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Windstorm 4: Ari's Arrival (2019)

Posted: 05/29/23 08:49
by bunniefuu
I know, wild horses. But non peligroso.
Not dangerous.

Everything's fine, really. Ciao!





I'm with you.

Don't be afraid.

I'm here.


Come on, jump!


Oh. Does that hurt you?

Oh, poor doggie. Poor thing!

Are you scared? Poor thing!

Does that hurt you?

- Fernanda, what are you doing?
- Get lost, foster kid.

I'm only playing with him.

Give him to me. Leave him alone.

Or what, knobhead?

You don't belong here anyway.
That's my dog. And it's my house.

- You don't live here.
- Stop it!

What will you do if I don't? Huh?

"Tragic accident in Spain:

Mika Schwarz in hospital.

Windstorm returns to Kaltenbach
after injury."


Don't dream.

Wake up.

Mika, wake up!

- Hello!
- Hey.


Nothing. At :
her left eyebrow twitched slightly.

- That was all.
- She'll wake up.

- The doctors are sure about that.
- I don't get it.

They say she's healed physically.

- What's she waiting for?
- My Sleeping Beauty.

- She slept years!
- Fanny...

Medically, there's no reason for her
not to wake up soon. And she will.

When she's ready.

- I have to go now.
- How's your social work internship?

You work with difficult kids?

- Yes. I've experience of that.
- You do? In what way?

Bye, Sleeping Beauty.

- Fanny!
- Sorry. I can't wait years.

- Bye, Ms Schwarz.
- Bye,Fanny.

Good morning!
It's Samuel from meals on wheels.

You ordered
the "Hungry Horse" meal deal?

I have a special offer on carrots,
and perhaps you...

why aren't you eating anything?

What's wrong with you?

Hm? Why don't you go outside?

I mean, the sun's shining.

The grass is green.

Show me your wound, yeah?

Come here.

Well, it doesn't look...

that bad anymore, huh?

I shouldn't think it hurts anymore.

Perhaps, just for me, you'd...

give this a try?

It's really tasty.

- Hey!
- Hey, stable boy!

So? How's Mika? Any change?

- Nothing. Sleeping, maybe dreaming. You?
- Watch out.

Nothing. And I don't get it.

The surgery and transport went well
but he won't come out.

He won't eat.

He has to get out, and eat.
But I've tried everything.

- I don't know what to do.
- I have to go. The dragon's waiting.

Okay. Bye.

Good morning!

Straight from the nightclub?

I don't know what's so good
about this morning.

I have the most unpunctual intern
of all time.

- I'm sorry. I...
- I have to explain to the Schwenks...

why we did not give them
a sweet foster child...

but the daughter of Satan himself.

- Arielle?
- Morning.

That's right. Ari.

- That girl has been...
- Sorry!

In seven... no, eight foster families
over the course of three years.

She'll probably have to go
to a closed facility, and ruin my quota.

Hey! Don't.

Then... Then tell me, Fernanda.

So you say that...

- Ari att*cked you?
- She was torturing Justin Bieber.

And so I told her to stop,
and she just att*cked me!

- Okay. Justin Bieber is...
- A singing pants model with bad hair.

Justin Bieber is our poor dog.
She burned off his whiskers.

With a lighter!
The poor animal is traumatised!

I see.

- Can we take a look at the dog?
- Justin Bieber! Here, boy!

You see? Did you see that?

He's absolutely terrified.

- Yes. I see...
- But...

Cruelty to animals
is certainly very serious.

- It's a warning signal.
- Sorry...

That looked more like...

- Like I said, we take it seriously.
- Yes?

- But if Ari were to apologise, maybe...
- Absolutely not!

- It's the last...
- No, I've had enough of Ari!

Ari didn't do that to the dog!

It's obvious it was the other girl.

Ari is a danger to herself and others.
She needs therapy.

And like I said,
a closed facility isn't a prison.

It is a perfectly nice
children's home...

Here we are, ladies.
The final stop: the bunker.

- A one-way ticket.
- Oh. My. God.

Can't she do
a different type of therapy?

Pottery? Painting?

Something with dolphins?

I'm afraid not.

Although in Scandinavia
they've had a great deal of success

using goats as therapy animals.

But we haven't got that far
here in Germany.

- So, let's go in.
- Just wait a minute!

I mean, therapy goats! No problem!

- I'm sure we can find some.
- It's all right.

Thanks, though.

"Kaltenbach Therapy Centre."


I've something better than goats.

- What did you do?
- Nothing but stretch the truth.

- Riding therapy at Kaltenbach. Great!
- No, it isn't!

It's kidnapping. You could go to jail.

No. My boss was totally happy.

You should have seen that home.
It was awful. She couldn't stay.

Fanny, we've so many problems.
I can't take on anything else.

We treat horses,
not maladjusted children.

She has to go back.



Who are you?

Why are you standing around in the dark?

The sun's shining.

Come on.

Are you sick?

What's that?


I'm not going to do anything to you!

I have to go.
But I'll be back.

Maybe being with horses
really helps her.

It could work.

- Cuddling horses can change someone?
- No, never seen that.

But she isn't like Mika.

Man! You drive like a maniac!

Okay, maybe she is a little like Mika.


Oh, no! Oh, my word!

What are you doing
to my nice, clean laundry?

Just look at that!
I'll have to wash it all over again!


Let's hide her, then think about
how to tell Ms Kaltenbach.

What do you mean, no?
She has a pretty sharp tongue.

So we're going to do what I... say.

Oh, no.
She's standing right behind me.

Ms Kaltenbach...

I... I can explain.

That won't be necessary, Samuel.

I just had a very informative
telephone call from Frankfurt.

So! Where is Ari?

- Who?
- I'm not speaking clearly?

Maybe my tongue's
not that sharp after all.

- It's not Sam's fault. It was my idea.
- Oh, I know that, Fanny.

And I'm very happy
that you brought her here.

- Right! I am too!
- So, where is she, then?

Oh, has she already been fed?

She must be stiff
after the long transport?

- Stiff?
- Samuel, go give her a little exercise.

In the yard.

- Uh, Ms Kaltenbach...
- It's fine, Fanny.

We'll manage just fine.
Right... let's get to it then.

Mika would be very proud of you both.

- She thinks I'm a horse!
- And?

- Who are you?
- Me? I'm...


Sam's cousin.

Well, then. Welcome to Kaltenbach!

- Thank you.
- Sam's cousin? Are you crazy?

In you go.

The butler will bring you
cocoa and truffles.

Joke. Relax.

That's Mika.

- And that?
- That's Windstorm.

And that's...

Milan, Mika's boyfriend
and Ora, Windstorm's foal.

They've disappeared
in the Canadian wilderness.

Some project with mustangs.
Don't ask me.

We tried to get hold of him but...

Oh, and do your best not to stand out
until tomorrow morning.


- Here. Lentil stew.
- Thank you.

I'm not hungry.

It can't go on like this.

He has to go outside. And eat!

If Mika doesn't wake up,
Windstorm will die.

You think?

You're asking me?

You're the one who says
they have a mystical connection.

I've no idea about that.
I just see a horse starving himself.

I don't think

that the solution is to be found
in Mika's connection to Windstorm.

- You don't?
- No.

I actually think
that the connection is the problem.

What do you mean?

What's that?


From my travels in Mongolia.

In .

Wow! That's bizarre.

- That's it, isn't it?
- Yes. You know that picture.

One of those horse characters.

Noirsoj, the sleeper.

- So named because he.. or she...
- Mika.

Rather sleeps among horses
than among humans.

The sleeper has the same energy
as the horse.

The energy of water.

Cool, flowing, soft and smooth.

If the flow is disrupted it creates
a maelstrom that pulls them both under.

So Mika can't wake up
because Windstorm is doing so badly?

- And he won't eat because she's asleep?
- That's right.

Well... that's just silly.

If your myth can't offer a solution,
I'd rather stay in reality.

In reality,
both of them will get better again.


The warrior.

Who'll look after her?
You'll be gone. I'm busy.

- Hi, guys!
- Tinka!

Who's that?

- Ari.
- Perfect!

Ms Kaltenbach sent me to find her.
I have to give her worm medicine.

Take off your trousers, please.

Honestly. I didn't do it on purpose.
It was a reflex action.

It was a joke. Are you mad?

Tinka, what we mean to say is...

Ari has a slight behavioural disorder.
Without help she'll end up in a home.

A slight disorder? My nose is bleeding.

It's not that bad.

Just say I ran away.
That's what I usually do anyway.

And... thanks for trying.

Hang on a minute.

That's what you usually do?
Why not this time?

I don't know.

I do.

It's like Ms Kaltenbach said.

We handle even difficult cases.
She can muck out, polish saddles.

Darn blankets.
All very therapeutic, right?

- What do you say, Ari?
- Yes!

- Good. Tinka...
- No way. She's disturbed.

I see. Oh, Fanny, did you hear
about what Archibald did?

No. What?

He had Marianne's knickers on his head.

Sounds like that pony is disturbed.

Okay, I'll do it.

Very good. That's enough for today.

Enough of that for today. Good job.

- A very good morning, everyone!
- Oh, my goodness!

- How's it looking. Is he running?
- Oh!

- We've been making good progress.
- Progress, huh?

It's not progress I need to see.
I need to see results.

The race season starts in three weeks.
Got it?

Yes, I already told you we're not sure
Andorro will ever be able to race again.

He was traumatised by the fall.

Save your breath. The question is,
can you get that nag to run? Yes or no?

- I beg your pardon?
- Deaf as well.

Can you get that nag to run?
Yes or no?

I invested a sackload of money in him.

- He has to deliver!
- Yes? Then stick that sack...

Of course we can do that.

This is still Kaltenbach.
Don't forget that. We're the very best.

Let us do our work and in three weeks
Andorro will be good as new.

Thank you for your trust in us.

Oh, not at all. My pleasure.

Well, then...

I take my leave of you.

May I introduce you to Ms Herburg?

She recently graduated with a degree
in horse management

as the best in her year.

And she is our new colleague
as of today.

Isabell, hello.


- What was your name again?

Uh, rubbish. Samuel. That is, Sam.


What should I do? Where do we start?

Bring that blanket.

Oh! What's going on?



Good. Come.


No. Stop it.

Hey! Stop!

- Tinka!
- Stop!

Hey, you two.
You can help me do the feeding.

How's the riding therapy going...?

Backwards and downhill.

- What did you do?
- Nothing.

Keep calm, you.
What's the problem here?

Hey, come on, Dieter!
What on earth's wrong?

That's the problem.

Horses hate me.

Well, I wouldn't exactly
put it that way.

Stop that, Dieter!

Dieter, hey!

Okay. Maybe you're right.

But why?

You know, maybe horses
just aren't your thing.

Try out something else. Tap dancing,
pottery, something like that.



You're not in your garage.

Fancy some dinner?

I bet you don't like tap dancing either.

One hundred and sixty-eight over .


My dear, that's too high.
And it's not good for your heart.

- You have to visit a proper doctor.
- You treat animals and I'm one of those.

You always have to have the last word.
It's not good for your heart.


Take this every morning and evening.

- Promise me.
-"For cows and pigs"?

- Yes, I told you I'm a vet.
- What on earth!

That's... What do you expect?

I have something here... Yes.

"High blood pressure." For humans.
Every morning and evening.

- Sometimes it all gets too much.
- You can say that again.

- Right. Goodbye, my dear.
- Goodbye, my dear. Thank you.

- Promise me?
- Yes.


I have great news.

- Dr Anders!
- Sam!

- What are you doing here?
- Examining the boss.

She must be examined by a proper doctor.
Can you tell her that?

- Yes, but...
- She'll be fine if she doesn't...

- What did you do?
-... get upset.

Without asking me first?

- Everything okay?
- Oh, just fine.

- Good.
- Come on in, Samuel.

So, lsabell... Start at the beginning.

I just want what's best for Kaltenbach.

Your granddaughter is in a coma
and we can't stop time.

- We need a new trainer, and Thordur...
- Thordur Thorvaldsen?

- The magician?
- That's the one.

I called him and he's interested
in being a trainer at Kaltenbach.

He'd come here? Really?

Samuel, what do you know
about Mr Thorvaldsen?

Well, he's the very best.

He fixed Queen of the Iceberg
after her dreadful fall.

And Diamond Shamrock,
who was a hopeless case.

Okay, that's enough.

Why do you think
such a famous horse trainer

is suddenly interested in Kaltenbach?

Oh, right...

Windstorm, that's right.

Please tell Mr Thorvaldsen

we're very flattered but not interested.

- You will regret that.
- That's possible.

But as long as I'm here,
he won't set foot in Kaltenbach.

Samuel, be so kind
as to take these tablets to my room

and put them in the small pot by my bed.

- All right.
-lsabell? Was there anything else?


Isabell, wait.

She won't let anyone handle Windstorm.
Over her dead body.

- You're right.
- I am?

- What about?
- She has a weak heart.

- We mustn't allow her to get upset.
- Well...

- She's pretty robust.
- Don't worry.

We'll manage.

- Should I take the tablets to her room?
- Okay.


The old lady's tougher than I thought.

- She won '' let anyone near Windstorm.
- Your problem.

I only care about the horse.

If you want the stables,
that's our only chance.

- When the redhead wakes up, it's over.
- I know.

- I already have a plan.
- Gd.

I have to work now.

Steady now.

Nice and steady.

I'm here to help you.

Go on then.

What's wrong?

Aren't you hungfY?

I'm not going to hurt you.

What am I doing wrong?

What's wrong with me?

Can I let go now?

Who are you?



I'm Sam's cousin.

- And who are you?
- Sam's grandfather.

Something important to know,
whoever you are.

Never approach a horse
with your arm raised.

Why not?

It frightens them away,
it threatens them.

- How do you mean that?
- Like this.

I'm sorry.

It's not so bad.

Of course it's bad!

I don't want to do it.

But it just happens.

I can't help it.

Nothing happens without a reason.

Horses, and this one in particular,
react to energy.

And it seems you have
a little too much of that.

I know.

- Horses hate me.
- No.

Energy can be a good thing.
If you can control it.

Windstorm lost a lot of his own energy
because of an accident.

He's lost his life force.

That's why he won't eat.

Can you teach me that?

The energy thing. I...

I'd like...

- Yeah?

- I could... I want to...
- What?

- What do you want?

I have the feeling I can help him.

I've never had the feeling
I can help someone before.

That's why I didn't run away.


Perhaps you could...

I'll see you soon, Ari.


Oh, Marianne... please...

open the window.

It's so warm in here!

- What... I'd say it's rather chilly.
- It's not chilly, it's hot!

Hotter than hell!

Are you all right?

Of course not!

My granddaughter is trapped
in a deep sleep.

Windstorm is starving
and no one knows why.

And... the open...

day is fast approaching...

Close the window.
It's chilly. It's cold. Cold.

So cold.

So cold.

- Should I fetch your tablets?
- I already took...

my tablets.

Sorry I'm late.


Ms Kaltenbach! Ms Kaltenbach!

- Oh, God! Ms Kaltenbach!
- Ms Kaltenbach!

Ms Kaltenbach!

- Now keep calm, you hear?
- But I'm fine.

- I have the heart of an ox.
- Yes.

An old ox. With high blood pressure.

- As your doctor...
- You're a vet.

- A vet.
- Now I'll have the last word.

You had a heart attack
despite the tablets. It's serious.

A matter of life and death.
You need a break.

- The open day...
- We'll manage.

- I promise.
- Don't worry, we can do it.

- Please!
- I think she's short of breath.

- Breathe deeply.
- Stay lying down and breathe deeply.


Hey, Windstorm.

Hello, Ari.


You're here.

I don't have to be here to be present.

But then why am I here?

For him.

He needs you. He's in danger.
You sense that, don't you?

But how can I help him?

Help him regain his energy.

Ride him.
That will help both of us.





Ride him.
That will help both of us.

I have to learn how to ride.

It's important!


- Why?
- I just know it somehow.

And I don't have much time.


I had a... dream.

- Yes... That makes sense.

You'll do it?

Now listen to me.

Before you get close to a horse,
there's a few things...

I know. Tinka explained. Balance,
rhythm, coordination. Let's start.

- What was that?
- I thought so.

You're good at that.
We need to take a different approach.

And don't forget to count them.

- I know each and every screw.
- What?

Are you insane?
I'll never be able to do that!

Yes, you will.

With patience.

That's your first lesson.

Six hundred and eighty-one.
Can we start riding now?

That's not right, sadly.

Would you like some bread and honey?

What's that?

Wild bees.

The second lesson is self-control.

Well, I don't want
bread and honey anymore.

And lesson three?


Here. Take this bow.

See that cushion?

I don't want to do this. I can't do it.

I want to learn riding, not this stuff.

What was the first lesson?

While we're at it,

youth welfare officers
from Stockholm will visit soon.

I thought we could show
our Scandinavian colleagues

our modern therapeutic approach

and invite them
to visit the riding therapy centre...

What's it called?



Yes, we could invite them there.

It'd be best if you made
an appointment now.

- Right now?
- Yes. Right now.

Ride him.
That will help both of us.

Breathe in, raise your bow.

Draw it.
Fix your target, and breathe out.

And go.

Again. In a single, fluid motion.

Raise your bow. Breathe in.

Draw it.

Fix your goal. Breathe in.



Archery has a lot to do
with inner peace.

There are exactly .

I counted three times.

Well? Am I right?

You might be.
I never counted them myself.

Anything else?

Bread with honey, maybe?

Here I am.

- I didn't hear you.
- Where is he?

Not so fast. We shouldn't be too hasty.

- Oh? We shouldn't?
- No.

The old lady is gone.
But the others are suspicious.

Proof of your ability
might persuade them.

As long as you don't forget what I want.


The warrior.

His energy

is the energy of fire,
and when it burns too bright

it consumes him.

l' is only in the horse
Baildagch can find

his true counterpart.

When they meet,
their energies flow into one another

because each gives
what the other lacks.

I think you're ready now.

You have helped him with your energy

because you have learnt to control it,
and he will follow you now.

Mr Dotterweich, you're not leaving?

Mika will be back soon,
then we can help Andorro.

Andorro has got the help he needs.
It's incredible. He's running again.

As if the devil were hot on his heels.

- He is? But how?
- It's not "how", Sammy.

But "who"?


The magician!

- I've done my part. Now it's your turn.
- Of course. You'll get Windstorm.

I don't know why you want that nag.
We can take over Kaltenbach without him.

You're ambitious,
but you understand nothing about horses!

Just feeling that power is...

like a revelation.

Come in.

- Hey! Uh... you wanted to talk to me?
- I have something for you.

"Junior Facility Manager."

What does that mean?

That means...

I'm promoting you.

You're my left-hand man.

- Wow!
- And I have some more good news.

Thordur has agreed to stay on
as a trainer.


You yourself have seen what he can do.


What you did
with Andorro was unbelievable!

Ms Kaltenbach was wrong.
How did you do it?

Let's say I put my finger
in the wound to heal it.

- What does that mean?
- Thank you, Sammy.

- That was all. You can go now.
- Of course.

Fetch Windstorm, please.
Thordur will start on him tomorrow.

Hang on a minute. What?


- We have to help him.
- No! He's better. He's eating.

- And Ms Kaltenbach...
- Was wrong. You said so yourself.

I can help Windstorm
become the horse he once was.

You want that too. Right?

For Mika.

Of course.

Ms Kaltenbach will understand.

She'll understand.
She'll be grateful to me.

Archibald, what have you done?
How can I get this off?

- They'll both be grateful to me.
- Stay here.

- Sam... Fanny is...
- Not now!

- Yes. Have you seen Ari?
- I haven't time for Fanny's stuff.

Do you know why?
I'm Facility Manager.

Isabell depends on me.
You can tell her that.


Oh, yes!

Why does this keep happening?

- Fanny! Hey!
- Hey!

Where on earth is Ari?

My boss is bringing some Swedes here.
If Ari is gone, I'm for it.

That riding therapy idea was ridiculous!

Ari is no good with horses.

I bet she ran off,
and if you go to jail...

Then the way is clear
for you and the poisonous blonde?

I'm Facility Manager.
I'm just doing my job.

You know that's a fancy expression
for dogsbody?

- What?
- Mm-hm.

Hang on. What are you talking about?

- You can't speak to me like that.
- Ari!

- Windstorm is sick?
- Ari is no good with horses?

That was wild!

And we've definitely experienced
some wild stuff before.

It's incredible
what that horse does to people.

- No wonder the world's crazy about him.
- Why is the world crazy about Windstorm?

Well, he's famous.
Partly because of his lineage, and...

- Because of Mika.
- Yes.

The connection
between the two of them

is quite something to behold.

But you were amazing today too.
And Windstorm looks fantastic.

Isabell will be thrilled.
And I think we're saved.

A performance like that at the open day
will make it unforgettable.

And I'll show those bureaucrats!

When they see Ari on Windstorm.
Hello, riding therapy! Oh!

Where did she go?
Maybe it was a bit much for her.

Oh, Grandpa, you were right.

- Ari is the warrior.
- Huh? What?

One of Grandpa's old horse tales.
Ari is like Mika.

- But with a bow and arrows.
- That's the thing.

Ari is not at all like Mika.

Hi, Ari. Are you looking for this?

Why can't you guys
just go through the door?

Us guys?

I'd like to talk with you.

Sam was being too hasty before, but...

Ari, you've really made it!
You see that, right?

Two weeks ago, you'd have given me
a black eye for startling you.

- Maybe.
- Exacfly!

It's amazing!

If you show the welfare officers
how you've changed

then you have a chance! And...

- I won't go to jail.
- You don't understand. I can't do it.

Yes, you can. And Mika wouldn't mind.

How can you know that? Mika isn't here.

- And Windstorm is her horse.
- Yes.

But Mika believes
Windstorm is his own horse.

No one can take away their connection.
Jealousy is just for cowards.

Come on, let's show lsabell
and those youth welfare idiots.

No. It's impossible.

Mr Kaan was right.

- You really aren't like Mika.
- He said that?

You know why? She would help us,
not run off when things get tricky.

By the way,
he asked me to give you this.

You might like to know
that the first bus leaves at :.

Have a nice life.

You're not like her.

She's not like you.

But together you make up a whole.


What is your biggest fear?


Hey, sleepy head. Time to get up!

We have to go. Everything's ready.
The welfare officers will be here soon.

- That's...
- Tomatoes. There were no apples left.

Bam, barn, barn, ketchup!

This is going to be great. expl*sive!

I don't think so.
Ari has gone, and I'm in trouble.

- What d'you mean, gone?
- Run away.

- No.
- Yes.

Hang on...

- Go ahead!
- What are you doing?


Like I told you. Ketchup.

- You're here!
- We can start, as far as I'm concerned.

So. Are you ready?

Three weeks ago I thought he'd starve.

But he's back to his old self.

- Thanks to you.
- So, here we are.

All right then. I got everything ready.

You can do it.

- We can do it.
- Of course. You together. Good luck.

Ari, or Arielle...

That is Ari.

She was our most difficult case.

Aggressive, erratic, introverted.
She was beyond therapy.

- Beyond therapy?
- Yes. So I intervened.

I personally championed
this form of therapy.

Are those tomatoes?

- Yes! Tomatoes!
- Yes.

Quite right.

I can proudly report
that this therapy is bearing fruit.

- They're vegetables.
- Fruit.

$ -

Yes, horses eat fruit,
vegetables, tomatoes.

Straight ahead. Stop! Turn left.

- Left. Stop. Right.
- Sam...

Stop. And now sit down.

- Sam... Sam!
- Sit down.

You can open your eyes.


What's going on? Are those tomatoes?

Yes. And Ari will hit them.
With a bow and arrows.

Watch. Ari!

Mount him.

One moment.



We also have music therapy.

Get away from that horse!

- What's wrong? Who are you?
- I run these stables.

- And you?
- Britta, youth welfare.

- And what's going on here.
- Uh, we... we...

- We're going to watch Ari ride a horse.
- Oh no, you're not.

Sam? What?

Yes, right.
You wanted to show off Windstorm.

And Ari can ride him. No one else can.

Child or adult. Trust me.

Ari! Go on, show us!

And... and who is that there?


At last!

- Let's put an end to this kids' circus.
- This isn't a therapy centre!

That's not the point.
Ari isn't aggressive anymore.

- Go on, give him to me.
- No.

You will.

He isn't your horse. You know that.

You're just some kid.

I know what you're doing,
but it won't work on me.

- I'm protecting him.
- From whom? From me?

Get out of the way,

little girl.

Ari! Don't! Ari!

Oh. My. God.

I have to get out
but the windows are barred.

So you were going through the wall?

What's going to happen to me?

Britta just called
the children's home.

They're picking you up in an hour.

I tried to explain
that you're not crazy.

But, to be honest...

I'm not quite sure of that myself.

Self-control, Ari.

Energy without direction is chaos.


Then you'll find a solution.

Ms Kaltenbach's heart tablets!

I don't know why you're so testy.
It's kids' stuff!

- I know what I'm doing.
- Hardly. That child is dangerous.

My nose is broken.

What was that?

No idea, but the important thing is

the old lady is gone
and Windstorm is waiting for you.

And that's why

the only right thing to do is

to sign the stables over to me.

That heart attack
was very convenient, huh?

It was too much for her.

I just helped her understand that.

Tomorrow I'll visit her
and remove that burden from her.

Kaltenbach will be mine.

Your prize awaits you.


I can hardly wait.

You will regret that.
Both of you.

- Leave him alone.
- You don't understand what I'm doing.

- It's for his own good.
- No.

He's afraid.
And fear is not a good thing.

- Leave him alone.
- But fear is powerful.

- That's how you do it. You break horses.
- Break!

That's an ugly word.

Just watch. And learn.


You can't get out of here!

I warned you!

Windstorm. Come here.

Come to me.


You have to jump. Now!

Don't be afraid.

I'm here.


You're safe now.

You can lie down.

I'll keep guard.

Ms Kaltenbach?

- Good morning.
-lsabell! Good morning.

- May I?
- Please do.

It's nice and quiet here.


How are you? You look pale.

Since I've been in this nursing home
my health has been

remarkably improved.

I took the liberty of having

a notary prepare
and sign the transfer.

And what happens if Mika wakes up?

Well, we talked about that.

Looks like my time is over.

But you will make sure
that the spirit of my stables

is maintained, won't you?

Of course.

- But...
- Ms Kaltenbach!

Right, young lady.
Time for pottery class!

Oh, Yuri! I'll be there in a minute.

- So, Ms Kaltenbach...
- Yes. Yes, yes.

If there are any problems... can contact...
- There won't be.

Adieu, Ms Kaltenbach.

Thank you all for coming.
I'll get straight to the point.

Ms Kaltenbach has transferred
management of the stables to me.

- What?
- Quiet, please!

It seems we have unknowingly allowed
a mentally disturbed girl to stay here.

- Oh, come on!
- The authorities have been informed.

Those responsible will be punished.

Yesterday, this girl seriously injured
one of our staff,

stole our most valuable horse,
and absconded.

Maybe she had a good reason
to steal Windstorm.

Thorvaldsen's methods
are controversial.

That brings us to an important matter.

- Tinka is barred from the premises.
- What?

- You can't. She came here aged three!
- Yes, I can, Sam.

I thought you and I
were working together.

But your behaviour,
and that of your girlfriend

leaves me no other choice.

Which is why you're fired too!

What's that?


- That's...
- Ms Kaltenbach!

I'm having another attack.

I'm having another attack.
Oh, God! I'm hallucinating!

- Ms Kaltenbach!
- I need my tablets! Where are they?

Where are my damned, useless tablets?

- Ms Kaltenbach!

That's it, you see.

You didn't have your tablets.

Isabell threw them in the fire
and gave you other ones.



What did she do?

Oh, God!

- Wait! I'm not done yet.
- Well, I'm done.

I'm going to lie in my hammock
and wait for Maria Kaltenbach to return.

I haven't yet mentioned
that Ms Kaltenbach has decided

not to return to the stables
after she recovers.

There are too many memories.

And we will be using your plot of land

to build our new riding centre.

- You must vacate by month's end.
- What gives you the right?

Yes, what indeed?

Ms Maria Elisabeth Kaltenbach herself.

Kaltenbach belongs to me.

- What on earth are you doing?
- Someone has to stop you.


A worthless urchin
who thinks she's Geronimo.

- I don't think so.
- Oh, Ms Herburg!

I have to say, I'm astonished
by your choice of words.

- Ms Kaltenbach!
- Yes.

What a surprise. I don't understand.

I don't quite understand either.

There I was,
enjoying a relaxing convalescence,

since I had been assured
everything was in good hands,

and suddenly I had to explain
to my fellow patients

why one of my horses
was galloping through the hospital park

with Pocahontas, scaring them to death
with a bow and arrows.

I'm so sorry
you were negatively impacted by this.

- I know shocks are bad for your heart.
- My heart?

Ms Kaltenbach!

I am a great... admirer of yours.

- Leave my stables at once.
- I was about to go anyway.

Does it still hurt?

No. Don't worry.
I'll soon be back in the saddle.

I doubt it. I told the federal society
and the Equestrian Federation about you.

And after they've heard Ari's testimony,
you'll never "treat" a horse again.

You're not a magician.

You and I will meet again.

You mark my words!

So, where were we?

- Your heart.
- Well, here we are again, then.

- Which one of you is...
- That would be me.

My name is Fanny Schleicher.
I brought Ari here.

I take responsibility
for what she's done.

- She's not Sam's cousin.
- I know that, Fanny.

The police aren't here for you.

I had a wonderful, long
and very detailed conversation with Ari.

She's a very special girl.

Yes, she is.

But if they're not here
because of Ari and me.

- Then why?
- Ari...

Do you want to tell them?

Because of Ms Kaltenbach's heart.

You might be able to poison me

but you cannot k*ll
the spirit of Kaltenbach.

Well, goodness me!

She's getting away!


Quick! Arrest her!

Oh, my God!

- Mika's woken up!
- Oh, God!

Oh, thank God!

Did you manage
to say goodbye to everyone?

Don't be sad. The youth welfare office
will look for a new foster family.

Okay... Stop here a moment.

Go on. Five minutes.

- You're liable.
- She'll come back. Don't worry.

I wanted to say goodbye.

It was so beautiful here.

Goodbye, Windstorm.



I wanted to say thank you.

You saved him.

That's okay. It was my pleasure.

I kept dreaming about it.

About the fire. But...

there was nothing I could do.

I dreamt about it too.

I remember now.


The dreams can be upsetting,
but you get used to them.

I have to go.

All right.


See you.


Okay. So you mean right now?




That's fine.


That was Britta.

They've found a foster family for you.

I'm to take you there right away.


- It doesn't matter much.
- It does to me, though.

I don't want to have to drive for miles.

- You don't. It's very close.
- Well, then...

- Where are we going now?
- Just turn around.

Turn around?

- Ari!
- Tinka!

Come here.

The whole Kaltenbach crew.

I said I'd see you again.

Are you nervous?

Why should I be nervous?

Oh! It's probably better for everyone
if you keep your nerve.

I hope your mother knows
what she's doing, fostering that child.

Arielle... Ari... really has behaved
very badly in the past, you know.

Well, my daughter
set her teacher's car on fire

and she turned out just fine.

Right. We can start then.

- Well, then. Good luck, you two.
- Oh no.

- She doesn't need luck.
- Heh?

But you“.

Need this.


- But... I can't do this.
- Of course you can.

You have Windstorm with you.

You can do it, together.

Go on then.

Windstorm! Windstorm! Windstorm!

Windstorm! Windstorm! Windstorm!


We can do this.

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come!
You all know Windstorm.

Perhaps as a talented showjumper.

Or as an upper-level dressage horse.

But you have never seen him
like this before.

In a discipline that is
as old as horseriding itself.

You will now witness

our new family member in Kaltenbach

performing mounted archery!

And here they come. Windstorm and Ari!



Justin Bieber!

You urgently need a new name,
little guy.


You stupid cow, Ari!