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02x02 - The Holy Sword Is Here!

Posted: 05/23/23 08:36
by bunniefuu
[FREED chuckling]

Time to die!

Hasn't anyone told you

to heed the

faces you make?

We wouldn't want our

pretty little prince

getting stuck that way.

Luckily Excalibur

isn't picky.

It's simply hungry

for your blood.

[KIBA] That's

enough, Freak!

[FREED] Now there's

a tone of voice

I never thought I'd

hear come out of you.

Good job!

Holy Eraser!

That was cute.

You win some,

you lose some.

Nice try, kid.

[KIBA] Whatever.

It was just a test.

I wanted to see if

that sword was real.

Thanks for

giving me the license

to destroy you,

and your sword!


That's the spirit!

Get 'em Tiger!

[FREED] Aw, someone

forgot to warn you.

This Holy Sword

absolutely despises devils.


Shut up!

I'm not done yet!

That's cheating!

[KIBA] That's

what devils do!


Nice move, Kiddo.

Oh shit.

[FREED] I hate

to cut this short,

but someone more

important is calling!

It's been fun.

That's all, folks!

It's time to get wet!

So go out there and

make a big splash!

Good morning! It's going

to be a beautiful day!

I feel like hell!

[ISSEI secreams]


Good morning, Issei.

Did you sleep okay?


Why are you here?

You didn't tell

us what to do

before you fell asleep last

night so we just stayed here.

[ISSEI] What?

We made the best of

our sleeping arrangements

and each used one of

your arms as a pillow.

It was quite comfortable.


[ISSEI thinking] Something's

totally wrong here.

ASIA] We should go

get breakfast started!

It's already late!

[RIAS] Oh right!

Thanks again.

We'll talk to you later.

I hope we didn't keep you

from something important.

Now that she's

hanging out with Rias,

Asia's sex appeal has

gone through the roof.

Not that there's

anything wrong with that!

No, what am I saying?

Asia's pure and I shouldn't

be checking her out,

but I am, which has to mean

that I'm not just into boobs.

Hey! I'm not just into boobs!

No, no, no!

This isn't good!

Best thing to do is

just focus on Rias.

But of course, I can't

because Asia will freak out.

[sniffs deeply]

Why does my

life suck right now?

[ISSEI] In my perfect

fantasy world...

[ISSEI] So who's gonna

be the lucky girl today?

Oh, Issei,

please choose me.

Please have mercy and choose me!

You sure?

Yes! Please choose me!

I'm begging you;

please, have mercy!

All right,

if you say so.

What are you even

talking about, Issei?

Pardon me, ma'am?

Issei, now, listen

to me carefully.

I cannot and

simply will not live

without you in my life,

which means I need you

to satisfy me immediately.

Yeah, okay!

[ASIA] No, please,

you have to do me first!

No, do me first!

[ISSEI] Come on, ladies.

You gotta realize I've

only got one body here!

I know.

Let's decide this with a little

game called rock-paper-scissors.

I won't lose!

Well, neither will I!

Let's do this thing!

I'm not gonna lose!


, , ! , , ! , , !

[ISSEI] I love being

the Harem King!

At least that was what

was supposed to happen.

Reality sucks balls!

It's not fair!

I saw her boobs already!

I touched them!

I can't just act like

everything's normal--

like it didn't happen.

That's t*rture!

This sucks ass.

[DDRAIG] Yo! Issei!

Sorry to interrupt

your pouting.

Don't act like you've

forgotten my voice.

Oh, Ddraig, hey!

[DDRAIG] Your mind is as

perverse and twisted as ever.

That's refreshing.

I'm in the middle

of a mental breakdown

so I'd appreciate it if you'd

be a little more sensitive!

[DDRAIG] Well,

that's unfortunate.

I came here to

give you a warning.

About what?

[RIAS] Here, try this.

Tell me what you think.

[ASIA] Wow, it's delicious!

Rias, this is the best

miso soup I've ever had.

Mine always ends up too salty.

What did you do?

[DDRAIG] I've felt a

strong spiritual presence

surrounding you lately.

It's made me nervous

and I can't sleep.

Oh yeah.

That's probably Rias.

She's been hanging out

around here a lot more.

If you know what

I mean by "hanging out."

[DDRAIG] Assuming you're

talking about your buddies,

I don't even

notice them anymore.

Are you saying

there's an enemy close by?

[DDRAIG] I'm saying be careful.

You never know

when the White One

will decide to make an

unexpected appearance.

The White One?

That sounds intense.

What does it mean?

[DDRAIG] The Vanishing

Dragon is The White Dragon.

What's a

Vanishing Dragon?

[DDRAIG] We are called

the Twin Sky Dragons,

and we've been fighting

for several years now.

Those with sky dragons living

within them are destined

to fight each other.

What do you mean

"those" with sky dragons?

There's someone else who

has the Sacred Gear like me?

[DDRAIG] There is.

And I'm gonna have

to fight this guy someday

because he's got

your twin inside him?

[DDRAIG] You're my only hope.

This isn't fair.

You're the one who

decided to come live in me.

[DDRAIG] And in

exchange I've given you

the power of the dragon.

It's way fair.

I know.

I haven't forgotten.

You're the only reason

that I was able to save Rias.

And speaking of that,

I've got to say this

one more time, Ddraig.

[DDRAIG] Say it.

Listen close.

I have a dream that

one day I'll rank

so high that

I become the Harem King!

I'll have one

group of hot girls

with huge jugs as servants

and another for my babe army!

Oh yeah. One day all

of this will be mine!

[DDRAIG] It's not

every day I get

to live inside a pervert-tron!

As if I didn't feel

awkward enough. Jeez.

[DDRAIG] Maybe it's

not out of the question.

It's true;

the dragon powers can be

overwhelming to several

of those around you.

Some will want to fight,

but then, many will

find it charming--

especially the female sort.

No way! Really?

[DDRAIG] Definitely.

Every male I've lived in

has been surrounded

by lustful women.

I was there, remember?


I had no idea you

were the most amazing

sacred treasure

in the whole world!

[DDRAIG] That's more like it!

Nice switch.

Yes! It's time to

take your powers for a spin!

I am now on a mission

to fully experience

Rias's hot fleshy globes!

[DDRAIG] You want

to squeeze them?

[ISSEI] Suck them. Now.

[DDRAIG sighs]

So this is all about you

having a woman's

breasts in your mouth?

How far we've come.

I suppose the variety of goals

in a partner is good for me.

Just promise you'll

remember what I told you.

I will.

The White Dragon.

Got it.


Good morning!

Sona. Look.

The Holy Sword.


Gotta get my sing on, yo!

We should go to the one

in front of the station.

They get new inserts every week.

They also have contests.

I always love

a good insert.

[BOYS] Kiryuu!

You're having

a contest to see

who gives the best insert?

We were talking

about hittin' up

the K-roke after school!

[KIRYUU] Omigosh

that sounds so fun!

What time are

you guys leaving?

I wanna go!

What do you think, Asia?

You can't

invite yourself!

[ASIA] Karaoke? I'd love to go!


[ASIA] Wow! Look

how shiny the floor is!

[ISSEI] Huh? Oh.

Yeah, that shine is amazing!

[ASIA] What's that?

[ISSEI] Huh? What's what?

[ASIA] That room way

back over there.

See it?

[ISSEI] Oh that.

Yeah that's called

"The Forbidden Room."

It's never been opened.

[RIAS] They did a good job

cleaning the place, didn't they?

Feels like we're

getting a fresh start.

[ISSEI] So, where's Kiba?

[KONEKO] Looks like

somebody decided

to take the entire day off.

Must be nice.

[ASIA] I hope he's okay.

[ISSEI] So do you think

this has anything to do

with what we talked

about yesterday?

Whoa, no frikkin' way.

So what the hell

does Kiba have to do

with the Holy Swords?

Do you remember

me telling you

before about how

he was a survivor

of the Holy Sword Project?

For sure.

What I didn't

tell you was that

there were several

other children involved.

They were all being

raised to use an Excalibur.

[RIAS] As of right now,

there are seven Holy Swords

that are known by

the name Excalibur.

Long ago, pieces of

the original Excalibur

were scattered during a w*r.

[ISSEI] What? Seven?

[RIAS] That's right.

It was the church

that tracked down

and collected all

of those pieces.

They then used alchemy

to create seven

entirely new swords.

[ISSEI] So does that mean Kiba

is able to use all of them?

Actually, no it does not.

He never adapted to

Excalibur's strength.

In fact, none of those

who were trained ever could.

[RIAS] The entire

project failed.


[RIAS] Yes.

So those in charge

of the project decided

to dispose of Kiba and

the other test subjects.

Dispose? Like, k*ll?

They were already on

the verge of death.

[RIAS] However,

one child was able to escape.

His motivation in staying

alive was a promise

to himself that he

would someday get revenge.

[RIAS] I felt that such

a passion could be used

in a meaningful way

and wanted to help.

There was but a single solution.

[ISSEI] So that's the

reason you made Kiba a devil.

And why he was weird

when he looked at that picture.

We'll just have to wait and

see what happens next.

[AKENO] Fantastic!

It looks like everyone's here.

[RIAS] Akeno.

Why are you so late?


Well, I brought some guests

and was helping them get here.

[SONA] Thank you for having us.

[ISSEI] The student body

president and vice-president?


They said they had something

urgent to discuss with you.

Right, Rias.

Would you mind coming with me

to my house right away, please?

This isn't something

you're going

to want to discuss in

front of a lot of people.

Trust me.

You make it sound like

a complicated situation.

It is.

Very complicated.

[ISSEI] What in the

world happened?

Was it just me,

or did you think Sona

was acting weird, too?

[ASIA] Yeah, maybe.

What do you think

about it, Koneko?

Don't know.

It's not like there's

anything wrong

with Rias talking to someone.


I guess I'm more

worried right now

about what's going on with Kiba.

Yeah, actually,

I am, too.

I know what Rias

told us, but still.

I feel like maybe I should try

and help out somehow,

you know what I mean?

Not because I feel obligated,

but because we're friends.

[KONEKO] Yeah.

Well, see you tomorrow.

[ISSEI] See ya, Koneko.


See you tomorrow!

Koneko and Akeno

chose this, as well.



I was just wondering

why they decided

to become devils, too.

Surely they had reasons

like the rest of us.

Haven't been

here in a long time.

[AKENO] Really; did

you used to come a lot?

[SONA] In the past,

Rias and I came here together

all the time so we could

tell each other secrets.

[SONA] This sauna was

installed for my personal use.

[TSUBAKI] The space is directly

connected to Sona's stronghold,

which means if it's closed,

no one else will be able enter.

[AKENO] Well, that explains

how you could tell

your secrets here.

[RIAS] All I did was complain

about getting in trouble

with my mom.

Silly stuff like that.

And I think Sona

only ever complained

about her sister.

[AKENO] Oh my.

I didn't realize the two

of you were so close.

[SONA] That's all

in the past, now.


So then, what are we

here to discuss this time?

Something tells me

this secret's a good one.

[TSUBAKI] It was this morning.

Two people from the

church contacted me.

Contacted how?

[RIAS] It's been a while

since they came to this town.

Did they tell you

want they wanted?

They did.

Rias, they said they

wanted to speak with you

and that it was urgent.

[RIAS] Members of the church

want to speak with a devil?

What are they up to?

There's no

other reason for them

to be here except

to stir up trouble.

All right, then.

What did you say?

I accepted

their request.

I told them where

they could find you

so after school tomorrow

they'll be paying you a visit.

[RIAS] What?

[SONA] There is one other

thing you need to be aware of.

Not only were these

two members of the church,

but they were also

carrying Holy Swords.

Wow, really?

Well that is certainly

something to consider then.

Why would they

come to this town?

Maybe members of the

church are from this area?

No way!

[ASIA] I just got the

chills for some reason.

[ISSEI] Yeah,

I know what you mean.

Actually, now that

I think about it,

I recognize this

feeling from before.

[ASIA] How?

It was when I met you,

and you were showing

me around the church.

And also...

My mom!

I'm very sorry, Sona.

I have to get back home soon.

Issei and Asia are in danger!

[ISSEI] Mom!

[MOTHER] That's my boy!

And then there was the time

when he ripped his swimming

trunks at the pool for grins.

What's happening?

Hey! There he is!

Welcome home, Issei!

Now what's that sour face for?

[ISSEI thinking] So these guys

are the reason we got chills?

[IRINA] It's been a

while, hasn't it, Issei?

How could you

forget this face?

It's me!

[ISSEI] Uh, right.

[MOTHER] Irina Shido!

Don't you remember this photo?

[ISSEI] Whoa!

That's her? How the hell?

[MOTHER] I know!

She looks so different!

I mean you'd mistake her

for a boy if you

didn't know any better!

And look at her now!

She's positively

gorgeous, isn't she?

[ISSEI] What?

This is so freaking weird!

I always thought she was a boy!

[MOTHER] That's not

very nice! Apologize!

[ISSEI] Huh? For what?

[IRINA] No, he can't help it.

I really did act

like a boy back then!

Yeah. That made

it pretty confusing.

It's okay.

But we should catch up.

A lot has happened to both of us

in the time we've been apart.

Also? I love reunions!

You never know

what's going to happen!

I'm so glad

you're home safe!

I'm so sorry.

I should have paid more

attention to both of you.

I was terrified of

what I might find

when I came back here today.

I'm thankful

I worried for nothing.

I promise to keep a better eye

on each of your

whereabouts from now on.

[ISSEI] Uh, Rias?

What is it?

[ISSEI] Your breasts.

[RIAS] Of course, I understand.

Oh, Issei, do you have any

idea how much I spoil you?

You can't do that!

[ISSEI] Yeah,

I can't do that.

[RIAS] Why were they in

there talking to your mother?

No clue.

Maybe Irina actually

wanted to catch up

and show me she's a chick now.

They never said

why they were there.

But it didn't matter.

All they cared about when they

left was that we were devils.

[RIAS] That's fine.

I honestly don't know

what they're planning,

but perhaps we can

ask them tomorrow.

[ISSEI] Tomorrow?

That's what

I've been told.

They'll be visiting the

clubroom tomorrow after school.

[ISSEI] Can't believe

someone I've known

since I was a kid is now a

follower of the church.

I'm not looking

forward to tomorrow.


What's the matter, Devil Boy?

Hey. I'm sorry.

I've just got a lot

on my mind right now.

It's a bit unusual

to see a devil looking

so worried, isn't it?

Things in this

world usually turn out

the way you want them to.

Stress about the

future is a waste of time.

Just wait it out a bit.

Things'll change.

Oh. Looks like you've

got a bite on that hook!

Pull him in!

[XENOVIA] Thank you for

agreeing to speak with us today.

My name is Xenovia.

And I'm Irina Shido.

[RIAS] It's fascinating

to me why followers of God

would want to meet with a devil.

[IRINA] It does seem random.

Here's the thing.

There are six swords

we can account for.

Three of them are

still with the church.

But we happen to know

that the other three

were stolen by fallen angels.

You sure about that?

These are from the

ones we have left.

They're made from Excalibur.

This w*apon is mine.

It's called the

Sword of Destruction.

[IRINA] And then there's

the one I have here.

It's known as the

Holy Sword of Mimicry.

It's an Excalibur Mimic!


What is it you would

like us to do for you today?

Stay completely out of it.

This is between us

and the fallen angels.

Let's keep it simple, shall we?

We don't need the devils

in this town to intervene.

[RIAS] That sounds

like an accusation.

Are you

afraid that we'll side

with the fallen angels

and keep you

from obtaining

the Holy Swords?

[XENOVIA] We know

that for devils,

a Holy Sword is

a detestable thing.

Wouldn't it make more sense

for you to support

the fallen angels?

[ISSEI thinking] Oh, man.

Rias is getting pissed!

And if that's true,

we will have no choice but

to completely annihilate you.

Even though you are

the Great Devil's sister.

[RIAS] If you already

have me figured out

then let me share

something with you:

There is no way

I'd ever even think

of joining the fallen angels.

I would never do anything

to besmirch the name

of the House of Gremory

or my dear brother.

It's enough for me just

to be able to hear that.

I was only relaying the

thoughts of headquarters.

I honestly didn't think

the little sister of Lucifer

would really be that stupid.

[RIAS] Good to know.

Then I hope you also understand

that I will not provide

aid to your side, either.

Of course.

I trust that we will

prevail if you promise

not to intervene in anything

we may do in this town.

[RIAS] You have my word on that.

[XENOVIA] We won't take up

any more of your time.

[RIAS] Would you like

some tea before you go?

[XENOVIA] No, thanks.

I'm not here to make

friends with devils.

We'll let ourselves out.

I was wondering

if visiting the home

of Issei Hyodo

would lead us to you.


Aren't you Asia Argento?

Um, yes.

It makes sense

that I would run

into a witch in

a place like this.

Oh my goodness!

It is you!

You're the former saint

who became a witch!

I had heard that

you were banished

because you had the power to

heal fallen angels and devils,

and that one time

you actually used it!

You must be pretty strong!

I didn't know you'd actually

become a devil yourself.

[ASIA] Well, I um-- I guess so.

[ISSEI ] You okay?


Of course she's not okay.

She went from being

a saint to being a devil.

That's about as

far as one can fall.

[ISSEI] That's enough!

Why don't you take that

crap and get out of here!

[KONEKO] Dude,

you're not helping.

[ISSEI thinking] She's right.

Even I know it

would be a d*ck move

to pick a fight with

these jerks right now.

Ball sack!

[XENOVIA] Do you still

believe in our God, Asia?

Don't be silly.

She's like, a

devil, and stuff.

She's over us.


That doesn't always mean

what you think it does.

There are those whose hearts

continue to remain pious

in the midst of their

own selfish betrayal.

She seems like she

might be one of them.

[IRINA] Really?

Is it true, Asia?

Do you still believe in God?

I mean, I know you're

like a devil, but do you?

Yes. I've never

been able to let go.

I've believed in God

this whole time.

Then you should allow us

to execute you this instant.

Though you have sinned

in the worst way possible;

if you sacrifice your soul

to Him, He will forgive you.

Let yourself be

convicted by my hand.

God will work through

me to save you.

[RIAS] Do you mind

stopping there, please?

There is no need

for you to be

shaming my servant

here in that way.

I wasn't shaming

her senselessly.

As one of God's servants,

I feel it is my duty

to rescue her soul.

Issei, no!

Stop! Don't do it!

Everything's okay.

You have no right

to call Asia a witch!

Believe me;

that's one of the

nicest descriptions

I have for someone who

has done what she has.

[ISSEI] I don't want to hear it!

You pricks are the ones

who decided she

was a saint, not Asia!

That wasn't her choice!

She was happier

without any of this!

I'm okay.

[XENOVIA] A genuine

saint can survive

on the love of God alone.

If Asia makes sacrifices for

the love of anyone besides God,

then she was never a true saint.

[ISSEI] What does

that even mean?

Saint or not, Asia is one of the

kindest souls you'll ever know!

If you can't see that,

then you're an idiot!

And who exactly

are you to Asia Argento?

[ISSEI] I'm her family!

We all are! And her friends!

If you so much as raise

a hand against her,

I will spend every last breath

I have making

sure you regret it!

[XENOVIA] Is that so?

Then are you prepared to

take on the entire church?

That's pretty big talk

for a little devil,

like yourself.

[RIAS] Issei, that's enough!

[KIBA] This is perfect.

I'll take all of you on.

[XENOVIA] Who are you?

Your superior.

Nice to meet you.


[XENOVIA] Alright then,

let's begin.

[AKENO] Are you

sure this is okay?

Should we be fighting people

from the church

without permission?

[RIAS] It's just

an informal bout--

not an actual official battle.

'Cause if the

higher-ups found out,

then we'd all be in trouble!

[XENOVIA] Consider it a drill.

No k*lling.

Why are you laughing?

[KIBA] Because the one

thing I always wanted

to destroy more than

anything has appeared

willingly before my very eyes.

Sword Birth, is it?

I remember now.

During the Holy Sword

Project there was

one subject facing disposal

but managed to escape.

Issei, it's totally you!

Yeah? So what?

[IRINA] I feel like fate is

making fun of me right now.

A friend I grew up

with has become a devil?

Why is this happening?

[IRINA] My one goal in

this world was to learn

how to use a Holy Sword,

move far away,

and help everyone around me!

God must be

testing my will

to overcome this

traumatic heartbreak.

If I can prove

I'm strong enough,

I will be that

much closer to Him!

Yeah, I'm pretty sure none

of this has to do with you.

But whatever.

I'm so sorry, Issei.

This hurts me much

more than it hurts you,

but your sins will now face

the wrath of my Excalibur!

Fine. You wanna

go there?

Boosted Gear!

[DDRAIG] Boost!

[ISSEI] Yo, Issei here!

It's finally time

for the showdown

with the pair of

hottie church girls

with holy swords!

If it comes down to it,

I'll have no choice but to

let that special move explode!

Next time:

"I'll Destroy the Holy Sword!"

Come to me, boobies!