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03x15 - Springtime for Steele

Posted: 06/02/23 07:37
by bunniefuu
That broad has got desire coming out of her ears.

Two hours of Rocky singing "Who's Sorry Now" is too much to ask of anyone.

It's gonna be a long night.

One move and you're both dead.

I'm a desperate man.

I really like her.

She's got what it takes.

I sold 50% of Rocky's contract to Vincent Nash.

Everybody seems to want to own a piece of the Rock.

- I am a desperate man.

- It was the broad.

- I heard sh*ts.

- I heard sh*ts.

- It was Rocky.

- It was Buddy.

- And nobs is nine.

- Hey, guys.

Look! I'm a hit!

- Tell me this ain't happening.

- Relax, Buddy.

I've seen a lot of crazy things in my time but I never would have figured that broad for a winner.

- We're dead.

You know that, don't you?

- I'll think of something.

Well, think fast.

Couple more shows like this

- Hey, I don't need this grief from you, Buddy.

I'm in this just as deep as you are.

We just have to figure out a way to end her career fast.

Brian, that broad has got desire coming out ofher ears.

It's gonna take an elephant g*n to keep her off that stage.

You know where I can get one? Need I remind you, Laura, that the last time we saw this woman she was being stalked by a menagerie of literary sleuths? One of whom turned out to be a m*rder*r.

I promised Rocky we'd be there.


That makes four of us

-you, me, Rocky and the piano player.

Two hours out of your life is not that much to ask.

On the contrary, Laura, two hours of Rocky singing "Who's Sorry Now"

- is too much to ask of anyone.

- Come, come, Mr.


How many times have you dragged me to film festivals of dubious merit? I think you owe me one.



But it would ease my suffering considerably if you'd have dinner with me afterwards.

I suppose I could be talked into that.

Ah, splendid.

I'll make the reservation.

Oh, yes, good evening, operator.

I'd like to place a call to San Francisco, please.


Uh, Marty's Restaurant.

San Francisco? Oh, I'm incorrigible, Laura.

Ah, yes, yes, good evening.

I'd like to make a reservation for two, please.

Um, oh, say, um, 10:45? Good.


Uh, fine.

That's lovely.

Uh, Steele.

- Yes, uh, Remington Steele.

- Tsk! Thank you.

Of course we'll have time to see the show fly up there, have dinner and fly back? Who said anything about flying back? Good Lord, Laura.

We must be at the wrong place.

This is it.

Well, then Rocky must be the opening act for someone.

Let's see, who's in town? Sinatra? Cyndi Lauper? The Eurythmics? Rocky's the only name on these.

Laura, you don't suppose all these people to see Rocky Sullivan? Our Rocky Sullivan? Stranger things have happened, Mr.


Yes, but I can't remember when.

Shall we? Excuse me.

Excuse me, please.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

You sure you don't need anything? Anything at all.

Clint, honey, could you zip that for me? I could send out.

You name it, you got it, little lady.

What? Oh, how about a case of good luck? Oh, you don't need luck, Rocky.

You got talent.

Oh, thanks.

I'll get it.

I've been looking all over for you, Clinton.

Well, you sure enough found me, sugar.

You know, if I was a jealous wife I could lose a lot of sleep wondering what's been going on in here.

Now don't start that again.

How do I look? Talk about your meteoric rise to fame.

I ain't seen nothing like this since I helped launch Patti Page.

You know, you've got an annoying habit of pointing out the obvious, Buddy? Look.

Four sold

-out shows in a row.

You said it was impossible.

You said it'd never happen.

- You said we'd be rich.

- All right! Listen to me! You tell Rocky to start out with the Helen Morgan number.

You know, the one where she gets on top of the piano.

- Wait.


- Just do it.

I'll take care of the rest.

I need to see Brian Hunter.

- You just missed him.

- Okay, then, I need to see you.

You just missed me too.


Steele! Miss Holt!

- Oh, hello, Rocky.

- Thanks for coming.


Steele has talked of nothing else all day.

Oh, I wouldn't miss it for the world.


- Oh, sorry.

- What's wrong?

- I got ink all over you.

- What? Oh, dear.

- Oh, it's okay.

Come on in.

- Thank you.

It's okay, Pop.

They're friends of mine.

I am so nervous.

Did you see the crowd out there? You'd think Dustin Hoffman was performing.

Of course, Dustin never looked this good.

Not even in Tootsie.

- Rock!

- Buddy! Come here.

I wanna introduce you to some friends of mine.

This is Remington Steele and Laura Holt.

This is one of my managers, Buddy Brokaw.

Listen, kid, a little change in the opening.

Brian wants you to start with the Helen Morgan number.

Buddy, I've got my act memorized.

You know that.

A little change of pace.

Keeps it fresh.

But don't you think I oughta start out with an up note and catch them with my best song? Listen, kid, you sitting on top of the piano, under a baby spot you're gonna have them eating out of the palm of your hand, kid.

Well, maybe you're right.

And then when I got 'em hooked, I'll swing into "Who's Sorry Now.

" That's my girl.

Good to see you.

Enjoy the show.

- Thanks.

- Thanks.

He discovered Vaughn Monroe.

- Rocky.

- Oh, Clint, honey, come here.

I want you to meet two very special, close personal friends of mine.

Remington Steele and Laura Holt this is Clinton and Betty Overton from Midland, Texas.

Nice to meet you.

- You're members of the band, are you?

- sh**t no, man.

I got me a piece of this here little lady.

- Best investment I ever made.

- Oh.

Hey, g*ng, almost showtime.

You better go grab your seats.

- Break a leg, kid.

- Oh, thanks.

That's, uh, showbiz talk.

- Ah, yes, boffo and all that.

- Let's go.

Let's get our seats.

Nice to meet you, Betty.

Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Rocky Sullivan.

- Oh, my.

- Mm


It's gonna be a long night.

Oh, Buddy, I'm sorry.

I totally forgot you wanted me to do that piano thing.

I'm just so used to opening with "Who's Sorry Now"that I just

- Actually, we're pretty lucky, you know.

This is the first accident we've had.

This wasn't an accident, Mr.


- The cable was sheared.

- Let me see that.

What do we got here, some kind of joker? There's nothing funny about that, Mr.


You think someone's actually trying to hurt Rocky? You tell me.

You wanted Rocky to change her opening.

If she had, she might be dead.

No, no, no, Buddy said it was Brian who wanted to change it.

- Yeah, that's right.

It was Brian.

- Who's Brian? Brian Hunter, my other manager.

Well, perhaps we should have a chat with the errant Mr.



Rocky, honey, are you all right? I'm just

- I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

Would you accompany Rocky to her dressing room until she's feeling a little better? Of course we will.

Come on along, honey.

Now, about Mr.


- Hey, I wanna talk to you.

Come here.

- Hey, hey, hey! Who are you? What are you doing?

- Let me go!

- Go! Let me speak to the entertainment editor.

When will he be back? Monday morning? I got a hot tip for him.

All right.

Tell him somebody tried to k*ll Rocky Sullivan tonight during her show.

Rocky Sullivan.

Come on, Clint.

I'm starved.

Betty, get back in there.

There's a m*rder*r on the loose.

What's that? No, she's a singer.

A real risin' star.



-bye now.

The little lady needs our protection.

Protection against what? Your publicity stunts? Just what are you suggesting, Betty? Oh, come on.

I know that falling sandbag wasn't any m*rder attempt.

That damn Rocky wasn't anywhere near the thing when it fell.

You're accusing me of perpetrating this whole thing, are ya? I wouldn't put it past ya, the way you've been looking all goo

-goo eyed at her.

Just protecting my investment.

- What the hell are you


- Don't come any closer.

I am a desperate man.

- He wasn't kidding.

- Come on.

- Did you get him?

- No.

Damned impolite of him to sh**t and run like that too.

- Was that Brian Hunter?

- No.

- Who was it?

- I don't know.

More to the point, where is Brian Hunter? Joseph, pour the man a glass of water.

No, thanks.

I'm not thirsty.

Don't worry.

It's bottled.

You've been avoiding my calls, Mr.


I've been pretty busy these last few weeks.

- Uh, in and out of town, you know.

- You get my messages? No.

Uh, no.

My secretary must have thrown them out.


Hunter, don't insult my intelligence.

If you don't wanna do business with me, just say so.

It's not that I don't wanna do business with you, Mr.


I'm not sure you wanna do business with me.

Now what makes you think that? I mean, we're not only in the sanitation business here anymore.

I mean, we're into things like linens uh, health foods, movies.

And if things go the way I think they're going to go next month we'll own a record company.

Now you tell me, Mr.

Hunter, what good's a record company without recording stars? You don't understand, Mr.



Hunter, you're doing it again.


I apologize.


Rocky Sullivan, Mr.

Hunter, I really like her.

She's got what it takes to fill an auditorium.

You know, nothing would make me happier than to be personally involved with her career.

- You understand me?

- Only too well, Mr.



Now, you're her manager

- Uh, one of her managers.

I have a partner.

I know

- me.

Joseph? Now that's all legal.

Fifty percent for you.

Fifty percent for you.

Fifty percent for me.

I can't sign this.

Well, so far we have what appears to be an attempt on your life and a crazed man with a g*n.

- Odds are the two are connected.

- In other words it's quite possible that the man who shot at us also cut the sandbag loose.

I'll k*ll the creep.

Yes, well, no sense working yourself into a frenzy over it.

Miss Holt and I will ferret out this trigger

-happy, inept m*rder*r long before he can have another crack at you.

- We'll get on it first thing in the morning.

- First thing in the morning? Perhaps it would be safer if you stayed at my place tonight, Rocky.

Oh, I suppose that rules out a quick trip to the city by the bay.

I'm afraid you'll have to leave your heart somewhere else this evening, Mr.


I'm gonna need my overnight stuff from the bus.

Well, I'll get it while you change.

It's in the red suitcase in the back.

I'll, uh, call Marty's, shall I?

- Who's Marty?

- Patron saint of missed opportunity.


- You in there?

- Answer him.


You okay? Rocky, there's something I've been meaning to tell you.

Rocky, can I come in there? You sure you're feeling all right? You don't sound too awful good.

Rocky well, I know this is gonna sound all schoolboy crazy but, honey, I love ya.

I love ya, and I wanna marry ya.

Of course I do, darlin'.

Betty can see that.

Why can't you? Rocky, I know I can make you happy if you'll let me.

Rocky? Rocky, I swear I'll give you everything my daddy ever gave my mama and more.

I want an answer, and I want it now.

I can't wait any longer.

I'm comin' in there.

One move and you're both dead.

I'm a desperate man.

- Thought you all might be working up an appetite.

- We're just leaving.

- Clint in there?

- Nope.

He sure as hell is.

Oh, Mrs.


Oh, Mr.


Uh, well, Clint was gonna park the car and then he's gonna come on up here.

- I haven't seen him.

- Well.

Well, where is he? You're a lucky man, Mr.


- Eh, it's just a scratch.

- Hmm.

- I grabbed this from him when he ran.

- What is it? Looks like the financial ledgers for Rocky's show.

Brian is gonna hit the roof.

He guarded those books with his life.

I mean, he wouldn't even let me see them.

Well, rest assured, I'll treat them with equal regard.

Come on, Rocky.

Here you go.

You probably think I'm always in trouble, huh? Just as long as Sherlock Holmes steers clear of this one, we'll get by all right.

- Mr.


- Yes.

Do you think that it's safe to go back to our hotel room tonight? Mm, oh, I'm sure, yes.

The gunman was after this book, not your husband.

I suspect you've seen the last of him, okay?

- Good night.

- Good night.

Miss Holt, back there in the bus, well, I'd appreciate it if

- Don't worry, Mr.


I didn't hear a thing.

- Oh.

Good night.

- Good night.

For crying out loud, Clinton, you damn near got yourself k*lled.

sh**t, Betty, take more than a little old popgun to put me outta commission.

That's not the point.

We don't belong here.

We're out of our league.

These Hollywood people, they're just, well

- They're just plain sleazy.

Oh, come on, Betty.

Now tell me you never dreamed of being in showbiz.

Tell me it ain't fun.

Why, it's glamorous as hell, girl.

But it isn't us.

Oh, let's go home, Clint.

Please? Well, according to this, Brian and Buddy are making money hand over fist.

Four performances, four sold

-out shows.

- I wish we had a piece of the action.

- Wait a second, Mildred.

What's that? Laura, have a look at this.

- Investors?

- Uh

-huh, yes.

Clint Overton, 49%.

Arthur McKinley Reynolds III, 49%.

Represents a group of dentists from St.


- How much do they own?

- 49%.

Oh, not bad for a bunch of plaque scrapers.

That doesn't leave much

- two percent.

Loren Neubauer, Suzanne Seddon, Martin Boe

- 49% each.

Let me see this.

Puma County Board of Education? 49%.

Southeast Ranchers Association

- 49%.

Everybody seems to want to own a piece of the Rock.

You can't sell more than

- The Producers.

- Here we go again.

Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder.

Avco Embassy, 1968.

Hoping to make a fortune, Mostel and Wilder mount the worst possible play they can find

- Springtime For Hitler

- sell 25,000% to the backers

- expecting the whole thing to flop on opening night.

- What happens, chief? Well, they're very nearly driven to m*rder when the whole thing becomes a hit.

Holy cow.


Rocky Sullivan is Brian Hunter's Springtime For Hitler.

The Rocky Sullivan Show closes for lack of audiences.

The investors take the loss.

Brian and Buddy pocket the money.

But the show's been making money and now the investors want to be paid their share of the profits.

Only there's not enough money to go around.

No wonder someone's trying to k*ll Rocky.

- What are you gonna tell her, boss?

- The truth, Mildred.

It's the only sensible thing to do.

I feel so much better, I can't tell you.

You know, I wanna thank you guys for coming to my rescue again.

I don't know what it is with me.

- Bad luck?

- It's not that bad, is it?

- Well, Rocky


- Rocky, how did you come to be involved with Brian and Buddy? Believe it or not, I went to an open audition.

I probably beat out over 200 girls.

And Brian and Buddy told me they were looking for somebody who could put them over the top financially.

- Looks like they hit pay dirt.

- Indeed.

You know, all my life all I ever wanted to be was a performer.

My father wanted me to be a secretary.

He never liked my voice.

No matter what I did, I couldn't please him ever.

Well, Rocky, a wise man once said you can't please all of the people all of the time.

What Mr.

Steele means is that you're not alone, Rocky.

Artists have been misunderstood throughout the ages.

You know, I've waited tables.

I've stuffed envelopes.

I was a model for an underwear manufacturer once.

Anything to pay the rent.

It wasn't easy.

A lot of people said that I didn't have what it takes.

But then Brian and Buddy came along, and here I am

- the big time.

You gotta find that nut with the g*n, or my career is shot.

Grizzly choice of words, Rocky.

But accurate.

- Where the hell have you been?

- I came up the fire escape.

That's not what I asked you.

- We got problems.

- No kidding.

You know that friend of Rocky's, that Remington Steele? He's a private d*ck.

He's got our books.


What are you doing? What are you looking for? What's with the thumb? Come on, Brian.

! I sold 50% of Rocky's contract to Vincent Nash.

What, are you crazy? He's as dirty as they come.

- He's got his fingers in every dirty scam in town.

- Tell me about it.

Hey, that ain't nothing compared to what he's gonna do to us when he finds out what we done to him.

That's why we gotta k*ll Rocky.

It's our only hope.

Yesterday, that was our only hope.

Today, we ain't got no hope at all.

Trust me, Buddy, I've thought this through.

Now with Rocky dead, we don't have to pay off our investors and Nash's 50% becomes academic.

- Oh, I don't know, Brian.

- Listen to me.

Just make sure that Rocky's in her dressing room this afternoon.

I'll take care of the rest.

- What the hell is that?

- A perfect alibi.

Yeah? We got visitors.

Uh, Nash.

He wants to look at the books.

- What do we do?

- Stall him.

Stall him.

Uh, oh.

Well, send them in.

Uh, Mr.

Brokaw? We've come to return your financial ledger.

It made very interesting reading.

For instance, I found it fascinating that you've sold over 500% of Miss Sullivan to various investors.

What? What are you talking about? Here you go.

Have a look.



This is illegal, isn't it? Are you saying you knew nothing about this? Well, Brian keeps the books.

I'm the creative half of the team.

Look, uh, I've been a producer/manager for going on 30 years.

I've been involved with some of the top acts in the business.

You ask any of them if Buddy Brokaw ever pulled a fast one.

Uh, that didn't help them, of course.

Yeah? Oh, well, yeah, send him in.

Excuse me a minute.

I wanna throw some cold water on my face.

- Kinda wake me up.

- Hmm.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

I'm here to see Mr.


Oh, Mr.


Very popular man.

Hard to pin down though.

Perhaps you'll settle for his partner.


Uh, Mr.

Brokaw? He's

- Mr.

Brokaw? Would you settle for us? Well, it depends.

Who are you? Oh, Remington Steele and my associate, Laura Holt.

Well, you tell Mr.

Hunter Vincent Nash came by to look at the books.

Vincent Nash? Oh, uh, you heard of me, huh? Well, yes.

You're in garbage, aren't you? These books that you're looking for wouldn't by any chance have to do with Rocky Sullivan? Now, you see, word spreads fast, Joseph.

And I only been his partner for less than 24 hours.


Well, it's my distinct pleasure to present to you the said books.

You mean for every buck I get

- You pay five dollars.

Sweet, isn't it? Legitimate business can be very aggravating.

Joey! Get the car! I have to talk to you.

I'm a desperate man.

- Where are you?

- I'm at the theater.

Listen, kid.

You got a roomful of people here waiting to rehearse.

Every minute you ain't here is costing me money.


Steele told me to lay low until I heard from him.

Rocky, sweetheart

- who's handling your career? I mean, you're a star.

You got, uh

-You got your reputation to consider here.

Not to mention two sold

-out shows tonight.

- I never thought of that.

- Yeah, well, uh, let's go, huh? Come on down.

We got a lot of work to do.

I'll be right there.

- Where do you think you're going?

- I've gotta get to the theater.



Not until Mr.

Steele or Miss Holt gives me the okay to let you go.

You don't understand.

I owe it to my fans.

To do what, get yourself k*lled?

- Oh.

- Uh



- So, you wanna play dirty, huh?

- Ooh! Ooh, I'm gonna

- Oh! Ooh! Aw, no fair.


- Mildred, will you calm down? Just calm down, Mildred.

I did the best I could, boss.

I'm just not as agile as I used to be.

Yes, I understand.

Any idea where she got to?

- She was headed for the theater.

- The theater?

- It's a death trap.

Hit it, Fred!

- And don't spare the rubber.

- Thank you.


-bye, Mildred.

- Don't spare the rubber? I can't be clever all the time, Laura.

I wanna see Brian Hunter now.

- I told you


- Whatever you have to do, you get him over here.

- I have an account to settle with him.

- I don't know where he is.

Look, I am a desperate man.

I know what you people are doing.

I know about the scam.

Okay? You guys took the worst singer you could find.

Thought she'd close after the first show.

In fact, you were banking on it.

A tax write


At least that's what you tell the investors.

Meanwhile, you and Brian end up with over a half a million dollars.

Not bad for a few weeks' work.

Get outta here.

Get outta here, you bum.

- You guy haven't heard the last from me.

- Get outta here.

Scram! Rock

- Hey.

Oh, come on, kid.

You're right.

Brian and I are a couple of rats.

I guess we just got a little too greedy.


Go home.

Don't hang around here.

It ain't healthy.

Just let me handle things from here on in.

It's time I dissolved my partnership with Brian permanently.

Where's Brian? Hey, move this pile of spare parts.

You're blocking the road.

Not this time, you don't.

Stay right there.

Ah, no, stay, stay.

Go on.

- What happened?

- I don't know.

I heard sh*ts, so I went to my dressing room, and there was a g*n on the floor.

Then there was someone at the door, and I thought it was the m*rder*r coming back

- so I grabbed the g*n.

- And nearly took my head off.

What were you doing there, Mr.

Overton? The same thing as her.

I heard sh*ts.

Then why were you moving his body? To protect this little lady from a frame


A frame

-up? Rocky had no reason to k*ll Brian.

I'm afraid she did.

Five minutes before he was shot Rocky found out that he'd been using her for a scam.

Yeah, but I didn't sh**t him.

Yes, well, unfortunately for you, Rocky your fingerprints are on this g*n.

And since you fired at Mr.

Overton here the paraffin test won't clear you, I'm afraid.

- Oh, what about him?

- Yes, what about him, huh? I suspect you thought I forgot about you, hey, mate, hmm? Now, why don't you just step forward and tell everyone exactly who you are.

Uh, my name is Arthur McKinley Reynolds III.

I'm an accountant from St.


An accountant, eh? From St.


The dentists.

- That's right.

- Well, you above all had an excellent motive to k*ll the elusive Mr.


The last two days, you've been sh**ting at anything that moves, haven't you?

- That's your g*n, isn't it?

- I think so.

But I'm no m*rder*r.

The g*n was just, well

- I was a desperate man.

- Hmm, so you said.

- On more than one occasion.

I was at the point of turning that g*n on myself.

Hey, kid, you're a pretty rotten shot for a su1c1de.

Listen, you gotta believe me.

This was my first account.

I mean, I've had other accounts before, but this was my first solo flight.

My father did some checking up on Brian and didn't like what he found.

I tried everything I could, but Brian wouldn't talk to me.

The g*n was a last resort.

I couldn't go home without that money.

My father would have k*lled me.

He's telling the truth.

He told me the whole story this afternoon in my hotel room.


Ah, Mr.


Nice of you to rejoin us.

- We were just getting around to you.

- I had to call my attorney.

He suggested that it wouldn't look right if I didn't come back.

Obviously, these two hicks are working together.

Now don't go talking loco, partner.

I'm not working with him.

Hell, all he wants is his money back.

And all I want is for Rocky to be happy.

You stood to lose everything you've invested here.

sh**t, I got more money than I know what to do with.

Uh, Miss Holt, could I, uh, talk to you for a second? I don't know if this will be any help, but, uh just before I heard the sh*ts I saw Buddy heading for Rocky's dressing room.

Would you be willing to swear to that in a court of law? Would my father have to know about that? It was the broad.

I saw her headed for her dressing room.

- I heard the sh*ts.

- Are you certain? Why would I lie? Thank you.

- We may be onto something.

- Mm


- It's Rocky.

- It's Buddy.

What about crazy Arthur here? He went rushing out of the office headin' for the dressing room, saying we hadn't heard the last of him, right, Rocky? Yeah, well, he must have met up with Mr.

prim and proper here 'cause I saw him headed for that room.

You'd better be able to back that up.

Ah, now wait! Please, just calm down.

Please! Now, before our tempers provoke any more mayhem around here, I suggest you all go home.

Miss Holt and I will call the police, and you can tell your stories to them, okay? Hmm? Don't you worry none, little lady no way you're going to jail if I have to sell every damn thing I own.

You're a sweet guy, Clint.

Why don't you take the limo back to my place, Rocky.

We'll call Mildred and have her come pick us up.

Yes, well, Rocky, the good news is with Brian dead, you're no longer in danger.

The bad news, however, is that you're a prime suspect in his m*rder.

That won't do much for my career, huh? No, that won't bode well.

We'll get to work, Mr.


Brian was shot through the door.


He falls back, knocks the radio onto the floor.

The k*ller runs out, dropping the g*n first.

Rocky comes in.

Sees the g*n, hears Clint at the door.

Picks up the g*n, turns and sh**t before she realizes who it is.

Clint decides to protect Rocky for what looks like a frame.

Drags Brian's body out and is caught by us.

- There's one thing that's nagging at me.

- Always a good sign.

How does the m*rder*r know that Brian's in the bathroom? All right, here we go.

Because he was playing this.

If that tape was playing, then

- Is it possible that the m*rder*r thought it was Rocky in there? In other words, Brian was not the intended victim.

What was Brian doing in the bathroom, listening to a tape of Rocky singing? Because Brian was lying in wait for her.

Brian was going to strangle her, and that tape was the perfect alibi.

Of course.

If anyone saw Brian leaving Rocky's dressing room, they would have heard her singing.

- And dead men don't sing.

- Thank God for that.

Only one person wasn't accused of heading toward Rocky's dressing room.

Because that one person was already in the dressing room.

- Betty Overton.

- Betty Overton.

Come on.

Remind me to get this horn replaced, Laura.

It's awfully anemic.

- How about a siren?

- Better still.

I thought you were just a passing fad with Clint.

Like that football team in Hawaii, or that chain of disco roller

-skating rinks he got mixed up with last year.

Oh, no, he was in love with you.

Even I could see that.

Betty, I never did anything with Clint.

He's not even my type.

Well, you sure are his.

I mean, why else would he buy up

- every ticket for every performance?

- What are you talking about? He went down to the box office that first night, only seven tickets were sold.

Now, he couldn't have an empty house for his little songbird, could he? He went out and he rounded up a whole passel of people

- and he gave them all tickets.

- That's not true.

You are going to climb out onto that fire escape, and you are gonna jump.

They'll say that you were filled with remorse and couldn't take it anymore.

- Move!

- And if I don't? Then you're gonna commit hara


One way or another, honey, you are gonna die.

It's bolted from the inside.

- Rocky.


- Miss Holt!

- Open the door.


- I can't! The fire escape.

Come on.

Come here.


- Are you all right?

- I've never felt better in my life.

Five minutes, Rocky.

- I can't go on.

- Of course you can.

I'm a fraud.

The only reason those people are out there is because Clint paid them to come.

Once they see you out there, they will love you.

Please, believe me.

They will.

No, Mr.


I've lost it.

You know, Rocky there have been times in my life when I felt as though I couldn't go on.

As though I had nothing to live for anymore.

When everybody I seemed to trust failed me.

That's funny.

That's exactly how I feel now.

Rocky, we're not always able to anticipate or affect the way people treat us.

I suppose that's what makes life exciting and frightening at the same time.

But still, there is one constant we can control.

- Yeah? What's that?

- You.

No matter what happens, you can be the best Rocky Sullivan there ever was.

And no one can do a thing to stop you.

Now come on.

Put a smile on your face and be bold.


- Hey, come on.

- Okay.


Here we go.

- Hello, Rocky.

- Oh, hi, Clint.

- I'm sorry about Betty.

- Yeah, me too.

Did you see? You got a full house tonight.

- Yeah, thanks to you.

- Uh


I didn't buy but one ticket

- my own.

You mean, all those people paid real money to see me? Uh


They must have heard about the attempts on your life and all.

Come down to see your death

-defying performance.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, here for her second sold

-out performance in a row Miss Rocky Sullivan.

- Knock 'em dead.

- Thanks.

They're playing your song.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Good Lord.

That woman may have a career after all.

I still think we oughta have a piece of her, boss.

Bite your tongue, Mildred.

Too late to catch that plane to San Francisco, Mr.

Steele? Mm


It's never too late, Miss Holt.

Not with that song ringing in my ears.

- Come on.

Let's go.

- And now, ladies and gentlemen I'd like to dedicate this song to two very special friends of mine


- Remington Steele and Laura Holt.

- Oh! Come on.

Come on out! Come on.

Come on.

Go on.

Go get 'em, boss.

I can think of an answer to that musical question, Laura.

I'm with you, Mr.
