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02x11 - Buried

Posted: 05/26/23 06:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on Warehouse 13...

Mrs. Frederic has a connection
to the Warehouse

that even I don't
fully understand.

This is Benedict Valda.

He's one of the Regents.

Paris, 1892.

That's where I'd arranged
for my daughter, Christina,

to spend the summer
with cousins.

The men who came to rob
my cousins' home

were expecting
an empty house.

I imagine losing a child

is the worst pain
a person can go through.

[Imitating trumpet
playing fanfare]

Your breakfast is served,

A banana?

That's what you made me
for breakfast?

Well, it's actually
half a banana,

'cause I could only find one
in the kitchen,

so we are going to
split it.

You know, if we were
back at my place,

I would have made you
chilaquiles for breakfast...

In bed.

Oh, mi Amor.

[Kissing sounds]

You know how I love
your chilaquiles.

And your bed.

Maybe...Maybe it could be
our bed.

Well, you know, Artie's really
strict about certain things.

You know, he likes to
have all his Agents

living under one roof,
you know, just in case--

there's an irs emergency?

Exactly. You get it.


I gotta get back to work



Oh, no, you di'n't!

Hey, get back here!

Don't. Hah. Hey.

[Wolf whistle]


So what do you think?

About you moving in
with Kelly?

Well, yeah.
I mean, is it even kosher,

you know, Warehouse-wise?

I forgot who I was asking.

What is that supposed
to mean?

She's a tech nerd,

she's 150,

and you're...Myka.

Not exactly relationship
success stories.

Hey, I just got out
of a serious relationship.

You didn't "get out."

He had to change his identity
and move to a different state.

By order of
the Justice Department!

Point taken.

I know a thing or two
about the opposite sex.

Many of my lovers were men.

We're gonna follow up on that
at a later date,

but, for now, can we bring
the focus back round to moi?

Okay, Pete, you just have to
ask yourself one question.

I know. "Do I enjoy being
yelled at in espanol?"

Do you love her?


I-I think so.

I don't know.

Okay, you're out to restaurant
and you order dessert.

The waitress cuts it in half,

one side is a little bit bigger
than the other.

Which half do you give her?

The bigger half, of course,
'cause otherwise--

dude, you're screwed.
You love her.

What? No! Shut--

you're in love.

Oh. Hi, Mrs. F.

Well, apparently,
based on a dessert, I guess.

I don't know.

Me and the ladies
were just, uh...

Uh, me and the ladies
were just

you know, talking about
a personal thing that I have.

Not that you would ever, pfft,
you know.

So, if it's cool,
I'd just like to keep,

you know, my personal stuff...

Nothing personal,
I mean, you know, to you.

But, uh...

Can I go now?

One, Agent Lattimer.

One what?

Uh, "singular sensation"?

"Is the loneliest number"?

You are allowed to reveal
the true nature of our work

to one person.

So the question is
not whether you should live

with Dr. Hernandez,
but, rather, is she your one?

Man, it is good to be
out of that desert

and back
amongst the living, huh?

You know what?
I might start a harem.

How many girls
are there in a harem?


Hold up,
I finally got a signal.

Dude, no phone calls.

Chill out, I'm just texting
a pic back to my sister.

Yeah, well, no one's supposed
to know that we're here.

She's eight.
Who's she gonna tell?

John, you know the deal.

Don't screw this up for us
just before we--


You okay, bro?


Yeah, just...

Suddenly got real thirsty.

You look kinda weird, man.

[Coughing and gasping]

Dude, what's wrong?





Somebody help us!

Oh, my God. Rod?
We have to do something!



[Loud vibration]

Mrs. F., oh, my God.
Are you okay?

[Women screaming]


Aah! Aah!


Hey ,guys!
I need help in here!

Mooht pooh khesfet.

Mooht pooh khesfet.
Mrs. Frederic?

What happened?

One minute we were
just talking and then--

mooht pooh khesfet.
Mooht pooh khesfet.

Mooht pooh khesfet.

Mooht pooh khesfet.

♪ Warehouse 13 2x11 ♪
Original Air Date on September 14, 2010

I do not speak gibberish,
Agent Lattimer.

Okay, well,
not so much gibberish as...

Creepy spooky blah blah.

No, she's right.
It wasn't gibberish.

It was one phrase
that you repeated over and over.

Mooht pooh khesfet.

It sounds
middle eastern in origin,

maybe Aramaic
or an old form of Hebrew.

It's demotic,
the tongue of ancient Egypt.

Dead languages are a hobby.

So what does it mean?

Well, I'm not sure.

It's been a while.

According to the translation
program I get...

"The penalty is death."

What? What'd you set it on,
"extra scary"?

To the best of my knowledge,
I do not speak demotic,

so what artifacts
do we have from Egypt?

Already on it.
Maybe it was dementia...

That caused me to say that.

We'll just keep going
through the manifest

till we find the artifact--

Holy synchronicity,

We just got a ping
from Egypt.

What is it?

Nothing good.

Thanks so much
for talking to us

about your son, Mrs. Tilson.

We're very sorry to have
to ask you these questions.

We know how difficult
this must be.

So the body they found,

they're sure then
that it was my John?

I'm afraid so, ma'am.

See, this doesn't
make any sense.

John couldn't
have been in Egypt.

John and his friends,

they were working at
an archaeological dig in Peru.


He e-mailed me
from there last week.

That's why this is insane.

So he didn't say anything
about going to Egypt?


Oh, God.

I should call
Terry and Rod's parents.

Maybe they...


What happened to our children?

Ma'am, we promise you,
we'll find out.


You're John's little sister,
aren't you?

That's a very lovely photo,
isn't it?

They look very happy.

May I?

Oh, he's very handsome,
isn't he?

And who is that lovely little
girl standing next to him?

but everyone calls me Gabby.

Hello, Gabby.

Pleased to meet you.

My name's Helena.

I've got a little girl,
you know, about your age.

Does she talk like you do?
She does.

May I have a look
at your computer, please?

[Computer beeps]

That's your brother there,
isn't it?


John's little sister
had the picture,

but she didn't know
where he was.

Why he suddenly left
an archeological dig in Peru

to go to Egypt
is still a mystery.

He sent her this photo.

It can't be, can it?

Don't make me ask.

That would explain
a great deal.

Claudia, that image,
print it out right now.

Return with your team

Okay, but what do I tell--

we have to confirm this.

I'm this close to asking.

The ancient archives.

Yeah, bring the print.

I hate myself
for doing this.

What are
the ancient archives?

[Loud vibration]


Artie, what does it mean?

The hieroglyphics
in this photo

match the markings
right here,

and it translate as
"an oasis between sand and Sea."

What does that mean?

It means that someone
has found the lost Warehouse.

Someone's found Warehouse 2?

How do you lose a Warehouse?

It was always believed to be
somewhere near Alexandria.

Back when the Romans were
conquering Egypt in 30 B.C.--

They had--

they had very little time
to shut down Warehouse 2

and transfer the artifacts,

so the Agents of the time
buried it.

Over time,
it was lost to the ages.

I don't buy that
our three young Indiana Joneses

just stumbled into it
for a school project.

Neither do I.
It is rather unlikely.

I think they must have broken
the seal on the door,

and that activated...
A defense mechanism...

And that's what caused them
later them to desiccate.

Which is
when Warehouse 2 woke up.

Woke up?

You guys talk about it
like it's alive.

Surely you know by now,
Agent Lattimer,

the Warehouse is more organic
than your average structure.

Warehouse 2 is back online.

So it would appear.

I still don't understand
why it's affecting you.

When Warehouse 2 woke up,

it began to look
for its caretaker,

but its caretaker had been dead
for 2,000 years,

so it found the caretaker
to the current Warehouse.

And that's you?
You're the caretaker?


Each Warehouse has a unique
bond with the caretaker,

and now that bond is being
shared between two Warehouses.

That was never
supposed to happen.

Two networks, one server.

My mind cannot take
the level of data being,

as Ms. Donovan would put it,

it will overload.

And by overload, you mean...

There is another difficulty.

As Warehouse 2 continues
to eclipse my bond,

Warehouse 13 will begin to...

To die.

So we need to find
Warehouse 2 and shut it down.

I'll call the Regents.

They will send
an expert to meet you in Egypt,

who will help you
with Warehouse 2.

All right,
don't worry, Mrs. F.

We got this.

Agent Lattimer,

this is unlike anything
you've ever faced.

So...Like always then.

They said he'd be
wearing a Panama hat.

That guy's got "Regent"
written all over him.

That or "mug me,"
one of the two.

That would be a mistake.

The man who tried
to pick my pocket

would soon wish he hadn't.

Mr. Valda, you're
the expert on Warehouse 2?

I am.

And if Agent Lattimer here can
refrain from trying to k*ll me,

we may even survive this.

How did anyone ever find
this desolate place?

Somehow those kids did.

Looks like they planned on
coming back here.

Well, they didn't
plan on dying.

John's sister, Gabby.

Your Christina
was about the same age.

Yes, she was.

Where on earth
did they get this?

Maybe they thought
they were going to get rich.

Instead, they got a deadly
faceful of hematite and natron.

they were mummified alive.

But that's nothing compared
to the challenges

that await us within.

In Warehouse 2 mythology,

one phrase shows up
over and over:

"Mind, body, soul."

So what is that, a code?

When the security system
was activated,

several traps came into play
to ward off intruders.

Only fully trained Agents
of the time knew their secrets

and how to navigate
them safely.

So how does "mind, body, soul"
help us?

That is for us
to discover together.

Once at the center,

we shut it down with this:

One of the only things
to survive

the burial of Warehouse 2.

Then once more
into the breach, dear friends.

I'll be right there.
I gotta make a call.


I checked.

This is what fashionable
British archaeologists

are wearing nowadays.

No, it's what
American filmmakers think

fashionable British

are wearing nowadays.

Oh, really?

Well, it is ever so comfy.

Hi, this Dr. Hernandez.

Please leave me a message.


Hey, Kelly.

Hey, it's, um...

It's me, Pete.

I'm sorry to call
so late there,

but I'm about to go into a...

Meeting, and--and, uh...

You know, it's
going to be a tough meeting.

You know, lots of...

Bad meeting stuff, you know?

So just, uh...

Just-just in case, uh, that--

I wanted to say that...

I've been thinking about
you and I living together,

and, um...And I think that--

Automated voice:
Your time is up. Good-bye.

That's what I'm afraid of.

[Machine ticking]

All right.

Oh, my God,

this looks like some kind
of t*rture device.

It's a neural assessor.

It will monitor my brain waves

and track the degree
to which I'll being affected.

Yeah, her wave discharges
have dropped considerably,

and that indicates
an increase in the effect

of the focal epileptiform
activity, and that means that--

we've got
until this moon thingy

over to this doodad?

when the moon eclipses,

that'll mean her brain
has reached its capa--

just keep
an eye on the readout,

let me know
if there are any changes.

Artie, changes!

Male voice:
Mooht pooh khesfet.

Artie, we're at the entrance.

Valda's deactivating
the booby trap on the hatch.

I've neutralized
the hematite.

The kids never made it
past the entrance.

That's it.

Warehouse 2 sensed
an intruder.

It's having
an effect on Mrs. Frederic.

Valda says we're good to go.
We're heading in.

Okay, go in,
but be careful and hurry.

[Whispering] Mrs. Frederic
doesn't have much time.

This totally blows
the King Tut exhibit away.

What are we looking at?

I'm not sure.

[Door scraping]

That's not good.

[Ceiling thuds]
And you were right.

Help me pry this open!

Nope. It's
not gonna be that easy.

Okay, uh,
"mind, body, soul."

What if it's three clues,
instead of one?

Three different traps,

each one its own security device
that needs to be deactivated.

Right, and this--
this is the first one: Mind.

Yeah, as in,
"I mind if this place

flattens us like pancakes."

Okay, what if we used
one of these posts

to brace the ceiling?

No, no, Myka, Myka, Myka!


Do you ever think
about anything other than--

no. This is like a game
I used to play

at the pancake palace!

This is the only hole
without a post, right?

A game of wits,
a test of the mind.

A kid's puzzle.

Pete, how does it work?

Okay, uh, we have to jump
each post like checkers,

but in a certain pattern
till there's only one post left.

No, if this is wrong--

I won free banana walnut

every Sunday for a year.

They had to discontinue
the contest.

Myka, get the post
I just jumped.

He knows his pancakes.

[Both straining]




We gotta take these out in order
before the ceiling hits them.

Oh! Okay. Okay.

Okay, come on.

I'm just chasing down
this money trail--



Claudia, can you
find out what that means?



She's saying, "one must die."




Ooh, ooh, God!


Okay, last one.

Come on!

God! God!

Pete, hurry!

It's getting faster!



[Ceiling thuds]

Nicely done.

That's right, dig it.

Who solved
the test of the mind?

Pete did!


Only because you order
off the children's menu.

Somebody's buying me
pancakes for a year!

Perhaps we're going to get
through this mission after all.

[Blades whirring]

This couldn't get any worse.

Thanks for that.

Okay, there has to be some way
to shut this off.

Well, maybe, uh...

Maybe these hieroglyphs
are some kind of instructions.

Um, let's see...

Charlie Brown t-shirt,

uh, hairy eyeball,


It's tahtib,
"the art of the way."

Isn't that the ancient
egyptian martial art?

Wah! Like karate?

This is the body puzzle.

So maybe this is "the way."

[Breathing deeply]

Foom! Hoo! Hyah! Hee!

[Shouting, blades whirring]

Aah! Aah!

Yii! Ahh.

Okay, okay! That
is definitely not "the way"!

That is impossible!

[Door unlocks]



Oh, I am so glad
that you're here.

Well, glad
is hardly the word

under the circumstances.
Oh, I know, I know.

It's good to see you, too.

I mean,
it's not good to see you,

but we're
gonna get through this.


Oh, yes.

this is Dr. Calder.

Dr. Cal--
oh, Vanessa.

Oh. Well, I've heard
a lot about you. A lot.

[Whispers] Nice.

Can we focus, please,
on more important things?

Yes, of course.

We'll talk later.

Will hell be freezing over?


There you go.

Maybe we should try and rise
above the situation.

I think I know the way.

I like
her "the way" better.

don't leave home without it.

"One must die."

Shall we?


The water bearer
holds the key.

What does that mean?

Just take this.

Remember what I said.

Wait a minute.
What, aren't you coming?

I'm right behind you.


Go on, hurry!

All right, all right,
all right.

Quickly, Pete!

[Pete grunts]


Hold on!
I can make it back there!

No! If you come back,
we both die!


"One must die."

This is as it must be.
Now go!

We're not just
gonna leave you here!

I won't give you
the choice.


Why didn't he
let us help him?

I don't know.
He read something

on the wall back there.
It looked like it scared him.

Can we even do this
without him?

We have to.

Look, we should tell Artie.
Let me call him.

It's not working!

Well, maybe we're
too far underground.

It would seem
we go this way next.

We have
to keep going, Pete.




Dr. Calder. Good.

You know why I'm here?
I do.


Your neural functions
are dropping.

[Mrs. Frederic gasps]

Are you in pain?


[Metal creaking]

Okay, come here.

Claudia, something is
happening to the team in Egypt.

Use my Farnsworth,
try to get a hold of them.

Her connection with Warehouse
2 is getting stronger.

I can't get a hold of them.

I think maybe their Farnsworths
are out of range.

I've got to check
on something.

I'll be back.

Wennen...Wennen yefedu eem.

What is that?
What's she saying?

"Where once there were four...

Now there are three."

Ioo senooi er tenem.

[Keyboard clicking]
Come on, come on.

"And two will
lose their way."

Little girl: Mummy?

Kelly: Pete?


Artie: Myka.




What's happening?

Welcome back.

A large americano
with an extra shot and room.

My favorite.


Is that really you?

It's you.

It's me, right here.

No. I mean,
it's you.

You're the one.


Here's your next case.
It's a tough one.

Lots of details,

exactly the kind of thing
at which you excel.

I can't wait for you
to tell me all about it.

I've got you.

I've got you, love.

And I'll never let you go.

I'm a secret service Agent,

at a top-secret facility,

hunting down mysterious
artifacts all around the world,

and you are the only one
that I've ever told.

It's okay.

I'll always be
right here for you,

and I can keep your secret
because I love you.

[Floor rumbling]


Now, it seems like just
a series of random accidents

there in
Great Falls, Virginia.

what's that doing there?

There's nothing there.

That exit sign,
it's new.

Very observant.

That's my girl.

Once you and Pete get
to Great Falls...


How do you do?

How do you do?

Such a pretty little girl.


Artie, why are you
being so nice?

I'm always nice.


You don't give compliments,

and certainly
not with a smile.

I'm getting more
in touch with my feelings.

What's that exit sign
doing there?

Well, come over here
and I'll show you.

Come on.

Myka, come right over here.

Come on.

Come here.

Come on.
Come over here.

No, this isn't real.

This isn't...Real.

This isn't real!

[Floor crashing]




Pete! Wake up! Wake up!


H.G.! H.G.! Wake up!




What did you do?

It's the soul test, okay?
It tricked us.

It took us to
our happiest place

and made us feel secure
so we wouldn't notice--

it's the Medusa.

The Medusa!


It's Kelly.

What are you talking about?

She's the one.



We should keep moving.


Helena, are you all right?

[Crying] My baby.

My little baby.

I'm so sorry.

It was so real.

Mrs. Frederic is dying.

If we don't do this,

Warehouse 13
could die with her.

That's real, and we have
a chance to save her.

Let's get this done.

We both know you
must be prepared to do

what you've go to do.

I know.

Doesn't mean
I have to like it.

What do you have to do?

What is that?

Claudia, we all want Pete
and Myka to succeed in Egypt.

And they will.

And if they don't
and if Mrs. Frederic dies

while she's still
the caretaker,

this Warehouse will begin
to close itself down.

If the Warehouse
is to survive,

then a new caretaker
must be in place before I die,

and a new connection
must be made at that moment.

A new connection...

With who?


[Sighs] Okay.



But, um,

why-why me?

All of us have our purpose.

I'm really
not ready for that.

You will be
when the time comes.

It's all part of the design.

Won't I just wind up getting
my brain shredded, too?


When the connection
with Warehouse 2 is broken,

Dr. Calder
can take precautions.

Pete and Myka could
still shut down Warehouse 2.

Yes, but there's
not much time left.


Senooi hem er tenem.

The tests are over.

We made it.

This must be
the ancient Artie's office.

That's incredible.

What is that?

It's the only thing
here that's on.

and not in a happy way.

It's probably safe
to assume

that's what's affecting
Mrs. Frederic.


Ah ha ha.

Totally awesome.

My God.


[Orb humming]

Okay, so how
do we turn this orb off?

Well, this is
the control center.

Let's turn it upside down.

I should probably
go down to the Warehouse

and see if there's a way
to switch it off down there.

Myka, look at that.


it's a bunch of holes.

Maybe what Valda gave me fits
into one of them.

Like a key.

That's what he said, a key.

Come on, Mrs. F.,
hang on.

We have to wait for Artie.
He'll know what--

Claudia, we can't wait.

It's time.


Wennen yefedu eem.

Ioo senooi er tenem.


[Mrs. Frederic
whispering demotic phrases]

It's just another puzzle,

I'm sure
we can figure it out.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

There's--there's something
about this. It looks...

Maybe it's
like the mind test.

We put the key in a series
of holes in a specific sequence.

No, no. It's--

it's something
about the...Pattern.


That's it!

Myka, I know it.

I need your wrist, please.

Now, Claudia.

That's the night sky.

I used to study it
with my dad.

Those are stars
look, there's the Big Dipper!

That's Pisces,
and that's Aquarius.

The water bearer.

And the water bearer
holds the key!


[Mrs. Frederic
whispering demotic phrases]

Come on, Pete,
you're almost there.

Just--just one more inch.



[Machines powering down]

[Both laughing]

Ha! You did it!


The connection's broken.

They must have shut down
Warehouse 2.


Victory lap!

Uhh! See?

I knew they'd come through.

How do you feel?

Well, I won't be running
a marathon any time soon.

No, certainly
not in those heels.

Myka. Myka.

Thank you, dad.

That's two I got,
you know.

I know.

You solved one,
and I solved two.

I know.

It's not a contest.
You're right. You're right.

It's not a contest.

But if it were...

I'd be winning.

You have to see this!

Dr. Calder.

I'm really sorry.

I didn't mean to come off
like a brat back there.

I know you were just trying
to protect the Warehouse.

Oh, honey, it's all right.

you are very young.

You're entering a world
that is vastly more mysterious

than any of us
can understand.

I just want you
to know, though,

that you will be ready.

Remember that.

[Door beeps]

Mm, tell Artie
I said good-bye.

Maybe you
should be lying down.

Maybe you should brief me

on what was happening
while I was ill.

You found my little project.

I did.

Tell me.

Okay, um...

Well, something's been
eating at me

since we got the ping.

You know, those guys
who were mummy-tized,

they're college kids.
They're not rich,

but they went to Egypt,
they staged this huge dig.

That had to cost
a chunk of change.

You think someone hired them
to find and enter Warehouse 2.

Someone with long arms
and deep pockets.

You know, I find the source,
we find the bad guy.

I'm impressed, Ms. Donovan.

And your research came up
with something.

I got a ping?
Yes, you got a ping.

[Beeping and whirring]

That can't be right.

The money that was used to hire
those students, it's from...

It's from Warehouse 13.

Where's Arthur?

I don't know.

He said he'd be right back,
but that was hours ago.

H.G., guess who
just saved the day, again!

it was pretty amazing,

with the night sky.

Yeah, yeah, there were
all these holes,

and they were actually stars!
Stars, and--


I do hope you can
forgive me.

For what?
