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04x22 - Heaven Falling

Posted: 05/24/23 06:22
by bunniefuu
Mikey was the reason
I became an FBI agent.

And this man who asks for compassion

still won't admit what
he did years ago

when he stabbed my little brother.

The guy has cancer, wants
to get out of prison early.

I'm Serena Wade.

I wanna make Davis's appeal
the center of my film.

He claimed the prosecutor
withheld evidence.

The night Mikey was m*rder*d,
he got into a fight

with someone on the beach
that wasn't Davis.

There was a witness to this fight

that the prosecutor failed to disclose.

That's her statement,
and I need to find her.

I'm sorry you didn't get a fair trial.

I'm sorry for your cancer
and your suffering.

But until I know what
happened to my brother,

that's all I can apologize for.

I found her... Cassie Fortner.

She runs a Christian
rehab clinic in Newark.


Sir, back of the line, please.

Hey, there's a line, buddy.

I was just in there.

I'm not going to the back of the line.

You have to wait your turn.

I'm not going to the back of the line.

- Calm down, sir.
- I'm not calming down.

I'm not going to the back of the line.

- Calm down.
- [g*nsh*t]

Get back. Everybody get back.

- I want my money.
- Oh, my God.

Not just , . I want all of it!

Joe, what are you doing?

Drop the w*apon!

Oh! No! No, Joe, please!

Back off.

Come on. Take it easy.

Back off! Now!

Just put the g*n down.

Go outside!


Agent Scott?

Ms. Fortner, thank you for seeing me.

Call me Cassie.

I'm a bit nervous.

I've never talked
to an FBI agent before.

We're actually a lot of fun.
Just don't tell anyone.

And no, you're not in trouble.

I'm actually here
because I need your help.

This is about that boy from New York

who was m*rder*d on spring break?


He was my little brother.

I didn't know.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you.

So like I said on the phone,

the court is looking
into this case again

because new evidence has come up.

Do you remember speaking
to a police officer

in Fort Lauderdale

about what you saw
on the beach that night?


I mean, it was years ago,

and it was a very short conversation.

It's not like I testified
at the trial or anything.

I know you didn't,
because the prosecutor

wanted to keep you a secret.

This is the officer's write-up
of the conversation you had.

The prosecutor had it
in his file the whole time

until a few days ago

when the court made him turn it over.

Have you ever seen this before?


Does anything jump out at you?

Actually, yes.

I never said they were
arguing on the beach.

I said they were fighting...

like, throwing punches at each other.

It was very violent.

Mikey and this white man?


That isn't right, either.

It wasn't a man.

It was a kid, also white.

They looked about the same age.

I just assumed they were
drunk spring breakers.

And you told this to the officer?

What I said was, they were fighting,

and the boy in the jersey
got hit hard and fell,

and he wasn't moving.

That's when I got scared and ran.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

What jersey?

Baseball... New York Mets, number .

Cassie, are you sure?


I'll admit, I was
a different person back then.

I was hardly sober
when he interviewed me.

But I remember that jersey and
that number very clearly.

I don't know why
he didn't put that in here.

This has been incredibly helpful.

Thank you, Cassie.



Do we still have
those old photos we took

from Mom's after we moved her out?

Yeah, they're in my closet at home, why?

I need you to get them

and bring them to my place right away.

What's going on?

Just grab them and come over.

- I gotta take this other call.


Barnes, what's up?

Just checking in. You on your way?

Give me the lowdown.

This was a bank robbery?

Well, it started that way.

Now we've got a barricaded
suspect with hostages.

His name's Joe Kysor, -year-old male,

longtime customer of the
Saybrook branch in Morristown.


Aren't they the ones dealing
with the bank run right now?


Joe wanted to withdraw money
from his account.

They told him there was
a grand limit per customer.

He said they told him
the same thing yesterday

and then the day before.

He just lost it,
k*lled the security guard,

took the manager
and a few patrons hostage

when an off-duty cop tried to intervene.

Manager's name is Lethia.

We know what he wants?

We're working on it.

What's the tactical situation?

SWAT's here. Kristin's getting us
a live link to the surveillance cams.

Also, one of the tellers
took Ray around back.

There may be a way in if we need it.

- Barnes, I got it.
- It's Remy.

Oh, hey, I got
the bank manager's number.

You want us to wait?

No, make contact, start a dialogue.

I'll be there as soon as I can.




Who is this?


Yeah, this is Joe. Who are you?

Joe, this is Agent Barnes with the FBI.

Is everybody okay in there?

Come on, come on. I swear it's in here.

I remember seeing it.

What photo are you looking for?

Someone gave us one
right after Mikey died.

Yes, here it is.

These are the guys Mikey went
to spring break with in .

Right, they all went
to Country Day together.

Yes. Benji, I remember.

And Day was the one who
died in the car accident

- freshman year of college.
- Mm-hmm.

- But this kid?
- That's Tony Cain.

They played baseball together.

You wanna tell me what
the hell's going on?

Hana helped me find the witness

the prosecutor failed to disclose.

Her name is Cassie Fortner.

I met with her today, and she told me

it wasn't a white man Mikey
was fighting with on the beach.

- It was a white kid about his age.
- What?

Not only that, she said one of them

was wearing a Mets jersey, number .

Dwight Gooden, Mikey's favorite player.

That's what he was wearing
the night he was k*lled.

I know.

It was definitely Mikey
she saw that night.

The question is,

who is this kid he was fighting with?

Are you saying you think Mikey

was k*lled by one of his friends?

I don't know.

But we definitely can't rule it out.

Joe, I am listening, but all
the yelling, it's not helping.

You aren't listening!

Nobody is listening!

How could I rob the bank
when it is my money?

They're stealing from me.

I understand how you feel,
but right now,

I just wanna try to find a way
to end this all peacefully.

Listen... listen to me.

I got a ten-year-old daughter
with stage-five bone cancer,

and the chemo isn't working.

But there's this experimental
treatment that might.

And the insurance isn't covering it.

And I have $ ,
in my savings account,

and they won't give it to me.

I can't make a wire transfer.

I can't take out more than , cash.

Now, is that right?

Tell me, is that fair?

Sheryll, keep him talking.

I can get to him.

You're right, Joe.
That doesn't seem fair.

We can get you your money.

If we do, will you
let those hostages go?

Hell no.

They're the only leverage I got.

You'll just arrest me.

I want my money.

And then I want you to take me
to my daughter at our house.

That's a really tough ask, Joe.

You've got a g*n and hostages,

and we've already got
one dead victim today.

That wasn't my fault.
He would have shot me.

Joe, if you just listen to me...

You're not listening again.

Now... now, just give me what I want,

or I'm gonna do whatever it takes.

Do you understand me?

Joe, don't hurt her.

Do you understand?


Put your hands behind your back.

I got the suspect in custody.

Is everybody all right?


- Remy, hey.
- What's the situation?

Joe's in custody.

The hostages are safe.

Ray took him down
without any sh*ts fired.

Way to go, Ray-Ray.


Hey, are you okay?
I thought you were meeting us.

Yeah, just working on
something on my brother's case.

Sorry I couldn't be there.

Did you manage to get
ahold of Cass Fortner?


and truthfully, it's a lot to process.

Do you want us to help you?

No, this is personal,
not really agency business.

Come on, Remy, you're not
gonna let us help you?

- I don't know.
- It's your brother.

All right, we got your back.

- You sure?
- , %.

- Yes.
- Yeah.

: tomorrow morning, my place.

See you then.

See you there.


The kid on the left is Benji Piccagli.

Next to him is Tony Cain.

David Lowell died, so we don't
have to worry about questioning him.

And did they all stay
in the one room together?

Yeah, the night it happened,
they were all at a bar.

They were drinking. Mikey left.

His friends went back to the hotel.

Mikey wasn't there.

They didn't think too much
of it and went to bed.

The next morning, the cops
were knocking on their door.

And nobody knew where Mikey went?

His whereabouts were always unknown

until he was found dead in Davis's tent.

Until Cass came along.

She said she saw him
fighting on the beach.

Right, with some white kid.

You really think it could
have been one of his friends?

I don't know, but I damn sure
wanna talk to them.

They're both in the New York area.

Benji I know best,
so I'll take him solo.

You and Ray take Tony.

Hana, go through the case files

Davis's lawyer sent
with a fine-tooth comb.

I tried to get to it last night,

but I was so fried, I don't
think I retained anything.

And what can I do to help?


See if you can track down
this Fort Lauderdale cop

who interviewed Cassie.


Big brother Remy! [LAUGHS]


What's up, my dude?

Do you know how much crap
this guy used to put me through?

One time, he hung me on the
door knocker of their house

and threw crabapples
at me for two hours.

I'm sure you probably deserved it.

- Can I get you anything?
- I'm good, Alice. Thanks.

Come on.

- All right?
- Okay.


Yeah, somebody did
all right for themselves.

I'm getting by.

Ex got the house in the divorce,

so I'm doing the condo thing,
but hey, grab a seat.

So I heard

that you are an FBI agent now.

Yes, I am.

Pretty badass, huh?

Well, if this is official
business, I did not do it.

No, it's actually about Mikey.

You hear about this new trial thing?

Uh... no, no, what's going on?

Davis now claims there's a witness

who saw Mikey fighting on the beach

the night he disappeared.

I'm sure it's all just BS,
but it's got my mom

and sister pretty upset.

So I told them that
I would poke around a little,


And who is he supposedly fighting with?

We don't know.

This witness was a homeless
woman, probably on dr*gs.

But I was curious, did Mikey
have a run-in with anyone

while you guys were down there?


No, we were just there
having a good time.

But you did see him
get hassled by Davis, right?

No, that was Tony.

Look, the last time I saw Mikey

was when he left the bar, you know?

He said he was tired.
He was gonna get some food.

When we got back to the hotel,
he wasn't there,

so we just figured he was
still out, went to sleep.


I mean, I was kind of glad
about it at the time.

He was a snorer.

- Mikey was?
- Oh, yeah.

That's why nobody ever wanted to bunk

with him at sleepovers.
He kept you up all night.

Wow, I didn't know that. That's crazy.

Did any of you guys
leave the hotel that night?

What, us? No.

No, like I said at the trial,
we were there the next morning

when the cops showed up.


You know Davis is a liar, right?

Look, when they brought him in
for questioning,

he said that Mikey was
trying to buy dr*gs from him.

No way.

All right, Mikey was an athlete.
He wasn't into that crap.

- Mm.
- He wasn't a fighter, either.

He hated confrontation.

He was just a good guy.

He had his whole future ahead of him.

I still miss him.

I do too.

We didn't go to sleep.

We passed out.

We'd been drinking by the pool
all day and then at the bar.

Mikey was so hammered when he left,

I wondered how he was
gonna find the motel,

much less something to eat.

Did you try to help him?

What do you mean?

Like when you saw him
outside with Davis,

did you go out
and ask what was going on?

I never saw Davis. That was Benji.

And Benji didn't tell you what he saw?

No, he didn't mention it until the
next day when the cop showed up.

I don't know anything about
Mikey fighting on the beach.

All I can tell you is, we got back
to the hotel, and he wasn't there.

We were mostly dealing with Dave.

He was puking all over the bathroom.

Nobody was concerned about Mikey?

We were , man, drunk on spring break

with no cell phones.

Although I do remember Benji

checking the other room just in case.

What other room?

Remy, the police officer
who interviewed Cassie's name

- is Larry Cade.
- We know where he is?

We're still looking,
but he retired years ago.

Lauderdale PD isn't exactly
being cooperative.

Without a warrant or a fugitive,
they just don't care.

Stay on it.

We got something from Tony Cain.

He said the boys had
a second room down there,

and it was rented by Mikey.

You're kidding. What for?

Hookups, in case one of them got lucky.

And apparently, Mikey used it
at least one night,

and Benji went up to check it
the night he disappeared.

Benji didn't tell me anything
about another room.

Tony also said that when Benji saw Davis

hassling your brother outside
that he didn't say anything

until the next day
when the cops showed up.

Benji didn't see Davis. Tony did.

That's not what Tony says.

Why the hell would Benji lie?

They probably just didn't remember.

Look, they were all pretty
drunk, including your brother.

Well, somebody's obviously lying.


Piccagli Investments.

Alice, this is Remy Scott.

May I speak with Benji, please?

- He's not here.
- Where is he?

He left early.

Said he was gonna work
from home the rest of the day.

- You want his cell?
- No, I got it. Thanks.

See if you can ping it.

Go ahead.


- Not answering.
- Okay, but it is pinging.

He's at home... Westport,
Francis Lane.

Cover Tony just in case.
Ray, you're with me.

Benji, you in there?

I forgot to ask you something.


Can I help you?

I'm the manager.

FBI. Wellness check.
Can you open up, please?

For Mr. Piccagli? What happened?

That's what we're trying to find out.

Do you know what kind of car he drives?

Uh, yeah, black Mercedes.

He has an assigned space in the garage.

Can you check to see
if it's there, please?


Hey, Ken, can you check
to see if there's...

What are you doing?

Seeing if Benji picks up.


Security says Mr. Piccagli's
car is not in his space.

He's running.

And he's got a g*n.

Damn it!

His name is Benji Piccagli...
white male, , possibly armed.

I want a ten-mile radius.

We're looking for a
black Mercedes, this plate.


I got it.

Isobel, that is coming, I promise.

Okay, well, I'm just checking in.

It's not like you to ignore my calls.

- Everything all right?
- Not really.

Remember that motion for a new trial

I told you about in my brother's case?

Yeah, did you find the witness?

Yes, I did, and she led me
straight to a suspect,

who, as of minutes ago,
is in the wind.

I know this is personal business,

but I got my team working with me.

So you can fire me if you want.

I totally get it.

Remy, Remy, uh-uh, stop.

Whatever you need.

- Really?
- Absolutely.

If something comes up in the next
few days, I'll have Jubal handle it.

[SIGHS] I appreciate it, Isobel.

- Thank you.
- Not a problem.

Go get your guy.

We just ran Benji's g*n permit.

It's a -mil he bought
legally two years ago.

I want his photo on the wire right away.


Hana, what's up?

I found Cade, the police
officer who interviewed Cassie.

He lives in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware,

and he's willing to talk.

Benji fled his condo,
but he left his phone.

Ray's gonna bring it to you.

I want everybody digging
on him... friends, family,

social media, what he had
for breakfast this morning.

No way this prick is getting away.


Freeze his passport,
put him on the no-fly list.

He's got money and resources.
Close the loop.

Okay, I just texted
Cade's address to you.


Got it. Go.

I'll have PD post up here.

We came in the same car.

Damn, I forgot.

Okay, I got it covered.



Hello again.

- Anything, right?
- Yeah.

I need a pickup at Francis Lane

and the chopper.


Yeah, I remember talking to this lady,

but not this report.

It's not mine.

What do you mean?

I always wrote up my
witness statements by hand.

Somebody else must have typed this.

And they left a lot of stuff out.

Like what?

Well, the baseball jersey, for one.

I can't remember what number it was,

but she was very specific about that.

Also, the girl.

What girl?

Well, that's what the boys
were fighting about.

She said they were yelling
and screaming about her,

and it sounded like she was
the victim's girlfriend.

She didn't hear a name, but I definitely

put that detail in when
I wrote up her statement.

Did you ever follow up on this girl?

There was no need to.

By that point, we found the body,

Davis was in custody,

and the DA was anxious
to announce the arrest.

That report came straight from his file.

Do you think that
he's the one who typed it up

and left things out?

I don't know.

You should ask him.


I'd love to, but he's lawyered up

and not answering questions right now.

Yeah, I expect he has.

You think he's dirty?

Look, the word I would use

is ambitious.

He was running for re-election
at the time

with this "get tough on crime"

clean up the city,
make it safe for tourists.

And Davis fit the narrative

a homeless Black man preying
on an innocent white boy

on spring break.

You can draw your own conclusions.

It makes no sense.
Mikey never had a girlfriend.

All he did was play ball.

Do you know the name of the girl?

No, and I've already
called Cassie three times

to ask her why she didn't
bring it up yesterday.

She's not picking up.

- You want us to go see her?
- Absolutely.

Try her office.
Maybe she's working late.

Talk to me about Benji. Where are we?

Okay, so no hits on the BOLO,

nothing on his phone that stood out.

He doesn't have social media,
which is kind of odd.

What about his family?
He was an only child, right?

Yes. His father, Leo, is Italian.

He made a fortune in the
wire supply business.

He died four years ago.

His mother, Rachel, she's still around.

. She's Jewish.

She doesn't have any employment history.

She does a lot of charity work.

You know where she lives?

In a high rise on the Upper West Side.

Well, I don't think
Benji is that stupid,

but get on her phone just
in case he reaches out.

I already did.

And before you ask, yes, I will look up

this girl with no name
and put it against the file

and see what I can find.

It's your own fault, Hana.

You pull a rabbit out of a hat once,

people expect you to do it again.

All right, I'm jumping
on the chopper now.

I'll see you in a minute.

Okay, bye.


Let's see if Cassie's car is here.


Back door was ajar when we got here.

Nobody else around except her.

One shot to the back
of the head at close range

from a -millimeter.
Shell casing is there.

What a coincidence.

Benji's got a .

- I know.
- Unbelievable.

This woman turned her life around,
got herself right with God.

All she wanted to do was help people.

And this is the thanks she gets.

Street cam on the corner caught
a vehicle leaving an hour ago.

Let me guess. Black Mercedes?

Actually, no, it was
a white Lexus, D.C. plates.

Look, the windows are tinted,
so you can't see the driver.

It could still be Benji.

Possibly. He could have switched cars.

Okay, plates are registered
to an Erin Swift...

-year-old female in D.C.

Could this be the mystery girl

Hana's been looking for?
The age matches.

This could be his accomplice.

Yeah, I don't think so.

Looks like this Erin Swift
died two years ago.

Well, how is the registration
still valid?


Benji could have easily
paid off someone at the DMV

in case he ever needed a dummy
plate for a getaway car.

And if he's tying up loose ends,

wouldn't Cassie have been the
only one to witness Mikey's m*rder?

But how would Benji
even know about Cassie?

The only people that saw her statement

are us and Davis's lawyers.

Yeah, but there's also the
Florida DA and Officer Cade.

One of them could have tipped him off.

The DA, I don't know about,
but it's not Cade.

I was very careful not
to tell them where Cassie was.

The only thing I can think of was that

Benji somehow knew about Cassie.

He'd been keeping tabs
on her ever since.

After I left his office, he panicked,

he came here, and he did this.


- I should have known.
- Remy, don't go there.

No, this guy's a natural born k*ller.

But if it's Benji,
he's still in the area.


Let's get a BOLO out on this Lexus.

If we get lucky, the street
cams catch him again.



- Hey.
- Oh.

You stayed at Hiram's last night?

- Yeah.
- Nobody saw you?


Let's make sure they match.


In case you need it.

- No credit cards.
- I know.

That's the address in Tel Aviv.

Your uncle will be waiting.

I'm so sorry for putting you

- through all this again.
- No.

You are not a boy this time.

No tears.

Just stick with the plan.


- Hey, I just got your text.
- What's up?

Hana found the girl.

So there was no credit card
record of Mikey paying for that room,

so I started with the guest register.

I broke it down day by day, room by room

for the entirety of the boys' stay.

I narrowed it down to a room
rented by a Jenna Marks.

Now, she must have paid cash
because there was no other information.

But she did make phone calls in
that room the night she checked in

to a number.

Now, I traced that back to a landline

belonging to a Catherine
and Dan Marks, Jenna's parents.

That's who she was living with in .

I then found her old
high school yearbook online.

There she is.

Class of ' , Grant High,
same year as your brother.

And do we know where she is now?

White Plains.

Yeah, she owns a house
in Quarry Heights.

She works as a nurse
at a pediatrician's office.

- Try her cell.
- I've been trying.

Now, the battery must be dead
because it's ringing,

but it won't ping.

You two take the pediatrician's office.

The rest of us will cover the house.

- Let's roll.
- Okay.



- What?
- White Lexus.

Call for backup, check the house.


D.C. plates. Gotta be Benji.

Show me your hands, Benji!

Exit the vehicle! Let's go!

Out, out, out!


- Mrs. Piccagli.
- Where's Benji?

I don't know.

Is he inside that house with Jenna?

I'm not talking to any of you.
I want a lawyer.

- Cuff her.
- The house is clear.

Jenna's not there. Is that Benji's mom?


I don't consent to a search
of my vehicle or my handbag!

Stick it up your rich, white ass.


It was you, wasn't it?

You k*lled Cassie,

then you came back here to get Jenna.

Answer me!

Your piece-of-garbage son
k*lled my brother.

And when I catch him,
and I will catch him,

he is gonna rot in prison
for the rest of his life,

just like you.

Remy, she bought Canadian dollars

at the currency exchange
in Penn Station this morning.

Is this for Benji?
Is he going to Canada?

Okay, there are two trains
today from Penn Station.

Ontario Queen leaves in an hour.

And the Hudson Flyer
to Montreal is already gone.

Which one is he on?

Tell me where he's going.

Tell me!

Benjamin is my son.

He is my only child.

I spent my whole life protecting him.

I'm not gonna stop now.

Remy, there's still time, for Ray
and Barnes to get to Penn Station.

We leave now, we catch
the Hudson Flyer at Sparta.

It's only miles.

Stay with her till PD gets here.

And keep trying Jenna.

Do you want me to try
and stop the trains?

We can't have a hostage situation.

Her son already k*lled once.

I'm not gonna let this son
of a bitch do it again.


- Is this the one?
- It's gotta be.

Hudson Flyer with service to Montreal

now arriving on track two.

The Hudson Flyer with service
to Montreal

now arriving on track two.

Go. I'll catch the last one.

Hold off on your ticket checks.

We're searching for a fugitive.

Everybody out! FBI!

Clear the car!

You need help?

I got this.

Clear the car all the way to the back.

Start talking.

Look, you don't know
what happened, okay?

It was an accident, I swear to you.

We found Jenna before
your mother could get to her.

She's already given her statement.

You've wanted to say what
happened your whole life,

but your mother wouldn't let you, right?

She... she was just
trying to protect me.


You're a grown-ass man, Benji.

Do not let your mother control you.

Get it off your chest...

all the guilt and shame.

I'm sure it's been eating
away at you, poisoning you.

Come on, man.

I'm sure you've woken up
every day for the last years

wondering if this day would come.

Well, here it is.


Come on, Benji.

Mikey was dating Jenna.

And... and I was the only one
who knew about it.

Then when she showed up
in Lauderdale, he...

he was so pissed, he...

I could tell they weren't getting along.

What happened to Mikey
after you left the bar?

We went back to the hotel,

and I knew that Jenna had a room.

So I went up there and...
to try and find Mikey.

And okay, we were drunk, man, all right?

We were all drunk, and I just...

Mikey showed up, and he just lost it.

He thought I was trying
to get with Jenna.

And I swear to you, I wasn't. He...

so we went down to the beach.

And that's where you k*lled him?

I thought he was gonna k*ll me.

So I... I grabbed a rock.

And I... I hit him.

And... and then he wasn't moving.

And I... I...

I just... I freaked out.

I went into the hotel.

I called my parents.

They're the ones that
told me that they were...

the cops were questioning Davis.

And I knew that he already had a knife.


Because Mikey and I had gone to his tent

earlier that day to buy dr*gs.

I told my dad I didn't know if
Jenna had followed us to the beach.

And he said he'd take care of it.

He told her to go home,
never say anything to anybody

or you're dead.

And he paid off the DA.

[SOBBING] I'm so sorry, Remy.

I'm so sorry, man.

This is Special Agent Remy Scott.

Stop the train at the next station.

Turn around.

Put your hands behind your back.

You're under arrest

for the m*rder of Michael Shane Scott.


- Hello?
- Nika, we got him.

His name is Benji Piccagli.

And he just confessed to Mikey's m*rder.

Tell Mr. Davis I'm coming down
to see him

on the first flight I can find.

- You don't need to do that.
- Yes, I do.

I owe him an apology.

Remy, it's too late.

Larry died this morning at : AM.

If you could have spoken
to Larry Michael Davis

before he died,
what would you have said?

That I'm sorry

for dismissing him as a human being,

for robbing him of his dignity,

for a country where a man can
get railroaded for m*rder

simply because the color of his skin.

For entitled, despicable losers
like Benji Piccagli,

who think money and wealth and power

can dismiss them from justice.

But Benji didn't escape justice.

You caught him.

The whole reason I went
into law enforcement

was because of Mikey's m*rder.

I blamed the cops for questioning Davis,
and letting him go.

I thought he went back and k*lled Mikey.

Now I know that's not true.

And there was plenty
of incompetence along the way...

Davis's lawyer, for one.

The district attorney...

he didn't just put
the wrong man in prison.

He knowingly and actively
kept him there for years.

We're actually looking into that.

And the Broward County grand jury

already has the DA in their
sights because of this case.

You know, I always believed
I was on the side of good...

And that justice always wins.


I don't even know
what justice is anymore.

And that's not even the worst part.

What is?


I didn't even know...

I didn't even know who
my own brother was.

Will you turn that thing off?


Hey, Hana. What's up?

Hey, Remy. I'm downstairs.

You got a minute?

Yeah, yeah, come on up.

Do you need to take a break?

Yeah, actually, I do.


Remy, uh, this is Jenna Marks.

She just got into town,
and she wanted to meet you.

I'm so happy you're here.



Uh, if this is a bad time,
I can come back.

No, not at all.

I'm actually about to step out.

Us too.

Please, come in.

I just wanted to thank you
for saving my life.

It wasn't just me.

That's not what I mean.

I mean for finally catching Benji

and ending my nightmare.

You've been living in fear for years?

- Yeah.
- Well, it's over now.

You don't have to anymore.

That part is.

But the guilt...

I'm gonna be living with that
for the rest of my life.

I knew that Larry Davis didn't do it.

I knew they had the wrong man in prison.

But I didn't have the courage...

I should've said something.

Well, they definitely would
have k*lled you, too, so.

Yeah, I couldn't help it.

I should have been stronger.

Can I ask you something?


Did you love my brother?



Very much.

That's all I need to know.


Mm, actually, it's not.

What do you mean?

There was a reason I went
to see Mikey in Florida.

I had to tell him something.

That's him over there.

Thank you.



My name is Remy Scott.

I'm your uncle.