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03x10 - Occult Research Club Vanishes!?

Posted: 05/24/23 07:38
by bunniefuu
[AZAZEL] Mind if I ask

you a couple of questions?

I don't mean Issei.

I'm talking to you,

Welsh Dragon.

[SIR ZECHS] Still nothing?

That's unfortunate.


Yeah, we haven't been able

to bring him out of his coma.

The kid's devil power

is replenishing,

and his body's

healing up all right.

It would seem that his

extent of his injuries

go deeper inside, though.


Deeper inside?

[KIBA] He's never had such

an intense transformation.

Seems for now, our only

option is to wait it out.

Issei's suffering because

of me. I'm so sorry!

No one's blaming you.

This isn't your fault.

She's right, Asia.

Any blame goes to those

Chaos Brigade jerks!



Huh. Hey Asia, I got a question.



[AZAZEL] You still haven't

done it yet, right?

I'm talking about what

you worked on in training.

[ASIA gasps]

[AZAZEL] Because of his

incomplete transformation,

it seems apparent that

the dragon inside of Issei

is malfunctioning.

The fact that his arm

is still in dragon form,

only serves to prove the point.

[RIAS] If that's the problem,

then how do we start fixing it?


Asia's Sacred Gear

might present a solution

to our conundrum.


Might is the operative word.

Will Asia be in any danger?

I honestly couldn't tell you.

No way!

It is a possibility,

but it's not inevitable.

[ASIA] I'll do it.

I at least have to try.

Are you sure Asia?

Issei promised he'd

always look out for me,

and he kept his word

by b*ating Diodora.

Now it's my turn

to look out for him,

and there's no way I'm

gonna just give up!

I owe him more than that.


I have full faith in you.

Your training up to

this point has focused

on healing from a distance.

This time distance doesn't

matter, it's about depth.


What do you mean?

[AZAZEL] Issei needs your

help healing the wound

deep in his heart.

Do you really think

it's a good idea

to leave Asia all

alone in there?

If she focused

all of her energy,

we have no way to determine how

powerful the force would be.

And as long as that's the case,

it's not safe to be

in the same area.

You're not gonna let her go

through with it, are you?

[RIAS] I'd be lying to

you if I said this

didn't scare me to death,

but it's my duty to trust Asia.


My darling Issei.

I treasure you

above anyone else,

and you've always

been there for me.

[ASIA] Cheering me up

whenever I'm feeling down.

Put yourself in harm's way

to protect me from danger.

I'm so grateful for you.

And I thank God for this

opportunity he's given me.

I'm thankful for this chance

to pay you back

for all you've done.

[ASIA] So, please!

Please open your eyes!

Come back to me, Issei!

[ISSEI gasps]



That's weird. Normally when

I wake up, Asia's not alone.

Hang on. What happened to

her shirt? Did I do that?


Is this a dream?

You're awake again!

Issei, I'm so sorry!

It's fine.

[ASIA] You're all right!

Thank goodness.

I was so worried.

[ISSEI] Wait, I was in a coma?

And you brought me out of it?

Thank you for saving my life.

[ASIA] I couldn't bear

the thought of my life

without you in it.

Now, come with me.

If you're feeling up to it.

Everyone's anxious to see you.

Of course. I feel like a

douche making everybody worry.

But first, Issei.

[ISSEI gasps]

I love you, Issei.

More than life itself.

I've never been so sure

of anything before.


Uh, uh, uh.

[AKENO giggling]

So passionate.

I feel bad walking in on

such a private moment.

[ASIA squeels]

Oh! Hey, guys!

Didn't notice you there.

It looks like Asia has won

today's battle for Issei.

Yes. It would seem that way.

[ISSEI laughs]

[ASIA giggles]

I'm serious though! I'm super

grateful for what you did!

[ASIA] No, Issei. Really,

there's no need to thank me.

[ISSEI] Of course

I'm gonna thank you.

Are you all right, Rias?



Of course. I'm fine.

Okay, everyone!

Now that Issei

has gotten better,

it's time to

celebrate with a feast!


Your wish is our command!

[SIR ZECHS] Our recent encounter

with the Chaos Brigade has made

one thing abundantly clear.

The Old Satan Faction

has fallen into ruin.

Apparently, Vali never

thought of them as comrades

in the first place.

Just a means to an end.

Great Red.

[AZAZEL] Orphis intends to kick

him out of the Dimensional Gap.

Thus, Vali's interests

lined up with hers.

As it stands now,

the lines between the

worlds remain stable,

and have done so ever since

Great Red was confined there.

But, if somehow he

were to be freed,

then the world as we

know it could be in jeopardy.

No matter the cost,

we can't let that happen.

When Loki attempted

to destroy time and space.

Perhaps a tiny fissure between

the worlds was created.

And that was

enough of a window

through which Great

Red could appear.

At least, this is

what Ajuka believes.

Loki, huh? A real pain in

the ass from beginning to end.

[LOKI] That accursed

Ouroboros bitch,

with her unnecessary meddling.



Huh? What's this?

[EVIL SPIRIT screams]

[LOKI] Certain options

are still available.

The kind you'll feel in

the marrow of your bones.

Red Dragon fool.

You and your beloved

Ruin Princess will suffer.

[ISSEI groans] It's so good

to finally be back home again!

[ISSEI] It's weird to think

I was asleep for three days.

I feel kinda bad you guys

missed school because of me.

Sorry about that.

I told the school that we would

be spending a few days overseas

for a practice match, so our

absence has been excused.

I'll just let them

know our return flight

was delayed due to

weather or something.

[ISSEI] So, your solution

to the problem is to lie.

What kind of occult club

even has practice matches?

The entire excuse was

predicated on a lie.

There are other

problems besides that.

[ROSSWEISSE sobs] It's no fair!

How could Lord Odin be so cruel?

I stupidly thought he returned

to take me back home,

and instead he sends me

into battle! I did it,

no complaints. And when

it was all over and done with?

He's gone back to Valhalla

and left boring old

Rossweisse behind!

[IRINA] He probably had a

load of admin to wade through

after such a mega conflict!

I'm sure he'll come back

--soon to pick you up!

--You don't get it!

I was his bodyguard

for this mission,

and now he's returned to Asgard

without me there to escort him!

Then I'll be the ditzy valkyrie

who wasn't up to the task

of being the

--All-Father's bodyguard.

--Hey, cheer up!

They're gonna

demote me for sure!

This is corporate downsizing!

I felt terrible when I saw

Odin leaving her behind

in the underworld. I had no

choice but to bring her home.

If she's always

acting like this,

how can you really blame

old what's-his-beard?

Cuz right now she's

totally Queen Buzzkill.

She'll be fine. And if

the Asgardians decide

not to take her back,

I have an idea.

Like what?

Not yet! Uh-uh!


Asia, how are you feeling?



It's so strange.

I'm thankful that Asia was

able to help Issei get better.

[IRINA, AKENO giggle]

[RIAS] But for the

briefest moment, jealousy?

[ASIA laughs]


What's wrong with me?


In-Out! In-Out! In-Out!

Nicely done. Lookin' good!

[ISSEI sighs]

Now, let's take a little break!

Sure. Great!


Hey, kid!




It's days like this

that really help remind you

what's worth fighting for.

I guess. Is that it?

Of course not.

While you were unconscious,

I had a nice little chat.

Went through a few things with

your buddy living inside you.

Inside me? Y'mean Ddraig?

The same.


What does the Governor-General

of fallen angels want from me?

[AZAZEL] I needed to

ask you about the power

Issei released at

the end of the fight.

[DDRAIG] It was a skill that

until now had remained dormant.

A volatile technique

called Juggernaut Drive.

[AZAZEL] That maneuver

is expressly forbidden.

It's dangerous

to forcefully vent

the power sealed in

a sacred treasure.


Yes, and when activated

it will temporarily give

the user enough power

to make the gods envious. But

the price is the user's death,

or a drastically reduced

lifespan, at the least.

Swear to me! Promise

that you won't tell Asia

any of that, no matter

what happens!

I'm wondering how

you were even able

to invoke such a dangerous skill

without knowing it was in your

wheelhouse in the first place.


My partner's despair and anger

surpassed their critical limits,

and Juggernaut Drive was on

the other side of the threshold.




[DDRAIG] Some outside force

was controlling Issei's

emotions at the time. Who or

what it was, I'm uncertain.

[ISSEI] Outside force?

What'd he mean?

[AZAZEL] So you don't know

what he was talking about?


No. Not a clue.


That's what I thought.


Hmm. What now?

Try not to worry

about it too much.


kind enough to give me

a place to stay

sans rent, but I refuse

to lounge around

like a freeloader.

I can help keep the

place tidy as thanks.

What? This is from Valhalla?

Oh, yay! He finally

came to pick me up!

I wonder where Koneko is.

It's not like her to be late.

I hope nothing's wrong!

[GASPER gasps]

What's up, Issei!

[RIAS sighs]


Hey, gorgeous!



I wasn't expecting you.

Have you finished practicing

for the festival?

[ISSEI] Yup. I swung

by to pick up my bag.

Ah. I hadn't realized

it had gotten so late.

And what's keeping

you here after hours?

Nothing important.

[ISSEI] You seem like you're

worried about something.

[RIAS scoffs] What have

I got to worry about?

Don't know. That's why

I asked, but sometimes,

I think I see depression

masked by beauty.

[RIAS gasps]

Uh. I'm sorry about that.

I just made things weird.

No. If anything, I find your

concern to be quite touching.

But I promise, I'm fine.

[ISSEI chuckles]

And look,

I know I'm not exactly

Dear Abby and junk.

[RIAS gasps]

It's just that,

I don't want you to feel

you have to force things.

I know what's going on.

Even if it means you

have to lie to yourself,

you always try so

hard, don't you?



You don't need to worry

about these problems anymore.

[RIAS gasps]

That's right. Let it go.

I'll take over from here.


Out-In, Out-In, Out-In, Out...

Looks like we've got the

rhythm part figured out!

I know! That extra

training really paid off!


Damn straight!

Now let's try crankin'

up the pace!

Is something wrong?

I left the stupid stopwatch

in the club room. Hold still.

I'm gonna go grab it.


Hey, Koneko!

Hi, Issei.


I came to pick up Gaspie

and take him to the

bread eating race.

[ISSEI laughs] That little

dude's gonna freakin' explode!






What happened to you?


Issei. Thank goodness.

It's you, isn't it?

The real one?


What're talking about?

I can smell him.



It's me!

Well, it's not, but

you know what I mean.


Damned imposter!

Why're you pretending

to be me, you dillhole!

--Get a life!

--Be careful! He's dangerous!

[RIAS chuckles]

[gasps, yells]


[ISSEI grunts]

Rias, don't.

That energy.

Come on! You've gotta snap out

of it! That guy! He's a faker!

[RIAS sighs]





No. Wake up!

[ISSEI grunts]


[ASIA gasps]

[KIBA gasps]

I wasn't fast enough!


I can't believe it blew up!

[STUDENT B] But, what? There

wasn't even anything expl*sive

in the place.

[TSUBAKI] Please stand back.

It could continue.

Issei, what happened back there?

[ISSEI grunts]

We're still not clear on any of

the details. But, thank Gasper.

He was able to stop time

right before the expl*si*n

and pulled the two of

you out here to safety.

Thanks a lot, Gaspie.


We're proud of you!

[SONA] I'm ashamed

that something like this

could transpire

on school property.

[SONA gasps]

Where's Rias?

[KONEKO grunts]

Damn it!



[AZAZEL] Valhalla sent an

emergency message to Rossweisse.

Loki was responsible.

That sneaky bitch.

So, now we've got a

fake Issei in the mix?

It's true. I saw.

He was an exact double.

His aura and scent were both


identical to Issei's.

His scent?

[KONEKO] If the real

Issei wasn't standing

right in front of me when

I saw his doppelganger,

I wouldn't have even

noticed the difference.

How can you be so certain that

Loki was responsible

for the att*ck?

Because, the cocky little

prick took credit for it.

You're telling me you placed

a curse on Rias Gremory

and the Red Dragon Emperor?

[LOKI] I lost to the dragon boy

due to last minute interference.

Luckily for me, I'm the kind of

fellow who thinks on his feet.

And with my new plan in tow,

I thought it the right time for

the prodigal son to return.

You impudent brat. Did you

choose to att*ck children

because you're no match

for Sir Zechs or myself?

Come, brazen old fool, think.

I am a proud Norse god.

Why would I waste my energy

doling out vengeance

on a few young devils?

What are you planning,

you self-righteous bastard?

[LOKI laughs]

It's already too late.

The twilight of the gods

is fast approaching.

But, the reason I placed a

curse on those two children

couldn't be simpler. The devil

king sent his own little sister

to fight his battle for him.

Then you placed Mjolnir,

along with your hopes, into the

hands of her oafish consort.

And you shall reap the harvest

of the poor choices you've sown!



When he had finished speaking,

he placed a magical

barrier over himself.

The act of a true coward!

Sometimes the psychological

approach can be more effective

than merely defeating

an enemy in combat.

I suffered with

it for a long time.

But, I still don't really

understand why Loki

would go through

all this trouble.

He wants the twilight of

the gods. Ragnarok.

The ultimate end to

existence as we know it.

Excuse me, but where's Issei?

[AZAZEL] Rossweisse is

debriefing him upstairs.


A curse?



Apparently, he was able to

place a curse on you and Rias

before being taken into custody.


But, what does that mean?

Curses lay siege

to a person's heart,

gnawing away at

it piece by piece.

They cling to doubts lingering

in the depths of your soul.

Doubts you've forgotten about,

or worse,

doubts you never even realized

you had in the first place.

Loki used those buried

feelings against you.


Have you remembered something?


Yeah, one of my deepest fears.



It's true. I'm scared.

Afraid of finding out what

the girls really feel about me.

It's not that I don't

believe them. It's just.

I've been b*rned before.

We're here for you, but if

you're not ready to talk,

there's no pressure.

Sorry. I can't.

No, I should be the

one to apologize.

But, I was following orders

to confirm the veracity

of Loki's words,

and they ring true.

But wait, you said Rias

was cursed as well.

How could someone

like her have any doubts?

You would have

to ask her directly

if you wished to find out.

Or, the doubt could be buried

so deep within Rias's psyche,

she doesn't even

realize it's there.

[ISSEI sighs]

[ISSEI] With the graceful

way she carries herself,

and eyes that pierce your soul.

She's the smartest,

most beautiful girl

in the entire school.

How could any doubt

live in the heart

of someone so

absolutely perfect?

I have to help her.

[AZAZEL] How're you

holding up, Sir Zechs?


I am the devil king first,

and a concerned brother second.

I will conduct myself according

to my station in this matter.

[AZAZEL] Glad you're

keeping a clear head.

[SIR ZECHS] Per our last

message from Asgard,

it will be a rather long time

for them to break through

Loki's barrier; which is

a luxury we don't have.


We just need to get him to talk.

Find out exactly where

Rias has been moved.

My sources say she's been

taken to the Dimensional Gap.

Dimensional Gap?

Isn't that where Asia

was sent by Diodora?

I have searched the kingdoms

of gods and devils alike.

It is the only

remaining possibility.


So, if we can get there,

we should be able to

save Rias, right?

The void of the

Dimensional Gap

doesn't behave according to

our laws of time and space.

If Vali hadn't stumbled across

Asia at that precise moment

while traveling, we could

have lost her in there forever.

[AZAZEL] Simply put,

being thrust into the Gap

is more often than

not a death sentence.

Then, how are Vali and

his friends able to do it?

[AZAZEL] The Chaos Brigade

is a diverse assortment

with members from all factions.

They must be using a method

still unknown to our coalition.

It could be possible. We'd have

to lock existence on this plane.

We could use this world

as a beacon of sorts.


[KONEKO gasps]

[ISSEI] We don't have a choice.

I need to contact your sister.

Do you need Kuroka

for some kind of plan?

To go see Vali. Now.

[VALI] The ones involved

with the red or white dragon

have never had a good life.

Don't you believe this

to be destiny as well?

Who cares! Destiny shmestiny.

I do what I want.

I'll just change it if it

doesn't work out for me.

Rias! Is that really you?