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Horror in the High Desert (2021)

Posted: 05/29/23 18:35
by bunniefuu
Never in my wildest dreams

did I think when I told Gary

something bad is gonna happen,

did I think it was gonna be this.

I can't imagine

what Gary must have been going through

and how he must have felt

being so alone and so far out there.

He said

that the longer he stood

and looked at it,

the more spooked that he

got the feeling of dread,

the sixth sense that he

needed to get out of there.

I first knew something was wrong

when I was on the phone with my publisher,

and Simon kept trying to call in.

And so once I was off the

phone with my publisher,

I called Simon who's Gary's roommate.

And he told me that

Gary was two days late.

That's not Gary,

you know, Gary,

would never leave Tuca that long,

especially knowing that

Simon had to go out of town.

That's when I knew that

there was something wrong,

and I needed to get there.

So I packed up and left Panaca

and headed straight to Ruth.

I needed to see what was going on

and make sure that my brother was okay.

And to take care of Tuca

until he could get back.

I really thought he would be back.

I first met Gary when

they were having an event

at the Nevada Northern Railway.

And we both just kind of,

wandered in each other's paths,

and started talking about trains,

and, we were both looking

for a place to stay.

I was trying to find a place for work,

he was in between places,

and we kind of just

happened upon this place.

The first time I heard

the name, Gary Hinge,

I believe was when I was working

for the radio station NNN,

It was um..

I was an investigative reporter,

it was my first job right out of the gate,

and my producer came

to me and he was like,

we have to cover this,

I think it's a good

idea for us to do this,

because the TV stations, the news,

had stopped recording on it.

And so this was a way

for us to get exclusives

and to keep the story going.

Because according to everyone

else that was hearing about it

and reporting about it,

it had just gone cold.

If you want me to

describe my brother Gary,

the best way to describe him is,

if there was a little lady that said,

can you please watch my purse,

no matter where they were at,

Gary would sit there and

he would watch her purse

and make sure that it was

safe until she came back.

That was just the type

of person that he was,

he was trustworthy and amazing.


So Gary loved the outdoors,

I mean, he was the king of outdoors.

Let's just say that.

And I think a lot of people

were really envious of him.

Like he lived this

beautiful adventurous life,

that I think, those who

have the nine to five job,

stuck behind a desk,

I think, really admired that about him.

Super smart, but definitely private,

he kind of just kept to himself.

If he wasn't in his room on his computer,

then he was working on his model railroad.

But other than that,

yeah, just really kept

to himself in his room

making his videos.

Super funny, though

definitely could make you laugh

with a couple of his one liners.

I started to learn

more about who Gary was.

And I found out

that he was an extremely

highly intelligent man.

He's one of those people that was so smart

that kind of had a hard time

connecting with other people.

So he mostly just kind

of was more, solitude,

and yeah, fascinating.

The more I found out about him,

the more I wanted to keep

finding out about, who is Gary?

Gary had found his dream job,

being such an avid outdoors man,

he started to work for a startup

company called Map Nevada.

Now what they do is,

they map out really remote

locations for hunters.

So they track wildlife, weather, terrain,

and I mean, Gary was in heaven doing this.

He loved to be by himself

out in the wilderness,

he loved hiking,

and being adventurous,

any train, he was drawn

to, he loved trains.

Hey guys filming

another little YouTube video,

at one of my favorite places.

If I had more time I would

become one of the volunteers,

but this is the Nevada Northern

Railway Museum, here in Ely.

And it's kind of an old little copper mine

just preserved and left.

They do some cool stuff, though,

like you can sleep in this

old caboose from Kennecott,

the big copper mine in the area,

right outside my home in Ruth.

It's kind of a neat

little railroad museum,

they just kind of let you walk around.

And you know how much I love

trains on top of hiking,

gotta do something in the winter time

and you can't be outside as much.

So I was really excited

to take on this story,

seeing that it was my first story.

And it also took place

in this tiny little town called Ruth.

And so I grabbed the phone book,

and I just started calling.

And I wanted to talk to

anybody and everybody

that would talk to me.

I first knew something was off

when he asked me to watch his dog Tuca

before he went out on one of his trips.

And he never leaves Tuca.

He always takes the dog with him,

so I thought that was kind of weird.

And he was acting super stressed out

even keeping to himself even more.

When he didn't come back after two days,

I thought that was really strange.

I had a flight to catch,

so I just called Beverly to get the dog.

After I got off the phone with Simon,

I tried Gary, and there was no answer,

so I hurried and left and

I went to Ruth from Panaca.

And it's only a couple hours away,

so when I got there,

Simon and Tuca were

waiting on the front steps.

Simon really needed to get

to the airport in Las Vegas,

so I asked him where Gary had gone to,

and Simon didn't know, his

roommate didn't even know,

he just knew that he was on an expedition.

To me that wasn't right,

so I tried Gary a couple of more times,

and all it did was go to voicemail

and something was definitely wrong.

And so I called the police and waited.

So I got Beverley's phone number,

and this is the only time

that I ever talked to her.

And she was pretty angry with me,

once I told her that I was a reporter.

And she did not want to

have anything to do with me

or our show, which I thought

was really unfortunate,

because, the news stations,

they had stopped recording on this,

and we were the only ones doing anything,

and I thought this is a way

to help find your brother,

I don't understand why

you don't want to give me the time or day,

but she didn't, and she quickly hung up.

And that was the only time

that I spoke to Beverly.

Gary became so obsessed

with survivalism,

he would watch the Discovery Channel,

he would watch YouTube,

he would study it and find

the most remote places,

no cell service, no provisions of any kind

other than what he took.

And it used to scare

the heavens out of me.

I mean, I was petrified for him,

and I would worry so much.

But after a while,

it was Gary.

So guys, I'm here hiking around,

and this is one of the cool secrets

I have in the wilds in Nevada

is this cemetery from the

late 1800s old mining camp,

but I won't disclose the

name for safety reasons.

Don't want anyone getting lost out here,

but you can see all these

old graves, wood stones,

unmarked graves with no names now.

Give you an idea of

where I had to hike from

is that mountain way over there

is my truck's on the other side of it.

So hiked over that mountain

and I'm way out this

way now, hiking around.

I wouldn't say what

Gary was doing was hiking.

These were multiple day,

like survival excursions.

In the beginning, what gave me hope

was the fact that when

Gary was much younger,

much, much younger, like second grade,

we all went camping, and Gary

disappeared from the campsite.

And we searched for him

and searched for him,

and we were all so worried, mom

and dad were just terrified,

I was terrified.

We didn't wanna leave the mountain

to go and get cell service or anything,

we just went looking for him.

And we looked for him all night.

And the next morning we came

up to a sheep herders camp,

thinking, we're gonna tell them look,

keep an eye out for this second grader,

this second grader that was missing

and we walk up and there

is my little brother Gary,

playing with the animals.

He'd known that if he got

to the sheep herders camp,

he would be okay,

that mom and dad would

come and look for him.

And he was so resilient, it

was in him, second nature.

So after speaking to a

bunch of people in Ruth,

I started to learn a little

bit more about Beverly

and Beverly's relationship

with Gary in the past.

So she had a lot of anger towards Gary.

She really blamed him

for their parents' death.

And then when their parents did pass away,

she was stuck, still raising Gary

and so she held quite a lot

of resentment against him.

Well, I was mad at

Gary when mom dad d*ed,

they were out on a fishing trip

and mom and dad liked to

do some night fishing.

And so they went out

and did hang the lantern

where they could see it,

so they could get back to shore safely,

back to camp without hitting any rocks.

Old Gary decided

that he was gonna go

hunting frogs and everything

and so, and he went exploring.

And while he's out there

he hung the lantern up,

so that he could see what he was doing.

Meanwhile, mom and dad

decided that they were gonna come back in

and call it a night.

So they headed for the lantern.

Not knowing that Gary had

moved it while he was exploring

and so they followed the light.

And, it was the wrong spot.

They didn't make it back

because they hit the rocks,

and had Gary not hang the

lantern up where he was at

and left it where it needed to be,

there wouldn't have been any problems.

I just felt super bad for Beverly.

You know, I could just hear her

inside Gary's room, sobbing.

You know, you're really

making me miss my brother, Gary.

Kept hearing people

refer to Gary as a hiker.

And in my opinion, I don't

really think that's correct.

Because, to me, Gary's

more of a survivalist,

he would go out into the

wilderness for a week or two on end

with just a backpack.

He's kind of like the

MacGyver of the wilderness,

just to survive and live off of the land,

and filter his on water.

So, to hear them just be like,

oh, he's just a hiker gone missing.

He's not.

When Gary and I first

started living together,

I actually went out with

him on one of these things.

And I just kept telling myself

the entire time, never again.

Gary wouldn't let us bring

enough food or water,

and it was the most miserable experience.

The one thing I did like about it

was we kept on finding these 1800's

abandoned mining kind of structures,

which was super cool.

This wasn't a normal search and rescue.

Because, Gary didn't tell

anybody where he was going

on his excursion.

And he would go really

deep into the wilderness,

and he'd be gone for a week or so,

so no one had any idea

where to even start looking.

And so police decided the best way,

or the only thing they could think of

was to maybe check his cell phone,

and his cell phone pings in which tower.

And it looked to be as he

had turned his cell phone off

shortly after leaving his home.

When Beverly showed up to get the dog.

Yeah, I regret that now, I

kind of lashed out at her.

I was so put off when I got to town,

and he was so antsy to get out of there.

And, being my brother's roommate,

not even asking where he was gonna be,

or, if there was gonna,

you know any issue that

might set up a red flag

if he didn't come home.

He had his dog and everything,

and he knew he needed to be out of town.

I just didn't,

I didn't feel right about it,

it just didn't feel right.

And, a week or so before

that, Gary had confided in me

that him and Simon weren't

getting along very well,

and so he wanted to move out.

And so I just,

it just didn't feel right,

so I let the cops know.

You know, I just don't trust him,

there's just something to

not be concerned at all,

where your roommate's gonna be.

And more worried about getting on a plane,

than somebody missing that's

supposed to be your friend,

close to you?


We never talked about that,

he never told me where

he went hiking, ever,

he never mentioned it.

And even if we did talk about it,

I'm pretty sure he probably

wouldn't have told me, so.

But at the beginning, I understood

she needed someone to point the finger at

and she was super upset, understandably.

But after some time, it

just kind of got old,

so I called her and I now told her that,

there's no way I would have

known and just by the way,

you're his sister, so why didn't you know?

When I first reported Gary missing,

the police were wonderful,

they were really on top

of it, they did an APB,

be on the lookout for his truck, himself,

Park Rangers, Fish and Game, everything.

You know, we live in a small town,

people don't go missing all the time.

And so this was a big deal,

and they really took it seriously,

they had it everywhere.

I was embarrassed that I didn't know

exactly where he was at,

you know, I'm his sister,

I should have known.

I should have known.

My first thought when

I heard he was missing was,

oh, it'd be near impossible to find him.

Either, he finally just injured himself,

or maybe he had eaten something

that he didn't know was

gonna make him so sick.

It'd been two days since

I'd reported the missing

and I hadn't slept more than

10 to 15 minutes at a time.

I had people calling and were so concerned

and wanted to know where

to start looking for him.

But not knowing where he was at,

where would I have them look?

And then the phone call came,

they'd found Gary's truck.

And I got such a sinking feeling,

such a sick to my stomach feeling

that this was now very real.

After the cops called in,

and let me know that

they'd found this truck,

they came and picked me

up and took me to it.

It was about 55 miles out of town,

and we got there and seeing his truck,

I was so hopeful, you know, thinking,

he probably fell,

maybe broke an ankle, stuck in a ravine,

can't get himself out.

But I had hope.

I really had hope that we

were gonna find him okay.

It just wasn't in a place

where Gary would have left it.

Like it wasn't in a spot where he wanted,

which he would wanna go to explore.

While I was sitting there,

watching them process Gary's

truck, I was looking around,

this wasn't Gary,

he loved to explore vast

forests, rocky hills,

beauty, not just a rolling hill of dirt.

It just, something wasn't right.

I'm a private investigator.

I was hired by Beverly shortly

after Gary's truck was found.

The High Desert as you can see,

it's very beautiful,

it's very majestic, has mountains,

valleys, plains, forests,

it has it all.

But it's also quite dangerous

and very unforgiving.

So after Gary's truck was found,

a search began and people really rallied.

Gary went missing

in the hottest part of the summer.

And what we see most of the

time in disappearance like his

is people suffering from heatstroke,

dehydration, sometimes even injury.

People started showing up

and then more people started showing up,

and next thing I know,

it's a whole whirlwind,

there were people there

that I didn't know,

that Gary didn't know,

there were people bringing drones,

all kinds of search and rescue.

It was the most humbling experience

to know that these strangers

were out there helping

to try to find my brother

and bring him home.

So once Gary's truck

was found, Beverly was,

let's just say she was very vocal

about how the truck seemed to be parked

in a suspicious location,

like she was just convinced

that her brother had not parked it there,

her brother wouldn't park it there,

and she would not stop talking about it.

So the cops eventually looked into this.

The clock was ticking.

They very much needed to find

Gary as soon as possible.

Beverly, on the other hand,

was very much in their way.

She was in the way, and she

was really messing things up.

Searching the high desert isn't easy,

I mean, it's not an easy task.

People think it is,

people think you can just get

up in the air in a helicopter

and fly around and look at

the ground and see someone,

but once you're on the ground,

there's abandoned mines,

there's bushes and tree cover.

And it's super difficult.

So finding someone, it's not

easy as people think it is.

Oh my god, sheep.

Hi sheep.

Look at all the sheep.

Sheep are a lot nicer than people.

Hey little sheep,

look at all you guys.

Roaming the land, doing

what you need to do.

Jeez, they all ran away from me.

Can't even make friends with sheep.

The officers didn't want me

to participate in the search.

They thought it was best that

I stay home at Gary's place

in case he tried to contact

me, call or show up.

I was very much familiar

with the lead investigator.

We had worked together before,

and we were definitely

familiar with each other.

I called him to kind of check up on things

and see where the

investigation was headed,

and if they had any new information.

He told me that they had made

a discovery in the truck.

But since I was not

formally hired by Beverley,

I had to contact her first

before they would discuss

the matter with me.

I was hopeful that they had good news,

that the officer asked me

if Gary had any enemies,

or if I knew anybody

that may wanna hurt him.

I asked the officer why,

why would he,

why would he ask that.

And in confidence, they told

me that they had evidence

that Gary did not drive

his truck out there.

So I waited a couple of hours

and went over to Gary's house

where Beverly was staying,

and she was absolutely hysterical.

She told me that the

police had informed her

that in Gary's truck they

had discovered prints

on top of Gary's all over,

on top of the steering wheel,

the dashboard, the gear

and what was most surprising or alarming

was that they discovered

footprints, bare footprints,

and they were scarred and unidentifiable,

which even added more to the mystery.

The footprint was,

he said that it was barefoot.

So someone drove Gary's truck barefoot.

And it just doesn't sit well with me,

because it's like, what happened?

Why was this person not wearing shoes?

What was going on?

Like, it's just odd,

and it's very,

I don't know, it's just,

it made my skin crawl.

Oh, look at the little baby deer.

That's kind of cool to see,

you don't see that too often.

You know, I hadn't been

sleeping and everything,

and my mind was just reeling,

I had a lot of things

going through my head,

different scenarios.

Maybe he picked up a friend?

Maybe somebody stole his

truck while he was out hiking?

Or maybe he picked up a hitchhiker,

and the hitchhiker had

done something to him.

I don't know, at this point,

so many things were just

going through my head,

just over and over again,

which didn't help me try to get any sleep.

So Beverly, still

wanted me to vet out Simon

because she still thought

he was very suspicious.

And I did too.

I looked into him again,

and lo and behold, he was

ruled out as a suspect.

But through that process,

I actually learned that

Gary had been talking

to someone that he met on

a Facebook Messenger group.

They had been corresponding

with each other

through a local sellers group,

and I guess they had been

commenting on each other's posts

and one thing led to another

and they became more than friends.

When I confronted this person,

he was very much terrified,

didn't wanna talk to me,

didn't wanna have anything to do with me

or the investigation.

And I told him, if you don't talk to me,

you're gonna have to talk to the cops,

and they're gonna really bust your ass.

And I think he was terrified

of being outed in this community,

because it's such a small

town, not a lot of gay people.

And so he did talk to me, he told me that,

he didn't have anything to

do with Gary's disappearance.

He was sad and upset that

Gary had disappeared,

he didn't know what happened to him.

I guess I did believe him.

He really didn't wanna discuss it,

but ultimately, when I

did check out his alibi,

he was cleared as a suspect.

Hey guys, now that I'm

done chasing sheep around

like a crazy person in the mountains.

I've seen a lot out here, mining camps,

mines, abandoned towns,

buildings, remnants of the past,

but the coolest and my

favorite personally,

is all the Native American remnants,

I love finding arrowheads

and seeing petroglyphs on mountain sides.

Just old writing from the native people

who lived here long before

any settlers moved in.

To me, that's the coolest stuff to see.

But it's getting dark

now, the sun's setting

I think I'm gonna call it

a night and get settled in,

in my camp.

They were still processing

the crime scene and everything

and they came across an

envelope in his center console,

it had a money in it.

To me that said that whoever he was with,

wasn't there to take his money

or anything that he might have had.

I woke to the police

officers knocking on my door.

And they were informing me that

they called off the search.

And while they're explaining things to me,

I'm seeing them talking,

I'm not comprehending any of the it,

everything was just kind of flashing.

And, I'm seeing their faces,

and I'm seeing their lips move,

and then they're looking

at me like I'm crazy.

And next thing I know, I'm on a stretcher.

And taken to the ER where

they had to give me hydration

and IV with fluids and

medicine that helped me sleep,

and for the first time

since all of this started,

I got 10 hours of sleep.

This was the largest search and rescue

that Nevada had ever seen.

And when they finally called it off,

everyone was just so shocked.

But, you mean, you can't search

the entire state of Nevada,

it's just too vast, it's too broad,

and it had been so long that

the chances of finding him

and finding him alive were slim to none.

The investigation was dead in the water,

we didn't have any leads,

the fingerprints in the truck

didn't match any database,

so we didn't know what to do.

But then.

Gary's followers started calling.

And this whole thing

was turned on its head.

So I'm at my desk,

and I'm going through the show notes,

I'm getting ready to go on air

and my producer comes through

my door, and he's like,

you have a phone call, you

have to take this phone call.

And I get on the phone, and

it's one of our listeners.

And he's telling me that I

have to look into Gary's blog.

He's going on and on about

this crazy story about Gary,

and he's telling me that he

thinks he knows where he is,

he thinks he knows what happened to him.

And that I have to go and

look at this blog right now.

My friend Monica calls me

and tells me that it's all over the news

that all these people are

calling into the radio station.

And she tells me that they're

talking about Gary's blog

and the fact that it needs to be read

and that there's comments and everything.

And so once I got discharged,

I went straight to Gary's house,

so I could read the blog

and see what all this was

that they were talking about.

Unfortunately, Beverly

found out about Gary's blog

hours before we did, and

she went right over there,

and really messed things up.

Hey guys, it's me again.

A lot of people have

been following the blog

and new to the blog and been saying,

I'm just trying to copy

"Naked and Afraid".

And as you can tell, I'm not

naked or afraid out here,

so I'm not trying to copy the show and,

also my ex loved that

show, so I'm sick of it,

there's a reason why

people are called exes.

So while I'm trying to

navigate through everything

on his blog,

going through the operator

stuff and everything

and I finally get in there

and I realize he has 50,000,

50,000 viewers.

I was shocked.

Not a single person in Gary's

life knew about his blog,

which was really shocking

considering the fact that

he had 50,000 followers.

That really says something,

if you think about it.

Of course, I immediately

jump on my computer

and I go to his blog, and

I'll never forget the title,

because I actually thought

it was really clever.

It was called "Don't

Hike With Headphones".

Hey guys up here at

the top of the mountain,

as you can see, there's

the great view behind me.

One of the questions I've got

asked on the blog a lot was,

what dangers,

are there any threatening animals

like rattlesnakes and mountain lions?

And, yeah, there're rattlesnakes

at the lower elevations,

you might have noticed I

don't hike with headphones

or anything on so I can listen for them.

And it's your basic,

survivalist type blog,

you know, how to build a

fire, how to filter water,

and I just start scrolling through

and I scroll and scroll

all the way to the,

like the latest videos that he had posted.

I'm trying to navigate

to find out where these

notifications are coming from

because he is getting

notification after notification,

I mean, it's ding, ding, ding, ding.

So I was driving when I

found out Gary had a blog,

I pulled over and looked

for it on my phone.

And the first thing that I noticed

was that he didn't go by his real name,

he went by Scorpion Sam.

My biggest thing I've ever ran into

was I got stung by a scorpion,

kicking over a rock once,

had to go to the hospital

once I got back to my truck,

that was the day I hiked

with a swelling up hand.

I'm finally able to

get to the notifications

and this notification pops up

and they're saying, I bet he found it,

and that something bad happened,

and I'm thinking, they're

saying he found it?

And something bad happened?

Found what?

And then came Gary's

now infamous video post.

I have worked a lot of

strange cases in my career,

and Gary's by far was the most unusual,

just the way that he described

what he was looking at,

what he saw, how terrified he was,

it just really scares me.

So I started watching

the second to last video

on Gary's blog.

And he's at his home

and he's sitting there

and he's telling his viewers

basically what he came across

on his last expedition.

I saw his last three videos


what I saw,

changed everything.

He's pretty worked up in this video,

you can tell he's nervous, he's scared.

As soon as his video started,

I could tell he was troubled by something,

something had him so unnerved.

He was three days into his expedition,

and he started to smell smoke and that,

and he was out in the middle of nowhere.

So he got curious and

started to look around.

He comes across this cabin,

and it's not like a nice cabin,

it's like a makeshift cabin,

almost kind of like a

homeless type of structure,

sticks and twigs,

and there's smoke coming

out of the chimney.

And Gary's not someone to

be scared of someone else,

out in the wilderness,

but he said he was just

like frozen in his tracks,

and he just felt this like sixth sense

of basically impending doom.

It was the look on his

face, that really got to me,

when he described this

cabin out in Nevada.

He said that the longer

he stood and looked at it

the more spooked that he

got the feeling of dread,

the sixth sense that he

needed to get out of there.

And he wanted nothing

to do with that place.

And so, he hightails it out of there

and he goes to sleep in his tent,

I remember this because he talks

about how he was so scared,

he slept with his shoes on all night.

You know, he didn't bring his firearms,

so he was totally just vulnerable

out there and terrified.

And he wakes up the next

morning, and there's footprints,

and they're barefoot footprints.

These two things are now connected,

we had something to go on.

The hike back to his track,

which took three days,

he felt like somebody was following him.

So this was a really sad story to me,

to see Gary's followers turn on him,

that blog was everything to him.

He really admired them,

and their comments,

it was something really special to him.

And to see them go from

loving him to bullying him,

calling him a loser, a liar,

and putting him down, it

was really sad to see.

And the comments are like,

everyone's kind of just

like, well, go back,

take video, show us this place,

does this place even

exist, is this even real?

And he's getting like

really hit by his followers,

basically, they're kind of bullying him,

they don't believe that

he came across this,

they go to his blog for a reason,

and now they feel like he's just

getting into ghost stories or something.

And so they,

I really feel like he fell

into a bit of cyber bullying

and the fact that they were not gonna be

his faithful followers anymore,

unless he goes back and

proves that he saw this,

he experienced this.

You know, it broke my

heart to read the comments

that said that he was

nothing but a lonely loser,

and that all he was doing

was trying to get

attention by making sh*t up

and that they didn't believe him.

I actually didn't know about the blog,

but I knew he was doing something

because he was always in

the backyard making videos,

telling the camera how to make a campfire,

or I always heard him in his room

like giving survival tips and things.

Hey, guys, just

walking through the woods here.

It's a beautiful day in

the backwoods in Nevada.

But a lot of people asked what I would do

if I got lost back here,

I had to spends several

more days than I planned on,

I guess first thing I would do

would be find a nice nutritious cow patty,

because there're so yummy.

I'm just kidding, you

don't wanna eat cow sh*t.

That will be bad.

But there are ways you can

scavenger for food out here.

I'm so upset by everything and,

I wanted to download this

and do what I could so that

I could take it to the cops,

and during all the frustration

and the upset and everything,

I accidentally deleted it.

Beverly really b*at herself

up about deleting the video,

and I felt bad for her.

I didn't wanna press it because

I knew she felt terrible,

her brother was missing.

But it was a missed

opportunity definitely,

and a definite disappointment.

The last video of Gary on that blog,

is him basically telling his followers,

okay, here I go, I'll go back.

And he doesn't look okay about it.

Gary's final video is truly haunting.

And it is really the

beginning of a bigger mystery.

Gary's last video that

he posted to his blog

said that he was gonna go back out

and record everything

and prove to everyone

that this was real, that

this really existed.

It's the last time that

he ever posted anything

or anybody heard from him.

Hey guys, I'm back.

Wanted to make a video

about the different comments

people left on my last video.

A lot of you were coming up

with some crazy theories,

what was out there,

what I saw in the woods.

Some of you don't believe it,

some of you are asking for the location

and wanna find it yourself.

I'm really against people going out

in the backwoods in

Nevada without experience,

there's a lot dangers out there,

from old mines to just random people

and you can get lost easily,

the scenery looks a lot the same,

and if there's no trails,

you can get lost and turn around

and be out there for days.

And if you don't bring

enough food or water,

you're in real danger.

So I don't wanna give out the location

and just be the one that

causes a whole bunch of people

to go out in the backwoods in Nevada.

I'll go out there, find the shelter again.

This time, I'll bring

my camera and firearm,

I have to do some work first,

but I plan on leaving on the 22nd,

and I'll need a good six

days to be out there again.

It's a good three days

in, and three days back,

but we're gonna find out what this is,

and look forward to another video,

once we finally get out there,

I'll have something for you guys posted.

He goes and that's it.

And that's the last,

that's the last video of Gary.

And no one knows where he was going.

So the search is so

vast and Nevada is huge,

and he could be anywhere.

This place that he talks

about could be anywhere.

This became a perfect storm

because now we knew what Gary was doing,

we just had no idea where.

I had no idea that he

had this whole other life,

this blog, all these

followers and everything

had I known that,

I would have never, ever,

let him go back out there.

This whole case turned

from a missing persons

to a huge mystery.

Whose cabin was this?

I mean, who lives out there?

Where is this cabin?

I mean, if it's in the middle of nowhere,

what type of person lives

in the middle of nowhere?

And if you're about to

go find that person,

I don't know if they're gonna

be too happy to be found.

I mean, if they're out there that far,

they're out there that far for a reason.

Once the radio station

broadcasts about it,

his blog and everything,

everybody just went crazy

before the cops could even take it down.

The conspiracy theories

were just everywhere,

from witches to aliens,

area 51, you name it.

People started coming

out of the woodwork

and everyone had a theory

as to who the cabin belonged

to, what was in the cabin.

There were some comments about

Gary had discovered a witch,

and she was making secret potions

and somehow he had gotten involved,

and I mean it was crazy.

Other people thought it was just a hermit,

you know someone who just

wanted to be left alone.

People thought that maybe

it was a government,

secret government operation, aliens.

I mean it's,

I could go on and on

about the many theories

that people thought.

The only reasonable

explanation I could come up with

was maybe, Gary had stumbled upon

an illegal marijuana growing operation

out there in the middle

of nowhere in Nevada

and they k*lled him for

it, it has happened before.


I was wrong.

I just couldn't shake

this sickening feeling.

Before I knew it, the cops showed up

and they had known all about his blog

and I was actually on the

computer when they got there.

And they gathered everything

up, seized everything,

including his hard drives.


another model train video here,

I just got back from a flea market,

and look what I picked up today.

Got a nice little HO diesel locomotive,

lettered for one of my favorite railroads,

it's called the California Western,

out of Northern California.

Set that down.

Then got this brand new steam

engine for the Santa Fe.

My private investigator

called and said that,

the detectives on the case

wanted to meet with me.

So I ended up going down

to the precinct and,

they kept asking me, is

there anything you need?

Have you eaten today?

Just b*ating around the bush

and I finally asked

them, what is going on?

It's back on.

We are back with a break in the case

of missing hiker, Gary Hinge.

Was made yesterday when his backpack

was discovered by a couple

camping in White Pine County.

When they woke up in the morning,

they found the backpack

had been intentionally

placed in their campsite.

What they found inside

has sent a shockwave

through the state of Nevada.

Hinge's truck was found parked

in Eureka earlier this month.

But police now say they have evidence

that it was parked there,

to throw off investigators

searching for him.

They woke up to find Gary's backpack

draped on a shovel that they had there.

And when they opened it,

Gary's belongings were in there,

as well as a severed hand,

Gary's hand.

The way that his hand was severed

was incredibly violent.

The way that it was chopped

off, was just gruesome.

It was deliberately placed there,

because someone wanted it to be found.

The forensic showed,

that his hand had been severed,

for more than five weeks.

And it was still

clutching a video camera.

And what's even more crazy was,

the hand wasn't like torn off from a body,

it was a clean cut.

I was gutted,

by the fact that he had suffered.

Once the camera was discovered,

everybody wanted to know, is there a tape?

And does the tape work?

And what's on the tape?

We were very anxious for the crime lab

to process the evidence.

And sure enough, when they did,

the memory chip was still in the camera.

It was truly terrifying to watch

and I can't even imagine the true horror

that he faced out there.

Bill calls me and the

forensic investigators

have video of Gary's final moments

and so they take us into a room.

The team thought it would be best

if I sat down with Beverly and

watched the videos with her,

because I had a relationship with her

and I had a kind of a special rapport.

So they thought it would probably be best

if maybe I sat down with her first.

Bill started the first video

and there was Gary shining his

light around, saying hello.

And the innocence in his voice,

I just,

I couldn't do it.


I had to stop.

And then Bill finished watching.

The clips begin

like all the other clips,

Gary's even smiling,

but he has no idea what's about to happen.

Hey guys, a little video update.

I am.

Oh, there's thunder.

Storm's coming in, I

gotta make this quick.

Got a whole nother ridge line to climb

before I get to the spot

where I saw that shelter

but I'm about halfway

there, a day and a half in.

We'll see what we find.

Climbed over one mountain range

already, got one more to go.

And, better make it quick,

because that storm's coming in fast.

We'll see what's on the other side.

I got ways to go,

but, weird thing is,

I'm already distinctly smelling the smoke,

like I smelled last time.

There's no fires around, there

shouldn't be anyone out here,

but it's very faint but very

distinct smell of smoke.

Kind of getting creeped out

but not as much as I was last time yet.

We'll see what happens.

Look for another video update soon.

All right, here's the final marker.

From what you do see

from the person in the video,

you can tell that they have a

lot of physical deformities.

And it's probably one of the main reasons

why they chose to live where they lived,

they felt shunned by society.

When we found

out what actually happened,

it was like this weight

had been taken off of

Beverly and I's relationship.

And now we're actually really close.

And I actually consider

her kind of a big sister.

I'm just hiking

along, almost to the top.

Over that mountain side.

Still some thunder in the distance.

Amazing how far you can hike

and only seeing a couple of deer,

how much wildlife that I've seen,

I'm sure they see me, stay hidden.

But just a lot of sagebrush

and trees and peaceful desert,

to walk.

The great thing about

Nevada, wide open spaces.

Everybody immediately

wants to go and search

for the one thing

that they've been told

not to go search for.

And so now there's this

whole band of influencers

who are out there wanting

to find this person

and post about it and blog about it

and make a video about it.


to me that's,

I mean, that's terrifying.