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04x05 - Burial

Posted: 06/02/23 10:44
by bunniefuu

What's the matter?
Nobody got any work to do?

Harris: fish, how are you?

- How are you?
- All right.

To what do we owe this honor?

I had to come down to sign
some forms for my pension,

So I just thought I'd
drop in and say hello.


He's a card, isn't he?

Come on, come on. Sit down.

Fish, here you go.

- Fish.
- Yeah?

You want to sit
at your old desk?

Oh, no, no. It's not necessary.

Same desk. Same chair.

No, that's all right.

Go ahead. Answer it.


I'll get it.

Fish, give me your coat and hat.

Here you go, fish.

Oh, thank you, nick.

- So...
- Aren't you gonna drink it?

Uh... I'm just
taking my time, nick.

I've been clean for
a while, you know.

I got your old cup, too.

Have you washed it?

Nope. Nobody's touched it.

Give you my word.


There's been a robbery.


The hubbard
mortuary on 9th street.

I hesitate to ask.

Someone stole a body.

Harris, you and dietrich.

Uh, I'm expecting a call
from a rental office, barney.

We take messages.

Oh. Yeah. Right.

Why would anybody
want a dead body?

They don't.

Sometimes it just happens.

Want some more coffee, fish?

Oh, yeah, yeah. Thanks.

What you been doing, huh?

Oh, a little of this,
a little of that.

Well, I mean, been going to
any ball games or hockey?

Sports don't
interest me anymore.

All the players I knew
have been dead for years.

Yeah, right.

Well, uh... How
about, uh, theater?

Oh, uh... Museums or, uh...

Oh, I've been to,
uh, to the museum.

Oh, yeah? What did you see?

A lot of bones.

Mummies all wrapped up.

If it's dead, they
got one there.

Yeah. I guess so.

Hey, you know what
I like to do, fish?

I like going to the zoo.

I mean, there's so
much life around a zoo.

Really, there's baby animals.

There's people laughing,
joking, talking, just living.

You know what I mean?

I took the kids there.

Oh, yeah. It's a
great place for kids.

Those big turtles there...
Now, those are my favorites.


Yeah, the big suckers.

Geez, they live
longer than anything.

We saw one that
was 260 years old.

I told you.

Died the day we were there.

That's a shame.

They had to lift him
out with a... With a crane.

Wow, it's too
bad the little kids

Had to see something
like that happen, huh?

They didn't know.

They thought it was flying.

That man is crazy.

He would have k*lled
me in my own mortuary.

Look, please just try and keep
it down, will you, mr. Hubbard?

- Just stay calm.
- Okay, okay. What's going on?

Uh, barney, this is
mr. Nelson hubbard.

- Of the hubbard mortuary?
- Right.

He... He hit me over the head,

And when I came to, he was gone.

Who's he?

- Mr. Lewis.
- And who is mr. Lewis?

The missing stiff.

Once again from the
top. What happened?

Well, barney, it appears
that a mr. Julius whittenour

Brought the
deceased in yesterday.

Then he came back today to
discuss the funeral arrangements

With mr. Hubbard.

He argued with mr. Hubbard
concerning the prices,

And then he hit
mr. Hubbard over the head

And absconded with the body.

Mr. Whittenour hit
mr. Hubbard and stole mr. Lewis.

Plus $75 worth of embalming.


He said he wasn't
gonna pay me any money.

I said, "you signed a
contract." That's when he hit me.

Just take it easy, mr. Hubbard.
Have a seat, will you?

Fish: uh, barney?

Use this chair.

Mr. Hubbard, sit over here.

Now, mr. Hubbard...

Do you have any idea
where mr. Whittenour lives?


It's on this contract here.

Business is bad enough.

I mean, what with all the
modern medical techniques,

Pretty soon people are
liable to live till they're 100,

And then where will I be?

This the address...
602 Cornelia?


Okay. Wojo, nick.

Let's take a run
over to 602 cornelia.

See if you can find
mr. Whittenour and friend.

While you're at it, check
all the local mortuaries.

See if mr. Lewis shows up.

Why would he want to
go to another place?

I have no idea.

Uh, barn, I got a lot of
work to do, you know.

- Maybe nick...
- Do it when you get back.

You know how it builds up.

There is no better
mortuary than mine.

I'm sure, mr., Uh, hubbard.


Check out peterson and
gilkirst on east 6th street.

He'll give you a lower rate.
But you want to know why?

No, I don't.

You want to know why?

You know what you
get in a $300 casket?

- Pressed sawdust.
- Mr. Hubbard...

It disintegrates.

It'll last two,
three years maybe,

And then your loved
ones are laying in dirt.

- Mr. Hubbard...
- Uh, barn?

Want to laugh about linings?
Call waterbury and kline.

Mr. Hubbard, just
take it easy. Just relax.

Barney, can I talk
to you for a minute?

Excuse me, mr. Hubbard.

I got an organ.

Cost me $4,500.

Wojo, what is it
that's disturbing you?

It's... It's the funeral parlor.

I mean, that's that music
and those kind of people...

And, uh, the smell
of the flowers

Just makes me
want to... Avoid them.

Wojo, look, there are
certain things in life

That are unpleasant

That you're gonna have
to learn how to deal with.

Flowers may be one of them.


Barney... Look.

See, I had this really horrible
experience when I was a kid.

What happened?

Well, I was 6 1/2 and, uh,
my grandmother died,

And, uh, my parents told me
that, uh, she was just sleeping.

Oh, that's not uncommon.

I mean, death is a
pretty abstract concept

To try to explain
to a 6-year-old.

I tried to wake her up.

Harris, dietrich!

You two go to the... Check
out the funeral parlors.

Wojo and nick will check
mr. Whittenour's address.

Okay, barn.

Hey, let's go, nick.

All right, mr. Hubbard.

I'll have to take
your statement.

Barney, uh, you're
shorthanded. Why don't I do that?

Don't be silly. I
can take care of it.

What do you think, I
can't do it anymore?

Ha. Don't be ridiculous.

I just thought...
Well, look, i, uh...

I didn't want to impose.

You're not imposing.

Well, it would help.

Since when can't
a friend help out?

Now, you let me know if you
have to leave or something.

Forget about it, barney.

I'll enjoy it.

Mr. Hubbard, sit over there.

Step inside, mr. Whittenour.

That's him! That's the
man that stole the body!

Okay, sit down, will you?


Uh, this is julius
whittenour, barney.

This is captain miller.

Oh, uh, pleasure, captain.

Mr. Whittenour.

Uh, the apartment was
empty when we got there.

Mr. Whittenour was
getting ready to move out.

Oh, well, you see,

The two of us together
could hardly afford the rent.

And now, with leonard gone...

My sympathies for your
loss, mr. Whittenour.

Thank you.

You know, you would
have liked leonard.

Everybody liked leonard...
Strangers, friends, animals.

You know, animals are a
very good judge of people.

Never trust a man
who can't get a squirrel

To eat out of his hand.

I'm sure mr. Lewis was
a wonderful person.

Oh, oh, c-call him leonard.

He never liked formalities.

Of course. Have a
seat, mr. Whittenour.

Thank you.

You know, we started
to share the apartment

When our wives died.

Barney: mr. Whittenour...

What have you done with leonard?


Well, we have to be sure
that he was properly...

Disposed of.

Don't worry.

Leonard's all right.

I buried him.

Oh, my god! You're
not allowed to do that!

Just take it easy, mr. Hubbard.

That's illegal.

And non-union!

Now, look, I'm trying to
conduct an investigation!

Will you just take it easy?!

Control yourself. Sit down.

Where did you bury leonard?

Wh-what's the difference?

It's over. He's gone.

It's not quite over.

I mean, you can't just bury
somebody any old place.

Who says so?

The law says so.

Besides, a man is
entitled to be buried

With a certain
amount of dignity.


I buried him with love.

No luck, captain.

We checked every
funeral home in the area.

No sign of lewis or whittenour.

This is mr. Whittenour.

Just buried his
friend by himself.

No kidding.

Hey, uh, barn, did I get a
call from the rental office?

There's a message
on your desk, harris.

Oh, thanks, barney.

Where'd he bury him?

Unfortunately, mr. Whittenour
refuses to tell us.

Will he give us a hint?

What do they mean,
"better try the bronx"?

Man, I ain't living in no bronx.

That's where the zoo is.
Camels live in the bronx.

Mr. Whittenour...

You don't seem to understand

The seriousness
of this situation.

You could be charged
with theft of a body,

With a health-code violation...

And as*ault.

Quiet, hubbard.

He owes me money, too!

That is a civil
matter, mr. Hubbard.

You're gonna have
to sue for that.

We are concerned here
only with criminal violations!

And what about as*ault?
Isn't that criminal?

That's criminal.

I'll sue him for that, too.

Be my guest.

Uh, who's the old man, nick?

That's, uh, mr. Whittenour.


He buried his best friend.

I buried a lot of mine.

If he buried the guy,

It'd have to be somewhere
he couldn't be seen.

Deserted building, a park...

Or in the river.

Would you throw a
friend in that river?

Barney, he couldn't
have taken him too far.

Not a building.

A park.

Central park?

Thank you.

Central park, mr. Whittenour?

It'll take you 10
years to find him.

Mr. Whittenour,
you can go to jail!

There are worse places.

Maybe we could use
a metal detector.

Sometimes it's easy to overlook
loose change in the pockets.

Mr. Whittenour, I'm appealing
to your sense of decency.

If you tell us where leonard is,

I promise you, the city
will give him a decent burial.

The city?

Pshh. They can't
afford it, either.

Well, you leave me no
choice, mr. Whittenour.

Harris, put him in the cage.

We'll turn it over to the d.a.

Right, barn. Mr. Whittenour?

Hmm? Oh.

Mr. Hubbard, you're free to go.

Sorry if we caused
you any inconvenience.

Forget it. It
happens all the time.

Ripping off your
undertaker's a popular pastime.

I'll never get paid.

There are legal
avenues of restitution.

So what do I do, repossess?

A dilemma, mr. Hubbard,
truly a dilemma.

Uh, fish, has mr. Hubbard
completed his statement?

Yeah, and he's also filled
out an as*ault complaint

Against the old gentleman, too.

You haven't signed
it yet, mr. Hubbard.

I haven't read it yet.

Take your time.
Just take your time.

I prefer to do things
slowly and carefully.

I don't want to discuss it.


Can I speak to you for a minute?

Would you like me to
talk to mr. Whittenour?

Oh, look, we've already
taken up too much of your time.

I think I understand
the old man.

He may want to talk to
someone of his own era.

Well, look, you don't have to.

I know I don't have
to, but I want to.

I did it for many
years because I had to.

Now I want to.

Well, look, I understand.

There's a big difference
between having to do something

And wanting to do something.

You see, barney, there is work,
and then there are hobbies.

Harris, open the cage.




People spend their life savings

Just to go through all that
hoopty-do when somebody dies.

If they're gone, they're gone.

Ought to just plant them
in the ground and forget it.

Death has been treated
ceremoniously for centuries.

Yeah, but all that crying
and wailing and drinking.


Some cultures, the rituals
go on for days, even months.

The egyptians used to bury
their kings with gold, food...

Even their wives.

While they were still alive?

Sort of an incentive to
keep their husbands healthy.

Show me a sick king, I'll
show you a nervous queen.

That was one of the first jokes.

I don't blame you.

My insurance
premiums are k*lling me.

A friend like you
makes a lot more sense.

You dig a hole, put up a marker.

I don't suppose
you put up a marker?

No marker.

Oh, that's a shame.

I know where he is.

Well, I hope he stays there.

Where's he got to go?

You know how parks are.

How are parks?

They never sit still.

They're always growing...

Like a zoo, a bathroom,
basketball poles.

They do a lot of digging, boy.

Tell you the truth, it was me, I
wouldn't want to be disturbed

To make room for
a basketball pole.

Finished, mr. Hubbard?

Don't rush me.


I mean, where's the
fire, for god's sakes?

Uh, we were speculating

That perhaps you
had changed your mind.

Well, I haven't.

Just considering the
possibility of second thoughts,

Mr. Hubbard.


What good would it
do for an undertaker

To have second thoughts?

That's funny.

What's funny about that?

We're just as human
as any of you are!

Look, take it easy, mr. Hubbard.

It's just a strange emotional
reaction that people have

To the sort of work you do.

What about the
sort of work we do?

You need people to do
the sort of work we do.

Uh, mr. Hubbard...
If it weren't for us,

You'd be up to your
ears in the departed!

Harris, let me out.

Excuse me, mr. Hubbard.


Whittenour told me
where the body is buried...

Drew a little map.

How did you, uh...

We understand each other.

This is the lake.

This is the 76th street
entrance of the park.

Here's leonard...

Right across from the
museum of natural history.

Very good.

It figures.

Nick, call the parks department.

Tell them where leonard
is, and call the coroner.

And if he wants to know why
he's in such beautiful shape,

You can tell him who to thank.

I'm sure he'll appreciate it.

Now, mr. Hubbard, what
about mr. Whittenour?

I don't care what
you do with him.

Well, at the moment,
that's strictly up to you.

Well, I'm tired
of being a heavy,

So you can take this complaint
and stick it in your ear.

That's very
compassionate of you.

Thanks for noticing.

And just for the record, I
like to dance, I tell jokes,

I have a little
drink now and then,

And I go bowling
on tuesday nights.

And I'm also sorry
I lost my temper.

Perfectly understandable,
mr. Hubbard.

It's those damn
boris karloff movies!

Thank you for your
assistance, mr. Hubbard.

Don't mention it.



Turn mr. Whittenour loose.

What happens now?

Free to go, mr. Whittenour.

And leonard?

You're gonna take care of him?

- I have your word for it.
- I promise.

Maybe I better go
down to the park

In case they can't find him.


Uh, I'll run him over, barney.

Thank you.

Don't mention it.

If leonard was alive,
he would thank you, too.

That's all right,
mr. Whittenour.

Of course, if leonard was alive,

There would be no reason
for him to thank you.

In the meantime...

I'm very grateful.

All in a day's work,
mr. Whittenour.

Fish... I want to thank you.

Oh, barney, you don't
have to thank me.

No need of that.

I mean, sooner or later,

You'd have gotten
the information.

You're all very capable,
no question about it.

It's a matter of
time and experience.

Uh, barney, punch
me out, will you?