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One Night Stand (2023)

Posted: 05/25/23 17:07
by bunniefuu
Okay, Ra.

I'll let you know when I get there.

I'll do it.

-Take care in Jakarta.


Drive safely, okay?



Yeah, I've landed.

Just now.

Not yet.

Yes. Yes, the plan is in the morning.


Yes, I'll tell him.

Well, I just landed, Mom.

All right.

Yes, I'll tell him.

I have to go now.


Hello. Excuse me.


-Hold on.

You're Ara, aren't you?

"Baskara" from Jakarta.

-Am I right?


You are?

Finally, we've met.

I've been all over this place

looking for you

from there, to there, and there.

Right, I'm Lea.


-Sorry, Lea

-Sorry, I'm Lea,

the person that Mr. Rendra asked

-Mr. Rendra?

-Mr. Rendra.


-Yeah. Okay.

He asked me to pick you up

because he worried that you'll get lost.


Shall we go now?

Let's go.


Sorry, I don't know who you are earlier.

It's okay.

Actually, today is going to be weird.

After seeing Mr. Rendra, I'm attending

my friend's wedding in the evening.

Really? How come

they're both in the same day?

Beats me.

So, in one day I'll be attending

a funeral and a wedding.

It's really weird.

I heard from Mr. Rendra, you' re only

going to stay in Yogyakarta for a day?

So, you'll leave tomorrow.

I don't know.

-Do you know? I--


Once, I got lost in this airport.

-Really? When?


When I was a kid. About that big.

Poor you.

You know how kids are.

Don't you think airports suck?

I've never liked airports.

Never did, never do.



I don't know.

I just don't like it.

I think it's a sad place.

This is where people bid farewell

to their friends,

boyfriend or girlfriend, best friends,

and even to their family.

You can't say the same about beach.

The beach is more healing.

You can let go

of the negative feelings you have.

I couldn't agree more.

I really like beaches too.



That's why I'm still considering,

if I should go straight home from here

or to continue my journey.

Because, actually

I really want to go to Bali

to Sumba,

or wherever I can be free, alone.

I felt dj vu when I heard you say that.

I've been like that.



I didn't remember why,

but I woke up, I grabbed my phone,

I ordered a ticket, I went to the airport,

and then I just left.

Without a second thought.

Where did you go?





For how long?

Two years.

I really want to do that.

-Are we going straight there or


-Everyone has gathered.


We'll close the coffin in the afternoon,

and bury it in the evening.

This is the car.

You can put your bag here,

in the back. Not in the front.

It's so messy.

Okay, you can put it here.

How's Mr. Rendra now?

The way I see it, the way I feel it

he's strong.

But, has Mrs. Mia been sick

for a long time?

It's been about a year and a half,

maybe two years.

Really? That's quite a long time.

You can say that.

-Are you


family to Mr. Rendra or Mrs. Mia?

Neither. I'm not family.

I've known them for quite some time.

But lately I helped Mrs. Mia work,

-painting. Yes.

-I see.

How do you know Mr. Rendra?

Are you family or

Wait. We should go right. Wait.

Mr. Rendra and I go way back.


-We used to be neighbors.

After work, he would work

on his painting in front of his house.

-The house in Jakarta?

-That's right.

-I watched him a lot.


Especially on weekends,

I went to his house

and he taught me how to paint.

-He did?


Mrs. Mia and Mr. Rendra

did seem very happy.

They have a very positive vibe.

Like a married couple

who read each other's mind.


Mr. Rendra knew what Mrs. Mia wanted.

Mrs. Mia knew what Mr. Rendra wanted.

How much we

How much longer till we get there?

About 15 to 20 minutes.





Please pray for Mia.


-Mia is inside.



It's been a long time.

You've grown so big.


-My condolences, Sir.


Why the sudden formality?

You never called me "sir".

I was just a child back then.

Now, it's impolite

not to address you with "sir".

No need to be so formal.

Just call me

the way you used to, it's okay.


So, are you ready to see her?

Shall we go inside?

All right.


-This room is Mia's favorite.


Arashi is here.

You remember him, don't you?

He came all the way from Jakarta.

Go ahead, Ra.

You can say goodbye to Mia.

-Can you get some more?


Thank you.

You're back.

Everything's good?

I know I am.



Thank you.

Do you need any help?

Nope. I'm good.

I haven't got that.

Le, we need three more books.

Three more.


Let's make it four.


Hold on a second.

You guys know each other, right?

You're supposed to.


Yeah, I know.

You used to come to our house.

Yeah, I used to.

Shit, I can't believe he really comes.


My deepest condolences.

Dad is inside.


Sir, the book.

Thank you.

My condolences.

Please come in.

"Dear Lord,

You bless the Earth and the soil

and paints it for our feet to stand on.

You make it bright.

Jesus Christ lied in

His tomb for three days."

"Dear Lord, the beauty

and the fragrance of flowers

represent Your glory and Your greatness.

Please bless

the flowers on the tomb of your servant

whom You have called.

May these flowers and their fragrance

fill the Earth and your servant

with your glory.

With the intercession

of Christ, our Lord."




Can I go with you?

Okay. Get in.

Do you want to sit here?

No, thanks. I'll take the backseat.

Is it really okay that you go with me?

I don't want to be there.

The atmosphere is so sad.


I have prepared for this day to come.


But, still.

The thing that I'm afraid of happened.

Finally I got to see him.

That jerk.

Before my mom met my dad,

they dated for a long time.

But somehow she married my dad.

And before she got sick, they often met.

Until her last days,

she still said

that she wanted to see Johan.

Does your dad know?

He does.

Everybody knows, Le.

Mom didn't seem to care.

A lot of people said

that they were actually meant to be.

It was Johan that she loved.

Not my dad.

"May Christ who had won against death

heal our sister

in a glorious resurrection.

My beloved sister, Windastari.

This is a cross, the symbol

of God's glory against sins and death.

With this cross, we are saved.

Please enter the eternal life

with the symbol of Christ's glory.

In the name of the Father,

the Son and the Holy Spirit."



Where is Dimas?

He's still there.

He's not going home with us?


Seeing Dimas cried like that

made me really want it too.

To cry, I mean.

But I can't.

Why can't you?

I don't know.

It's been quite some time, actually.

Well, since I was a kid.

Well, I

I feel more sad to see Mr. Rendra.

You are sad

because you know Mrs. Mia had another man

whom she loved even more

than Mr. Rendra, right?

It's okay to be sad.

It's normal.

It's natural now that you know

what has happened, but

Mr. Rendra still loves her,

he accepts her as she is.

And the thing that makes me think,

"Wow, he is such a great guy," is that

he can keep his commitment with Mrs. Mia.

It's true.

But Mr. Rendra and Mrs. Mia

They make me realize something.

That even the most perfect couple

out there

has a secret.

They are not perfect.

But you are right.

Mr. Rendra doesn't deserve our pity.

Do you mind waiting here?

-I have to tidy up.




Come here, Ra.


That's the painting I'm working on, Ra.

But it has been halted for two years.


Since I found out that Mia was sick.

You have to be strong for your dad.

-For Dad.

-For your dad.

This is crazy.

I miss her.

I have to go.

If you need someone to talk to,

I'm just a phone call away.


I'd better thank Ara for coming.

Ra, thank you for making

your time to come here.

You're welcome.

My mom sent her regards.

-If you still remember her.

-Of course I do.

Tell her I said hi.


Do you remember

when we were kids,

I hated you.

It was because


Dad taught you how to paint,

told you all the things about arts

somehow I thought he liked you more.

He didn't.

I'm sorry if you felt that way.

No need to worry. It was a long time ago.

I guess I have to go now.

All right.

I'll visit you some other time.

-Tell your mom I said hi.

-All right.

-Okay. I have to go, too.

-All right.

-Bye, Dim.

-See you.

-Remember your promise.


Do you think Dimas will be all right?

I think he'll be all right.

You need to go somewhere, right?


-Where are you staying?

Wait a minute.

It's in here. Do you know where it is?

Pardon me.

I know it.

Yeah, I know.

Do you want to go there right now?

-Let's go.




Are you busy today?


Can you go with me to the wedding tonight?

If you're busy, that's okay.

You don't have to go.

What time?

Around dinner time.

An old friend of mine is getting married.

And she knows

that I'm in Yogyakarta right now.

So, I have to come.

But if you can't make it, it's okay.

Hold on. Let me think.

What's my agenda for today?



-You're available?

-Yes, I am.

Why is it a deal?

It's not a deal yet.

I only said yes to your invitation, Ra.

It doesn't mean a deal.

Not yet.

I don't follow you.

Under one condition.

What's the condition?


You said you lived

in Bali and Sumba for two years.

What did you do there?

I traveled to Bali and Sumba

not for have fun.

I went there to get to know the locals.

I got to know them,

I mingled with them, I got a job.

So, I really blended in.

For two years

you didn't take your friend, family

or boyfriend with you?

All alone, really alone.

No friend, no best friend.

I did have one or two acquaintances,

but that's it.

-I was totally alone, Ra.


No one else. It was fun.

You know, this is such a coincidence.

Before I went to the airport,

I thought about my dress

that has been in the laundry

for five months.

Now I can wear it to the wedding of

Sorry, what was her name again?



This is such a coincidence.

This is crazy.

-So you believe in coincidence?

-Yes, totally.

Like, you don't?

I think everything has been set.

No. I think it's a coincidence

that people meet,

that people fall in love,

that people get married.

-Marriage is a coincidence?

-I think so.

It's a coincidence that they meet.

It just happens that the girl

was born in this year,

and the guy was born

in this year. And they meet.


-They fall in love, get married.

It's coincidence.

No, we are born to this world

-It's coincidence.

-with our fate.


-There's a line of fate--

No. It's a coincidence.

Okay, let me give you another example.

Now we're talking like this,

we share stories, we laugh.

It's a coincidence.

I happened to say yes

to Mr. Rendra's request

to pick you up

at the airport this morning.


-No, Ra. It's a coincidence.

-Don't you want to check the map again?

-I got it here.

That was it. Coincidence.

-Coincidence, huh?




Why did you call?


Where are you, Ra?

I'm in Yogyakarta.

Why didn't you pick up the phone?

I was driving.

What is it?

It's nothing.

I just want to know how you are doing.

All right then. Let's talk later.

I have to drive now.



Have you decided where to go?



What is it that you were looking for

and what did you find

on your journey at that time?

I'll tell you a story. Is it okay?



So, I only live with my mom.

I have a father,

but I don't know where he is.


My father left me and my mom

when I was 11

almost 12 years old.

He just left.

Usually someone leaves their partner

because they don't love each other,

they no longer care

or they have an affair and decide

to live with the new partner.

I remember the day he left.

He picked me up from school,

and we went to a playground.

Not big. Just a small one.

It was big enough for us.

We played there. We chased each other,

we played hide and seek.

Things that we almost

Well, not almost, but we never did, Ra,

because my father was so busy.

So, I rarely met him.

So, I was so happy that day.

And then we went home in the evening.

We got home, but when we reached the gate,

he didn't want to come inside.

He stared at me for a long time,

and then he said,

"Le. I'm sorry."

"I can't go home.

I don't want to go home."

"So, starting today,

you have to be a strong woman

because there will be no father

to protect you, Le."

He said that.

That was it.

That was it.

Although I was just a kid, Ra,

I knew it was a farewell.

So I thought, "What should I do

so he won't go? Should I cry?"

I thought, "Please, Le. Cry, Le."

But, I couldn't.

I really couldn't.

The tears didn't come out.

The only thing that I could say

at that time was

"I can't live without you."

"So please don't go."

But he didn't listen to me. He just left.

He hasn't come home since.

So I asked my mom,

because I really need to know,

"Mom, why did Dad leave us?"

She just said,

"A family life just doesn't suit him."

I mean

I mean if you don't like

the concept of a family life,

then don't get married.

Don't you think so?

Don't have children.

What he did was very selfish.

You asked what I was looking for.

That's what you asked, right?

I wasn't looking for anything.

I went to Bali, to Sumba, for two years

looking for nothing.

I was just curious.

He left us to live alone.

I was curious how it felt to live alone,

with no friend to share your stories,

no best friend, no family.

"How does it feel?" I wondered.

So, I considered the journey as

It was my journey to calm this down,

to calm myself down.

But I still can't cry.

I don't know why.

Maybe God put a curse on me.

Maybe. I don't know.


-Oh my god.


-How are you?


-You've grown so big.

-You look so pretty today.

Thank you.

-Who is this?


This is Lea.

-Hi, Lea.

-Hi, I'm Ruth.

You're so pretty.

Where is Edo?

He is at the cafe. Come with me.

Isn't this place nice?

-It seems nice.

-It's really nice.

-Babe. Ara is here.


-Hey. Edo.

-Ara, finally.

-Are you good?

-Praise the Lord.

-Are you good?


-Let me introduce her.

-Hi. Lea.

-Edo. Please sit, Lea.


So, is the funeral over?

Yes. From the cemetery,

we went back to Mr. Rendra's house,

and then we came here.

Geez. It's been so long.

Totally. How long was it, two years?

-I think more than three years.

-Yeah, around three years.

You were so cute back then. Adorable.

Now, you're so handsome.


You ordered this again?

-Yes. To improve my stamina.

-Oh no.

The last time we met,

you were not dating, right?

No, not yet.

I was in a total mess back then.

I just got divorced.

Here we go again.

If I hadn't met her again,

I would have died.


-I mean it, Lea.

Almost every night,

I had to drink until so wasted.

His life was a mess.

When I was at the lowest point of my life,

she contacted me, and we met again.

It felt like

I was given a second chance.

A second chance, huh?

Excuse me.

-Here's the ice tea.

-Please, have a drink.

We need to forget our dark past,

our rough past.

We have to start again, from zero.

When you think about it

love is a safe place.

Yes, that's right. A safe place.

No matter how hard your past is,

if you have a safe place,

you can rest there.

My last resting place.

So sweet.

Excuse me.

Ruth and Edo? It's time to do the make up.


Let's do the make up.

Let's go, Lea. Come on.

They'll do your make up, too.

-I'm good.

-Just come.

-Come on.

-I'm not used to it.

-I'm fine.

-It's okay.

You'll look prettier.

-It's okay. Let them do it.

-Let's go.

-Come on.

-Is it really okay?

-Yes, I mean it. Let's go.


-Excuse me, Edo.


-See you, Babe.

-Okay, Babe.

-Take care.

-Okay. Let's go.

Do you want to join me?

Let's have some beer.



But I need to make a phone call.

-I'll meet you there.


-At the beach over there, right?

-That's right.

-Okay. Excuse me for a moment.


-Meet me there.



Ra. I called you earlier.

I'm at the airport.

I just landed in Jakarta.

You said you were in Yogyakarta.

So, I didn't ask about anything else.

Why do you want to see me again, Yu?


I just miss you.

What about Rio?

You're still going out with him, right?

No. Our relationship

doesn't seem to have a clear path.

It's been like that for quite some time.

I see.

You said that the last time, Yu.

You said you were not

with Rio anymore, but you were.

You never told me

when you guys started dating.

I knew it from someone else.

Am I right?

Ra, that was a long time ago.

That's why I wanted to see you.

I know, it was a long time ago.

I'll explain it to you when we meet.

How long are you going to be in Jakarta?

Okta! Give her a natural make up.



-Girls, we've got company.


-That's Ara's friend.

-So pretty.

-Do you remember Ara?

-So sweet.

The boy who used to live with you?

Yes. He was a kid.

Now, he's turned into a handsome man.

That's his friend.

-He is so handsome.

-I saw him on Instagram.

His photos. Oh my god.

-Not too heavy. Just light make up.


You only need to braid it.

He's so handsome.

I can't believe Ara is handsome now.

I know.

Stop running around, kids.

Lea, how long have you known Ara?

-Just this morning.

-Just this morning?

-You really just met this morning?

-How come?

I picked him up at the airport.

We attended the same occasion.

He just met you,

but he already proposed to you.


I believe someone is having

a love at first sight.

Do you want to be Ara's girlfriend?

Are you going to date him?

He's handsome. You'll look good

together. You're beautiful.

Isn't it great?

-You're so nosy.

-Well, I

You're so nosy.

-How old are you?

-I'm 24.

-She's 24. Oh my god.

-She's still so young.

You can marry Ara next year,

when you're 25.


-You'll look so good together.

-Ara is about that age, too.

Your kids will be so beautiful.

Am I right, Ruth?

She is still so young.

Why are you guys so meddlesome?

Lea, at what age

do you want to get married?

I don't know.

I haven't thought about marriage.

You haven't thought about marriage?

Why not?

She is still so young.

-Still young?

-That's too bad.

But I agree with Lea.

Only one percent of marriage

that feels good.

-What about the rest of it?

-The other 99 percent?

It feels so good, Lea. You should try it.

-We have kids here.


Sorry, Honey.


Not bad, right?



I know now where I want to go after this.

Where are you going?

I'm going to Jakarta tomorrow.



I need to take care of something.


What time is the flight?




One moment.

Okay. I'll drive you there tomorrow.



"I confirm that this marriage

that has been officiated

is a legal Catholic marriage before God."

"What God has united together,

let man not separate."

In the name of the Father, the Son

and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The ring, please.

Now, I pronounce you, husband and wife.

One, two, three.

Here you go.

You got it?

-Where did you get it?

-From the bar.

I asked for two glasses of wine,

he gave me a whole bottle.

Okay. Open it.

Open it.

I go first?


Edo and Ruth seem happy, don't you think?

But as happy as I am

when I see other people's happiness

because they get married,

I haven't thought

about getting married.

It seems too far for me.


Yesterday you asked me questions.

Now it's my turn

to ask you something. May I?

Just drink it.

Do you mean it?

Okay. I drink, I ask.





The question is

what makes you want to leave?

Want to be alone?

Want to have time for yourself?

What's the reason, Ra?

I am

the most obedient person.

I obey my parents.

I'm afraid that others

will be disappointed,

heartbroken because of something

that I've done.

For example

I studied in a major

that I was not interested in.

I chose economic major

so that my parents would be happy.

But I'm not happy.

Not at all.

I really wanted to study art.



I wanted to learn how to paint.

Just like Mr. Rendra taught me.

I want to have a masterpiece.


I can't.

Especially some time ago,

I worked and worked and worked,

I saved and saved,

until finally

I planned to get married.


So, my girl and I had been dating

for three years.

One day, she got accepted to work abroad.

We had a long distance relationship.

Until I found out that she dated

another guy there.

She had an affair?

I was so stupid that I

still trusted her.

She lied to me, but I still trusted her,

I still forgave her.

Actually until this second

I still dream

that she and I will be together.

She'll return into my arms.

Am I stupid, or what?

Why don't you just go, Ra?

You said you wanted to go,

you wanted to be alone, be free.

Then, go.

Don't think about anything else.

Don't have any weird thoughts.

I really want to do that.

I can't.

I can't.

Do what you want to do.

If you want to leave, then just go.

Well, maybe later.

Maybe I can.


But now I can't do it.


One more question. May I?

Have a drink first.


Let me think.


Ra, do you

still believe

in love?

It's funny when you talk about love.

Love, that Ruth said was a safe place.

Do you still believe

in "safe place"?

I do.

I do.


Yeah, I really do.

How come, Ra?

Can you teach me?

I go first?

Okay, you go.

Hurry up.

Can they see us here?

Do you want to shout?

Just a little. "Argh!" Like that.

Okay. Let's do it together. One

Just let everything go.

-No. Louder, Ra.


Let's go, Ra.

Where to?

I know a place.

Just come with me. Give me the key.

The key. Why are you confused?

The car key.

-Where are we going?

-It's a secret.

Come on. Let's go.



-Hey, Lea.

What's up?

Who are you with?

This is Baskara.

-Hi. Hello. Arya.

-Hello. Baskara.

Okay. Let's go to the bar.

-All right.



What would you like to drink?

Whiskey? Vodka?

-What about you?

-Make it two.

One moment.


-No, Le.


Can I?

Let's do a hand game.



So, if you lose, Ara,

you have to do whatever you want.

You have to travel,

you have to do whatever you like,

just go to Sumba or Bali,

or wherever you want to go. Okay?


Let's start the hand game.

-The local style, the Japanese style?

-The Dutch style.

-Thank you for coming.

-Doggy style?

I bet you see the writing at the front.

Don't think anything weird.

We can interpret it as one night show

or one night music

because tomorrow morning

we have to go to Surabaya for a tour.

All right, everyone.

Scissors, rock, paper.

Okay. Scissors, rock, paper.

What is this?

The score is still nil nil.

Rock, paper, scissors.

There are than there will be none

The beginning will end

A rise will set

The tide will ebb

A meeting will part

Hey, I'll see you another day

For us to meet again

I'll let you go


I'm not ready to miss you

I'm not ready without you

Who's going to drive? You or me?


Definitely you. Why me?


-Oh yeah.

Okay, you drive.


Watch it.

It's down there.

That's the painting I'm working on, Ra.

But it has been halted for two years.


Since I found out that Mia was sick.

I miss Mia, Ra.

And on her last days

she always asked me read

the same poem for her.

The Way Home.

Sometimes I really want

to go home to your house

At least I imagine myself

approaching the window in the twilight

Looking at the face of someone

who is painting the sun

On his palm

Bus stop

I am stranded at a bus stop

Waiting for the bus that has long gone

Buying some time

So it will slowly reach the heart

Or hear the silent scream

Take a look

Everyone builds a bus stop

in the place where they stop

Keep on waiting and expecting

Imagining there will be a bus

That will come and take him home

Or maybe take him go far away

Such is a traveler

We are afraid to grow old

But we can never go back to being babies

Being children

Unless we recreate birth

When the bus stop is willing to lead us

to the resting place

To all the passengers on Garuda Indonesia

flight to Jakarta