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03x05 - 3... 2... 1

Posted: 05/27/23 06:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Warehouse 13...

Artie says that
H.G. Wells is actually a...

A woman.

I was apprenticed
at Warehouse 12.

Then who
is H.G. Wells?

My brother, Charles,
was the writer.

I supplied the ideas.

My machine
allows your mind

to inhabit the body
of someone in the past.

We're in 1961.

Check it out, we're...

Jack and Rebecca.

Oh, I do beg your pardon.

Best mind where
you're walking, gov'ner.

Morning lights can
play tricks on you.

Yes, yes.
Mustn't be late.

Oh, weren't we supposed
to meet at the observatory?

Your note said
you found the perfect
sort of...

I say,
what the devil is...


Here you are mister
blue-winged warbler.

Doug Varley,
you've done it again.

I have to check
you off my life list.

Oh, mmm.

Would you like some
whipped cream for your pie?

Oh, naughty, naughty.



The power's out and
the banana cream pie
goes bad.

I didn't eat the crust,
just the healthy part.

You got to ride
in the cherry picker.

Well, I was investigating.

So, did you find out
anything here?

You know other
than what warm

lemon meringue
tastes like?

Oh, actually,
Pammy said that

just before
the power went out

she heard kind of
like a horn sound.

But I still don't see
how it matters.

It was just lightning.

Is this going to hold up us
getting our power back on?

Uh, no, no, they should...
They should have it
back up and running soon.


Okay, it wasn't
just lightning.

The body was
completely disintegrated.

Right, and it took
half the billboard with it.

And what was weird
was that the edge of
the billboard was worn,

almost like
it was in a sandstorm.

Okay, so something

Um, Sands of Iwo Jima.

Annette Funicello's
Beach Ball.

I have an idea,
but you're not
going to like it.

Frankie Avalon?

Why don't you trust me?

It's the kind of thing
we should have
agreed upon first.

Look, each of us
should have veto power.

Artie would agree
with me, right Artie?

One, I have veto power
over both of you.

And two, the Regents
have already decided
to allow it so let it go.

They said that
we can do it?
It is done.

You're right, Myka,

I do know what this is.

Oh, my. I must have
started drinking again

because the woman
who tried to activate

a super volcano
with a giant fork

is standing here and
you're all acting
like it's a potluck.

No, no, no.
H. G's not really here.
She's a hologram.

That thing on Artie's desk
is projecting her.

Couldn't hurt a fly.

Pretty snazzy
if you ask me.

I mean if she
wasn't a volcano

causing super villain
like you said.

Look, when H.G.
first showed up,

I read her files
from Warehouse 12.

I remember a case
with the same details.

You have my word, Pete,
my only intention is to help.

Oh, because your word means
so much around here.

I'm quite glad
to see you here, Myka.

I like to think
I had something
to do with that.

Yeah, no ego there.

It's a shame
Jinksy isn't here
to see the freak show.

Oh, is there a new recruit?

He's on personal leave
and... Hands off!

I don't know
if you heard,

I can't actually
touch anything

in my current
holographic state.

How is your shoulder
feeling, by the way?

Like you sh*t it.

you did that.

Yeah, moving on.

Like it or not,
we're going to
have to use her help.

The billboard worker
is not the first death.

Yeah, day before yesterday,
a painter disappeared

from the top of
the Fort Pitt Bridge.

The police thought
he fell into the river...

No, they're not
going to find his body.

The witnesses
heard exactly

the same noise
as that waitress.

Did you check
the traffic cams?

Bridge was out and
we tried to find the links

between the victims,
locations, witnesses.
We got nothing.

People are dying, Pete.

We need to know
what she knows.

All right.

So here are the rules.

You get to enjoy
this change of scenery

exactly as long as
you are helping us.

The second that
that is over,
you go back to your...

Limbo prison?



Tell us what you know.

Righty-ho then.

It was, uh, 1893.

Christina had been gone for
nearly two years by now.

Once again my brother
was basking in my glory.

Oh, you're wonderful,
Mr. Wells.

Oh, you're too kind.

My stories are but
the simple musings
of a humble man

cursed with
too much imagination.

And terribly good looks.

Helena, your brother...

He's as charming
as he is brilliant.

I couldn't agree more.

Where does
he get his ideas?

from me of course.


People never believe
what you're capable of,
do they, Helena?

Well, I know,
you were surprised.


Mr. Wolcott.

Um, Miss Wells,
Mr. Crowley,

I came straight away.
A curiosity has surfaced.

Wait? A curiosity?

A ping, darling.

Oh, I like that.


It regards
the stolen artifact.

Then we must
go at once.

Two agents have
already d*ed on this one.

I shall accompany you
instead of Wolcott.

I have more
experience in the field.

Wooly and I will be fine.

Besides, if we spend
too much time together,
Vincent, people will talk.

I'm dreadfully
sorry, everybody,

but it appears
I shall have to leave you

in the hands of
my captivating co-host.

Well, I shall be
more than delighted
to entertain the ladies.

Oh, Mr. Wells,
do tell us about
your next story.

Yes, Charles, do tell.

Oh, well, I'm afraid
you'll just have to wait.

No, really, I insist.

Ladies, you must
make him tell you.

They're the work
of a genius.


Come, Wooly,
you can fill me in
while I change.

Change clothes?

This way. No dawdling.

Details please.

What and when?

Um, strange dust
seems to be found where
the agents were m*rder*d.

Bobby discovered
it this morning.

He heard the tone as well.


Duncan, off Piccadilly.

That's rather public.

Our adversary has
become quite bold.

Something wrong?

No. No matter.

I asked the bobby to, um...

What's that term you use?

Preserve the scene.

Knowing how much
you like to examine
every detail.

Come, Mister Wolcott.

In the words of my
good friend, Mr. Doyle,

"The game is afoot."

Thank you, constable.

Thank you, gov'ner.

It's ours all right.
Have a look.

I'll take
your word for it.

Um, are you sure
you should be
touching that?

How else do you imagine
I can determine its origins?

What do you make of it?

Passerby saw something
he oughtn't?

Or perhaps a thief
just wanted to test
the power of the wall?


But I'm beginning to see
a modus operandi.

The agents from whom
the artifacts were stolen
were ambushed.

He knew where
they'd be and when.

This att*ck was the same.

Only this time
it will be his undoing.

You speak quite confidently.

Because I am
quite confident.

Well, before you boast
that the culprit is undone,

it might help you to
identify the victim first.

I already have.

A notebook page
filled with columns
of dates and times.


This street is
a direct path from the
Royal Astronomical Society

to the London Observatory.

The numbers,
astronomical observations.

Our victim was
an astronomer.

Sir James Eddington
to be exact.

He and I were engaged
in a project of sorts.

Brilliant man.

Sadly his wife
never appreciated him.

Really, H.G. is there
not a man in London
who you haven't charmed?

Oscar Wilde and
not for lack of trying.

How can you be certain
it's Eddington?

Excessive ketones
in the blood.

Sir Eddington was diabetic.

We're mere hours
behind our thief, Wolcott.

Eddington was on his way
to the observatory.

Our man with the horn
was out to stop him.

All right.

Hold on. It's not...

Here it is.

Horn you are
talking about... This.

This horn?
Joshua's trumpet.

As in Joshua who brought down
the Walls of Jericho?

An ancient ram's horn
that emits a blast of
such power...

The noise.

That it pulverizes
anything in its path.

The horn of Jericho was real.

The horn inspired
the legend of how.

And you've seen it?
Over 100 years ago, yes.

Well, someone
in Pittsburgh
has this now.

And people are
going to keep dying
until we find it.

The blast resonates
at a molecular level.
Hey, Artie...

How far away can this
horn be and still blast?

Pete, H. G's
dealt with it before.

Don't act like
she's not even here.

You just told me,
she isn't,
which is fine by me.

We don't need her.
We can find this,
ourselves. Artie?

There's something else
that's familiar about this

and it's not
Joshua's trumpet.

It's something else,
I'm sorry.

I just got to figure out
what it is and I'm not sure.

Okay, all right, well.
Well, Pete asked
a good question.

You know if these
things aren't drive-bys

maybe the blasts
are coming from
a common location.

Hey, give me a range,
I can triangulate.

15, 20 meters at most.

Oh, well, hey then this
isn't even the same artifact

because no one was close
to the guy on the billboard.

Well, what if
it was modified

so it could work
from a longer distance?

Let her help.
I mean she's the only
one of us who's seen it.

Yeah, 100 years ago.

And she's not one of us.

Even if it is the horn,
I'm afraid I might not
be able to help.

Why not?
Who had it last?

That's the thing,
no one did.

What on earth?

Not earth, the heavens.

A spacecraft
carrying men to the stars.

Incredible. Who could have
dreamed of such a thing?

Really, Wooly,
will you never know me?

Here, Wooly, hold this.

Sir Eddington and I
were in the process
of finding a power source.

And it appears
someone's decided

the horn
would fit the bill.

Tell me, Wooly...

Do you know why a woman
keeps her diary facing down?

What? Why?

It discourages prying eyes.

What does your diary
have to do with anything?

It's where the thief
learned about the rocket

before he hired
the two men
pointing pistols at us.

Oh, hello.

You're too clever
for your own good, Helena.

I had hoped
dispatching Eddington

would have delayed you
long enough for me to finish.

Mr. Crowley.

This is a turn.

What on earth
are you doing, Vincent?

You know the dangers
of misusing artifacts.

Don't lecture me, Helena.
I'm not your idiot brother.

The empire is on the wane.

I've even heard
talk of moving

the Warehouse to America.

That decision is in
the hands of the Regents.

It isn't something
you can stop.

It's not something
that I can allow.

England must use
the Warehouse
to her advantage.

Imagine the fear it will
strike in all the world

when this device
comes crashing down

in front
of the Reichstag.

The mere demonstration
will secure

British dominance
for another century.

I should
never have allowed

that glint of madness
to appeal to me.

Never fails
to become a lover's
least attractive trait.

I have enjoyed your
companionship, Helena.

My only regret
was deceiving you.

Then you have
nothing to regret.

You knew? When?

When he k*lled Eddington.

I knew then that
the culprit was
someone close to me.

You might have warned me.

He obviously had
no intention of k*lling me,

I'd be dead already.

How reassuring for you.

You've been studying Kenpo.

Yeah, well, I've seen
you use it on enough men

to fear that
you would use it
on me one day.


I do hope you were
flattered by my diary.

I do tend
to exaggerate a bit, though.

Come on!

Tell me, Wolcott, why
do so many men prove
to be so untrustworthy?

Might I suggest that
it is you that brings
the devil out of them.

Bravo, Wooly.

The art of deduction
at its very best.

After that it was
back to the drawing board.

Oh. Okay.

So you built a rocket
in 1893 and what,

saved the world
from a century of
bad English cooking?

You yourself have
used my time machine,

but a tube that
sh**t into the air
strains credulity?

Okay, so you
changed the trajectory.

Where did you aim it?

Straight for the stars,
I thought.

I hoped it would be
the last the world
would see of it.

So if this thing
in Pittsburgh
is Joshua's trumpet

then what went up,
eventually came down.

Greenbury, Ohio, 1962!

Billy, I'm not easy.

Of course not, Peg.
I was just...

Hey, let's go see it, huh?

Oh! Wait up.

Dad's going to
ground me for sure.

Bill, be careful.
Whatever's back there,
it k*lled Doug Varley.

Oh, Doug probably spotted
some prehistoric Dodo bird

and followed it
up to Sandusky.

Whoa Nelly!

William Peter Nelson,
you take me home
right this instant.

Oh, Peg,
the Coffey brothers

probably built that
in their shop for the fair.

Good, good.

That gave it
a little more power.

Keep trying
until I get their attention.

Jack and Rebecca saw
something that looked like
a crashed rocket in 1962.

And you think
it was H. G's?

The sixties was Sputnik,
with the space race.

Could have been
any number of
secret launches.

I never read that
Sputnik 7

was equipped
with a cow cooker.

That sounds like mine.

It probably is, except
whatever this thing was,

Jack and Rebecca,
they say it was destroyed.

Ah, so inconclusive.

All right,
you get to Ohio

and see if there's
any physical evidence left
after all these years.

We've got to figure
out where this thing
is sh**ting from.

I'll search for
living witnesses.

Yeah, and see if
anybody from Greenbury
now lives in Pittsburgh.

Is H.G. coming with us?

Wait, wait, what?
So you trust her now?

Well, she has
nothing to gain anymore.

Nothing to gain?
She's in some "woo-woo"
prison some place.

"Quid pro quo, Clarice."

First she wants
the room with the view,

next thing she's eating
a guard's face.

You do know
I can hear you.

Oh. Stop. She goes.
She has intel.

I've never been to Ohio.

And that's how
you turn her off.

All right,
you take this.

And keep going through
Jack and Rebecca's file.

If we cannot cr*ck
this case in the present,

we need all the help
we can get from the past.

And then
the cow was just gone.

All right,
you drink this down now.

Excuse me.
Is this the Meyer house?

Agents Secord
and St. Clair,
Secret Service.

We retrieve
dangerous objects.

We heard
you kids saw something.

I don't know
what else to say,

it looked
like a spaceship

and it
ray gunned a cow.

Rose, Peggy, is it true?
Did you see it?

Come on in, please Nora.

Uh, this
is Doug Varley's wife
and that's his little boy.

You're from
the government, right?

Can you find my Doug?

I'm sorry, Mrs. Varley,

we just don't know
anything yet.

I'm sorry to barge in but
I'm so worried about Doug.

Hey kiddo, I'm Rebecca.

You got a name?

Are you one of
the Mercury 7?

You got a favorite?

John Glenn's from Ohio.
He orbited the earth.

Is that what
you want to do some day?

Are you going
to fight the space men
and get my dad back?

Can I help?

Daniel, go outside and wait.

Mrs. Varley,
Rebecca and I have seen
a lot of strange things,

but I'm pretty sure
there are no little
green men with ray g*ns.

Tell that to the cow.


Re-enacting what those
kids were doing out here

might give us
some insight
into what they saw.

What a line.

Jack, I do love you, but

given the way
things turn out for
most Warehouse agents,

are we sure?

Hell, I'm sure.

Okay. Okay.
Down boy. Heel.

We'll talk later

if the Martians
don't take us away
in their flying saucer.

I don't see
any Martians, do you?

No, but I'll bet
I see our artifact.

Geez, out there is
one seriously lopsided goat.

It's unstable.

How do we bag it
without ending up
like the cow?

Okay. Here's how
it's going to go.

I'm going to
disconnect the horn.

And me?

You gaze at me lovingly.


Looks like,
it's sealed with wax.

Shall we entertain
a plan B?

Yeah. Run!

Well, something
took a big bite out of

Jack and Rebecca's
car in 1962.

Hey Myks, Jack's hat.

This edging has
the same markings
as the billboard.

Which means that
whatever did this

is also responsible for
the deaths in Pittsburgh.

Jack and Rebecca said
whatever it was,
it vaporized itself.

They brought
a whole team out here,

searched the farm
from top to bottom.

Still they could
have been mistaken.



Check it out.
Astounding Tales.

I didn't take Jack as
an Astounding Tales
kind of guy.

Playboy, maybe.
Now those are some
astounding tails.

One of my
short stories
is in there.

Imagine the royalties.

Yes, just what
the world needs.

A rich homicidal maniac.

You could buy yourself
a secret island lair

and hire someone
to twirl your mustache.

Now how are we
supposed to stop
that thing?

Won't know
without a closer look.

You ready?

All right, I think I can
hit it with the Tesla.

It might melt the wax.

I'm a better
sh*t than you.
Hockey pucks.

Kiss for good luck.

Okay, well,
that was plan Z.


Sometimes a b*llet
is your best friend.

You could
destroy the artifact.

And live to bag others?

Sounds like a fair swap.

Where's the horn?

Wait a minute.
Wait a...

Hey, Myks, this trench.

This could be
a crash site, right?




Looks 1890s-ish
doesn't it?

Oh! That's right.

You can't catch
because you're in

scary Regent prison
where you belong.

No, that joke
simply never gets old.

This is from my rocket.

I'm certain.

Hey Claudia,
okay, listen to me,

Joshua's trumpet
was here in 1962.

And it's the same artifact
that we're looking for now.

Awesome. Except
it's not quite the same.

You were right about
someone in Pittsburgh

changing the artifact
to make it stronger.

They just zapped a helicopter
out of the sky from a mile up.

A mile?

Myks, this guy
could be anywhere.

Are you sure
that it's the same horn?

Pilots radioed
they heard a strange sound

just before
they lost control.

And then
they were both k*lled.

You know what, lady?
You are bad news.

Whenever you show up,
people die, people disappear.

One way or another
everything turns to crap.

You can't seriously be
blaming me for these deaths.

I'm in prison.

Surprise, surprise,
you're responsible.

Pete, you're being
completely unreasonable.

Ooh, "One of my
short stories is in there."

The woman ruins everything.

Pete, I'm back.

Look, Myka, I just...
No, I came back.

It still doesn't
change the fact that...

Okay, I'm sorry.

Me too.

Okay, okay,
so how did this horn get...

Get from this farm
in Ohio in 1962 to
Pittsburgh today.

Somebody must have
been out here that

Jack and Rebecca
didn't know about.

But, no, Claudia
checked though.

Nobody moved from
Greenbury to Pittsburgh.

So how do we find them?

Myka, look at this.

That... That's
a kid's handwriting.

Maybe this book
isn't Jack's.

Jack and Rebecca's file.

Remember there was
that little boy
who lost his father

and he was
an astronaut buff.

So maybe this is his.

He thought they
took his dad to outer space.

He wanted to come
back here to the farm with
Jack and Rebecca, right?

So he came in the trunk.

He must have
picked up the horn

and that's how
it got to Pittsburgh.

Hey Claud, see
what you can pull up

on Daniel Varley.

More power.

It needs more power.

Gliese 581.

Gliese 581.

This time,
they're going to hear me.

I love Pittsburgh.
They put fries on nachos here.

So why didn't
Daniel Varley show up
in any of your searches?

As of four months ago
Daniel Varley doesn't show up
in anyone's searches.

Dude has just completely
fallen through the cracks.

I mean it's kind of
hard to find someone
who lives in Pittsburgh

if they're homeless.

beyond brilliant

but socially
and psychologically,
not so much.

In and out of
psych hospitals
his whole life.

I'm surprised
we never met.

Yeah, now, when
he was functioning,

Varley taught astronomy.

He volunteered for SETI.

SETI, yeah, that's where the,
um, those guys scan the skies

looking for intelligent life.

I saw Contact.

So he's still obsessed
with outer space?

Oh, sorry, guys.

Mmm. Oh.
Oh, my God. Sorry.

Oh, nobody
wants to see that.


You know what? I'm just
going to pretend that
we own a big dog.

Well, we kind of do.

What? I don't
want to waste any.


So, how do
we find Daniel Varley?

All right, now, his last job
before he fell off the grid,

yeah, he was a teacher
at West P.A. Tech.

Look for Professor Wilmar.
Find him.

This was Daniels' office.

No one's had time
to clean it up.


Looks like somebody
won first prize
ten years in a row.

Dan was always troubled,

didn't like
people near him.

Then this
personal project
eclipsed everything.

Myka, these are
sky maps, star charts.

My dad and I
used to do this stuff.

These are all
about the same star.

What's so important
about G.L. 581?

Gliese 581.

It's pretty close to us,
around twenty light years.

It's getting
a lot of attention,

because we think
it might have planets
in the Goldilocks Zone.


Not too hot
and not too cold.

Just right
to support life.

The internet
went crazy over

the discovery
late last year.

That's right when Daniel
was getting worse.

Daniel thought his dad
was abducted by aliens

and now he thinks
he's found them.

So he's going to
sh**t the horn at the star?

I mean what would
that accomplish?

Who knows?
If he is,
the locations make sense.

Check this out.

Okay, I took
all three spots,

the bridge, the utility pole
and helicopter.

And I drew lines to
where G.L. 581 was
in the sky each time.

All three lines originate
from the same spot.

The SETI facility where
Daniel Varley used to work.

What's there now?

Nothing. It was shut down
due to cutbacks.

Oh, my.

That sounds bad.

If this guy sh**t at
that star again tonight,

it'll cut right through.
Allegheny Field.

In the middle
of a ball game.

Stay back!
I'm going to take the sh*t.

I've warned you.

Wait, you're
with the agents,
Jack and Rebecca.

Yeah. Yeah,
yeah, yeah, Daniel,
that's... That's right.

Jack and Rebecca.

They were your
friends, right?

This won't work,

G. L 581 is
20 light years away.

They've been here.
They can see us.

I just want them to know
I have their device.

No. No, Daniel,
you've already
k*lled four people.


No, no, no I haven't.

you're a smart guy.

You've already seen
what the horn can do.

You do this,
it's going to rip

right through
Allegheny Field.

I don't believe you.
And I don't care.

They need to know
that I'm here.

To see me.
And now they will.

No, no, no!

I hacked into
the stadium box office.

There's like 40,000
fans there tonight, Artie.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.
I got it. I got it.

Yeah, my contact,
he can call
for an evacuation,

but there's no way in hell
he can clear that many
people out of there

in that short a time.

Come on, guys.

a lot of innocent people

are going to die
at Allegheny Field tonight.

Why would you want that?

I've waited all my life.

These aliens, they took
my father from me.


Myka, do you still
have the sphere?


Turn it on. Trust me.

Oh, is it time
to berate me more?

This is
Doug Varley's son, Daniel.

He wants to know
what happened to his father.

Helena built the rocket.

You're the alien?
The device is yours?

I built the rocket
that carried it here, yes.

I'm sorry about
your father, Daniel.

He's gone.

I know.

Now it's your turn.

Daniel, put the g*n down.

It worked! I got
you to come here.

You k*lled my father.
Now I'm going to k*ll you.

You want revenge.

Daniel, wait.
She didn't k*ll your father.

No. She did.

Myka, Pete's right.

His father's death
is my fault.

Daniel, I am responsible,

but please, you have
to listen to me.

We've all lost
loved ones unfairly.

I lost someone I love, too.

For me, it was my daughter.

I was so angry,
in such pain.

I almost hurt
a great many people.

I didn't care,
just like you.

But it won't make you
feel any better.

And it doesn't bring
our loved ones back.

But please,
you have to help me now.

This isn't the answer.

Why did you send it?

Why did he have to die?

Oh, Daniel,
it was an accident,
a terrible accident.

It was my job
to keep the horn
from hurting anyone

and I failed.

And your father and you,
you paid for my failure.

And for that
I'm so dreadfully sorry.

But no one else needs
to die now, do they?


They're on the way back
and they got the horn.


No, no, no, don't,
don't mess with my chair.
Buzz k*ll.

No, it is adjusted
to the specifications
of my body type.

I have a slight scoliosis
at the lower part of my spine.

It travels down...
Don't go any lower.

Okay. Listen,
very nice job.

Just clean up that
mess, will you?


Would I get
yelled at if I said
it was kind of nice

having H.G. back?

Just don't get used to it.

Were you really going
to get inside that craft
and ride it to the stars?


Well, I might have
let Eddington go
first as a scientist.

How do you do it?
Do what?

Reconcile your
two disparate worlds.

Bottling up the unknown
in Warehouse 12

so it doesn't destroy us,

whilst with your next breath
inventing the latest perils?

And all of it with
such joie de vivre,

despite your misfortune.

Look to the future,
Mr. Wolcott, and
I expect great things.

We're at the
dawn of a new age.

Would you rather it be
greeted by the likes of us?

Or men like
Mr. Crowley?

I'd rather it all
slow down a bit,
catch our breath.

Oh, Wooly,
mark my words,

the future is going
to be a wondrous place.

Charlie thinks that rocket
was built by this nutty dame.

Can't say
I'll ever understand

what was floating
around in her head.

"Nutty" because
she's a powerful woman,
ahead of her time?

Hey, I don't judge.

Something she did
landed her here.

Seems like every
Warehouse agent ends up

loony, a bad guy
or on a slab.

Is that your decision?

It always ends bad,
so why get started?

Actually the opposite.

How's that figure?

The two of us
almost dying out there

made me realize,
who knows
how long we have,

what might happen
on the next case
or the one after that.

And that is exactly
why we should squeeze

every second of happiness
we can out of this thing.

Carpe diem, huh?

Miss St. Clair,
I like the way you think.

You should feel
quite proud right now.

Why is that?

Three teams of agents
over more than a century

dedicated themselves
to this case,

but you and Pete are
the ones who succeeded.

With your help.

We did make
a good team.
Didn't we?

We did.

And then you...

I just wish that
you would have
realized that sooner.

So do I.

Good work out there.

Goodbye, Helena.

Let's go save
the world, Lattimer.

Whatever you say,