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01x07 - Implosion

Posted: 05/25/23 06:38
by bunniefuu

So you want a piece of me?

Is there anything
you don't play with?

Lift the point.

Off the floor.

- Sorry.
- Put it down. Gently.

- Lay it up.
- What?

Lay it up.

I'm sorry.

Sorry, Artie.
It's... that is really cool.

Thank you. We try.

You made this?

In record time too.
With the help of...


This is a copy of the finest
samurai sword ever forged.

The Honjo Masamune,
owned by the ruling family

in Japan for centuries
before it disappeared.

The real one unearthed a few weeks ago
at a dig site in Okinawa.

The real one?

- Which does what?
- Which will arrive in DC

in order to be presented
as a gift to the president.

But it's not gonna happen
'cause you two

are gonna intercept it
at the Japanese embassy.

That wasn't what I meant.

I know what you meant, but you've
gotta pack and you gotta catch a plane.

It really doesn't matter,
what the real sword does?

Because, remember,
"Snag it, bag it, and tag it?"

Get snagging, bagging, and tagging.

You're off to swap Masamune
for an Artie Nielsen.

- What is that?
- Get out.

So many questions.

It was never boring
working with you people.

Back and forth. Back and forth.

One day your government wants me,

the next I'm a crackpot.

Your own partner said to me,
"Never again".

Even then I knew one day

one of you would be back

to place an order.

It better be cash.

American credit ain't
what it used to be.

What's that?
Another gadget for me to tinker with?


I did what you asked.

Lots of eyes to make the switch here.
I guess night's our only option.

White House won't be any easier.

I'd feel a lot more
comfortable doing it

before it gets anywhere
near the president.

It's ridiculous that we don't know
what we're protecting him from, but...

typical Artie.

I understand grabbing
the artifact before it causes trouble.

But he couldn't spare 2 s to warn us
about what we're walking into?

Look, I'm sure if it
were really dangerous,

Artie would've told us.

Projet-SG (1.00)

Go back. Go back.

- What exactly happened there?
- You tell us.

Because the Japanese
sure as hell don't know.

They're testing for everything
from dirty bombs to gas leaks.

They won't let us in the room.
They're holding us in the lobby.

They're treating us like suspects.

Suspects? Why? Did you have
the decoy sword with you?

No. But they're not even
looking for the sword, Artie.

They're not even sure
whether or not it was taken.

That makes no sense to me whatsoever.
Either it's gone or it's not gone.

You saw somebody leaving.
Did he have it?

I don't know.

'Cause I was about
two seconds away from passing out.

Yeah, what did this guy look like?

Not female.

Look, Artie, my Japanese sucks.

But it sounds to me
as if they think the sword

was vaporized or something.

What do you mean vaporized?
What do you mean? By the b*mb?

There was no b*mb.

Nothing blew up.

There was no victims
that were brought out or dead bodies.

- There was nothing.
- I don't understand. Nothing blew up?

That's the weird part. It was...

It was like a b*mb,
only backwards, okay?

Instead of blowing out,
it yanked everything in.


Did the sword do this?

And if it did,
can I reconsider this mission?

It didn't.
And what you have to do

is you have to get in that room
and tell me exactly what you see.

That's a look I don't know.

It's called the past rearing
its ugly head.

So in other words, the sword didn't do
whatever happened at the embassy.

But you know what did.

Oh, God, I hope not.

- Artie, where are you going?
- No, not yet.

First, I have to...

Here we go.
Round two with Mr. Congeniality.

Mr. Ogawa,

we've answered all your questions,
and now we have a few for you.

Actually, agent Bering,
I have one more.

Why does the secret service
need to send two different units

to inspect the same gift?

Two different...

I'm quite certain
they'll have the same question.

On the QT is one thing.

But you're tramping through my backyard,
literally tripping over my agents,

you don't give me a heads-up.

We have explicit instructions
not to contact you any more.

It's not like we can't have coffee
now and then.

We just can't
have you on speed dial.

Look. I get it.
For better or for worse,

I happen to think worse,
you two are serving a new master.

This isn't your screwup.
It was his.

It's just that he doesn't really...

play well with others...

So much.

So this security officer,

Ogawa, Japanese embassy,

is waiting for my explanation
of what you were doing

and if you had anything to do
with whatever the hell that was.

Any suggestions
what I'm supposed to tell him?

All right. Do me one favor,

get on a plane and leave DC
while I can still let you.

- Can I at least have that?
- Be out of here as soon as possible.

I don't think this is what Dickinson
had in mind.

What are we gonna do?
We've got to get into that room.

A room that's losing evidence
as we speak.

I know. It's just, I thought
coming back to DC would feel like...

- Old Home Week or something.
- Home is overrated.

- What are you doing here?
- Uncool, Artie.

I had a hunch about something
from Pete's description

and I just need to see this
with my own eyes.

You two have a plan?

- We'll crawl under the motion sensors.
- There's an access panel on the roof.

Well, please, ladies first.

No. You be the smart one this time.

There's an access panel on the roof.

It'll bring us in right above
the main wiring for the security system.

Now, if we crawl on our bellies,
we can avoid the motion sensors.

And what do you mean "this time"?

All right. I get the idea.
If I may, put these on.

Really. Or you'll be
of no use to me.

Let's go.

I look like Kermit the frog.

Oh, God. Artie, stop doing that!

Yeah, I gotta tell you, Myka,
those really bring out your eyes.

This is a 14th century Chinese firework
known as an ice flower.

Very few like it left.


Do not tell Mrs. Frederic
that I did this, all right?

We've got about
ten minutes, more or less.

Let's go.

The light pattern triggers
a feedback loop in the optic nerve

that mesmerizes the viewer.

They won't remember a thing.

Freaky McFreakerson.

So it's some sort of reverse
chemical reaction?

Take these off. Just don't look directly
through the window.

This was made
by an implosion grenade.

It removes matter
from the center of a space

and pulls everything,
obviously everything...

directly towards it
with violent force.

This explains why they couldn't find
the sword. It could be in there.

The sword, long gone. Stolen.
This was used by the thief as a cover.

- So the guy that I saw...
- The guy you kind of saw?

The guy that I saw leaving
must have stolen the sword

and hidden in this room over here
when he set off the b*mb.

I collected these grenades years ago.
Every last one of them. I know I did.

Whoever stole the sword has other things
that belong in the Warehouse,

which would mean
that we have competition.

I don't know.

Artie, just how long
is this list of things we don't know?

I don't know.
About twice as long as mine, all right?

Who else would have
these implosion grenades,

if you collected them all?

Whoever it is, if he's willing
to use this to cover his tracks,

then it's somebody that's...
what's a darker word for dangerous?

If he did this to steal the sword,

he'd have no trouble k*lling anyone
who got in his way.

None at all.

None... at all.

Next time, don't get a suite,
just a room.

The lead here
is the implosion grenade.

We find out who had one of those

and then we find out
who has the sword.

Okay, let me just...

Is there a listing
for implosion grenades?

Those were the days.

We've got Wi-Fi.

No, I like paper.
Actually, I hate paper.

- But, it's a security issue.
- Okay, Artie, enough.

You've to fill us in.

If the competition used
an implosion grenade to steal the sword,

- then what the hell does this sword do?
- Yeah. It must be pretty major, right?

You don't drop a nuclear b*mb
to steal a butter knife.


You wanna know about the sword?
I'll tell you about the sword.

The Honjo Masamune is much,
much more than a dull knife.

It kept the ruling shogunate
in power

for hundreds of years
by making them invincible in battle.

And the beauty in the way
these things were forged.

I mean, ritually
hammered and folded.

The blade millions
of layers of steel

with a carbon content
that's right off the charts.

And each layer only atoms-thick.

I mean, this sword...

is said to be perfectly aligned.

So what does it do?

Okay, you know
how geese fly in a "V" formation.

the wind hits the first bird then splits
and keeps on splitting wider and wider

when it hits each bird cause it makes it
easier for the birds to fly that way.

Good. So what does the sword do?

The blade in this particular sword
is said to be so perfect

that light splits in its path
and goes around the person holding it.

Are we talking about invisibility?

Kind of. In effect.
No, the person's still there.

Although, you know,
the light that we see doesn't hit...

Yes, invisibility.

Awesome. I knew that was possible.
I knew it.

Okay. Invisible swords now...

- These are the same sword, right?
- Yeah.

They don't match.

- What?
- Disc thing attached to the grip,

It's in the painting, but it's not
in the sword from the dig site.

It's missing its tsuba.

This piece right here
is called a tsuba.

It's actually a collectible in
its own right, separate from the sword.

But this is missing its tsuba.
Then the sword might not even work.

And if it doesn't, the guy's
gonna come looking for it.

We are in the race.

You two have to find
what happened to that tsuba and fast.

We're looking for
a 500-year-old sword.

800 exactly.
So it should be easy.

You guys follow the tsuba.
I will follow...

the implosion grenade.
And one of us will find the thief.

Wait. I mean, where are you going?

Somebody is making new grenades.

Somebody who promised not to.

- Again he doesn't answer.
- And no good-bye.

This is impossible.

Keep at it though.
You're the smart one.

- What are you doing?
- What?

- What are you doing?
- Nothing. You're doing great.


Is Claudia there?

She won't be able to find it either.

Claudia's out.
It's just me.

Okay, well, you'll do.

- Flattered.
- Sorry.

You know that 800-year-old sword
that we were swapping out?

It turns out
a piece of it has come up missing.

So if you were standing
next to Artie, right,

and he was looking for this thing,

What would he be doing?

Artie did say that the sword
was from the Edo period.

So instead of trying
to track it forward from the past,

just find it in the present.

Identify any collectors
that deal in that period

and then try and find
as much information as you can

on any sales
or transactions of those pieces.

Right. Right.

Since you're right there,
do you think that...

- maybe you could....
- Give me a minute.

One point, Lattimer.

Thank you.



You should've kept
your promises, Erik.

- The tsuba, did you find it?
- Well, it wasn't easy.

You know, it took some digging.

But, it turns out an antiques dealer
had it in Tokyo in the 1920s.

Now it's here in Washington.

- It's at the secret service.
- What the hell's it doing there?

Well, the Japanese government
presented it in the 1920s

to Woodrow Wilson
as a symbol of peace.

- Guess that didn't work out so well.
- And the curator

at the Wilson Museum of Peace
made the connection a couple days ago

and offered it to be united
with the sword at the gift ceremony.

But freaky explosions
tend to put the kibosh on ceremonies

so it's going back
to the museum in the morning.

The sword and the tsuba
in DC at the same time.

That's too much coinc...

too much coincidence.

We're sitting
on the secret service building, but...

Look, if this thief is coming
to get the tsuba

we have to warn Dickinson.

- No, no. Absolutely not.
- You saw what this guy's willing to do.

Yeah, and so did you, and imagine
what he's capable of with the sword.

This thief is ruthless and smart.

If you warn the secret service, and
they do anything out of the ordinary,

- then he will be tipped off.
- So you wanna use him as bait.


This is not a discussion. When I...


I think I know who this is.
And I've gotta go.

You tail the agents. Grab the tsuba.
Watch out for implosion grenades. Bye.

Your agents Bering and Lattimer
are compromised.

Not possible.

I ran a background check
on Arthur Nielsen.

- Where'd you get this information?
- I have my sources.

- Same as you do.
- I don't see how this is your business.

The three of them returned
to the embassy last night.

I'm very sorry to hear that.

I have no desire to stir up
an international incident.

It's a great deal of paperwork
and a great deal of scrutiny.

And you and I both get screwed.

If you can't handle it, I will be forced
to take this to a higher authority.

- Everything all right?
- Yes. Peachy.


The tsuba's heading back
to the museum.

- We're heading out.
- Regards to President Wilson.

Hi, it's me, Artie.

No, I know. I know. Look.


Do you think you could meet me?

As soon as possible.

Artie does to us
what he's making us do to them.

He keeps us in the dark.
For all we know, we're decoys too.

Look, we're all pretty good
at our jobs, okay?

We accepted the risks going in.

Having intel in the field
keeps an agent alive, Pete.

But Artie acts
like keeping us alive isn't a priority.

- To him, we're just...
- Red shirts?

First, he doesn't think
we're red shirts.

And second,

that's so cool
you knew what I meant.

Come on.

He's got a Tesla too.

Drop that w*apon!

Are you okay?

Grab the tsuba.

You get a look?

We get it?

- We got it.
- Yes.

Now give it back.

- Slowly.
- No.

Did you see that guy

with that g*n?

- It erases your short term...
- No.

Never mind.

What the hell is up with you two?

- Now who are you working for?
- Secret service.

But a department that you,
sir, know nothing about.

I doubt that. Now what department?

It's an archival department.

You're filing clerks

running around sh**ting stun g*ns
at your own people?

We didn't sh**t you.

All right, filing clerks
that protect us from invisible bad guys.

Yeah. Pretty much.

I'll take it from here.

Careful, archives.

Paper cuts, they take days to heal.

That's hilarious, you're hilarious.

Very scared.

- So glad to see you.
- Thank you.

Not a damn word.

Now, I warned you to back off
before things got worse.

You know what this looks like?

Come on.
You know we didn't sh**t at them.

- You know that we're legit.
- Yeah, I do.

But if you keep shutting me out,
how am I supposed to back you up?

This stays with me
until things die down.

- Or implode.
- What?

You're putting yourself in danger.
You've no idea what you're dealing with.

So tell me.

We can't.

Well, I admire your loyalty.
I prized it myself once.

But you need to look
at where you're placing it right now.

This has come to my attention.

It checks out.
And I will have to act on it.

You want me to trust you, okay.

If there's a remnant
of a two-way street left,

if you still trust that I'm trying
to look out for you...

then read it.

I want some extra people in the office.
Around the clock for the next 72.

Just in case.


'Cause he stole something dangerous

and it's important
that I get it back from him.

What makes you so sure it was him?

- Call it a gut feeling.
- That's still annoying.

- What is?
- You talking in riddles and intuition.

You never change.

So has he?

You know, contacted you?

I haven't seen or heard
from James in 15 years.

And the irony's not lost on me
that you're the one who's asking.

Carol. Look at me.

No matter what you think,
I'm not the one who drove him away.

You made things intolerable
for all of us.

If it makes you comfortable to blame me,
then blame me. I don't care.

But the truth is
that you made choices.

And the choices you made...

You chose badly.
I'm not the one who disappeared.

There it is. How did I not know?

- What? Not know what?
- Stop it, Artie.

You're in town for whatever reason
and you decide to twist the knife

for old time's sake.
Rub it in that I chose the wrong guy.

Right. You're not the one
who disappeared.

You would've had to have
been there in the first place.

No, not Artie.

All your secrets,
and your treasure hunts,

and that damned place.

You know, James believed in life.

You need to get one.

Hold on.

Could you please wait?

- What?
- Listen. Listen.

Carol, if you're harboring him
in any way,

you're in danger.

What are you doing here?

Just about to ask you
the same thing.

Why are you bothering
that poor woman and torturing yourself?

It is called investigating a case.

This isn't the case.
This is self-pity.

The case is the implosion grenade
and the sword.

And someone out there
is running around using the artifacts...

But that someone is MacPherson.
And I can prove it.


We've both seen you
like this before.

No, no. He planted this on purpose.
He wanted me to find it.

Otherwise he would've been careful.
He's taunting me.

Would you listen to yourself?

You are leaping to wild conclusions
based on nothing.

And meanwhile, your team
is falling apart around you.

- They're not. Myka and Pete are fine.
- Are they?

Did you know the tsuba's
now under Dickinson's control?

Did you know Bering and Lattimer
had been detained?

They're at the hotel.
I'm taking you all off this case.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

What if I'm right?
What if it is MacPherson?

Go home, Artie.

- Artie, where are you?
- It doesn't matter. New orders.

You two stay in the hotel
and you wait for me.

I will take it from here.

What's the matter?
What's wrong? You okay?

- Everything's fine.
- All right.

I don't wanna hear about it
'cause it isn't true.

That isn't Artie.

I don't wanna believe it either, Pete,
but it's true.

Well, you shouldn't even
be reading that.

We should be out doing something.

Pete, his real name
isn't even Artie Nielsen.

It's Artie Weisfelt.

He used to work for the NSA.

He was a cryptographer,

a code breaker,
when he was in his 20s.

They recruited him right out of school,
had him decoding Soviet communications.

He intercepted letters,
phone transcripts.

Then they think he turned.

He contacted one of the people
they were spying on

and he started selling secrets
to the Russians.

And his file, it just ends.

He was never prosecuted.

It's like he just disappeared.

But it's him, Pete.


It's definitely him.

You're under arrest.

No, no. Listen to me.
I have to take this.

- Lives are in danger.
- No, not for that.

Arthur Weisfelt,

you're under arrest for treason.

Just tell us
that the charges aren't true.

- We both know. So just tell us.
- I can't. They're true.

- Okay, that's not...
- I had my reasons.

Artie, Homeland Security's coming
to pick you up.

You need to give us a way
to help you now.

You need to concentrate on the mission,
not worry about me.

Mrs. Frederic fixed this once
and she can fix it ag...

This whole thing
could've been avoided

if you just told us anything
about the sword, the tsuba, your past.

Anything, Artie. We could have helped.
We could have interfered with Dickinson.

If you just trusted us.

So what happens now, Artie?

I mean, what happens with the Warehouse?
I mean, what, are we in charge?

What? I think we should know.

She fixed all this. Mrs. Frederic.
She fixed all of this years ago.

It's him too.

It has to be.

Okay, Artie, this isn't just
about the treason, all right?

- You burglarized the secret service.
- I'll spend a little time in prison.

- You're not getting what is important.
- I'm not getting what's important.

And the fact that I changed my name,
so the Soviets wouldn't find me,

not to hide from our government.
Important, Mrs. Frederic fixed all this.

She expunged all the charges.
Someone obviously unfixed it.

- Artie, focus.
- I'm focused.

Here's the key.
Who gave Dickinson my file?

Find out, that'll take you
directly to who has the sword.

And that will lead you...

to MacPherson.


Time's up.

Some friendly advice.

It's self-preservation time.

Put in for transfers
while this warehouse business

is still just a sidetrack
in your careers.

- Scars don't have to be permanent.
- Yeah. No can do.

Just think about it.

Meantime, I have some self-preservation
to do too.

I may not be your boss anymore,

but until someone tells me otherwise,
I still outrank you.

So this time I am putting you on a plane
with your best friends as an escort.

- Why is he here?
- Ogawa?

That guy makes me itch.

The Japanese want their tsuba back.

With the sword gone, it's all
that's left of a national treasure.

Don't worry.
They're leaving tonight for Japan.

By tomorrow, the tsuba will be
on the other side of the planet.

By the way, just to ask it,

who did give you that file on Artie?

That's my secret to keep.


See that they get on their plane.
No detours.

Yeah, and don't rule out
sh**ting them if necessary.

What's going on?


It's Ogawa.

It was him at the embassy.
He walked out with the sword.

- Are you sure?
- Myka, I saw him. You have to trust me.

Dickinson looked at him when I asked him
about the file. Artie was right.

And now he's got the sword
and the tsuba.

Heading for the diplomatic terminal.
There's no security.

How about you both
just take a time-out, huh?

Just for the drive to Dulles.
Let's go.



Who's Mrs. Frederic?

I'd tell you,
but then he'd have to k*ll you.

What do you think?
6th to Constitution?

- This time of day I'd take 9th.
- Yeah, you're right.

Wanna grab a beer
after we drop off these two jokers?

I can't. In-laws are in town.

Hang on. I wanna pull over
and grab a paper.

They'll be fine.

Before you say anything,
I know that I mangled this.

I know I ran in there impulsively

without thinking... without my bag...
because I had a bigger...

Someone dug you up.

So you know.

It's MacPherson. I'm right.

Yes, I'm afraid you are.

Now it's up to you to stop him.

Thank you.

Don't move!

So, Mr. Ogawa,

when does he get here?

Oh, God. It works.

Hello, Arthur.


Good to see you
after all these years.

Wish I could say the same.

Not while you're pointing
a g*n at me or trying to.

Well, no, you're an invisible guy
with a sword.

I think you might have
the advantage over me.

My point exactly.

So what happened to you, James?
What happened?

I mean, I know we had
our differences

and I know Carol...


You always had your own ideas,
your own objections to Warehouse policy.

But, I mean, James, James...

k*lling people.

When did you turn into that?

I woke up, Arthur.

Once out from under Mrs. Frederic's
iron hand and your neuroses,

I could see the world more clearly.

Yeah, that's a little pathetic,
isn't it, James,

blaming everybody else but yourself?
I don't think you found clarity.

I don't think your ego
could stand the light.

I'd love to discuss this
with you at length.

You or one of your new agents.

Lattimer and Bering, right?

I've been observing them
for some time.

I see they have potential,
but they're so raw,

so untrained, so corruptible.

If you come anywhere
near them, I promise you...

I promise you, James,
that you're gonna regret it.

You'll never get anywhere
close to them as long as I'm alive!

You can still read my mind.

You always hurt the one you love.

Oh, my God. Okay, we have
to get you to a hospital.

What did you do?

Well, it was the only way
I knew how to get the sword.

- What if we didn't get here in time?
- I thought you would.

Could you just hurry up,
pull it out?

Wait. Wait. Wait a minute.
Now wait a minute.

Are you sure?

Yeah, it's the sharpest sword
ever made.

It should slide out
just like butter.

Just do it really, really,
really, really fast.

Okay! Not like butter!

Is that one of those...

I wasn't here when everything went down
between Artie and MacPherson,

but I know it was bad.

Yeah, this feels right.

Yeah it must've been bad.
I mean, all that stuff with Ogawa.

Giving Dickinson the file.

He wanted more than the sword.
He wanted to mess us up as a team.

It worked.

Well, I don't know
how to work with him right now.

The thing about Artie

is that he's lost
a lot of people in his life...

including agents.

So now he just shuts everybody out.
It's a defense mechanism.

That's not an excuse.

It's not a reason to keep secrets
as compulsively as he does.

It's not meant to be an excuse.

Just an explanation.

Artie acts like he doesn't care,
but he does...

about you both... a lot.

And that scares him.

Well, I guess he needs
to work that out.

Doesn't he?

You know, just because
he lost people,

it doesn't make us expendable.

I'm not a red shirt.

I'm not.

She's upset
because I don't communicate.

Did she not notice the word "secret"
in her job description?

- Their job is to follow instructions.
- So is yours.

You knew
that I couldn't let this go.

As it turns out, I was right.

I apologize for doubting you.

Well, thank... thank...
we're all human.

As far as I know.

You know

that this was only
MacPherson's first move.

And he's planning something...

Any guesses what his plan might be?

No. I don't know.
I don't wanna wait to find out.

You know what the Talmud says?

"If someone's coming to k*ll you,
get up early, k*ll them first."

It also says "Don't rush
into any unnecessary danger.

A miracle may not save you."