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03x01 - The New Guy

Posted: 05/27/23 06:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on Warehouse 13...

Mr. Lattimer,
my name's Frederic.

What's that?

An invitation
to endless wonder.

- No!
- Aah...

H.G. Wells was
a formidable opponent.

She fooled us all.

You can't blame yourself.

It could have happened
to any one of us.

But I put the entire world
in jeopardy.

I can't take that chance again.

Let's go, b*mb squad.
Another group!

What the hell were you
doing in there?

For the hundredth time--
I told you, I work here!

I just brought some chick in
after hours...

and she's into Hendrix,
so I grabbed his guitar...

Yeah, yeah, we know
about the b*mb, okay?

b*mb? What b*mb?

I was just trying
to get lucky.


He's telling the truth.
Oh, come on, Steve.

- Chuck, he's not lying.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You can always tell
when somebody's lying, right?

Lucky you
and your special gift.

Believe me,
it's not a gift

to be able to tell
when someone's lying.

- You ever been on a date?
- This guy is our only lead.

The guy's clean.
There's no b*mb.

Well, there's something bad
going down in there, okay?

It may not be any kind of b*mb
we've seen before.

Steve. Steve!
You listening?

Yes. Fine. Whatever.

Hey, Steve!


Well, apparently
some Casanova decides

to play Hendrix's guitar

the same night that
we want to swap it out.

I thought we already had
Hendrix's guitar.

That's the one he torched
at Finsbury Park.

In '67.

Okay, listen,
we've gotta shut this down.

Here, slip this
on the nozzle.

There's too much
errant electricity around here

to risk using water.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Now, Claudia,
are you sure about this?


What's that?

Tesla grenade.

Slow turn and hands,

Listen, we work for
the museum. We're just here--


We're under Presidential
orders to shut this place--


Okay, that's my guitar,
and only, and only I can--

- Lie.
- Even as we speak,

this place is being surrounded

by a legion of--
Oh, my God, quit lying!

All right, fine!

We are special agents
who find

and neutralize dangerous

and if she does not use
Jimi Hendrix's tremolo bar

to bend the pitch
on those strings right now,

this place will go crazy enough
to shut down

the power grid
on the eastern seaboard.

Thank you.

Okay, then, go ahead.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

No, no...
What are you doing?

No, no, no, see,
now you're just playing with it.

Well, yeah.
It's Hendrix's guitar.

- Which means that you should--
- Give it to you.

Come on,
trade me the replica.

- Hey, are you okay?
- Thank you for saving me.

Okay. Okay, come on.
Come on.

Who the hell
are you people?

How could you tell
I was lying?

No, no, no, I'm asking
the questions here.

How'd you guys
even get in here?

You know what, could you
open my bag for me

just for a sec?
Thank you so much.

See, I've gotta
turn this down

because I'm way too close.
What is that?

Nothing for you
to worry about.

Oh, you're lying.

There, now I don't have to
lie to you anymore. You happy?

- Sorry about the cold.
- Thank you so, so much.

You saved my life.

Oh, my God.
Is he okay?

He's fine.

God, I love firemen.

How can I ever thank you?

Here. Cover up.
You're freezing.

Go wait by the exit.

We'll sneak you out
with us, okay?

- Hey, Pete?
- Yeah?

Uh, that girl's
really grateful to you.

- Uh-huh.
- And cold.

Really, really cold?

We could see
how cold she was?

I gave her my jacket.

Pete, uh, what Claudia's
trying to say is that

you were uncharacteristically...

in the face of all that...

Just doing the job.

Let's go. Come on.

Okay, see, now even I miss
the boob jokes.

We've gotta get Myka back.

Steve, the director
wants to see you.

He's not buying your story

about the girl
with the purple gloves,

your story about
the guy with the eyebrows,

or all that stuff
about dangerous artifacts.

Turn on the light.
We need to talk.

What the hell?

Who are you?
How'd you even get in here?

My name is Mrs. Frederic.
I'm with the government.

I'm here to make you
an offer, Steven.


I have a position
to fill,

and you seem to
fit the bill nicely.

Are you kidding me?

You're looking
into my eyes,

so you already know
that I'm not.

I want to introduce you
to a new world.

Yeah, what kind of world?

A world of endless wonder.

♪ Warehouse 13 3x01 ♪
The New Guy
Original Air Date on July 11, 2011

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

I'm sorry, sir, I have
no listing in South Dakota

for K39-triple-Z
on the North American grid.

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Holy smokes!

Sir, are you there?

Yeah...I think I am.

But I don't want
a new partner.

Put your glasses on.
There's a reason why

we're unpacking Warehouse 2
in the ovoid quarantine!

Nobody asked me if I wanted
a new partner.

Yeah, well,
this isn't the army.

We don't poll our troops
to get their opinion

before we make a decision.

Pete, really, glasses.

Fine, fine, fine!

Look, Artie,
you and Claudia were

taking up the slack
just fine.

Oh, thank you
so very much.

The fact is I'm too old,
she's too young,

and we are both needed here.

You need a new field partner.

Someone who's an equal, and
someone who's got experience!

All right, well, then,
get Myka back.

I have tried.
Mrs. Frederic has tried.

Here, here, send her one
of Plato's tablets.

She loved these!

We all miss her,
but we have got work to do.

Get your head with the program,

'cause the new guy's
gonna be here any minute.

You know what...

It feels a little like
my old dog

just got sent to the farm,

and you guys
are already shoving

a new puppy down my throat.

Hey, new guy.

You are the new guy,

You had the tremolo bar

and the purple gloves--
I saw you.

Yes, it's all true,

Agent Claudia Donovan.

New guy gets to fix
the fish.

Whoa, nice wheels.
Prius, right?

I've been looking
at this baby myself.

Sprang for the solar roof
Nav Package I see. Shmancy.

Listen, what, exactly,
is Warehouse 13?

What do you guys do
out here?

JBL four-CD changer,
of course.

XM radio, cruise control,

Intelligent parking assist.
iPod interface?

Well, well, well, somebody
treated himself very nicely.

End of the day, what'd your
mommy have to lay out

for a car like this?
Agent Donovan.

I'm not here
to sell you my car. Okay?

I know why you're here.

Follow me. Artie made cookies.

That'll buff out.

Artie likes to think of this
place as "America's Attic,"

but that's really the nickname
for the Smithsonian,

so we need a new subtitle.

Pete pitched
"The World's Junk Drawer,"

but I quite like
the "Library of Crazy,"

or better yet,
"Artifact Roadshow."

Don't touch the bombs.

I mean, I don't need a guy
who can tell

when somebody's lying.

So what?
That's nothing special.

I mean, every nun I ever met
could do that.

Sister Mary Francis could tell
when you were about to lie.

I don't care.

You're working with Agent Jinks
starting today.

Oh, and you're gonna
send me out

on potentially
life-threatening missions

with someone named Jinks?

That's just great, Artie.

Steve, Artie.
Artie, Steve.

- Oh, hello.
- You...

You're the guy
with the eyebrows.

You neutralize
the dangerous artifacts.

Yes, when they misbehave.

Agent Steve Jinks,

meet your new partner--
this is Agent Pete Lattimer.

Jinks, hey, man,
how are you?

I'm really looking forward
to working with you.

You're lying.

Oh, yeah,
this is gonna be fun.

Bob, I'm telling you
they're all in Denver.

At the Regalton.

I don't know, but when
this many big bank CEOs

are all in one place,
it's gotta be news.

Miss Hopper?

Yes. Thank you.

Yes, of course
I'll corroborate.

I've already got a guy
on the inside.


Who knows I like figs?

Nothing. Look, I'll file
the story late tomorrow.

The major bigwigs arrive
in the morning--


Ow, something just bit me.

Oh...Bob...Bob, help.



quit clowning around.

Is this a joke?

What's going on?
Are you all right?

Oh, Antony, nay...
I will take thee too.

Somebody call 911, now!

Steve, welcome aboard.

- You sh*t me with that thing.
- You don't want a cookie?

No. Yeah,
but you did sh**t me.

Yes, it's called a Tesla.

It was invented
by Nicola Tesla--

About 1,000 years ago,
when Artie was a kid.

Here's an idea--
why doesn't Jinksy just

start here in the warehouse?

You know, learn the ropes,
get his feet wet...

Yes. Miss Donovan
could come with me.

That's exactly what
I've been saying.

- Should I--
- No, we're good.

A decision has been made.

Our job as Warehouse agents
is to

find whatever's about
to ruin the world's day.

Like finding
Jimi Hendrix's guitar.

Precisely. Smart lad.

Then snag it, bag it,
and tag it.

I like to think of this as--
America's attic.


Amer--all right.

Welcome to Warehouse 13.

Okay, that's all
we have time for.

Now we've got work to do.

You guys get storms
in here?

Um, sometimes.

- I need my--gotta get--
- Wait, it's operational.

- No, it's not.
- Yes, it is.

No, it's not--
whoa, how did you do that?

My way. Finished installing it
last night.

That's coming directly
from the Ancient Archives.

We've gotta--
don't just stand there.

That's a pyramid.

There's a pyramid
in the warehouse.

That's right, Jinksy.

We get on there,
we could win $25,000.

- Joke, right? You're funny.
- You're not laughing.

Well, I'm not a laugher.

Great. Perfect. Fun.

Get in here!

What? What?
What's up?

- You fixed the pneumatic tubes.
- Yep.

- Did you--how did you...
- Nope.

Imagine how such ingenuity

could be put to use
in the field.

Are you ever gonna
stop doing that?


Artie, you better get
back down to the Ovoid.

We have a situation.

I'll get right on it.

All right, Pete, you and I
are gonna check out the storm

in the Ancient Archives.

you're gonna take Steve.

You're gonna find out
what is wrong

in the Ovoid Quarantine.

Ooh, what's
an Ovoid Quarantine?

It's where we keep--


- How long ago?
- Where is it?

A few hours. Denver.

You still think we don't need
an extra set of hands?

Is something wrong?

- We got a ping.
- We got a ping.

You saw the report.

It says the lady d*ed
of snakebite poisoning.

A Russell's Viper, no less.

But nobody found
any snakes anywhere.

Hmm, yeah, well,
check around.

It sounds like it could be
George Went Hensley's Bible.

- George Went where now?
- George Went Hensley.

Yeah, he was a 20th-century

Bible-thumper from Tennessee.

Got bitten 400 times
in his life.

The last one finally k*lled him
in 1955.

Wow. George: 400.

Guess he could have used
the shutout, eh, Jinksy?

Artie, this kid's got
no sense of humor.

He doesn't laugh
at the jokes.

- Your jokes, Pete?
- Yes.

Give that
a little more thought.

completely freaked you out.

So Buddhist, huh?

Does that mean
you shave your head

and dance around in robes?
Only at Christmas.

that's almost a joke.

There's ashes
in the trash can.

It's paper,
from what I can tell.

Old. Maybe parchment.

Charring residue indicates
it was b*rned

within the last 12 hours.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Could be a combo platter

which both kills someone
and burns up the evidence.

What we call
an artifact twofer.

There you go. That was funny.

That wasn't a joke.

Okay, I give up.
You're joking, you're not jok--

All right, easy.
Easy there, birdie num-num.

Look, you're gonna run
into things in this job.

Gandhi's sandals
will calm you down so much

that your heart will
stop b*ating.

There's a badminton racket that
belonged to Charles Dickens.

Makes you think
you're an orphan.

I put on
Abe Lincoln's hat once

and had an uncontrollable urge
to free Mrs. Frederic.

Don't think that didn't
get me into trouble.

what are you doing?

Did I say that
you could drive that thing?

Yeah, that's
the pressing issue here.

Something in there
has got Zeus panicked.

They had identification.

That's the only reason
I let 'em in.

Hello there.
May I ask

what y'all are doing
at my crime scene?

Oh, hey, yeah.

Sorry, we should probably
speak to your supervisor.

Agent Sally Stukowski, FBI.

I'm in charge
of this investigation.

Oh, good for you.

Agent Pete Lattimer,
Secret Service.

Agent Jinks, A*F.

Really? Neither one
of those agencies

is here,
to my knowledge.

And what is the FBI
doing here?

Isn't this a local
police matter?

Oh, I don't know
if you've heard,

but there's t*rrorists
in the world.

So somebody gets poisoned,

we like to look into
that kind of thing.

What are you doing here?
Uh, oh, well,

this woman was bitten by
a nonexistent Russell's Viper,

and we like to look into
that kinda thang, Sally.

Oh, you're funny...
and original.

Interference in an FBI
investigation is a felony.

Is this your first big case?

Get out of my crime scene!

Ha, ha, it is. I knew it!
Congrats. No...

His too. I wasn't trying
to embarrass you.

Oh, I'm not embarrassed. No.

What I am is in charge.

Escort them out of here.

Hello, boys.

Okay, let's see how Hera
likes these apples.

All right...


She's burning it
right off.

Yeah, it had no effect
on Zeus either.

I don't know.

Think. I'm gonna go back
to the office.

I need a crash course
in Greek mythology.

Hey, Charlie.
Somebody sent you a flier.


Hey, how'd you...

What the hell is this?

Oh...Oh, my God!

Help me.

Uh, help me!


Kai su teknon?

Kai su teknon?

No, no, there wasn't
anyone near him.

And I'm guessing your name's
not "Kay Sue Teknon."

I don't know why
he was calling me that.

I thought he was
joking around.

He was an actor, you know.

- The hotel was just his day job.
- And what hotel is that?

The Regalton, downtown.

Poor Charlie. I saw him
last year in Anything Goes.

He was good.

Not great, but good.

Okay. Thank you, ma'am.

Forensics says
he was stabbed 23 times

with 23 different knives.
How very Orient Express.

Maybe somebody's got Agatha
Christie's bedroom slippers.

And on the floor, more ashes.
Agatha Christie's cigar?

Don't be ridiculous.

The first victim
was doing a story

about bankers meeting
at a hotel.

- The Regalton Hotel, downtown.
- Hey, hey, hey!

Anything Goes. Charlie here
was a waiter at the Regalton.

- Coincidence?
- Hardly ever.

But why waste your best
Charles Manson impression

on a waiter?

Why are you here, Lattimer?

Oh, God, why does
every hot chick want me?

- Get 'em moved out of here.
- Wait. Agent Stukowski,

we're trying to help.
Okay, this is weird.

Well, we specialize
in weird.

We can help you.
We--we know stuff.

All right, but only because
I've got a boss

that wants answers yesterday.

What do you know?
Quid pro quo.

- Depends.
- See, you are so cute

when you open up.
I will sh**t you right here.

Okay, look, we think

there might be something
going on down at the Regalton.

Both victims were
vaguely connected to it.

That's it? That's all?

I'm sorry,
you got nothing to trade.

So you don't know anything
about a bunch

of bankers meeting there?
No. And I think it's time

y'all got out of here.
You're lying.

Agent Jinks, is it?

I'm under strict orders
to sew this up,

so that's exactly
what we're gonna do.

Okay, look, I've got
a really bad feeling here,

and I would hate
for your first time--

Agent Lattimer,
my job is to make sure

that this event goes off
without a hitch.

And right now,
I already have two.

- So there is a connection.
- Sew it up.

These two out.

You are adorable.

I don't think she gets
your sense of humor either.

Okay, I found it.

Are you sure the lightning's
only gonna strike that rod?


Listen, listen, listen,
listen, listen.

The statues of Zeus

the very ones that we've got
in the warehouse--

those were the very statues
that were involved

in the Battle
of Corpendium!

Now, this is fantastic.
Picture the scene.

It's 306 B.C.

Yes, you were just a child,
but it's still so vivid.

Can you just tell us about
the lightning already?

These statues, Zeus and Hera,
they hated each other,

and here's why--
Zeus married his sister Hera.

Don't ask. They were Greek.

Then Zeus tomcats
all over town.

Upstairs at Olympus,
downstairs with the mortals.

Got it.
Zeus was a man-slut.

Then Hera found out
about it.

And she made his life

And he hated her for it.

Now he throws lightning bolts.

God knows what else
he's gonna do.

I mean, they're apart
for 2,300 years.

Okay, so we need to
move one of them--

To a safe place.

- We need to do that now.
- Yeah.

Look, just get us into
the shindig tonight.

No. No, I'm sorry,
I can't do that.

Look, you don't want
a bunch of dead bankers

on your hands, do you?

Agent Stukowski told us that--

Mr. Benjamin Franklin
talks a lot louder

than Agent Stukowski.

What's that, Ben?

You want to meet the bellman?
Oh, here you go.

I gotta start keeping

- Et tu, Brute?
- What?

Kai su teknon.
It's not a name.

It's ancient Greek
for et tu, Brute?

From Shakespeare's
Julius Caesar.

Right, right.

And Antony
of Antony and Cleopatra.

Ha, ha! Look at me
using my high school English.

We need to do some research
on those plays, and fast.

No, not necessary.
I know where we can learn more

than we ever wanted to know
about Mr. Walter Shakespeare.

Ophelia, pray tell.
How doth milady?

You're wasting your time,
Pete, okay?

I made my decision, and
I don't work there anymore.

I don't know what you think
that you're doing here.

If you could just get
your nose

out of your own butt
for five seconds,

I could explain it.

I just--
I have some questions.

- Well, you could have phone.
- Okay, fine.

The reason I'm here is
you're an expert

on what I'm dealing with
right now.

No, I'm not, Pete. Okay?

I'm no longer an expert

on things that make you old
in two seconds

or electrify your spine

or create ice-age volcanoes.

Okay, now I am just
an expert on books.

Exactly. Shakespeare.

And correct me if I'm wrong,

which I know
you love to do,

but you're an expert
on the Bird of Avon, right?


It's the Bard of Avon,

See, you're already

You know what,
just please--

just please, okay?
Come on, Myka.

Look, if I had quit
and left you there,

and you were looking
for an artifact

about football or p*rn,
I'd help you.

Just try a library, okay?

Man, is it hard
to park around here.

Hi, can I--
can I help you?

Yeah. This is Steve,
my new Myka.

Steve, the old Myka.

- Oh.
- Oh.

- Oh.
- Right. Myka, hi.

Hi. So I take it
he's mentioned me?

No, not really...

We need your help.

What do you need?

- Oh, really, you'll help him?
- Pete...

- Ah...
- The bodies are piling up.

Each of the victims said

a Shakespeare line
before they d*ed.

One said "Kai su teknon."
That's Greek for et tu, Brute?

Right. Yeah.

Uh, and the other one said,
"Oh, Antony..."

"Nay, I will take thee too."

- Wow, how did you know that?
- I told you.

Well, they're Cleopatra's
last words before she d*ed.

This says that a snakebite was
the suspected cause of death?

This pose?
I know.

We can't figure it out either.

And there weren't
any snakes anywhere.

Definitely not
a Russell's Viper.

- The Lost Folio.
- The what?

The pose.

The positions that
the dead people were in.

I've seen it before.
I was just looking--

here. Here it is.

It's The Lost Folio.
How do you lose a folio?

What's a folio?
It's a book.

Why not say book?

Because it's not a book,
it's a folio.

Does this look familiar?
It's Julius Caesar.

Hey, hey, hey.
He's in the same position.

Well, this--this book is
just a reproduction.

The original disappeared
around 400 years ago.

It was supposedly cursed
by this actor

who desperately wanted to act
in Shakespeare's plays,

but Shakespeare never
hired him.

Apparently he couldn't
remember his lines,

so he kept improvising.
That'll piss a writer off.

Well, I don't get
the connection.

How can a book do anything?

Well, the original was
believed to have been cursed

by the actor--there were several
deaths linked to it.

If somebody's gotten ahold
of it, they could be using it.

If we could dig up the history
of The Lost Folio,

maybe we could
connect the dots--

Okay. Thank you,
kind citizen.

And your country thanks you
for the loan of this book.

- You can't just take--
- I'll send you the check.

No need for you
to get involved any further.

Jinksy, let's go back
to Denver.

Oh, and, uh...

definitely don't need
any more of your help.

Okay, uh...

Well, thanks.

I'm just gonna need the...
Oh, oh, oh.

Yes, yes. Here.

You know,
if it makes a difference,

he was lying.

Are you talking about

Because Cromwell destroyed
most of the folios.

I've never even heard
of a lost one.

Hey, how is she?
Does she miss us?

Is she coming back?
I don't think so.

Myka said some crappy actor
made it for Shakespeare,

then he cursed it,
now it kills people.

Yeah, I will have an answer
for you

by the time
you get back to Denver.

All right,
you know how to find us.

Kirk out!
Oh, and...Spock too.

Claudia, get over here.
We're in a public place.

Claudia, turn it on.
Turn it on, Claudia!

Do you think griping at me
will enhance my speed?

Just do it.
Turn it on.

Okay, and that's it?
Yeah, that's it.

If there's any problem at all,
anybody tries to move him,

we'll hear about it
in the office.

All right, good.
Let's get out of here.

These plants are
making me nervous,

and that one is
staring at me.

Okay, so wait.
What did Buddha say

about happiness again?

That the secret is
to want what you have,

and not what you don't have.

Yeah, but if I had
what I wanted,

there'd be nothing to do.

This is gonna be
a longer discussion, I think.

Okay, so our bad guy
takes out a reporter

who's doing a story
on a secret bankers' meeting.

That way it stays secret,

Nobody gets scared away.

But...then he takes out
a waiter.

Maybe it gets him access
to the event tonight.

I think we should--

- Uh-oh.
- What?

- I got a bad feeling.
- What do you mean?

Vibes. I get these things.

Agent Jinks?

This was at the bell desk
for you.

Who knows that I'm here?

I've got a really
bad feeling.


Steve, no! Steve!

Steve, what's going on, man?
You can't breathe?

All right,old on, man.
Hold on.

Stay with me, man.
Hey, hey, you hear me?

You're gonna be okay,
all right? Stay with me. Hey!

- Pete! Pete, the folio.
- What?

"Commend me to my kind lord:
O, farewell."

Make him say it.
Make him say it fast.

Commend me to my kind lord:
O, farewell.

Say it, Steve.

Commend me to my kind lord...

O, farewell.


You were almost k*lled
by an artifact.

You are now officially
a Warehouse Agent.

Oh, son of a bitch.

You come after my team?
No. No way.

Game on, man. I am--

I am gonna
Tesla this guy sterile!

- Pete, lobby. People.
- What the hell was that?

Othello. He smothered
Desdemona with a pillow.

Julius Caesar,
Antony and Cleopatra?

Look, I did some digging
in the history

of The Lost Folio,
and listen to this.

"The first errant fool
that touches the page

"shall loos'th himself
in the image therein,

"and shall be curs'd
to live the death

that is therein depicteth."

- It means--
- No, no, I know what it means.

First guy that touches
the picture dies that way.

It get it, it's just
fancy words make me sleepy.

"Yet he who utters
the dying breath

"may then be spared
the errant death.

"But breath be spoke
before the flame,

or death shall take him
all the same."

Sleepy, sleepy.

The first two victims

spoke the last words
their character said

after the engraving
burst into flames.

You have to say it before.
That's the only way out.

Is there any connection
between the victims?

Only this hotel and a bunch
of investment bankers

who are meeting here
later tonight.

So you think
they're the targets?

- Well, we don't know.
- Whoa, wait, wait, wait.

I'm sorry, are you back in?

Because, what, you're just
all interested now,

so you're just back in?
No, I'm just here to help.

Oh, well, I'm sorry, Mykes,
but you can't just

waltz in and out like that--
we don't need a consultant.

Oh, don't you?
'Cause I'm pretty sure that

if I didn't get here in time...
Oh, really?

Because if you hadn't
walked out like that

in the first place--
It wasn't the easiest decision

that I ever had to make...
Well, I never had any idea--

- Hey!
- What?

I'm pretty okay
with her being back

since she just saved my life
and all.

So maybe you two can work
on your repressed sexual tension

sometime when we don't have
a book running around

trying to suffocate people.
Maybe our next step

should be to check the tapes
and see

who left that envelope
for me to die from.

Yes, we will finish
this conversation later.

- We'll do that later.
- Oh, man...

It had to have been
within the last few hours.

We weren't gone that long.

Ugh, if I give that bellman
any more money,

he's gonna have to claim me
on his tax return.

That's the envelope.

That guy is dropping it off
at the desk.

Okay, well,
so we've got a who.

We need a why.

Create a panic
in the financial markets,

take advantage?

We gotta get
the Wall Street guys

to cancel their
back-patting ceremony tonight.

By telling them what,
that Shakespeare's Lost Folio

is gonna k*ll them?

I know it's true
and I don't believe it.

Plus, we'll never get
Stukowski to agree.

Next time she sees him,
she'll have him sh*t.

Oh, I see you've already
worked your magic.

Why do you automatically
assume it's my fault?

- Whose fault is it?
- Mine.

But we might be able to use
uptight Sally to our advantage.

But I thought Buddhists
were supposed to let go

of all worldly possessions.

No, it's about not letting
your possessions possess you.

See, we believe
that you can only lose

what you refuse
to let go of.

You know what,
that is so true

because I always lose the things
I really like,

and I never lose the things
I don't care about.

Like, my mom would say,

if your head wasn't glued
to your neck, you'd probably..."

That's not the achievement
of self awakening

the Buddha was talking about.
You didn't know him.

Ladies and gentlemen,
why don't we get things started.

I'd like to introduce
our panel.

I'm sure some of you
know them--

Jim Kouvell,
and Doug Alps, from New York.

There, that's him.

- You sure?
- Trust me.

I got a bad feeling.

- Lattimer.
- Agent Sally!

I was hoping
to run into you tonight.

- Save me a dance?
- Boys, please cuff them.

- Take them out.
- Oh, hey, hey, hey.

Aren't we all
on the same team here?

Are we?
'Cause my team's job

is to make sure the this event
goes along smoothly.

Whew, man, is it hot in here
or is it just you, Sally?

Myka, now!
Oh! Oh...

"The drink!

The drink! I am poisoned!"
Say it.

The drink! The drink!
I am poisoned!


"Oh, yet defend me friends,
I am but hurt."

Say it. Say, "Oh, yet
defend me friends..."

- Oh, yet defend me friends...
- "I am but hurt."

I am but hurt.

Uh...Oh, God...

"The rest is silence!" Damn it,
say "The rest is silence!"

The rest is silence!

Bring it! Bring it!

- Hey, boss!
- Look, fire!

All right, all right!
You guys have had enough.

No charge, ladies.


Thank you.

Be careful.

♪ ♪

Well, there she goes again.

Found the last pages
of The Folio in a room,

but the guy was long gone.

We know what he looks like,
so it's only a matter of time.

Listen, Lattimer, I think
you are a first-class jerk,

obnoxious, unprofessional
to the core.

Shouldn't you be
on one knee to do this?

But you were right.

Oh, and, Lattimer,
if you ever fly

into the Denver area again,
let me know.

I'll have you sh*t
in the airport.

It is shocking
how much she wants me.

Oh, yeah, it is.


I am a stud.

All quiet
on the eastern front?

- Calm and peaceful.
- Like a statue should be.


That's really...


Thank you.

God. Oh...

I'd forgotten about that.

You were so helpful
during our recent mission.

I just wanted
to thank you in person.

You're welcome.

I'm...glad I could help.


There's someone
I want you to speak with.

Hello, Myka.

Mrs. Frederic,
why would you bring her here?

She can't hurt you,

She can't hurt anyone.
Trust me.

I'll leave you two alone.

You hate me for what I did.

You hate the warehouse
for what it did to you.

No. No, I don't.

We became friends because
we're alike in many ways.

Except that I--

I didn't want
to destroy the world

and k*ll everybody in it.

I'm not proud
of what happened,

or that it drove you away
from the Warehouse.

100 years ago,
I went into the bronzer

filled with hate.

It grew inside me
like a cancer.

All I thought about was
what I'd lost,

what the Warehouse had
taken from me, turned me into.

Be careful, Myka.

Hate so easily
turns into fear.

Don't walk away
from your truth.

That's why you're here.

I haven't actually
come here.

So what, you're some sort of
holographic projection?

I'm...being held.

I don't know where or how.

They can, it seems,
transport my consciousness.

Wish I'd thought of that.

Please think about
what I've said.

So you're saying
my aura's changing color.

Well, what I want to know is
why my aura's changing color.

Well, because--

Oh, my God!
Squeal of delight.

- I missed you.
- Oh, you have no idea!

Myka, you're back.

You are back, right?

- Yeah, I'm back.
- Okay, magic carpet.

What do you do?
You try to get it going.

I thought it would,
you know, just take off and--



So does this mean
that I'm out of a job?

Because I was just getting used
to Pete's hilarious jokes.

The only way you leave
the Warehouse is feet first.

Welcome back, then.




All right, let's get to it.

There's still
a mysterious man in Denver,

and we should all try
to find him, no?

It is what we do.

I don't think they saw me.
I had to leave The Folio.

It's too dangerous
to go back.

Their new operative
is Steven Jinks,

a former A*F Agent.

Bering and Lattimer were
working as a team.

This may indicate that
she's returned to the Warehouse.

I can follow up.

No. No, you've done well.

Now you need to disappear
for a while.

Of course.
I'm just glad--