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01x05 - Ineffective Assistance

Posted: 05/28/23 10:05
by bunniefuu

[MAN] Defense has requested a

view of the site of the incident.

[NOAH] Everything in here is different.

[MAN] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


You scared the shit out of me, dude.

Fashion-wise, does it look okay?

- Margaritas. Mar-mar-margaritas.

- Margaritas. Mar-mar-margaritas.

I gotta arm wrestle James.

- Yeah. Let's go!

- Let's go!


A simple swap took place and

Noah accidentally got drunk.

But he was a very good time.

Everyone was laughing.

He, he put on a great show.


[NOAH] I woke up this morning with

such a, like, specific headache.

Little sickie.

You want a banana? That would

be probably good for you.

Um, I mean, I don't know.

Should I get banana?

Yeah, you should have a banana.

Here. Take mine.

I'll get another one.

[RONALD] Damn.

Really hoping we don't deliberate today.

How many did you end up having?

I only had two.

The second one, the blue

one, I had was a mistake.

Like they were like, "We made

this but nobody wants it."

- Oh, nice.

- And I was like,

"I'll have it," and that's why.

[JAMES] What is up?


There's the man of the hour.

- [JAMES] How's it going?

- How was

James, I love seeing

the first thing when I see

you is asking you for favors.

You know, it's my favorite thing to do.

Right here.

- I told you, dude.

- Oh, shit.

Oh, my God. I haven't

seen this. It's the donut.

- Dude.

- Sex Drive.

Yeah, dude. This is for me.

This is bringing back so many memories.

Dude, I hope it does, man. Your

performance in that is like

it couldn't exist like you

couldn't make that movie today.

- No way.

- No. Hell no.

- You'd get canceled.

- No, no, no. In fact, hide this thing.

- Seriously, for real.

- If anybody watches this

- Yeah, no, that's why I'm

- I'll get canceled.

[PRODUCER] What's the movie about?

It's about a kid trying

to lose his virginity,

so he wants to take his

older brother, him, his

- [JAMES] I'll read it to you.

- [RONALD] Oh, yeah. Read it.

Reed has a decision to make,

stay home and stay a virgin

or drive 800 miles to lose

it with an online hottie.

Decision made.

Now Ian and his horndog buddy,

Lance, are off on a sex safari

with BFF baggage, Felicia, in tow.

Their epic quest features a stolen GTO,

kinky trailer park sex, a prison fight,

topless abstinence, extreme dancers,

- and Ian's D-bag brother, James Marsden.

- [RONALD] Woo-hoo!

You think that movie

can get made nowadays?


- [RONALD] No. Not at all.

- [NOAH] Right.

- [JAMES] I love that you love this, man.

I'm like I'm so proud of this.

Oh, shit. You know what? Speaking

of movies, I tell you what?

Would you mind helping me

with something tomorrow?

- Yeah.

- I have to do this audition.

I'd take like an hour.

Put myself on tape.

- Yeah.

- I just need somebody to read off camera.

- Yeah.

- Seriously?

- That's simple.

- Done deal.

All right. I have to I have to

put myself on tape for this movie

that I'm, I'm trying to a role

I'm trying to get in this big movie.

- [PRODUCER] What's it called?

- Lone Pine.


everybody know about this?

- Yes.

- Yes.

[NOAH] Yeah. I, I, I, I,

I drank a bunch yesterday

but not really on purpose.

And then I made a phone call

and, uh, I don't know.

It might have kind of messed

up my life or something.

Yo, Ronald.

I've been thinking about it

for like an hour or two

- Mm-hmm.

- and I'm pretty sure

that I broke up with Heidi yesterday.



You're remembering

your conversation now?


You know, something they say is

drunken words or sober thoughts.

There's a little bit

of truth in there too.

So that's why I was asking you,

like do you actually believe

that she's telling you the truth?

I don't know. I just feel

like I made a mistake.

I mean, you should

definitely call her, for sure.

And you can tell her what happened, too.

Like, you literally

got drunk on accident.

Like, what were the odds that

like Ken and Barbara's drinks

- we're getting mixed up.

- Yeah. Yeah.

Like you can explain

that to her, you know?

All right. I'm just gonna

call her. That's a good idea.

[RONALD] Yeah. Stock room, man.


Thanks, man. I, I appreciate it.

Yeah. Make sure you drink water, man.

- Hydrate.

- [NOAH] I'm gonna keep drinking.


[SHAUN] How are you, Mr. Griggs?

- I'm doing well. Thank you.

- Great.

So the defense called

the lifelong friend of Trevor

Morris up there, the defendant.

And what's the nature of

your relationship with Trevor?

We've been best friends

for since seventh grade.

[SHAUN] Hmm. So would you say it's

safe to describe Trevor as reliable?

[JUSTIN] I mean, absolutely.

He's always been there for me.

Never a question, never any judgment.

You know, if you need

a couch to sleep on,

where whatever I might need,

Trevor has always been there

just whenever I need him.

[ROSS] We feel for the guy,

'cause I think you get

you get dealt a bad hand sometimes.

Good afternoon, Mr. Griggs.

It's true, isn't it, sir,

that you were once arrested

for masturbating in a

public movie theater?

That's correct, isn't it?

That's yes, that's true.

Which theater was it?

It was the at The Grove.

[DEBRA] The Grove?

And is The Grove a

pornographic movie theater?

No, it's not.

[DEBRA] No further questions.

[JEANNIE] He, like, said that

Trevor was a really nice guy

but then it came out

later that he masturbated

his penile off at The Grove.

I'm sorry I'm laughing.

It's horrible, actually.


What, what was the movie?

It's, um, Pacific Rim Uprising.

[KEN] Pacific Rim Uprising, I

believe that was the second one.

I saw that on Video on Demand

and there was zero arousal for me.

[RONALD] It's not even a sexy movie.

- You know what Pacific Rim is?

- I've never seen it. What is it?

It's about, like, aliens coming

up from the crust of the Earth

and they build giant

robots to fight 'em.

It's not sexy.

He did say he thought he

was alone in theater, but

I mean, to me, like that just

sh**t a lot of his credibility

- out the window.

- Defense calls Belinda Morris.

Please raise your right hand.

[SHAUN] Trevor still lives

with you, is that correct?


What would you describe your guys'

at-home relationship to be like?

[BELINDA] Well, Trevor

doesn't always pay his share.

- [SHAUN] What, what kind of a

- [BELINDA] But, you know,

he can't seem to hold down a job.

[KEN] Trevor's mother testified

and she was not so helpful to him.

How many nights a week have you

observed Trevor smoking marijuana?

Probably most nights.

[DEBRA] Earlier, you said that he

lives with you and that that's fine,

but I sense some

trepidation in your voice.

- Yeah.

- Is it fine that he still lives with you?


I guess I'm getting to the point

where I feel like a

change needs to happen.

I'm sick of having my house

be a mess all the time,

and I just ain't living in it.

I hate living in it.

I'm ready for a change.

I'm sorry, Trevor.

His own mama called him a bum.

I think it's important to consider

the cold facts of the case rather than

a mother's tears or a friend's

laughter or a, a friend's masturbating.

No further questions.

No recross?

[DEBRA] No, Your Honor.

[RONALD] It was heartbreaking, you know?

She broke down on the

stand. I feel for her.

And if anything, I feel like she

builds a case for the plaintiff,

in a way, but that's just me.

[PRODUCER] That was great. Let's get

you back to the deliberation room.

[NOAH] Ronald. Ronald.

Could, could you help

me please really quick?

- What?

- [NOAH] Could you come here?

Hey, could, could you

could you please just, just

I know I'm telling you

it's a misunderstanding

and, and I don't remember everything

exactly the way that it happened,

but, but I was with my,

my buddy Ronald from

he's on the jury and, and he

- You got about three minutes.

- Okay. All right.

So, listen, could you just please

could you just please talk to him?

He's kind he, he knows what happened.

He, he knows clearer than I do,

'cause I don't really remember, okay?

Please, please just talk

to him. Just for one second.

I'm so sorry, okay? Please. Please.

- Hey, Heidi. This is Ronald.

- [HEIDI] What is going on?

Hey, so last night, Noah

got drunk on accident.

It was pretty crazy.

He, um, yeah.

He, uh, he was given the

wrong drinks on accident.

- [HEIDI] Wow. Wow.

- She doesn't like that I drink.

[HEIDI] Okay. Well, Noah

has never drank before.

Oh, I'm, I'm aware. Yeah, I know.

He didn't realize he was drinking.

[HEIDI] What kind of

environment were you in?

Like, this puts our entire

foundation on the line.

[RONALD] I have no idea

what he said to you.

All I know is that Noah

got drunk on accident.

That's all the message that

I'm trying to relay to you.

I'm not trying to get in

your guys' personal business.

[HEIDI] You know what? I

mean, he throws everything away

for jury duty and I am done.

[OFFICER NIKKI] Two minutes.

[HEIDI] You know what? No, no, no.

You, you tell Noah that it's done.

She's not mad, is she?


- Oh, she hung up.

What did she say?

She said she was mad.

I, I don't know, man. You should

you should probably call her

when you got more time, for sure.

Call her 'cause we're still

in a relationship, right?



What, what did she say?

What did she tell you?

She was just yelling, man.

She's like, "Oh, so you

guys," so she's like,

"So you guys just went on out

and where everybody got drunk?"

And I was, "Yeah, pretty much.

That was the plan, you know?"

She was just like, "Well,

I'm not okay with this."

She's like, "Just whatever,"

and then just hung up.

So that's all I got for you.

So, I mean, did she say

anything about the breakup?

Does she wanna get back

together? Is it is it

[RONALD] It didn't sound like it.

Oh, my God.

[JEANNIE] I think he's better off

- [RONALD] Yeah, we know how you feel.

- without her.

We know how you feel, Jeannie.


I feel bad he's taking it really hard,

but I think that that's a perfect moment

to be like, "Oh, like here's

a shoulder you can cry on,"

and like he might, you know, also

do something else on the shoulder.

Like something else might come

out of him onto my shoulder.

I'm gonna let him cum on my shoulder.

[SHAUN] Your Honor, at this time,

the defense calls Trevor

Morris to the stand.


Mr. Morris, you wanna

approach and you'll be sworn?

[ROSS] I'm just hoping that

Trevor can turn it around

once he hits the witness stand

because those defense witnesses

did not do him any favors.

You know, my wife, Sonia, always says,

"Make sure you have a rudder

long enough for the boat."

And right now, Trevor's on a boat

with a long rudder and

he's headed to coral.


Let's do this.

Mr. Morris,

how many jobs have you been

fired from in the past five years?


His defense were the sorry.

His attorney took an,

an interesting tactic.

And your mother testified that

she's observed you drinking

and smoking pot almost

every night of the week.

Is that also correct?

I was confused.

[SHAUN] In fact, the

only character witness

who had any good things to say

about you at all is some dude

who masturbates in

public to robot movies.

Is that accurate?

What are you doing?

What I'm saying is

with your record of kind

of unsavory behavior at work

and in your own personal life

and kind of no redeeming

resume points to speak of,

whose own mom has kind

of called him a dirtbag

and doesn't want him in the

house, would you even hire you?

Don't you think it would be

kind of irresponsible for anybody

to hire you to come and work for them?

[TREVOR] No. That's enough. Stop.

I Googled this, and this is

called, uh, this is called

an ineffective assistance of counsel.

- Wait. Just a second.

- [TREVOR] So I would like

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Wait. Hold sir, hold on.


Trevor claimed ineffective

assistance of counsel.

He Googled it.

That's a very serious allegation.

- I'm very serious. I'm very

- [JUDGE ROSEN] Now hold on. Hold on.

I would like to meet with the defendant

and I'd like to meet with

his counsel in my chambers.


After you.

[JUDGE ROSEN] I don't know

what the hell you're doing!

[NOAH] It just feels like there

was kind of like a misunderstanding

and then the defendant had

like a knee-jerk reaction

and just, like, cut his lawyer

loose, like, immediately.

And I I don't know.

I just feel like sometimes

things get confusing and you,

you need to give people

a second chance, you know?

This is probably the

most unorthodox trial

that I've presided over.

Mr. Morris has chosen

to represent himself

for the remainder of the trial.

His counsel will remain as co-counsel

but he's going to

finish his examination.

He's going to do his

own closing argument.

So with that, good luck.

- Okay.

- [OFFICER NIKKI] All rise.

[NOAH] Maybe Shaun had an

idea or, or, or something

and he didn't really get

a chance to explain himself

and it all just happened really

fast and, like, now they're done.



- [JAMES] What up?

- [RONALD] Hey.

[JAMES] Dude, thank you so much

for doing this on our day-off.

No, for sure, man.

[JAMES] Sorry about all the

gear. It's just, you know,

I wanna make sure I get the

right coverage and stuff.

So what the hell did

you bring me here for?

Brings back memories, don't it?

I know I said some awful

things. Hurt will do that to you.

You can actually kind of

just slow that just a hair.

Hurt will do that to you.

And someday I'm gonna have to make

my peace with God for all I've done.


Where is God?

[RONALD] I like the voice,

'cause you're, you're supposed

- to be like this working man, right?

- Yeah. He was never

- A little bit gruffer.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- He's used to getting his hands dirty

but he's not used to

getting his heart dirty.

- Does that make sense?

- Absolutely.

Maybe rest for a little bit.

I know you're trying to do this to me.

You got me, didn't you?

It's important to feel stuff, Caleb.

Doesn't feel right. It's

really uncomfortable.

I know it's uncomfortable but

it's good to talk about it.

I miss her.

I miss her so much.

I do too, Caleb.

But it ain't your fault.

Really good.

- I realized I've heard

- You're so

Yeah, but I realized I didn't

know what the story was about.

- I was like is it his fault?

- No, no.

- Is it his fault?

- It's all good.

I'm gonna say it and then you repeat it.

It sounds silly but it

like it just helps me

Just, just literally it's verbatim?

- Yeah.

- The same thing?

Yeah. Oh, I got wounds.

Sometimes I feel like that's all I got.

Oh, I got wounds.

Sometimes I feel like that's all I got.

Oh, I got wounds.

Sometimes I feel like that's all I got.

Oh, I've got wounds.

Sometimes I feel like that's all I got.

I got wounds.

Sometimes I feel like that's all I got.

Like, if you're watching the

Oscars and you see like

- you know, they play the clips?

- Mm-hmm.

That just feels like that moment

where that would be like

- This would be that scene?

- James Marsden for Best Actor.

- What up, baby?

- Like that's yeah.

I know I said some awful things.

Hurt will do that to you.

And someday, I'm gonna have

to make my peace with God

for all I've done.


Where is God?


- You seemed nice.

- Hey, Ronald.

- Damn it.

- Mid scene.

- That is it's all right.

What's up?

Yo, dude, can I talk

to you about something?

I got kind of a little

situation going on.

- What's up, bud?

- [NOAH] I don't wanna interrupt.

I just I just gotta talk

to you for like a sec about

[RONALD] Yeah. You want

me to step out or

- Um, can I

- [RONALD] Do you want come in here?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Do you care if I take a leak?

Oh, yeah. Absolutely.

I guess we got the party

room going on in here.

What's up, boys?

- Dude, come here.

- Oh, I hope it's not a bad thing.

Uh, it's not a bad thing.

I'm just kind of I don't know.

I just kind of need some,

some advice, sort of.

So last night after

you left the game room,

I was hanging out with

Jeannie and it was just us.

And she was comforting

me about the Heidi thing

and I realized I didn't

need comforting because

You did it, didn't you?

- No, no, no, no, no.

- Uh, okay.

That's, that's, that's,

that's kind of what I'm, I'm,

I'm really nervous about, man.

Like I, I feel like she's not

gonna be, like, into a dude like me.

You know what I mean?

'Cause I'm so like

- Jeannie?

- Yeah. Like

[JAMES] You just gotta

talk to her, dude.

Thanks, James. Look

I mean, it's very apparent that

Jeannie wants to hook up with you.

I mean, like tell me

you haven't noticed that.

I don't know. I mean, I, I just figure

she's kind of like,

like that with everybody.

Well, I mean, no, not really though.

It's, it's blatantly obvious.

And Jeannie has outright

told me as well, too,

that you are literally the

type of guy that she's into.

She said that she likes

kind of, like, withdrawn,

nerdy, kind of inexperienced,


what's-going-on kind of guys,

'cause she likes corrupting them.

Like that's literally

so she likes doing that.

And it's not like she's

like trying to corrupt you

but she's trying to have fun with you.

I, I don't know. Would you help me?

Like, be kind of like a wingman.

Maybe just help me, like, talk to her.

I'm just I'm too

[JAMES] Dude, help him

out, man. I'm, I'm good.

I'm gonna read over this

a little more anyway.

- Okay. Would you

- Right now?

- would you come with me?

- Yeah.

Okay. All right. Dude,

thank you so much.

Yeah, be right back, James.

[JAMES] No rush. Take your time.

[NOAH] I'm just gonna

- Right here?

- Okay.

I believe in you, man.


Okay. What am I doing?



- [RONALD] Jeannie, what's up?

- Hey.

[JEANNIE] I was starting to

lay out but it was too cold.

It's definitely cold out.

Uh, um

You okay?

Uh, can I talk can I talk to

you in just one, one second really?

Ron, uh, wanted to

He's trying to hang out with you

but he doesn't know how to ask.

What do you mean, hang out?

Like right now, he wants

to hang out with you.

But he's running away!

He doesn't know how

to ask. He's nervous.

What did he say?

He asked me to come down

here and wingman for him.

I got James Marsden up in my room,

so I'm trying to drop him off with you.

[JEANNIE] Well, where is he?


Where did he go? Wait.

Does he not like tuna?

I don't know.

[NOAH] Ronald, what is

she wearing? What is that?

[JEANNIE] Noah, is that you?

I'm just I'm looking for my shoes.

These are the kind of guys you like.

Tell him to come back.


Sorry. I, I I'm, I'm just, uh

Oh, you should put some

clothes on. Put a shirt on.

You want you're asking

me to put something on?

- Just, uh

- No, I can do that.

Just give me one sec.

What did she say?

Yes. Of course, she would

like it if you would ask her

if you wanted to hang

out with her though.

I got to ask?


Hey, is this better?

Jeannie, would you would

you wanna, um, hang out?

Yeah. Do you wanna come in?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Sweet. I got James Marsden

- Thank you so much, Ronald.

to entertain. You guys have fun.

Catch you later.

- Come.

- Thanks. Thanks, Ronald.

Bye, Ronald.

Jeez. What the [BLEEP]

is going on around here?

- Hey, bud.

- That was adorable dude.

Uh, I didn't get to take that leak

'cause there's a pretty

large turd in the toilet.

- No. Like what?

- And I tried to

- No.

- No, I tried to I tried

don't try to flush it 'cause

it might have stirred it up.

Oh [BLEEP]. For real?

Yeah. I wouldn't, uh, yeah,

that was already in there.

Yeah. Yeah. But I called the bailiffs

and they're gonna get a plumber,

so they don't think it's

gonna be us with any problem.

Damn. Oh, damn. It stinks in here.

Yeah. Uh, actually I can't

I don't know if I can take this.

Maybe, um, is there another

spot we could continue this?

Dude, that looks pretty nasty.

You wanna move into the game room?

We got a plumber coming up, so

let's, let's, let's can we go

what did you say, to the game room?

- There is a game room.

- [JAMES] Yeah.

Uh, dude, I got to be honest with you.

That was me.

Uh, but please don't tell anybody.

[RONALD] That's fine.

- I don't give a shit.

- [JAMES] Really?

Dude, you're a king.

[RONALD] It happens.

- Let's get out here.

- [RONALD] Dude, you're fine, man.


What the hell did you bring me here for?

Brings back memories, don't it?

I know I said some awful things.

Think you can be a little

more delicate and make it,

if you can, a little less casual?

You got wounds deeper

than Possum Creek Gully.

I got wounds.

Yeah, maybe try and break that up

into like, like let her find it.

I know you got pain in there.

Maybe give me, like, a

little more, like, admit it.

- Like, I know you got pain.

- Okay.

I know you got pain in there.

You got wounds deeper

than Possum Creek Gully.

Oh, I got wounds.

- Sometimes I


Sorry to interrupt. I'm just here

to fix a plumbing issue at 637.

I just need to get a key.

Uh, it's not my room.

[PLUMBER] Okie-dokie.

- Thanks. I'll be back.

- All right, thanks.

Dude, we're golden,

bro. We're in the moment.

- [JAMES] I appreciate it, man.

- Don't even worry about it.

It's just nowadays it's like

someone takes a photo of that,

puts a photo of me next to it, and like,

"We saw James Marsden's giant shit."

And like that gets out and circulates

to the gossip sites, I'm done.

Don't worry about nothing,

man. Don't worry about it.

You I, I need you

to be Caleb right now.

Dude, we're on a roll,

man. This is good.

[RONALD] Yeah, don't worry.

Remember how your dad and

Geraldine used to catch

them sand crabs down

by the old Lake Bridge.

Yeah, why do you got to bring that up?

It's the key to all of this.

You gotta go back there, Caleb.

You gotta face those demons.

There ain't nothing down

there by the bridge, Darce.

I didn't like that.

There ain't nothing down

by the bridge, Darce.

There's nothing from

me anyway. Yeah, I

when [BLEEP]. Sorry.

- Give me the lead-in line, maybe.

- [RONALD] Yup.

It's the key to all of this.

You gotta go back there, Caleb.

- You gotta face those demons.

- No, no.

There's nothing for me anywhere, Darce.

That's not the line.

It's the key to all of this.

Hang on. Hang on. Okay.

It's the key to all of this.

You gotta go back there, Caleb.

You gotta face those demons.

No. There's nothing down

by the bridge for me, Darce.

All right? There's

nothing for me anywhere.

It's all gone.

- Oh, shit.

- Sorry, guys.

No, you're good. You're good.

[NOAH] I didn't mean

to interrupt anything.

Jeannie just said she

wants to get, um

comfortable and, uh

what does that mean? What's

Sounds like she definitely

wants to [BLEEP] you.

[RONALD] Yeah. I think that's

where we're at in this one.

Okay. I'm just trying to play cool.

Actually, are you wearing

underwear under there?

- Yeah.

- Take them off

and then put your pants back on.

- You think that's a good idea?

- Why not?

It's less clothes you

gotta take off eventually.

- [JAMES] I mean, what, what I mean

- [NOAH] Yeah. Right. Okay.

I'm gonna I'm gonna get

comfortable. I'm gonna get going.

- [JAMES] Good.

- Okay. Thank you, guys.

You got it.

That was a good one.

That was a good one.

Oh, boy.

Why did I do this for a living?

What the hell did you bring me here for?

[RONALD] Brings back memories, don't it?

I take it we're doing [INDISTINCT]

I know, dude. I know.

[JAMES] We'll get it. We

just need one good take.

It's the key to all of this.

You've got to go back there, Caleb.

Does she mean to go back and

catch crabs like they did

like his dad and Geraldine did?

Yeah, I don't know. His

daughter's missing, right?

We have to face this yeah.

So did she get like

abducted from that bridge?

- [JAMES] No, that's what

- Is that the last place they saw her?

That's what's amazing is

that he just can't find her.


- I don't know why

- You have no

- yeah.


Okay, guys, we're good to go.

- That was something else.

- Beautiful.

- So that was you, huh?

- It might have been.


- [PLUMBER] Have a good weekend.

- Yeah, you too.

Damn, dude. Everyone's [BLEEP]

showing up in this game room.

I'm just I'm happy that

you're taking this hit for me.

He looked at me like

I feel like he knew me from something.

Damn, you probably wanna restart

this whole thing though, huh?

- Uh

- You wanna start from the top?


Where is God?

The more you need something,

the more it disappears.

The more you need something,

the more it disappears.

The more you need something,

the more it disappears.

The more you need something,

the more it disappears.

Where is God, huh?

I don't think I need to know what

exactly happened down by the

Yeah, especially like you said,

if this is one of those things

that doesn't answer all of

your questions, you know

The whole script was confusing.

- [RONALD] Oh, really?

- It doesn't yes.

- You gotta go back there, Caleb.

- No.

You gotta face those demons.

Oh, I locked myself out.

Maybe we'll do one and you can

go like, "Caleb, please don't."

- Like call after me as I'm leaving.

- Okay.

Caleb, please don't.

- Caleb.

- You can get hotter on that.

You gotta go back there, Caleb.

You gotta face those demons.

[RONALD] You've gotta

go back there, Caleb.

You've gotta face those demons.

No, no, no. It's definitely

it definitely needed better.

I'm gonna do one more take.

Why do you gotta bring that up?

- It's the key to all of this.

- [JAMES] No.

- You gotta go back there, Caleb.

- No, Darce.

- You've gotta face those demons.

- [JAMES] No.

There's nothing for me

down there by that

- oh, you gotta be kidding me.

- Sorry, guys.

I know you're doing acting.

Um, everything's fine.

I'm, I'm, I'm feeling a little bit,

uh, I'm feeling kind of comfortable.

I, I she definitely wants to, uh

[RONALD] She's definitely

trying to sleep with you.

[NOAH] Yeah. Okay. Okay.

I, I can't we're not married.

You know what I mean? So I

- [JAMES] Right.

- There's I have I do have rules.

You know what I mean?

But, but Jeannie said

that some guy she went to college with

told her about this

thing called soaking.

Do you guys do you know what that is?

Okay. So I, I can't

I can't in and out.

Like that's not that's,

that's penetrative premarital sex.

That's wrong, right?

So, so soaking would be

where I just put it in

and then it's like what if we

were just kind of bouncing, right?

And it like wasn't me. Like what if


Loophole. Exactly. Yeah. What if

- Wait. Wait.

- What if like somebody was like

So you put it in and

just freeze and sit still?

- I stay still.

- [JAMES] Right.

Somebody else jumps on the bed,

'cause then it's, it's not me.

Bed is just going up and down. I

mean, that's, that's, that's, that's

- [JAMES] So, wait, so you'll

- [RONALD] All right.

- park the car in the garage

- [NOAH] Exactly.

and then someone else will have

to come in and jump on your bed?

[NOAH] I mean, whatever

happens to the bed,

it's like I can't I

can't really control that.

God doesn't have to, you

know, know, know about that.

I mean, I'm glad that

you're making progress.

- For sure.

- [JAMES] How can we help, sir?

Yeah, short of me being the

person jumping on the bed,

'cause I'm not gonna

do that for you, man.

- No?

- [RONALD] No, I'm not.

- If James wants to jump

- If it

on the bed. I don't really want to.

[NOAH] I mean, would

you would you do that?

Well, well, uh

if okay.

- [NOAH] Really?

- Yeah.

- I mean, come on.

- No way.

Seriously? Okay. All right. Cool.

Uh, real quick though,

does she know I'm coming in?

- This was her idea.

- All right.

- This is gonna be awesome.

- [JAMES] Oh, my God. Look

- Good luck.

- [JAMES] Lord.


So when we meet up again on Monday,

hopefully we hear closing statements.

I say hopefully because who knows

what's gonna happen at this point.

There have been so many just weird,

crazy things that have came up.


- [JAMES] There you go.

- Okay. Wait. Slow down.

- Okay.

- Uh-huh.

[RONALD] I mean, maybe this

is common. I don't know.

But I feel like this,

this can't be that common

'cause just crazy stuff keeps happening.

You want smaller or bigger jumps?

- [NOAH] Uh, smaller jumps.

- [JEANNIE] Wait. Bigger jumps.

- [JAMES] Okay.

- No. Smaller jumps, James, please.

[JAMES] Yeah. Okay.

We're on the same page.


James, you're really jumping.

These are really big jumps, James.

Super excited to see what

Monday brings at this point.

[NARRATOR] On the next

episode of Jury Duty

What y'all do for Ross' birthday?

- What?

- Ross's birthday?

There's always something

crazy that comes up.

Damn it! God damn it!

Mr. Morris has decided

to represent himself.

- Okay. I have never seen this.

- What happened?

That's how we learned that

Ken really likes gambling.


How are you feeling after?

I feel like I don't really want it.

Oh, my God.

[MAN] Of all of the human organs

that have suboptimal design,

the heart is the most flawed of all.