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04x11 - Atomic b*mb

Posted: 06/02/23 10:50
by bunniefuu
- Hey.
- Hey.

My name is seldis.

How you doing?

I manage the acropolis
apartments over on east 3rd.


Oh, hey, you're going to have
to excuse my appearance here.

The toilets backed up
in the whole building.

I've been up to my
ears in it all day.

You know what I mean?

Life is like that.

Oh, no, it ain't
life. It's people.

People make
problems for toilets.

It ain't the other way around.

You can't take a
toilet for granted.

That's right. And people
can't abuse it without...

Without fouling out
the whole system.

Hey, do you know
what I have found

Jammed down
there in those pipes?

I wouldn't even want to guess.

Plants, tools, love letters.

I even found a pair
of shoes down there.

Wing tips?


Yeah. How did you know that?

A hunch.

Hey, listen, I got
to talk to a cop.

One of those two
guys over there.

Yeah. Thanks.

Yeah, right over here.

How are you?

Good... What is that?

That guy over
there talking to nick.

He works in a sewer.

I suppose somebody has to.

Yeah, I suppose.

Do you ever think what
it would be like, though,

If nobody wanted to do it?

Uh, I try not to think about it.

Hey, hey, hey-hey-hey hey.


Why is it, one of the
few times I feel good,

It's got to smell bad?

Oh, it always happens.

You know, look, a guy comes in,

He's riding high, doing fine,

And something brings you down.

And they call that
the birth of the blues.

Oh. Hey, look, barney.

I'm not gonna let any
of this get me down,

Because I have a line
on a great apartment.

Well, now, that is good news.

Where's it at, harris?

Oh, I'm not exactly
sure. You see,

What happened was,
I was playing bridge

With a friend last night,
and he said that this girl

That he works with overheard
a mr. Harold nemmings talking

About this great place.

So you called nemmings?

Well, it's not
exactly that easy.

I was afraid of that.

Harris, better hang on
to your apartment service.

Are you telling me

You don't think I can find him?


Well, you see, I just happen
to be a trained detective.

It is my job and my
duty to find people.

And you will be an inspiration

To all the men of the old 1-2

When you get right
at it, right now.

Oh, uh, yeah.

Okay, barn.

Oh, uh, barn, if you ever
get back to your office,

Would you hang that up, please?

Uh, barney, I hate
to do this, but, uh...

What's the matter?

Could you speak to mr. Seldis?

All right, I'll talk to him.

Uh, better inhale here.

Mr. Seldis, I'm, uh...
I'm captain miller.

How are you?

Yeah, sit right down.

Listen, captain, like
I told the other guy,

There's this kid up in 6-b.

His name is thayer.

He's doing something
weird up there.

I mean, there's chemicals
all over the place,

And there's smoke
coming out of the door.

It really stinks up there.

That's very discerning.

Yeah, and one time,
there was a big expl*si*n,

And he said to me it was
some kind of an experiment

That he was doing
for school, you know.

But I think he
could be a t*rror1st

Or something like that,
you know what I mean?

Um, yeah. Well,
we'll look into it.


Right behind you.

Why don't you go
over with mr. Seldis,

Take a look around, and
just to be on the safe side,

You better bring the
b*mb squad with you.

And, uh, since you're going
in that direction anyway,

You want to hang that up?


Uh, wojo, why don't
you go with nick?

I'll get the car.

Why don't I meet him down there?

Let's get going, wojo.

Let's go.

Yeah, okay. Hey, thanks a lot.


Yeah, you too.


Uh, hello, there.
Is this roberta?

Well, my name is ron harris,

And I play bridge
with a friend of yours,

And I understand
that you overheard

A conversation
between a friend of yours

And a mr. Nemmings

Concerning an apartment
over on the east side.


Uh, that's n-e-m-m-i-n-g-s.

Uh, harris.


An apartment.


They told me downstairs
somebody up here could help me.

Can you help me?

Who can help me?

How about you? Can you help me?

Take it easy, mrs. Uh...

Mrs. Kruger...
Mrs. Evelyn kruger.

Mrs. Kruger, I'm captain miller.

It's my pleasure. Listen,
my husband is insane.

I swear to you,
he's out of his mind!

Just have a seat
here, mrs. Kruger.

Just sit down. Just...
Just sit down, take it easy.

Can we get you a cup of coffee?

I can't drink coffee.

I got a gall bladder I
wouldn't wish on marshal tito.

You got some tea?

Uh, tea.

About mr. Kruger?

He doesn't want to live anymore.

He's threatened su1c1de?


I beg your pardon?

He's going to pay a man
to freeze him in a box.

I see.

He'll lay there for 100 years.

Then, he says,
they'll defrost him

When there's a better world.

Cryonic suspension.

It sounded something like that.

It's going to cost us
every nickel we've got,

Because harry says it's
an expensive treatment,

Because he has to rent the
box for 100 years in advance.

Of course, you
realize it's illegal

To attempt the process
till after a person is dead?

Harry says, "to hell with it."

He doesn't care?

Not since they
put in a pacemaker.

He's not allowed to work,

So he says he's no
good to himself.

He's not allowed
to get stimulated,

So he says he's no
good to me, either.

Do you, uh, do you
happen to know the name

Of the man he's dealing with?

Yes, I have the card here.

His name is swanson.

Thank you.

Yeah, let's run a
make on this guy,

And check the confidence files.

See if anybody's run a
scam like this before.

Harris, you want to take
mrs. Kruger's statement?

Certainly, barney.

Mrs. Kruger, want to step
right over this way, please?

Uh, let's put it
right over here.

Uh, barney,

This is sergeant cavanaugh
of the b*mb squad.

How do you do?
I'm captain miller.

- How are you?
- What is it?

We found it in the
kid's apartment.

You should have seen the place.

It looked like
frankenstein's laboratory.

I mean, chemicals, electronic
stuff... Even had a gizmo

That made electrical
sparks go back and forth.

Remember in the movie?


What is it?

We're not sure.

Wonderful, but you
brought it up here.

Hey, don't worry.
It's not a b*mb.

Then what is it?

Could be a lot of things.

I think it's probably
some kind of stereo.

Wojo's bringing up the kid.

Uh, but, uh, but
it's not a b*mb.

22 Years in this business,
I ain't been wrong yet.

You see? Still got all my parts.

Right in here. Come on.

I have a midterm tomorrow,
and I really don't have time.

Yeah, all right. Barney,
this is james thayer.

Mr. Thayer, I'm captain miller.

Am I being arrested?

Uh, at the moment,
mr. Thayer, what we really need

Is some clarification

As to what it is you're
doing in your apartment.

It's a school project.

You know what I think this is

Is one of those ham radios.

Lets you get mexico,
europe, jersey.

No. No, it's no radio.

It's a very highly
sophisticated expl*sive device.

What are you, crazy?

It's got no timer, no springs,
no expl*sives, nothing.

Of course not. It doesn't
need any of those things.

Then it's not a b*mb?

Yes, it's a b*mb.

It just lacks the fissionable
material to make it operational.

Fissionable material?


Fiss... You mean, uh...

- Plutonium.
- Plutonium.

- Right.
- Right.

Then this is a... A b*mb?


It's a... Atomic...

- b*mb.
- Right.

Well, what you're saying is

This is a mock-up of a, uh...

I mean, it's like an
erector set version of a...

One of those things.

No, a smaller version, but
a practical working model...

Oh, about two
kiloton, I would judge.

It's part of my masters thesis.

I wanted to do something, uh,

You know, uh, a
little different.

You ought to be congratulated.

Uh, sergeant, uh, is it possible

That this is what
mr. Thayer says it is?

Nah. Come on.

There's whole countries
that can't make an atomic b*mb.

Now, how can a kid?

A little resourcefulness,
a little ingenuity.

Well, look, just for
everyone's peace of mind,

Mr. Thayer, if you don't mind,

We're gonna investigate
this a little more fully.

We'd appreciate
your cooperation.

Look, I got to turn it
in tomorrow morning.

Bear with us, mr. Thayer.

I'll write a note
to your teacher.

Meantime, wojo, let's get
some preliminary information.

Right. Sit down.

Like what?

Like his name, his address,

How he built the damn thing.


Captain, I got a
make on swanson.

He's got an office over at...

Where the hell's he
get the atomic b*mb?

This is so simple.

I've been trying to
figure it out for an hour.

I'm captain miller.

William mcewen,

Federal bureau of
investigation in washington, d.c.

Welcome to new york.

I'm attached to
the new york office.

Oh. Oh, well, i...

I guess it's the way you
said "washington, d.c."

We're allowed to say that.

This is dr. Reinhold bauer
of the energy commission.

Dr. Bauer.

Fascinating. Simply fascinating.

A truly remarkable
piece of work.

Yeah, it does have
something, no question

Doctor, is this...
Thing... Real?

Gentlemen, we have here

A very imaginative example

Of an adaptation of
the tectonic theory.

Oh, a bit... A bit
crude perhaps.

I haven't painted it yet.


You made this?

Did he make this?

Apparently, this is a portion

Of mr. Thayer's masters thesis.

Doctor, the question
is will it work?

Oh, will it work? Will it work?

Theoretically, it
should work like a charm.

Like a charm?

Wonderful work, young man.

Wonderful. Let me
congratulate you.

Thank you.

Could I have a word
with you, captain?


I think we have a
sticky situation here.

Very well put.

You have any suggestions as
to how to extricate ourselves

From this sticky situation?

I have to check with the bureau

Before any procedure is taken.

Fine. You can use
the phone in my office.


You know, the kid
says anybody in college

Can build one of these things.

Spooky, ain't it?

I think "spooky" says it all.

You want to know what I think?

I think that we're in for
a whole pile of trouble

If the wrong person or persons

Gets the idea of doing
what that kid done.

I'll go along with that.

We don't even have training
films on these things.

I'm sure you'll do the best you
can under the circumstances.

Oh, yeah.

But I wouldn't promise nothing.

Awesome concept, isn't it?


nuclear technology.

It brought us to
a point in history

Where a man has the ability

To totally destroy
the human race

And every trace of
existent life on this planet.

Thank you, dietrich.

And with probably
very little chance

For rehabilitation,

Due to deadly radiation levels

Lasting for
upwards... 25,000 Years.

Hey, how about that
ranger game last night, huh?


Evelyn, what the
hell are you doing?

Harry, are you all right?

I'm embarrassed.

I was only thinking of you!

Evelyn, please. Don't
do me any favors.

Embarrassment has k*lled
people in my condition.

Uh, mr. Kruger, you
want to step inside?

I have to be careful. I
got a pacemaker in here.

Is that a microwave oven?

No, it's an atomic b*mb.

That's not funny. I got
to take precautions.

Uh, right.

Yes, sir.


They're taking it
under advisement.

What the hell does that mean?

It means we do nothing
till they get back to me.

When do you expect
that to happen?

I don't know.

They just don't want to
make a decision, that's all.

What do you mean? They
got to make a decision!

Don't you read the papers?

Fbi agents being
sued left and right

Every time they go
out on an assignment?

Now everybody's
afraid to make a move

Until they talk
to their lawyers.

Tell me, young man.

Tell me... How did you arrive

At minimum critical mass?

I took a guess.

Oh, really?

At first, so did we.

My dear boy,

Can you imagine
how things would be

If we had developed this first?

We did.


Oh, sure, sure.

Now we did.

But before, we didn't.

Uh, barney,

This is mr. Swanson,
the good humor man.


Mr. Swanson, captain miller.

Captain, I don't understand
why I've been brought here.

Just want to check
out your, uh, work.


See, mrs. Kruger came
in almost hysterical

About her husband.

Typical reaction.

People don't understand
what we're doing.

Yeah, barn?

Wojo, you want to
check out mr. Swanson

And his organization,

The metropolitan new
york cryonic society?



Some people don't
even try to understand.

They think there's
some divine law

That, if you get
sick or old, you die.

You do.


Look, mr. Swanson,
we don't have time

To discuss all
the possibilities.

Over here.

Officer, I think
you're too young a man

Not to open your
mind to new ideas.

Well, I think things ought
to be natural, that's all.

Making a guy a popsicle
ain't my idea of natural.

Stay here. I'll
find you a chair.

12Th precinct. Captain
miller speaking.

- Uh...
- Damn!

Uh, h-hold on, hold on, hold on.

I built that thing to
show that it could be done,

But I'm against the
whole principle.

Young man, we are scientists.

What the world does with
our science is another matter.

I don't feel that way.

I think it's immoral
and it's inhuman.

We owe a debt to mankind
to deal with progress

With caution and
with responsibility.

You know, you can get
arrested if you talk like that.

Not here.

Where? Oh.

Sure, not here, but there.

12Th precinct. Yemana.

Mr. Mcewen?

Thank god.

Look at him. Look at that boy.

He's going to waste
a brilliant mind.


Passing up the
chance of a lifetime.

Maybe he's given us one.

Harry, I just can't
stand the thought

Of you gallivanting off
into the future without me.

Then come with me, evelyn.

Come with you? What
would we do there?

Everybody we know
would be gone...

The jamesons, the fiorellos.

Evelyn, please.

Harry... Harry, I love you.

I've spent the last
28 years with you,

And whatever time we have
left, I want to spend with you...

Not separated...
Together, hand in hand,

Close so I could reach
out and touch you.

Evelyn, evelyn, please,

I'm fluctuating.

I hear you build bombs.

I do my job.

Don't criticize
unless you do better.

I believe in science,
too. I'm in cryonics.


At least I participate.

You people just want
to lie around 100 years

And let the rest of
the world... Psst! Go by.

The idea is to come
back to a better world.

If you want a better world,
then stay here with us,

And you will witness

The greatest advancement
of mankind's history!

If you think what you're
doing is called advancements,

Then I'd rather wait and see
what the future will bring.

Can you guarantee your people
there will be a better world?

No, but can you guarantee
them that it will still be there?!

Okay, okay, round one.

Barn, uh, swanson checks out.

The new york cryonic society
is registered with the state.

It's a nonprofit organization.

Okay, uh, thank him
for his cooperation.

Wish him luck.

Got it.

All right, everybody
can go. The b*mb stays.


Those are my instructions

As received from a
special agent philip emory

At 2:37 in front of
several witnesses.

But that's my project!

Not anymore. It's
been classified.


Top secret and confiscated
for national-security reasons.

What... What good
is that gonna do?

I mean, look, you
can't classify a head.

I still got all the
know-how up here.

And any revelation of that

Will be a violation of
the national security act.

You'll be debriefed
at a later time.

I guess that settles that.

Maybe, for now, but I
think I've made my point.

Is that what that is?


I got a "c" in physics
last semester.

Think what the kids
with b's and a's could do.

Especially if they're angry.

Thank you, captain.

Mr. Kruger, call me when
you've made your decision.

I will. Uh, I'll call.

And, uh, in the event I die
before you make up your mind,

Just leave a message.

Doctor, are you ready?

Oh, yes, yes, of course.

Captain, I'd like to thank
you for your assistance.

Always a pleasure dealing
with the bureau, mr. Mcewen.

Yes, well, it's a
relief to hear that.

Our image has suffered
a lot the past few years.


I knew it was coming, though,
when our series was canceled.

Oh, yes.

Gentlemen, bye.


Whoa, wait a minute.
What about the, uh, uh...

Oh, my men are coming
by to pick that up.

I'll meet them downstairs.


Now, you be extremely
careful about this device,

Nobody gets hurt.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

I thought, if it doesn't
have any, uh, in it,

Then, uh, it can't hurt anybody.

Oh, it will... If you
drop it on your toe.

A little humor.

Captain miller, I want to
thank you for everything.

I haven't done anything.

Oh, yes, you have. Harry
decided not to be frozen.


I, uh... I just figured out

That I got 5, maybe 10,
good years left in me.

And you're gonna make
the best of them, huh?


That's a good attitude.

You're entitled to your opinion.

Uh, gentlemen, we still have
quite a bit of paperwork to do.

Say, I saw on the news

Where there's tons of plutonium
unaccounted for in this country.

Dietrich, please!

Captain, you okay?

Fluctuating. Just fluctuating.