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01x06 - Burnout

Posted: 05/25/23 06:37
by bunniefuu

MYKA: What kind of artefact
could cause a gas expl*si*n?

PETE: I thought we were gonna get
a break. Did you ask Artie?

- Yeah, he laughed for five minutes.
- Heh, heh. I guess that's an answer.

I'm not asking for two weeks
in Tahiti, you know?

I just want a couple days
to get out of Podunk, Dakota...

...and go someplace
that serves martinis.

Well, you are looking pretty ragged.

You got those bags
under your eyes and....

What--? I'm supporting you here.

- It's very helpful. Thanks.
- Ow.

Secret Service.

PETE: That's a big-ass generator, huh?
MAN: Mm-hm.

I count six body bags.

MYKA: Excuse me,
can I see this body, please?

- Oh, God.
- Kentucky fried, extra crispy.

- Thank you.
- Sure.


Can I help you?

Hi, I'm Agent Bering.
This is Agent Lattimer.

- Captain Powell. Secret Service?
- So, what went down here last night?

An underground gas main ruptured.
It ignited.

Engineers are checking
if it's safe to go down.

Until then, that's all I know.
Thanks for stopping by.

Hm. I think I have more questions.

Let's go meet the engineer.


Hello? Hey.

It's us again.

Look, general, I'm gonna need a list
of all the casualties...

...and a list of all the witnesses
to the accident.

Well, it's pretty much the same list.

Half a dozen suspects,
hadn't even been processed yet.

We're still trying to confirm the IDs.

I wasn't here, but a desk sergeant and a
duty officer got knocked out by the blast.

One's comatose
and the other one's in surgery.

- Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
- Good.

Maybe now you'll let me get to the ton
of paperwork I have ahead of me.

Hey. So, uh...

...what do you think?
Is it safe to go down there?

Yeah. There's not much to see,
but it appears to be structurally sound.


Uh.... It's dark.



MYKA: So this must've been a cellar
they sealed up...

- ...when they built the police station.
- Uh-huh.


- You got a vibe?
- No.

Something else happened.


Check this out.

The expl*si*n must've blown
this door open.




I guess he's been down here
quite a while.


Secret Service.

- Myka.
- Uh-huh.

This guy was a warehouse agent.




Look, he has a Secret Service star,
but his ID and his credentials are dust.

I'm sending for the body right now,

And meanwhile, what I want you to do
is I want you to get me pictures.

Meanwhile, I am gonna find
who this agent is.

I'll ID him, and I will find out...

...if I can, what mission he was on.

It looks like the blast
opened up the wall...

...and somehow
the people were fried.

I mean, could an artefact cause
an expl*si*n like that?

Or did the expl*si*n
release the artefact...

...and then burn everybody up?

Well, that is a good question, Pete.
Very good question.

That's exactly what you have
to figure out. Bye.

How the hell--?

How the hell... I gonna figure out...

...who that mysterious agent is?

the warehouse filing system...

...never quite caught up
to the computer age.

- Like your wardrobe?
- Yeah, could--


These-- These are earth tones.

- They never go out of style.
- Heh, heh, heh.


The files on all the warehouse agents
for the last 200 years, give or take...

...and missing agents, too, somewhere.

Excellent, you can teach me
about scrapbooking.

- Yeah, okay, I'll call you if I need you.
- All right, I got my own stuff.

Besides, I'm allergic to old.


Hey, Myka just sent pics
from the scene.

Yeah, no, we're getting the actual body
later today... we don't need that digital crap.

Digital's just as good, Artie.

- No, you know what?
- Welcome to the new millennium.

Pixels will never replace the real thing.

Pixels, you know what they are?
They're just-- Look--

They're a start, but they're--

God, they're a really small start.

Oh, but they don't have to be.

They can be more.
I've been working on something.

- I wanna show you.
- No, I don't need any newfangled--

Chill. This is totally old-fangled.
Check it out.

What--? How--?


What is--?

Is that--? Is that part of that
Bell & Howell spectroscope?

- Surprise. I repurposed it.
- What, without asking me?

What--? It's just a hologram projector.
It's perfectly safe. Behold.

No, no.
Can we behold a whole other time?

See, I've composited
all of Myka's pictures and--

Wait, no, no, no, hold on.
I know this works.

Yeah, I'm sure it's fabulous.
Can we do this at a more appropriate--?

Percussive maintenance.
Wait, it gets better.

What did you--? What did you do?

I upgraded the whole megillah.

Strung a bunch of Haswells on a Cray
XT backbone I found in the warehouse.

I mean, I guess keeping me around
here wasn't the worst idea you had.

What is that? Is that a tattoo
on what's left of his skin there?

Could be.

Yeah, but I can't--
Can you zoom in on that a little?

Okay, yeah.

Yeah, I can't-- I can't--

Could you digitally reconstruct that?

- Couldn't any genius whiz kid?
- Okay, you do that.

I'll be in the records room.

Oh, God.

"Really, God, brilliant job, Claudia.

Love the initiative."
"Oh, thank you. Thanks, Artie."


PETE: So nothing on the tapes.
- Like I said.

You know, I'm really enjoying
our time together.

These are the personal effects
from the suspects who died?

Processing them has very low priority
right now.

Yeah, but whoever started the job
put out seven trays.

- Yeah?
- But there were only six bodies.

Son of a bitch.

Son of a bitch.

Everybody, drop what you're doing
right now.

Which means we might have a survivor,
or a witness.

Or a guy with an artefact
that fries people.

Reggie Hinton, where are you now?

♪ I, I'll bring the fire
Make you come alive ♪

DONNY: Ha, ha, ha. Ho-ho-ho.
No, hey, give me some.

♪ I must now remind you
Let it rock ♪♪

- Reggie?
- Shut up.

We gotta get out of here, y'all, now.

- He's coming after us, all of us.
- Who is?

Just come on. We gotta get out, now.

Reggie. Wait, Reggie.


DONNY: Reggie, who is this guy?
REGGIE: It's him.



It's consistent with a fast, hot fire.

The same as the bodies
in the station.

Except this time no gas leak.

It's like they were microwaved.

POWELL: We ID'd this one
as Reggie Hinton, your suspect.

What k*lled these guys?

Why is this not...?


CLAUDIA: Okay, it's an eagle.
ARTIE: Yeah.

CLAUDIA: And an anchor.
- Uh-huh.

And just a circle, I guess.

- Could it be a globe?
- Yeah, why not?

Okay, so eagle, anchor, globe.

He's a Marine. A Marine.
That's gonna narrow it down.

There's only a dozen agents
that were former Marines.


So, you know, we could-- Yeah?

There were more bodies.
They're burnt again.

There's still no sign of an actual fire.

No fire? Wait a minute.

No fire. Okay, so there was, uh--

There was some Babylonian battery.

It was unearthed and then lost again
in 1952 in Texas, not Missouri.

But there was also a rumour
that Edward Teller...

...was working on a micro-fission thing,
but I--

Well, here's a wrinkle.
There's a handprint on the bodies.

It's the only part not burned...

...and our only suspect
was one of the victims.

It was like he was, I don't know,
followed from the police station, Artie.

Oh, no, not like he was followed.

He was chased.
I don't think these are random.

So maybe somebody at the station last
night found the artefact, whatever it is...

- ...and used it to settle old scores.
- Yeah, you know what?

Trace the victims,
see if they've got enemies.

Then maybe you get ahead of this guy
before he settles more scores.

Okay, bye. Yeah, if that's what it was,
which I really doubt.

Would it have k*lled you
to leave a note?

MYKA: Captain Powell.
- Yes?

Did you know these victims
were members of the same g*ng?

They were brought in the other night
after an altercation with a rival g*ng.

I mean, could this be payback?

It's just what we need, a turf w*r
with a new kind of w*apon in play.

Okay, we're gonna need names,
addresses, whatever you've got.

The head of our g*ng Unit,
Sergeant Clark, is out on leave.

As soon as I get in touch,
I will put him through to you.

And this is Clark, huh?

Till then, this is his latest stuff.
Will you need a blue-and-white escort?

- No, no. We can handle it.
- Good, because I can't spare one.

I think he's starting to warm up to us,
you know, a little.


I can't-- It's not--

Your uncle staying the weekend
or the night?

Yeah, he just arrived.
This is actually the missing agent.

It's a little better than hologram
or pixel, isn't it?

- If you're into that thing.
- Yeah, you know...

...I'm trying to scan it with this.
I can't connect it--

- Hold on. May I? Seriously.
- Yeah. What?

Just do that, but go slower.

All right, wow me with your 3D.

I don't appreciate the tone, young man.

Little speed would be good.
People are dying.

Yeah, go.


- Nice.
- Right? This is what I'm saying.


Okay, so....

- He's kind of cute for an old-timey guy.
- Okay.


No, no.

No, no.

Welcome back to the warehouse...

...Jack Secord.


CLAUDIA: Joined the Marines in '48,
recruited to the warehouse in '55.

Last known location, Minneapolis.

That's a long way from St Louis, Louis.


Here, put these on.

Oh, what, are we going into surgery?

ARTIE: Just do as you're told, please.
- Okay.


Oh. Jack Secord, living quarters,
personal effects, sealed 6-22-62.

CLAUDIA: Holy bed and breakfast,
Batman. This is Leena's.

No, this is the warehouse, but, yes.

It is Room 5 of the bed and breakfast,
but it's still the warehouse.

See, whenever a warehouse agent--

If he disappears, if he dies--
Hey, listening to me?

- Yeah.
- If he dies mysteriously, you know... quarters, personal effects,
they're collected, preserved.

So he smoked. A lot.

Hey, it was the '60s.
Everybody smoked.

- What's this?
- What's what?

CLAUDIA: "I'll be in town a few days.
Until then."

- Are there envelopes?
- No.

So there's no addresses?

Maybe he thought
somebody was reading his mail.

Well, it was the Cold w*r. Probably
somebody was reading his mail.

But girlfriends weren't
against the rules, unless--

- Wait, girlfriends?
- Yeah, it's female writing, see?

You can still smell the perfume.

Oh. So is that like
an old-school booty call?

Yeah, before there was texting,

...there was a time
when people actually did put pen to p--

You know what? That's the ticket.

Here. You know, it's not what he got...'s what he actually wrote.

The indentations...

...left behind.

- Oh, sweet.
- Yeah, a product of a misspent youth.

- And that is-- Who's that?
- Rebecca.

And where do you live, Rebecca?

Is that St. Louis?

- Yeah.
- St. Louis, wow.

What do you know, Jack Secord?

You actually did leave a note.



Rebecca St. Clair?

I'm Agent Lattimer.
This is Agent Bering.

We're with the Secret Service.

Oh, my.

How can I help you?

Um, would you mind if we came inside?

Well, sure.

Thank you.

Ma'am, we're just in the middle
of an investigation...

...and a body was found today.

- A body?
- Yes.

In the personal effects of the deceased
was this address.

Oh, my God.

- You found Jack.
PETE: So you knew him?

Jack Secord, yes.
I knew him quite well.

- Uh, where did you find him?
- Well, he was, uh....

He was sealed up underground.

We're very sorry.

Do you remember
if he mentioned any occurrences...

...before he went missing?
REBECCA: Jack didn't talk about work.

Is this connected with that thing
that happened at the station?

PETE: Yes.

We're really not at liberty to say,
but if you have anything...

...if you know anything, no matter
how insignificant, it would be helpful.

Would you like tea and cookies?

- Yes, please.

Yeah, ple-- I-- Yeah, I just--

I love cookies, so....

- He does.
- Let me put on a kettle.

- Okay, thank you.
- Thank you, thank you.

- What are you doing?
- Establishing a rapport...

...making her feel comfortable.
I think she knows something.


- Is that a vibe or your stomach?
- I haven't eaten since last night, okay?

Unbelievable. Unbelievable.

Oh, those-- They look great.

- Thank you.
- The tea will be here in a minute.


I'd like to ask,
when his body was found...

...was there anything strange about--?
MYKA: Agent Bering.

PETE: Good cookie.
- What? When?

What's the address?

Thank you. Pete.

- It happened again.
- Same conditions?

- Uh-huh.
PETE: Okay.

I'm sorry, ma'am, but we've gotta go.
Thank you for everything.

I'm-- I'm sorry. Just got to have a--

- Have a little--
MYKA: Pete, don't take them all.

That one is-- These--

- Have more people been electrocuted?
- Listen, we're very sorry...

...but we can't talk about it.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

BOY: Let go of me.
COP: Take it easy.

Don't touch me, you stupid pig.

Just don't k*ll me.

Okay, look, we're not here to hurt you.
We just wanna ask a few questions.

No, the cops that k*lled him
are gonna k*ll me too.

What do you mean, "him"? Like who?

- The k*ller guy.
- Are you saying a cop did this?

Five-0 walked up
and started burning people.

I was just there.
I don't know, it was crazy.

- What's going on? Who's this?
- A witness, and he says a cop did this.

Yeah? They never say that.

Probably covering
for a g*ng he wants to join.

Hey, get the hell out of here.

Look, have all your officers checked in
after the expl*si*n?

No, but only Clark is out,
the head of the g*ng Unit.

- Why?
- He needed to decompress.

- Lost his temper in an interrogation.
- So these bodies...

...these g*ng members fall
under his jurisdiction?

- Of course. Like I said, he's on R&R.
- On R&R, right.

Could we get his address?
We could use his expertise.

Give me a second.

So the volatile lead of the g*ng Unit
is on mandated leave.

While g*ng members get mysteriously
k*lled by what looks to be a cop.

You think two plus two equals four?

Have you stopped by the office
on your day off?

- No, but I'm sure you have.
- Sergeant Clark and I call it dedication.






You hear that? Look at that.


Sergeant Clark, federal agents!
Open up!

One, two, three, go.


Sergeant Clark?

Hey, hey, hey. Clark!

Oh, my God, what is that?

Clark, no!

Come on.


He went down here.



He's dead.

Help me.

That thing, it's gone.




Okay, just tell me that Clark's body
is on the way to me right now.

- No, Powell took it.
- Oh, for God--

You know, I don't have time...

- play bureaucracy games to get it.
- I sent you pictures Claudia asked for.

- Yeah, great, pictures.
- Got them.

Look, there was something on his back,
Artie. Some kind of a nasty...

...metallic lobster-looking thingy,
and it's gone now.

Okay, so maybe, you know,
if we find out what that thingy was...

...then we can track where it went.

And you say that it also leaves a body
when the body dies, maybe.

Okay, that's a good start. Please,
tell me you have something else.

Well, it looked like it was fused
to his back.

Hold it. I got an idea.
Yes, we'll do it right now.

- Now, come on, come on. Right.
- Ugh.

- Right away, just do it. One, two, three.
- Ugh!

Go do your thing. Do your thing.
All right, talk to me.

It gave off electricity.
It must be how he burned those people.

- You got it?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

All right. So the electricity--

Did it emanate from Clark
or from the artefact?

- Both.
- Okay, you know what? So that just...

...eliminates our last possibility.
All right, just--

Did it have buttons? Did it have wires?
Did it have an antenna?

Hey, Artie. Digital rendering shows
Jack had something on his back too.

Okay, just, uh....

- All right, can you guys hear me?
MYKA & PETE: Yeah.

Okay, attached to the vertebra... T-2, four, seven, and nine...

...and accesses the spinal cord,
I think.

I can't really tell. Listen to me.
Jack Secord, when he died...

...did not just have this artefact
with him, he had it on him.

I mean, this thing was like some
kind of a-- It's like a parasite.

Well, dude, Ripley's Believe It or Not,
same markings on Clark's back.

ARTIE: All right, you get that?
Clark's back too.

What powers it? I mean, it must be
drawing electricity from somewhere...

- electrocute people.
- Yeah, Okay, I'll just add that... our already huge list of questions.
Thank you. All right, goodbye.

What? Why are you making that face?
What--? You got something?

That's the word Rebecca used...

...but we didn't know that yet.
We hadn't figured it out.

- Mm-hm.

- I see more cookies in my future.
- Of course you do.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You asked
if there were any more electrocutions.

What exactly did you mean by that?

- I heard it on the news.
- It was never mentioned in the news.

Ma'am, you know more
than you're saying.

Okay, let's cut to the chase, shall we?

You didn't come in from D.C.

The unexplained electrocutions
raised a flag.

You found Jack, and you finally
figured out there was an artefact.

You're from South Dakota, right?

This artefact that Jack was hunting for
before he disappeared...'s active again.

- Am I correct?
- You weren't just his girlfriend.

- You're a warehouse agent.
- Welcome to the conversation.

- Okay, come here. I mean, this is it.
- Ew.

Oh, that's a definitely
a nasty lobster-looking thing.

And what is--?

- That's electrocution, right?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- What was that writing?

- This one.
- Okay, see, this....

This writing is very...

...old. I have no idea
what that writing is.

Well, you want me to, you know,
scan it in, do my thing?

- You go, girl.
- Don't.

- Sorry. All right. Yeah.
- Yeah, that's wrong.

REBECCA: You left before I could
be certain you were Warehouse.

I wanted to share this with you.

What I dug up back then,
what I think Jack was following.

There had been several unexplained
deaths, burned bodies.

It started at a museum shortly after an
11th-century exhibit passed through.

I couldn't find a connection.

But Jack had vibes about these things.
Very annoying.

He must've started to investigate
and then....

Then he just disappeared.

I always knew if we didn't quit... of us, one day,
would lose the other.

But for Jack,
the warehouse was his first love.

Till death do them part.

I scoured the crime scenes,
but I never found any answers.

You never went back
to the warehouse?

I couldn't do that.

Changed my last name,
just disappeared.

I stayed in St. Louis,
hoping to find him one day.

Maybe lost, confused.

- Eventually my life was here.
- Myka...

...does this look familiar to you?

That's what we saw on Clark's back.

That's-- That's the device.

That's Jack's handwriting.

Jack knew what he was looking for.


Are you still using that old thing?

PETE: Right?
- Can you see this?

This is what you're looking for.
It's called The Spine of the Saracen.

Okay, great. So it has a name.

- What is a Saracen?
- A Saracen's a Turk.

There's a legend
that during the First Crusade...

...the Turks had this elite warrior cult,
and these warriors...

...were rumoured to be unstoppable,
for some reason, in battle.

What I'm thinking is that the spine--
Can you see this?

The spine was specifically designed
as a w*apon for these warriors.

Eleventh century, it's the same
as the museum exhibit.

- What exhibit?
- Well, we found pictures too.

Something happened at a museum
exhibit that Jack Secord stumbled on.

Rebecca showed us this.

So maybe this thing was sealed
and it got out somehow.

Okay, so if we find it,
how can we stop it?

Yeah, Okay, I'm deciphering the text.
It's a little difficult, but I'm trying.

It's the words under this drawing,
and loosely translated, it says:

"The spine requires
a lifetime commitment."

Oh, yeah, man,
I had a girlfriend like that once.


So this thing must get its power
from somewhere, right?

So if we shut down its source,
can we stop it?

Yeah, well, you know,
when I figure it out, you know what?

You'll be the second to know.

So this-- This spine-- You know,
it's probably still at Clark's apartment.

We should get there
before somebody else finds it.

REBECCA: Now, Jack was
a very good agent, the best.

- You be careful.
- Yeah, we will.

Okay, so the last time
we saw Clark alive...

...he ran into this alley,
so we should start here?

Well, unless you wanna look
under the arch.



WOMAN: Help!
- What is that?

- Help me! Help me!
- Hey!

WOMAN: Hey, hey, hey, hold it!
PETE: Hold it!

- He's trying to k*ll me.
- Bring the g*n.

I shot him. I shot him in the chest
and he just kept coming at me.

MYKA: Who are you talking about?
WOMAN: He's--


Okay, now would be a good time
to take the shot.


Okay, that didn't work. Pete!

No, but the good news is
we've pissed him off.

Okay, stop it, we're on your side!

Please help me.

Please help me.


MYKA: Oh, God.
WOMAN: Vince.

- What happened? Is he--?
- He's gone.

He was my ex-husband.

There was a restraining order,
but I've never--

PETE: Wait. It's gone.
MYKA: But how?

Ma'am, get out of the area now. Now!


Do you see it?


- Do you?
- No.

Look out! Ah! Argh!

Pete! Pete!

- Pete! Pete, what's going--?
- Ah! Ah!

- Pete, don't move!
- I'm okay.

Okay, just let me call Artie.
All right, let me--

- No, stay away. I don't wanna hurt you!
- Ah!


Agent Bering.

Agent Bering.

Agent Bering. Are you okay?

- Where's Pete?
- I don't know. What happened?

The same thing that happened
to Clark and Jack.

It's happening to Pete.

- I-- I have to go find him.
- Hang on one second.

You were knocked out.
We need to call an ambulance.

I'm fine, okay? I just--

Excuse me, I have to go.

The spine was designed for one thing.
It turns a person into a k*lling machine.

It's a warrior-maker.

It uses the body like a big battery,
heightening and redirecting...

...the host's natural
electrical impulses.

Yeah, it's like ancient PCP. It jacks up
your adrenaline and testosterone.

On a scale of one to ten, you're a 25.

ARTIE: Until the battery is drained
and the barbs retract.

It lies dormant just waiting for the next
nearest living host to latch on to.

Artie, the spine is on Pete.

Okay, where is he right now?

I don't know.
Just tell me that you can remove it.

ARTIE: We will, we will. There's a way.
There's always a way, Myka.

Artie, listen to me, I can't--

I will not lose another partner.

Just the look in Pete's eyes, Artie,
he looked--

I've never seen him so angry.

That's not Pete. That's the artefact.
It just-- It feeds on aggression.

It makes you go after what you hate,
right? Clark went after the gangs...

...and the last victim
went after his ex-wife.

A warrior that's programmed
to k*ll his enemies.

Jack fought it.

He fought his feelings long enough... that he could seal himself up
and not hurt anyone.

What are you saying, Myka?
You think Pete is gonna do...

- ...exactly the same thing?
- I don't know.

What do I do when I find him?

What have you got? Tell me anything.

Okay, hold up, so when this thing
was built, electricity didn't exist yet.

So it'd zap people, but what
would happen if it got zapped?

I mean, that's what the bolt was
in the picture they found.

- Remember, Jack wrote--
- Hand of God.

Maybe that's what shuts down
the spine, a bolt of lightning.

Overwhelming the receptors
might make it automatically detach.

That's not bad.
Just turn the Tesla's power to full.

No, Artie, look, we already tried that.

All right, listen, Myka, find Pete.

Your Tesla's not strong enough... you'll have to find
a powerful electrical source...

...somehow, somewhere.

He's gonna take a b*llet.

- What?
- That's what we're trained to do.

Every Secret Service agent will take
a b*llet for the president, his country.

That's what Jack did.
He sacrificed himself.

That's what Pete's going to do now.

No, because Pete--

Pete knows that the spine
will just latch on to another person.

Then he's gonna make sure.

- That's what Jack did.
- Agent Bering, your partner Lattimer... men saw him headed
to the station house.

What? Why would he--?

- The generators.
- He's found his bolt of lightning.


All personnel evacuate.


- Lattimer. Lattimer! Stop.
- Unh. Unh.

Get out!

Powell, wait! Wait.

Look, it channels anger.
Okay, you have to go outside.

Please, just go.

Pete, it's gonna be okay.
Okay, Artie can fix this.

The spine requires
a lifetime commitment.

You can't help me.

Yes, I can, okay?
You just-- You just have to--


I can feel it.

This thing is stronger than I am.
I don't think I can fight it much longer.

Yes, you can. Yes, you can.
Okay, we can find a solution.

We can lock you up
until we find an answer.

Like Jack?

Buried for all those years
to have that thing come back to life?


It's gotta end here.

I have to die.

And I have to take the spine with me.

You understand, right?

- Pete.
- Take these...

...and clamp them to the spine.

I tried, but I--

I can't reach.

If I miss, I'll just k*ll myself
and it will attach to its next victim.

Myka, you've gotta do this.

Pete, I can't.

Please! Please.





Pete, listen to me. Pete!

You will come back.

Do you hear me? You will.

Do it.


Come on, Pete.

Don't leave.

Come on, Pete. Come on!

- Don't leave!
- Unh!

Oh, God.


Are you okay?

Yeah. Heh, heh. I'm okay.

Oh, God.

PETE: Man, this trip k*lled me.
- Could you not--?

- Could you stop that, please?
- Seriously, I am totally dead.

- Surprised to see you alive.
- Don't encourage him.

I have but one life to live for my--
Oh, no, wait.

All right, you know how I felt
when you were close--?

MYKA: Artie.
- So when you--


- This is Rebecca.
ARTIE: Right, right.


This is quite an honour.

- Hello, I'm Artie.
- Hello.

I wanted to be
a hundred percent certain

that this thing would never again
see the light of day.

Absolutely. I can take care of that.

Place hasn't changed very much.

ARTIE: Yeah.
CLAUDIA: Oh, I'm working on that.

Claudia Donovan.
Warehouse 13, next generation.

Thank you very much, Claudia.
Thanks. Thank you. So....

I was wondering,
we could use an extra pair of hands.

"Use." That's the perfect word.

Like I said,
this place hasn't changed very much.

And it never will.
It hates to let go of anything.

Thank you, but no thank you.

I came here
to complete Jack's mission.

Now I'm going home.

I understand.

- Oh, right. Um....

Rebecca, just....

There is one last thing
that you might be interested in seeing.


Just like he left it.

His lucky lighter.

Rebecca, there's something in here
in Jack's desk that Claudia found...

...that obviously belongs to you, so....


"Rebecca and Jack...

...together forever."

Yeah, I'm gonna give you
a minute here.

I guess Jack chose you
over the warehouse after all.

Get out of here while you have time...

...while you still have a life left to live.

This place, it's like the, um...


It'll use you up.

