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04x07 - Blizzard

Posted: 06/02/23 10:46
by bunniefuu
Still coming down?


Depressing, huh, cap?

No, not particularly.

Do you like the snow, captain?


Depresses most people.

Frigid whiteness...

Suffocating everything
living and growing...

A symbol of the
end of the life cycle.

It's barren, sterile, hopeless.

Excuse me.

- It's getting to you, huh?
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Here you go.

Oh. Thanks, nick.

It's not coffee.

What is it?

It's ginseng tea.

I wanted your honest opinion

Before you found
out what it was.

Don't ever do that
to me again, nick.

Barney, it's great stuff.

I really mean it.

It's an oriental herb.

It's revitalizes your whole body

And it makes you more,
uh, vigorous, vital, and...


I'm as potent as I care to be.

No kidding.

Come on. Come on,
take it easy, will you?

I just ran 15 blocks.

It's good for you.

Come on.

What do we got here?

Name is lujak.

I caught him in that alley
over behind 8th avenue

Trying to roll
another panhandler.

He would have just
spent it on wine, anyway.

We appreciate the thought.

Yeah, yeah.

Good morning, gentlemen.

Morning, harris.

How are all of you down there?

"Down there"?

Oh, it's just an expression.

"R.n. Harris, inc."?

What's that all about?

Oh, I'm, uh,
incorporating myself.


Yes. That's when an individual

Forms his own company.

I-i-i know what it means.

I'm just surprised to
see you'd be doing it.

Oh, well, I mean, I'd be a fool

Not to take advantage of the
tax-sheltering opportunities,

The pension and write-off
benefits it offers.

I just never heard
of a police officer

Incorporating himself before.

Hey, I've got manuscripts
and screenplays

Laying around with
several different publishers.

I just don't want to get caught

Getting a five-figure
cash advance

And having no
place to shelter it.

Oh, well, that
would be a problem.


Um, do you think somebody from
your company could get that?


Oh, sure.

You got a previous address?

623 Hazlett.


I feel tight all over.


Hold on.

I got something that'll
make you feel real great.

Yeah, right.

Barney, got a disturbance
over at the east side terminal.

All right, take dietrich.


Got a call, dietrich.
It's you and me.

Oh, joint venture.


It's, uh, corporate humor.

I suppose.

Okay, you want to
make a statement?

Hey, come on, I'm
talking to you.



Barney, come here quick.

What's the matter?

Well, he was all right
just a second ago.

Give me a hand.

Let's get him on the floor.

- I was asking him questions...
- Call emergency medical.

- Could you feel a pulse?
- Call emergency medical!


And give him some of
this. It's a great stimulant.

I think he's dead.


It ain't that good.

With a coronary like that,

He was gone before we
could even get started on him.

You know what
really k*lled him? Fat.

The heart wasn't designed

To carry a lot of
excess weight, you know.

We'd better be getting back.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Aren't you forgetting something?

Life is our
speciality. He's dead.

You got to call the coroner.

Take care of yourself.

I do. I do.

All right, nick.
Call the coroner.

Barney, he didn't
even look sick.

Well, how was I
supposed to know?

Hey, it's not your fault.

He was running and I
was chasing him, that's all.

I couldn't let him
get away, right?

Of course not.

Barney, I got the coroner.

- They can't pick him up.
- What? Why?

Captain miller here. What
seems to be the problem?

I didn't even rough him
up or anything, barney.

Yes, I know it's snowing.

We're having the
difficulty here, too.

Now, how was I supposed to know?

You had no way of knowing, wojo.

It's just one of those
things that happened.

Yes, I'm still here.

Well, can you give
me an approximation?

Sometime tomorrow?

Uh, you have any suggestions

As to what we should do

With mr. Lujak
here until that time?

Keep him as
comfortable as possible.

That's very amusing.

Well, looks like we're gonna
have mr. Lujak on our hands.

What are we supposed
to do with him?

Maybe we can just let him
lay there and work around him.

Got to be something we
could do with the man.

How about the
couch in your office?

I got to work in there.

I don't think he'll bother you.

I take it we're gonna be
subjected to that kind of humor

For the duration
of mr. Lujak's stay.


Barn, uh, with the
heat on in here,

How long do you think it's gonna
be before he starts to turn?

I don't know, wojo.

Well, I'm thinking we
could pack him with snow.

We can't leave him
laying out in the street.

Let's just put him in
the interrogation room

For the time being.

That's as good as anyplace.

- Y-you want to...
- Yes.

All right, what do you
want... The arms or the legs?

Uh, I don't care.
What do you want?

I don't know.

It doesn't make any
difference to me, either.

One of each?

Just move the man out of here.

Mr. Grodin: why won't
you people listen to me?!

It's coming, I tell you!

Settle down.

Oh, god. What are
they doing to that man?

Uh, don't be alarmed.

I'm sure there's a
simple explanation.

What the hell is going on?

Wojo's collar.

How'd he die?

I don't know.

He just sort of... Ugh!

Uh, captain, this
is jerome grodin.

He was standing outside
in front of the bus terminal

Poking people with this thing.

I-i was just trying to
get their attention.

What for?

T-to save them.

It all started last year...

The worst winter on record,
and people refused to be aware.

Aware of what?

It's the beginning of
the next great ice age.

Hey, be careful with those!
They're documented proof!

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Well, if you have a seat here,

You can give your
statement to the officer.

But... But it's all there
for everyone to see...

The... The change
of the climates,

The shifting of the axis,
the cooling of the oceans.

You put all of that
in the statement...

Your name, your address,

Which oceans are cooling.

Did you know that the
perimeter of the polar ice cap

Has been increasing at a rate
of 46 feet per year since 1900.

Yes, I did.


Hey, barney.

You know what?

What's that?

I want you in my corporation.

Thanks, harris.

Well, you see, I've got to have a
vice president and a secretary

Just to keep everything
on the up-and-up.

- Don't you need a...
- I'm the president.

I see.

See, this is just a formality.
It's an honorary thing.

All you've got to do
is just sign right here.

Of course, you know

That in the event of a
corporate bankruptcy,

It is possible that
you, as an officer,

Could be held responsible for
the debts of the corporation.

Is that true?

Oh, that's just a
hypothetical what-if possibility

That's never gonna happen.


Look, if you don't want to be
in my corporation, just say so.

I don't want to.

Fine. I'll get someone else.

I had to say what I think.



Hold on.

Captain miller?


- Thank you.
- Sure.

Yeah, kogan, what's up?

Now do you believe me?

The temperature's
dropped 3 1/2 degrees

In the last few seconds.

Hold... Hold on a second.

What... What's happening?

Uh, the squad cars
are overed with snow.

Kogan said nothing's moving.

Oh, oh, the city's
going to hell.


I had to dump my car

At 14th street and
lexington avenue

And walk a mile.

Nick, I got a bail
ticket for lujak.


Yeah, he here?

Yeah, he's here.

So I got his bail ticket.

Oh, I guess you
want to view him.


View him, see him, look at him.


He's in the interrogation room.

Interrogation room?

He doesn't have to
answer any questions

Until his attorney is present.

Don't worry.

Nick, why didn't you
tell me he was dead?

Didn't come up.


Hello, arnold.

Uh, barney, he's
lujak's attorney.

And I want a copy
of the arrest report.

All right.

I take it you've
seen your client.

What kind of questions were
you asking him, for god's sakes?!

The man had a coronary right
in the middle of the squad room.

Paramedics came.
Nobody could help him.

That's gonna be
the official story?

That is what happened.

No, barney, what happened
was wrongful death,

Criminal negligence.

Arnold, come on. Not a lawsuit.

Loss of future earnings.

Future earnings?

The man rolled
drunks for a living.

Only temporarily.

I happen to know
he was a sculptor.

Also did a little
upholstery, I think.

I'm sure he was a
very talented man.

And he was a human being,

As such, entitled to
certain inalienable rights.

Is he getting the arrest report?

Is that "lujak" with an "l"?

With an "l."

I thought so.

Who was the arresting officer?

Detective wojciehowicz.

Yeah, the big one, right?
Can I have a word with him?

I don't even know where
he is at the moment.

Got a call... Went
out with dietrich.

- Right.
- Uh-huh.

How's it coming, nick?

Barney, I can't find it.

Trying to bury it, huh?

That's in very
poor taste, arnold.

It's still in his typewriter.


This is it? It's
a little skimpy.

Well, obviously,
considering events,

He didn't have
time to finish it.

Well, would you
mind if I wait around

And see if I can get
some more information?

Be my guest. Make
yourself at home.

Have some tea.


Strength reports.

- Thank you.
- Sure.



Harris, we are in a
difficult situation

Where everyone's
cooperation is needed.

Your one-word
answers don't help.


Well, come on.

Man, what are you guys doing
out there in weather like this?

What are you... Nuts?

Wojo, where the
hell have you been?

Out on a call.

Oh. What do you got?

Eugene lasalle... Caught
him out on a fire escape

Trying to break
into an apartment.

Man, what are they
doing out there?

I thought the whole
city was snowbound.

You figured you'd take
advantage of the situation,

Trade on the misery and
misfortune of 11 million people

For your own personal gain?

Yeah. Right.

Sit down.

Barn, are you mad

'Cause we didn't tell
you we were going out?

No, no, it's just that
we have company.

We got what?

I have a few questions
for you, wojciehowicz.

Arnold is lujak's attorney.


Well, uh, sorry.


You drove a man to his
death, for god's sakes.

He mugged somebody.
I had to chase him!

According to this,
you apprehended him

By tackling him about the ankles

And forcing his
head into the snow.

It was snowing.

Wojo, you have a
suspect. Take care of him.

Uh, book him.

I want depositions
from all of your men.

Oh, come on, arnold.
We're busy around here.

It's up to them.
It's up to them.

- You caught me at a bad time.
- Apparently.

Okay, what's your full name?

Did you k*ll a guy?

Look, the guy happened to
die by himself in that chair

While I was booking him, okay?!

What's your full name?

Lasalle, eugene,
capital "l," small "a,"

Capital "s," small "a-l-l-e."

Easy, see? No trouble. What
else do you want to know?

Just take it easy, will you?

Don't worry. I ain't
making any moves.


I feel like a monster.

You let ripner get to you.

Well, what am I
supposed to say to him?

You tell him exactly
what happened.

Well, I'm not sure I know
exactly what happened.

Wojo, did you do anything
that could remotely

Be considered
misconduct or brutality?


Then what are you worried about?


Barn, all my life, I've
intimidated people.

I made them nervous.

That's not true.

This lujak... He sees this
big polish hot dog coming...

I probably scared him to death.

Wojo, the force of your
presence is not that strong.

I mean, there are times
when you're talking,

I find myself not even listening
to half of what you're saying.

Thanks, barn.

It's just that...

It's something about me
that frightens people.

That's ridiculous.


Forget it.

Come on, harris, I know
you're holding back on me.

Hey, arnold, look, I got
stuff I'm doing. Do you mind?

I'm electing officers,
issuing stock.

I want to know what
specific circumstances

Led to the death of...

What do you mean
you're issuing stock?

For my corporation.

You're incorporating?

- Yeah.
- Why?

Why not?

What do you gross a year?

Well, $18,000, $19,000.

That's not including royalties
and literary payments.

How much are they?

Uh, it's nothing yet, but...

Then you're an idiot.

You could end up paying more
for bookkeeping, state fees,

Quarterly tax statements,

Than your corporation
is gonna save you.

On top of that, the i.r.s.
Will probably come along

And call you a personal
holding company

And slap you with
a 70% tax rate.

Now, my client was sitting
over there when suddenly,

For no apparent reason, he died!

I want to know what led... 70%?

Hey, dietrich, it's
snowing heavier than ever.

You don't think that,
uh, he's right, do you?

Well, of course, the new ice age

Can't happen overnight.

However, scientists
have been detecting

Disturbing changes
in weather conditions

Which could theoretically
result in a calamity

Such as an ice
age in our lifetime.

I didn't know that.

Dietrich, I want to talk to you.


I want you to tell me
everything you know.

How much time you got?

My client was sitting over there

When suddenly, for
no apparent reason...

Okay, who's got the body?

Ripner: now I want to
know everything you said...

I take it you're from
the coroner's office?

Yeah, here for a lujak, leo.

I didn't think you were
gonna make it today.

Nick, take them to lujak.

Hope he didn't cause
you any trouble.

We don't care for that
kind of humor around here.

- Uh, barney.
- Mm-hmm?

I was thinking, and,
um, I'd like to apologize

For being a little
cold back there.

Hey, forget it.

Listen, I mean, if
my incorporating

Is gonna interfere
with our relationship,

I'd just as soon
junk the whole idea.

Harris, I would just like
you to know that I would

Have as much affection
for you as a corporation

As I have for you as
an ordinary individual.

Hey, i-i won't
forget that, barney.

It's okay.

Well, barney, I certainly
want to thank you

And all your men for
their meager cooperation.

You'll be receiving the legal
notice in a couple of days

Of the suit concerning
the death of my client.

You know, it occurs
to me, arnold,

You no longer have a client.


Well, I'm sure
mr. Lujak's family

Will want me to
pursue this matter.

Ah, he doesn't have a family.


Look here... "Next
of kin... None."


Look at that. Nobody to sue for.

Well, there must be
somebody... Cousin, nephew.

Foster parents?

Maybe after a long and
costly search, arnold,

You'll come up with somebody.

Good luck.

You will be receiving a
bill for tax consultation.

Say what?

Excuse me. Cold stuff.

Are you sure he's not in a coma?

It stopped snowing, barney.

You're not serious.

So it has.


All right, nick, let's
take another shot

At getting grodin over
to a manhattan south.


I-i don't understand
what went wrong.

Years of research and study,
measurements and observations...

Could it... Could
it be all wrong?

Maybe it's just
premature, mr. Grodin.

It's turning to rain.



A flood... Maybe that was it.

Well, it does make sense from
a theological point of view.

Never say die, mr. Grodin.

Okay. Let's go.

Where are we going?

Prints and pictures.

That where you
took the other guy?

Come on.

Don't anyone else around
here know how to use a camera?

Get down there.

I'm only 22. So I
made a mistake!

I can go straight!

- Wojo.
- Yeah?

I just got off the
phone with the coroner.

The results of lujak's autopsy.

Oh, yeah?

He says the man should
have been dead years ago.


Sure. Massive
coronary occlusion,

Advanced case of
cirrhosis of the liver.

He had arteriolosclerosis.
He even had bleeding ulcers.

No kidding.

You cannot intimidate
a man in that condition.

I guess not.

I've never known
you to take credit

For something you
had nothing to do with.

No, no.

Here you go.

Keep it.

Thanks, barn.

Oh, thank you.

Do you ever think
about dying, captain?

Uh, not until you
just mentioned it, no.

I think the japanese

Have the healthiest
attitude toward death.

They have a serene resignation,

The tranquil acceptance
of that which is inevitable.

Personally, I'm going kicking
and scratching all the way.

Well, why don't
you tell him that?

I like my image.