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01x11 - The Trial of Audrey Parker

Posted: 05/30/23 16:57
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Haven...

- Aah!

- He's afflicted,

just like the people
you've seen in Haven.

- This is a whole new world.

- Aah!

- I'm not like you.
I don't want to be like you.

- He's pretty tough.
- The troubles are back.

He's gonna have to be
tough as nails.

- You're a smuggler.
- I'm an importer.

- Importing... illegal goods.

- Everything
is illegal somewhere.

- Julia Carr.
I'm Eleanor's daughter.

Why do the most horrible
things keep happening

in this godforsaken town?

I should never have let you
convince me to come back.

- I find a picture
of the Colorado Kid's death,

and I spend all this time trying
to I.D. the woman in the photo

who could be my mom,
and then after all of that,

you tell me you were
in the picture.

- Lucy always
helped those in need.

- You knew my mother?

Boss, I need a few weeks.

There's something
I need to look into.

- No problem.
She's staying.

Maybe she can help you
with your troubles.

I'm out.

I want to be in,
but my cards won't let me.

- I call.
Bet's to you, Parker.

Call, raise, or cower
from me and fold.

- Smack talk-

the last recourse
of the weak.

- Hey.
- Yeah. His specialty.

All right,
do I make my own day,

or do I ruin all of yours?

- Oh, big talk.

But I don't see
a whole lot of action.

- Miss Parker, do you have,
um, a favorite nut?

- Excuse me?

- I think he means
other than Nathan.

- Cashews, almonds, pecans,
walnuts, macadamias.

- Why do you want to know?

- A nut says a lot
about a person.

- That it does.
So, uh, it'd be...


- Technically not a nut.
That's actually a-a seed.

Some chefs might call it
a culinary nut.

But botanically speaking,
it's not a nut.

Miss Parker will call.

She has to call.
No choice.


- And how can you
be so sure?

- Uh... you're not much
for cards.

Uh, never have been.
Tried to be.

Couldn't make it work.

- All right,
as much as I love you

telling me what I am
and what I'm going to do,

you just so happen
to be right, okay?

So... I call.

Three Jacks.

- Two pair!
Three Jacks?

- All that big talk.

I thought you'd have
five of a kind.

- F-five of a kind
would require cheating,

and cheaters never prosper.

- Hold on.
He was in the hand.

We get to see those cards.

Let's see how bad it was.

Full house.

Queens over fives.

Hey. You hustling me?

- No, no.
He, uh...

He just...
gets a bit confused.

- Not that confused.

He took all my money
last week,

no matter how good
of a hand I had.

- Yeah. Same here.

Is that what this is, boys?

A con?

I invite you here,
and you try to cheat us?

- No, no, I don't-I-

I felt bad, okay, for...

for taking all your money
last time, so I...

I thought I should lose
for a while.

Okay, well, in that case,

you can definitely
keep playing, right?

- Yeah, that's
good enough for me.

- I'm, uh, headin' out.

- Nathan, are you hungry?

It's shrimp night
down there at the Gull.

I was thinking of heading over.
You want to come?

- Sorry. I got plans.

- Plans?
What kind of plans?

- Stuff around the house.
- No, you don't.

You don't want to hang out
with your old man,

that's absolutely fine.

But you don't have to lie
to me about it.

- You know what?
Shrimp sounds good.

- Yeah? Maybe we'll split
a pitcher

of that amber ale
he's pourin' down there too?

- Sure.

- Excuse me, uh,
Chief Wuornos?

- Yeah, that's me.

- I'm looking for
Agent Parker.

- Really?
And who are you?

- Her boss.

Agent Howard.

- Garland Wuornos.

This is my son,
Detective Wuornos.

- Can you tell me
where I might find her?

She's, uh...
not answering her cell.

- Well, no, I can't really
help you out there.

It's her night off.

- How about you?

- No. Like the chief said,
it's her night off.

- I think you do know, son.
Where is she?

- Now, just hang on
a second.

You're not gonna come
waltzing in here

and start leaning
on my men.

If you want some information,
you just come right through me.

- Please ask your officer

where I may find my agent.

- Gee, that was simple,
wasn't it?

Do you know where she is?

- She's at the harbor.

Duke Crocker's boat.

It's The Cape Rouge.

- Thank you.

Nice to meet you, Chief.

- You too.


Okay. Shrimp night.

Did I say it was shrimp night?

- Would have been nice
to give me a chance

to give her a heads up.

- Why does she need
a heads up?

She's a big girl.
She can take care of herself.

- You know, you go get dinner.

I just remembered
I have some work I should do.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- What the hell did I do?

- Champagne
for my real friends,

real pain
for my sham friends.

To a life worth living.

- Yeah.
- I'll drink to that.

- All right.

So is there a signal
in this rust bucket?

- Whoa!
Rust bucket?

- Deal me out.
- You gotta call the wifey?

That I do.

- Uh, same-sex marriage is
illegal in the state of Maine.

Is she from Vermont?
'Cause it's legal in Vermont.

I was joking.

- Hey, what's up?

- Agent Howard was here
looking for you.

- Here in Haven?

- Yes. Here in Haven.

It's time to come home.

- You haven't returned
my calls.

Makes me think you're...
avoiding me.

- Been busy... on a case.
- Not good enough.

I let you take a leave
if you promised to do what?

- Call in regularly.
- And...

- Write up reports.
- Of which you did neither.

- I filed reports.

With Chief Wuornos.

- You're on loan here, Parker.
You still work for the FBI.

Now, if you've forgotten that,

it's time for you
to go back to Boston.

- No, no, I still have work
that I need to do here in Haven.

- Drinking and playing cards
is work.

- I've been working
my ass off.

- Really? Doing what?

- I'll put it
in my next report.

My extremely detailed,
very long report.

- Tell you what.

Let's make it
a verbal report.

- Now?

- Now.

- Really, I don't-
I don't know where to start.

There have been...

things going on here.

- Things that... didn't make it
into a report?

- Yeah. Things like that.

- Keep talking.
- People do things in Haven.

- What things?

- There was a woman

whose moods
affected the weather.

There was a kid

whose nightmares came true.

- Interesting.

- Isn?t this the part where
you call me crazy or a liar?

- You don't ask questions here,

You answer them.

Let me show you something.

- Wow. That's a lot of...
gadgets for a conversation.

- Depends on the conversation.

Your official police reports.

None of what you just told me
is in any of them.

Care to explain that?

- Hello?


Hey! Hello?


- You're in luck.

- I already ate.

- No, you didn't.

You know, Nathan,
I was kind of hoping that...


I- I had something
to say to you.

I was hoping to say it
to you over dinner.

Of course, we couldn't
even get that together.

- What's that?

- Well, maybe it's more

that you want to say to me.

I feel that you have something
you want to say to me,

and it's been building up
for a while and...

well, I'd like to hear it.

- What makes you think
I have something to say to you?

- Because you're my son.
I pay attention.

- Okay.

You knew.
- I knew what?

- The troubles.
You knew they were back.

You knew I had this-
this-whatever this is-

and you never said anything.

- 'Cause you weren't ready
to hear it.

And when you got whatever it is,
this thing that you got...

What did you do?
You went to see the doctor.

- I couldn't feel anything.
I thought I was sick.

And he agreed with me.
He even had a name for it.

- You were hoping you were sick,
but you knew better.

Maybe you didn't know
when you were eight years old,

but you sure as hell knew
this time around.

And what did you do?

You chose to ignore something
that was right in front of you,

and when a cop does that,
what happens?

He gets himself k*lled.

- Okay.

Maybe I was in denial.

So how about calling me on it
instead of ignoring me?

How about a little
fatherly advice?

- You haven't listened
to anything I've had to say

since you were a little kid.

- Oh, yeah.
Right, so...

yeah, it's my fault.

- Forget it.
Just never mind.

All right?
Let's just forget it.

- Thought you'd say that.

- You call.

You call.
That would be

ten winning hands
in a row.

What are you up to?

- Easy, Duke.
It's cool.

- I don't cheat.

But I'm... pretty sure
I'm gonna win this one too.

- I am going to...

# You should fold #

You're gonna lose anyway.

You don't want to waste
any more money.

Money is valuable.

- Or it's a bluff.
A really weird bluff.

- I call.


- I told you.
I did.

- Yes, you did.
I gotta tell you.

I- I have never seen a player
quite like you before.

And no offense-
I hope I never see one again!

I'm out.

Good night.
- Wait, Duke.

One more hand.

- No, thank you.
I'm out.

- Hey, I'll put double
what I won into the pot.

Double this
times two.

And I'll even give you
an extra draw,

which is also times two.

Why would you do that?

- You have something
that I want-uh, need.

It's, uh...
it's important to me.

Yeah, big-time important.
Really big.

See? I got my reasons.

- So...

you in?

- Hmm.

What do you want?

- You already tried it.

No reception
inside a metal boat.

And they're sealed shut.
You tried them too.

- Well, if at first
you don't


- Parker, I want
some answers out of you,

and I want them now.

- I think we should try
to get out of here first.

- And I'd like you to stop
avoiding my questions.


about your police reports.

- Oh, yes.
Let's talk about that some more.

- When you wrote in your report
that two men died of old age,

you meant-

- They aged several decades
in a few days.

- And the guy
that lived on the boat-

- Duke.

- You wrote that he was admitted
to the hospital with-

- With an acute
vitamin deficiency.

- Vitamin deficiency.

- That's what the doctor
called it.

- Watch your tone, Parker.

I'm here to debrief you
and possibly reassign you,

but I can easily have you
brought before committee...

if that's how
you want to play it.

- All right.
What else do you want to know?

- Unbelievable.

- I had a feeling he was gonna
go for the flush.

Lots of feelings about it,

- How nice for you.

- So, uh...
we can collect on that

and be gone

far, far away.

- Finally.
A silver lining.

Julia, would you care
to join me

while I fetch this
for these boys?

- Uh, it's kind of nice out.
I think I'll stay up...

Company it is.

- So what did you lose

I never saw
what he wrote down.

- What?
Oh, uh...

It was a baseball card.
A rare one.

- Since when do you collect
baseball cards?

- I don't.

But I don't think
that's what they came for.

- Then why are we down here?
What are we doing?

- I don't have time
to explain right now.

I was afraid
that might happen.


Son of a bitch!

- I hate to bring this up,

but if you thought that was
gonna happen, then why did you-

- Let it?

Believe me,
it wasn't my first choice.

But it did seem better than
leaving you alone with them.

- You think
they want your boat?

- I don't know
what they want.

But I know what I got.


- Is this your friend's
idea of a joke?

- Duke wouldn't pull this
with you on board.

He's not interested
in pissing off the FBI.

- Well, someone locked us
in the stateroom

and is taking us to sea.

- Yes, they are.

- What are you looking for?


Found it.
Sir, I need you to step back.

Thank you.
- What are you doing?

- Making a phone call.


Damn it!

We're too far from shore.
- Not a bad idea.

Would have been better
if you'd thought of it

when we were in the harbor.

- I'm gonna send a text.
- With no signal.

- I'm not gonna send it
from here.

- What's this I hear
on the radio?

They got the harbor master
out there looking for Audrey?

- I asked her to go check
Duke's slip, yeah.

She said it would take her
a little while

to get down there.

- Why? What's up?

- Audrey's not
answering her phone.

- Aren't you taking this a
little personal with the phone?

- Can't get ahold of Duke
or Julia either.

They were all together
at the poker game.

- They're probably
all passed out, drunk.

- Yeah, maybe.

Maybe I'm just seeing
what's in front of me.

Quiet cell phone.
Radio silence.

Parker hasn't checked in
in hours.

Doesn't feel right.

- She's your partner.
She's not your girlfriend.

Just let her have
her little girl's night out.

- Parker doesn't have
a girl's night.

All she ever does is work.

- So you think she's working
out there on the boat?

- Don't know why she wouldn't
tell me if she was.

- Maybe she just hasn't
got enough to...

get you involved.

- It's password-protected.

Come on, Parker.
Where's the trust?

- He's trying to hack into
her personal files,

and he's worried
about trust issues.

Try the mother's name.


- Just try it.

- What do you know?

- See, now, I may not be
the best father in the world,

but there's a reason
I'm the chief.

- I'll give you points
for improvising,

but you know the odds
that this will work

are slim to none.

- Well, you know...

it's a government phone,


what the hell?



- I knew this would
come in handy.

- You have an escape hatch
in your storage room?

- It's a ship's hold.

And, yes, I do.

I put it there myself.

- Why would you even
think of that?

- Look...

- Hello in there.

I gotta say, dude,
this is really smart.


So smart.

Just awesome.

- He took my b*ll*ts.

He took...

All my b*ll*ts!

How did they even
know about this?

I built it myself!

These guys have been
one step ahead of me

ever since I met them,
which is both annoying...


And insulting.

- And just how did you meet
these fine gentlemen?

- A friend introduced us.

Said they liked to play

- Did he also say they liked
to kidnap their opponents

and drag them out
into the open sea?

- I'm picking up
on your sarcasm.

I didn't think
this was gonna happen.

I thought we'd play cards,
I'd make a little money,

and a good time
would be had by all.

- So why did this friend

not tell you the truth
about these guys?

- I understand the confusion.

When I say friend...
I don't actually mean friend.

I mean more like...
business associate.

- A trusted
business associate?

- Trust is flexible
in my line of work.

- Which is what, exactly,

your line of work?

- Okay.


I buy things.
I sell things.

I just deliver things.

- Like boxes.
- Like boxes.

- What's in them?
- I don't know.

As far as I'm concerned,
they're just boxes.

- Yet you deliver them.

- Well, now, does FedEx
know what's inside

of every package they deliver?

- No, they don't,
but they don't keep arsenals

or build escape hatches
in their stores.

And they ask what's in
the packages they deliver.

- Which is why
they can't do what I do.

You're overreacting.

- Maybe we should open-

- Don't do that.

- Doesn't it bother you

that there may be ugly things
in your boxes?

- It's none of my business.

And it's definitely
none of yours.

- Shall we continue?

- Let's.

- These people
you're talking about-

- I can't arrest them.

- Parker, do yourself a favor.

Stop interrupting your boss.

- Sorry.


- These people...

what do you call them?

- The afflicted,

the cursed,

the troubled.

The people that don't end up
in these reports-

I can't arrest them.

- If they commit a crime,
you can and should.

You swore an oath.

- To uphold the law.

But we don't have laws
for these people.

- They're U.S. citizens?
- Yes.

- Then we have laws
for them.

- All right.

A man plays music,
and it drives people insane.

What do I arrest him for?

Another man's shadow-

his shadow kills people.

What do I charge him with?

- I don't care.

All I care about is that you
take them out of circulation.

Leave the moral issues
to the lawyers.

- Harbormaster just called.

Duke's boat's
not in the harbor.

- Just got a text from Audrey.
She's trapped on board.

- Call the Coast Guard.

There's gotta be

a secret panel
or a chamber here somewhere.

- A secret panel?
- Yeah.

Duke always has a plan B.

- Sounds like you two
are pretty friendly.

- Yeah, I guess
you could say that.

- You know, your friend
has a sheet

going back a long way.

- Doesn't surprise me.

He's actually been
pretty useful on these cases.

- That right there
is reason enough

for me to pull you off
this assignment.

If these cases are as delicate
as you say they are,

they should be handled
by a special detail,

not you and a felon.

- That felon just gave me
a way to save our asses... sir.

- Think I know why
Audrey's on that boat.

She was looking into
a couple of guys

who were barred from casinos
up and down the East Coast.

But why would she be
investigating poker cheats?

- And why are poker cheats
playing low-stakes poker

on Duke's boat?

- And why is she now
trapped on the boat?

- Sounds like you still got
more questions

than what you got answers.
- Do you got answers?

'Cause I'm all ears
if you do.

I'm headin' out.

- No, you're not.
You're not going nowhere.

You're staying right here.
No, what are you gonna do?

You gonna get yourself a boat

and then go out there and search
the entire Atlantic Ocean?

Just let the Coast Guard
do it.

They're equipped
to handle this.

You wanted my advice.
There it is.

Pretend you're her father.

You're gonna sit by the radio
and be ready to act.

And suffer.


- You really
just gonna sit there?

- I'd join you,

but I don't know that little
dance you're doing.

- If they're gonna k*ll us,
just tell me now.

Don't try to protect me.

- They're not going to k*ll us.

We're no good to them dead.

- We're good to them alive?

- They didn't come here
to play poker.

They must have cased the boat

and come back for a box.

One that isn't here.

- Where is it?
- Where is it, indeed?

- And if they insist?

- Well, it wouldn't be
the first time.

- What happened to you?

- I'm not sure
I get your meaning.

- You were a big dreamer guy.

You had all these plans.

How'd you end up here?

- I happen to like it here.

- So this is who you are now.

I used to think
you were the coolest guy.

Turns out
you're just a petty crook.

- No.

I'm an exceptional crook.

- You're a delivery boy.

- Sweetheart,
calling me names

isn't gonna get us anywhere
right now.

Do you feel that?

- What?

- We're starting to list.

We must have sprung a leak.

My boat is leaking.

If somebody doesn't fix it,

we sink.

- Did you find the box?
- No.

I keep thinking like Duke.
I know he'd hide the box.

I know he'd put it
in a special spot,

but every time I think
of a spot-

- You can't find it.
- I can't find it!

- I thought you could
ask a man a couple questions

and know exactly
what they're gonna do.

- I can.
I usually can, I-

I haven't always been able
to do this, okay?

I'm still figuring it out.

- Well, now is
a perfect time, brainiac!

This was supposed to be
a simple robbery.

Now we got two
federal agents locked up.

- Well, I wouldn't worry
about them.

- What? Why?
Why not?

- Uh... I'd worry about
the boat.

It's-it's sinking.

We gotta-
we gotta turn this thing around.

- Or...

we speed this thing up.

Let's go have a talk
with Duke.

- Let's say I believe you,
which I don't.

But let's imagine

everything you've said
about this place is true.

Why should I waste
the bureau's time and your...

not inconsiderable talents
on this nothing little town?

- Because
I understand these people.

For some reason, I can...
I can talk to them,

and I can help them.

Not all of them.

- We're dealing with K*llers
and t*rrorists

in the real world

while you're here holding hands
with the children of the corn.

- At least I'm not like
that one guy you trained

that was chasing aliens-
what was his name?

- Hey, he was a genius.

What happened to him the last
few years was a tragedy,

but that's beside
the point.

- Okay, you know what
the point is?

The point is

is that I'm good working
on these cases, all right?

I wasn't great
in the real world.

- And your methods
were unorthodox,

to put it mildly.

- Well, I appreciate
the kindness.

- You were a good agent.
You still are.

So unless you can give me
one good reason

why I should let you
stay here,

you're reporting back
to Boston ASAP-

- Hold that thought.

I've got some unorthodox
escaping to do.

Hey, you mind if I borrow
some of your toys?

- Duke, tell them.
It's just a box.

- It's not their box.

- My arm's getting
a little tired.

But I can keep going.

Where's the box?

- Now...

what box?

- You-you're angry.

You shouldn't be.
Bad for your blood pressure...

and other things.

- As a matter of fact,
you stealing my boat

and taking my friends hostage

is what's bad
for my blood pressure.

But thanks for asking.

- I don't care!

In fact,
I'm a little bored.

- Yeah, me too.

- Take him back on deck.

Leave her.

- You touch her...

and I'm gonna start
to take this personally.

- Come here!

Have a seat.

- I'll give you guys
whatever you want.

You just let her go.

- Okay.
Where's the box?

- Let Julia go first.

- I can't.

See... I don't trust you,

and you don't trust me.

But you're gonna tell me
where that box is anyway.

- Why would I do that?

- Because you can't
keep this up forever.

- Keep what up?

- Uh... uh...

elephants, donkeys,
and zebras, huh?

Penguins, crocodiles,
and snakes.

Yeah, that's it.

Keep it up, man.
Keep trying to think of the zoo.

Don-don't think of the box.

Don't think of the box.

Naked girls on trapezes

in leotards?

You-you got a dirty mind.

Now, fill in the blanks.
Fill in the blanks.

Fill in the blanks.

Thank you.
Thank you.


Ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

- Hey.

We've got the item.
We're heading back to Haven now.

- I've got your money.
How long before you get here?

- We're 20 miles southwest
of Little Tall Island,

bearing 2-3-0.

40 minutes.
- 40 minutes?

Why so long?
- Crocker's boat's sinking.

Might not make it to shore.

Might just be the two of us
in a dinghy.

- Copy that.


Nathan, can you hear me?


- Audrey?
Where are you?

- I'm about 20 minutes
southwest of Little Tall Island,

bearing 2-3-0.

- 2-3-0?
Okay, let me call it in.

- Duke's boat has been
taken over by an Ezra Colbert

and a Tobias Blaine,
spelled E-Z-

- I-I know who they are.
I read your file on 'em.

- I knew that password
was too easy.

- Why didn't you tell me
you were looking into them?

- I'm sorry.
I should have.

I thought that maybe
one of them was troubled

and that maybe they were
card sharks,

but I didn't think
they were kidnappers.

I wanted to dig a little deeper
before I went to you.

- Well, I did some digging too.
The news isn't good.

- Talk quick.
- Looks like Ezra spent a year

in a psychiatric facility
for the emotionally disturbed.

- What was
the doctor's diagnosis?

- Unknown mania and depression,

compounded by bouts
of acuity and prescience.

- That's doctor speak
for troubled.

- Yeah, what kind of diagnosis
is "unusual prescience"?

- I think I know.
I've seen it.

It's like he can anticipate
what you're gonna think

before you think it.

Hey, I gotta go.

Thank you.
That was a huge help.

- Audrey, Audrey.

- Coast Guard's on their way.

Nice work here, son.

- She's still on that boat.

You better hang on
to that gold star.

- I'm trying here, Nathan.
I really am.

- It's a little too late.

- Nathan.



Listen to me.

Look, I-I'm not gonna
live forever.

I know you hate me now,

but there's gonna come a day
when you're gonna wish

you'd just taken the chance
to make nice with your old man.

- So just like that,

you want me to look
at the last 30 years

and just let bygones
be bygones?

- We're never gonna get along,
are we?

It's kind of sad,
'cause we used to,

back in the day.

- Oh, don't bring her
into this.

- Why shouldn't I
bring her into this?

She's your mother.
We both miss her.

- I said don't!
- So you think that's it?

That if she were alive today,
that she'd be able to fix us?

- Yeah, that's it.

It's her fault.

The selfish bitch died...

left you alone
with your idiot son.

So you-
you did your best,

which meant ignoring him

until he stopped looking
your way for much of anything.

that's what you wanted.

You know what, Chief?
That's what you got.

- I'm sorry, Nathan.

I really am.
I don't know what to tell you.

I'm sorry.

- Yeah.

Me too.

- 40 minutes.

- Shut up!

Just... everybody shut up!

Why can't you be quiet
for a little while?

My head is full
and it hurts,

and everybody keeps
putting stuff in it!

- All right.
All right.

I'm gonna leave you

to commune with the fish
for a while.

- Yeah, okay.

Good. Yeah, fish-
fish are quiet.

- Yeah.

- Well, well, it's the cavalry.

You know, I always saw 'em
coming to get me, not save me.

- Shh!
- How'd you get out?

- Your escape hatch.

Man, great poker game, huh?
Those guys rock.

- Okay, yeah, they didn't
come here for poker.

They came here for something

that I had hidden very,
very well

but somehow
Ezra figured it out.

- Yeah, but see,
I think that that's his thing.

I think that's why
he's so all over the place

is that he can figure out
what people are gonna do.

- I knew-I knew it.
I'm just sayin'.

So what, he's like some kind
of mind reader or something?

- No, he's not-
he's not quite a mind reader.

I think it's that he can
tell where you're gonna go

and what you're going to do.

But it just-it scrambles
his brain a lot.

- So how do you beat somebody

who always knows
what your next move is?

- I'm not sure, but I'm...

I think I got something.

- Oh, um...
by the way.

My boat is sinking.

So you may just want to...

you know,
factor that in.

- Yeah.

I really hope this works.

You hear me, Buddha?

Let this work.

- Hey.

How'd he get loose, Ez?
- I don't know.

- Abracadabra.

- Well, you forgot to

actually escape there,

- Hey!
Don't come any closer.

- Why not?
- Because...

Whaa... whaah!




I got moves
that Ralph Macchio,

the Karate Kid himself,
never dreamed of.

And James Brown,
for that matter.

- What's happening, Ez?
- I don't know! I don't know!

It's like it's...
his head is totally blank

and there's nothin' there!
- Hey.

That's just not nice.

- Tie him up.
Tie him up!

- You tie him up, man.

For all I know, he-
he's got a g*n

underneath the crazy...

- Why don't I just sh**t him?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Now, bad form.
I don't even have a g*n.

I'm unarmed!
- Now, Duke,

I need you to do
exactly what I say.

And don't think.

- All right, all right.
Look, look, look.


- Ez...

- Nothing, okay?
You happy?

No g*n!

But my friend Officer Parker,
on the other hand, is armed,

and she loves
sh**t' bad guys.

- Ez...
- Yeah!

- Underwear too.
We need to get Ezra off balance.

- I'm not doing that!
- What's happening, Ez?

- I don't understand
what he's saying.

I don't understand.
- Here's what you should say.

It's moments like this,

where your life flashes
before your eyes...

- It's funny...
how your... your life just

passes before your eyes
in a moment like this.

- Uh... I don't understand.

I don't understand
what he's doing.

- I never saddled a horse.

- I never learned
to saddle a horse.

- I never ate cottage cheese.

- I never have eaten
cottage cheese.

- I never learned how
to do the electric slide.

- I never learned how to do
the electric slide.

- What's happening, Tobias?
What's happening here?

- I don't know.
- I need a hug.

- I need a hug!
- Hey, get away, you lunatic!

- Look! Eggs!

Don't even think about it.

- Hey, hey!
- Aah!

- Okay, put the g*n down!
- Okay. Okay.

- Ah... she was telling him
what to do, man.

Th-that's why
I couldn't read him.

- Good, Ez.
Timely insight.

- Okay, you can put
your clothes back on.

- I'm good, thanks.

- So what happened there?

- He fell.

A lot.

- Rough seas?
- Sounds good to me.

- You get the pump working?
- Oh, yeah.

I'll return it in the morning
soon as I get Gertie patched up.

- Interesting tactics
out there.

Glad to see
you didn't get shot

or beat up or drowned.

- All in a day's work.
- Nathan.

We got work to do.

- Anyone care to tell me
what all this is about?

- Small towns.

Just a local dispute
that had to be handled.

Isn?t that right?

- Right.

All over a baseball card,
if you can believe that.

- I look forward
to reading your full report.

- You okay?
- I'm fine.

He didn't touch me.

He just told me
what he'd do to you

if I didn't scream
as loud as I could.

- I'm sorry about all this.

- Yeah.

You should be.

- You haven't answered
my question.

- And what question is that?

- Why I should
let you stay in Haven.

- All due respect, sir,
I don't need your permission.

- I've had just about enough
of your insubordin-

- You know what?

This is not about my job

This is about me.

It's about who I am
and where I come from.

And those answers
are here in Haven.

They're not in Boston.

They're not in the FBI.

I'm sorry, sir.

I quit.

- Konnichiwa, Katsuno-san.

This is Duke.

Your package is ready
to be picked up.


No trouble at all.

Sure. I can deliver
another one for you.

But unfortunately,
my rates are going up.

You understand.


Domo arigato.

- She's all yours.

Just needed a... push,
like you said.

- Parker's not the type

that likes to be told
what to do.

It's gotta be her idea-
not yours and not mine.

- You sure she deserves all...

- I don't know.

Does anybody?

Tell you what.

We need her here.

- So the crack in the boat?

- Yeah. I saw it.

- You need to get this place
under control.
