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03x11 - Emily Lake

Posted: 05/27/23 06:42
by bunniefuu
MRS. FREDERIC: Previously on
Warehouse 13...

ADWIN: You are
the Guardian now.

Collodi's Bracelet.

ARTIE: It fell into
the hands of a young boy.

Named Walt Sykes.

The bracelet gave him
control of his own body,
enabling him to walk.

That young boy is now
the man who is attacking us.

PETE: I know
who's working for him.

A guy by the name of Marcus
who just walked away
from a five-story fall.

(GRUNTING) Why can't I move?
Because I'm controlling
your body now.

There are things
that you don't know! About
the Regents! About Jane!

I am undercover.


Hey, I, uh...
I told Artie.

So the Regents are going
to send someone to get...

For Steve.


(EXHALES) How could
this happen?

MYKA: Claudia,
listen to me.

We need you to hack
into that laptop, okay?

There could be
something there that...
Claud, listen to me.

We need to find Sykes.
All right?

We need to find him
and we need to stop him.


Steve is dead.

How can you just be
business as usual?

Because if I don't,
I will lose it.

So, you need to help me.

I'll stay with him.


They ran a fat man
on the memory.

What's a fat man?
Fat man, little boy,
it's a deletion program.

It's a hacker nuclear b*mb.
This hard drive is a crater.

This was for nothing.

Sykes needed H.G.
for something.

We need to find him.
Oh, we're going
to find him.

And when we find him,
we're going to get payback.


You're not too
talkative, Miss Wells.

Penny for your thoughts.

You k*lled that
young man in cold blood.


What temperature was
your blood when you k*lled?


Because you got a bigger
body count than I do.

And I'm seriously
considering adding
one more to that list.

Go ahead.

Go ahead.
Go ahead.

Come on.

k*ll me.

Cecil B. DeMille's
riding crop.

Look at that.

Lets my mind
control your body.

Pretty damn cool,
don't you think?

What do you
want from me?

Some advice.
I'd strongly recommend
a good psychologist.


Advice on what?

Opening a certain lock.

According to this...

You've got an old
friend who taught you
how to do it, right?

Somebody named Caturanga.

CATURANGA: Miss Wells.

What do you smell?

Miss Wells,

what do you smell?

Apples? (CHUCKLES)

Yes, you do.

Most people do not
smell the apples.

The Warehouse likes you.

Buildings do not have
personal affinities.

This is not, as you will
discover, just a building,
Miss Wells.

Welcome to Warehouse 12.

I am Caturanga.

And you're in charge here?

No. No. My job is
to teach and to solve
puzzles. We shall say.

What kind of puzzles?

Many sorts.
And to design them, too.

Sometimes, to house

a dangerous artifact
like that one.


Sometimes, to brew
the perfect cup of tea.

Well, this is England,
so a good cup of tea
is not hard to find.


But the perfect
cup of tea, that's a puzzle.


I've read some
of your stories.

You are very gifted.

I thought my imagination
knew no boundary.

But as I stand here,

amidst this wonderment...

(LAUGHS) There's
always more to learn.

I will teach you.

I'll die before I help you.

Oh, you'll help me.

Whether you live or die
is entirely up to you.

MRS. FREDERIC: It doesn't
get easier, does it?

To lose a fellow agent.

I've lost fellow agents,
partners, friends.

Steve was
my responsibility.

You might have told me
that he was undercover.

Are you angry?

Does it matter?

There's always a cost.


What is Sykes planning,
and how are we going
to stop him?

The Regents are
assembling to regroup.

I'll keep you posted.

The Warehouse has
always endured, Arthur.

JAMES: Remember this watch?

We used to argue over it.

I think you should have it.

Good look, old friend.

I imagine
you're going to need it.


You guys all right?

We are on the other
side of the world
from all right.

How did they do it?
An injection.

They made it look
like a heart attack.

I found this stuff on him.

I didn't even know
the guy smoked.

He didn't.

His father was a chain smoker.
Steve hated smoking.

That's my boy.

What is that?

It's Steve doing his job.

Hey, guys.

The bad news is,

if you're watching this,
then I'm probably screwed.

So, I'll keep it short.

Still nothing on
Sykes's end game.

He plays it
pretty close to the vest.

But I can tell you that he's
made travel arrangements
to Hong Kong.

I don't know why.
It's definitely not
a pleasure trip.

There's one other thing.

Sykes's number two.

Marcus Diamond,
the guy who doesn't die,

there's something
strange about him.

He gets this look
when Sykes brings out
this wooden box.

It's probably
an artifact, Artie.
You should check it out.

Agent Steve Jinks
signing off.

Good luck, you guys.


Keep the faith.

Good work, Jinksy.

JANE: Indeed.

Agent Jinks may have
given us the final piece
to the puzzle.

What's in Hong Kong?

Something we thought
was gone and buried forever.

Walter Sykes may have
uncovered the ancient
Regent Sanctum.


MYKA: If the Regent
Sanctum was constructed

during the era of
Warehouse 7,

it predates H.G.
by centuries.

What does Sykes
want with her?

No idea.

All knowledge of
the Sanctum was purged
from Warehouse records

when it was finally
shut down for good.

That was over
100 years ago.

And if it was just
a meeting place,

why would he even
care about it?

I got it. Three tickets to
Hong Kong purchased
from Tyler's I.P. address.

Three? Sykes,
Tyler, Marcus, H.G.

Somebody did not
make that trip.

MYKA: They're going to
get there before us.

And he has an advantage.
He knows where it is,
and we don't.

I found this in
the Escher Vault.

It was worn by
the Regents of
Warehouse 7.

Claudia, see if
you can get us
the history on this thing.

MYKA: Wait, that's
the Chinese symbol for...


Aperture could be a facility
that manufactures cameras.

Or a location that
acts as an aperture.

Somewhere, light hits
a certain way.

How very Indiana Jones.

The roads.
The roads in...

Roads, I remember.

The roads kind of...

Hang on a second.

Do you see that?

They connect,
and it almost forms...
I see it.

You two know you haven't
actually finished
a sentence yet, right?

Well, the same symbol
that means aperture
can also mean eye.

As in the Eye of Horus!

This is Hong Kong
circa, 1600.

These roads, the roads today

are all based
on these roads.

And take a look at this.

The roads form
an Eye of Horus.

The iris of the eye.
It's a city.

ARTIE: Tai Po.

Good a place to start
as any. We'll check in
when we get there.

Claudia, I think
it'd be a good idea...

Excuse me.

ARTIE: Claudia?

You have every
right to be angry.

Agent Jinks was
a good man.

And what happened
was a tragedy.


And what?

And I'm really sorry
I sent him to his death?

Steve died alone,

cut off from everybody
who had his back.
And for what? Why?

Agent Jinks did not want
to put any of you at risk.

He volunteered for...

To take down Walter Sykes
for the good of the world.

But let's face it, Jane.
This was never about
the good of the world, was it?

This was about your guilt.

You made Walter Sykes.
No, Claudia,

I tried to prevent
Walter Sykes from being made.

If we'd gotten to
the artifact in time...

But you didn't,
and he became
a psychopathic k*ller.

And now, all you care about
is fixing your mistake,

no matter who gets hurt
or k*lled along the way.

That's not true!
It's just not...

You're upset.

This is not the time to
discuss whether Agent Jinks...

Steve! His name was Steve!

You know, I see you
and the Regents

for what you really are...


Steve was worth
a thousand of you.

MYKA: This is exactly
where the eye would be,

but maybe
it's just a restaurant.

Then why did I get a vibe
that almost knocked me over?

We're here in
a Chinese restaurant, Mykes,

and I'm not hungry.

And I know there's
something here.

We are at the dead
center of the city, and...

What? What is it?

If the Sanctum was
built that long ago,

maybe the restaurant
isn't the Sanctum.

What if it's on top
of the Sanctum?


Well, I would say that
we're in the right place.

What do you got?

Well, I doubt H.G.
and a stock boy
wear the same locket.


Is somebody there?


PETE: Nothing.

I mean, I don't know.

Maybe they realized
it was the wrong place
and left.


But why do I
still have a vibe?

Because H.G. left
that locket as a clue.

I know it.


Look at this.

It looks like something
swept across the floor.


What is it?

Like a door opening?

Maybe we can...


The Eye of Horus.

I believe the phrase is



TYLER: Please, Mr., Sykes,
don't make me do this.

Tyler, make the move
the lady suggested.


H.G: This is lunacy.

It's not a move.
It's a guess.

I don't care.

We don't know
if we don't play.

Now, move that piece.

The first two were wrong.

The third could...
SYKES: Enough.

Tyler, what are you
waiting for?

Look at those skulls.
They're all cracked in half.

Yeah, I think I see why.

Please, Mr. Sykes.

Don't make him do it.

Tyler, you got to
be in it to win it.


Good lad.

H.G: Checkmate.



First show's over!
Lattimer and Bering.

Come on down!


H.G: Myka,
are you all right?

I didn't do that.

No, I'm fine.

Myka, that's only
because I controlled
where she shot.

Next time, her aim's going
to be a lot better, okay?

Let's go, guys.

g*ns on the floor, please.

Or the next shot's
going to be right between
Miss Bering's beautiful eyes.

You son of a...

(GRUNTS) Stop it!

I don't understand.

Why is there a t*rture device
in the Regents' Sanctum?

It's not a t*rture
device, honey.
It's a lock.

It was invented by
a man named Caturanga.

He was rather

the Claudia of
Warehouse 12,
and my teacher.

That's why
you needed Helena.

To open it.

She's the only
living person

who knew this Caturanga.

See, the pieces are set
so the player's in check.

You win the game,
and the lock opens.

You lose the game,
and your skull opens.

H.G: When the Regents
shut down the Sanctum
a century ago,

Caturanga designed the lock.

Now, the secret to
opening it is not
in the journals,

but he writes a lot
about Miss Wells here.
It's his favorite student.

I think she knows
about it.

Caturanga taught me
a thousand things,

but I have never seen
the chess lock before.

I don't know
how to open it.

I know, and you clearly
demonstrated that with
young Tyler here.

You did that!
I tried to stop you!
I swear it.

You know what?
Maybe I used
the wrong incentive.


Myka! Myka!

Now that there's somebody
in the chair you care about,

maybe your memory
will come back.

What is that?

A gift from
a former employer.

What do you want from me?
I'm just an inn keeper.

We both know you're
more than that, don't we?

If you think that
I'm going to help you
break into the Warehouse,

you're in for a surprise.


Now, you see, it's you
people who are going to
be surprised.


What is that?


Something's wrong at Leena's!
Pull up the security feeds!

Way ahead of you.


It's him.



All right. All right.

If we unlock this thing,

what are we
going to find?

You'll see.

Have you considered
that we might be
unlocking an artifact

deemed too dangerous to
be kept in Warehouse 7?

She's right, you know?

The Regents must
have had a reason
to keep people out.

Don't tell me
about the Regents or
the reasons, okay?

You have one choice.

Open the lock
or she's going to die.

How do we beat it?

It was Caturanga's passion.

We played every day
for years.

You beat him all the time?

Not once.


Oh, great.

All right.
Time to make a move.

With Tyler, I chose
the King's Gambit.

Caturanga would
have expected that.


Yes, perhaps the...

The Dragon's variant.

Myka, King's knight

to E-6.




You're distracting
the player, Pete.

Queen's Bishop to H-4.


I don't know
what else to do.


I'm sorry, Myka.

Helena, listen to me.

I am not going to
die here today, okay?

Because you are
going to take a breath,

and you're going
to save my life.

H.G: This isn't what
I signed up for.

These Regents of yours
are gravely mistaken

if they think I shall be
carrying around this.

A Webley Mark I.

450 caliber. Standard
issue of the Royal Navy
and police constabularies.

A fine w*apon.

g*ns have no place in
a civilized society, sir.

Now, the Regents
set the rules,
and their rule states

all Warehouse agents
must carry a firearm.

But there is always
an alternative to k*lling.

I agree.

That is not standard issue.

I changed the rules.

Wells, time
for target practice.

Is he dead?

No, no.

Agent McShane
is merely stunned.

When the rules
do not agree with one,

it is sometimes necessary
to change them.

Change the rules.

Change the rules.

H.G: Myka,

D-3 to E-8.

Helena, I can't move
my pawn like that.

I know.

Change the rules.


Whatever it is, I think
it's about to open.



Do it.

JANE: Artie, what's that?

Black Barty's cannon.
Black Barty?

Black Barty was one of
the most successful pirate
captains of the golden age

and his cannon
from his ship
was rumored to have

augmented firepower.

Are you telling me
Walter Sykes' plan is

to fire a cannonball
at the Warehouse?

A cannonball
wouldn't worry me,

but a cannonball
from that cannon...

I'm approaching worry.

I'm not.


What the hell is happening?


What just happened?

The Remati Shackle
sensed an attack

and activated a
protective barrier
around the Warehouse.

We're safe.
I got to get to Leena's.

Once the shackle is
activated, I'm afraid

no one can
get in or out.

Claudia, I want you...

Artie, I have a bad feeling.
I have a bad vibe.

But you said that
nothing could get in
once the barrier was up.

True. But it can't
stop something
that's already inside.


The Regents wanted to
know our vulnerability.

I think we just found it.

SYKES: Amazing.

The Warehouse.


Guys, run!




They must have shut it
down from the other side.

I hope you don't mind.

I let myself in.

Initiating the barrier
automatically triggered
the emergency exit portal.

To the ancient Sanctum.

When the Regents
abandoned the portal

they locked it up,
but it wasn't enough just
to trigger it on one side.

You had to unlock
the Hong Kong side as well.

Which is why
you needed H.G.

You'd be proud of her.

She only k*lled
one guy doing it.

Peter, are you hurt?

No. A little tired
of this guy, though.

You'll never get
what you want.

Difference of opinion, Jane.

See, I think
I'm going to get
exactly what I want.

PETE: Artie, no!


(GASPS) Artie!

SYKES: That'll be
your only warning!

Play nice.

Artie, I'm sorry.
It's his crop.

It's got wicked mojo.
Are you okay?

I've been better.

Why don't you just k*ll us?
Oh, I'm going to,

but we're going
to go find the
Collodi Bracelet first.

And this time, Jane,

you're going to watch
your son hand it to me.

There's got to be
another way to open this.

I just... (INHALES)
I have to think.

Myka, I'm sorry.

About what?

I should have
destroyed the Janus coin
the moment you found it.

Then I wouldn't have
caused all of this.

I wish that you would
stop doing that.

Doing what?
You're not
the bad guy, okay?

I believed in you,
and I was right,

so get off your cross
and help me figure this out.

Righty-ho, then.

Old times.

Wells and Bering, solving
puzzles, saving the day.

Bering and Wells.

There are consequences to
using the Collodi Bracelet.

There were consequences
to not using it.

It's a part of me.

When I close my eyes,
I can see it.

Without it, there's
a hole in my soul.

That's what
it does to you.

It's not real.
It's not a real need.

It is real to me.


Did you not know that, Jane?

Wearing the bracelet creates
an insatiable longing.

It hardens your heart,
it darkens your soul.

If we'd let you
keep the bracelet,

you never would have been
able to love or be loved.

If you did everything right,

then why are we here?

We didn't get to you soon
enough. The seeds of darkness
had already taken root.

You've k*lled
a lot of people, Walter,

but I take
responsibility for that.

Oh, that's big of you, Jane.

It's not too late.

We can still
try to save you.

Oh, please.

I don't think you're
going to hurt me.

I think you understand
what I'm saying.

I think you know
there's been enough
damage done.

I think you're
ready to stop this.

But Jane,
then you'd have solace.

I want you to feel

the guilt and the pain

like I have.

You should have
opted for the opportunity
I just gave you.

I will take the risk...

And the bracelet.




Marcus, I have it.

Go ahead.

You'll never win.

Pete and Myka
and the others,
they'll fight back.



But you'll have had
a heart attack by then.

Put that syringe down,
Mr. Diamond.

I'm impressed.

Imagine my delight.
Drop it, please.

It's about time.

I didn't think
you'd let me k*ll her.

And I knew
you'd wait for me.

You never
should have come.

I made you a promise
a long time ago.

I honor my commitments.

This is Marcus Diamond,
former Baltimore
City Detective,

shot in the line of duty.

Three times.

Dead center.
And you lived?

b*ll*ts are still
in his heart.

If you know that much
about me, you know that
medal won't k*ll me.

Yes, but it will cause you
unending pain.

You have no idea
what's about to happen.

Oh, but I do.


Right where it belongs.

You got what you wanted.

Get out.

No. This is just step one.

Before you die,

I want you to know
what it feels like

when something you love
is ripped away from you.


No. Please!

I am responsible. k*ll me!

PETE: Myka!
Thank god!
Come on!


You got to circle around.
Don't let him in the portal.

H.G: Myka.

Rigging rope from
the Mary Celeste.

Hang on!

No, Myka, don't!


"Touch the rope,"

I imagine, was the rest
of that sentence.


If you pull on it,
it only gets tighter.

That's good to know.


When will you ever learn not
to play with these things?


Let's go.



You're too young
to have seen
the Frazier-Ali fight, right?



He never saw
the right uppercut coming.

MARCUS: You know,
I think we're beyond

needing to make your death
look like an accident.





LEENA: Claudia,
what is that?



This is Johann Maelzel's

Sykes uses it to
keep Marcus alive.

That was for Steve.

(sh*ts FIRING)

JANE: Thank God
Myka left it open.

Get away from her!

Walk into this!

JANE: Walter!

Walter, take my hand.


Are you are you okay?

Yes. You?

Walter Sykes has,
uh, left the building.

The portal's kaput.

You're going to
need to fly back.

All right,
so get home safe, okay?

And, Mom...

I love you.

I love you too, honey.

Pete! What happened?
Where are they?

What took
you guys so long?

Just lazy, I guess.


Is Jane all right?

Well, she's got
a 15-hour plane ride
ahead of her,

but yeah, she's okay.

Thank you.

Any time.



Claud, hey,
are you okay?

Yeah. So are
Leena and Mrs. Frederic.

Marcus is dead.

It's over.

Why is that
light still on?

What... What is it?
They're all on.

MYKA: Artie,
Artie, what's wrong?


Mrs. Frederic, how long
should the barrier normally
stay active?

Once the danger to
the Warehouse passes,
it dissipates instantly.

PETE: Well, then
why is it still up?

The Warehouse isn't
in danger anymore.

Is it?

Was he just going to
collect the Collodi artifact

and walk out of here?

He said he was
going to k*ll us all,
but he never tried to.

A man who can
walk does not need...

He planned on
leaving it behind.

Yeah, but why?


I know that writing.

That's from the House
of Commons in London.

Oh, no.

How bad?

The House of Commons was
partially destroyed during the
Blitzkrieg of World w*r II.

There was a piece of masonry
that was said to have absorbed

the concussive force of
the entire German Luftwaffe.

This case is an
artifact nuclear device...

And it's counting down.


The Ovoid Quarantine
could offer some protection
to the rest of the Warehouse,

but I doubt it.
I don't understand.

I mean, who builds
a force field that
locks you in?

Well, the barrier
was initiated first

as a way of dealing
with external danger.

The barrier's still active,
but now, the point.

The primary function of
the Warehouse is to protect
the world from artifacts.

The barrier now,
its mandate has shifted...

To containing the blast
and protecting the world
from an artifact fallout.

If there is a big,
ugly expl*si*n,

and unfortunately,
there are agents inside,

that's just
collateral damage.

There's less than
two minutes left
on the detonator.

All right.

Let me at that thing.

LEENA: I'm not finding
anything yet.

Keep looking.
Something's got to
neutralize that b*mb.


I can't find anything in
the databases, either.

Wait, so why can't we
just go to the Warehouse

and find a way to
break them out even if
we can't stop the expl*si*n.

We can't get
through the barrier.
Besides, there isn't time.

Oh, can I maybe hack
my way in and deactivate
the barrier that way?

The power isn't derived from
the main system. It's derived
from the Ramadi Shackle.


you're going to
have to give me back
that metronome, please.

Now, please.


You know we can't
use artifacts to...

What I know is
I'm tired of arbitrary rules.

The metronome is for Steve,

and I'm bringing him back.


Takes a licking,
and keeps on
trying to k*ll us.

Okay, the portal's closed.
There's no back door.

ARTIE: No. No back door
outside the barrier, anyway.

Come on, Myka,
we've gotten out of
worse than this.

No, we have,
we have the solution,
and we can find it.

All we have to do
is keep a cool head.

We'll find it in...

Fifty-six seconds.

You did say that
we'd go out together.

I always figured we would.

Not me. I was
planning on outliving
both of you lunatics.


And here we go.


What are you doing?

She's trapped us.

Helena, what is this?


It was the only way
I could think to save you.

What have you done?

There was no other way.
An anomaly in the system
allowed me to

reroute a portion of
the outer barrier to that
spot on the floor.

I just hope it lasts.

You've protected us
from the blast.

You should be safe now.

But you're...
You're out there.

It had to be initiated
from outside the barrier.

No. Listen.
You got to
let us help you.

There's a way we can do this.
We just avoided
destroying you.

You're going to
throw it all away?
I just started liking you.

Don't stop now.


I smell apples.





LEENA: Claudia,
the Warehouse!

Mrs. Frederic!

That was his plan,

to destroy
the entire Warehouse.

We lost, Artie.

We lost.

Not yet.