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01x09 - Regrets

Posted: 05/25/23 06:39
by bunniefuu
ARTIE: Previously on
Warehouse 13...

Is that... Is part of that a
Bell + Howell Spectroscope?

Surprise. I repurposed it.

What? Without asking me?

I'm only going to say this
once, are you listening?

Back off!

Just do
as you're told, please.

PETE: Vibe,
it happens all the time.

MYKA: So why do
you trust them?

(SIGHS) Well, one time I
didn't and I should have.

My dad was a fireman.

He died that night in a house
fire saving a couple kids.

Apparently Martino and your partner were
having an affair and he was married.

Her history doesn't
bother you?

I read the press release
of what went down in Denver.

You're a hero.

Lives were saved.
Lives were lost.



Want to do a shot?

Sorry, I don't drink.

Sure you do.

Do I know you?

I haven't had a drop
in five years.

Probably 'cause
you drank enough

for a lifetime
the night you k*lled me.

It was an accident.

It was an accident.

I was 17.
It was prom night.

I'm so sorry.


Lee, what are
you doing? Lee.

LEE: No.
Lee, talk to me.

Doc, I gotta...
I have to get away from her.



Damn it!


GUARD: We have a man down.
C-Block, second tier.

Stay back!

We'll need a doctor
down here right away!

Get out of the way.
Yeah, we got a...

Yeah, we got a situation down here.
We got to secure this...

You're going to jail, missy!


Well, better safe
than sorry, right?

MYKA: What are you
talking about?

Unexplained suicides
up in Riverton.

We are off
to see the warden.

You use soap on a rope?

Hey, I don't judge your
personal hygiene products,

although you might want to
invest into some moisturizers.

You're a little dry
around the nose.

You want to swap
beauty tips?

Then we can talk
about the hair

that's sprouting
from your shoulders,

your nose and your ears.


Or, you know, you could just tell
me about the prison suicides.

Well, let's go
with the suicides.

CLAUDIA: Inventory.
What a bone.

Tycho Brahe's snot pocket.


This place is falling apart.


Venus de Milo's arms. Rad.

You know what?

I cannot work
under these conditions.


What you doing?

Re-building a carburetor.

That's funny.
No, I mean, what's the tune?

Something I've been
working on for my father.

Oh. How old is
your father?

No, I mean, that's
really good for you.

Can I have the keys
to the cherry picker?

Why? And no, you can't.

I just want to fix
this light bulb.

It's flickering.
It's really annoying.

Just let it go, Claudia.

You know, it's just
going to burn out

and you'll have
me fix it later.

Okay, here's the thing.
You know, these bulbs, they never burn out.

They're Shelby bulbs.
They were invented

by Adolphe Chaillet
108 years ago.

So there's no need...
What am I doing even talking to you?

I am busy.
I will tighten the bulb later.



MYKA: I know you have a corner
on the whole vibe thing,

but this place is creepy.

Well, maybe it just
needs a woman's touch.

Bering and Lattimer?

Sorry to keep you waiting.

There's a tropical storm
headed this way

and the preparations
are endless.

I'm Corinne Huggins,
the warden.

I'm not sure what the Secret
Service's interest is in all this,

but I expect to be
kept in the loop.

Of course.
Good. This way.

Riverton hadn't had
a su1c1de in two years.

Now, including Donaldson, we've
had four in the past month.

His parole had just
come through, right?

He had reconciled
with his wife,

he was looking forward
to being with his family.

Not a very high risk
for su1c1de.

None of them were.
All four were model prisoners.

Had anything new been brought
in before the first su1c1de?

Furniture? Art work?

Agent Lattimer, this is a
maximum security facility,

not a college dormitory.

There's been nothing new.
No woman's touch.

Right. Of course.

What about new inmates?

There's been
a freeze on intake.

We've been operating over capacity
since before I took over.

And when was that?

Just over a month ago, just
before the first su1c1de.

I bet she's got some demonic
tchotchke on her desk

that she uses
as a paperweight.

Okay, I take back the
"woman's touch" comment.

My predecessor had been
here quite a few years.

There hasn't been much time
to look at paint chips.

SAM: You k*lled me, Bunny.

HUGGINS: As it is, we've had to store
his things in the anteroom closet

until his estate
is out of probate.

PETE: Myka?

Okay, so this prisoner, Donaldson,
didn't leave a su1c1de note.

Mind if I look through
his stuff?

SAM: You k*lled me, Bunny.

These are his
personal effects.

Cool, love that.

MYKA: Ouroboros.
PETE: Huh?

It's the snake. It's a symbol of
self-reflection and cyclicity.

And the best Rush album
since Roll the Bones.

Snakes and Arrows rocks.

HUGGINS: Written by one of our inmates.
His path to salvation.

Creepy. Who's John Hill?

JOHN: Though we're surrounded
by concrete and razor wire,

I can show you more freedom
than the men who hold the keys.

What's he in for?

k*lled his wife.

A lot.

Darkness has descended
on this house.

Death has returned
to Riverton.

And those who do not learn from
history are doomed to repeat it.

Dr. Cooper's
ready for y'all.


Regret has no place
in your life.

Your only salvation is here.


CLAUDIA: Artie, if you won't let me use
the cherry picker, then how am I...


No way.

What every fashionable girl
is wearing this fall.



Awesome. Suck it, Magneto.


Sweet. I can totally
see my house from here.


Okay. This is
mildly disconcerting.




Great. Now we know
they last 108 years.

And do you think freaky cult
leaders are born with crazy eyes,

or is it some sort of
corrective surgery?

Pete, what is it?

You don't see that?

See what?

That guy standing there.

It's my dad.


So, Pete saw his father,
but you didn't, right?

Yeah, but I should probably
mention that I saw Sam earlier.

What? Why didn't
you say anything?

Well, you know, Sam's dead
and your father's dead.

I mean, you can understand
my reticence, right?

You're both hallucinating?

And when were you
gonna mention that to me?

Well, we just did.


What was that?

Tropical Storm Inez.

Uh, you didn't say
that there was a storm.

Why is that important?

How many times do I have to tell
you about electrical energy?

It can crank up the intensity of an
artifact, I don't know, tenfold.

And if an artifact is causing
these hallucinations,

then a powerful
electrical charge

can make these visions
seem absolutely real.

they seem pretty real now.

All right, then, listen.
You're gonna have to stay in constant contact.

You got that?

I don't care if you have
nothing to report,

every hour you're going
to call me, all right?

And meanwhile, you're going to find
out everything about these inmates

who k*lled themselves.

Start with the last one,
Lee Donaldson.

According to your statement, Lee
said something before he jumped.

"I have to get away from her.
" That's what he said.

I can only think
he meant Claire.

That's the girl he k*lled
in the hit and run, right?

He quit drinking, but never forgave
himself for taking a life.

Well, guilt's a powerful thing.
He was your trustee, right?

More than that.
We were friends.

I'm trained in recognizing
the warning signs.

I don't know why
I didn't see them.

Did Lee have any enemies?

John Hill, Riverton's
self-proclaimed messiah,

leading his personal
religious cult.

Lee was an early convert,

but after Hill started
capitalizing on the suicides,

Lee saw what he really was,

an opportunist,
preying on fear.

Lee got out, and Hill didn't
like losing one of his lambs.

Hill may have strange religious
beliefs, but he's harmless.

I don't particularly
like what he has to say,

but you can't deny
the calming effect

it's had on some
of the inmates.

How are we today,
Mr. Hill?

Another day above ground, Warden.
Another day above ground.


These are agents
Bering and Lattimer.

They'd like to ask you some questions.
All right.

HUGGINS: I'll be
in my office.

Where'd you get
that necklace?

Well, you could say
it's always been with me.

Or you could say
where you got it.

The object itself is
of no importance.

Its value lies in
what it represents.

And what is that?

Some demand
that we consume ourselves

with remorse for
our supposed sin.

Ouroboros reminds us
to transcend the cycle,

and walk the path
to enlightenment.

No remorse, huh?
What about the path to parole?

I was and am his
instrument on Earth,

and with my hands, it is his
will and not mine that is done.

To feel remorse

is to shame God.

What about those who are remorseful?
Like Donaldson.

Lee's death revealed
his greater purpose.

A man cannot be saved
without sacrifice.

Oh, I see. Well,
that's a neat trick, huh?

PETE: Now you get
to tell your boys

you can protect them
from sacrifice,

like Donaldson.

My followers are free because
they know the way to freedom.

SAM: You k*lled me, Bunny.

The cruelest prison is the one
that we build for ourselves

out of fear and regret.

I'm done.


This isn't real.
This can't be real.


PETE: Hey.

Sam again?



I can't move.

Okay, no. No need to panic,
just take off the coat.

Can't take off the coat.
Okay, new plan.

(SIGHS) I'm so
getting grounded.


Better you than me. Ow!



This is the last one.

What is it
you're looking for?

I'm not sure.
Anomalies, patterns.


Well, that's a little
specific, but sure.

No. No, look.

For decades, Riverton was
known as "the Snake Pit."

Dozens of inmates
went insane here.

Then in 1979,
during Hurricane David,

there were
uncontrollable riots.

I mean, the place
almost burned down.

Six months later,
it was closed.

Reopened a year later
under Warden Matthews.

He was here until
he died last month.

So what did he
do differently?


Warden? You okay?

I beg your pardon.
The week is catching up with me.

I was just asking what
Matthews did differently

to whip this place
into shape.

Well, he was
very religious.

He instituted
daily prayers.

He swore it turned
the place around.

That's him.

PETE: Hey, hey, hey.
This looks familiar.

Check out what he got rid
of when he moved in.

And no more riots.

HUGGINS: He wasn't
a very tolerant man.

Anything he thought was
pagan he had taken out.

MYKA: Well, let's go see
the good reverend.

PETE: Goodbye,
snakes and arrows.

And that should
take care of that.

Warden, I had your
permission to wear that.

HUGGINS: I'm not
sure I understand.

What exactly
is the danger?

I'm sorry.
We can't disclose that information.

I was quite clear,

you get free reign of my
institution, I get some answers.

Please don't misconstrue
our silence as disrespect.

It's just beyond our
authority to tell you.

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure there
won't be any more suicides.

Cause of death, brain hemorrhage
due to blunt force trauma.

Final report to come.

LEE: You could
have helped me, Doctor.

Lee, I'm sorry.
I tried, I did.

I thought you were my friend.
You ignored the warning signs.

You let me die, Doctor.

Stop, Lee! Lee,
I'm your friend!

You k*lled me, Doctor.

(GRUNTING) Listen to me!

HUGGINS: You told me the suicides would stop.
Now we have another one.

Clearly, you're not
able to help,

and you're not being truthful
with me about what's going on.

I promise you, Warden, we have
told you everything that we know.

Oh, really?
And what exactly are you looking for?

Well, it could be anything.

Look, sometimes freaky stuff causes
other freaky stuff to happen.

After the storm passes,
I expect you two to be gone.

I'm going to request a federal
team of investigators.

Okay, so he was here alone and he
was depressed about Donaldson.

Medical examiners record
their autopsy findings.

Maybe he has a recorder
around here somewhere.


So look for one.


Fine, I'll do it.

I'm over here.

I'll do it.
I'll do it. Okay.

God. Sorry, I just
want to lift your...

Hey, Myka.

Okay, play it.

I'm sorry. I tried, I did.


Lee, I'm sorry.
You're my friend!


Okay, okay, so now he's
talking to the dead guy,

but he should know better.
He's a doctor.

What's that static sound?
Did you hear that?


Play it again.

DR. COOPER: Lee, I'm sorry.
I tried, I did.


Lee, I'm sorry. You're my friend!

Did you hear that?

it sounded like, I don't know,
bad cell phone service.

ARTIE: That's 10,000
cycles per second.

It could be the
electrical interference

that any natural material
makes when it vibrates.

Okay, so where
does it come from?

Well, any number of
minerals or heavy metals,

or it could be an artifact
that contains both.

But just give me a second,
just one... Ah!

Yeah, okay, does that sound familiar?

MYKA: That's it.

So, Artie, we're looking
for some kind of

a mineral artifact that
causes hallucinations.


Is that banging?
Do you hear a...

Yeah, no... You do that,
you do that. But I...

PETE: Artie? Hello? What...

No, I'm okay.
I'm okay. I just...

You know what? Artie, we got it.
Thanks. We'll call you later.

Yeah, all right.


S-O... SOS?

(ECHOING) Claudia! Claudia!
Claudia! Claudia!


Hi, Artie. Hi.

Huh. Funny story.

So I kind of tried
to fix this light bulb,

even though you
expressly told me not to.

And, man, have I
learned my lesson.

You were so right
about this place.

You just never know
what to expect.


Okay, you're pissed.

Can we move past
that part for now,

and get to the part where
you get me down from here?

That wouldn't be Volta's lab
coat that you're wearing?

All part of the hilarious story
I should really tell you

when I'm back
on planet Earth.

The reason, Claudia, that Volta's
lab coat is in the Warehouse

is because Volta couldn't
control its magnetic field,

as you may have noticed.

Each metallic object
that it connects to

makes the coat
stronger and stronger.

That explains so much.
Thank you.

(EXCLAIMS) My glasses.

Those better not
be scratched!

You know, when I was
in Girl Scouts,

we would make these little
mini-metal detectors

so we could hunt for gold.

Most speakers are coated
with a polymer film

that picks up
VHF frequencies,

but we never found any gold, but we
did find a lot of worthless minerals.


Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

I want you to know that
you can tell me things.

I got the report
about Denver.

What did it say?

I don't know,
I didn't read it.

Intellectually, I know I did
everything by the book.

Of course you did.
You're you.

What if I missed something, Pete?
What if it's my fault?

Myka, the only person
responsible for Sam's death

is the piece of garbage that
pulled the trigger that day.

You protected the President.
That's the gig.

You're a hero
and so is Sam.




That's a cool-ass
science project.

Yeah, it's...

(SNIFFLES) You know, it's...


It's not working.

Sounds like it's working.

No, it's not.
It's just crackling at everything.

Well, maybe there's
minerals everywhere.

Well, there can't...
How can there be... Minerals.

The miners... Mine!

They are everywhere, including
in the ground. Come on.

Thank you.
I'm sorry about the...

MYKA: Look. Quartz mines.


Do you see?

This building was built
on an old quartz mine.

And back then, indigenous
materials would have been used

when building
a new structure.

Quartz as in the mineral?

As in hallucination-inducer.

As in this whole freaking structure
is one giant tuning fork

and mother nature's
just banging away.

Okay, now I've got
these magnets.

They're attached
to this thing.

When I let go, they're
coming right at you.

They'll stick to you and the stuff near you.
Okay, here they come!


(EXHALES) Okay, they're on.

Would it have k*lled you to put
a warning label on this thing?

Saying what, "Only put
on in case of stupid"?

Ugh. Just bottom-line
this for me, Artie.

Worst-case scenario?

Oh, why not?

The entire warehouse buckles in on
itself, crushing us both to death.


Okay, yeah, I changed my mind.
Sugar-coat it.

Okay, it must
be the storm,

because I can't
get any reception.

Okay, so the whole building

is causing hallucinations, right?

So, maybe we should
start thinking about

what stopped them
for 30 years.

Okay, so the prison opens.

There's a hurricane, suddenly
there's a ton of v*olence,

the prison closes, it
reopens with a new warden

and suddenly
the v*olence stops.

Right. He dies.

His stuff goes into storage.

The suicides start.

I don't know.

Maybe the old Bible-banger had
something that was curing the crazy.


Maybe this is what Mrs.
Frederic meant by endless freaking wonder.


Let's go. Yeah, let's get...
Yeah, let's get out of here 'cause it's...


Warden? Warden Huggins!

MYKA: Warden,
what's wrong?

It's locked.

Have you got the keys?

Stop. Stop. I'm sorry!

Okay, he's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

Warden Huggins, this is Agent Bering.
Are you all right?

Get back, Dr. Cooper!
No, that's not true!



Look out. Let me
bust the door down.

But it's... It's...
Ready? One, two, three.

It's a warden's door.

It's probably
sturdier than most.

Well, I wish you would have said
that about five seconds ago.

Get away from me!

That's not a good sign.

We have to go through the
ex-warden's stuff in storage.




DR. COOPER: You can't
keep us out, Corinne.

You'll never control
this prison.

How many more have
to die by your hand?

I mean, how much "World's Greatest
Warden" crap can you have?

We don't even know
what we're looking for.

Why would this time
be any different?

Okay, look, give me the Farnsworth.
I'm going to try Artie again.

JOHN: Don't let the vision
of demons fool you, brothers.

It appears that Riverton is
now the land of the blind,

and we are its
one-eyed kings.


Just a minute. Yeah?

Artie. Artie, thank God.
Okay, what shuts down quartz?

Of course it's quartz.
It's quartz, right.

Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
I should have known. Quartz.

Artie... Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, listen. Um...

Pierre Curie,
his brother Jacques,

they proved the existence of a
converse effect of piezoelectricity.

You know what that is,
don't you?


So, what you've
got to do is you...


Yeah, sorry. Yeah.

Okay, the frequency of a piece of
quartz can be completely canceled out

by its proximity to a
second piece of quartz.

Now the second piece is
probably what the artifact...

I'm having a little...
The image is breaking up.

It's a large piece, okay?

Is the storm... worse?

A lot.

When you find the artifact,
you got to put it exactly...

Exactly... before...

...proximity... the
original frequency...


Artie! Artie!


Okay, big piece
of quartz in the closet.

Hey, hello. Can we get back to me, Artie?
There's a bicycle on me.

We're going to have to
reduce the magnetic field,

but we're going to
do it very gradually.

And we have to do
that just because

we wouldn't want to destroy
your central nervous system.

No. No, we wouldn't.
We would not.


Hey, what is that?
That sounds bad. What is that?


Artie! Artie!


Box of crap.
Box of crap.

Warden, whatever you're
seeing, it's not real.

You're perfectly safe.


PETE: It's the cross.


Claudia, new plan.

But, listen, you have to do exactly,
exactly as I say. Got that?

You're the man!

Stay right there.


You found it?


What is it that they say about
those who live by the sword?

Stand aside, please.

Is that some sort of prison
term for "You're a dead woman"?

I can't take the door
off its hinges

if you're standing
in front of it.

Do you really think we're
just gonna let you in there?

If the prison is
in an uproar,

that means the warden
is in trouble.

She's always supported my work.
I would like to help.



JOHN: Good?
MAN: Yeah, yeah.

MYKA: Warden, no. Wait!

JOHN: Get out of here.
Let's move. Get out!



SAM: Target has arrived.
Repeat, target has arrived.

Sam? Sam?

It's happening again.

PETE'S DAD: You should
have warned me, Petey.


If you knew I was never coming home,
why didn't you say something?

SAM: Repeat, target is on the move.
Let's move in.

Negative. Negative.
The plan is to extract at the stairs.

Sam, wait!

(g*n FIRES)

I was a kid. It was just a feeling.
I was afraid.

Well, it's time to be a man.
Take responsibility for your actions.

Your fears, your regrets.

SAM: It's your fault.
You were late.

Was I?

You k*lled me, Bunny, and now
you've got to make it right.

PETE'S DAD: Time to pay
the price, boy.

The cruelest prison is the
one we build for ourselves

out of fear and regret.


Not a day goes by
that I don't miss you,

but you would have gone
to work that morning

whether I would have warned you or
not, and I have no more regret...

JOHN: Regret...
...about not stopping you.

And I have no more fear...
...out of fear...

...that I did
the wrong thing.

Regret has no place
in your life.

It wasn't my fault. It's just...
It's who you were.

And who I try and be
every day of my life.

JOHN: The cruelest prison is the
one that we build for ourselves.

Stay away from me, Sam!


Myka. Myka, listen to me.

You can fight this.


You know what happened in Denver.

All your planning and preparations,
they weren't enough.

You know the truth.

Don't be afraid of it.

This is the report.


You know what's in it.

Don't be afraid.

Sam said I k*lled him.

You know
that's not the truth.

Myka, listen, you don't need a report

to tell you what you already
know in your heart.

You did everything right.

Sam didn't listen to you.
That's why he's dead.

He screwed up. Not you.

Do you understand?

Now tell Sam the truth.

I'm sorry, Sam.

Sorry's not going to
bring me back, Bunny.

I'm sorry because
you made the mistake,

not me.

You were late.



You were early.

The target made you
and you got yourself k*lled.


I love you, Sam.

I always will.


But I have to move on.

I have to move on.

Wow, it's... You okay?
It's getting worse. Yeah, I'm fine.

What are we going to do with this?

Artie said... The picture in
the old warden's office...

Right. Right. Yes.

So it was there.


CLAUDIA: Hurry, Artie!

ARTIE: Oh, good idea!

CLAUDIA: What is that?
It sounds like a truck.

No, there's no truck.

Oh, my God!

All right, it's a truck.
Wait, wait.


Come on! Come on!

ARTIE: Hang on!


Hey, what's that for?
To get rid of the body?

No, it's a good backup plan
if this doesn't work.

What do you mean
if it doesn't work?

I don't think
I'm going to like this.

Whoa, girl!

Come and get me!

Artie, no, don't do it!
No, please, Artie!

Oh, God, I hope
you're a good shot.

Please, Artie,
please be good at this.

Just don't move!

Okay! I promise
I'll be good from now on!

Grab it!
Okay, I'm trying.

CLAUDIA: Got it.



Artemis Maximus!

That was awesome!

Yeah, it kind of was
awesome, wasn't it? Yeah.

All right,
let's get out of here.

You got to take that off right away.

Now. Now.

Oh, God.

Hey, are you hurt?

No. No, I'm fine.
What happened?

Well, it's a long story.
I hope you like the cross.


Oh, my God.
Help me.

HUGGINS: What happened?

Oh, God.

PETE: Oh, man.

Okay, okay,
he's losing a lot of blood.

We got to get him out of here.
No, no, no. No. No.

(CHUCKLES) It's all right.

He's chosen me
for sacrifice.

(PANTING) I'm on
a new path.

(SIGHS) How many times do I
have to write this, Artie?

Okay. All right.
Claudia, all right. Okay.

You know what?



Enough of doing it
that way. All right.

So, now, Claudia. Okay.

Now focus,
don't just write it.

Believe it.



How long you been
working on that?

Since I lost my father.

Artie, I'm sorry.
When did he die?

He's alive.

I just hope that
finishing this

will help us find
each other again.




So listen,
I'm taking the girls out

for a little
night on the town.

You know, which in this
part of South Dakota

means going
for ice cream.


You want to come?

I'm beat.

All right. You want me to
bring you something back?

You know I don't
eat sugar.

Right. Butter pecan, caramel
sauce, chocolate sprinkles.


You all right?

I'm good. You know...

All right, well, remember,
if you want to talk...

Maybe tomorrow.

I'll have my people
call your people.

You do that.
