take care of, yourself.

Oh. I don't need tea.

I'm afraid we can't stay long.


Come on, Lakyus.

How long could it take

to drink one cup of tea?

Were all of you

looking forward to it?

[EVILEYE] The princess extends

us such a kind offer

in this trying time and you turn

it down without a thought?

How cold of you.

Hey, muscle-head.

[EVILEYE] Don't ignore me.

Who do you think I'm talking to?

Miss "I'd sink in the

water like a rock."

[EVILEYE sighs]

Hey, Gagaran.

Yes? What is it?

[EVILEYE] Wouldn't you like

to have a spot of tea?

More than just a spot.

I could chug the stuff

by the gallon.

My poor throat has

never been so parched.


So there you have it, Boss.

Tea for everyone.

With your permission.

If it means that much to you.

But you'll be drinking, as well?

[TIA] We'll pour the

cups. Don't worry.


You can have a nice chat

with the princess

in the meantime, okay?

Though fair warning,

I like my tea extremely bitter.

That's not necessary.

There's some in the pot.

Oops, there's not enough.

Oh, no. That won't do at all!

Especially since we have

someone who could, quote:

"chug the stuff

by the gallon."

People will start to think

the princess can't even

offer tea to her

distinguished guests!

Stop it, you're being rude!



This is probably the last time

we'll see each other.

Your friends are only trying

to buy us some time.



Hey, Brain.

[TIA] Show us where

we can boil more water.

All right. Straight ahead.

So should I leave

the room, as well?


Don't worry about it.

You're fine. They didn't

leave with Brain

just to give the

princess privacy.

Let's relax.

Your friends were

so considerate.

Fair enough. There's no harm.

We can chat until the

tea gets here at least.

I agree!

I don't sense anyone nearby.

Guess they've all run away.

Your tea.


Where are Sir Unglaus and Tina?


Looking for dessert.


You're serious?

Here, sl*ve-driver.

You're about to taste the first

tea that I've ever made.

Quite the honor, right?

Such a strong aroma.

I can't wait.

Drink it. In one gulp.

You should find it

quite refreshing,

since you're a demon.

I'll humor you this time,

but only because

it's your first try.


I think that might be a stretch.

It's very bitter.



All right. One more!


Princess, stay behind me!

What's going on here?


You move and I cast a spell.

Don't bother.

You're not our target.

Besides, this will

all be over soon.

[LAKYUS groans]

But why?

I've been watching you

for a long time.

Figuring out what it would

take to bring you down.

It's your turn, Evileye.


Right. Resist Weakening.

Nope. Blocked it.

Why don't you justgive up?


Resist Weakening.


Now it worked.

Charm Person.

Good. Got her.

All right!

[EVILEYE] Lakyus, be a good girl

and heal your wounds.

Right. As you wish.


[RENNER] Mind control

is truly frightening.

[EVILEYE] Look at you!

Not shaken up one bit!

You may act girly, but I

always knew you were tough.

I've never thought of

myself that way at all.

I just had faith. Or rather,

I knew you wouldn't

do something like this

without a reason.

On that note.

Can you tell me why you poisoned

and mind-controlled your friend?


It's nothing complicated.

This might sound callous,

but the truth is,

we care more about Lakyus than

we care about the kingdom.

Our fiendish boss

was the only one

who wanted to protect

the royal capital.

The rest of our group was

secretly against that plan.

But there was no point

in arguing with her about it.

She'd stay behind on her own

and tell us that we should go.

The only solution we thought

of was to catch her off-guard

and take her out of

the capital by force,

but I'm sorry you

had to see this.

[EVILEYE] We had to make sure

she didn't have her magic items,

then we used five

different poisons

and cast weakening spells.

Even then, getting Charm Person

to work was a gamble.


That's that!

As soon as Tina comes back,

we'll teleport

out of the capital.

Do you two want to come with us?

Could we?

Before I can answer,

I have to know,

where are you planning

to run off to?

[EVILEYE] Tough call.

Somewhere southeast?

There's a kingdom there that

fell to ruin a long time ago.

In short, it's someplace far,

far away that you've

never heard of.

Is that so?

Thank you for the offer. But no.

I believe I'll stay here.


Very well.


[TINA] Good news!

We found some dessert.

It took us forever, because she

couldn't pick out just one.

Huh? What happened?

You wanna explain

all the blood?

Everything's fine.

It's nothing to

concern yourself with.

All right, then.

I guess I'll just

leave it at that.


Here's a question, Brain.

Do you want to escape with us?

Is Princess Renner

going as well?

I see. In that case, I'll pass.

That works out just fine for me.

I'm tired of running away.


Of course.

How did I know that's

what you'd say?

Well, so long, then.


Uh, Princess.


All right, it's time.

This is yours. I'll be

heading out on my own.

To what end?

I'll hunt down the Sorcerer King

and challenge him to a duel.

Though I admit, that's

probably a tall order,

since he's got a whole army

out there protecting him.


Wait a second!

This sword was

left in your care!

That was Sir Stronoff's

wish before he was k*lled!

Too bad, then.

I already told you, didn't I?

I have no intentions

of respecting his wishes.

I'm sorry, but could you return

that sword to the king for me?


As you wish.

But, Princess!

It's fine.

We should respect

Sir Brain's decision.

You always impress, Princess.

You're a lady worth serving.

Not that I know

much about ladies,

if I'm being totally honest.

We've had some

good times, Princess.

And Climb.

I still remember when I met

you and Lord Sebas.

It brought me back to life.

This is probably our farewell,

but hey, I've got no regrets.

Why did everything

have to fall apart?

No, it was destroyed

by the Sorcerer King!


Climb. Let's go.

I still have to fulfill

my royal duty.

That sword is our

kingdom's treasure.

I'd like to deliver

it to my father

while that's still possible.

Yes. Of course.

But before we get to that.

Indulge me.

Just for a moment, let me

hold the sword, myself.

Huh? Sure. Be careful.

My goodness, it's quite heavy.

I suppose it doesn't

suit me much.

Actually, I'm not sure

I would say that, Princess.

In fact, you'd probably

surpass me easily

with a bit of training.

You don't always

have to flatter me.

Either way, I don't think

I'll have the chance

to wield a sword ever again.


All right.

I need to make

a few preparations.

Then we'll see Father.

[AURA] Hey, guys!

Nobody try to stop me, 'kay?

Nailed it!

I'll only say this

one more time.

Don't try to stop me.

I'm real busy.

Hm... That's there so, this way?

Hey! Don't ignore me!

Come on, guys.

I'm not the only enemy here.

Can you afford to get distracted

at a time like this?

My friends are coming!

[SOLDIERS gasp, yelp]

Don't bother with them.

The troops aren't

my responsibility.

Okay. First stop is

the magician's guild.

Oooh! I found it!


[SOLDIERS groan]

[AURA sighs]

It's okay.

Iri just got a

little too excited.

But I'm not mad.

You don't have to bully him.

You ready?

Who wants to help me destroy

a couple of buildings?

But this is precision work.

Iri's too big.

Don't be sad.

I have a special mission

just for you!

Go stomp around the city walls.

And squish everyone you

see under your feet!

Okay, the rest

of you, follow me.

[AURA giggles]


Let's see.

If I were the Sorcerer King,

then where would I be?

Maybe I should hide in

a building and wait for him.

Seems they haven't

started the attack yet.

The civilians either couldn't

escape or they were too scared.

Don't they realize they're

just waiting to die?

If they all came out to fight at

once, it'd be a hell of a show.

Would things have been

different if he was here,

instead of me?

Well, no point in

wondering that now.

It feels cold.

I'll try it. Why not?

Just waltzed right up.

No backing down now.

[BRAIN] Actually,

I'm surprised he stopped.

I'm nothing more than an ant

in his path, after all.

And he'll be crushing plenty of

ants today, seeing as there's

hardly anyone willing or able

to defend the capital.

En garde! I am Brain Unglaus!


And I am Cocytus.

A servant of the Supreme Being,

the Sorcerer King,

Ains Ooal Gown.

Well met, swordsman.


Thank you for this.


No need.


God Slaying Emperor Blade.


"Seek life when facing

death," he said.

Good advice.

I can't survive a

single strike of his.

My only hope is to move so fast

that I take out his arms

before he att*cks.

This is it!

Time for Ability Boost!


And Greater Ability Boost!


True Nail Clipper!

[BRAIN groans]

[COCYTUS] I wasn't told that

there were any men of merit

left in this land.

He might have become a

great asset had he joined us,

and yet, I cut him down.

I must respect the

resolve of a warrior

the moment he draws his sword.

I am certain that Lord Warrior

Takemikazuchi would accept

my decision, if he were here.


I will take this as a trophy.


Preserve his body in ice.

We shall continue our advance.

