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04x01 - Good-Bye, Mr. Fish: Part 1

Posted: 06/02/23 10:40
by bunniefuu
Mail call.

Harris. Harris. Fish.

Wojciehowicz. Fish.

And captain miller.

Mail call.



- Not here yet.
- Not here yet.


- Captain miller?
- In his office.

You got anything for dietrich?

Nothing, but thanks
for coming over anyway.

Oh, sir. Thought you'd like

To take a look at these posters.


Squad cars have been picking
them up all over the precinct.

"$1,000 Good-citizens award

"To any person or persons
who fatally wounds a criminal

"During the commission

Or attempted
commission of a crime."

"Contact lower manhattan
merchants' committee

For social reform,
bruno bender, president"?

Hundreds of them all over
the business district, sir.

They must be kidding.

Maybe it's an ad for a movie.

Maybe it isn't.

In any case, it's a new low

In equal opportunity employment.

A thousand bucks a head.

That's not bad.

I don't know.

By the time they take
out your withholding,

Unemployment, what do you got?

Vigilantes. Heh.
That's all we needed.


Look, when I say "we,"
I don't mean just we,

I mean we.

Well, they can't go putting
a price on someone's head.

This... This is
illegal. Right, barn?

I'm not sure.

Anything I can do, sir?

Thank you. Anything
I can do, sir?

It's okay, levitt. We'll,
uh... We'll take care of it.

Wojo, contact the lower
manhattan merchants' committee

And get mr. Bender to come by.

Tell him we'd like
to have a little chat.

Right, barn.

Uh, sir?

What time's the party
for sergeant fish?

We're not planning
on a party, levitt...

Just a simple, dignified
presentation of a gift.

Yes, sir.

If I may, sir, I know
it's in bad taste

To bring up the subject
of replacement at this time.

But I never let it
stop me before, so...

We're thinking
about you, levitt.

We're thinking about you.

Thank you, sir.

What should I do with
sergeant fish's mail from now on?

Forward it to his home.

He'll be staying on at home,
just as if nothing happened?

- Nothing has happened, levitt.
- No, sir.

Sergeant fish will be at home
taking a well-deserved rest

Until he decides how
he wishes to continue

What will undoubtedly
be a long and fruitful life.

He is not to be pitied.
He is to be envied.

There is nothing tragic

About a man completing
a job well done.

This is not the end.
This is the beginning.

- But no party.
- But no party!

Yes, sir.

All right, stimple.
Come on. Get in there.

Yeah. Sure. At least I
got a chance in here.

What do we got here?

It's harold stimple, barney.

He tried to hold up a
ma-and-pa grocery over on 10th.

Oh, sure. You want
to hear ma and pa?

Pa had a meat ax.

And ma? She had a
.38 pointed at my head!

Empty your pockets.


Stimple was holding
this little toad-stabber.

He told ma and pa to
empty the cash register.

Well, anyway, by the
time we got there,

He was on the floor whimpering.

I ain't ashamed. I was
begging for my life!


They had one of
those reward posters

In the window, barn.

What's the matter?
Can't you read?

I didn't see it.

I came in the back way,
like a professional.

Beg your pardon.

What's with them posters anyway?

I mean, it's illegal, ain't it?

Uh, we're not certain yet.

Mom and pop didn't
want to release this guy.

We had to give them a receipt.

What a culture.

All right, check him for priors

And ship him down
to manhattan south.

Aw, come on.

That old lady, she was
gonna k*ll me for the money.

She said she needed
drapes and a new dinette set.

You heard her.

Women, huh?


I beg your pardon?

Have one?

Hey, where'd you get these?

Ma gave them to me.

Accepting gratuities?

She had a g*n. What could I do?

I'm bruno bender...

Lower manhattan merchants'
committee for social reform.

The mr. Bender of the,
uh, reward posters?


Is that him? Is that the nut?

Who's that?

A concerned citizen.

Keep it down.

Mr. Bender, I'm captain miller.

How are you?

Somebody called and said
you wanted to talk to me.

Uh, yeah.

It had to do with those reward
posters you have around.

What about them?

Well, they're creating quite
a stir in the neighborhood.

They were supposed to.

Mr. Bender, our position
on this matter is that...

They'll do the
job. I promise you.

The job, mr. Bender,
is ours, not yours.

You gonna order me to
take down the posters?

What I'm going to do is ask
you to understand the problem

And to cooperate with us...

And take down the posters?

To not make an already
difficult situation any worse.

And take down the posters.

And take down the posters.

Had a feeling you
were gonna say that.

Me too. I had the same feeling.

It was in the air.

Can we count on
your cooperation?

Now, look. We
can't keep taking it.

We can't just let them
push us out into the sea.

We got to take a
stand someplace.

I can appreciate that.
Your intentions are good.

And I can sympathize

With what you merchants
have to go through,

But the fact of the matter is

That there are laws
applicable here...

Interfering with the police,

Endangering the
public order, uh...


If they fall down.

Laws, huh?

Don't give me laws.

You think those young punks
out there think about laws,

About right and wrong?

Ha! They'd just as soon slit
your throat as look at you.

I would not. Th eknife
was only for color.

Tell it to the marines.

You're a maniac.

Behave yourself,
stimple, or I'll tell mom.

Barney, the d.a.'S office
is on the phone, line one.

- Excuse me.
- Yeah.

Mr. Falconetti. Thank you.

We'll get an official
opinion on this matter.

You don't scare me.

Uh, mr. Falconetti,
captain miller here.

Well, uh, as far as we know,
they were legally posted, yes.

Well, there must be
some other ordinance

That can cover the situation.

Mr. Falconetti, could
you hold on a second?

Yeah, just... Just
hold the phone.

Excuse me a minute.

He likes to use his own phone.

It's a princess.

Hi, nick, harris, wojo.

- Luger.
- Luger.

Where's, uh... Our
retirement kid?

Well... Where he at, eh?


Got it. Shh.

Places, everybody.

♪ Hmm ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ That nobody can deny ♪

Thank you, inspector.

Appreciate the sentiment.

You betcha.

You are telling me that there
is no law to cover this situation?

We've got laws in the
city for everything...

Spitting on the sidewalk,
you can't smoke in an elevator.

Did you know you're not allowed
to keep a goat in manhattan?

Well, it's true.

But there is nothing
to prevent somebody

From putting a price
on somebody else's head?

Barn, dispatch just called.

There's a sh**t
on lexington avenue.

Excuse me, mr. Falconetti.
I've got to hang up now.

There are some people
sh**ting at one another,

Which at the moment
is still against the law.

- Who's on with you?
- Yemana.

Nick, you have some business.

You and me, nick.

I'll call kogan
and get some cars.

Precinct reports a
manpower request.

Somebody's got
to sign for these.

Hey, barney, where's fish?

In a second, inspector.

Kogan, we've got a
1040 on lexington and...

- 18Th.
- 18Th. We need some cars.

What time's the party
going to start, barney?

- No party.
- Huh?

Uh, thanks.

Draw some extra weapons
and take some uniforms with you.

- Yo.
- Huh?

- Sir?
- What's the matter?

Uniforms. I'm in one.

Uh... All right. Get going.

Yes, sir. I'm on with you guys.

Fish downstairs, barney?

Uh, we don't know.

When is he coming back?

- Huh?
- Look, I ordered the booze.

I got ice cream down
in the trunk of my car.

Very thoughtful
of you, inspector.


What did the d.a. Say?

Uh, the d.a. Had a lot
to say, mr. Bender.

So, are the posters
breaking any laws?

Look, we're kind of busy
around here, as you can see.

Why don't you just
have a seat, relax,

Make yourself at
home, mr. Bender?

Dietrich, let's get mr. Bender
a magazine to look at, huh?

I don't think we have one.

Something? Anything?

Mug book?


Come on, nick. Let's go.

Yeah, let's go.

Let go.

You're sending levitt with us?

You may need help.
Come on. Let's go.


He's available, he's in uniform.

Come on. He's a trained
professional. Let's go.

Okay, let's move out, get
a jump on the bad guys.

Enthusiasm, enthusiasm.



You got a guy here
m*rder*d five people.


Guy must have been some
kind of a maniac to do that.


Takes a nice picture, though.

Hey, did you ever see "the
texas chain saw m*ssacre"?

With ginger rogers
and fred astaire?

No, no.

No big names, but just
one hell of a good movie.

I've already spoken to the d.a.

Can't we get an injunction,

A restraining
order... Something?

I want to get these
posters out of my precinct.

- Yeah, hold on.


Uh, captain, bernice
on the phone.

She wants to talk to fish.

- Still not in?
- No.

All right, tell her...
Tell her he's out,

He'll call her when
he gets back in.


The question is, what
can I do with bender?

I've got him sitting
in my squad room.

Nice piece.

I beg your pardon?

Your g*n.


But you'd be better
off with a .357 magnum.

You ought to come
down to my store.

Bender's sporting goods?

I can get it for you
at 10% above cost.

No, thanks.

You can stop an elephant
with one of those babies.

We're not supposed to stop them,

Just herd them
back into the park.

Uh, fish ain't in
the locker room.

I never would have
thought to look in there.


It's not the kind of thing
you pick up overnight, kiddo.

Does that belong to you?

No, they're not mine.


Wojo: all right, now.
Never mind all that.

Just step in here, please.
Mr. Cotterman, over here.

Could I have an
aspirin or something?

My hands are still shaking.

A man with a nervous
system like yours

Got no business owning a g*n.

Hey, hey, hey! Quiet.

Stay here with detective yemana.

Any sign of fish down there?

No. There's a big sh**t
on lexington avenue.

A lot of g*nf*re.

One guy got hit. We
put him in the hospital.

What a mess.

- These yours?
- No.

No, I didn't think so.

Nine shopping hours in a day,

Somebody else's burglary
has to eat up the whole morning.

So if it wasn't your burglary,
who else should interfere?


Somebody sh**t your
windows to pieces, you interfere!

All right. Let's take
it easy. Take it easy.

What's the story, woj?

Well, that's mr. Rostan
on your right.

It was his jewelry
store that was robbed.

This is, uh...

Cotterman from cotterman's
liquor store on lexington.

The one without the window!

I wasn't sh**ting
at your window!

God knows what
you were sh**ting at.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. What
was all the sh**ting about?

As near as I can
put it together,

Mr. Rostan chased a suspect
out in the street with his g*n

And started sh**ting at him,

So a b*llet went through
cotterman's window.

So cotterman grabbed his
g*n and started sh**ting, too.

Wouldn't you?

I would.

Mr. Bender, if you don't mind.

Nobody sh**t my windows out.

Mr. Bender, this is
not your concern.

Uh, barn, the suspect was hit.

They took him to
beekman downtown.

- How bad?
- I don't know.

A-are we going to jail?

Have you been read
your rights, mr. Rostan?

My rights?

My rights are that I
shouldn't be held up!

He's gonna start crying,
for crying out loud.

I'm not crying. I'm upset.

What? Are you perfect?
You don't ever get upset?

Let's just take it easy.

Start by getting
some statements.

Harris, would you take
mr. Rostan's statements?

Right. Over here, mr. Rostan.

Here you go. Let's
check these weapons out.

I've got a license for that g*n.

You don't need a
license, you need lessons.

Listen, you! You're
talking to a veteran!

Sit down.

And you're talking to
a man with gallstones.


I wanted to go. Ask my wife.

Let's get a statement
from mr. Cotterman, too.

Mr. Bender. Come on. Let's go.

Hey! When can I
get out of here?!

Not quite yet, mr. Bender.

There's an official
inquiry going on.

Just have a seat
for a minute, huh?

Way to go, cotterman.

Sit down!


Levitt: captain miller?

Here we go, sir... My
report on what happened.

How could you have possibly
completed it so quickly?

Adrenaline, sir. Adrenaline.

It always starts pumping
when I get into action.

I could build a
bridge if I had to.

- You don't have to.
- Thank you, sir.

There's a car downstairs
to transfer a stimple, harold.

Thank you. Dietrich.

Get stimple ready to roll.

Levitt will take him
down to manhattan south.

Right, sir.

Yemana: barney?

All these g*ns are registered,
including the suspect's.

Isn't that wonderful?

They all had the right
to carry a w*apon.

Where they taking me?

You're going to manhattan south.

Nice, quiet, safe cell.

Oh, great.

Protective custody, right?

You got a good attitude
for a loser, stimple.


You ought to lock him
up and throw away the key.

You lousy taxpayer.

Out! Out! Get marching!

Hut two, hut two.

Make a left! Hut two, hut two.

I'm standing on the ladder,
making a display of pints...

They have a higher markup...

When, suddenly,
this strange b*llet

Comes crashing
through the window,

Whipping through a case
of concord-grape wine.

Thank god it isn't the holidays.

And then what happened?

I got my g*n, and I ran out.

Excuse me.

12Th precinct. Wojciehowicz.

You should have seen him.

He was waving that g*n
around, sh**ting like a madman.



You hear that?

That's the thanks I
get for helping him out?

Helping me? You
almost k*lled me!

Big deal.

You almost put me
out of business...

34 Years on the same corner.

I'm a responsible person. I
know what I'm sh**ting at.

Just keep it down.

I wasn't sh**ting
at your cheap wine.

Where I aim, I hit!

These are the eyes of
a professional jeweler!

Barn... That was
beekman downtown.

The guy's dead.


A few minutes ago.

Oh, my god.

What happens now?

Well, now it gets a little
complicated, mr. Cotterman.

There will be a
coroner's inquest

At which you will
be invited to testify...

You too, mr. Rostan.

And, uh...

Events will take
their natural course.

Oh, my god!

Take it easy.

I mean, what... What jury
is gonna convict you?

Ain't I right?

I mean, it could have been
one of them, right? Huh?

I mean, nobody asked
that guy to go rob nobody.

In my whole life, I never
harmed another person.

Well, I mean, a guy walks
into an establishment

Of a private citizen,
looking to rob and steal.

And then he gets
himself blown away

By a private citizen
who's on the ball.

I mean, who's gonna
convict him, huh?


You walk out of that court,

You're a free man,
cotterman... With the money.

Money? What money?

Haven't you heard
of mr. Bender's offer?

1,000 Bucks!

And you're entitled to it.

You k*lled a criminal in the
commission of a vicious crime.

Oh, my god!

Stop saying "oh,
my god" like that!

You're drawing attention.

You expected a
miracle to happen?

A man is dead,
and you k*lled him.


It was you, too!

That's beside the point.

Maybe... Maybe it
wasn't me at all.

Take it easy.

You... You're such a hotshot.

Maybe it was only you!


So what's the difference?
So you'll split the dough.

You shut up!

Okay. Just take it easy.

I'd tell you what to
do with your $1,000

If I wasn't in a police station.


So I'll keep the
money in the kitty.

You finished with me?

For the time being, mr. Bender.

For the time being.


That's some veteran.

So do you, uh, lock us up?

That won't be
necessary, mr. Cotterman.

Just keep yourselves available.

District attorney's
office will contact you.

We understand.

Okay, so... We'll be seeing you.

I'm sorry if we caused
you any trouble.

It's okay, mr. Rostan.

Oh. Captain miller...

Is there any way to find
out what really happened...

I mean, whether
it was him or me?

Yes. There will
be ballistics tests.

I don't want to know.

If they find out, ask
them not to tell us.

I understand.

Come on. We'll
take a cab... On me.

A little drink
wouldn't hurt, either.

Why not?

There's some concord
grape I just opened.

The ice cream melted in my car.

You ought to smell
the trunk, barney.

Smells like it's
been full of babies.

Anybody heard
anything from fish yet?

As a matter of fact, not a word.

What's he doing? Huh?

Check any massage
parlors, barney?

Maybe one of the
local jump-jump joints?

I don't think we'd
find him there, no.

Uh, barn? Maybe we ought
to call the brooklyn precinct.

I hate to embarrass the man

If he's just out walking
or something, you know?


Give him a little more time.

I know a guy who,
when he got depressed,

Would just put on his
coat, leave the house,

- And just start walking...
- There. See?

Sometimes for hours on end.

One time he was gone
for almost a whole day.

Sure. Some people
just like to be alone.


He came back, didn't he?

- Yeah.
- See?

Tide brought him in.