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01x03 - Machines

Posted: 05/28/23 09:34
by bunniefuu












[MARNES] Should've known you'd be early.

You look tired already.

I was hoping to meet Juliette

Nichols before you keel over.

We'll see who gets tuckered out.

- After you.

- Thank you.




You dead?

Bet you wish you were.

Come on, you're late.


How did you get in here?

- [MECHANICAL WORKER] Your door was open.


You threw up in the hallway.

And by the smell of it,

pretty much everywhere.

- Could you talk about something else?

- Oh, you mean something other than vomit?

You don't want me talking about puking?




you wearing that again?

You gonna tell me

what's going on? [SIGHS]

You're not a drinker, Jules.

Not a good one, no.

- Here.


Hey, come on. Talk to me.



Shit. My fix is failing.

- Water?

- Sure.


Unless you dumped water to lighten

your load, I think you got a leak.

[MARNES] You wanna

say hello to the judge?


But you do want her g*ons to be

sure and see you standing here.




- Get out of there!

- No, I I was just gonna do s

- No!

- Juliette, how am I supposed to learn

- No! Enough!


tell me what's going on?

'Cause I'm at a damn loss.

You told Cooper to go in.

Was I supposed to wait

for you to show up?

- Really incredible smell, by the way.

- You know my rules.

Your rules?

Last I heard, I'm the head of

Mechanical, and you're my shadow.

Though I can't remember the last

time you actually listened to me.

- Only I go through the hatch.

- So you feel okay about decking Coop?

Jules, he's your shadow.

The kid f*cking worships you.

It's my job to make sure it's running.

And you care so much that

you showed up two hours late.

We're putting off the inevitable.

We have to shut it down

and make a real fix.

Jules, I can't be the first

guy in the history of the Silo

- to shut the generator down.

- Better it happen on our terms

with the backup running

than the rotor shattering

Even an hour in darkness

will be utter chaos.

- Nothing compared to what's gonna happen

- Jules.

It's f*cking better

it happens on our terms

- than the rotor shattering!

- Jules, I'll tell I'll tell you what.

f*cking hell. [INHALES SHARPLY]

I'll tell you what.

We'll have this discussion tomorrow

when you're not hungover or still drunk.

Go home.

Wash off whatever it is I'm

smelling and take your punishment.

You punched Cooper in the face.

You either gotta do a

day on the trash line

or work off some tickets with Walker.

Can't I just let him punch me back?

[BERNARD] I was gonna come out

to applaud. Walking the Silo at

[SILO LEADER] If you say "at your age,"

you don't get what I brought you.

What did you bring me?

Just a little token of my gratitude

for all we've done together.

Well, gee, I'm glad

somebody's getting something.

I joined her on this march of death,

and she hasn't given

me anything but grief.

You must really want something.

Well, I might need a little

help with our friend in the robe.

Judge Meadows.

[CHUCKLES] No, you're

gonna need a lot of help.

Her office messaged me and

said you neglected to stop by.

Do you want Paul Billings to be sheriff?

Mayor, you know me.

Doesn't matter what I want.

You just run the numbers.

Which tell me that Paul Billings

is the most favorable candidate.

Is that for the Silo, or is that for IT?

What did your numbers say about Holston?

They said he'd be a great sheriff,

which he was until he wasn't.

I wonder what your numbers say about me.

f*ck the numbers. You brought brandy.

What do they say about Juliette Nichols?

She's an engineer in Mechanical.

Oh, I know who she is.

- I don't need her numbers. She's a thief.

- Thief?

Her record's clean.

She stole four boxes of

H57 tape reserved for IT.

- She stole tape.

- [BERNARD] Not just any tape.

Heat tape we use to prevent

our servers from cooking.

And honestly, the problem

isn't what she stole.

- It's the fact that she stole at all.

- Bernard, she was Holston's pick.

Mayor, you can't seriously consider her.


- Doesn't matter what he thinks.

- I'm just the escort.

I don't like Judicial's choice

being shoved down my throat.

Mayor, bringing me a bottle of brandy

is not going to help you win a

turf battle with Judge Meadows.

It's good brandy.

It could be from the

before times for all I care.

Here are some other

numbers you should consider.

Every hour the Silo

is without a sheriff,

the probability of catastrophe

increases by one point.

While we're sitting here chitchatting,

frightened citizens

are arming themselves,

because they don't know

who's going to protect them.

Billings is a good choice.

Just make him sheriff,

and leave walking the Silo to

kids with nothing better to do.

[CHILD] She's coming.

She's coming.


- Couldn't help yourself, could you?

- So I sent word.

They need us now, Sam.

[CITIZENS] Mayor! Welcome to the Mids.

- Welcome to the Mids, Mayor Jahns!

- Hi. Hello!

I know it's been a long time

since I crossed this bridge.

In fact, I can see a couple of men

who were pimply teenagers

last time I was here.



to look you all in the eye

and remind you how important you are.

We're all scared.

We lost a great man and a fine

sheriff, but it's this community.

It's the way you love each other

that truly holds the Silo together

even when times are tough, like now.

[CITIZEN] We love you, Mayor Jahns.

I'm voting for you in the next

election. We're all voting for you.


[CHUCKLES] Now, I have

business down below,

but I'm not gonna leave this

level till I see the babies.


- This is Jacob, Mayor Jahns. [CHUCKLES]

- Oh. Lovely. Very good to see you.

This is Harry.

Harry was in a hurry.

Came out three weeks early.

[INHALES SHARPLY] But he's doing well.

As I recall from your last visit,

you like to say hello

to any mothers-to-be.

[JAHNS] Actually, Doctor, we were

hoping for a moment with you alone.

Oh. Oh, sure.

We were hoping to talk to you

about your daughter, Juliette.


- Is she all right?

- [JAHNS] She's fine.

She's being considered

for a new position.

- Mmm.

- Just the standard vetting.

- Any questions I can answer?

- How come she lives down deep?

[JAHNS] You understand it is

unusual for someone born in the Mids

with a doctor for a father

to end up in Mechanical.

Our troubles started.

It was hard on Jules.

A loss like that


She showed real interest in

machines from an early age.

Always figuring out how things

worked, how to fix them if they didn't.


I think it felt good to

be able to fix something.

[INHALES DEEPLY] She was a little young,

but I supported her decision to go.

- How old was she when she left?

- Thirteen.

When did you last speak to her?

It's been a while.

I have new babies every week.

Jules has the generator. It's

a long walk down to Mechanical.

I can't get there and back on my

day off. I need that day to rest.

Well. If that's all, I have

an expectant mother in breech,

and I need to get baby turned around.


More questions than answers.

It's so hard to describe.


you saw or what you felt?

- No, I felt fine.


[JULIETTE] It wasn't the darkness

I was worried about. I, uh

- [BREATHES SHAKILY] I just felt


No, I didn't feel scared.

- If I was scared, I'd tell you.


Okay, f*ck. Yeah, I

felt scared. I, uh


That much water, it's

It was just more water

than I've ever seen.

It was more than that.

[STAMMERS] I had just [SIGHS]

You know, George, he [SNIFFS]

He left me all these

clues, and I couldn't do it.

I couldn't do it. I

couldn't go down there.

- That's what I feel. I feel pissed off.

- So pissed off you took it out on Cooper.

- I don't wanna talk about Cooper.

- What do you want?

I don't know. I don't know. I

just wanna [INHALES SHARPLY]

Run away.

It's okay. I get that. I get it.

You know, we scream,

we fight, we get mad.

But every now and then,

we should tell ourselves,

- "We did what we could. We did our best."

- "We." Really? "We"?

I don't even know why I'm getting advice

from someone who sits at her bench

every day listening to the radio.

You haven't left the

workshop in 20 years.

[SNIFFS] Twenty f*cking years!

[MARNES] Did I ever tell you

about the first arrest I made?

It was right here in this

park, right over there.

3:00 a.m. Drunk, naked couple going

at it. That was my first arrest.

You know what my second arrest was?

Twenty-four hours later. Same drunken

couple going at it right there.


- It's a true story. [CHUCKLES]


you gonna miss it? The job?

It's time.

I was thinking that maybe I might

open up a stall in the market,

try to sell my drawings to anybody

blind enough to want 'em. [CHUCKLES]

I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do.

I always thought Holston

would take over from me.

Compliments of Judge Meadows.

Strawberries fresh from the farm.

If you haven't tried this, don't.

One bite can be habit-forming.

Is this supposed to intimidate me?


No. I wanted to make sure you

Anything swimming in that much

sugar is bad for the heart.

Then I blew it. It was supposed to be

a friendly gesture and a little nudge.

- You didn't stop by to see Judge Meadows.

- I didn't know I was supposed to.

Mayor, the second Holston went out,

the clock started on

finding his replacement.

I understand why you'd wanna pay Holston

the respect of at least

meeting with his pick.

- Oh. Bernard told you, I see.

- There really isn't time.

[SIMS] Paul Billings is a good choice.

He's a family man,

dedicated, hardworking, smart.

- He cares about the people.

- Mr. Sims.

I'll make my decision when

I've completed my trip.

- Sam, you want it?

- No, Rob, I'm good.


[HOLSTON] su1c1de is a serious crime.

[JULIETTE] No, it wasn't su1c1de.

So you've said.

- "What I was looking for."



f*ck. f*ck!

- [COOPER] That's not good.

- No shit. Where's Jules?


[HANK] Knox.

Madam Mayor. Deputy.

We weren't expecting you

Everything all right?

- Yeah. It's all under control.

- [HANK] Do you want us to come back or

[JAHNS] It's not supposed

to sound like that, is it?

[KNOX] No, ma'am.


- What's going on?

- The fix is failing again.

Yeah, I can see that.

- I've tried switching

- I need to listen.

Is that her?


Excuse me, Madam Mayor.

- What's going on?

- [KNOX] Don't worry.



- The vibration's changed.

- [KNOX] What?

[JULIETTE] It's shifted. All this time,

- the vibration's been moving it

- This way.

- And now it's going that way.

- Shit.

- So, what do we do?

- You leave. Check the output.

Hey, everybody, back.

- Back. Come on.

- Jules, I c I can help.

I know this generator

just as much as any


- Coop! You're her shadow.

We can't have you both up

here if this goes sideways.

Close it behind me. This is

what I was warning you about.

I know.

Good luck.






Don't let her leave.

- Hey, Madam Mayor?

- [JAHNS] I'll be fine.

[SILO RESIDENT] If I'd known I

was getting a visit from the mayor,

I'd have tidied up.

You don't tidy up for old friends.

Besides, you knew I was coming.

You heard it on the radio you made.

Which is so prohibited by the

Pact, I don't know where to start.

You up-toppers really don't

know your machines, do you?

That's a toaster.

I was sad your marriage broke up.

Was 25 years ago.

[JAHNS] I was still sad.

You and Carla were a good

couple. What happened?

[CHUCKLES] She chewed

with her mouth open.

What can I do for you, Ruth?

Juliette Nichols.

- What about her?

- I need your honest opinion of her.

Who is she, Martha?

Am I under arrest or something?

Should you be?



- Juliette.

- Uh-huh.

I'm Mayor Jahns.

Could we have a moment?


Can't you just stay?

You got this.




One of my duties as mayor is

appointing the next sheriff.

One of the Silo traditions is that

the outgoing sheriff leaves a suggestion

as to who should be next to wear

the star. Holston Becker chose you.

- I'm sorry, what?

- I must tell you,

- no one wants you for this job.

- Okay.

Except for one deceased

former sheriff and me.

I know it's a lot to take in.


- Pardon?

- I I don't want it.


May I ask why?

Everyone thinks their job in the Silo

is the most important. Mine actually is.

The generator, she's not well.

And if I'm not here to make

sure she's running and

I have to take care of her.

Well, that is too bad.

Holston wanted you to have this

whether or not you took the job.

[JAHNS] Take care, Juliette.


What the f*ck?



- [HANK] Stop cheating.

Come on.

- Wow.

- That makes no sense.

You? Sheriff?


- Why?

- I don't know.

Because you get shit done.

- [STAMMERS] You'd be a great sheriff.

- Coop, you don't have to suck up.

- She's not gonna hit you again.

- It should be you, Hank.

[CHUCKLES] They'd make him cut his hair.

- Can I see it?

- Yeah, sure.


You know, Sheriff Holston was the

reason I wanted to become a deputy.

I mean what do I What do I

know about law enforcement? I

What did you know

about being an engineer?

- Not a whole lot.

- Hey. What's this?


Something's carved in

the back of the badge.

[JULIETTE] Mayor Jahns!

I changed my mind.


I'll I'll take the job.

- [JAHNS] Well, that's wonderful.

- On one condition.

There's a condition?

I need to fix the generator.

[PANTS] I can't leave Mechanical

without knowing it's safe.

- Okay.

- And in order to fix the generator

[SIGHS] I need to shut it down.

You need to shut down the

generator? Put us all in the dark?

- We've got a backup.

- Which provides minimal power.

Barely enough for life support.

What you're asking for,

that has never been done.

No. I

- I know.

- People would be terrified.

People are gonna be terrified

when when the rotor shatters,

and we're living off

the backup in darkness.


I can do it.

[ANNOUNCER] In order to

repair the generator,

an eight-hour power outage will

begin tonight at 10:00 p.m.

The Silo will be completely

dark for that period.

You are ordered to gather

in the designated safe zones

or to stay at home. Those

failing to comply will be jailed.

That's how the rotor

should be spinning, right?

So sometime in the last 30

years, something damaged it.

- What?

- I don't know.

Maybe someone dropped

a tool from the catwalk.

- How much damage?

- All it takes is one tiny dent.

[JULIETTE] That's gonna

create a small wobble

that gradually builds

into a large wobble.

Doesn't matter how many

times we tweak the alignment.

- It always moves out of place.

- So soon the entire thing is gonna break,

which means we can't make enough

juice to power up a single level,

let alone the entire Silo.

So how do we fix it?

First, we're gonna open it

up and see where it's broken.

Then, to fix whatever's wrong,

we're gonna have to

shut down the generator.

And did you tell the mayor

we can't actually do that?

Sure, we can.

Knox controls the steam

flow from down here.


And if he turns it off,

how much time do you think

we'll have before it blows up?

- [COOPER] Blows up?

- [JULIETTE SIGHS] I don't know.

- I don't know. An hour?

- If you get half that, you'll be lucky.

Lemme show you why.

We don't know what

we're dealing with here,

so we've all gotta be

ready. Expect the worst.

Any issues, radio me here,

and I'll coordinate

with the other stations.

Be alert. We don't know what to expect.

Everyone be safe out there.

Molly, you and your

team head out on patrol.

- Let everyone know you're there.

- You know what to do. Let's get to it.

Hey, if it stays quiet,

there's a cot in holding,

and the sofa in my office pulls out.

- Wouldn't say either are comfortable.

- [MARNES] Good to know.

Now, could you escort the

mayor to the hostel, please?

- I'll stay here.

- No.

It'll be quiet, but I wanna know

how things are going in the Silo.

- [SIGHS] Night. Ma'am.

- [MARNES] See you in the morning.


far as we know, the Silo's

never been on backup power

- and you think it'll be quiet?

- Tonight they'll just be afraid.

And tomorrow, if the

lights don't come back on?

Hope you have the

combination to the g*n safe.


The steam comes in from way down

deep. No one knows from where.

All we know is that it

comes up through this pipe,

makes this bend, and goes

straight up to the turbine.

Now, the founders were smart.

They knew they couldn't

control how the steam behaved,

so they built in a safety.

This is the containment chamber.

It protects the turbine in

case there's a sudden surge

and someone needs to regulate the flow.

You wanna stop the generator?

Knox has to close this

main valve all the way.

That happens, you get about 30 minutes

before the pressure redlines,

and he needs to release it.

[JULIETTE] We're gonna need more time.

Can we keep it in the red?

We could if steam was cold,

but it's not because it's steam.

The more pressure it's

under, the hotter it gets.

And that pressure just

keeps on building until

[IMITATES expl*si*n] it blows.

So, 30 minutes before redline?

At most. [SIGHS]


[SMACKS LIPS] The mayor's

authorized eight hours on backup.

Once we switch over,

the crew will get to work

detaching panels C and D.

[TEDDY] Both?

[KNOX] It's the only way

to assess what's inside.

- They must weigh

- 1.35 tons. Each.

Guys, there's no part

of this that's easy.

The slightest mistake at any

point could get somebody k*lled,

or worse, leave 10,000

people in the dark forever.

Put five of our strongest

guys on each panel.

Once they're open, I'll slow

the generator down to 50%,

but I won't stop it. Not yet.

We'll identify the problem.

Then Jules will signal

to me when she's ready.

- Mm-hmm.

- At that point,

I'll shut the steam valve

and stop the generator.

Our 30 minutes starts

right then. All right?


Now, Jules, who do you

want up there with you?

All right. Let's get to it! Come on!

Uh Um


That's right. Stay off the stairs.

Stay off the s Back inside,

please, sir. Ma'am, ma'am Thank you.

Go ahead.

Switching to backup.






Backup's holding steady.

Cutting steam to 50%.




and start on the panels.


It's incredible.


That's where I gotta go.



Hey! You okay?

When we get up there, we're

gonna tuck ourselves in.

We're gonna fix what we can.

Anything larger, we're gonna

send down for them to fix. Okay?

- Okay.

- Yeah?


- Jules!

- Yep?

You give me the word.

All right.

Go ahead.


hatch. Our 30 minutes start now.





- Now!


Stop! We're here.

[TEDDY] Okay!

Shit. Oh, it's bad.



Okay. This blade is the problem.

We're gonna send it down.

We'll fix the rest up

here. Get the equipment up.

Teddy, bring it up!

Coop, I need you on the other side!


Coop, I need you to check on that.

Okay, guys. It's going up now!

Come on.




You know how I say doing things

right is better than doing them fast?

Right now, I need both.

Where the f*ck is my tool?

Come on. [GRUNTS]

Okay, Coop. Grab the other end. [GRUNTS]

- Okay, ready? Pull.

- [COOPER] Uh-huh.

Pull. [GRUNTS]

Yep. [GRUNTS] Got it.

[JULIETTE] Send it down. I

need to fix the smaller blades.


We're ready!

- Hey! You got it?

- [COOPER] Uh-huh.

- [STAMMERS] I'm I'm not sure

- [JULIETTE] Yeah?

- Look out!


- [COOPER] Look out! Heads up!

- [JULIETTE] Oh, my God. No!

- You guys okay?

- [TEDDY] Yeah!

Then pick the damn thing up

and get it straight so

Jules can get it back in.

[JULIETTE] Hey, Cooper! Cooper, focus!

I need you on the bolts. Come on. Now!

[TEDDY] Go! Let's do it! Come on, boys.

[JULIETTE] Okay, Cooper!


[MECHANICAL WORKER] Temperature holding.

[CHILD] Daddy!



[SIMS] It's okay, son.

It's too dark.

[SIMS] It's okay.

Don't worry.

The dark's nothing

to be afraid of, okay?

Daddy's gonna stay here with

you till you fall asleep.

[LAFONTAINE] This is LaFontaine on 80.

All quiet up to the farms.

Copy that.


I can't sleep.

Then don't.

[MARNES] Ten thousand people

aren't sleeping right now,

terrified the power won't come back.

Afraid maybe the groundwater

will rise, and they'll drown.

Or maybe a bunch of

nutjobs will bust out

through the top and let the poison in.

We've always been one

catastrophic failure away

from the end of it all,

and this just makes

everyone conscious of it.

Maybe that's not a bad thing.

Makes you appreciate the day you have.

I know you think appointing

Nichols is a mistake,

but something about

her makes me hopeful.

Hopeful enough, I might be able to

hand the reins over to someone else.

You'd consider retiring?

To do what? Sit around and knit?

Why not?

Maybe open a shop

right next to some

guy who does drawings.


You know I didn't come all

this way just to meet Nichols.

I wanted to spend time with you.




I know it's why I came.



[MECHANICAL WORKER] f*ck! Boss! Boss!

It's overheating way

faster than we thought.

[KNOX] How much time?

A few minutes, maybe?

[KNOX] Jules, you gotta get out!

We only got a few minutes! Jules!

What? What did he say?

- We only have a few minutes.

- What? No.

No, Knox. We need more time!

- We're redlining!

- Already?

The temperature's higher than we

expected! I gotta open the valve!

No! Not without the rotor blade! f*ck.

[KNOX] Teddy! Teddy!

- [TEDDY] We're trying!

- Try harder!

- How's it looking?

- It's getting worse.

f*ck. [SIGHS]




- What do we do?

Okay. Take over.

Keep working, okay?

- It's just like I taught you, okay?

- All right.

When the blade comes up, you get

it in there, you bolt it in place.

Make sure to get the angle

right or we're screwed.

- But I can't do this with [STAMMERS]

- No, no, no. Look at me.

You're ready. You can do it, okay?



- Another minute!

- He needs it now!

- Get it up there!

- I'm trying!

- Jules, where are you going?

- Gonna try and buy us more time!




I got it in here. You go make sure

she doesn't do anything stupid.



Jules? What are you doing?

It's the only way to cool it down.

When I yell, turn it on.

You're going in there?


f*ck. [GRUNTING]




Now! Turn it on!


[KNOX] We're cooling down.

f*ck yes, Jules! It's working.

Okay. Okay, okay, okay. You crazy bitch.





[HANK] Uh, stay inside, please, sir.

Thank you.


Help! Somebody, help!

Help! Help!

Somebody, help! Help!

I was trying to get home,

and the lights went out.

It's okay, sir. We got you now.

Here. Beson'll get you back safe.

[GRUNTS] Thanks.




Teddy, the blade!

[TEDDY] Another minute!

[KNOX] Shit, shit.

Come on. Come on, Jules.

Just give me a few

more minutes. Come on.


Come on!

Boss! Knox!

[COOPER] Teddy, hurry the f*ck up!

[TEDDY] Nearly there!



Coming in.

[KNOX] Faster! We're redlining again!

Get it up!

Come on! [GROANS]


The blade's goin' up to Coop!

Stop, stop! I got it!


Come on! [GROANS]




- f*ck.

[KNOX] Cooper! Get that

blade on! It's gonna blow!


[KNOX] Come on, Coop!

You gotta get it up there!



Shirley! Come on!


She's still in there!

We need to get her out! f*ck!

[KNOX] f*ck! [GRUNTS]

Come on!


[JULIETTE] Come on!

Come on! [GRUNTS] Help!

[WHISPERING] Come on, Jules.

Just give me a few more seconds.


[GRUNTS] f*ck.

Cooper! Get the f*ck out now!

I'm almost there!

Get her out! We need to get her out!

Boss, she's drowning!


Come on.



Get him down! Get Jules out now!

- Come on!

- f*ck.

[MECHANICAL WORKER] Go! Get her out!

Grab it! Pull!

- Jules?

- Come on!

Come on!






- She's out! Chamber is clear!





- Did they get it done?

- Yeah, maybe I think so.

[SOFTLY] Come on.



[PANTS] f*ck. Ah, f*ck. f*ck.



Hope you're not expecting me to

praise you for doing your job.

I came to say I'm sorry for what I said.

You weren't wrong. I haven't

left this place in a long time.

Yeah, but I failed, and

I I took it out on you.

How did you fail?

I tried to do what George wanted

me to, and I I couldn't.

You know, when I first heard

about you and the computer guy,


didn't know what to think.

And then Shirley told

me he made you smile.


I'm sorry you didn't get to meet him.

Oh He didn't tell you?

No, it's all right. I told him not to.

I sent for him. I said I had

a problem with my computer,

which I didn't 'cause I built it.

When he got here, I told him

if he did anything to hurt you,

he would vanish without a trace.


Um, before I go

To take up a job you're

clearly unqualified to do.

Wow. I've always enjoyed

your words of encouragement.

What is that?

I don't know. I found

it with George's stuff.

You brought a relic into my workshop?

You love finding out how things work.

I also like not dying.

They wouldn't send you out to clean.

The only way you'll get out

of this place is feet first.


Anyway, if you get a minute, can

you try and figure out what it is?






Um, thanks

- for everything.

- Mm-hmm.


I'll send messages.

Sheriff gets a radio. I'll be listening.

Yeah, of course you will.

One more thing.


Don't end up like George.



[JAHNS SIGHS] Could I get some water?



Mayor Jahns,

please tell me why this Silo

spent last night in the dark.

- Because it was night.

- That's helpful, Deputy. Thank you.

It was crucial we fix the

generator. I made the call.

You made a deal with Juliette

Nichols, our soon-to-be sheriff?

How did you hear that, Bernard?

She's a thief from Mechanical.

She'll be great.

Ten thousand lives, Ruth.


And all the generations

that follow that.

I pray to the Founders you're right.

It's strange. I haven't left

Mechanical since I got here.

It is time. There's some

stuff you gotta face up there.

[SIGHS] Yeah.

And when you get sick of the

up-toppers, get your ass back down here.

We'll be waiting for a

visit from our sheriff.


Come on.


You're gonna be great.



[JULIETTE] What about

finding out the truth?

When I find something, I

will, uh I'll send word.

A signal.

I promise.

I hope you're not making

a horrible mistake.


- Are you all right? Yeah?

- [BREATHES DEEPLY] Mmm. I'm fine.

You sure?


Why don't you grab a bottle of wine

and take me back to my apartment?

Yes, ma'am.


have to go to the restroom.




- [MARNES] Which one?

- [JAHNS] Whatever you want.


Hey, Ruth, you think

one bottle's enough?

Maybe I get two, huh? [CHUCKLES]








Ruth. Ruth!






- What happened? Oh


- Ruth. Oh, no.



Somebody, please!

Somebo Somebody! Somebody!