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01x09 - Dark Knight of the Soul

Posted: 05/25/23 06:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Gotham Knights"...

We've been set up!

TURNER: We're gonna find
who really k*lled my dad.


CHILL: Maybe the Court finds you useful.

You'll find out soon enough.

DUELA: You almost got
kabobbed getting Daddy's diary.

Was it worth it?

You ever stop to think
maybe you are, too?

TURNER: The first thing my dad
and I bonded over

was the fact that we both understood

how it felt to have
your parents m*rder*d.

I can't help thinking
the most important pages

were the ones that were ripped out.

has finally been found.

Soon, we will have Electrum.

TURNER: Take the map.
Meet back at the truck.

I can do this myself.


Turner hasn't made it back yet?

We don't even know where he is.

Okay. Then we find him.

This is not just about my survival.

This is about Gotham's.


LEADER: No. We have plans for this one.

HARVEY: Why did I wake up with no memory

of how I got there?

I don't have any alibi.


REPORTER: It was a grisly discovery here

at Robinson Park as the GCPD were called

to the scene early this morning
after an unsuspecting jogger

out on her usual run
came upon human remains.

Okay. And this just in.

We've just received confirmation

the body found here at Robinson Park

has been identified as Cressida Clarke,

longtime attaché
of the late Bruce Wayne.

The GCPD has released few details

surrounding Ms. Clarke's death,

but given the disturbing manner

in which her body was discovered

and her ties to Bruce Wayne,
Gotham has to wonder...

are these two deaths connected?

canvassing neighborhoods

around Robinson Park
in an effort to find

potential witnesses who may have
seen or heard anything...


that could shed more light...

Aja, we have anything
on the Clarke m*rder yet?

Just got the initial police
report from Soto's office.

What are the headlines?

Time of death was about
hours before she was found.

Based on evidence at the scene,

it looks like the body
was moved post-mortem,

and they're looking
at Turner Hayes for this.

Turner? There's no way he did this.

She's got a hole clean through her.

GCPD likes the sword M.O.

but not as much as they like
his DNA under his fingernails.

That doesn't mean he k*lled her.

Mr. Dent, all due respect,

I know you had a relationship with him,

but you always tell me you
have to trust the evidence,

and the evidence points to Turner.

What I have to do is uncover the truth,

whatever that may be.


How could you do that?

After all of the times that Turner
risked his ass for you guys,

you just abandon him
to the Court of Owls?

DUELA: Hey, hey!
I'm in the choir, Blondie.

- Let's preach to these heathens.
- If we'd have gone after him,

we'd all be dead, and there'd be
no one else left to save Turner.

Yeah! So you just saved yourselves.

- Congratulations!
- HARPER: Hey. Pointing

the finger is not gonna bring him back.

No, but it does show
you who you can count on.

You don't get to lecture
anyone about team spirit.

You left us for dead in Wayne
Tower to go fence a watch.

Yeah, and Turner saved me anyway

because he would never
leave one of us behind

the way that we just left him.

There's still time to save him, okay?

We all heard what the Court said.

They have plans for him.

Wait. What plans?

DUELA: Well, I'm betting
they don't include

asking for vocal tips from
the former glee club president.

If their plans included a body bag,

they would have found
him right alongside Cressida.

I'm more concerned with our plan.

- What plan?
- The one we're gonna need

to go in and save Turner.

CULLEN: Go in where? We have no idea

where they took him,
and it's not like we know

when to pop by their next soiree

to celebrate stealing a painting!

Which is actually a map,

which just leads to nowhere.

- STEPHANIE: What do you mean?
- CULLEN: This map's supposed

to lead the Court to their
last stash of Electrum,

but it's just a map of Old Gotham.

There's no X marks the spot,

nothing to indicate where it might be,


STEPHANIE: Don't artists
usually sign their work

in one of the lower corners of a piece?

CULLEN: Yeah, they do. Why?

That's not where Alan Wayne
initialed this map.


Huh. Yeah. That is weird.

I didn't even notice that.

DUELA: Okay. So Alan Wayne
was an artistic noob?

STEPHANIE: Or he knew
exactly what he was doing

and this is his version
of X marks the spot.

Okay. So we don't know
where the Court is,

but we know what
they're looking for, right?

Electrum. So if we could
get there first, then...

We can leverage the Electrum
to save Turner.

CARRIE: I want to save
Turner as much as you do,

but giving the Court
exactly what they want

seems like maybe a bad idea.

What other choice do we have?

Wayne Manor.

Why am I here?

What do you want with me?

My answer hasn't changed.

I will never join you

or give up my friends.

You k*lled my dad,

so if you're gonna k*ll me, too,

you might as well just get it over with.

I don't want to k*ll you.


Contrary to what you may believe...

I'm not your enemy.

Why would you show your face?

Because I believe you deserve
to see the truth behind the mask.

And not just mine.

This will help.


Ugh! Agh!

Bruce Wayne wasn't the man
you think he was,

and deep down, I suspect you feel that.


Just been too afraid...

to look the truth...

in the eye.









Lincoln, I know this isn't real.

I know you're watching.

Well, here I am. Come on.

Let's go. Let's do this.

Come on!

Just tell me what you want.



What the hell are you doing to me?



Ugh! Unh! Aah!



WOMAN: Turner?

MAN: Son?

Mom? Dad?

My baby!

My God, we've missed you, kid.

MAN, ON RADIO: When you're done there,

move the crew to the south side.

- You're good at math, right?
- Impressively.

What are the chances
that a geological study

is randomly occurring
at this very moment in time

in the exact place we believe
Alan Wayne hid the Electrum?

Well, if probability equals the
number of favorable outcomes

divided by the number of
total outcomes, I'd say zero.

Wait. Do you recognize that name?

Gotham Geo. That's a company

from the McKillen ledger.

One of the fronts the Court
uses to wash their cash.

They beat us here.

Well, if they're digging for Electrum,

it doesn't look like
they've found it yet.

There is one way to find out.

May I?


- I'm not really feeling it.
- Wait. I'm sorry.

Are you using me as bait?

Way to set feminism back a few decades.

Oh, I'm sorry. Do you
have a better idea?


Fine. Allow me.

Desperate times, desperate measurements.

[BREATHY VOICE] Hey there,
Mr. Construction Worker

in your hard hat,
h-how deep can you dig?

Uh, it's a distraction, not a seduction.

Why was I nominated
to be the distraction?

Because you're...

very distracting.

Now go.

Excuse me, sir. Heh.

Hi. I'm sorry. I... think I'm lost.

Um, I was wondering
if maybe you could help me.

Oh. Yeah. Sure thing.
What you looking for?

Thank you. I was told
there was a coffee cart

in the vicinity. Is that...

Uh, what you want to
do is take this path here

over to the next bend,
and it's right over the hill.

Great. Just this way.
Thank you so much. Thanks!

MAN, NO RADIO: Marty said
he hit something. What was it?

SECOND MAN: Another bike
frame. That makes bikes,

dead raccoons, and
a literal mountain of clay.

MAN: Then keep digging.

Look. We're coming up
on the th hour here.

Wouldn't it be easier if we knew
what were we looking for?

If they wanted us to know,
they'd tell us.

Now dig. We're losing daylight.


So how do we want to play this?

We could sneak onto the site
after nightfall,

do our own dig.

Unless they get there first.

Any chance Cullen has
work boots and a hard hat?

I'm sorry. Did you change your hair

and this general area?

Way to help the team brainstorm.

CULLEN: Uh, guys, get over here.

What if they haven't
found Electrum because

they're digging in the wrong spot?

These holes have been bugging me.

Look. They're way too clean
to be wear and tear.

They're deliberate,
some sort of pattern,

a pattern the Court couldn't
see with the map in its frame,

but... but what if it's not
a map with holes in it?

What if it's something else? What if...

what if the holes are the map?

HARPER: What do you think,
a constellation?


What? We're really gonna
group doubt a Sagittarius?

CARRIE: Doesn't look
like Morse code either.

What does it look like
if you connect them?

HARPER: It's starting to look like...

A skyline.

CARRIE: If we line up the holes
with the Gotham skyline,

then maybe we'll find
the location of the Electrum.

Yeah, maybe, assuming
this map was created

in this exact belfry, peering
out of that exact window,

and we teleported back in time years

to look out at Gotham's old skyline.

CULLEN: Oh, my God. Ha!

- You're brilliant!
- DUELA: Really?

Because I just pitched time travel.

Yeah. Not you. Carrie.

Can I borrow your laptop real quick?


CULLEN: Okay. So when the Court
stole Alan Wayne's art collection,

they took a very famous painting
of the old Gotham skyline.

Now what if...

Alan Wayne designed this map

with that painting?


You're right. I am brilliant.


STEPHANIE: So, Harper,
what are the chances

that the Electrum is hidden

directly underneath that building?

All things considered...

I'd say %.


You've grown up so much.

Look at you. Practically a grown man.

We are so proud of you, Turner.

You're not real.

This isn't really happening.

It's whatever Lincoln put on the knife.

- It's messing with me.
- MR. HAYES: No, no, no.

Hey, Turn. Look at me, look at me.

We are real to you right now.

I want you to be.

You have no idea how much.

I know.

I know.

Hey. We know everything
that you've been through.

Turner, we love you.

I love you, too.

I missed you so much.

The day you died, my whole world

got ripped out from under me.

Of course it did.

But Bruce gave you a whole new world,

gave you... everything we never could.

He gave me a lot of things.
He could never bring you back.

That's not what I meant.

But he helped you forget about us,

helped you move on.

I never moved on, Mom.

I think what your mother's getting at is

if you were so deeply
affected by our deaths,

then why didn't you look
a little harder for our k*ller?


- Dent.
- MAN: Mr. Dent...

I have those results from
the samples you sent over.


Got a positive match

for Cressida Clarke.

How would you like this filed?

Sir? Hello?

File it as additional
evidence found at the scene.


If you're watching this,
it means that I'm behind bars

for the murders of Mayor Hill
and Cressida Clarke,

and there's a good chance
you can also prove

that I have been framing
Turner Hayes for these crimes.

As district attorney,

my cases live and die based on evidence,

and I will be the first
to admit that the evidence

against me is pretty damn convincing...

but I'm recording this to tell you
that it is unequivocally wrong.

I'm innocent,

and the Harvey Dent that you know

is not a m*rder*r.


So assuming we read
Alan Wayne's map correctly,

the Electrum should be close.

CARRIE, ON COMMS: Anyone else
creeped out by these tunnels?

- They just feel so...
- DUELA: Moist?

I was gonna say claustrophobic.

You know, we're actually
pretty close to the sewer

where Alan Wayne's body was found.

DUELA: Okay. So maybe he
didn't die falling down a sewer.

Maybe he died tripping balls
on Talon dr*gs,

looking for the Electrum he hid

in a desperate attempt to save his life.

STEPHANIE: Guys, might
have found something.


[SIGHING] Granite.
Likely the ground mineral

present when they dug
the tunnels back in the day.

Damn it.

So how is that thing
supposed to detect an alloy

that's so rare it may not
even exist on planet Earth?

It can't, but it can
filter out the frequencies

of known alloys.

We just got to find the odd one out.

I'm sure Turner would take
comfort in knowing

his life hangs in the balance
of a homemade rock detector.

Freek may not be Bat-tech,

but if Electrum's here, she'll find it,

and we'll have Turner back before prom.

Ha! Turner is many things,
but my prom date

is not one of them.

Fine. Your friendship will
continue to reap its benefits.

Turner is like a brother to me,

but I appreciate your
interest in my sex life.

May I?


That's good, right?


Let's find out.



Houston, we have Electrum.

- I thought it'd be bigger.
- Same.

- HARPER: Me, too.
- CARRIE: Agreed.

STEPHANIE: Okay. It offers
humans immortality.

Maybe cut it some slack.

DUELA: Well, if the Court
thinks one little rock

is worth a century of m*rder
and mustache twirling,

just think of what two
little rocks might be worth.

CULLEN: Um, Duela, uh... okay.


Damn it!

That was my favorite knife!

You're lucky we need you,
you stupid rock!

Or... or what? You'd break
another knife trying to k*ll it?

It's indestructible.
That's the whole point.

It lives forever.

STEPHANIE: I guess if I led
an ancient secret society,

I'd want the Talon protecting me to be

impervious to death, too.

Asterisk, decapitation not included.

Or you could use the alloy
to save actual sick people.

If doctors and scientists
could study this,

it could revolutionize modern medicine.

Well, for now, it's just gonna
sit here collecting dust

until we can actually figure
out a way to find Turner.


I think I know how to do that.

HARPER: It should just be a simple
triangulation of radio waves.

Mmm. That can be a little imprecise,

but we could try a true
range multilateration.

Nice. Gets us even more specific.

Once I can identify the exact
frequency on this radio...

I can run it through my program
to pinpoint the coordinates.

DUELA: Okay. Is this something
we need to understand,

or can we skip to the "aha" moment?

Since we know the Court
controls the construction crew

and we know how important
that little rock is

- to their very existence...
- They'd want minute-to-minute

updates on their progress.

So they're listening to the radio?

DUELA: Thank you.

If I can isolate the incoming

and outgoing frequency signals...



Then I can triangulate them to a nearby

ground-based detection
facility, which should

geolocate the Court's
latitude and longitude,

which could lead us to Turner.

- In theory.
- In theory.

Does Electrum heal grudges?
Because it just did.

Tell me about it! If Sharper
played this nice from the jump,

we would have cleared
our names months ago.

- Sorry. Sharper?
- What? Harphanie?


- Got a lock on the signal.
- CULLEN: Yes.


Wait. That can't be right.

Why would they take him there?

Actually, that makes perfect sense.

CULLEN: Okay. All right.
So we got the spot.

What do we do when we get there?

Hopefully something that doesn't involve

giving a bioweapon to a murderous cabal.

Yeah. That makes sense. Okay.

Uh, Duela...

where's Duela?

HARPER: Uh, where's the Electrum?


CARRIE: Duela! Duela, stop! Hey!

You really don't want to
touch me right now.

- What are you doing?
- I'm doing exactly

what you should be doing!

I am saving Turner.

- CARRIE: Get off me.
- DUELA: Unh!

You can't just give that to the most
dangerous people in Gotham!

The most dangerous people
in Gotham have your friend!

Or do you prefer to abandon
him all over again?

We will find a way to save
Turner but not like this,

not when we could use
that Electrum for good.

Good? Heh. Have you met me?

Yes, I've met you.
I've met so many people

just like you, people who grew
up without a glimmer of hope,

and you didn't deserve that,
and neither do they,

but what if this rock could
help change that for everyone?

I don't care about everyone!
I care about Turner.

CULLEN: What if we could do both?

Look. I think I have
a way to save Turner

and protect Gotham at the same time.

Pick a rock, any rock.

- DUELA: Which is which?
- CARRIE: If you have to ask,

that means Cullen k*lled it.

- DUELA: Ha!
- CULLEN: This one's the fake one,

and this should help sell it.

HARPER: Okay. Team field trip.
I've got comms,

Carrie's got the perimeter,

Stephanie will be
our command center here,

and getaway car is idling downstairs.

DUELA: Well... let's go make a deal.

Ha ha!

You're in a good mood.

- Is that so weird?
- Well, I just painted a lump

of kiln-fired clay to
pass off as a meteorite

so we can save our friend from a bunch

of murderous bird worshippers,

so... define weird.

I am just happy we finally have a plan.

- Sue me.
- And this little burst of happy

wouldn't have anything
to do with a little

blue-eyed blonde, would it?

- Huh. Who? Stephanie?
- No. Vicki Vale.

Yes. Stephanie.

Stephanie is not a factor.

- But she is your type.
- My type?

Well, you know, one of two, actually.

You only ever fall for
himbos or straight girls,

people you don't take seriously

and people who won't love you back.

Ha! Oh, my God! I am not
falling for anyone, okay?

- Stephanie and I are friends.
- Okay.

And I'm sorry. Weren't you the one

who told me to give her a chance?

I just don't want you to get hurt.

Sue me.

MRS. HAYES: Did you even try
to find out who m*rder*d us?

How can you ask me that?

MR. HAYES: You never bothered
to find out what happened

or why.

It's like you never even
noticed we were gone.

Noticed? I was destroyed.

I was just a kid when you died.

If... if I could have brought
you justice, I would have.

But he could have...
Bruce Wayne, Batman.

MRS. HAYES: The world's
greatest detective.

Why didn't he?

Why didn't he catch our k*ller?

That was years ago. I'm sure he tried.

I... I mean, I know he... I know he did.

He tried?

The man had every
resource at his disposal.

Batman has given justice
to so many people.

Why not his own adopted son?

He should have stopped at nothing

to find our k*ller.

Just like you've stopped
at nothing to find his

because you didn't m*rder Batman.

[DISTORTED] Why didn't he?

Why didn't he catch our k*ller?

- Why didn't he?
- Why didn't he?

- MR. HAYES: Why?
- TURNER: I don't know.

- Why didn't he?
- MR. HAYES: Why didn't he?

- MR. HAYES: Why didn't he?
- MAN: Why didn't he?

- LINCOLN: Why didn't he?
- WOMAN: Why didn't he?!

Why didn't he?

LINCOLN: Why didn't he?

Why didn't he?

Why didn't he?

TURNER: I know this isn't real.


LINCOLN: Why didn't he?

Why didn't he?

Why didn't he?

Why didn't he?

It's been you the whole time.

What do you want from me?

The answer to the question.

You were raised by the world's
greatest detective.

Surely, you can figure out
why he never brought

your parents' m*rder*r to justice.

You could have asked him yourself
if you didn't have him k*lled.

But would he have given me the truth?

A truth he denied his own son,

a truth that you know
deep down in your bones.

Think about it, Turner. years ago,

your parents, average Gotham citizens,

suddenly die, leaving behind a child.

It happens every day,

but on this particular day,

the richest man in the city
shows up at their funeral

and decides he wants to adopt
their little boy?

Didn't you ever wonder why?

Of all the hundreds of innocent, needy,

desperate little orphans
living in this city's filth,

Bruce Wayne chose you.

You're trying to manipulate me.

You planted all this
in my head so I'd join

your twisted cult.

This isn't mind control, Turner.

I've only offered suggestions,

asked the necessary questions.

Your subconscious brought
those to life as it saw fit,

but you must admit...

so many things about your life

suddenly make sense now, don't they?

- TURNER: Go to hell.
- LINCOLN: We all know that Bruce

could never move on from
his own parents' m*rder.

Why did he press you
to move on from yours?

You don't know him.

But you do. Deep down,

you know this wasn't luck or fate

or some winning lottery ticket.

This wasn't compassion
or charity or love.

No. No!

This was guilt, Turner.

- No.
- He gave you everything

because he'd already taken
everything from you.

You know the truth. Now say it out loud.

Tell me.

Why did you become an orphan?

Because Batman made me one.

LINCOLN: Realizing that
everything you thought you knew

about your father was a lie,
that his legacy

that you've worked so hard to live up to

was one of deceit and betrayal.

I cannot begin to imagine
how you're feeling right now.

You spent most of your life
trying to prove

that you were worthy of him,

but I hope you see

he was never worthy of you.

But there is freedom in that,

freedom to create your own legacy.

You want to show me freedom? Untie me.

Oh, I would never win
that fight, not against you.

You're too strong, too driven. Hmm.

You have potential that my own son

threw out the window.

Maybe it's the orphan in you,

that fire to fight
for what you believe in,

even if it means k*lling for it.

Tell me...

how did it feel to k*ll the Talon?


Exhilarating, righteous?

You did not hesitate.
You did not falter,

and with one bold stroke,

you k*lled the man
who k*lled your father.

You avenged him, and in that moment,

you did something
even Batman couldn't do.

How did it feel to be more powerful

than even your father, the Dark Knight?

You don't owe him
anything anymore, Turner.

He betrayed you,
he denied your parents justice.

He denied you justice.

So why not become the one
who delivers it?

Join us.

Join us.

Become our new Talon.



- CULLEN: Okay. All clear.
- DUELA: We're in.

here to make sure

you have a way out.

DUELA: You and those
fancy Bat-glasses got

a on our boy yet?

CARRIE: Main room ahead and to the left.

I'm picking up multiple heat signatures.

Heh. Ha ha ha!

Oh, I'll be the one bringing the heat.


You're delusional if you think

I'm ever gonna become
your serial k*ller mascot.

It's not about k*lling, Turner.

It's about fighting for the Gotham

that you want to see.

That's a hell of a way to describe

taking out everyone
that gets in your way.

LINCOLN: No one's above
death, not even Batman,

but the Talon... the Talon
isn't just anyone.

The Talon is dead.

One Talon is dead, yes.

He wasn't the first,
and he won't be the last.

Take up the mantle.

Join us. Forge your own path.

DUELA: Or take the front door!


It's way more direct.

Huh. Zaddy March. What do you know? Ha!

He's leaving with us.


Ooh! Sexy hardware.

One moment. I... I figured
this would be formal,

so I dressed for the occasion.



Heh. You must be the Joker's daughter.

Aw. Anything Daddy could do
I can do better.

Your magic rock for Turner's life.

DUELA: And if you or any
of your little owl buddies

try anything at all...

they're gonna be picking up
feathers for miles.

Don't test her. She's crazy.




- DUELA: Turner!
- CULLEN: Turner, no!

Oh, God! No!



Now, if that is really Electrum,

it should heal him before he bleeds out.



But it appears that
you brought me a fake.

Tch, tch, tch. Daddy
would have had a plan B.


CARRIE: Plan B didn't fit in her jacket!


CARRIE: It's the real thing.

Let me heal him, and it's yours.



I held up my end of the bargain.

Turner, my offer still stands.

I'm okay. I'm okay.

Does it hurt?

Nope. Neither does my neck.


- Need anything?
- Honestly, after everything

Lincoln put me through, I'm
just happy to be here with you.

Can we do two minutes on Brody's dad

being the head of the Court?

I mean, I knew that he was a d*ck,

but I didn't think that
he was straight-up evil.

What... did he do to you?

I'm here now. That's what matters.

Thanks to you...

and the rest of these... weirdos.

You know you can talk to me, right?

No matter what it is.

Whenever you're ready.

You made the right choice
tonight, you know.

You trying to convince me or you?

CULLEN: Oh, I'm sure of it.

There's a few people
down there who'd agree.

You knew there was a good chance
the Court would call our bluff.

You didn't even want to
give up the Electrum,

but you knew it was a better option
than Duela's bomber jacket.

We had to have a plan B that wouldn't
end up with all of us dead.

But giving the bad guys
the means to live forever,

it's not exactly out of the Bat-manual.



but it could be the first chapter

in the "Book of Robin".

You got to give yourself
a break, Carrie.

You saved Turner tonight.

He's alive because of you.

I always wanted to be a hero.

Ever since I... I first saw
the Bat-signal light up the sky.

I just... I didn't know it would mean

having to choose which lives to save

and which to sacrifice,

so I might have saved Turner,

but I just can't help
but wonder at what cost?

I don't know.

But one thing I do know for sure...

we're gonna keep showing up,

keep fighting.

Because Gotham's worth fighting for.

You are what's keeping
Batman's legacy alive.

You may not see it, but I do.

You know... bats are considered

some of the most indomitable
hunters in nature,

and they only have
one true natural predator.


BIEN: ♪ We didn't ♪

And we just made them
even more dangerous.

BIEN: ♪ We didn't want it to end ♪

♪ We know that we'll be the heroes ♪

♪ Even though... ♪

TURNER: Need a hand?

Heh. Depends if I blow off one of mine.

Actually, you got some delicate fingers?

'Cuz... one wrong tug, and... kablooey.

BIEN: ♪ Seconds frozen ♪

♪ When we're surrounded on all sides ♪

Ever think you'd be helping a girl

untangle her expl*sives,

or do I have the pleasure
of being your first?

My life has gotten a lot more
surprising since I met you.

I'll give you that.

BIEN: ♪ Everything's moving
in slow motion ♪


Thank you.


Thank you... for all of this.

Even though I'm sure you had
some secret Duelian agenda.


Um... I'm glad saving
my life was part of that.

No agenda this time. Just you.


Turner? Hey. Turner, what's wrong?

Turner, Turner!


Turner, talk to me, talk to me. Turner!

Somebody, help! Somebody, help!


HARVEY: I know how damning
all this looks...

the key to the mayor's limo,
the Owl mask,

Cressida Clarke's blood.

All of this suggests that I was

physically at the scenes of the crimes,

if not perpetrating them,

but... while my body
may have been present,

my mind was not.

I have been...

I have been experiencing something,

and I can't explain.

I'm... I'm having blackouts
and losing time.

I'm waking up in places that I...

I don't remember going to.

Whatever is happening
during those periods,

and whoever that is,
whatever that person is doing,

it's not me,

and I will not... go down

for someone else's crimes.


Hiya, Harv.

It's me... you, the other you.

Looks like I know you
pretty well after all, huh?

Look at you...

crafting a video defense.

Very clever. That's what I would do.

Well, hell, I am doing it,

but you're watching this...

and that means...
you think you're a k*ller...

and let me assure you...

you're no k*ller, Harvey Dent.