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04x15 - r*pe

Posted: 06/02/23 10:55
by bunniefuu
I'm in st. Mark's, see?

I try to stop in every
morning when I get a chance.

But I don't always, you know.

Anyway, I'm in the
confessional, right?

I'm all done. I'm
waiting for my penance.

The priest slides
open the little door,

Sticks a g*n through,
and he robs me.


Yeah, that's what I thought.

I mean, I never heard of a
priest robbing somebody.

I thought they took
a vow of poverty.

Mr. Duggan, did it
ever occur to you

That this was an imposter
and not a real priest?


How am I supposed to know?

They're even talking about
letting priests get married.

How do I know
they're not allowed

To carry g*ns around, huh?


No more bets.

How do I know how you're
gonna make up the business?

Besides, I'm a cop.

I'd just be fostering
organized crime.

All right.

Your bookie?

Yeah, I'm through with him.

Well, let me be the first
to congratulate you.

Oh, no, no, no.
I'm not quitting.


Oh, I'm just gonna start

Using the state
off-track betting.

I figure some of my
money will wind up

With the state
and city treasuries

And in turn pays my salary.

Interesting theory.

A kind of a
payroll-savings plan.

Captain, the guy over there says

He was robbed by a
priest in a confessional.

Oh, boy.

It's my guess it
was an imposter.

I would hope so.

Big church like st. Mark's,

Anybody dressed like a priest
can walk in there unnoticed

And hold somebody up.

Keep a good thought.

Unless, of course,
it was a real priest.


I better go on over there,

Check out the priests
for something unusual...

Custom-tailored vestments,

Sabbatical to vegas.

Is this the police?

Is there someone
here that can help me?

Yes, ma'am. I'm captain miller.

I want you to get him. I
want you to catch him.

I want you to put him away!

Fine. Won't you have a seat...

Oh, god, I'm sick.

Okay, just... Just sit right...

I could k*ll him!
I could k*ll him!

- Are you hurt?
- I'm destroyed!

What happened?


Oh, boy.

All right, just...
Just have a seat.

Give us your name now.

Lindsay... Catherine lindsay.

Do you think you can
give us a description

Of the man, miss lindsay?

Yes, I have one right
here in my purse.

There you go.

A picture?

That man is an
animal, a degenerate.

That man is my husband.

Oh, boy.

Mrs. Lindsay, are you sure...

What do you mean am I sure?

No, no, no. I know you're
sure this is your husband.

What I mean is, uh...

Uh, nick, why don't you give
mrs. Lindsay some coffee?


That's kind of weird, isn't it?

r*ped by her husband?

Beats your priest
with a g*n all to hell.

He does it all the time.

He treats me like a piece
of furniture, like a sofa.

Instead of dresses,

Someday he's gonna
have me upholstered.

Mrs. Lindsay...

Listen, I got some
rights, don't i?

Well, certainly you have rights,

- And if they've been abused...
- Abused?!

I was assaulted last night!

Mrs. Lindsay, we're in
a kind of a gray area...

What's gray about
it? It's black and white.

I didn't want to,
and he made me.

Actually, the husband
has always been allowed

The assertion of
certain conjugal rights.

What does that mean?

Well, I'd rather
not make it clear.

What does he mean?

Look, to be perfectly
frank with you, mrs. Lindsay,

This has never come up before.

Does that mean you're
not gonna arrest him?

Would, uh... Would
you be willing

To sign an as*ault
complaint against him?

Today I'd be willing
to do anything.

God knows last night I wasn't.

All right, wojo, find
out where mr. Lindsay is

And bring him in
for questioning.

I just need some
information, mrs. Lindsay.

What happened to him?

He's a different person.

I mean, where...
Where is the man that...

That-that-that gentle,
tender, loving man

That I married 20 years ago?


- Gone?
- Gone.

I think our suspect suffers

From intense feelings
of failure and inadequacy.

So, to compensate, he
assumes the personages

Of people who have positions
of respect and authority...

Doctors, lawyers, priests.

Oh, man, that's a lot of theory.

I'm a lot of cop.

Come on, nick. I'm
gonna pick this guy up.

Yeah. Hey, woj, I'm
gonna make my first bet

With the state of
new york today.

Better than a bookie, I guess.

Yeah. How 'bout you?

Can I get something
down for you?

I don't bet.

But it's legal now.

It's like voting...
A patriotic duty.

Nick, I vote. I
just don't gamble.

Same thing.

How we doing on our priest?


Except the doctor.


Robbery about six months ago.

Man was held up in
a clinic by a doctor.

You think it's the same man?

The descriptions don't match.

Except that it fits my theory

That our man's an impersonator
of authority figures...

Doctors, lawyers,
maybe even cops.

That's not a bad approach.

Don't mention it.

Unless it's just a simple case

Of a guy who likes
dressing up like a priest

Because it's a good disguise.

Harris, weren't
you always the one

Who opted for the
psychological approach?

Yeah, well, uh... It was taken.

All right, right this
way. Barn, this is...

That's him! That's
the man who did it!

Who did what? What
the hell's going on?

Tell him, go ahead.

Somebody tell him. I
want to see his face.

What?! What is all this?!

Somebody tell him!

Just take it easy.

Mr. Lindsay, your wife
is accusing you of, uh...

Forcibly, uh...
Against her will, uh...

- She said you r*ped her.
- What?

Thank you, dietrich.

What the hell are you
talking about, r*pe?

That's my wife.

Mr. Lindsay, I have
informed your wife

As to the
ambiguities in the law.

She's nuts. You believe her?

Mr. Lindsay.

Mr. Lindsay, what
I'm really hoping

Is that the two
of you will be able

To sit down like
intelligent human beings

And talk this thing out...

I don't want to talk about
it! I want to charge him!

Wojo, get on the phone to
the district attorney's office.

- I want an opinion.
- What kind of an opinion?

It's r*pe. Nobody's for it.

Just have a seat,
mrs. Lindsay, please?

Nick, we'll have to get some
information from mr. Lindsay.

What information?

I was doing what
comes naturally.

To a gorilla.

Over here, mr. Lindsay.

This is crazy.

Who ever heard of a wife
charging her husband with r*pe?


D.a.'S office says
they'll get back to us,

But they want us to
try to handle it here.

Handle it here. Wonderful.

Want me to take him down
for pictures and prints?

Pictures of what?

Excuse me, I'm neil korchak,
mr. Lindsay's attorney.

Captain miller. Here you go.

Marvin, what's going on?

Catherine: tell him,
marvin. Go ahead, tell him.

You want to hear
something funny?

Tell him.

Mrs. Lindsay has accused
mr. Lindsay of r*pe.

That's ridiculous.
She's his wife.

Another furniture
manufacturer heard from.

Mrs. Lindsay maintains
that mr. Lindsay...

Used force to,
uh, make her, uh...


There. You're
talking about as*ault.

He violated my privacy

When I did not want
my privacy violated.

Barney, robbery on 8th.

A cop held up a guy.

A cop?



I think that could
be our man, captain.

All right, you and
harris check it out.

I'll get your coat.


Captain, if I could just
talk to both of them alone,

Perhaps I could
help cool them down.

If you can get them to
agree to that, be my guest.

You ready?

Yeah, I'm coming.

Man, I sure hope this is
just a real cop gone bad.

- Barn, d.a.'S office.
- Yeah.

They're sending
someone down here,

And they want to charge
mr. Lindsay with r*pe.

I don't believe it!

What are they trying to prove?!

I don't know.

Why do they want to
convert to the metric system?


That's my point.

I don't understand
you, catherine!

I break my butt

Giving you everything
a woman could want!

Last week I bought her
a garbage compacter.

That is touching. That
is very touching, marvin.

Whatever happened to flowers?

What about a box of candy?

You can live without candy.

I can live without garbage.

What do you want from me?

W-what-what about a
poem once in a while?

Remember? Like you used to?

That's when I was
young. I ain't got time now.

All right, come on,
let's get inside here.

Come on, guy, take it easy.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Just empty your pockets
on the desk there, huh?

I mean, respect the
uniform if not the man.

Ah, shut up!

I'm, uh, detective harris.

Can I help you?

Yes, I'm leslie
dornan, assistant d.a.

Wow, you're the d.a.

I can prove it if I have to.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I just meant that
you don't, uh...

Well, um, you don't look
like most of the d.a.s I know.

Well, you don't look like
most of the harrises I know.

Um, I'll get captain
miller for you.

- I appreciate it. Thank you.
- Sure.

Sit down!

Keep an eye on him, huh?

Don't worry about
him. People like that...

Hey, look, let's
don't discuss it.

We've got company.


That's, uh, that's
the d.a., Huh?

Uh, yeah.

I wouldn't mind going
over a little testimony

With her sometime.

Oh, man, that is base.

I mean, really...

Judging somebody just
like a slab of ribs, you know?

I mean, before you
even get a chance

To find out what her, uh...

Intellectual capabilities are.

Maybe you're right.

I mean, I do sometimes judge
people on appearances,

You know, before I've
gotten to know them.


My, uh... My hair
look all right?

Very intellectual.


Look at all the tickets
they give you, huh?

I never got anything
like this from the bookies.

I got something in every race.


Nick, this is the
assistant d.a.,

Miss leslie dornan.

How do you do?

Sergeant nick yemana.

I like to lunch early.

That allows me the opportunity

To work straight
through the afternoon.

- Watch what you say.
- What?

Uh, that's dornan, the d.a.

- Really?
- Yeah.

My god, it's a woman!

Now, this is
unfair. It really is.

Miss dornan, I'm captain miller.

It's nice to know you, captain.

Look, I don't want to
beat around the bush.

Certainly not.

Mr. Lindsay, the accused,

Mr. Korchak,
mr. Lindsay's attorney,

And mrs. Lindsay.

- Mrs. Lindsay.
- How do you do?

I want you to know
that we're going to do

Everything possible to see to it

That your rights as a
human being are preserved.

That's all I want.

Sure. Now.

Before it was a color tv,

A washing machine,
a toaster oven.

Hold it down, mr. Lindsay.

Uh... Do you consider
yourself a failure?

A failure? I should say not.

Thank you.

Big deal, so I didn't make
it through grade school...


Look, look, I just want
you to get me out of here.

Don't worry about it, marvin.

They have no basis in law.

They're just trying to
make a test case out of this.

What does that mean?

It means they want it to
go through the system...

You know, argument, plea
bargaining, trial, appeal,

Maybe even eventually
to the supreme court.

This could be big, marvin.

You're gonna be
famous, mr. Lindsay.


Court decisions
of this magnitude

Are usually named
after the defendant.


Could appear in legal reviews,
magazines, even textbooks.

No kidding.

r*pe would be known as
committing a marvin lindsay.

It's got a ring to it.

Actually, miss
dornan, I'm not certain

That the laws concerning r*pe

Are all that clear
in a case like this.

The laws defining
r*pe are clear enough.

I know the laws, miss dornan,

And none of them
apply to my client.

There may be a difference
of opinion in that.

A man may be charged with r*pe

If the woman is adjudged

To have been
incapable of consent

Due to unsoundness
of mind or lunacy.

That's one for you, catherine.

Obviously, this is a case
of a woman who resisted

And was then overcome by force.

That's mine.

Or r*pe may be charged

If the woman was unconscious
of the nature of the act.

Mr. Lindsay, was she unconscious
of the nature of the act?


He misunderstood the question.

Miss dornan, do you really think

That the district
attorney's office

Wants to make this a test case?

Captain, are you
questioning my authority?

No, no, certainly not.

It's just that I'd like to
understand it better.

Miss dornan, face
it, you have no case.

Even if you could prove
that something happened,

Anyone in your
office would settle

For the lesser charge
of simple as*ault.

Mr. Korchak, when I'm through,

There won't be a
woman in this country

Who won't be grateful
that we didn't bend

Under the pressure
of convenience.

Spirit... Yet a woman too.


William wordsworth.


There is nothing like a dame.

Oscar hammerstein.

Hey, hey, hey, tell me
something, will you?

Do I have to stay
in jail or don't i?

Gee, I don't know.

Actually, mr. Lindsay, that
depends on mrs. Lindsay.

You see what you've caused?!

Do you know what
you're doing here?!

Well, it's all because of
the way you behave, marvin!

You used to love
the way I behave!

Well, that was before you
forgot that I was a person.

You want to know
how to treat a woman?

Listen to him. He knows
how to treat a woman.

Go ahead, tell him
like you told me.

Well, i-i-i didn't
mention any specifics.

No, but, I mean, you just
don't go home and go zingo.

No, no, not that.

Now, pay attention,
marvin! Listen! Go ahead.

Well, this isn't
really my, uh... Uh...

You know, there are
some pleasantries,

Some courtesies that
we extend to one another.

Do you understand?

Tell him the kind of courtesies.

Well, we're all
different, mrs. Lindsay.

I mean, we have different likes,

Different dislikes, you know.

See, my wife happens
to like soft music...

A bottle of wine.

It's not so much a matter

Of the material
things that one gives.


It's an appreciation
of women as individuals,

A respect for them
as human beings...

An awareness of their
feelings and sensitivities...

An anticipation of
their needs and desires.

It's really very simple.

I'll be walking into
that courtroom

With an armload of precedents

Based on english common law...

Miss dornan?


The fundamentals of
english common law.

Yes, yes, of course.

English common
law is all very well,

But what I'm talking about

Is the treatment of
women as individuals,

A respect for them
as human beings.

English common law

Has nothing to do
with an awareness

Of their feelings
or sensitivities.

Very well put.

Hey, tell me the
truth, will you?

What is this really about?

What the hell do
you really want?

You heard him.

I want respect!

Hey, I got respect for
you. I just got it faster.

Oh, I can't talk to you anymore.

Hey, wait a minute.

I got feelings, you know, too...

Like the feelings I
get when I'm near you.

And you know what happens.

Yeah, but I'd like
to be let in on it.

All right, from now on,
you'll be the first to know.

I'd appreciate it.

My pleasure!

We'll discuss that, too.

It's about time a case like this

Was brought to the
attention of the public

To reaffirm some
basic biological laws.

Excuse me.

So, we're gonna talk
about biological law,

Male prerogatives,
macho claptrap?

- Oh, I love it.
- Pardon me!

I hate to break this
up, but I have the feeling

That mrs. Lindsay
may not be proceeding

With the complaint.


Well... Isn't that wonderful?

Mrs. Lindsay, you're not
gonna press charges?

I'm sorry if I wasted
your time, miss dornan.

It's not my time. It's
your dignity, your rights.

Yeah, I know, but
we've been talking,

And I think he's
learned his lesson.

Marvin, you reconciled?

I don't like it in here.

- I could've gotten you off.
- I am off.

Oh, so what?

Where's the
commitment to principle?

Where's the standing
up for one's own rights?

- Am I paying you by the hour?
- Of course.

Then get off the clock!

Well, mr. Korchak, it
appears you've won.

I suppose.

Well, I might as well be going.

Goodbye, miss dornan.
It could've been fun.

Another time, perhaps.

Well, goodbye, captain.
Thank you for your time.

Sorry it didn't work out.

Unfortunately, there'll
be other opportunities.


Nick, you can turn
mr. Lindsay loose.

Yemana: right.


Thank you.

Just anticipating needs.

I see.

You know, I'm assigned
to the d.a.'S office

A couple of days every month.

Drop by. I'll buy you lunch.

Well, goodbye,
captain. We're leaving.

Good luck, mrs. Lindsay.

Hey, thanks for setting
such a good example.

Uh, don't mention it.

Goodbye, captain.

Take it easy, mr. Lindsay.


So, listen, if you
want, we can stop

And get some records, a
couple of bottles of wine.

Some... Candles?

Some candles.

W-we could dance?

We could dance.

We could talk?

We could talk.

Then, marvin, whatever you want.

Whatever's legal.

Nick, file that under...
Unfinished business.

I checked ross for priors.

He's got a long history
of mental breakdowns,

Psychiatric confinement.

Very good, dietrich.

I wouldn't mention it to harris.

Hey, you, uh, you
got something on?

Little cologne.

You, uh, shaved.

Yeah, I felt like it.

Is that another shirt?

Yeah, there were a lot of
people in the room, you know?

I perspired.

Where is everybody?

She's gone.

Oh, listen, woj,

You can forget about
finishing the lindsay report.

What is that?

It's cologne.


And I shaved.

I changed my shirt, all right?


12Th precinct, yemana.

Yeah, got it.

Thank you.

Barney, 1030 on houston.

Okay, you and wojo.

Let's go, woj.

Come on.

Is something wrong?


Think you ought to
change your shirt?