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Windstorm 5: The Great Hurricane (2021)

Posted: 05/29/23 08:26
by bunniefuu

Do you feel that?

Do you hear it?

No. Nothing.

I can't do it.
I have no idea what he's thinking.

You don't have to anyway.

- But I have to go to the airport now.
- What? No, not yet.

Ari, it's just one month.

You can't go now.
Canada is too far away.

And you can't leave Windstorm alone.

I'm not leaving him alone,
I'm leaving him with you.

I trust in you.
Windstorm trusts in you.

- As long as you remember that...
- I will.


I promise.

Well, doesn't that cheer you up?

Because a cheering up
is what we're all going to need as

there is some very bad weather
heading our way.

And I'm not talking about
just a little breeze.

There's a full-blown
summer storm rolling in.

So close those sunshades,
haul in the laundry,

lead your sheep to safety,
go indoors and shut the windows.

Who? Where?

Sorry, I know. No sudden movements.

So? Lunch break over then?
Ready for another run?


We'd better head back home.

Really, that's way too dangerous.

We shouldn't ride in such weather.



- What a weather!
- Slow down. There's a sharp turn.

Brake, Dad! Brake!

I can't see. What's happening?

Hurricane, get up!

Get up! Come on!

Capitano! Calmati! Stop!

Dad, car! The horses!


Get up!

Get up.


I'm worried about Arielle.

Don't be. A little wind can't harm her.

I'm not talking about the weather.

What I mean is that it's hard for her
to find her place here.

She tries very hard
to connect with people,

but, of course, it would be easier

if she spent her free time
doing something a little more normal.

Ari is perfectly normal.

She spends all day
roaming around the woods with a w*apon.

And God knows what else she's up to.

Did you see what she does
on Windstorm's back?

You can't call that riding.

She jumps off the horse
at full gallop.


You worry too much.

- I'm sure she...
- Sure.

Ari is sitting up in her room
and I'm just imagining things.

Here, eat up.
I'll go feed the others now.

I don't get why you're so angry.
You don't know what happened.

True, but I have a faint suspicion,

since a very agitated man
told me over the phone

that the Wind's Bride herself
came riding out of a thunder cloud

and kidnapped his horses.

I just took them off the road.
It was really dangerous.

- "Wind's Bride" is kinda cool though.
- Ari, we talked about this.



There she is!
La sposa del vento.

Where are our horses?

In there.
I was about to feed them.

Grazie. Grazie.

Grazie Mille, Grazie.


Excuse me. Emozioni.

- Where are they?
- I'll show you.

That's alright, Ari.
I'll take it from here.

Care to join me?

How did it happen?

We were turning a corner

when this thing flew onto the...

Hi. Carlo.

- Hi, I'm...
- Arielle!

- Oh. Arielle?
- No. I'm Ari.

- Arielle!
- And I have to go now.

Hey, Ari!

That was really cool.

Thank you.

- Here you are.
- Grazie.

Thank you.

Enjoy your meal.

That right turn is really treacherous.

We're lucky nothing worse happened

and that there was help nearby.

Where were you heading
with your animals?

To Rothbach.
Our show is traveling there.

But we set off later than the others.

Show? Oh, and what kind of...

Is something wrong?

You have an interesting trailer.

Sì, that's the name of our show.

- So you're with a circus?
- Circus? No.

Circus is for bambini,
silly clowns, tame lions, no!

We are Artisti, Cavalieri,
trick riders!

- "Trick riders"?
- We are the masters of horse-riding.

As far as I'm aware,

the supreme horse-riding discipline
is still show jumping.

Show jumping?

Ridiculous! Hop, hop, hop!

It's child's play.

I don't at all think it's child's play.

What's more, in my opinion,

a circus is no place for horses.

It's animal cruelty.

How can you be the judge of that?

You have no clue about show jumping.

- Because that's animal cruelty!
- Dad!

I'm right! What does she know
about show jumping?




- Have you called the boss yet?
- No.

But you must tell him
we'll only be arriving tomorrow.


Yiri will be furious.
You know him.

It's him.

Tell him we had a flat tire.
His horse is fine.

- But is that true?
- No, not for a long time.

And you know it.

Buona sera, Yiri.
No, no, tutto Bene. We're fine.


Why did you move stalls?


Who are you then?

- What are you doing here?
- I thought he was...

I confused them.

Erm... is he okay?
Did he get hurt in the accident?

- I could call our vet.
- No!

Okay, I just wanted to help.

Thank you, but I'll take care of him.
Good night.

What's his name?

You really won't give up, will you?


This is Hurricane.

And he's your horse?

No, of course he's not mine.
You've really never heard of him?

He's a world-famous show horse.

He was trained at the Cadre noir.
Yiri bought him last year.

Yiri is our boss. He's been
the star of our show ever since.

- So Hurricane is that famous?
- No.

Not just Hurricane.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I present to you

the unparalleled the unforgettable,

the Great Hurricane!

After a night inside you need
to stretch your legs, right?

He's exaggerating.

He was only in for one night.

That's his destiny.

Molehill rodeo?

To be free.

What do you mean?

That horse was meant to be
so many things.

Meet such high expectations.

A world class show jumper.
1 0.0 in dressage.

But this is what he really is.

Do I have that, too?

A destiny? Of course.

And what is it?

You can only find that out for yourself.

Great! Fantastic.

Let's not keep you a minute longer.

All packed up
and the tire should be fine.

Thank you.

Farewell then.

Oh, why so formal? Grazie.

Grazie Mille. Grazie per tutto.

I'm no longer angry
because of your dumb prejudices, so...

you can come and see for yourself.

Thank you.

But I haven't the slightest interest

in visiting your circus show.

It's not a circus.

Of course we'll come.
We'd love to. Thank you.

I have you to thank most of all.

Little whirlwind.

You saved us.


Carlo, come.

What's keeping you?

Come with us.

- You don't belong here.
- Dad.

Just kidding.


I don't understand
why you want to go see that spectacle.

Of course I don't.
I just wanted to be polite.




Nice to see you, squib.

I got us the essentials.
This one's for you.


- You wanted to go to the circus.
- It's not a circus.

Sure, whatever.

Listen, I'm doing you a favour here.

I don't know if I ever told you,
but I don't care much for horses.

But still better than
saving mustangs with Mika.

Sleeping in a tent.
With no Wi-Fi!

Dear visitors,
the show is about to start.

Please take your seats
and refrain

from flash photography
as it may spook our horses.


welcomes you,


on a magical journey

to a land beyond the night,

populated by gentle creatures

and proud warriors.

Look towards the sky, dreamers.

There, between Pegasus and Orion,
shines a constellation

with a special kind of magic.

Once a year, when day and night
are exactly the same length,

it comes to life.

And once you've seen it,
you'll never forget it:


Am I mad,
or does that horse look like...

The Great Hurricane!

On that night,
he chooses one rider to tame him.

That's Nicolai, Carlo's father.

But to gain Equileus' trust

his rider has to focus
all his senses on him.

He must hear, see and feel him
with all his heart.

It's the rider's task
to build a bridge

between their two worlds.

Between day and night.

Man and creature.

Aw, goosebumps.


And if he allows him
to get on his back,

both will grow wings.

But will he dare the jump
that will change his life forever?

- No.
- What?


Are you going to eat that,
or are you too taken by its beauty?

I have to go back
and see how Hurricane's doing.

Ari, not again.

You heard tailgoat guy.

"Nobody got hurt,
accidents happen."

- Now, tell me about school.
- No!

- That bad?
- Nothing is fine in there.

It's none of our business.

So... sit down.

Good girl. So... school?

- My unicorn!
- What?

You gave it to me, and I forgot it.

That balloon? That was a joke.


Fine, let's go get your stupid unicorn.

You don't have to come.
I'll get to the station on my own.

You'd better make that train.
Sam would k*ll me.

I'll get the unicorn and go straight
to the station. Really. Go!

Alright then, squib.



Anyway, that's when he fell down.

I got a real scare.
Dad's in the hospital.

I'm glad you called me.

His circulation is now stable,
but he needs complete rest, okay?

- How long until he's fit again?
- Fit again? You must be joking.

He won't ever be fit again.

- If you want my opinion...
- I don't.

It's a tragedy.

The poor animal deserves better.

If he doesn't get some rest,

moderate training,
fresh air, the best feed,

then the next show will be his last.


Did you hear me at least?

That's good.

What did I tell you about vets?

I wanted to be sure it wasn't
anything serious. He collapsed.

How is Nicolai?

His arm was twisted. He didn't want me
to go to the hospital with him.

There's nothing you could do for him.
You're needed here.

Yeah, sure.

As bad as it may be,
this is your chance now, kiddo.

Mine? Why?

There's a show in five days.

- You want it to go ahead?
- Of course.

- We can't afford to cancel it.
- What? Why not?

We're closer than ever to our goal.

I'm meeting someone in Berlin who's
in contact with the Monaco Festival.

They're in Germany for another week.

If they come to see our show,
I know they'll pick us.

The circus festival? Again?
They never wanted us.

But this time we'll convince them.

The Princess of Monaco has loved
Hurricane since she was young.

Once she knows he's here...

But Hurricane can't perform anymore.

Darn it, this is my show.
And you will be riding him.

What if I refuse?

Know how many
jobless trick riders there are?

They'd jump at the chance
to replace Nicolai.

Is it that what you want?


Come on.

Go take care of our precious horse.

Make sure he's fit for the next show.

Don't be startled.

Go away, Ari.

Go home to your castle.
This is none of your business.

Where are you going with him?


- I let him graze whenever I can.
- Here?

Yes, here.

Some fresh grass outside
is better than nothing.

Why did he collapse?

Did he get injured in the accident?
Or is he sick?

No, he's not sick.

But something's wrong with him.
I can feel it.

Whoa! What's that?
His coat is coming off!

Welcome to Equileus.
Everything is an illusion.

- That's shoe polish.
- Shoe polish?

Gives his fur a nice sheen.
And it's perfect...

for covering up Grey spots.

- He's not sick.
- Nope.

- He's...
- Old.

Much too old
for this circus business.

How old is he?

33. In human years,
he'd be well past 80.

But earlier, in the arena,
he didn't look old.

Well, we colour his fur
before the show.

And I feed him like a world champion.

Besides, he's a pro.

As soon as the spotlight goes on:
Bam! He's there.

- I mean, he is...
- "The Great Hurricane".

That's right.

- But now he'll have to stop.
- Stop? Never.

We live for the show.

What about Hurricane?

Will he die for the show?

Leave it be. That's just how it is.

There's just one show left.
He'll manage.

- What if he doesn't?
- Well, what can I do?

Yiri is obsessed
with the Monaco Festival.

And my dad needs this job.

- We'll think of something.
- Like what?

I have to go. He has to be
back in his stall by nine.

What time is it?

- Quarter to nine.
- My train!


- Morning!
- Morning.

We must move Frida
out of the front stall.

The poor thing keeps being
photographed by those tourists.


Why on earth would anyone want
to photograph our fat old Frida?

Because she's black
with a white star?

A black horse is a black horse.
Most people can't tell them apart.

"Oh my God!
Selfie with Windstorm! Awesome!"


- Speaking of awesome, are you excited?
- About what?

Uhm... Right, listen up.

Since school's out now.

Tinka is going to the pony camp
to work as a supervisor,

so we thought maybe you...

- Would like to join her?
- Yes!

A pony camp! With Tinka.

- Don't I already live on a pony camp?
- No.

I mean, yes, of course you live here,

but Kaltenbach is not a pony camp.

And maybe a place

where normal children
ride normal horses

would be a nice change for you?

So I'm not normal?

No! You are! You are.

- Of course.
- Of course.

I'm the first!

I found Windstorm! He's in there.

Right, I'll go save
our Windstorm doppelgänger.

Think about it. They have llamas
and there's a princess ride,

but that's not really your thing.


- That's it!
- The princess ride?

- No, doppelgänger.
- What?

- What?
- What?

When can I go? I love llamas,
and I so need a normal holiday.


When we talked about
a normal riding holiday

I never imagined sending along
a two-million-euro horse.

I know, but Mika agreed.

She even thought it was a good idea.

Mika! She'd take Windstorm
to go grocery shopping.

That's true.

- We're ready.
- Here. This is for you.

- For safekeeping.
- Okay. And what is it?

These are Windstorm's papers.

When you travel with a horse,

you have to carry those.

Is that really necessary?
The police don't really check, do they?

- Regulations.
- Okay.

I'm starting to grow mould here.

Here. Have fun.

Thank you.

My little girl!

Finally. We're about to miss the
princess ride you are so excited about.

I need your help.

- I'm not coming to the pony camp.
- I knew it.

- You have to drop me off somewhere else.
- You're running away!

No, I'm going to the circus.

This is it.

There's a horse in there,
and it needs help.

His name is Hurricane,
and we, I mean you, can help him.

Is that okay?

That's a "yes", right?



Is that a stallion?
Grab him! Make him stop!

- Ho.
- Windstorm!

Stand! Easy!

- Step aside. He won't hurt him.
- They're stallions. They'll fight.

- Hurricane's old.
- He won't hurt him.

I'm not usually afraid of horses,

but that one scares me.

- What was his name again? Wind...
- Storm.


Like the redhead's horse?
The Halla grandson?

- Isn't he also called that?
- Yes.

I see.

Never seen him myself.
But yours is beautiful, too.

Yes, he is.

Okay, so what are you doing here
with a free-running stallion in tow?

Do you remember
when I confused Hurricane with him?

Right. They really look alike.
The strands of white in the mane.

- But yours also has a star.
- Yes. But check this out.


- Shoe polish. Old circus trick.
- So? How will that help us?

The vet said Hurricane
needs to take a break.

He can't. The show is in five days.

- Yes, he can.
- Really? How?

It's simple.

We'll swap them.

I know you don't like walls,

but it won't be for long.
We'll be back soon.

Wait! This is a stupid idea.

Yiri will notice
when he returns from Berlin.

Nobody will notice.
You'll ride the last show with Windstorm,

then your dad will be back
and we'll be gone.

Trust me, it'll work.

The old farm is nearby.
We'll be back in an hour.

We're doing this for Hurricane, okay?

Hey, Mika. Weren't you at
the foal's birth last night?

- You're up early.
- Yes.

- I just had a bad dream.
- Sorry to hear that. Are you okay?

Yes, all good.

Well then.

I hope.

I found this a few weeks ago
and now I come here almost every day.

The ground is great for practicing.

- What do you practice?
- Oh, nothing. This and that.

Some tricks, sh**ting arrows.

- So I was right.
- About what?

Like Dad said, you're one of us.

Let me show you
where Hurricane can rest. He'll like it.

There's a meadow over there
and a little brook.

- Is something wrong?
- No. He just can't believe it.

He hasn't seen a real meadow
in a very long time.

Go on, it's all for you.

You remember what to do.

Look, here's what you do.


Come! Come on!

Shut up, Klaus!

I'm coming.

Ari. Hey!

- Sorry.
- Man, what's with the reflexes?

What's that?

- That's just Klaus.
- Is he in pain?

No, he's a donkey and he's hungry.

If we hurry
we can have the arena to ourselves.

The arena? What for?

To see how much of a Hurricane
your Windstorm is.

- Quick, before anyone sees us.
- Hey! What's this about, Carlo?

- Who is that?
- Who do you think? Hurricane.

I can see that. And that?

I'm Carlo's cousin Ari.
I'm here on a visit.

Right. Gosh, you do look alike.

Well then,
family is always welcome here.

My pleasure, cousin Ari.

- Cousin?
- Always works.

I'll hit the lights.

You never forget the first time.

He's a beautiful horse.
And really looks like Hurricane.

20 years ago.

- I trust in you.
- What's wrong?

- Windstorm trusts in you.
- Nothing.

As long as you remember that...

Don't worry. This isn't my first time.

Let's start with some free running.

Go. Go!

A show horse needs good balance.

It needs to be light-footed
and elegant. Looks good.

A good trot. Nice and energetic.

And he has a great presence.


Canter now! Go!



Now let's try riding.

- No.
- Hey, calm down.

- What's going on?
- No!


Carlo, wait!

Are you mad?
Are you trying to k*ll me?

No. I want to talk to you.
So you had to stop.

We could've talked
about your horse being mad.

That he only lets you ride him
and att*cks everyone else.

I'm sorry. I didn't know.


This idea was crazy.

The show is in four days.
I'm getting Hurricane back.

- You're really weird.
- That makes two of us then.

Just because Paule talks rubbish
and we're the same height

doesn't mean we've got anything...

Wait a minute.

- Could I...
- Could you...

Your father was wearing a mask!

- Yes.
- Windstorm is Hurricane, and I am you!

- But that's just...
- Crazy?

- Wait!
- There's no time.

You have to ride in a show in four days.
Come on!

Start by doing the scissors,
and we'll take it from there.

- Scissors?
- Two half-twists then?

- Half-twists?
- A simple wiper?

- What exactly don't you understand?
- Scissors, twists, wiper?

What do you know about trick riding?

- Nothing.
- What?

Trick riding is essentially
the Cossack's horsemanship.

Every trick
was part of their martial art.

Jumping on and off at full gallop.

Sitting backwards to face pursuers.

No hands!

Disarming the enemy from horseback.

One, two, three...


You do the trapeze backwards,
you get up and...

The hardest trick is the somersault
off a galloping horse.

Dad ends his routine with that.

Only the best riders
and few horses can do that.


- So, do you like the pony camp?
- Yes.

You can leave anytime
if you're feeling homesick.

I'm not. I'm doing great here.

Oh! How nice.

Very nice. I...

We do miss you a little.

That's so cool.

- Excuse me?
- What? No. I was talking about Tinka.

We're practicing...
for our princess ride?

Tinka? Let me speak to her, please.

She keeps hanging up on me and...

Oops, I have to go. Bye!



- What's that for?
- For the props trailer.

What's a props trailer?

This is the props trailer.

Where are the...

Sorry, but you're under arrest
for aggravated mischief.

Stop it.

We've got a lot to do.

- Here.
- What's that?

Our costume. For tomorrow.

But the show is the day after.

- The dress rehearsal is tomorrow.
- What? No, not yet. I need more time.

- I need to practice more.
- You don't. You can do it.

You can. You're really good.

Hey, it doesn't need to be perfect.
Nobody expects that.

Except for me.
Don't embarrass me.

- Ready?
- Forget it.

I look like Batman,
stuck in a Christmas tree.

- This will never work.
- Are you done?

- Yes.
- Okay, on three.

One, two, three.

- D'oh!
- I told you.

This will so work.


I trust in you.
Windstorm trusts in you.





I'm ready.

Break a leg, Carlo.

- This way, please.
- Merci.


I brought someone
who's been wanting to meet Hurricane.

The Princess of Monaco.

Her Highness made a special detour.

Let's be sure
not to disappoint her, okay?


Curtain in one.


Come on now!

We'll start with Hurricane today.

What's wrong?
Where's Carlo and Hurricane?

Ladies and gentlemen,
Mesdames et Messieurs,


Welcome to Equileus.

Come closer, take a seat.

Join us on a magical journey.

- Good luck, Carlo.
- Good luck.

In a land beyond sleep.

Dream with us.

Ladies and gentlemen,

especially for you,

the unforgettable, the unparalleled,

the Great Hurricane!


Guys, guys, guys!

The boss was just told.

The festival's invited us.
We're going to Monaco!


And who made that possible?

Carlo! Carlo! Carlo!




Hey, it's me.

It's okay.
I'll get my things and we'll go, okay?

- Okay?
- No.

I'm afraid that's not okay.

We could start with your name.


I know, unauthorized persons
aren't allowed in the stable,

but I'm Carlos' cousin.

And he was too tired to look after
Hurricane after the show.


You just told three lies
in two sentences.

You are not Carlos' cousin.

Carlo didn't ride.

And that horse in our stable tent

is not the Great Hurricane.

Don't be afraid.

If you want to leave,
you can go anytime,

but I hope that you'll stay.

Why would I stay?

Because I'd be stupid
to just let you go.


Let's say there are 1 00 trick riders

who are good.

Maybe 20 of them are extraordinary.

And then, if you're lucky,
one of those...

is a star.

Like you.

Trick riding is your destiny.

I don't know where Carlo
found you and that stallion.

- So you're not mad at him?
- No.

Why would I be?

He brought you and your horse to me.

What's his name anyway?

- Hm?
- Your Andalusian, what's his name?

The likeness is astonishing.

Maybe they're related?

I'm not sure about that.

What? You don't know his lineage?

Isn't he your horse?

You're a star.

He's my horse, and his name is...


The number you are calling
is currently unavailable.

Good job, Ari.
Remember that position.

Now, wait for the music to start,
then the spotlight...



Come with me.
Windstorm isn't doing well.

Plus, we shouldn't be here.
Yiri might see us.

Carlo, my dear.
We were waiting for you.

What's going on?

There's been a few small changes,
but it doesn't concern you anymore.

You wanted to spend
more time with your dad.

Tell him his worries are over.

You've done all you could
for the show to go on without him.


It's okay.
Hurricane can keep resting now.

Yiri promised.

I'll ride that last show here,
and then...


- Carlo, wait.
- Let him be.

Let him be.

Real friends wouldn't walk away.

Look, he's...

He's jealous of your talent.

He won't be the last.

You'll have to learn
to live with that.

That's the price of success.

Yes? Okay.

Go get your horse.
We've got work to do.

Oh, and Ari?

Windstorm's papers...
I'd really like to take a look at them.


- What are you doing?
- Go pack. We're leaving.

We can stay on the old farm
until Dad returns.

What are you waiting for?

Why would we want to go now?

- It's all going as planned.
- It's over.

Windstorm doesn't need to be here.

Whatever he promised you,
you can't believe Yiri. He's a snake.

He said Hurricane can stop performing.
And he's not angry at you.

He'll find another horse for Nicolai
if... I ride in the show.

That's what it's about?
I thought you wanted to help.

- I guess you don't anymore.
- I do!

It caught you, you know.

Dad says the spotlight is like a drug.

No, I'm doing this for Hurricane,
and for your father.

If that's true, then come with me.

Mika, you old tea bag.

Come again?

Sweetie, I can't hear you.

Bad reception again in Canada.

And here's my pizza.

- Ari...
- Ari?

- Ari is at the pony camp.
- She's not.

Gosh, speak more clearly!

Ari isn't at the pony camp.

- She's not?
- No. Where did you last see her?

And then one of those is a star.

Like you.

We're going to Monaco!

Ari! Ari! Ari!

Trick riding is your destiny.

Come. We've got to go back inside.


Mika. What are you doing here?

No, Ari. What are you doing here?

You promised you'd look after him.

- I did, I still do.
- And that? What's that?

I wanted to help someone
and I needed him.

- What is this? A circus?
- Equileus is not a circus.

Besides, you're the one who left.
You don't care about Windstorm anymore.

- That's not true, and you know it.
- It is.

- You just abandoned us.
- Quiet down girls.

- Let's talk.
- I'm here now.

I was wrong to trust you.

- You used him.
- Guys, I think...

- I didn't!
- You did. But it's over.

- I'm taking him with me.
- Stop fighting. He doesn't like that.

You can't take him from me.

- Windstorm!
- Windstorm!

Oh boy.

Get in. He might've run home.


- You?
- Windstorm.

No, that's Hurricane.

What do you want?
What about Monaco?

Windstorm ran away.

Well. You saw that he wasn't doing well,
but you didn't care.

- I did care.
- You wanted to be the star.

It's a great feeling,
but it comes at a price.

You know, I was a nobody.

I was always false and in the way,
and then suddenly...

That feeling was so big.

But that's not me.

It's not real.

It's just...
Batman in the Christmas tree.

Yes. So?

I know I messed up.

That's why Windstorm ran away
and Mika came back...

Wait, Mika?

Yes, Windstorm is her horse.

Mika the horse whisperer?

- Redhead Mika?
- Yes.

- Your Windstorm is the Windstorm?
- Yes.

Oh, man!

Of course! He found out.

- Who found what out?
- Yiri!

- It was never about you.
- He wants Windstorm?

Yes! Hurricane is old news
compared to Windstorm.

Halla's grandson.
That horse is a living legend.

But he can't do much with him
without his papers.

Yiri isn't stupid.

- What?
- He needs the papers.

He can't go to Monaco
with a stolen horse.




You gave him the papers?

Yes. So?

We have to get them back then. Now.

What about Windstorm?

Pray he doesn't return
before we do.

- Easy, boy.
- Be careful.

I'll call the vet.
He has to be tranquillized.

Take it easy.

So, where did you come from?


- Oh, oh, oh. Ari, Ari, Ari.
- It's all her fault.

- My fault?
- Ari's.

- And yours, too, somehow.
- Mika.

And yours. You brought her here
in the first place.

You said Ari would protect him,
because she's this... fighter.


- To be exact.
- Doesn't matter.

She locked him up in a circus!

But it does matter.

Sure, what Ari did was very stupid.

But her special gift

is also the key to what happened.

- Just like yours is.
- Mine? So it's my fault now?

Windstorm ran away from me.

Yes, but why? What happened?

I think he didn't really like
your beefing at each other.

- Excuse me?
- We fought.

Warrior and sleeper
represent the energy

that each horse carries within.

You and Ari have both connected
your energies with Windstorm.

And so the two of you
are also connected.

You say Windstorm
called out to you in that dream.


Are you sure?

I think it really was Ari
who called out to you.

She's full of fire,
wild and still very young.

She doesn't always have the strength
to do the right thing alone.

- What does that mean?
- Gosh! It means Ari needs you.

The answer is there around your neck.

You are connected.

And your fight tore Windstorm apart.

That's what you're feeling.

Am I right?

Where is she going?
Where are you going?

To find Ari.

We can only find Windstorm together.

Let's take a look now, my beauty.


I don't know how to thank you.
I'm glad it all turned out well.

Yes, but make sure your horses
don't roam around the city again.

Sure. Of course.

Well, would that be all?

Everything seems to be in order.

Have a good evening.


Such a wonderful evening.

We'll find the papers
and then you'll go home.

Horses have a great sense of direction.

I'm sure Windstorm
went back to his paddock.

What's wrong?

Darn! We're too late.

I'm afraid I can't come to Monaco.

I know.

Can I please have the papers back?

- These?
- Yes.

I was lucky I had them.

The police are very strict.

I had to prove

that Windstorm was handed back
to his rightful owner.

But you're not.

It's a really fascinating read.

I could tell it was a special horse,

but that it was actually
the real Windstorm...

I never would've thought.

- Don't do this, Yiri.
- What?

What am I doing, Carlino?

You brought him to me.
You must have seen it right away.

- What?
- What do you think?

That likeness is no coincidence.
He's his son.

Windstorm is Hurricane's son.

- And now he belongs to me.
- What?

What is he on about?
Windstorm belongs to Mika.

- Go on. Tell her.
- It's true.

- He belongs to him.
- No!

He does. A horse belongs
to whoever holds his papers.

Yes, that's exactly right,
my dear, precious Ari.

This is where we must part ways.

- You won't get away with this.
- I think I will.

- I think I will.
- No.


- You're leaving now.
- Let me go!

Let go of me!

Get lost.

Open up!


- Sam.
- Stable boy.

It's my two favourite people.

Fruit punch?

- He's dreaming.
- Definitely.

Come into the water, guys.
It's so nice and warm.

Gladly. How kind.

What? Who? I'm dreaming.

No, not anymore.

But... But Mika?

Why? I mean, what happened?

Well, what do you think?

No. Not again.

- Don't say it.
- We need your help.

It's about Windstorm.

I'm sorry,
I should have realised sooner.

- But Windstorm? Who would've guessed?
- It's my fault. I broke my promise.

- What will you do now?
- Run away before I make things worse.

Worse? Yiri has Windstorm
and all his papers.

It doesn't get any worse.

It could only get worse if the
red-head horse whisperer showed up.

And her friend with the blonde curls.
And a guy who looks really pissed off.

How do you know Fanny has locks?


I... I...
Yiri has Windstorm. I'm sorry!

- I'm so sorry!
- I know.

I'm so sorry.

I'm here now.

Here we go again. What's that madman
going to do with Windstorm?

The papers. I warned you!

Hush! We'll get him back. So?

I think he'll take him
across the border. At first light.

Let's go in there and get him out.

And then what?
Hide him away forever?

As long as he has the papers,
he can have the police

pick up Windstorm anytime.

We need to get these papers.

Yiri will never give them up.

- There must be a way.
- There's always a way.

What are you looking at me for?

Still got the key to the props trailer?

Yes. Why?

You're right.
Yiri will never give us the papers.

But I know someone
he would give them to.

Take it easy, my boy.

You can dream on in a minute.

- Yes?
- It's time.

Darn it.

Evening, my good man.
Vehicle inspection.

- Evening? It's just after seven.
- It's been a long night.

And why are you stopping me?

Just a routine check.

Here? At this hour?

The early bird
catches the traffic offender.

License and registration, please.

Windstorm, hey.

Here you are.

Something's wrong.

So, what are you transporting today?

Well, what do you think
that might be, Mr Constable?

In that case
we need those papers, too.

He tranquilized him.

He can't walk like this.

- He's too weak.
- No, he's not.

He's got us.

Fire and water.

When their energies connect,
the circle closes.

What was that?

- I didn't hear anything.
- Me neither.

The papers, please?

We'll go look at these in the car.

You wait here.

Wait a minute. Wait. Wait!

- Hey!
- Go, go, go!

You idiot. Give me that.

You think you can steal my horse?

- You sorry fool.
- It's not your horse.


This can't be! He's tranquilized.

- He's sleeping.
- I guess we woke him up.

We got up early
to watch the sunrise.

Some more oats and it's fine.

I can't even begin to tell you

how happy I am to finally
have you all gathered here,

without that involving
some terrible catastrophe.

Mika returned from her trip.

Ari and Tinka
had a wonderful, fun week

at the pony camp.

Oh, how did that famous
princess ride turn out?

- Uhm, it was very exciting.
- It was?

That's great.

Okay, now I'd like to make a toast.

Today is a very special day.

Exactly seven years ago today
I bought a horse.

A young stallion for whom
I had high hopes.

But that didn't work out.

And he broke my hips instead.

But of all horses,

this horse gave me something

infinitely more valuable than all
the glory and honour in the world.


My family.

I thank you for that, Windstorm.

- To Windstorm.
- To Windstorm.

- Oh, who's that?
- The new neighbours.

They're renting the old farm?

To start a riding school.
Yes, I remember.

Well, then let's go give them
a warm welcome.

Grandma, please be a little...

- You need to be open.
- Open? I am open!

I'm more open than a barn's door!

I look forward
to us working together...

- Signora Maria.
- You?

How is the barn's door, Grandma?

- Open.
- Salve. Salve.

- Let me embrace you.
- I...

- Dad.
- Scusate. Emozioni.

Maria, we can accomplish
great things together.

Here's what I thought:

"The Colombo-Kaltenbach School
of Applied Riding Arts."

- What?
- We'll put up a big sign here.

- After we remove these weeds here.
- Weeds?

We'll need an oval track.
Maybe back there.

- If we tear down the barn.
- Over my dead body!

That's nice.

That's not nice.

- That doesn't look good.
- But...

- You have to let it go, Ari.
- What?

If you hadn't come back,
I would've ruined everything.

Do you think Windstorm can forgive me?

Give me a moment.

He can forgive you.

- But only on one condition.
- Which is?

A bag of carrots every day.

You're kidding me.

Yes. Absolutely.


Ari, Windstorm isn't a human being.
He doesn't hold grudges.

He lives in the moment.

Here and now.

You could learn that from him.

We all could.
That and much more.

Close your eyes.

Do you feel it now?


The Great Hurricane.
I never thought I'd see this.


Father and son.

Kinda cute, isn't it?

So you're Mika?

- You have grown up.
- Growing smaller is difficult.

Mika, this horse is dangerous.

You used to be so sensible.

- Mika!
- What?

You obviously are a real Kaltenbach.

Mika? A horse?

I'm sorry, Maria,
but I'm left with no other choice.

Kaltenbach will be auctioned off.

- Mika.
- Milan.

- 1 0 points.
- Wow!

Open the gate!

That's a sale contract.


You can't be everything to Windstorm.

You're not a horse.

Even if sometimes you forget that.

- Where are you headed, chica?
- To... Ora.


You're Sonja, right?

Absolutely, I'm Sonja.

This ruine is the house
of our great-grandparents.

And you know as well as I do,

that their horses
can't survive without that fountain.

- Sam? Sam!
- Yes?

- What?
- Different Sam.

Ola, chicas!

The horse that wins the race of Ora
is the soul of Andalusia.

That's why you came.

You're here to say good-bye
to Windstorm.

Where's Windstorm?



He needs you.

He's in danger.

- How can I help him?
- Give him back his strength.

Ride him and you'll help us both.

Shut up, foster child.

Ari is a danger to herself and others.

Stop! I’ve got something
much better than goats.

- So, who are you?
- Sam's cousin.


Horses hate me.

You're a real veterinarian
and I'm a mammal.

Baildagch, the warrior.

Only in the horse he finds
his true counterpart.

Kaltenbach belongs to me.

You can poison me,

but you can't k*ll Kaltenbach's soul.

The Kaltenbach crew is complete.

You are not like her,
and she is not like you,

but together you make up a whole.