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01x02 - A Monkey on a Quest

Posted: 05/28/23 10:41
by bunniefuu



[in Mandarin] Your landing…

…needs work.

That's my style.

[in English] Come. Walk with me.

Practice your English.

[Wei-Chen sighs]

[Wei-Chen speaks Mandarin, stammers]

[in English] W-Why are we here?

I want to know
exactly what it is you're up to.

I'm on a quest

to try and stop Niu Mowang
and his uprising against the Jade Emperor.

And naturally, this quest led you
to a high school on Earth?

I know it seems crazy, but I had a dream.

A crane appeared and told me a guide
will help me find the Fourth Scroll.

All I have to do is take a leap of faith.

You said you heard it from a crane?

-As in, uh, Big Bird?

Pretty big.

And did this crane also tell you
to steal jīn gū bàng, your father's staff?

Uh… no.

That was my idea.

I need it to unlock the scroll.

Are you keeping it safe?


This is not to be taken lightly.

The limit of its powers are unknown
and dark forces will be looking for it.

Trust me.

[Wei-Chen sighs]

Mmm. Also, find a better hiding place.

Why is it you and your father always
insist on hiding things in your ears?

Guanyin-púsà, do you think
I'm making a mistake pursuing my dream?

Do you?

No. I don't.

Then I support you.

But I want you to know
it will be difficult and dangerous.

Tell me more about this guide

who will successfully lead you
to the Fourth Scroll.

His name is Wáng Jìn.

But he doesn't know he's my guide yet.

And how do you know he's your guide?

Just a feeling.

Then you will have to find ways
to gain his trust.

Not many mortals
will follow a monkey on a quest.

How do I gain his trust?

Try becoming his friend.

And remember, the fate of your world
hangs in the balance.


I'm ready to go back.

Go back?

We never left.

[horns honking]

I just needed to make sure
this is what you really wanted.

What is this?

Welcome to your new home. [chuckles]



Oh, uh, sorry,
it's pizza boat day today actually.

-A boat of pizza?
-No, it's…

Actually, I'm not sure why they
call it that, 'cause it is just pizza.

Okay. Go. Eat your boat.

But tomorrow you eat my food, huh?

Thanks, Mom.

-Morning, Dad.

Jin, about your soccer,
maybe you should try out again.

-See if they will give you another chance.
-That's not really how it works, Mom.

Well, you could at least say something
instead of just accept the decision.

-Go talk to the boss.

Yeah, I meant coach.

If you don't speak up,
nothing's ever gonna change.

[both slurp]

[students chattering]

[Jin] Hey, Wei-Chen.

-Hi, Jin.
-[chuckles] How are things?

Yeah, good,
just getting used to my new apartment.

Actually, I just found all those
Kugo Ren comics I told you about.

No way, that's awesome.

Um, actually, speaking of which…

this is a really nice gift, but I just,

I feel kind of weird taking it
'cause I know it's from your dad.

Jin, you're my new friend.
I want you to have it.

You should come over after school.
I can show you all the comics.

[Travis laughs]

Actually, um…

I don't really have much time
for comics and stuff right now.

It's just, I got
a lot of other stuff I gotta focus on.

Oh, okay.

Plus, you know,
last week was kind of rough.

I just gotta make things right.

But we should definitely hang.

Thanks again and that thing's,
like, really cool

with the secret compartment
and everything.

-Catch you later.


Is that the, uh, new Swamp Thing?

I read it too.

It's-- I wasn't, like, a super huge fan
of the character design.

You're kidding, right?

Before DC handed over the reins
to Mike Perkins,

Swamp Thing looked like
the Grinch with a bad comb-over.

-Yeah, I knew that would get you.
-Okay, screw you, dude.

Okay, um, I'm really sorry.


Didn't make it on to the team, huh?

Screw you. Ow. [chuckles]

No, no. I did not make it
on to the team, but…

I-I just miss hanging out with you, dude.

I miss talking comics,
having you disagree with all my opinions.

Well, it's easy when you're wrong
about everything.

How you holding up after last week?

I'm fine. [sighs]

I feel like people are gonna, like,
get over this thing eventually, right?

It depends on a couple of factors.

So, like what?

Apparently, Osito Valley vandalized
one of the hallways over the weekend,

so people might be
talking about that today.

[scoffs] I hope so.

Also, some things just move quicker
through social media than others.

For example, Baby Yoda's still trending.

As he should.

But nobody's talking about
Vin Diesel's dance song "Feel Like I Do."



Okay. Well, I hope I'm frigging Vin Diesel
and not Baby Yoda,

'cause I'm gonna talk to the coach
and try to get him to, like--

I wanna prove to him
that I deserve a spot on the team.

-Tell him I'm not gonna be a distraction…
-[protesters chanting]

-[Suzy] Who does it start with?
-[protesters] Just us!

-What do we want?

-Who does it start with?
-Just us!

Yeah, you're Baby Yoda.

Jin, so glad to see you.

Please know that you have the full support
of the Culture Club.

As president, I can assure you we will not
stop until we find out who did this.

Uh, no, that's not necessary.

-What do we want?
-[protesters] Justice!

-Who does it start with?
-Just us!

-[protesting continues]
-This is crazy, right?

[sighs] Crazy beautiful.

-What do we want?

-Who does it start with?
-Just us!

-What do we want?

-Who does it start with?
-Just us!

-What do we want?

-Who does it start with?
-Just us!

[whispers] Psst. Yo, Simon.

-Oh, morning, Patrick.

[whispers] Why are we whispering?

[normal voice] I don't know, actually.
Just-- Just having fun at work.

So, listen, uh, the boss is
in the break room doing small talk.

We should go.

[groans] I have work to do.

Come on, man.

Come on. You said you wanted
more face time with him, right?

Now's your chance.

Plus, you gotta get in there
before Bozo McDingdong does.


Who's Bozo McDingdong?

[laughs] Oh, yeah.

I mean, hey, if you're talking meat, boss,
I'm your guy.

Okay, let's hear it.

Two words. Reverse sear.

Slow and low for six minutes,
then blast it for three.

-Bob's your uncle.
-Wow. Maybe I should just hire you.


Anyone watching NFL football?


[boss] I am, Simon. I saw the Niners game.

How's your fantasy?

[stammers] Fantasy football.
He's talking about fantasy football.

Oh, right. It's… [chuckles]

I'm in first place.
Won it last year too. [chuckles]

-Took home hundo. No big deal.
-[boss] Wow. That is a big deal.

[coworker chuckles]
I'm actually in two leagues this year.

Maybe you can give me some pointers.
My QB might be out for this season.

Okay, don't even worry about that.

Popular players don't always perform.

That's the thing. People like scooping up
the QBs in the beginning…

-[Suzy] Hey, Jin, can I have a word?
-[Jin] Hey, Suzy, uh, sure. What's up?

So, people are really rallying
around this meme incident.

We're starting a movement.

I even have an in with the editor
of the school paper.

Aren't you the editor of the school paper?

Yes, but I like to go
through the proper channels.

I realized what we truly need
is a statement from you.

Uh… A statement from me?

Look, this is an important issue
to the Culture Club.

But we can't do anything
unless you lead the way.


Uh, I'm sorry, Suzy, I can't.

Hi, Suzy.

It's Wei-Chen from school.

Hey, Jin. How have you been?

Hey, I… Good. What's up?

Not much.

-Did you do anything this weekend?
-Uh, yeah.

Um-- Oh, my dad was gonna teach me
how to drive,

but then he was busy, so he didn't.

So, no, actually.
I'm not sure why I-I said yes.

Well, I, um… I just wanted to apologize.

For what?

Well, you-- you sort of asked to hang out,
and I felt kind of bad.

Like maybe our conversation
distracted you and…

No! No, no. It's fine.

It's fine, and I'm fine,

and I-I don't want you to feel bad
about anything ever.

She totally does, though.

By the way, we think
whoever posted that meme is so messed up.

Also, BTS is, like, my favorite band
in the whole world.

-Ruby. [whispers] Stop.
-[Ruby] What? It's true.

Thank you. Um-- But, guys, it's fine.

I think this whole thing's just gonna
blow over any minute. Right?

[Suzy] Attention, everyone.

Culture Club would like to make
an announcement.

{\an }Representation.

{\an }"Represent-Asian."

{\an }I don't speak for my race.
I speak for my face.

{\an }I didn't ask to be Japanese,
but look at me, please.

Time to spare? Time to speak!

Silence is complicity,
shaking my head weak!

Now, I'd like to bring up someone
to make a comment

about the recent online att*ck.

Wei-Chen Sun!

Fellow students, I'm Wei-Chen.

Today I want to speak to you
about my friend, Jin Wang.

He's a smart and a special boy.

Also, he has good humor
and athletic body for sports.

Like Jin, I am Chinese.

So, an att*ck on him is an att*ck on me.

That's why I fight for him.

{\an }Now is the time for justice.

{\an }And justice starts with just us.

{\an }[protesters] Just us. Just us. Just us.

{\an }One more thing.

{\an }Not only is Wei-Chen defending his friend,

he has also helped us
identify the perpetrator.

-See for yourselves.
-Oh, God.

{\an }Pause the video at six seconds

{\an }and zoom in
on the reflection in the trophy case.

{\an }It is clear as day.

{\an }It's Greg Wallace!

It's Greg!

[protesters] Just us. Just us. Just us…

[Suzy] This is bullying. It's an att*ck.

Greg must answer for this.

Just us. Just us. Just us. Just us.

["Blaze of Glory" playing on car stereo]

[singing along]



[continues singing along]


-[lowers stereo volume]


John, hi.

Uh, I normally park over there.

This something you do often?

Uh, I n-- usually work through lunch,

but today I have to do something.

Listening to Bon Jovi at full blast?


Here, I wanna show you something.

I'm sorry for the disturbance, John.

I just found this in an old box of photos.


You look good.

Thank you. I think so too.

My wife begs to differ.

This was the Slippery Tour, ' .


I went three nights in a row.

-Three times.


Jeff Beck's solo. Turn it up.

Um, okay.

-[raises stereo volume]
-[guitar solo playing]

Uh, hey, Jin.

Hey, Greg.

-Where to?
-Uh, just PE.


Look, I just-- I wanna let you know,
you're a good guy.


Yeah, and you know
I'm a good guy too, right?

Yeah, for sure.

It just-- Uh, hey, it really sucks
you didn't make JV this year.

Oh, yeah, uh… [scoffs]
You know, it is what it is, right?

[chuckles] I mean, actually,
I'm pretty close with Coach G,

being team captain and all.

If you want, I could talk to him for you.

Wait, seriously? Would you do that?

Yeah, why not?
Like I said, you're a good guy.

Yeah. Well, that'd be awesome.

-Consider it done.

-Oh, hey, by the way, um…
-What's up?

Principal Kinney,
she thinks the whole meme thing,

it-it violates the school's
anti-bullying code.

Yeah, I might miss a few games
this season. Can you believe that?

Yeah, uh-- Yeah, that sucks, man.

Yeah. Honestly, I just--

I only did it
to make the other varsity guys laugh.

[chuckles] You should hear
the kind of stuff they say.

It's way worse. [chuckles]

Hey, you know,
I just thought of something.

Since I'm gonna talk to Coach G for you,
what if you talk to the principal for me?

You could just let her know that
we're friends and, uh, I'm a good guy.

-All right?
-[bell rings]

Listen, uh,

-I should probably get to class.

I don't wanna be late.
So, talk to you later?

Yeah, sure. See you, Jin.

-Come in.

Hey, uh, Coach G, do you have a minute?

I heard about the raccoon
in the storage unit. I'm on it.

Uh, no, it's about
the soccer team, actually.


Jin, hey, come on in.


I wanted to apologize
about what happened at tryouts last week.

You mean when you tackled Travis?

Right, yeah, that.

Uh, I think I just wanted it so much
that I kind of lost my cool.

Jin, I'm the coach of the soccer team.

But do you know
who the real coach in life is?

Are you gonna say Jesus?

No. I was gonna say, "our mistakes."

Yeah, right, sorry.

Look, I know you're going through
a tough time right now.

I saw that whole protest thing out there,
and I do feel for you.

My only question is,

can you take that frustration
and turn it into motivation?

Yes. Yes, Coach. Yes, I can. Uh, %.

Whatever you need, I can carry the weight.

It's funny you mention weight.

I asked the school board
for a new equipment room,

and I think they misunderstood me.

Because they gave me a new room but
didn't actually buy any new equipment.

You think you can help me
set things up in here?

Yeah. Yes, sir.
Coach, I'll get started right away.

[strains] So, what I'm gonna d--
I'm gonna start with the lighter ones

and move my way up to the heavier ones,
and that's my plan.

Great. And if you're motivated enough
to get things done by this afternoon,

maybe we can chat
about the last spot on the team.

Go Cranes.

[gardener grunting]

[squealing, chewing]

[in Mandarin] Pigsy?

-He must be here for the Staff.

[in English] Favorite album.

Blaze of Glory.

New Jersey.

-Favorite song.
-"Lay Your Hands On Me."

[sighs] "Santa Fe."


When I was younger,
my friend had a bootleg CD.

-That song sounded like America.

How many times have you seen them live?

Simon. Really?

It wasn't so easy where I'm from.

But it's okay. I have my car.

What a shame.

The shows back then were really something.

Young. Alive.

You felt like a god.

Young enough to dream big.

-[laughs] That's right.
-[Simon chuckles]

Speaking of dreaming big…

As you know, I've been
with this company for ten years--

Before I forget, you have to hear
this cover band I found online.

They're called You Give Love A Band Name.

They're genius.

Yeah, uh, great.

Um, but I've been wanting
to ask you, John--

I'm glad we made this connection, Simon,
before it was too late.

-["Santa Fe" playing]
-Too late?

I mean, before I'm not around anymore.

You know that I'm retiring
next month, right?

-No, I did not.

Have to admit,
I'm pretty excited about it.


Thank you.

[glasses clink]

[music continues]

[grunting, pants]


Jin! Jin! Um, hi.
Uh, I've been looking for you.

Look, if you haven't noticed,
I'm a little busy here.

Yeah, okay,
but I just want you to have this.

What? No, dude, I already told you.
I don't want that.

Jin. Just take it. It's important to me.

-Why are you so upset at me?
-I don't know, dude.

Maybe I'm not into being called out
in front of the entire school.

I don't understand.

The people in Culture Club said
you would like it if I spoke up for you.

Yeah, of course they did,
because they're using you, dude.

Everyone else is laughing at you.
So, if you don't mind,

-I gotta move some weights.
-[sighs] Jin, let me help you.

No, dude, I think you've helped enough--

H-How are you doing that?

[equipment clattering]

[electricity crackling]

[pants] Seriously?


Did you talk to your coach today?


You'll do another tryout next year.

Yeah, I just… [sighs]

…just thought this year
was gonna be different.

That's all.

You used your voice, Jin.
That's all that matters.

It's how you get what you want.
It's where your power is.

Next year, huh?

I'm ready to make my statement.
That was loud, sorry.

When do you wanna say something?

How about right now?

Clear the table.

{\an }Excuse me, everyone.
I'd like to make an announcement.

[students chattering]

I'd like to make a statement!

[chattering stops]

So, uh…

You guys probably already know me, right?

There was that video of me
going around last week,

with me and the meme
from that old TV show Beyond Repair.

I know a lot of people felt
like it was offensive, so…

Wanted to kinda address that.

I don't wanna tell anyone else
how to feel,

{\an }but, personally,
I thought it was just a harmless joke.

What the hell is he doing?

-Trying to be Vin Diesel's dance track.
-It didn't really bother me at all…


…how to feel.

But I think that we should all
just move on to more important things

like saving the polar bears or
why we only get pizza boat twice a month.

-Together we can overcome.
-[student] Yeah! [claps]

[students murmuring]

Oh, and, uh, one more thing.


Greg Wallace is a good guy.

He's a friend of mine,

and-- and I honestly don't believe
he was trying to offend anybody, so…

Yeah, that's it. That's all.
Thanks for listening.

Um, go back to your protein shakes
or whatever you kids…

[chattering resumes]

Okay. Uh, excuse me,
I'm gonna just hop down.

-[host on radio, speaking Mandarin]
-[door opens]

-Home early?

Are you going to tell me what's going on?


Guess what happened yesterday at work.

I'd rather not.

I found out my boss, John…

he loves Bon Jovi.

[chuckles, speaks English] Okay.

[in Mandarin] All these years…

I finally connected. We talked for hours.

And what about your promotion?

He can't do anything.

He's retiring in a month.

It's too late.

[stammers, sighs]

You really don't see it, do you?

See what?

[chuckles] You can be so dumb.

John retiring means
there's a position opening up.

This is what you've been waiting for.

-How can you not see it?


Run the division?

Why not?

I've never even considered that.

Yes, you have.

You just never believed it was possible.

Okay. I'll say it for you.

"I can be the boss.

I'm experienced and qualified.

I can do this."

[speaks Mandarin] Hmm?


What's for dinner?

Let me help you.

[in English] Hey, uh, Coach.
You wanted to see me?

Uh, look, let me call you back.

-[handset settles in cradle]
-Hey, Jin.

So, it turns out the fire extinguisher
was hung in the wrong place,

which the insurance company says
is the district's fault and not ours.

In other words, you lucked out.

But, also, thank you,

because now they have to build me
a new equipment room.

That's amazing. Oh, do you want me
to help set it up? 'Cause I can--

No, no. It's okay. I'll do it myself.

The real reason I wanted to talk to you

is to tell you I appreciated you
coming to me to ask for another sh*t.

Showed guts.


Also, one of my varsity captains said
you showed a lot of promise at tryouts.

He seems to really believe in you.

Tomorrow, : . Don't be late.

Yes, sir. You got it.

[Suzy] How's it feel?


To take your whole community
three steps backwards.

Suzy, I did everything you asked, right?

I made my statement,
so what more do you want?

You sure that was a statement?
Or was it a soccer tryout?

Look, Suzy,

I know I'm not the brave, heroic
spokesperson that you want me to be,

but honestly, I just wanna be
a regular guy who does regular things

like hang out with my friends
and play soccer.

Look, it's hard to speak up, Jin.

I know that.

But… [sighs]

…there are a lot of people out there
who don't have a voice,

so it's up to people like us
to speak for them.

I disagree with your decision today,
but I respect your honesty.

And, by the way,
why would you wanna be a regular guy?

[Pigsy grunting and chewing]

-[in Mandarin] Pigsy.

You little thief.

Someone needs to teach you a lesson.

[grunting, shouting]

Look! French fries!

[Pigsy grunting]


[in English] You gotta be kidding me.

[grunting continues]


[both grunting]

-[grunting continues]

-[metal clangs]


[grunts, speaks Mandarin]



[Pigsy grunting, squealing]

-[Wei-Chen grunting]
-[Pigsy squealing]

[Pigsy groans] You win! You win!

[squeals, groans]


[Jin, in English]
Wei-Chen? What the hell? [groans]

[grunting continues]


[in Mandarin]
If my father couldn't stop me,

you won't either.

[speaks Mandarin]

I'll come home when my quest is complete.


-[Jin groaning]