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01x08 - Ain't No Sunshine

Posted: 05/30/23 16:51
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Haven...

- You really think this
Jess Minion is a witch?

- What do you think
the troubles are?

Magic is everywhere here.

- Whatever she is,
she is interesting.

- So you seriously
can't feel pain?

- It's called
idiopathic neuropathy.

- Jess, I think Detective
Wuornos needs to come by

and conduct a safety review
of your home.

I'd say around 8:00?
- Great.

Maybe you can bring
a nice bottle.

- Of wine?

- Does she know you're not a...
a real boy?

- I'm gonna do what I can
to help you find out

about your mum.

- You would do that?

- Well, we gotta stick together
up here.

- The troubles are back,
aren't they?

- Yeah, I think so.

- And I'm afraid they won't
go away this time.

- Nonfat almond mocha latte

with a dusting of cinnamon,
I think.

- Black, I think.

- Nope, I decided
to try yours.

- How do you like it?

- Still working up
the nerve to try it.

- You know you could have
come inside.

- You were sleeping.

- You could have been
sleeping too.

- But then who would have
got us the coffees?


- Oh, you're an odd man,
Detective Wuornos.

- That's what
they keep telling me.

- I have a few people
to visit today.

Would you like
to come by tonight?

- Yeah.

I'd like that.

- Tell Audrey I say hello.

- Hi.

- Hey, thanks for
picking me up this morning.

My car just wasn't feeling
up for it or something.



What is this?

- Dessert, I think.

- Ah, Jess's influence,
I take it.

- She has a sweet tooth.

- All right, so you went out
with her last night,

but you're bringing her
coffee in the morning?

That means that you
didn't spend the night,

and no sane man
leaves that woman's bed

unless the world
is on fire.

- If I hadn't picked you up,
who would you have called?

- I don't know,
a bureau car, a cab.

- Any friends you can call?


I've been here, what,
five minutes.

- It's been a lot longer
than that.

- Okay, you know what,

if you don't want
to talk about Jess,

just say so.

- Would that work?

- Probably not.

- Probably not.

Who would you have called
in Boston?

- A bureau car, a cab.

I have friends!

- Mm-hmm.

What's that cop's name?

- Steve.

- Stan.

How 'bout her?

- Okay, I get it.
You know, I get it.

Good morning, Stu.

- Morning, Audrey.

- Morning, Stan.

- Hey, Nathan.

- Crap.

All right, so who's
our friend here?

- Bill Rand.

Stabbed through the heart

after he came out
of that bar at closing time.

- w*apon?

- Honestly not sure.

A long Kn*fe, sword, spear.

Whatever it was,
it went right through him.

And whoever used it
took it with 'em.

- Looks like Mr. Rand
was stabbed

through his I.D. first
and then his heart.

- Not easy to do.

- Well, not unless you're
trying to make a point.

Hey... hey, the Hessberg
Medical Center.

Doesn't Jess work there?

- Yeah, Jess works there

So what do you think,
angry patient?


- Yeah, it makes sense.
Let's start there.

Thanks, Steve.

- Uh...

you're welcome.

- Hmm.

# #

- I have friends.

- I shouldn't
have said anything.

It's just this
whole thing with Jess,

it's making me do things
I wouldn't normally do.

- But, you know,
she's worth it.

- Yeah.

Yeah, she is.


do you have friends?

- I... I mean, I guess I just,
I never had time for them.

I worked two jobs in college,

and then went to Quantico,
and then the bureau.

- You should try
small talk.

- Nathan Wuornos
promoting small talk?

That's like Superman trying
to sell kryptonite.

- I'm not the one
looking for friends.

- Hey, I didn't say
that I was looking for friends.

- Right this way, please.

- Watch this.

I like your hair.

- Um, right this way.

- All right,
I need practice.

- Tons.

- Can you think of anybody
that may have wanted

to harm Mr. Rand?

- No, I really don't.

Bill was a nurse here

The patients really liked him,
and so did the doctors.

- Were there any incidents
here at the medical center

that were related
to Mr. Rand?

- Not that I can think of.

- When we talk to his
coworkers and patients,

we're not gonna hear
about anything?

- The dark man.

- Excuse me?

- We deal with a lot
of sad stories here...

people fighting
for their lives,

taking terrible dr*gs,

often just to have
a few more months.

There's no explanation
as to why one person dies

and another one lives.

Some families make up stories

to make some sort of sense
of it all.

- Families believe
a dark man

is responsible
for patient deaths?

- It's not unusual at all.

- Well, until we can meet
the dark man,

I'd like to focus
on someone we can see.

- And so he took
this terrible situation

and, like he always did,
he made it a funny story.

I think maybe that's what
I miss most about Rubin.

- Hey, we should go in.

- No, I can see Jess
some other time.

- No, actually I thought
it would be good

to go in and see
if these people can tell us

more about the place.

- Oh, of course.
Yeah, absolutely.

- That and his laugh
and his singing.

And his... well,
I guess you get the idea.

Thanks for listening.

- Thornton, is there anything
you'd like to share

about Sarabeth?

- Um...

I know that we're supposed

to be remembering
our loved ones today,

but I have to...
to remember something else.

I was a miserable
and angry husband,

and I treated my Sarabeth
like garbage.

Now I'm not
that person anymore.

And when she d*ed,
that person went with her.

I just wish that...

just wish
she could have been married

to the man I am now.

- That was really
powerful stuff.

- All those people
lost someone recently.


- Hi.

- Jess, did you know
Bill Rand?

- Nurse Rand? Why?

- He was k*lled
this morning.

- Oh, my God.

- Are you Jess's policeman?

- Uh, guess I am.

- We want you to know
that the dark man is real.

- What exactly
is the dark man?

- We don't know.

We just know he's a k*ller

and that he took
our families from us.

- Maybe we should let
the officers go.

- No, no, it's okay.

Have any of you seen
the dark man k*ll anyone?

- No, but we've seen him
lurking around here.

We've all had family members
die before their time

because of him.

- We realize
how crazy it sounds.

- Well, it would sound better
with evidence.

- Here, why don't we take
your contact information,

and if anything turns up,
we'll let you know.

- Okay.

- Unsurprisingly,

there's nothing
about dark man in here.

- No one seems
connected to Rand.

- Or filed a complaint
against him.

- Hey, thank you, Allan.

- Hey, Audrey.

- Allan.

He'd give me a ride
if I wanted him to.

- That's nice.

Except his name is Bob.

- Anyway, I would say
that we have nothing,

but I think we have
less than nothing.

- Actually,
you have dinner.

- Awesome.

Nathan, would you please
marry this woman?


Did I just
make that awkward?

- Well, we have to get
to second base first.

Sorry, I made that
even more awkward.

- Moo shu, kung pao,
peking duck, the classics.

- Thank you.

- My pleasure.

Apparently it's what
I have to do

if I want to see you
at night.

- In that case, I will
keep him late every night.

- Whoa.

- Oops.
- That's all right.

- Well,
how's it going today?

- Um, m*rder,

secrets, the usual.

- Sounds sad.

- Actually,
the saddest thing

was those families today
at the Hessberg Center.

Seemed like most of them
weren't able to accept

the death of their
family members yet.

- I've been trying
to talk them out of

the dark man idea for weeks.

- We don't exactly know
what's going on at the center,

so maybe you should just
take a few days off

until we do.

- Isn't he cute when he wants
to take charge?

- He is cute.

You should see him
around babies.


Well, time to let you
get back to work.

Maybe I'll see you later?

- I will try.

- Bye.

- You sure you're up
for planning a trip?

- No, but I need to think

about something other
than Bill for a while.

- You know, these tours
are pretty expensive.

- We have the money.

Where to begin.

- I'm going
to order dinner.

- Maybe France.

Omelette du fromage,
s'il vous pla?t.

Oh, caf? au lait.


Bien s?r.

Ooh la la.

Mais, oui.

- Found the hole.

- So the Kn*fe went through her
and punctured the couch?

- No, the M.E. said that
she was stabbed from behind,

so it had to go
through the couch first.

- A Kn*fe that long
would never fit back there.

- No, it wouldn't,
but it did.

At this point,
the dark man's

starting to make
a lot more sense to me.

- Stabbing's emotional.

Somebody was really
pissed off.

- Hey, can you make sure
to get a picture

of the back of the couch?

- Sure.
- Thanks, Tony.

- Eddie.

- Ed... damn.
That wasn't even an option.

Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,
Eddie, great.

Thanks for coming in,
Mrs. Halter.

- Menchie.

- Menchie.

Can you tell us
about the dark man?

- Finally.

Of course I can.

He's tall and thin.

- He's short and wide.
- 6'5".

- Are you sure?

- Absolutely, positive.

And dark.

Really dark.

- I heard he carried a sword.

That's what I heard.

- But obviously you've...

you've never seen him.

- I'm a good listener.

- No, no, not a sword.

Maybe... maybe more like a bat.

- Definitely dark, though.

- Everyone says dark.

- Yes, dark.

- Look, our family members
d*ed too soon.

It had to have been
the dark man.

Who else could it be?

- Thank you, Menchie.

Thank you, Thornton.

Thank you, Bart.
Thank you all for coming.

Thank you.

- Okay, well,
let's get to work

looking for a tall, short,
thin, wide dark man,

who may or may not
be carrying a sword.

- Yes, you make
pretty pictures.

But I don't want pretty.

I want real.

I want grungy.

I want it to hurt.

- Yes, you're a pain,
all right.

- Mock away.
But photography is truth.

It reveals things.

It's how I roll.

- Oh, please.

- The only thing
your pictures reveal

is your tortured soul.

- At least I have a soul.

- Yeah.

- Ah.

- Just the person
I was hoping for.

- Hello.

- We need you to settle
an argument.

- Well, normally
I would love to, seriously,

but actually
I was wondering

if I could check
your archives.

- Ah.

Work before pleasure,
of course.

- You know,
I actually used a computer

a couple times in school.

Do you care
if I give it a sh*t?

- Well, of course you have.
I'm sorry.

- Okay.

- You know what
she's gonna pull up.

- This'll be embarrassing.

- So embarrassing.

- It was a different time.

- Maine was very short
on black people back then.

- Haven had none,
to its detriment.

- Does, uh...

"Dark man" ring any bells
to you guys,

maybe something
you didn't write about?

- Sorry, no.

- Me neither.

- All right, well,
it was worth a try.

Let's do some
real police work.

- Two stabbings
in one week,

and they both worked
at the medical center.

- I know, I looked into
the cancer patients.

27 deaths at the center
in the last three months.

And 12 of these obituaries

say they d*ed
before their time.

- But if patients are being
k*lled for some reason,

maybe someone wants revenge.

- Exactly.

- Wait, is that what
you were actually thinking,

or did you
just steal my idea?

- Does it matter?

All right, so Wilson
and Rand were stabbed, right?

Do we know that all the patients
at the clinic d*ed of cancer?

Do we know that for sure?

- They don't do autopsies
on cancer patients.

- No, they don't,
but it's not too late.

- You want to exhume them?

- I mean, I don't want to.

- We don't have enough
for a judge's order.

- No, we don't.

- Except
Beverly Jane Mclntyre

is Judge Mclntyre's niece.

My theory might convince her.

You know, this is
gonna make us very unpopular

with some of the families.

- Yeah, but maybe when we
find out what's going on,

they'll forgive us.

I mean, I hope so.

Hey, I thought you were
meeting with Jess tonight.

- Yeah, I was until you talked
me into a pile of paperwork.

- No, I can do this.

I think we've established

that I don't have
anybody waiting up for me.

- No, it's fine.
I can see her tomorrow.

- You don't want to go.

- It's not that.

- Know what,
you've been weird

about this Jess thing
from the start.

You have a beautiful woman
waiting up for you.

You have a partner who's willing
to do the boring paperwork,

and you still don't
want to go?

Nathan, I wasn't gonna
say anything before,

but it's not like you have
people calling you

at all hours of the day
to hang out.

Tell me.

- Tell me.
Come on, what's going on?

- I don't know if I can
make it happen.

- Make what happen?


Wait, this isn't
your first time, is it?

- No.
- This is your first time?

Well, what...

- It is my first time
since I've...

been like this.

I can't even feel
my own damn skin.

I can't feel her skin.

I don't know what else
I can't do.

I don't...

- Well, you should
just tell her.

- Why? What is she gonna say?

- I don't... I don't think
she's gonna say anything.

Listen, I'll...
I'll do this paperwork.

You just go figure it out.

- No, I should...
- You know what?

You're welcome.

- You seemed so nice.

- I am nice.

- How is exhuming
our families nice?

- How did you know
about that?

I just faxed that paperwork
an hour ago.

- A friend of mine
works in that office.

- I'm sorry.


I really had no other choice.

- You absolutely
had a choice.

- If the dark man
k*lled your wife

or anybody else,
we need to know how they d*ed.

I'm sorry,
but this is the only way.

- If that's what it takes.

But you shouldn't have gone
behind our backs.

- I still don't like it.

- Let's go, Thornton.

Let's let the lady
do her job.

- I'm not saying
you need wine, but...

I'm saying it wouldn't
be a bad idea.

- It's that obvious, huh?

- I know this isn't
your first date.

- It feels like it.

# #

- It is my first date
since I, um...

Since I stopped
feeling anything.

- Oh.

Nathan, I'm so sorry.

I didn't realize what
you were going through.

I understand.


- Well...

okay, that makes
one of us.

My stomach feels like, uh...

when my dad caught me
with a girl in high school.

- What was her name?

- I believe it was Nicole

he caught me with,

first time anyway.

- Nicole?

- She was a good kisser.

- Can you feel that?

# #

- No.

- Let me try again.

Nothing to lose.

Everything to gain.

Look at me this time.

# #

Don't stop looking at me.

Now can you feel me?

- Told you she would
still be here.

- Oh, God, I hate it
when you're right.

You should be in a bar
somewhere with your friends.

- Or so I've been told.
What's going on?

- Well, my brother and I
have a long-running argument

about painting
and photography.

- Did you come
all the way down here

to have me
settle this for you?

- No.
- Sort of.

- I'd like to take
your picture.

And Vince would like
to paint you.

- And you choose
your favorite,

and Dave will learn
to live with it.


- Is that gonna get you guys
to leave me alone?

- Honestly? Probably not.

But I can paint
from the photo.

It'll only take a minute.

- Okay, fine.
Let's... let's do it.

I mean, what else
do I have to do?

- Just stand there
and be Audrey.

- Is this good?

- Maybe without
the weird smile.

- Unbelievable.


- Beauty.

Ah, nice.

That's what they saw,
it's a shadow.

That's the dark man.

Hey, watch out.

- Oh.

- Is that shadow moving
on its own?

- Yeah, it is.

And I'm pretty sure that it
already k*lled two people.

- Whoa.

- Turn out the lights.

You can't have a shadow
without any light, right?

- Well, how do you know that's
the way this shadow works?

- I don't know.
I'm just making it up, okay?

Just do it.

- All right.

- Look.

It does need the light.
It can't move without it.

- It's too dark for it
to come over here, right?

- Yeah, that's what
I'm thinking.

- I still don't know
how you can know that.

- It's in my supernatural
shadow guide.

It says, hold on, yep.

We're screwed.

- You ready to try this?

Oh, never mind.
You're ready.

Don't get it.

- I need to see who it is.

- Why? It's Audrey.

It's always Audrey.

You'll answer it,

and after that
you'll be gone.

Fine, answer it.

- Promise me we'll
pick this up again tomorrow.

- Promise.

- Parker?

- Nathan?

- Parker?

- Yeah.

- Nathan,
it's right over there.

- Yeah.

- What the hell is that?

I think it's gone.

- Okay then.

Now we know what
the dark man is.

- Yes, we do.

- Yeah, and why everybody
described him differently.

- Shadows change shape
depending on the light.

But why'd he come after you?

- Beats me.

Do you think it's what k*lled
Wilson and Rand?

- Maybe.

- Dave, I need you
to download those images.

There might be a picture
of the shadow on there.

- He can't download them.

- Oh, well, Nathan
can just show...

- No, I know how to download.

I sh**t on film.

Warmer tones.

- It's how he rolls.

- Okay, all right.
That's great, good.

So when can you get us
the images?

- Target opens at 9:00,
I think.

- Okay, all right.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

- Listen, I'm sorry if I,

you know, interrupted
anything with Jess.

- No, no, no,
you had a good reason.

- Yeah, it was
a pretty good reason.

So did, uh, anything happen

with Jess?

- It was about to.

- I'm sorry again.

- "Some shall be pardoned
and some punished.

"For never was a story
of more woe

than this of Juliet
and her Romeo."

- That was it.

Sarabeth's favorite,
I don't know why.

- Too sad for you?

- No, no, it was too long.

It's nice hearing it again.
Thank you.

- How are you doing,

- Hanging in there.

Some days are better
than others but...

- Of course.

And how did you manage to take
care of Sarabeth at the end?

- Well, she went so quickly,

I didn't have to do much.

See, the doctor gave her
a year or more.

We planned to do
all these things.

And... and then in a month,
she was gone.

- Menchie's son
d*ed quickly too?

- Yeah.

- Do you guys talk about it?

- You kidding?
It's all we talk about.

- Mind if I help myself
to a glass of water?

- Oh, no, go ahead.
- Do you want some?

- No, I'm fine.
Thank you.

- Got you your favorite,

Extra whipped cream
and double caramel.

All right, so what do
those reports say?

- That these people all d*ed
of the same thing.


- So not the shadow then.

- Well, there is
something missing

from the tox screen, though.

- What?

- Adriamycin,
bleomycin, herceptin.

- Chemotherapy dr*gs.

- The levels are either
too low or nonexistent.

- They weren't being treated?

- Well, maybe
with chamomile tea,

but not with conventional

- So then they would have
d*ed before their time.

- Well, not surprising.

Untreated cancers
can k*ll you quickly.

- Right, but what
would be the benefit

to not treating them?

- Beats me.

That's your department,
isn't it?

- Jess, you okay in there?

- You see that?

- That looks like
a long Kn*fe.

- It's what k*lled Rand.

- And Wilson.

This is the Kn*fe that can
bend behind a couch.

- Yeah, but look what's
happening in every photo.

- The flashes erase
part of the shadow.

- What does all this have
to do with untreated cancer?

- Don't know.
- Me neither.

- It's not
a coincidence, though.

- Yeah, not in Haven.

All right,
what would be the motive

to not treat patients?

- Let's say money.

Maybe Rand
withheld chemotherapy.

He was a nurse.

It would be easy
to switch bags.

- And Wilson could have sold
the dr*gs to other clinics.

Weren't all those travel
brochures at Wilson's house,

weren't they
for spendy places?

- Yes, they were.

We need to see
Wilson's bank records.

- Hey, you're kind of smart.

- Kind of?

- I see you haven't thrown away
Sarabeth's medicines yet.

- Yeah, I know
I'm supposed to.

I just like
having them around.

Makes me, you know, feel like
she still lives here.

- I understand.

But these bottles
are full.

- Yeah.

- If she wasn't taking
her medications,

how was she tolerating
the side effects of chemo?

- Well, she never had
any side effects.

- Really?

- Yeah, I guess we just
felt lucky that way.

- I'm off.

I'll see you at the center,

- Yep.

- Bank confirms Wilson
had large cash deposits

going back several months.

- Still doesn't link her
to Rand, though.

- Same amounts on the same
dates in Rand's account.

- Oh, well, that does.

So Rand and Wilson were
stealing chemo from patients?

God, there's got to be
a special room in hell for that.

- And the shadow found out
what they were up to

and k*lled them.

- But then why would it
att*ck me?

- Hi.

I'm sort of busy right now.

- It's important.
- Okay.

- I think I know
why the center patients

were dying prematurely,
and I have proof.

- What do you mean?
- None of the patients

were taking
their side effects medication.

I don't think they were
getting their chemo.

- Where are you?
- Home. Why?

- Just stay there.
I'm on my way.

- But why? I'm fine.

- Jess, people close
to this have d*ed.

Stay right there.

- Wait, Nathan.

Hey, Nathan,
what's going on?

Talk to me.

- Damn.

- Hello.

- Menchie, I think Jess
came into our houses

for only one reason,
and it wasn't therapy.

- Hello?

Anybody there?

- Jess, is that you?

- Nathan, I think there's
somebody in the house.

Jess, okay, please listen
to me closely.

Find a closet, get in,
and close the door.

Jess? Jess?




- Nathan.

- Nathan, she'll be okay.

Why don't you just
go to the hospital?

- I will.

I just... I want to figure out
what happened first.

- Nathan.

- My job is to stop
this thing

before it hurts
someone else.

Okay, someone knew...

someone knew
that she had taken these.

Maybe that same someone
sent the shadow after her.

- Sarabeth Arrons.

- That's Thornton's wife.

- Okay, no, you know what,
I'll go talk to Thornton,

and I'll just call you
at the hospital, and I'll...

- You can come along
if you want.

- No, Nathan,
that is a bad idea.

- Yeah, maybe,
but it's what I'm doing.

So you can come or not.

- Fine.

But I want your g*n.

- That's the only way
this is gonna happen.

- Just...

- You see that?

See his cane?

That could be
the shadow's sword.

- Yeah, or it could
just be a cane.


Look at that.

- He doesn't have a shadow.

- Yeah, but where is it?

- Only one way to find out.

- Okay, and by that you mean
talking to him, right?

- Yes.

- Because if it is his shadow
that's doing this,

confronting him
in the light

would be a really bad idea,

- Yeah.

- What's this about, Officer?

- We know about
the dark man.

- You caught him?

- You know who it is.

- No, I don't.
No one knows.

- He could be telling
the truth, all right?

- You don't know that.

- Yeah, but if he is,

we need to handle this
carefully, okay?

So just back me up on this.

No, Nathan,
back me up on this.

- Fine.

- It was the center
that k*lled your wife.

We think that they were
stealing medications

that she was
supposed to get.

- Oh, no.

- We have the people responsible
for this in custody

at the station right now.

- I want them
held accountable.

- That's what
we're counting on.

Hey, would you like
to go to coffee?

You would? Great.

And then, you know,
you can tell me

about your brilliant kids,

and I can pretend
to be interested.

And then I'll tell you about
my something that I read,

but then, you know,
pretty soon,

I'll just want
to freaking k*ll myself.

- You think I believe
you didn't know

your shadow
was the dark man?

- How could I know?

I can't even wrap my head

around what you just told me.

You said
that it att*cked you?

- I saw him
att*ck my partner

right after you found out
she was exhuming your wife.

- I was furious at her.

It didn't go after
any of the patients

at the center, though,
did it?

- We think he was just there

looking for
your wife's k*ller.

- When they told me
that Sarabeth had d*ed,

I felt the world
crash in on me,

and then I felt it lift.

The rage and the sadness,

it just left me and...

and I felt like
a new person.

Maybe when my shadow left me,

it took those feelings
with him.

- Maybe.

- Those other people
had it coming, though.

- Excuse me?

- Those other people who
took Sarabeth's time from her.

I'm not crying for them.

- What about Jess?


You gonna cry for her?

- Why?
What happened?

Oh, no.


is she dead?

- She's in the hospital
because of you.

- No!

Not me.

Not me!


I guess it was him,

because when I thought

that she was stealing
Sarabeth's dr*gs,

I got angry,
and maybe he felt that,

and he went after her.

I'm sorry.
I can't control him.

You should k*ll me.

k*ll me and maybe it will...

it will k*ll him too.

- Maybe it will.

- Oh, my favorite movie.


I... I don't think I have
a favorite movie.

Do you?



All right.


Yeah, it's gone.

Just make sure
it doesn't come back.

- So you, uh...

you're gonna k*ll me now?

- I can't do that.

I promised my partner.

- Why are you still here
talking to me?

- Need to see
if your shadow comes back.

- And when it does,
are you putting me away?

- Not just you.

Your shadow.

Nonfat mocha almond latte

with a dusting of cinnamon.

- I was gonna call you.

- About?

What's going on?

- I'm going.

To Montreal.

- That makes sense.

A trip will clear your head.

I could probably get
a few days off work

if you want company.

Or not.

- It's not just a trip.

- You're not coming back?

- I don't want to go, Nathan.

But there are all these
things happening here

in Haven, the troubles.

I can't be here,
not after...

- I could, um...

- These things have
a way of finding you.

I'm sorry.

I wish I was stronger.

- Hey, spill it.

You didn't say one word
on the ride over here,

and even for you
that's quiet.

- Ah, it's nothing.
I'm fine.

- No, what's wrong?

Is Jess okay?

- She's fine.
She left.

- She left?

- Not coming back.

- Oh, Nathan.

I am so... I'm so sorry.

- It was bound to happen

- Hey, you know
that whole friends thing?

You were right, I...

I don't think
I ever really had any.

But I do now.

And so do you.