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05x01 - Endless Terror

Posted: 05/28/23 06:48
by bunniefuu
- Previously on warehouse 13...

- Claudia, your sister is alive.

- Nick broke into the warehouse

And released a guy
named paracelsus.

Paracelsus was caretaker
of warehouse 9.


He's gonna make himself

No! Stop!

too late, agent lattimer.

Tell me how to use these
things so I can save myka.

- Mrs. Frederic is...
- No longer the caretaker.

- This is my house now!

I have to stay
and fight paracelsus.

The warehouse will protect me.

- You are the next.

And you are the past.
It's over.

- Get out of my warehouse.

- Looks like your warehouse

Still has a little bit
of a crush on me.


What else you got?

You're wasting your time,

I'm as much a part
of this warehouse as you are,

And it won't let you k*ll me.
- Yes, you are, aren't you?

- Here's a fun game.

Why don't we see
if the warehouse

Will let me k*ll you?

It occurs to me,
if I control the warehouse

And you are a part
of the warehouse,

Then I control you.

Thank you, child.
So attentive.

I'm going to enjoy
throwing your carcass

Into the lehmann fornax.

- Such a spirited girl.

I'll miss it when you're gone.

Come now.

Show me everything you know.



- Need your treatment.
- I've done it.

- Joshua!

- Someone used my time machine.

- Look beyond what you see.

- I cast you out!

- Fascinating.

You know, I, too,
was thought to be mad.

We have that in common.

Except I'm a normal
human being

And you're
a sociopathic m*rder*r.

Other than that, we're twins.
- Up.



Who the hell's
karl schwarzschild?

What am I looking for?

You are going to help me
combine a few artifacts

To build something...

that will change everything.


- You've had surgery.

No strenuous activity,
no exercise,

No spicy foods.

- Yes, absolutely.

I'm gonna go home
and go straight to bed.

Pete! Hi, hey.
- Hey, hey.

My friend is gonna take me
from here.

Thank you.

get me out of here.

What? So...

Wait, we're...

We're all good, right?

- Yeah, we're good.

- Mykes?
- Pete.

- Seriously.
- Pete.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry,
but saying my name

Does not allay my fears.

- I'm okay, okay?

It's a bit of a wake-up call,
but the cyst was benign.

Benign means...
- no, I know what benign means.

- Well, good.
- Does that mean...

Do you mean...
- it means that I'm fine.

- So we're all good downtown?
- Oh, my god.

We are never talking about
my lady parts ever again.

Well, now, when you say,
"lady parts,"

- No. Enough.
- 'cause you know how I...

No. Just tell me what
is going on at the warehouse.

- Not much.

Quit whining
about the purple goo!

It's a rental!

- So how fast should I go?

- As fast as you can!

And you're sure that this
is gonna work?

Yes, of course
it's gonna work!

You've seen me do...
fine, I'll do it again.


Nothing to worry about!

You're gonna get claudia
out of there!

All right, now, you back up
about 200 feet

And then get us in there!

I'm on my way to meet
mr. Kosan and the regents.

They're sequestered
and unreachable

At their retreat abroad.

A hell of a time
for a retreat.

I don't think a warehouse coup
was on anyone's calendar.

Have you gotten
claudia out yet?

- Well, we're just about to.

Nothing to worry about
on this end.

Keep me posted.

- Yeah.

- That didn't work.

And yet it felt
so successful.

Maybe if we double the goo
and you go twice as fast.

No, let's wait for pete
to get back with myka.

Maybe they'll think of something
less life-threatening.

All right, come on,
I've got another idea,

Only we'll need a couple
of crowbars

And a crowded parking lot.

How did paracelsus become
an all-powerful caretaker?

Because I was making him
mortal, okay?

So that I could...

Well, so that he could...

You didn't know.
Myka is dying.

All right, look,
I had two artifacts, right?

And then all the sudden,
the stone

Became all sparky and smoky,
and then all the sudden,

He was out, okay?

He was out,
and he tricked me, and I...

And...I'm a total idiot.

Well, you're not
a total idiot.

Why did you have
two artifacts?

- Because I was...

Do this, and I will help you
combine the artifacts

That could cure myka.

- I was trying to...

Look, myka, that's not
what matters right now, okay?

What matters is we need to get
to this evil wizard

Because he's probably planning
something pretty bad, okay?

We got to get past the shield,
we got to get back in there,

And we got to stop him before...

- The shield.

Artie doesn't know about...
okay, you know what?

We need to get to
the innes observatory right now.

Drive, okay?

Just...just drive fast!

- All right.
- You can say, "emergency,"

All you want,
but it's still illegal.

Oh, please, of all
the illegal things I've done,

This is probably
the least illegal.

Remember, we're trying
to save claudia's life.

Yes, and that's gonna be a lot
harder to do from prison.

How do we take down someone
who's immortal?

- I've been doing some digging.

We're gonna use the arrow
that brought down

The demigod achilles.
- Achilles?

Come on,
that's...that's a myth.

- Yes, it's a myth.

It's a myth
that's currently stored

On aisle corfu 783.

Now, take both the red
and the black cable.

At the same time,
you touch them to the shield...

No, hold it!
Hold it. Hold it.

How about I take one
and you take the other?

Maybe I'll stand a chance
of living through this.

Fine, if that's what
you want.

All right, on three.

One, two, three!

- Damn it!

you all right?

Oh, no, I'm fine.
I've got the black cable.

Are you okay?

I mean,
is everything all right down...

We are not talking
about that, okay?

What the hell are you guys
still doing out here?

Am I really
the only one that reads

The regents' addendums
to the manual?

Okay, look, we know that
the shield draws its power

From the alpha centauri
star system.

- I knew that.
- No, he didn't.

- I did. Continue.

After sykes used
the shield against us,

The regents
installed a fail-safe

Up at the innes observatory.

We were just there.
Really cool place...telescopes.

It was all explained
as addendum nqz-437

- I've been meaning to read...
- I thought that was junk mail.

Since I turned evil
and tried to poison the world.

- Okay.
- That's the best excuse.

- He wins.
- Anyway, I redirected

The laser scope from
the centauri system to uranus.

- I thought it was pronounced...
- uranus.

It makes the shield
appear to stay in place,

Yet we can pass through it.

Steve, if you would.
- Oh, no. No, no, not today.

- Are you kidding me?

- You big crybaby.

We could've
just walked through?

- Ur-anus!

Abigail got me up to speed
on the eldunari.

I think I can disconnect
paracelsus from the warehouse,

But I'm gonna need some cover
when I go down there,

And I'm gonna need
another pair of hands.

Done. Steve and I
will create a diversion

While you and myka go down
and disconnect his mojo.

I've got a plan

I'm absolutely certain
will work.

Trust me.
Make him go first.

I wish we had a g*n
or a tesla.

Nah, I shot para-cojones.
It just pissed him off.

But we have to pick up
achilles' arrow.

Right. First, we got to create
our little diversion.

We're here!

Hey, para-normal!

Why don't you come out
and fight like a...claudia!

- Claude, you're okay.
- No, no, no!

Guys, listen!
- And you're battle-ready.

Paracelsus has control
over my!

You heard the lady.
Let's go!

Jeez, claude!

Not cool!
Not cool!

You guys are just
gonna have to run faster.

Try and fight his control
of your body!

Oh, my god,
what a great idea, steve!

I wish I'd thought of that!

I can't fight it.

And these are al capone's
machine g*ns!

- What do they do?
- They sh**t b*ll*ts! Run!


- Oh, thank god.

- Is it safe?
- Probably not.

Oh, that's a definite no.

This was
from hitler's bunker...

So it'll probably
blow up twice!

- Yeah, twice.

So this is where
we disconnect paracelsus?

We've got to put the fires
back in the alcoves

And get the nordic symbols
back on all the walls.

So abigail
was certain about this?

- Not entirely.

We've never had a caretaker
this strongly connected.

But we don't have a plan "b,"
so let's give these a try.

Oh, artie,
those are beautiful...

Do not look in the mirrors!

They're 4,000 years old.

They belonged to an akkadian
emperor, sargon the great.

Legend has it that he used these
to reflect sunlight

Into the eyes of his enemies,
the sumerians, blinding them!

Okay, I don't see
any sumerians around,

So what is the plan?

We will simultaneously
reflect these flames

Into the adjoining alcoves,
reigniting them.

What happens if it's
not exactly simultaneous?

- Unclear.

The flames will probably
consume us both.

That sounds
pretty clear to me.

If abigail is right,
then the other two alcoves...

They're gonna reignite,
and that'll restart the symbols,

And it'll disconnect paracelsus
from the warehouse.

- If abigail is right.
- It is not an exact science.

I know.
I miss exact science.

- On three.

And one, two...

- Wait!

There's a lot of dust
down here!

- Two, three!

- What about the other two?

- It's a dead end.
- I'm really sorry.

- No! No!

Artie, the other two...
they're not igniting!

- Wait.


Oh, come on!



He's not controlling me

Well, they sure took
their sweet time.

I should've k*lled them
when I...


It doesn't matter.

oh, my god!

So what's paracelsus
been up to?

- You're gonna hate this.

- A time machine?
- H.G. Wells' time machine?

But that only sends
your consciousness back in time.

Why would he want that?

A bunch of different artifacts
and connecting them to it.

Yeah, yeah, he was trying
to get me to mix together

A couple artifacts when
I was trying to save my...


My ass.
My...'cause when...


Uh, he's set up at the same
spot sykes found the portal.

He forced me to help him.

So after we set up
h.G.'s time machine,

He rigged up the tesla coil
to power it.

And then he started
with different artifacts.

There was a telescope
from the marquis de laplace.

French astronomer
and mathematician.

To postulate the existence
of black holes.

What else?
- Pocket watch...

to karl schwarzschild.

Yeah, provided
the first exact solution

To einstein's field equations
of general relativity.

The last thing
was a very old sundial.

- Theodosius of bithynia.

I'm so glad people today
have names like dave.

He was, uh,
the greek astronomer, right?

Three very
powerful artifact cogs

In a possible machinery

That lets you
travel through time.

So that's why
he's at the portal.

He's planning a trip.

- But to where and to when?

Yeah, it doesn't matter.
We've got to stop him.

Right, we'll meet
at the portal.

Pete, you three stop
and pick up the arrow

That k*lled achilles.

It wouldn't hurt to pick up
a couple g*ns too.

Myka and I have
to pick something up first.

- What?

- I'll explain later.

- Jeez.

- Hey, he's going through it.

- Pete, sh**t.

you lose again, agent lattimer.

to the new world order.

You're not gonna get away
with this!

- Wait.
- Take this.

- Ow.

- Artie, what just happened?

I'm not s...
wait a minute.

Did he...uh, pete?

- Yeah?

- Whoa.

- Artie, look.

- His face...

It's on all the banners.

He was caretaker
of the last five warehouses.

- He did it.

He did something
that changed everything.

These banners clearly show
a series of warehouses,

Which tells me he did not alter
history significantly,

Because the same empires
still rose and fell.

He was immortal
when he went back,

Which would explain
why he's still around, right?

You know,
I need to find that arrow

And plunge it into his chest
by hand this time.

Look at the motto
on the banners.

"scientia sit omne."

- "science is everything."

- He's focused the warehouse

on scientific pursuits.

Sorry about
your steampunk, artie.

- I want him dead.

Yeah, but if the world
changed, why didn't we?

That's why
we gave you the forks.

See, the palace at versailles
was known

To experience time-slips.

And louis xiv's silverware

Was somehow imbued
with the power

To keep him and his court
in the same time continuum.

luke, use the fork.

La, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la.

Don't try
and explain time travel.

It never makes sense, and
it always makes my head hurt.

We're here.
The world is different.

Let's find parry
and kick his ass.

Hey, guys, check this out...
very minority report.

This is light-years
ahead of us.

I mean, I can do some stuff,
but it's mostly...

- Good afternoon.

Welcome to warehouse 13.

- What the...

- How may I assist you?

Wait, wait, wait.
That's a hologram.

Programmed himself
as the guide.

He's like
that annoying paper clip.

Jeez, the ego
on this guy.

Claude, can you just
make him disappear?

Oh, it looks like
his focusing on science

Led to some improvements.

Really? Like when
he created immortality

By slaughtering
an entire village

In 16th-century constantinople?

Or the 200 hospital patients
he m*rder*d in cold blood?

- Or maybe not.

Look at the rest
of the motto.

"media ad finem justificat."

"the end justifies
the means."

Yeah, I don't want to think
about how many people

He's k*lled
over the last 500 years.

It's gonna take me hours
to hack this system.

I mean, the way
it responds to me...

It's like it's organic,
it's thinking.

I got to get to the hub.

Maybe that way
I can get him.

Yeah, yeah, no,
wait, wait, wait.

I'm gonna need you
to reconstruct his time machine.

No, no, no, I can walk you,
myka, and steve through it.

Pete and I need
to get to the hub.

So pete and myka can follow him
back through the portal

And stop him from doing it.

And since when do you decide
who does what?

I just think we should make
an informed decision,

You know, like, about
dead relatives, don't you?

- Uh...

Judging by the way
these fiber optics

Are joining up,
I'd say the hub can't be...

So you want to tell me
what that was all about?

- What?

- You, artie, tension,

Informed decisions
and dead relatives?

I'm sorry...I left
my claudia/artie code book

In my other pants,
so spill.

Oh, man.

They have borgs here?

Why does
the creepy k*ller's warehouse

Get to be cooler than ours?

- What's on their eyes?

Oh, that's an artifact
from warehouse 12.

Uh, chester moore hall?

Oh, right,
his achromatic lens,

I thought there was
just one of those.

- Oh, man.

That's the spine of saracen.

That's the first artifact
that almost k*lled me.

And now there
are four of 'em.

He's replicating artifacts,

Artifacts that create
unstoppable soldiers.

- Very good, gentlemen.

- Holy crap, it's valda.

You can feel my commands
without my having to voice them.

What is benedict valda
doing here?

He died in egypt
in a pit of fire.

Not in this reality
he didn't.

I guess the warehouse
attracts the same people,

No matter what.
- Oh, great.

Maybe macpherson
and walter sykes

Are running the snack bar.

- Okay, let's go.

- Wait, claudia. Claudia, wait!
- What?

Do you think
there's a snack bar?

Okay, the time machine's
set up.

What else do we need?

Telescope, watch...
both: Sundial.

Now, you two have...

- What is that?

Pete said that was what
paracelsus liked to do,

Was combine artifacts.

- Artie, are you all right?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

It's just that I remember

Things my parents
used to say...

The kind of things
that the doctors used to do...

In the camps
during the w*r.

He's turned my warehouse
into a world of endless terror.

Well, then
let's go stop him.

Good to know locks
haven't changed that much.

Or that I can pick any lock,
even a futuristic one.

Now, if we can just
find the mainframe,

Hopefully I can...

- Abigail!

Doc, are you okay?

What...what did they...

- What is your request?

I think we found
the organic element

I kept running into.

- Huh?

Paracelsus actually found
a way to harness a human brain

For computer power.

Okay, claude,
we got to get her out of this.

No, no, no, no,
not knowing how she's wired,

We'd likely k*ll her
by doing that,

But maybe she can help.

I'm sorry.
That information is classified.

- Okay.

I'm sorry.
That information is classified.

Shall I contact dr. Paracelsus
for clearance?

Both: No, no, no, no.
- Thank you.

there's got to be some,
like, low-level info

That could help us.
- Okay, let's just...

Tiptoe, okay?

sneaky, sneaky quiet.

- Okay.

That tesla coil
may not have enough juice in it

To keep the portal open

Long enough for pete and myka
to come back through.

We're gonna have
to start looking

For another power source.

- What was that?

Well, even though
the fork's masked

Our physical presence here,
we're moving artifacts around,

So claudia
was able to cloak that

By hacking
into the f.I.S.H., but...

Yeah, there's
a power drain there too.

- June 10, 1541.
- Myka, set the date.

Pretty sure
he went to warehouse 9.

- How can you tell?
- Because on June 10th...

All of the regents
of warehouse 9

And we all know who likes
to k*ll large groups of people

And there were never any
regents appointed ever again.

The caretaker ran the warehouse
and supervised.

Well, that would explain
all the changes.

Okay, you guys,
no more time.

Throw the switches.

You're gonna have to go
back to warehouse 9.

You're gonna have to find him.

Damn it.
We lost the f.I.S.H.

- Intruder.

There is an intruder
in the warehouse.


There is an intruder
in the warehouse.

Okay, pete, myka, go back!
Stop him!

Claudia, you and steve keep the
portal open till they get back!

- What are you gonna...

- Hey, jackboots.

I'm guessing
I'm just your type.

- Artie!
- Claude, claude!

He's probably gonna need you
not captured

So you can go and rescue him,
don't you think?

Yeah, right.
You guys, go.

We'll fix this, claude.
Pete, come on.

Hey, hey, you guys,
save artie.

I'm guessing
because we have these forks,

We probably stay dead
in either time continuum.

No, no, no, no,
no time-travel talk.

Ooh, I bet I'm gonna
get blamed for that.

- Yes, that's very likely.

prepare to die.

Okay, look, I'm really sorry
about the arrow,

And I'm sure my partner
had a perfectly good reason

For k*lling all these guys.

Pete, I did not k*ll
those guys.

Or I shall silence you.

- Okay, off on the wrong foot.

I'm special agent pete lattimer
from warehouse 13.

Lisa davinci...
agent of warehouse 9.

Lisa da...

As in leonardo?

- He was my grandfather.

That's amazing.

Yeah, I mean, if you have
anything that he's ever drawn,

Hold on to it, 'cause it's gonna
go through the roof and...

- Pete.
- Right.

Lisa, what I'm about to tell you
is gonna blow your mind.

We are time travelers...

From the future.

Really? Nothing?

Can't I even get
an "oh, my god"?

Oh, my god,
what took you so long?

My grandfather's been working on
time travel for over 40 years.

Well, we've been working
on stuff, too,

Like, uh, movies and television
and popcorn.

I bet you don't have that.

You two are nothing more
than strangely dressed K*llers

From the future.

Strangely dressed?
These are prada.

- Good one.

- Thank you.

Look, we did not k*ll
these men, all right?

Paracelsus did.
- Paracelsus?

That's impossible.

He was encased in bronze
this very day.

- Mr. Valda.

Mr. Valda,
this is...this is wrong!

The warehouse doesn't use
artifacts like this!

The warehouse has been
a leader

In human experimentation
for centuries.

- No, no.

This is a false continuum.

People who believe
in multiple realties

Are generally
considered insane.

We have several artifacts
that can cure that.

- Listen to me.

This is the day,
isn't it?

I'd almost forgotten.

This is the day
when I changed everything.

500 years
and you've learned nothing!

Just another
single-minded ideologue

Turning science into fascism.

Well, I've replaced
your creaky old storage unit

With a state-of-the-art
research facility.

I'm sure it will have impressed
your associates.

I'm here alone.
There's no one else.

I don't even know
h-how I got here.

Oh, now you're
just being forgetful.

Major valda, shall we have
the doctors see

Which combination of artifacts

Might jog
agent nielsen's memory?

You will be thrilled to see
how much can be learned

When we use artifacts as tools

Rather than collectibles.

Quite useful to mankind.


- We have a new volunteer?

- There...

Jack lalanne's stationary bike
should be enough

Jumper cables again...
what could possibly go wrong?

- I'm gonna go save artie.

Well, how long do I have
to keep pumping?

- Till pete and myka get back.

Ride with your ass,
not your knees.

- Always do.

- ? crazy

No, I know.
I know I sound insane,

But I...but I actually do
know you.

I know you both very well.

Vanessa, look at me.
Look, we're in love.

I'd use any excuse to see you.

You've removed my appendix
several times.

Well, that must have been
some affair.

What did we do
for our honeymoon...

A kidney transplant?

'nessa, we've been married
this long.

You've never touched
my appendix.

Should I be hurt?

- Listen to me.

is abusing artifacts.

He is torturing
innocent people.

- Keep your voice down.

This is for the advancement
of science

And the betterment
of humanity.

- Yes, yes, it is.

- No, he's a m*rder*r!

Please be quiet.

He's gonna hear you.

So what?
So what if he hears me?

- Please, please.

- You're afraid of him.
- We are not.

We're good friends...

Very good friends.

- You're lying.

What are you not telling me?

- He has our children.

Please just let us
do our jobs.

Now, this is
joan of arc's helmet.

- No.
- It will help you,

And it won't hurt
very much.

Hugo, you're lactose intolerant,

You snore, you're afraid
to have a heart scan

'cause heart disease runs
in your family.

- How do you know that?

Vanessa, you've wanted
to be a doctor

Since you were a little girl
and your family dog was k*lled

And you couldn't save it.

I've never told
anyone that.

So, 500 years after you guys
here at warehouse 9 bronzed him,

He got released.

If the mirror
proves you truthful,

I shall help in any way I can.

Well, thank you
for trusting us a little.

- So how does this thing work?

Well, when I hold the candle
against the mirror,

It will show us the shadows
of recent events.

Oh, like
the durational spectrometer.

Oh, you're serious.
Are those real words?

You have a great smile.
You busy after this?

- Pete.
- Right.

- Lisa, if you would.

- Is someone there?


It can't be!

- Aah!

Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.

I told you
we didn't k*ll those guys.

He's on his way
to m*rder the regents.

We need to get to them
before he does.

They're meeting today
to appoint a caretaker

In place of paracelsus.

- Where do they usually meet?

I don't know.
They're very secretive.

Well, some things
never change.

Well, if they're anything
like our regents,

They meet in public,
everyday places,

Um, like a coffee shop or
t.G.I. Friday's, olive garden.

Of course!
That's it.

They're at the olive garden.
- Yes.

- Seriously?

raspberry cheesecake?

Do not tease me!

We have men scouring
every corner of the warehouse.

If they're here,
we'll find them.

Well, maybe agent nielsen
is alone.

The others...

I need to see if some artifacts
have been moved.

Come with me.

Vanessa, now, you know
I'm telling the truth.

I can see it in your eyes.

I don't care
how you know what you know.

We have to do this.

The pursuit of science

Is the only thing
that matters.

Now, this is a spindle

From the very first rack
that was ever used...

In the tower of london.
Yes, I know.

And that's
bleckwenn's stethoscope.

First physician that had
any success with truth serum.

Then you probably also know

That if used together,

It might extract
the truth.

It also might fry my brain.

Thank god.

- Heartbreaking, isn't it?

When someone you love,
someone you thought you knew

Turns out to be someone else.

I know you're upset
about your sister,

But I'm not someone else.

I'm still the same man
that's loved you like a father

In electrified handcuffs
and kidnapped me.

I'm just trying
to protect you.

- You can't, artie.

You can't protect me anymore.

You have to let me
make my own mistakes,

And you have to let me get hurt

If that's what's
supposed to happen.

- She's right, you know.

But I'm afraid neither of you
will be protecting anyone.

I feel strongly
a temporary caretaker

Be named from among us.

The warehouse
must be protected.

The true caretaker
will show himself

In due course.

- Et voila.

- Paracelsus, how did you...

- Your guards are dead.

And how you cope
in the next few moments

Will determine whether or not
you join them.

your days are over.

You see, I intend to lead
the warehouse into the future...

A future that will shake off
the chains

Of fundamentalism,
ignorance, and myth,

A future that
will proudly embrace science

As the one true faith.

So the question is,

Are you with me,
or are you against me?

I said,

"are you with me?"

- No, we are not.

No one person shall ever lead
the warehouse.

No, sir.
- Excellent.

That makes this much easier.

- Oh, a real olive garden.

That elephant tusk...
what is it?

A tribe in africa used it
against its enemies.

It's the tusk
of the only known elephant

To have been k*lled
by a boa constrictor.

All right,
let's get down there.


There goes our element
of surprise.

- There goes paracelsus.
- Wait. Wait.

If you two approach that tusk,
you'll both be k*lled.

Well, do you have
any purple goo or...

- What the hell was that?

The purple swamphen,
of course.

- You guys, be careful.

There's a giant, scary bird
heading our way.

I know.
I called her.

Thank you, isabella.

Paracelsus is probably
headed back to warehouse 9.

If he links up
to the eldunari again,

He'll be too powerful.

Let's go.

- What the hell is an isabella?

Does the warehouse
in the future

No longer use purple swamphens
to subdue artifacts?

That's insanity.
- Guys, come on.

- Hey, artie...

Alice could be here
in a flash.

Hugo, before you do whatever
it is you're gonna do,

Do you mind...I don't know...
snapping our picture?

He was definitely here.

Okay, peter, you head
towards the eldunari.

Myka and I will circle around
in case he wavers in his course.

- She's bossy.

- You love it.
- I do.

- Let's go.

- There goes the f.I.S.H.


Intruder in aisle 487-k.

- No, no, not this time.

I got a score to settle.

- Intruder in aisle 487-k.

- You remember this?

- Wait.

Let me take him.

- No, no, he's mine.

- You don't deal in lies, huh?

Huh? Do you remember
saying that to me, parry?

Do you remember
dangling myka's life

Out in front of me?

- I did not lie.

I believed she was dying.

- You know what I believe?

I believe we're gonna have us
a nice paracelsii

In the bronze sector.

- Please d-don't, don't.

You have no idea
what you are giving up,

What you are stealing
from mankind.

You're gonna make
a nice para-bookends.

Now let's go.

You're gonna have
to k*ll me.

Well, I'm glad we agree
about that.

- Oh.


I hope that hurt!

So then the problem was
we had two bronzed paracelsii

You know, I do have
better things to do.

No, you don't.
No, you don't.

So is mrs. Frederic

Yeah, yeah,
she's back online.

I just wish
I could shake this...

Uh, I don't know.

- Shake what?

Well, it's this feeling
that something is changing.

I can't explain it,
but something has begun.

It's good and bad.
I don't know. Never mind.

It's not comforting,
definitely not,

And I wish
that you were lying.

I wonder if this has something
to do with my trip.

The regents have asked me
to meet them abroad...

Very hush-hush.

Oh, I always love that
about them.

- And here we are.


"ralph brunsky,
egyptian t*rror1st."


- There, okay.

that's where you put him?

- Oh, hilarious.

Now put him
in the bronze sector.

- Aw, dad!

Now, or you're gonna
be grounded for a week.

- Question...

Okay, I hate
that tone of voice.

Why do you have that scalpel
you threw at paracelsus?

It was just in my pocket,
and sometimes I pick things up.

You said
that you had two artifacts

When you released paracelsus.

The scalpel was
one of them, wasn't it?

Oh, my god, I feel like
I'm talking to columbo.

Lisa said that
it has curative properties.

You brought it
to paracelsus, didn't you?

- I don't remember, myka.

That was, like,
two time-travels ago.

I heard what you whispered
into his ear

At warehouse 9, pete.

You did it for me,
didn't you?

No. Why?


Okay, yeah,
maybe I did, all right?

So sue me.
I didn't want you to die.

So you risked
the warehouse and the world

Just to save me?

- Well, yeah.

- Don't.
- Ow!


We always
put the warehouse first.

I am your partner.
I am not your girlfriend.

All right,
all right, jeez.

I'm still gonna put you first.
Why don't you go punch that?

Your plan to pull alice
out of that mirror

Would have absolutely worked,
you know.

It was a brilliant,
brilliant idea.

I haven't forgotten
about claire.

I want to know
about my sister.

I know.
You never forget anything.

But could I maybe
just recuperate from all that

For five minutes before...
I guess not.



There should be 12.
