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04x15 - Instinct

Posted: 05/28/23 06:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on Warehouse 13...

I spent some time
in a psyche... research facility.

And I just told you
I was in an institution.

This is Abigail Chow.

Ms. Chow is the new owner
of the Bed-And-Breakfast.

What exactly did you do
before you bought the B&B?

A lot of things.
Why do you ask?

Anything in the field
of psychotherapy?

- Yes.
- I k*lled someone I love.

Let's talk.

Where is Briggs?

I sh*t him!

Detective Briggs,
I did it.

I want to confess!

Okay, I got this.

I'm here.

What is this, Purcell?

A joke? Huh?

Your lawyer made us cut
you and your partner loose.

I don't care.

I sh*t that guy.
I k*lled him.

If you say so.

Maybe your friend Shultz'll have
a change of heart next.

So my client just ran
into the station,

waived counsel,
and confessed.

Yeah, that's kind of hard
to believe.

You got a dozen witnesses.

Yeah, all cops,

and you're the DA.

Well, they don't do everything
that I tell them.

Why would he confess?

Your own lab said
that there was no evidence.

that's not quite correct.

My report said that there was
insufficient evidence

to satisfy a judge.

And thank you
for saying that

in front of the defense,

Emily Lake.

And to be clear,
I did also say

that he's guilty.

Open wide.

I know it's difficult
being the accused.

You always friendly
to confessed K*llers?

No reason
not to be civil.

We're all here
to find the truth.

I thought we were here
to put bad guys away,

but whatever.

Yes, let's just go
with "whatever," shall we?

Hands, please.

Thank you.

Even you have to admit,

his behavior is rather a...


Warehouse 13
04x15 - "Instinct"
Original Air Date - June 03, 2013

What--what the hell?


Can't I read a book
for five minutes?


So she's not here
to run the B&B,

especially the all-important
second "B"?

Abigail's a therapist, Pete.

She's not
a short-order cook, okay?

She's here to help Artie.

Make your own breakfast.
You're an adult.

Sort of.

That's gross.

Well, this is awesome.

Now we have somebody
who's gonna be analyzing

everything we do,
judging our every move.

I thought that was
Artie's job.

Hey, Steve, you know how
to make scones, right?

I don't even like scones.

I miss old stereotypes.

- Ooh!
- Another stereotype shattered.

That's it?

Okay, who's in charge
of breakfast?

Because wheatos
is just not gonna cut it.


Did you guys feel
an earthquake?

- No.
- Has anything unusual happened

in the Warehouse
at all lately?

No, nothing.

Oh! Oh!
What was that?

Can you tell us
why you're asking?

No, later, later.

Meet me
at the FISH ASAP.

- I'll just get dressed.
- Oh, this isn't, um,

like, therapist business.

He means agents only, so--

Who says I do?
Bring Abigail too.

But she's not dressed,
and you said ASAP.

I'll just be two minutes.



So you're a lab tech.

Forensic scientist.

Quite a natural fit
for me, really,

with my aptitude
for science

and powers of observation.

Any details I needed
to play it convincingly

I was able to glean
from the television.

I'm really hoping
it wasn't from Dexter,

'cause that's--

That's evidence,

and it's covered
in bodily fluids.

I understand how
you're doing this.

What I don't get is why.

What happened?
We--we haven't heard from you

in months.

I was under strict orders
not to contact anyone

while I had the astrolabe.

After returning it
to the brotherhood,

I wanted a new life,

one far away from the world
of artifacts.

Now, may I fill you in
on the case at hand?

Of course.

The suspect's name
is Richard Purcell.

He and a partner allegedly
k*lled a mini-mart owner

during a robbery.

Both were released
on technicalities.

Then Purcell willingly returned
and confessed.

And when I observed him
during booking,

it was as if he was...


Transforming how?

Like dangerous,
Jekyll and Hyde,

Roseanne Barr?

I don't know.

In all my years
hunting artifacts,

I've never seen anything
like it.

♪ ♪

I don't see any fish.

I don't even see any water.

Did you stop for coffee?


That's the FISH.

Surveillance Holograph.

It's a scrapped CIA project
from the '50s.

Yeah, it hides the Warehouse
from aerial detection.

Anything that flies
over the Warehouse,

radar, sonar,
or spy satellite,

they see...


Now, in order for this image
to be projected,

the FISH has to maintain
a real-time scan

of what is actually there,

which is this.


bird's-eye view of the mountain
and the Warehouse.

This should tell us what--

The mountain did not move.

It is just the Warehouse.

So what's causing it?

That is the question,
isn't it?

All right, masks!

All right,
put it in the trunk.

See you at the Warehouse.

So what are we missing?

I don't know--
the artifact, the perpetrator,

just about everything
at this point.

No, with HG.

She wants to give up a life
of endless wonder

to be a normal person?

She is not a normal person.

She's HG Wells.

Well, maybe she just doesn't
want to end up

evil, crazy, or dead.

Let's just go talk
to this guy Purcell.

- Artie...
- Yeah?

Are we sure Abigail
should be in here

when this is going on?

For her own safety,
her being new and all.

All hands on deck.
We got a lot of ground to cover.

- Why? You got a problem with her?
- No.


Hey. You all right?

Yeah. M-muscle cramp.

Not enough potassium.

Abigail ate my banana.

It was supposed to be
a robbery.

I only had a g*n
to scare him.

But then he went
for a g*n too, and I--

Why did you turn
yourself in?

I mean, the cops
couldn't make the case.

I'm asking myself
the same question.

Well, what about your, uh,
your partner,

Donald Shultz?

They think he was
with you.

He swears he's innocent.

Donny is innocent.

He wasn't around that night.

- He can prove it.
- Why doesn't he?

He... can't...

say where he was.

Right. So we've got
a guilty guy

who blabbed
after he got off

and an innocent guy
who could get off but won't.

It's an irony artifact.

Uh, Mr. Purcell,

think back.

What were you doing
just before you came

to the station?




- Hey, hey--
- Everybody leave me alone!

Leave me alone!

Whatever that artifact is
scared him so much

that he can't even
think about it.

We need to find Shultz.

Please! Please!

I swear, ask Purcell.
I wasn't there.

Why is the Secret Service
interviewing my prisoner?

Why--why are you even interested
in this case?

We have our reasons.

Purcell is--is too freaked out
even to admit why

he made the confession.

Donald Shultz
was just found dead.

So who would want
to hurt these guys?

Lots of people.

Have you seen
their known associates?

Besides, Shultz
wasn't m*rder*d.

The coroner said he d*ed
of a heart att*ck.

Right, a totally healthy kid
with no history

of heart trouble.

I'm not a doctor,
and neither are you.

Maybe it was hereditary.

Look, we did some digging.

Shultz was arrested
the same night of the robbery

in Illinois
for being in a bar fight.

So he couldn't have done it.

Shultz had a sheet
as long as your arm.

And whether he committed
this crime or not,

Purcell did.

Look, this is an election year.

The last thing I need
is the two of you

poking holes
in a solid public confession

where an innocent citizen
was m*rder*d.

You talk to my prisoner
or my officers again,

I will have you arrested
for interfering

with a criminal investigation.

Now go protect the president
or something.

- Is it possible that--
- Oh, look.

I have to make
a phone call.

Whatever this thing is,

it generates major fear.

Yeah, are there any artifacts
that can literally scare

someone to death?

Yeah, only--
only hundreds of them.

I mean, it could be anything
from the Inquisition.

It could be the first failed
attempt at skydiving.

The showerhead from Psycho.

Oh, great,
another Hitchcock artifact.

The guy should have
his own section.

Yeah, w--

Artie, any luck
with those tremors?

Yeah, we're working on it.
Working on it.

Uh, yeah, tell me more
about the physical changes

that HG saw.

That could help
narrow it down.

Well, she saw
Purcell's face change a bit

and his fingernails recede.

But, uh, she didn't see
that much.

But before that, what did
the guy actually look like

when he first went
into the station?

Well, HG got there later,

but I bet they have
closed-circuit cameras.

Yeah, but the DA
hates us.

And no, Artie, it's not because
of anything I did.

All right, now, list--listen.
I-I-I gotta go.

Keep me posted.

Find a way
to get that video.

Hey, Mykes, you know the owner
of the mini-mart

that Purcell k*lled?

He had a family, right?


Well, if we had
a nickel

for every time someone used
an artifact for revenge,

we'd have, like,
a billion nickels.

And in dollars,
that would be, like...

Well, in nickels, it w--

I got it.

So... great.

You go interview
the family,

and I think I know
how to get that video.

- This goes like this, right?
- Uh--

Uh, care--
careful with that.


This building is old
and falling apart.

Yes, we have that in common.
Ha ha!

b*at you to it.

Yes, well, how much shaking
can it take?

Good point. The four of us
could take weeks

to find the source.

Well, you know,
the geological survey

has sensors in the ground
at every major fault.

And depending on the intensity
of the sensor,

they can determine
the epicenter.


Why would you have those
at the Warehouse?

This is not the San Andreas.

- Forget I ever said anything.
- Uh--


- Claudia!
- I don't know why!

Wh--why what?

Why--why nothing.

What do you want?

The artifact removal
detection system--

Oh, yes, repurpose sensors
that are already in place.

Of course.

Then I could boost power
to the system,

make sure it feels
every vibration.

I will overlay the data
onto a grid

of the Warehouse
and cross-ref.

Yeah, that.

Nice suggestion, Doctor.

Don't get a big head.

I almost got it.

I got it, I got it.

Yukon sector.

It's this way!

How long have you people
worked here?

I'm new.

- Found it.
- My.

- There!
- There's the problem.

- What are those?
- Expansion joints

for when the Warehouse
automatically expands

to make room for artifacts.

For some reason,
they're jammed.

I think that's what's causing
the tremors.

Great, well,
that explains everything,

except for the part
where you said the Warehouse

automatically expands.

That's right.

Hi, Helena.

- Myka, what are you doing here?
- Emily?

I asked you
to leave me out of this.

Helena, it's just that
we need help.

- There's no--
- Emily, everything okay?

- Hi.
- Nate.


Um, this is--

A dear old friend
of Emily's

who she hasn't seen
in a long time

and is surprised
to see now.

You're a police officer

or something like
the police.

You and Emily
solved cases together,

and you went
on amazing adventures.

- How did you--
- Well, the old friends part

is obvious
from your body language.

The surprise I could just see
on Emily's face.

So you must be here
from out of town.

And knew you were something
like police

'cause, well,
you're wearing a badge.

Emily taught her that.

- Ah.
- One correction.

There were
no amazing adventures.

Myka and I
were just roommates

at Iowa Tech.


Crazy days on the quad.

Someday I'm gonna go
on amazing adventures.

- Mm-hmm. Come on.
- Yes, you will.

Please come in.

- Adelaide's exceptional.
- And so's her father.

He's a solid, normal,
kind man.

Yes, he's a civilian.

But that's one of my favorite
things about him.

I'm trying something
a little... different right now.

So how long
have you lived here?

About six months.

I met Nate
at a cooking class.

No, don't laugh.

Um, and then--
and then Adelaide.

Myka, they invited me
into their home,

their lives.

For the first time
in over a century,

I feel like--

I feel like I belong.

So does Nate know
who you really are?

I can't very well tell him
I'm HG Wells,

the 147-year-old father

of science fiction.

They'd put me away.

So will you help us?

The cops won't,
and we need that video.

I can't.

Myka, I can't.

Helena, people
are getting hurt.

One's already dead.

And by the way,
you called us.


Don't you think you owe it
to Adelaide

to have one more
amazing adventure?

But the defense,
the guy's gotta do something.

She supposed to be back here?

This area's off limits
to visitors.

Officer... Curtis,

uh, I'm sure over the years,
you've impressed a lady or two

by giving her a tour
of the station.

Been known to happen.

Well, uh...



All right.
Rock on, ladies.

You've been watching Claudia.

We trade tips.

Okay, we just have to find
the moment

where Purcell came
into the station,

see what he looked like.



It's hard to see
any detail.

What about before,
in the parking lot?


Oh, my God, Helena.

Pete, listen to me.
I'm putting you on speaker.

It looks like the artifact
evolves its victims

into a primal state.

Got it.
Listen, the victim's family

wasn't looking for revenge,

but they--they said
some cop came by

and creeped them out
with his promise

to get them justice.

Said his name was Briggs.

Briggs, I-I know him.

Uh, back up
to before Purcell entered.

There. That's Briggs.

What is he doing?

Can you push in?

He had his handcuffs ready.

He knew Purcell
was coming in.

Briggs is our guy.

Pete, our k*ller
with a deadly artifact

is a cop.

- Secret Service!
- Detective Briggs!

A primal regression artifact

that may not just affect
physical appearance.

The brain could devolve
as well.

It sounds like you're dealing
with something

that is affecting
the brain's limbic system.

That is the core of our ancient
fight, flight,

or freeze responses.

So overwhelming fear,

that's how Shultz
was scared to death.

You could be dealing
with something--

something incredibly old,

even prehistoric.

Like a piece
of cave drawing

or an arrowhead.

Be careful.

It's still happening.
Don't ask.

Now, listen,
an artifact this old,

it could be
extremely powerful,

including the downside
on whoever is using it.

And if his brain
is affected too,

then the artifact
could be putting him

into permanent fight mode,

which would make him
as much predator

as his victims are prey.

And look, I gotta go.

Pete, why does Briggs have

all of this info
on Helena?

Hi, there.

Ms. Lake around?

Don't know yet.
You are...?

Uh, we work together.

Oh, my nephew takes karate.

- Boy or girl?
- Girl.

And I've been repeatedly told
it's called kenpo.

She can't be Emily's,
though, right?

What's this about?

I need to get a message
to her friends,

the Secret Service agents.

I figured
they knew each other.

Her name isn't Emily Lake,
is it?

What is she,
in Witness Protection?

All right,
what are you talking about?

You really don't know,
do you?

Think about it.

You need to get
off my property right now.

Tell you what.

You can deliver
the message for me.

Now, you tell them
back off.

Or I will find out
who she's hiding from,

and ruin this
perfect little life of yours.



I assure you, Detective,

you don't want to know
who I am.

I count six ways
I could k*ll you right now.

And the only reason
you're still drawing breath

is because I'm trying so hard
not to do

that sort of thing anymore.

Check your boyfriend.



It's gonna be okay.
Just take deep breaths.

Myka! It's there.

Put it in the bag, quick!

Quickly, please.

It's all right.
It's all right, honey.

The Warehouse was designed

to automatically expand
to accommodate

the growing collection
of artifacts

and their energies.

That's why it was built
into the side of this mountain.

And energy and matter
can be converted

into each other, right?

"E" equals "m-c" squared.

So it's a self-sustaining

Einstein himself created

those expansion joints.

It sucks energy in.
Matter comes out.

Oh, I get it,
so the jammed joints

are filling with energy,

and with nowhere
for the matter to go,

the strain to expand
is what's causing the quakes.

We need to stop
the flow of energy

until we can figure out
why the joints are jammed.


Yeah, it's just,

most people take a little longer
till they're comfortable

speaking in "Freakanese."

Yeah, but good for you,

Good for you.

Now, obviously, in here,

artifact energy
is everywhere.

We can't just throw a net
over the whole place.

Well, so what if we found
a way to cover

the joints with neutralizer?

Create a barrier that the energy
can't get through.

Yeah, just sh**t some goo
up there.

I'm so glad Pete's not here.



Wow! That's a great idea,

Let's go build us
a goo sh**t.

Look for something
in the Schoningen armory.

So we need something
that will reach all the way

to the ceiling--
and are you gonna tell me

what's going on,
or what?


Just admiring from afar.

That's the second time
that I've seen you get zapped.

What's up?

I think the Warehouse
is mad at me, okay?

It's been giving me
these electric sh*ts

since we got back
from England.

I think it's punishing me
because I stabbed

its "husband" or whatever.

So I figure,
probably safer to stay

outside the expl*sives aisle,
you know.

Why give the old lady
any ideas?

Or maybe this isn't
about you,

and it has something to do
with this expansion thing?

- I--
- I'm sorry.

Is your butt getting
joy-buzzered every two minutes?

Is anyone else's?

So I'm good back here.

Okay, so tell Artie.

With doctor head-shrinker
listening in?

No, I don't think so.

They have very strong meds
for people

who think that buildings
hate them.

Wait, wait, you're worried
about sounding crazy?

In crazy town?

See, I got locked up
for saying my brother

was calling me
from another dimension.

It didn't help I was right.

You're lying.

You're not afraid Abigail
will think you're crazy.

It's something else.

Oh! Oof.

You see that?

Why couldn't we
have needed something

from the soft fabrics aisle?

Jeez. What?

You find anything yet?

We are working on it.

Well, hurry up,
because we figured out

what's jamming the joints.

That big nail
is doing all of this?

That's not a big nail.
That's a spike.

It's a very powerful spike.

It's from the trans-continental

It draws things together.

Okay, so the artifact's
a jawbone.

Best possible match
is this handsome devil,

the giant prehistoric hyena.

Favorite snack was--

okay, well, us.

It could be
that this guy's jawbone

absorbed power
to put people

in a state of primal fear.

Look, you're saying words,

but none of them
actually make any sense.

I know, Nate.

Look, you're not crazy, okay?

We are.

What do you people do?

And Emily, I mean,
I thought I knew her.

I want to believe
that I know her.

I don't even know her name.

She's lived in my house.

She's been in my bed.

I trusted her with Adelaide.

I know, all right, all right.
Pull up.

Pull up, okay?

It's true.
She's not who you thought.

Okay, but she--no, no.

She is so much more.

It's her place
to tell you, okay?

Not mine.

But what I can say is

you don't need to be
afraid of her.

And no one
that I have ever met

will protect you
or your daughter any better.

Protect us from what?

If we're so safe,
why couldn't she tell me

her real name?

Every time
the Warehouse and I mix,

lives are ruined.

It's over.

Don't you find it strange
that you became attached

so quickly to a man
with a daughter

around Christina's age?

- Excuse me?
- Isn't it possible

that a part of you still wants
to get Christina back?

Myka, how could you suggest--

this has got nothing to do
with my daughter.

Helena, I'm sorry,

but I can't help
but notice--

You can take
your observational skills,

and you can leave
right now.

You are denying who you are
to chase a ghost.

This life--
it's not who you are.

What? No, no, no.

No! Don't you hurt her!

It's Briggs.

He must've flashed
his badge

at Adelaide's karate school

and convinced them he was there
to pick her up.

Just bring that thing
I left,

and everything will be great.

I'll text you and tell you
where to meet.

Your dad says we can get
some ice cream.

You work with Emily?

Yep. She and your dad
are working late,

so they asked me
to take care of you.

I've got lots of homework,

so when can I go home?

That all depends
on Emily.

No, I don't understand.

Why aren't we getting help?

We are the help, okay?

We're experts.

At what?
What are you an expert at?

We'll get Adelaide back.

Why should I trust you?

Why should I trust
any of you?

You're the ones
who took this thing from him.

Just give it back.
Give it back to him.

And you bring
my daughter home.

- Nate, I--
- Don't.

I'll talk to him.


Myka, you--
you were right.

You warned me.

- About what?
- I can't have a normal life.

I-I was being foolish.


How can I bring anything
but misery to--

No, that isn't what I meant,

I know what I am.

I can't just sit here.

I know what I have to do.

Who are you?

I'll explain
when this is over.

Hey! Hey, Myka!
Where are you going?

I can handle Briggs.

Just stay with Helena
and Nate

and make sure
they don't follow me.

No. No, what--what--
are you nuts?

Just wait for us.

This is my fault.
I dragged her into this.

I'll get Adelaide back.
It'll be okay.


Wait, Briggs.

He was gonna text instructions
to your phone.

She took the phone.

And the artifact.

So how'd it get up there?

Well, the attraction
between the spike

and that suddenly expanding
joint must've been so strong

that the spike just sh*t
up to the ceiling.

Probably the first time
that the Yukon sector

has ever expanded.

We found
an old RPG launcher

and pressure-loaded the shells
with neutralizer.

Behold the gazooka.

Turning into the goo queen.
You know that, right?

It'll neutralize anything
within a 20-foot blast radius.

Look, look, look.

You're gonna have to be
really quick.

As you may recall,

Einstein's whole mass-energy
conversion thing,

that's what makes
nuclear bombs go boom.

Crap. I was so proud
of that thing.

That's why you make two.

I need higher ground.

Okay, follow me.

Roy Frances dived in platform
for 40 years.

Frances dived off that thing
into a shallow pool of water.

Jeez, if you ever tell me
Cirque Du Soleil uses artifacts,

I'll never forgive you.

Now, be careful, because this
ladder's a death trap.

Well, don't sugarcoat it
for me.



Oh, oh--whoa!



Agh. I'm okay.

Oh, but no--
I'm not okay.


It's swelling up fast.

- Steve--
- I'm fine!

Look, I'll find a way down
and help Artie.

You two, you're
gonna have to get closer.

You're gonna have to get
right under that spike

and try again.

Just go!

This thing is getting bigger!

I guess it's just
you and me.

She lost someone,
didn't she?

Her daughter.

Knew it when I met her.

I think it's what
drew me to her.

Adelaide and I,
we know what loss looks like.

We're going to find
your daughter, Nate.


He has to have a place
near the police station.

Right? Because Purcell,

he was still evolving
when he ran in,

and we think
that this jawbone

made Briggs act
like the predator

that it came from.

Which is...

why I'm studying hyenas.

Okay, what's she doing?

Looking for clues?

That's what she does.

Makes more sense
than what you said.


I'm so sorry.
I-I-I promise you that.

Find anything?

Yeah, yeah.

I have, uh, a shoe print,

um, from a hiking shoe,

and from the lack of wear,
I'd say they're brand new.

Not sure what--oh, hello.

Yeah, it's a price tag.

There's no store name.


Near the station.


Pete said
he might have a place

near the station.

There's a camping goods store

I pass it when I drop you off
at work.

It just went
out of business.

Well done, Nate.

We think we know
where he took her.

- Crap.
- What is it?


They hunt in packs, right?

One lures the prey
into the trap,

where the other
is waiting to att*ck.

That's how Briggs got back
to the police station

before Purcell.

Briggs isn't working alone.

He's got a partner.

And Myka doesn't know that.

Detective, I have
the jawbone.

Look, I don't want
any trouble.


I just want to take
Adelaide home.

Reach for your g*n slowly.

And slide it over to me.

Look, you have
what you want.

Let Adelaide go.

You're the one
who k*lled Shultz.

Shultz d*ed
of a heart att*ck.

But he was just another loser

making this city
a dangerous place

to live in.

You don't care.
You don't live here.

Good people afraid to leave
their houses at night,

while K*llers get off
on technicalities.

This let us do something
about it!

That has turned you int--

Look, I'm just here
for Adelaide.

She's just a kid.

She's not a part of this,
so just let her go.

No, you will try
and stop us.

I-I can't let
either of you go.

You didn't know that that
was a part of the plan, did you?

Listen to me, Briggs, okay?

That jawbone, it messes
with your head, okay?

It makes you do things.

You used to be a good cop.
I can tell.

I'm still a good cop.

Good cops don't k*ll
little kids!

- Shut up!
- Shultz was innocent too!

Did you know that? Yeah.
He was arrested in another state

on the night of the m*rder.

He knows.
Ask him.

Is that true?

Shultz was guilty
of plenty

we never caught him for.

He got what he deserved.

And when were you gonna tell
me all of that?

Get her, or she'll burn
both of us!

You're gonna
have to do this.

What? No, no, no, no.

I--look, I get
that you don't like me.

- Why would you say that?
- Really?

Okay, I know
why you say that.

But I honestly think you'd be
safer in there than I would.


Because the Warehouse has been
electrocuting me for days,

and if I go in there,
it'll k*ll me.

Claudia, if the Warehouse
has been attacking you,

why haven't you
told anybody?

Because the Regents
won't make me caretaker

if they find out.

They think I have
this special connection

to the Warehouse,

but how can I have
a connection

if the Warehouse hates me?

And I just barely realized

I want to be caretaker.

I want it a lot.

And I couldn't tell Artie
with you around

because you work
for the Regents.

It's your job to tell them
what you think of us.

Okay, I'm gonna stop you
right there,

because clearly,
we don't have a lot of time.

First, I am not a snitch.

Second, if you have
this special connection,

did you ever consider
that maybe the Warehouse

is trying to get
your attention?

And maybe zapping you
is its way

of asking you for help.

You really think
that's it?

How the hell do I know?

But if you want to be
the caretaker so badly,

go care-take!

All right!

You wanted my attention?
You got it.

You want my help?

Then let me in!

Otherwise, if you want
to k*ll me,

here's your chance.

Well, that wasn't so hard,
was it?

Now, that's a caretaker.

I'm gonna need
a Silkwood shower.

Briggs is mine.

Hey, hey.

No k*lling.

Myka will be super pissed.

It's over, Hofgren.

I said it's over!


I did warn you, Detective.


Myka. Are you okay?

I'm all right.

Listen, Adelaide
is in the back room.

Yeah, I think that you should be
the one to go get her.

Take care of this
for me, will you?

Good luck.

- Agh!
- Ugh!


No caveman jokes.

I will not agree to that.

Oh, come on.


- Emily!
- Oh!

Come here.

- Oh.
- God.

Bravo, my girl.

Exactly as I would have done.

And my name is Helena.

What made you think
the Warehouse

was trying to get
my attention?

Something Artie told me
about Leena,

that she "spoke Warehouse."

Thought maybe it was
trying to talk to you.

You haven't had
much positive experience

with therapy, have you?

When I got
electroshock therapy,

one of the gator clips
was marked positive.

That count?

I only use those
on my car.

Look, I'm here to help.
Or not.

Up to you.

Hey, crazy question.

What--what kind of shampoo
do you use?

Nothing special.

Thought I smelled apples.

So is anyone gonna get me
down from here?

Oh, my God,
that's my best friend.

Everybody seems okay.

Well, Adelaide's safe.

That's the main thing.

As for Nate and myself...

Who knows?

Right, well,
good luck, okay?

'Cause I really want
to believe

there's an alternate Warehouse
retirement plan.

So, you know,
get in there

and book a win
for all of us.

I will do my very best
not to let you down.

Counting on you.

So is this good-bye?

Well, I would assume not.

Fight for him.

I was wrong when I said
that you weren't being

true to yourself.

Maybe I was just afraid
of losing a friend.

But caring for someone--

you're obviously
very good at it,

so make this--

make this your home.

Thank you.

And--and you will never lose
this friend.


So I guess
I will see you around.

- Until then.
- Right.


Maybe just coffee
next time.

Or save the world.

See what happens.