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01x04 - A Disquieting Emptiness

Posted: 05/25/23 06:12
by bunniefuu
Do I have to choose? I'm on vacation.


- Yeah.

Have you seen my shorts?

My Princeton shorts.

I had them on the beach with Claire.

- I love you.

- What we have is not love.

It is obligation.

Desmond, cousin, hooked me up

with a meeting with One-Eye Mike.

You still have Sara in your head.

If I set she up like she deserve,

Mate, we a family.

EDWIN: She run, she

pumpum all over the place.

Shut the f*ck up.

EDWIN: Save yourself a

little money for Sara.

dr*gs were found in the

home of Mr. Richardson,

so he faces arraignment.

CLAIRE: Clive has all the answers

to every question in my life.

I'm gonna make him trust me

like he made her trust him.






[BERY CHUCKLES] Well, now,

here comes the best part of me week.

GOGO: Thank you for

always being here, Bery.

You're a good friend.

You know I don't care

what people say you did.

No one should have to

go through this alone.

I made something for you.

He just had his second birthday.

Thank you, Bery.

It's beautiful.

You're welcome, and I know.

Can I ask you a question, Gogo?

GOGO: Go ahead.

There be talk Edwin been coming here.

Every week, like me.

He has.

BERY: But you won't see he. Why?


He knows why.

Hello, little man.

Or should I say big man? Four years old.

It's okay. It's okay.

I am glad you out.

- We can really use your help.

- I know.

I know. I'm sorry.

No one will hire me

or even come near me.

They all think I did something

horrible to that girl.

Mm-mm-mm-mm, I don't want to hear about

what happened to that girl.

Then I'm gonna go to New York.


Look for work.

When I find a job, I will send money.

And I will do nothing

but work until I gain

- the trust back, I swear.







LANDLORD: Kitchen.

Bathroom over there.

These are your roommates.

That'll be 1,000 bucks.


JOANNE: Mr. Richardson?

You'll owe money for the medallion.

Eventually, it'll pay off.

Sara, it's so good to hear your voice.

SARA: Where have you been?

You missed Clive Jr. tenth birthday.

It's been three months

since we hear from you,

let alone get any money.

Hey, I'm sorry. Sorry.

Sorry's not going to put

food in your son mouth.

What kind of man abandon he child?

[CLICKS TONGUE] My appendix burst.

I had to have surgery.

They gave away my shifts

at the garage, but

it's all sorted out.

I'll be wiring money

in a few days, okay?

You can keep your money.

We don't need you no more.

I'm married now.

What was that?

SARA: I said I'm married.


I got married.


Gas prices have been over

$5 a gallon nationwide

for months, thanks in large part

to the ongoing w*r in Ukraine

both in terms of supply disruptions

and trade restrictions

placed on the Putin regime

by the U.S. and its allies.

So this announcement that

OPEC is joining Russia

and cutting oil production

is tough news to consumers

and the Biden administration.

NEWS REPORTER: The increasing presence

of rainbow fentanyl







[DISTORTED] Gogo! Gogo!

- Gogo!






Hey, sir! Working?




SINGERS: Hip Hop Hooray ♪

Ho, hey, ho ♪

What does a college girl do

her last night of winter vacation?

- Alison Thomas


NARRATOR: Thought she was

in for a night of dancing,


I like fun.

NARRATOR: dr*gs and general debauchery.

She quickly found

herself in over her head.


She didn't know these

men, but she trusted them.

Little does she know

what they had in store.

It's getting late. Let's

go back to the resort.

But we are just getting started.


Don't worry, miss. I won't be too rough.

[SOBBING] No. Please. No.



- No, no.


SUNITA: What the hell are you doing?

Em, I told you not to watch that shit.

Not only is it trash,

aesthetically speaking,

but it's also r*cist,

it's sexist, it's just

all the exploitation you can think of.

Oh, I discovered that.

It's pretty offensive.

So why'd you even watch it?

I found a clip of it

while I was doing research.

I thought if I learned every theory,

it could help guide

my approach with Clive.

We're still on for tonight, right?


But I really wish we weren't.

Em, the thought of you spending

time with that man, I just

Hey, it's gonna be fine.

I got this.


- You early.

- Or you late.

People gonna be calling you me wifey,

you made me wait so much.

And I have your favorite pastries.

Guava and cheese.

I know the way me Goges likes it.

A dash of salt in he sweet, you know?

[CHUCKLES] You suddenly rich.

Buying gifts.

That meeting with One-Eye

Mike must've gone good.

Eh, I got what I went for.

Come on, big man, you

know you love these.

And we both know that

you cannot stay mad at me.

See, you know, this is how I

know you and me are gonna be

great together living in the Big Apple.

We already fighting like roommates.

GOGO: The Big Apple's full of worms.

Hmm, worms with more

money and better jobs, yes.

How much powder you

get from One-Eye Mike

you certain you can

get to New York, hmm?

I got enough.

[SIGHS] And you'll never guess what.

Mike an anti-man.

I had to flirt with him like I

do with the man at the resort.

You know, like, "Oh, One-Eye Mike,

- I love your big cock and you."


"Now, give me some dr*gs," you know?

No wonder I never see he in church.

God gonna send him to

hell two times over.

Put it in the lock

box with the herb, bro.

No. Cocaine a real prison sentence.

Can't we find anywhere

else? This my gran's house.

All you need to do is

hold the damn dr*gs,

and you will get 10% of my profits.

Take the damn drug.


Oh, all right.

Listen, Gogo, I am gonna deal

with your pouting for a bit,

but I'm not gonna put up

with this tantrum all day

because I am in a great mood.

Things are heating up

with that Thomas girl.

She already delirious with Edwin fever.


OLIVIA: Okay, so you kissed,

and then what happened?

ALISON: It was nice. It was really nice.

But, um, have you, like, ever

like, been with a

like, a Black dude before, or

Do you hear the internalized

prejudice in that question?

- I don't see race.

- Yeah, right.

So you'd be just as

horned up by the help

if he was some white dude, right?

Is the fact that Edwin

is so different from me

part of what makes him attractive?

Fine. Yes.

Have you ever been with a Black guy?

OLIVIA: No. I have been fingered

by an Asian guy once, though.

I mean, he was a loser, sure,

but, you know, nothing new.

Most of the guys I've been

with are pretty much losers,

but, uh, yeah.

You've probably been with

a string of Ivy League

superstars and supermodels

and football players, so

No. I've only slept with two people.

One was my, um, very sweet,

very serious high school boyfriend,

and the other was a

lacrosse player at a party.

But I'm looking to expand my horizons.

[SQUEALS] Okay, with Tyler or Edwin?

Or, dude, Tyler and Edwin.

I'm just saying.

SINGER: Ain't got no worries on me ♪

Hello, miss.

Well, Mia, am I seeing things?

Is our firstborn awake before 2:00 p.m.?

- Don't quit your day job.

- No, I thought it was funny.

Thank you. Olivia, thank you.

Alison, can we play dress-up

when Mom and Dad go to dinner?

I'm sorry, Clairey.

I made plans tonight.

Alison, we were counting on you.

Yeah, but it's my vacation too.

You know, I can babysit.

That's so generous. Thank you.

Of course.

Seriously? That's awesome.

Thank you.

Thank me after your threesome.


How's that going, Tyler?

It's going great.


Just, um,

I'm not sure you're the

only guy here she's into.

Wes, get over yourself.

No, not me.

Forget it.

Don't forget to invite

me to the wedding, okay?

SINGER: Ain't got no worries on me ♪

No, no ♪



Excuse excuse me, miss. I

- Oh, you.

- Oh, hi.

I couldn't sleep, and I

thought it might be open,

hoping a late-night snack

might put me in a food coma.

Nothing is open at

this hour around here.


Guess I'm not in Williamsburg anymore.

Okay, well, I guess I'll head home.

See you around sometime.


Would you mind walking me for a bit?

There's this this

sketchy guy down there,

and I didn't feel entirely

Never mind. I'll be fine.

No. No, it's okay.



What's up?


So after you walk, do you just crash?


And what happens when you can't?

I play solitaire.

I like games.

All games really.

I used to play checkers a lot as a kid.

GOGO: Maybe we should just walk now.

SUNITA: I can't believe you made this.

I mean, your last place, you

used your oven to store shoes.


- It does look really good, Em.

Thanks. Well, dig in.

I got the tagine from

The New York Times,

so it's dummy proof,

but these fried bites of heaven

are from a local Caribbean place.

Emily's been finding all

the great neighborhood spots,

and I've been reaping the benefits.

I told him if we're

going to be gentrifiers,

we should at least be the kind

that support the local community.

SUNITA: Um, yeah, I don't

think that's how it works.

- Oh, God.

- JOSH: Oh.

- Damn.

- Smooth.

That's like the third time

that's happened this week.

That's okay.

CLAIRE: I gotta start

wearing a bib or something.

I'll be one sec.



Um, Sunita, can I ask you something?


Um, she's been avoiding me,

uh, for quite some time,

and I know she's not gonna tell me.

- What's going on?

- Josh.

I'm not asking you to break trust.

It's just if [SIGHS]

If something happened, if she got hurt,

if she hurt herself, I'd never

be able to forgive myself.

I wasn't in the picture when

things got bad last time.

You were, so I'm asking

you, should I be worried?

What's going on isn't

great, but I got her.

If you need to worry,

I'll make sure that you do.


- CLAIRE: Good as new.

- Do you like it?

- SUNITA: Yeah.

- JOSH: We were waiting for you.

- Yeah.

CLAIRE: I forgot the rice.

It's really good.

EDWIN: Steak salad and a club sandwich.

Thank you, Edwin. You're so good to us.

EDWIN: You are most welcome.

And if it is not

impertinent for me to say,

those sunglasses look good on you.

Thank you.

He's just so sweet.

ETHAN: Yeah. Can you hand me the

DANA: Oh, good news. I

got a fax from Desiree.

The best midwife in the tristate area.

She had an opening for a consultation

the Friday we get back, so I booked it.


No, that's Sigma Nu's

alumni poker night.

It's been in the calendar for months.

You're a father now, so just

email your frat brothers

and let them know

you're gonna have to

miss this year's reunion.

This isn't a request.



SINGER: Down in the ghetto ♪

Oh, Lord ♪

Oh, Lord ♪

There's famine and the land ♪

Way down in the ghetto ♪

Lord, give us a helping hand ♪

Oh, our children have no home ♪


Thought I might find you here.

EDWIN: Careful, miss.

Don't want other guests

discovering me secret, little spot.

It's me only reprieve.

Are all the guests irritating, or

Not all.

In fact, there be one

guest I keeping my eye on.

- Really?

- Yeah.

What makes this guest so special?

She like to cause trouble.

Is that right?

[CHUCKLES] Oh, yes.

See, that's interesting,

because I met a guy

who works at the resort,

and he seems kind of

like a troublemaker.

- Do he now?

- ALISON: Mm-hmm.


- ALISON: Last night,

he walked right up to me and kissed me.

Out in the open.

Hmm. Sound like a very sexy man.

He's okay.

Still getting to know him.

He be, as you say,

an open book, miss.

So what do you do when

you're not working?

Oh, you know, uh, go

liming with my friends.

Smoke. Same old.

Sounds fun.

It's fine if you like

going the same four places

with the same four people

your whole damn life.


ALISON: Do you want to leave?

One day, maybe.

Where do you live?

EDWIN: With my family.

And what are they like?

A pain in my ass.

Three sisters, husbands, and pickney

all live at home,

in my business, k*lling my mojo.

Oh, no. Your mojo should not be k*lled.

It is a very good mojo. Yeah?


No more talking.

I don't wanna have sex.

I was not planning to, miss.


Can I interest you

in any mimosas, ma'am?

Just a sparkling water for me. Thanks.

So, any cute boys I should know about?


You sure?

I see you with that

Yale kid all the time.

And that one with the

puka shell necklace.

Yeah, um,

Wes is a moron,

and Tyler likes Alison, so

And you like Tyler?

That's hard.

But whatever.

I bet she's all surface,

nothing on the inside.

Alison is, like, the most

incredible person I've ever met.

- I'm just

- SERVER: Here you go, ma'am.

Hope you enjoy.

I'm just concerned for you.

We both know how you get.

Mom, this isn't the

same thing at all, okay?

Those girls were making fun of me.

They were taunting me.

God, who are you to judge me?

You're flirting with married men, Mom.

Okay? You're embarrassing yourself.

Oh, and by the way, that sparkling water

isn't fooling anyone.


BILL: So I am going to

play the five on my five.

I'm playing the eight on your eight.

And now, I'm gonna read your mind.

- Do you have any kings?

- Go fish.

What? Again? That's ridiculous.

CLAIRE: Do you have a four?

Yeah, hey, Mia,

where did Alison say she

was going this afternoon?

She was hanging out with Tyler.

TYLER: I'm all right. I'm okay.

WES: Okay, I'll take it. I'll take it.

TYLER: Dude, you suck.

WES: Yo, over here, Tyler. Tyler.

Do you have any tens?

- What?

- CLAIRE: Do you have any tens?

- BILL: I do.



Oh. Hello again.




I wanted to say thank you

for walking me home last night.

It was really kind of you.

- Do you want to play cards?

- No.

Thank you.

Look, I know it's really

weird I'm here all the time.

I moved to Flatbush with my boyfriend

a couple weeks ago and

then his job got really crazy.

And there is something so sad about

eating takeout alone in

front of the TV every night.

[SIGHS] I don't like it when

people feel sorry for me.

Me neither.

Were you a cab driver back home?

What did you do?

Odd jobs.

Well, I'm sure you weren't surrounded

by as many eclectic

people as you are now.

What do you mean?

You're a New York cab driver.

I mean, I'm sure you've

got a ton of crazy stories.

A few.

Play one game with me and tell me a few.

Have you ever had a

passenger who was dangerous?

GOGO: Once.

In my cab, I hear two men talking about

a bank robbery they was going to commit.

CLAIRE: You're kidding.

They went over the whole plan.

That they would slip

a note to the teller,

hold up the customers,

and for a moment I thought

they would use me as the getaway car.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Then they asked me how they did.

What do you mean?

They was actors.

In a play. Actors


That's that's the most New

York story I've ever heard.


My son said the same thing.

You have a son.


How old is he?

Are you close with your son?






CLAIRE: You okay? You seem distracted.

Why you always here?

I told you my boyfriend works a lot.


It's not right.

Does not feel right.

I'm lonely, okay?

My life hasn't gone exactly

the way I thought it would.

I've alienated a lot of people,

and I've scared a lot of people off.


I like it here, okay?

Sometimes I feel like

I expend a lot of energy

projecting this, like, air of confidence

when inside, I'm actually

not like that at all.

But with you, I can just be,

and I haven't felt like

that in a long time.

GOGO: That's bullshit.

I'm feeling tired.

I have to go.



Hey, baby, do you wanna, um,

maybe play some tennis later today?

Can't. I have that water aerobics class

with Jamie today.

A water aerobics class with Jamie?

- Hello, sirs.

- GREG: Hey.

I have your beverages. Here you are.

- For you.

- Thank you.

Absolutely. My job is to please, sir.

You both have an

excellent day, all right?

Thanks so much, man. You too.

- Thank you.

- We'll see you around.


- Oh, thank you, Gogo.

- Here.

It's the best rum punch I've ever had.


- Trust me. I've had many.

Mm. Call me crazy,

but I think a drink

should have fruit in it.

I know it's not very manly.

Oh, there be such a thing

as a manly drink, sir?


I guess not.

You're a pretty sharp young man.

GOGO: Thank you.

So, Gogo,

you and Edwin are mates, right?

- Yes.

- He's a good guy?


Why do you ask, sir?

Has he been anything other than kind?

No, no, he's been

he's been more than kind.

He's been very attentive to my family.

Especially my Alison.



Well, Edwin is attentive to all.

He just spent an hour talking

with the gentlemen couple

about tennis, and, uh,

now look how he pays

attention to Mrs. Jamie.

It is the Edwin way.

He like to make sure everybody

at Indigo Bay feel special.

BILL: No, no, of course.

I appreciate you and Edwin

going the extra mile for my family.


- Thank you.

- No, of course.


ALISON: The spa was a great idea.

A whole afternoon away from my parents.

OLIVIA: You're pretty lucky.


To have a family that's sane.

ALISON: You mean boring and

overprotective, and,

um, just a hair r*cist.

Yeah, I'd trade a hair of racism

for a full head of alcoholism.


How is your mom today?

Still a hot mess, so


OLIVIA: Yeah, no, it's

it's not your fault.


I just want to forget about her

and, like, have a good day, so

- And we shall.


I'm gonna go to the steam room

before our massage. You wanna come?

No, no.

I I get claustrophobic.

- Okay. I'll see you in 15.

- Okay, I'll see you.


CLAIRE: I wasn't sure if I

was gonna see you tonight.

I'm sorry about last night.

I know sometimes I can be too much.

It is me who should apologize.

I'm not used to talking about myself.

I got overwhelmed.

EMPLOYEE: Clive, a pipe

burst in the kitchen.

We're shutting down for tonight.

Would you like a ride home?

I have my cab.


I'd like that.

Look, Richie, all I'm saying

is for someone who complains

about Mom being all up in your business,

you tell her so much

about your sex life.

Hey, let me call you back.






I'm just down Woodruff. I

can probably get out here.

I was thinking we could take a ride.

There's something I want to show you.




GOGO: We here.

Let's go.

This way.


Your boyfriend?

Um, no.

It's just, uh, an

overly protective friend.

It's good to have someone

who watches out for you.

The only people I have

in my life are roommates.

Men from places I never heard of.

They come and go. I hardly know they.

They don't know me at all.

Just through there.



This is what I want to show you.

Oh, wow.

She looks so beautiful.


GOGO: The water, she

always calms me down.

Helps me to sleep.

I thought it might help you too.


Sorry. My friend worries about me.

A couple years ago, I was

editing this documentary and

it was my opus, my Oscar-bait,

change-the-world kind of piece, and

and once it was perfect, all

my troubles would be worth it.

But I just couldn't find perfect,

and I became obsessed.

Recutting and recutting.

I didn't eat. I didn't sleep.

And then one day, I snapped.

And I walked into the

middle of 7th and 12th,

and I just started screaming.

And I ended up in the hospital.

It is relaxing here.

Thank you for bringing me.

I used to have a friend

who'd go on and on about

how special New York is.

Sometimes, when I stand here,

I understand what he meant.

Is your friend here in New York?

We do not speak.

More than 20 years, we have not spoken.

That's sad.

He was not the person I thought he was.

He betrayed me.

What happened?


Gonna rain. We should go.

EDWIN: Gogo, you gonna

yell at me some more?

Go ahead, man.

The Thomas father knows

about you and he daughter.

I tried to tell him you're just a flirt,

but he a smart man.

Next time, he gonna

go straight to Stephen.

Eh, man, so what? So what?

Because the whole island

is filled with resorts

eager to have a handsome,

charming man like myself.

Hey, maybe I get a management job

then I make all the bread that

we need to move to New York

and we live like kings

and forget about Sara.

No, I'm never gonna move to New York.

My life be here on the island

with me son, gran, and Sara.

You really believe that?

What would your life be

here without me, Goges?

I'm your bred. I'm your family.

I been here for you

when no one else has.

I know.

I know.

That's why I wish you

would not go either.

[CHUCKLES] Gogo loves me.


- EDWIN: Yo, don't deny it.

Don't deny it.

I knew you could not stay vex with me.

You love me.

Take it.

Can I help you with something?

I'm having a fantastic vacation,


every time I look at you

and your mopey sad sack,

it bums me out.

Can I guess?

Some midlife crisis.

Taking stock of your life.

You're 40 plus,

balding, getting some

pudge around the rim there,

and you're probably stuck

in some job that bores you.

You don't know shit about me.

Don't I?

When you look at me, you see something

you missed out on a long time ago,

and I get it.

Turning out like you is

basically my worst nightmare,

but stop staring at my

ass and ruining my day.

It's disgusting.

Everything okay?

I ate something funny.


All right, there we go.


- Blue is your color.


You look stunning.

You look beautiful.

Alison has such good taste in clothes.

Mm, must be nice having a big sister.

It's hard sometimes.

You're gonna be just like her.



- Yes.


All right. Let's see.

You know, I am having

such a good time with your family.


Edwin gone for the night.

What is it about Edwin

that you can't resist?

You're his best friend.

You should know the Edwin

effect better than anyone, no?

So you have a kid.

Yeah. Yeah.

You're young to be a dad.

I guess.

What's it like?

It's amazing.


I want to protect he from the world,

but I know if he gonna be successful,

the world got to hurt him.


I'll I'll get an umbrella.


Thank you for tonight.

It was really special.

I'm sorry if I said

something that upset you.


It kind of brought up a lot for me too.

It's not you, miss.

Thank you, Clive.



SARA: I said I'm married.

I got married.

To, uh


To who, hmm?

To who?

Look, I deserve to know

after being here ten years

working without friends

or family for you.

SARA: It's Edwin.

I got married to Edwin.

He my husband now.



No. Not Edwin. You can't

f*cking trust Edwin.

He not who he say he be! Ask he!

Ask he what happened that night!

- Ask he!

- Clive.

It's too late.