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03x05 - The Last Day of Summer Break!

Posted: 05/24/23 07:31
by bunniefuu
[LOKI] Well, well, well, what do

we have here? Lovely red hair.

Judging by its hue and her age,

she must be the devil

king's little sister.


Don't do this! Rias!

Issei. I'm sorry.

I'll fix this.

[SONA] Rias. Do you think

this is what he'd want? Move!

[RIAS gasps]


Odin, you sly bastard,

sending these young pups

Thor's warhammer was a shrewd,

albeit risky

proposition. Fenrir!

I have a new chew toy

for you. It's over there.


He broke loose!

Watch out!


That sigil. What is this?

The magic chains of Gleipnir?

What's going on?

I might've had something

to do with that.



Looks like you've

accepted your power.

What a relief your ears and tail

have finally made an appearance!

Maybe, but I will never

be like you, Kuroka.

I suppose we'll just

have to wait and see.

We are a violent species,

and peace isn't a big part

of our genetic makeup.

You'll see. One day.

[LOKI] I can't believe

a lowly cat devil

would dare betray Loki!

What now?

[ARTHUR] Salutations. My name

is Arthur, of the Vali team.

[KONEKO gasps]

Lord Loki!

We will be taking custody of

Fenrir from this point forward!


And why would you do that?


Apparently, Vali has a hard on

for his fangs since

they can devour gods.

The Holy Royal Sword,


Even a god as powerful as

you cannot scratch it.

[LOKI] Tell your master he

will regret this decision.

Suck it! The only one

regretting things here is you.

Fare thee well, everyone. Ta-ta

Oh, and sis?

[KUROKA] I'm in a

bit of a rush today,

but I'll come back for

you again sometime.

Damn you, White Dragon!

You were after Fenrir

from the very beginning!




Oh great. You're alive now?


Yeah, thanks to a parting gift

from a sweet little Phoenix!

Thought it was some

sorta gem or whatever,

and didn't bother opening it!


Right, got sidetracked! Hey,

jerk! Time to get hammered!




Sucker's heavy!

But I know I can do this!




[LOKI grunts]

Those meddling kids!

[LOKI gasps]

Not so fast, creep!

Release me at once, boy!

[DDRAIG] Transfer!


Underestimated us kids, huh?

That's gonna cost you!

Damn you, Red Dragon!

Damn you, Odin!

Psycho devils and evil gods?

When do I get to meet the great

creator of rockin' boobage?


A plague on all your houses!




A plague on your houses!

May you suffer

greatly before death.

[ISSEI] Have I heard

that somewhere before?



[SAJI sighs]

So, does that mean it's over?

Good work, Saji, really.

Thanks a lot.

Uh... Hey, you know,

it's no big deal!

I just did things like

in training, that's all.

All this smiling's startin'

to make me nervous.

Watch out!

[TSUBAKI gasps]


[KIBA grunts]



[KIBA groans]

[SAIRAORG] Remember: The fight's

not over till it's over!





[ISSEI] Uh! Dude, that

was just one punch?

[SAIRAORG] It was, but

seems like you already had

things under control

here anyway.

You must be pretty strong!

Yeah! I guess.

I'd like to fight in a

Rating Game against you

and Rias one of these days!

To find out who's number one!

We don't plan to lose that


Should be a lot of fun!

[SAIRAORG chuckles]

Agreed! Then, I look forward

to a balls-out power battle

against you one day.


It's odd.

I wonder where they took Fenrir,

and what they plan

to use him for.

You and me both.

I've got no idea what Vali

needs with a giant wolf.

[ARTHUR] Such is the power of

the last fragment of Excalibur.

The sword of total control.


Sorry, Loki.

But when I saw

Fenrir, I thought,

"Hey, I wouldn't

mind having a dog."

You may think you've got

a handle on your new power,

but soon, that will

all change. Very soon.

[ODIN] It was fortunate we had

the Red Dragon Emperor there.

A tremendous amount of power is

needed to capably wield Mjolnir.

The kid saved me the trouble.

[MICHAEL] But Lord Loki was

an important god in your fold.

What if he has allies?

[ODIN] The times change,

and we must change with them.

[RIAS] Thank you once

again, Mom and Dad.

We're off. Bye, Millicas!

But you only just got here!

Do you have to leave already?

I'm sorry, Millicas,

but yes, we do.

Lady Rias is incredibly busy.

We can't be greedy and

keep her to ourselves.

Okay, guess you're right, Mom.


Whoa! That's his mom? No way!


So Grayfia is Sir Zechs's wife!




[KONEKO sighs]


Um, Koneko?]


We are a violent species,

and peace isn't a big part

of our genetic makeup.

She's wrong. I'm here,

and I've found peace.


[AKENO laughs] I would have

never expected Koneko

to get so friendly with Issei.

Before this trip,

it would've been impossible

to imagine, but look!

Right? It's adorable!

So, I have a request.

Hear me out.

Maybe... Could I borrow

Issei for just one day?

He's not a pair of shoes!

Be serious.

[gasps] I see.

You plan on telling

him the truth.

Yes. I think I'm ready to

come to terms with it now.

For the most part.

Once again, Issei

steps in to rescue

another friend from their past.

My hero.


Yes, mine as well.

[AKENO] Mother, what can

I do? I want to be strong.

[XENOVIA] All that training made

me forget about the real foe.

It's bizarre! Maybe they

give us this much

homework as a punishment

for going on vacation.

[XENOVIA groans, sighs]

I bet everybody else

has already finished all

of their assignments.

Not yet. We aren't alone.

Suck my ass!

There's still so much to do!

Training camp is no excuse

for unfinished homework.

If it were, that would

reflect poorly both on me,

and the club at large.

Time to play a little catch-up.


Mom and Dad're both on vacation.

I thought I'd be able to coast

by without any real effort!

[sighs] Besides, I've got

bigger things on my mind

than a buncha stupid math!

When I was training,

I tried to shut down

the horn dog inside so

I could get stronger.

But spending all that

time sweating with young,

sexy ladies made me

realize the truth.

I'll never, not want to bury

my face in sweater bazookas.

I can't deny who I am!

--[GIRLS laugh]

--[ISSEI sighs]

[ISSEI] In the end,

I even had a fantasy

that I was talking to a giant

pair of space knockers.

It was a moment of

perverted clarity.

I have come one step closer

to the truth of erotica!

With this knowledge,

I swear to develop a new skill

to bust out in addition

to Dress Break!

Uh. Yes! Hello!

[AKENO] Issei? Sorry to

interrupt, but I brought tea!

Sweet. Thanks a bunch.

[door closes]


This one. Check it.

I don't think you have

the right answer.


Um. Uh... Oh, no, my bad.

It's all right. You just

need a helping hand.

Yeah, sure.

Now don't be shy.

I'd be happy to tutor you

until it comes naturally.




Something wrong?


No. Sorry about that.

I feel bad making you

help with my homework.

No problem at all. I was

in that class last year.

But now, in return,

I get to ask a favor.

There's something

I'd like to do.


Uh! Yeah...?

We both live in the

same damn house.

Why do we have to meet

all the way out here?



Hope you weren't

waiting too long.

[gasps] No, not at all.



The way you're staring at me

makes me feel embarrassed.

You hate this outfit, don't you?

Actually, just the opposite.

It's really doin' it for me!


Exactly what I like to hear

from my boyfriend-for-the-day.

Which sounds kinda

nice, doesn't it?

Yeah, that sounds great!

All right! Then let's

go have some fun!

[ISSEI] She's so cute

when she gets that excited.

So then. Where to?

Well, what do people

do on a dates?

[ISSEI gasps] Ok. This is

a one hundred percent,

certified real deal date.

[AKENO] I ask because...

I've never been on one.




Elbow on boob action!

Another deposit to the spank

bank for pending withdrawal!

Hey! I gave her permission

to go on a date.

I thought they'd go to

get lunch or something!

But no walking arm in arm!



Gaspie, if you see

something happen,

make sure you stop it in time.


If I see something happen?

This mask won't make that easy.

Wow. Our friends

are crappy spies.

Don't look now, but I

think we're being followed.

Then let's make a break for it!

--[ISSEI] Uh!

--[AKENO laughs]

[RIAS gasps]

They clocked us somehow!


Let's roll, Gaspie!

--[AKENO laughing]

--[ISSEI panting]

[BOTH panting]


That's just great.

Rias is definitely gonna m*rder

me when we get home.

Coast is clear.

I'd say we lost 'em.

[ISSEI] Well, as long as Akeno's

having a good time today,

I'll deal with the consequences.

[ISSEI gasps] I didn't realize

it while we were hauling ass,

but we're in love hotel central!

Damn, we gotta go!

If people see us now, they

might get the wrong idea!

Let's make like a tree

and get outta here!

Uh... I meant leave.

It's fine.

If you want to go in, fine.

Let's go, honest. I'd like to.

[ISSEI gasps]

No way! Seriously? Akeno!

You said that in

cutesy girlish mode

instead of smoking hot sex on

a stick flirty mode like usual!

Okay, breathe, Issei.

I gotta thank the

great and glorious

Devil King for this blessing.


A little afternoon delight, huh?

Most impressive! I've heard

tales of your perversion.


Lord Odin?

I don't suppose

we've properly met.

Sorry Loki stirred up trouble.


Captain Wrinkle Beardsley here

is the king of the Norse?

Lord Odin! Of course this

is where you wound up.


Oh. Hey there, Rossweisse.

[BARKIEL] I kindly request you

not wander off on your own.

Remember, I'm supposed

to be your guide.


After this little Loki debacle,

I've come to a realization.

To withstand future att*cks,

we must strengthen our forces.

A fact further compounded

by just how new our relationship

is with the gods

of this country.

And that's why we had

Barkiel escort him

again this time around.

He knows the region well and

has the best beard of us all.

That's true.



There's something I'd

like to go over with you.

Cut to the chase,

my time's precious.

[ISSEI] I knew that Akeno didn't

care much for her father.

But damn, that was brutal!

Why were you meeting with

the Red Dragon Emperor

in such a lascivious

part of town?

[ISSEI groans]

I can do whatever I want.

What gives you the right

to have any kind of say

in how I live my life?

Because I'm your father!

Some father!

Why weren't you there when we

actually needed you around?

You were the one who left mother

behind to die, sad and alone!

I like spending time with Issei,

because he's nothing like you!

Just looking at you

makes me sick!

You are not my father,

and I hope we never

see each other again!

Look, Akeno. Maybe--

--[AKENO whimpers]

--[ISSEI grunts]


No. Don't say anything.

Just hold me for a little while.

Don't let go.

Please, Issei. Don't let go.

Carry the three,

and there it is.

Twenty-seven with

a remainder of one.

Thanks Rossweisse! You

made it amazingly clear!

You're a human world

homework champion!

She's beautiful, intelligent,

interesting, and quite

formidable in combat.

You're the perfect woman.

A real life warrior


Thanks, but it's just algebra.

[ROSSWEISSE] If she was being

honest in all her compliments,

then why haven't I ever been

able to land a single lover?

--[ROSSWEISSE cries]


[ISSEI] Akeno, I wish

I knew how to help you.

I'm the daughter of Shuri and

Barkiel. I'm a fallen angel.

[ISSEI exhales]


Uh? Yo!

[door opens]


Hey, Akeno.


So, what is it?

[AKENO] I want to explain

myself. Why I yelled at Barkiel.



My mother, the priestess Shuri,

born and raised at

a Shinto shrine.

One day she found a fallen angel

who'd been injured in battle.

They fell in love, and

before long, I was born.

Because of the scandal, the

Himejima family disowned us,

and kicked us out on our own.

So we left to start a quiet life

together with my father,

the fallen angel.

Naturally, those days of peace

didn't last very long.

When my black wings

started coming in,

I had no idea people would hate

them as much as they did.

What kid thinks their neighbors

are going to try to m*rder her?

My mother tried desperately

to shield me from them.

She died protecting you?


Mm. Life suddenly changed.

I spent my days running from

those who hunted me. Too long.

In the end, I was just a child.

And children have their limits.

When both my spirit and body

failed to go any further...

[RIAS] You can die alone,

or you can live for me.

[AKENO] Rias showed up

and saved my life.

So that's how you guys met.

I needed to tell you everything

about my history.

That way, I could finally try

and put it all behind me.

But I can't do it!

The jerk tossed us aside

to fend for ourselves!

There's no way I can call

that bastard 'father'.

Hold on, look.

He may be a bit uptight,

but he doesn't come

across as a bastard.

Maybe he couldn't make it.

I don't care what

could've happened.

My mother is dead

because he wasn't there when

we needed him! It's too late.

[AKENO] I don't know! I don't

know anything anymore!

What I said back at the hotel.

That's how I honestly feel.


I want you.


Oh man... I want to.

But no, this isn't what

Akeno needs right now.

Touch me. Make me forget.


You're the only person I

trust enough to ask.


Wait. What's going on?

Are you seeing this?


I was lonely.


[AKENO] I think your wings

are really neat, Daddy!

They're black, but also soft

and shiny, kinda like my hair!

[BARKIEL] You think so?

Thank you, Akeno.

[AKENO] Hey, Mama? Do you

think Daddy is proud of me?


Yes, of course.

[AKENO] I'd like it better

if he was always here with us.

[SHURI] You can't do this.

She's just a little girl!

Please stop, her father and I

love her more than life itself!


How unfortunate.

It seems your heart has been

tainted beyond recovery

by the darkness and evil

of the fallen angel.

I'm afraid it can't be helped.

Leave Mama alone!

No! Mama!

--[BARKIEL] Akeno.

--[AKENO] Don't touch me!

Why weren't you here?

You should've been here

to protect me and Mama!

If you hadn't been gone, Mama

would still be alive right now.

Those people told me!

It's all 'cause my father

is a fallen angel!

They said all fallen

angels are bad people.

None of this is fair!

I hate stupid black wings!

I hate you! I hate everyone.

I hate everything.

[AKENO] I knew at the time it

wasn't Barkiel's fault,

but I couldn't keep myself

from blaming him.

I'm pathetic, weak, and

that's why I'm always alone.

What I really wanted was

for my Dad to be around

more than he was. I wanted

him to pat me on the head,

and tell me everything

was gonna be all right.

I wanted to play

with him more.

I want...

I wanted just a little more

time in that life together.

I wasn't ready for it to end.



A dream?

Yeah, I guess so.

Doesn't really matter.

But thanks to you,

I think I can finally come

to terms with my past.

Come on.

I didn't do anything.

[ISSEI] That sensation just now.

I've felt it before.

During my training.

[AKENO] I'm so sorry, Issei.

I don't know what came over me.

Well, I need to go

make dinner now.

It isn't easy subbing in for

your mother, you know.


Going home already?

[ODIN] Yes. I was able to meet

with most of the local gods.

I also went to the titty

bar and made it rain!

So you admit why you really

came all the way out here.

Odin, sir. It's almost time.


What's this?

I thought you might want

to take a lunch box.

I'm in charge of cooking

this week, so...

I see. I'm grateful.

[ISSEI] Hell yeah!

I thought I smelled pot roast!



I haven't made this

dish in a long time.

You can have a taste

if you'd like one.

Cool. I would like!

Here. Say, "Ah."

Uh. Ahh.

Thank you. For everything.


Look at that.



Just like Shuri used to make.

Has anyone told you

about this, yet?

Girls our age are having

secret affairs with boys.

All right.

Yes. You're the reason

I'm here, Asia.

Of course. Issei's

always like that.


You guys never came back out,

so I was worried something

had happened! But this?