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02x09 - Lockdown

Posted: 06/01/23 08:45
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Haven...

- [grunts]

- It's the troubles,
isn't it?

- Maybe it's some kind
of cosmic test of our character.

- You seriously can't feel pain?
- No.

- There are
two different Havens.

There's the one that's
right beneath the surface,

and then there's the one
right underneath that.

You, Nathan,
you live in both Havens.

You remember that woman
that I look like?

- In the Colorado Kid pic?
- Yeah.

Do you think there's a chance
that her name could be Lucy?

- Could we pick this up later?

- Hey, Duke.

- On the menu this evening
is a grilled tiger shrimp.

- Dinner, Friday night.

- Don't even think
about canceling on me, woman.

- When I couldn't
make our dinner,

you met up with somebody else,
didn't you?

I don't think I had friends.
But I do now.

And so do you.

[boat engine humming]


you dragged me out of bed

at 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday
to watch you meditate?

- [sighs]

Audrey, it's gonna take us
a little while

to get where we're going.

Just relax.

- Can you just tell me
where we're going?

I know. I know.

You can't explain it.
You have to show it to me.

Okay, then just tell me
what this is about.

Is... is this
about the troubles?

- Buddha says all good things
come to those who wait.

- Yeah, does Buddha
also say,

"Drink, smuggle, and always
look out for number one"?

- I'm a reformed Buddhist.

- Can't you just tell me
where we're going?

I don't understand.

- It's called Carpenter's Knot.

It's been in the Carpenter
family since forever.

The last of the Carpenters
is kind of a hermit.

You know,
he closed down the hotel

and pulled up the red carpet
when I was a kid.

- Hmm.

- Now, I hear that the grounds
and resorts are very special.

- You hear?

You said you saw something
that you had to show me.

- Oh. Well, I may have
embellished about that.

- Yeah.

- [grunts]

Practically smell the history,
can't you?

- Yeah, I can smell something.

This place
gives me the creeps.

All right, now are you
gonna tell me why...


- Surprise!
- Happy birthday!

- You...

- Got ya.

- Did you see her face?
It was so...

Very effective.

That was priceless!

- Are you crying?

- No.

- Crying will not
be tolerated today.

- Shut up!
I am still armed.


Nobody's ever thrown me
a birthday party before,

so it's...
it's pretty awesome.

- Well, after all you've
already done for Haven,

it's the least
we could do.

- I never even
expected it.

I didn't even know
you guys were plan...

I didn't even expect it
from the girl I don't even know.

- Julia Carr.

I'm Eleanor's daughter.
I just got back in town.

- She was in Ethiopia
with the Peace Corps.

- Well, Darfur, actually,
with Doctors Without Borders.

- Well, thank you.
Thank you for coming.

- Well, I brought
margarita mix.

- Will you marry me, please?

- [laughs]

- Julia here
had the biggest crush on me

when she was just
a wee lass.

- Please, I put up
with your hipster chin fuzz

so you'd tell me
cool traveling stories.

- She loved me.

I'm gonna...

- Bellhop's here.

- Oh, are these all for me?
- Mm-hmm.

- Which one did you get me?

- This box.

It's, uh, shiny.

- Thanks for coming.

I know you're not really
in a party mood.

- I wouldn't miss it.

- I was worried about you
after Jess. I...

- Oh, I'm fine.
I'm good.

Drink Jack
out of the bottle,

listen to Patsy Cline,
you know.

It's a man thing.

- Am I, uh,
the last one here?

[soft laughter]

Well, I always enjoy
making an entrance.


I'm Vaughn Carpenter.

Welcome to the Knot.

Mi casa es su, uh...

hotel for the weekend.


- Oh, Vaughn, thank you
for having us.

Where's your better half?

- Why, she's, uh,

no longer with us.

- Oh.

- We had a good life.

Look at all of you!

The children
are all grown up,

and the old
are as ugly as ever.


But, of course,
not you, Eleanor.

- Oh, Vaughn.

Here, I want to introduce you
to the birthday girl,

Audrey Parker.

Vaughn Carpenter.
- Hi.

- Hello, you...

Well, you're
the spitting image...

- Um, I'm sorry?

- Lucy Ripley.

You look exactly like her.

- Lucy Ripley?
Did you know her?

- She's an old friend.

[thunder booming]

Oh, damn.

Oh, the power is temperamental
with the weather.

Excuse me while I check
on the generator.

- Um...

- I thought it'd be best
for them to think

you had passed, Olivia.

- Are you sure
you have to do this?

- I'm getting weaker.

- Please be careful.

- Make sure
they don't see you leave.

Have a safe trip.

[laughter and chatter]

[dramatic music]

# #

- Okay, everybody, let's take
the presents to the table.

- Do you mind if we get
settled in first, Mom,

pick out rooms,
that kind of thing,

before you start,
you know, cracking the whip?

- I'm not
cracking the whip.

I'm trying
to get everybody organized.

- I'm just saying
maybe ask first.

Anybody have a preference?

- Uh...
- Yeah.

- Do whatever you want.

- All right!

Hey, if they still
have bunk beds,

I get dibs on the bottom.

- No fair.
You always call dibs.

- That's 'cause I'm older,

but I'm faster.

- And you're short.

- So you want me to, uh...
you want me to go with you?

I'll help you...
help you pick out a room.

- I actually thought
I'd walk the grounds

before the rains hit.

- Well, you want me to just

place your bag
in one of the rooms up there?

- Okay.
Sure, yeah.


[thunder booming]

- Well, that was interesting.

- Yeah, that was
a big bucketful of awkward.

- Yeah, speaking
of which, um...

I don't really do
public displays of gift giving,

but I got you a gift.

- Actually, I was gonna go look
for Mr. Carpenter.

You know, he said
that he knows Lucy,

so I wanted to ask him
some questions.

- We just got here.

Don't worry.

You will have all weekend

to catch up with the old guy
that you just met.

- I'm sorry, did you say
that you got me a gift?

What is it?
Is it a pony?

- Forget it.

[thunder booming]

[knock at door]

- Nathan, are you in here?

- Anybody seen Audrey?

- Uh, just long enough
to know

she was looking
for Mr. Carpenter.

- I left my birthday presents
in her room.

Figured she needed an outfit
for the party.

She's gonna look fantastic.

- [giggles]

Oh, sweetheart,
would you get Vaughn

and get him
to find some matches?

I forgot to bring something
to light the cake with.

- Aye, aye, Captain.

- And Nath... Nathan.
Where's... Nathan?

Oh, Nathan,
go find Audrey.

- Sorry I'm the last one here.

Took me a little bit
to figure out

this whole glam thing.

- My birthday's in March.

- You like the decorations?

- Dr. Carr, it's amazing.

It's a dragony, um...

- Underwater.

- Underwater wonderland.

What is that?
Is that a sea horse?

- [screams]

Guys, get in here!

- Julia?

- What the hell is that?

- Get back! Get back!
Get back!

Thank you.

Don't even touch it.

Oh, boy.

- It looks like... molt.

- Yup, you're right.

Vaughn Carpenter...

was a chameleon.

- What?

- Chief.
- Sorry, Nathan.

A shape-shifter,

a monster,

for want of a better term,
a chameleon.

And it's now shed
Vaughn Carpenter's form

and found itself a new one.

One of ours.

Somebody right here
in this room

is a chameleon,

which means one of us

is a k*ller.

One of us is dead.

[thunder booming]

I was a rookie

the one time I saw
one of these chameleon things.

I was just back from 'Nam,

where must have thought

I'd pretty much seen
and done everything,

until I was forced
to sh**t my own partner

right in the head
to stop him from k*lling me.

- You k*lled your partner?

- Chameleon k*lled my partner.

He'd taken his shape,

taken his personality,
taken everything.

I k*lled the chameleon...

but not before it had copied
and k*lled six people.

Now, 27 years
on the job,

and the only thing
I've ever hoped for:

That I'd never have to see
one of them again.

- How do we stop it
from taking someone else?

- Everyone just has
to stay within earshot

of everyone else,

'cause this chameleon thing,

it seems to need time
with its victim

in order to mimic its soul.

Get jumped,

just scream
as loud as you can.

- What does it want?

- It wants to k*ll, basically.

It wants to change.
It wants to renew itself.

I think everybody here
in this room's

pretty much well aware
that the troubles are now back.

Well, this thing's lived
as Vaughn Carpenter

all these years.

- Well, when the troubles
were gone.

- Now all of a sudden
it wants to get active again.

It's k*lled one of us already.

And I guarantee
it's not gonna stop at one.

[thunder booming]

[thunder booming]

- Hang on a second.


I'm trying to be Zen
about all this.

Just so I'm clear...

you're saying
that you haven't seen

one of these chameleon deals
since the Reagan administration.

And now, of all the times

and all the places,

we just happen to get stuck
in a storm

inside its damn lair?

I'm just curious
how that happens.

- We didn't happen
to get stuck.

We were invited.

- Dave.

- He called me...

Said it'd been too long.

Said he'd heard about
all the troubles in town,

about the new FBI agent,

and he wondered if we...

we'd like to come over
for a visit.

And then Eleanor called.

You did.

You called, and you said
you were looking for a place

to throw Audrey a party.

I just thought it was fate!

- You're trying to blame me?
I was looking for...

[all talking at once]

- Well, what was I
supposed to do?

- Okay, everybody quiet.

Please, can we use
our inside voices?

- We should probably
call the mainland,

let 'em know
what's happening.

- Yeah, good luck with that.

I haven't gotten a signal
since we got on the boat.

- The landline's down too.
I checked.

Probably the storm
knocked it out.

- Or the chameleon thing.

- Yup.

- But Vaughn was gonna call
a boat for us when we were...

Well, I guess
that isn't gonna happen.

- Well, now, there's a boathouse
down by the water.

Maybe there's a dinghy we can
take back to the mainland.

- No, no, no, no, no, no.

No one's taking any boat
back to any mainland,

not until we're absolutely sure
this chameleon's dead.

- So, what, are you gonna
stop me, Old Man River?

Maybe you just want
to keep me here

so that you can eat me
and take over my body.

- I'm not taking any chances

letting this k*ller loose
on the mainland.

Now, if you want to throw down
there, yoga mat,

you just feel free.

I've coughed up
tougher than you.

- Hey, if I may interrupt
the Chuck Norris revival

with some logic...

why don't we just go down
to the boathouse

and then decide what to do?



- Are you armed?

'Cause she is.

I mean, she's all
"be cool" and whatnot.

She's got a g*n.

How do we know
she's not the thingamabob?

- I am not the thingamabob.

Ask me anything, all right?

What... the first boy
that I kissed

was when I was 18.

My favorite singer
is Ray Charles.

- Ray Charles?

- Okay, fine, I lied.
It's Justin Timberlake.

And my middle name
is Prudence,

on my confirmation.

So are we good now?

- Well, that may all be true,

we don't know you
well enough to know.

- One.


That's one more
than you knew that I had

and one I could have kept
if I was a bad guy.

- How's about...

a little g*n for you

and a little g*n clip
for you

and big ole g*n,
you know, for you

and big clip for...

Not really enough to go around.

- Anybody else?

- I'd certainly feel better

if the other two badges
weren't packing.

- I got nothin'.

Service w*apon
is up in my bag.

Feel free to take it.

- What about you, Chief?

- A g*n... I was coming
to a party.

Look, there's nothing.

- All right, then.
Anybody else?

Going once.

Going twice.

Okay, boathouse, ASAP.

[thunder booming]

- Okay.

- You get that side?

- Yup.

I'm not sure I...

- Just give it some slack.
Then pull.

- Thank you.

Thanks for up at the hotel too.

- What?

- Well, I was trying
to calm everybody down,

and you backed me up.

Thank you.

- That's what partners do.


You know, you were asking
about Jess before.

It sucks.

But I appreciate
you asking.

- Yeah, that's what friends do.

[door creaks]

- Found this, uh...

in the old storage trunk
out there.

You know,
once that dries out,

it should work pretty fine.

Looks like somebody
hit pay dirt in here.

- Yeah, well,
let's find out.

[clears throat]

- Oh!

- All right.

Looks like we found a boat.
Now what?

- It's the chief.

Think about it.

If you're the chameleon,

you take
the one with power,

the one
that everybody listens to.

- The one
with no social skills.


No, I...
I'd take Nathan.

People listen to him.
People like him.

- Yeah.
Nathan's a good choice.

But the point is,
I wouldn't take me.

- Of course not.

Why take an old man

when there are so many
other choices?

- I wouldn't.

- Me neither.

- Decaf!
- Oh!

- You look like
you could use some.

- [chuckling]

- What did you do?

- Nothing.
- You took the cheese knife.

- If I did,
why wouldn't I tell you?

- Who knows why you do
half the things you do?

- Really?

Now... you want to have
this conversation now?

- I'm sorry.

Oh, I love you.

Please... let's not fight.

- I love you too, Mom.

- Oh.

- We should tell the others.

- And do what,

Have them draw straws
for a seat?

No, I mean, everybody's
going crazy back there.

[g*nshots, air hissing]

- Yeah, so I lied
about having a g*n.

So sue me.

I made a call
for the greater good,

a tough call.

One day,
you're gonna grow up,

and you're gonna have
to do the same thing.

- You left us stranded
on this rock.

- Better than letting
a k*ller loose on the mainland.

Look, leaving this place
is not really an option anymore.

Basically, we either k*ll
this son of a bitch

right here, right now,

or it kills us.

Got it?

[thunder booming]

- Well?

- No.

I'm afraid
there's no boat, no raft,

no nothing, really,

just a, uh...

some old lanterns,
couple thousand cockroaches.

- Little better luck
on my trip to the attic.

- You went to the attic
by yourself?

I thought we said
to stay together.

- Nathan...

I found a radio.

Maybe I can fix it.

And no,
I don't need any help.

- What can the rest of us do?

- We should find the victim.

We'll know who the chameleon is
if we find the body.

- Yeah, but a million places
to hide a body

in a house this size.

We better break up
into teams.

What do you think?

So let's put the Hardy Boys here
with the Bickersons.

Why don't you go
with them, Nathan?

Parker, you're with me.

- All right.

- Party of one.

I have work to do,

and I can't exactly do it

if I'm carrying
the radio around with me.

- All right,
thanks, everybody.

- Urban legend
at my orphanage

used to say that bad kids
would get shut up in the walls,

so we used to do this
to try to find 'em.

Look how far I've come.

Hey, why didn't you
pick Nathan for your team?


- Well, I thought the ladies
needed a little protection.

- That, and you couldn't stand
to talk to your son

for more than five minutes?

- Well... okay.
That too.

- He's in a dark place
right now, you know.

He could really use a friend.

- All the more reason for him
not to have to talk to me, then.

- [knocks]

There's something here.

Yeah, this is...
this is boarded up.

- I think this lifts
right out.

- Got it?

- Oh, you know
what that is?

That's an old dumbwaiter.

- Yeah, I guess they really
don't need those things anymore.

- Doesn't matter.
Good find.

Nice job there, Parker.

- [scoffs]

Wow, is that a compliment?

You think it would,
you know, k*ll you

to lay one of those on Nathan
every once in a while?

- The troubles are back.

Getting all warm and fuzzy
with Nathan

is not exactly gonna
do him any favors.

- He's pretty tough.

- He's gonna have to be
tough as nails

in order to deal with that
on his own.

it'll eat him alive.

- Still, that doesn't mean
you can't be friendly.

- Now, friendship,
that's a burden.

I don't want to be a burden.

Especially I'm leaving him
a whole world of troubles

he's gonna have to fix.

Let's go.

- Julia...

you okay?

- I don't want to die,

not here,
not like this.

- You're not gonna die.
Stop talking like that.

We're with you.

- No offense, Mom,
but that's not real comforting.

For all I know, right now,
you could be a hell beast

from the seventh circle,

waiting for me
to turn my back

so you can rip off my face

and wear it around town
like a Halloween mask.

- Take it easy.

- We're looking
for a dead body,

and one of us is a monster.

I mean, why do the most awful,
horrible things

keep happening
in this godforsaken town?

I should never have let you
convince me to come back.

- Hey, is everything okay?

- I think
we should switch teams.

- Don't fight me, okay?

- Still she tells me
what to do.

Sorry about before.

I kind of lost it.

- It's an intense situation.

- Here I thought
I was the queen of extreme.

You know, I left town
wanting to walk the Earth,

have adventures,
come back all knowing and wise.

Figured dealing with my mom
was a no-brainer at that point.

Guess I should have
stayed away longer.

[thunder booming]

- Hey, uh...

not that it's
any of my business or anything,

but staying away,
even though it's easier,

you miss out
on a lot of stuff too.

- This is weird.

There's all these
newspaper clippings...

Including one of you.

- What?

- Huh.

Here's one of Carpenter
as a young man.

- "Noted family's last heir
receives final rites."

- He had bacterial meningitis.

See how his body
was wasting away?

- Mm-hmm.

- And yet here he is,
three days later.

- "Scion makes
miraculous recovery.

Doctors at a loss
for explanation."

- You don't recover
from bacterial meningitis

in three days.

- He didn't.

The chameleon
took his shape.

He's been living as Carpenter
for 27 years.

- You think his wife knew?

- I think so.

Look at the picture.

She just got
the best news ever...

her husband is going to live...

and she's
a million miles away,

thinking of God knows what.

- Yeah, but think.

If she knew the choice
that she had to make...

I mean, the love of your life
is dying,

and you could either,
you know,

live happily ever after
with a perfect copy of him...

somebody that looks like him,

speaks like him,
acts like him,

essentially is him...

or you could be
a widow at 30.

- The idea of having a wife,
a home, an actual life...

it must have been like
a dream come true for him.

- 27 years,
and the troubles come back,

and it all goes to hell.

You know, what I want to know,

is, what does this all
have to do with me?

I know exactly
who I can ask.

You knew him
back then, Vince.

You wrote the article.
Did you know what he was?

- No.
I swear, I had no idea.

- Do you think what we're saying
really is possible,

that this real woman

could live a life
with a thing,

with a... a chameleon?

- The chameleon
isn't a thing.

It's a person.

He's afflicted,

just like the people
you've seen in Haven.

They're no more monsters
than a hungry bear.

They don't deserve
to be feared.

- Unless they're
k*lling people.

- True enough.

But Lucy always helped
those in need.

She must have helped
the Carpenters back in the day.

That must have been why he
thought you could help him now.

- Wait.
You knew my mother?

- Oh, yes.

- [scoffs]
Why didn't you say anything?

- You stay the hell
away from me!

- What is wrong with you,
you freak?

- I went down
to the boathouse,

and guess what I found.

A boat,

a perfectly good boat,

until you shot it!

- I didn't sh**t the boat.

- Where's your g*n, Nathan?

'Cause I looked
in your duffel bag.

It's not there.

- Put the ax down.

- You're the chameleon.

- Where's your g*n, Nathan?

- I left it in my bag.
I didn't do it!

- Inside voices, please!

All right, listen.

We need to figure out
who the chameleon is...

- Were you not listening?
- No!

Who the chameleon is

and what we're gonna do
with him

or her.

All right?
- Yeah.

- I have an idea.

We can't really know
what the chameleon knew

about the person
that it took.

But we have
to start somewhere.

So each of you brought
a present to the Knot.

I'm assuming
that you didn't take the time

to tell Mr. Carpenter
what that was.

So if you can say
what's in your box,

then we'll chalk one
in your favor.

And if not,

we have a problem.

- I'm going last.

- Huh?

Why does he
get to go last?

- Because he...
has the ax.

- What about, uh,
cue ball over here?

- Well, I-I brought her
the dress.

- And the k*ller shoes.

- And the purse.

- Well, exactly.

- We're gonna start
with Dr. Carr.

- Earrings.

Emperor penguins.

- All right.

Those are beautiful.

Thank you.



- It's a book,
Misery Unchained.

It's a first edition,
signed by the author,

just before that lady
chopped off his foot.

- Okay.

- Can I see that?

- Sure.



- It's a sweater.



- It's a scarf.

- Oh, my God.

- It is him.
I knew it!

- Easy!
- Hey! Hey!

- Somebody do something!

- Okay, everybody
just calm down for...

- [shrieks]

- Tie him up.

- You have a g*n.

- Yup.

- You lied.

- Maybe I did.

- Chief, hand it over.

We all play
by the same rules.

- Says who?

- Says the whole room

that's about to go
Lord of the Flies on your ass.

- Well...

- Duke.

- Huh?

- Even the playing field.

- [scoffs]


- That was manly.

- What are we gonna do
with him?

- I am not the damn chameleon.

- Okay, now,
why did you not know

what was in the box,
then, Nathan?

- I told Jess to pick up

the sweater we saw
in McGuinness' last week.

She must have seen the scarf
and changed her mind.

She didn't tell me
before she left.

- What about the boat

and the g*n?

- I'm not armed.
You searched me.

- The chief is the one
who shot the boat!

- Yeah!

- He...
- All right.

Before y'all
yell at me, okay.

That proves
I'm not the chameleon.

The chameleon would want
to go to the mainland.

- Any chance
I could get untied

before everyone
goes crazy again?

- How do we know
you're not the chameleon?

- And how do we know
that you're not?

If we start
turning on each other now,

we're just as likely
to k*ll an innocent person

as we are a chameleon.

Listen, I don't know
any of you very well,

but I would like to.

And I would like to think
that we're better than that.

- I probably should have
given you a chance to...

- Yeah, you should have.

- Say something
before I hit you.

- So what now?
Do we keep...

[thunder booming]

[electricity crackles]

[panicked chatter]

[overlapping shouts]

- Oh!

- [whispering]
Stay down.

- Hey, don't you go
for that ax head!

- [chuckles]

I wasn't even
thinking about it.

the g*n is gone.

And for once,

it wasn't me.

I swear.

What the hell
just happened?

- Exactly what a predator
would want.

Every man for himself.



- [screams]

- Eleanor.
- What are you doing?

- I'm tired of this.
I'm gonna k*ll this thing.

I'm gonna force it out,
face it.

- Don't be an idiot.
Come on and hide.

- Look, I tied my son
to a chair.

I accused him
of being a m*rder*r.

I'm tired of letting this thing
play with my head.

- If we crucified ourselves

every time
we screwed up as parents,

well, there's be no more
parents in the world.

- I could have
actually k*lled him.

- Garland, I dropped Julia
on her head

when she was six months old.


- Hmm.

Well, thanks.

[thunder booming]

[switches clicking]

- Well, it isn't
the breakers.

- This place has got to have
a backup generator.

We need to split up
and find it.

- Hang on.

You said that we should
stick together.

- There are four people

who are sitting ducks
in the dark.

We need to get to them
before the chameleon does,

and that'll be a lot easier
with the lights on.

- Man up.

- That would be a lot easier
if I still had my ax!


This is why you don't
throw people birthday parties.

- [screams]

- Mom?

- I'm sorry.

She's gone.

- Okay.

All right, uh...

Iooks like a broken neck.

- I thought you said
the chameleon k*lled

by taking over its victims.

- Well, yeah, but maybe
it didn't have enough time

and panicked and took off.

- All right,
the backup generator is...

Oh, no.

- I can't remember

what the last thing
I said to her was.

- All of you should
come here and see this!

- Jeez.

- That is a big crack.

- Yeah, well,
the weather can play havoc

with these old houses.

That's probably what happened
to the electricity too.

- An earthquake in Maine?

- Yeah.

Well, yeah.

- What?

- Can I talk to you
for a second?

- Yeah.

Hey, listen,
this is gonna get worse

before it gets better,

so we need to find some way
to call for help.

- Do you trust me?

- Yeah, of course I do.

Are you okay?

- No, I'm not.

- What are...

What the hell
are you doing?

Oh, please!


- Nathan!

- You k*lled my friend.

- [gasping]
How... how did you know it was me?

- Audrey...

I can feel her touch.

I can't feel yours.

- What did you do?

- She's the chameleon.

- [gasping]

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

The doctor...

the doctor,
she saw who I was.



I was weakening,

and I thought
she could help me,

like Lucy.

- If you thought
she could help,

then why did you
k*ll her?

- She's different.

She... she should have died.

- She's alive?

Where is she?

Where is she?

[pounding on door]
Audrey, can you hear us?


It's in here.

- Find the light!

She's alive.
Get her out.

Get her out.


Julia, some help.


Come on. Come on.

- Hand me that disinfectant.

- Come on. Come on.

- Parker, come on.

- I don't think she needs
to be disinfected.

- The ammonia will act
as a smelling salt.

Audrey, can you hear me?

Pulse is getting stronger.

She's gonna be okay.

- [sighs]

Parker, you're gonna be okay.

You're gonna be okay.

- [groans softly]

Are you crying?

- [scoffs]

- 'Cause crying
will not be tolerated.

[laughs weakly]

[all chuckle]

I don't think
that he was a monster at all.

He came to me,
and he asked me for help,

and I told him I didn't know
how to help him, you know?

He looked...
he looked really sad.

That's the last thing
that I remember before,

you know, he became me.

Just how "me" was he?

- Pretty you.
I mean, pretty mu...

Pretty much exactly you.

- Yeah? And when did you
realize he wasn't me?

- I just... I knew.

- [laughing] Yeah, you think
you know me that well?

- No, not that well.

What's your middle name?

- My middle name?


It's Prudence.

at my confirmation.


And yours?

- Thaddeus.

- Thaddeus?


- Inflicted by the chief.

- He is a bad man.

- Uh-huh.

- How's Julia?

- Not good.

I think
she's still in shock.

- Yeah, I think we all are.

Can't believe
that Dr. Carr is gone.

- I'll see you at work.

- You did really good
in there.

- What?
- I'm proud of you.

When it all hit the fan,
you didn't flinch.

You had to sh**t
your own partner.

You know, part of me thinks

you kind of grew up
a little bit today.

- You don't know me at all,
do you?

- Just trying to give you
a compliment, son.

Take a compliment when...

- You think I need to grow up,
be like you?

I'm not like you.

I don't want to be like you.

- Got a whole pack.

- If you need anything,
anything at all,

please don't hesitate
to call.

- We'll see you
real soon, huh?

- Thank you.

- Hey.

Happy birthday.

- [laughs]
You're kidding me.

- Ah, just 'cause
you got body snatched

doesn't mean you don't get
a present on your birthday.

- Yeah.

Wow, this is beautiful.

Thank you.

- Look closer,

at the engraving.

- "LR"?

- Lucy Ripley.

- How...

Where did you get this?

- Lucy gave it to me.

The boy...

standing next to Lucy
in the Colorado Kid photo...

Is me.